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Complete Dog Health Guide



A Complete guide about dog’s health, nutrition and diseases.

Page 2: Natural dog health guide 1

Complete Dog Health Guide


Welcome to the Dog Health Guide

Dog Health Symptoms

Dog Health Problems

Dog Health Bleeding

Biological Condition for Licking

Psychological Condition for Licking

Possible Consequences of Excessive Licking

Dog Health Licking

Dog Health Tail

Dog Health lump

Dog Health Nose

Dog Health not Eating

Dog Health Insurance

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Complete Dog Health Guide

Welcome to the Dog Health Guide

Just like you, your dogs can be

affected by a wide array of health

complications. As a new owner,

you may become confused what

to do in an emergency and feeling

totally distressed about how to

help and where to take your

loving friend. In this E-Book

Series, you will get plenty of

resources that can surely help you

to find out the best possible

information about dog health and

what to do with specific dog

health problems.

Sometimes you may wonder by

looking at your dog and his

unusual behavior, which is pretty

uncommon in normal situations. If

you are a new owner, sometimes it is really hard for you to detect whether it is a casual issue

or something serious to put your eye open. Only reading a good resource on dog health can

help you to detect if your doggy has any problem or not.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

This E-Book Series has articles on

different dog health issues and

their associated symptoms. Not

only that, this E-Book Series also

pays attention to the discussion of

licking problem to formation of

lump or nose health. In simple

terms, this E-Book includes

almost all the basic but essential

details about dog health. No

matter how friendly your dog is to

you, he can not express his pain in

words. So, the healthcare

symptoms listed in this site can be

very effective for you to identify

unusual symptoms in your dog.

By reading the resources listed in this E-Book, you will come to know when and why you

should take your dog to the vet. It is highly encouraged to take the dog to the vet whenever

you find or even suspect him not in a good shape. Always remember that early treatments can

make the chances higher for getting cured and the dog can experience a faster and quicker


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Complete Dog Health Guide

Dog Health Symptoms

When you get to know

different dog health

symptoms, both normal

and abnormal, you can

be able to identify

whether your dog is in a

good health or not. After

all, it is you who knows

his dog most. Since you

see him playing around

you almost all the day,

you know how much he

can consume, you know

how much he can

exercise and you know

how long he naps, so who knows your dog better than you?

Well, there are few standard dog health symptoms which, if deviated, imply that the dog is

not in a normal condition. This will provide you an early signs that your dog is going to be

sick. So, practically there are two different types of dog health symptoms – one defines

whether the dog is in a good shape and the other one says that it is not.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

Good Symptoms

If your dog is healthy, it will be

reflected from his bright and

clear eyes. A glossy full coat

also represents a good health.

The dog must have standard

weight and size according to

particular breed standard. When

the dog is in good shape, he will

have a good appetite and show

good energy and enthusiasm.

The dog will act in a well-

mannered fashion with positive

attitude and good personality.

Bad Symptoms

When your dog is not

healthy, either

psychologically or

physically or both, you can

see some typical dog health

symptoms. The first

symptom may include a

significant drop in food and

water consumption, which

may be followed by an

abrupt increase in water

consumption. In addition,

the dog may show symptoms

like lack of enthusiasm and

energy, loss of interest,

weight loss, skin rash,

cloudy eyes, negative

attitude and personality,

runny noses, and so on.

When the complication progresses the dog may reveal critical health symptoms like difficulty

in urination, seizures, constipation, complete withdrawal and so on. In addition, a dramatic

weight loss problem is also common at this phase.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

Dog Health Problems

If you are truly passionate about

your dog, you must agree with

the fact that your dog also

deserves the same attention with

his health problems as any of

your family members does. Dog

health problems can be as similar

as your own health problems

such as diabetes, fever, cancer,

arthritis and different

psychological problems like

depression, frustration, anxiety

and so on. In addition, they may

also experience heartworm and

kennel cough as an integral part

of the typical dog health problems.

With the advancement of

medical science, especially

in the area of veterinary

treatment, there are various

useful options that can

effectively deal with dog

health problems. In some

cases, a combination of

treatments may offer the

actually benefit while

dealing with dog health

problems instead of any

individual treatment.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

It is very essential to take your dog to the vet if you suspect that he is suffering from any sort

of dog health problems. The dogs can not express their pain in human words, so it is

necessary to keep your eye open

whether your beloved dog is

going through any health

hazards. The common dog

health problems can be listed as

follows: arthritis, bad breath,

bloat, constipation, deafness,

diarrhea, and distemper, ear

infection, eye problems, heart

disease, dysplasia, kidney

problems, and so on.

Hence the initial health care is

absolutely dependent on

personal observation.

Whenever you find your dog

behaving in some unusual way

or having high temperature, or

his energy level is dramatically

declined, you should not be late

discussing it with your vet. Your vet may take a whole host of treatment options including

vaccination, medication, or surgical intervention depending on the prognosis and severity of

the problem. Always remember that prevention is better than cure, so do not be late in taking

proper action as soon as you notice any symptoms of dog health problems.

Dog Health Bleeding

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Complete Dog Health Guide

It’s a truly wonderful

feeling to see your

dog is running around

you with his full

health and

enthusiasm. When he

licks your hand and

shows his love and

gratitude for you, it

seems like a heavenly

moment and can be a

source of lifetime joy.

But what if your dog

is crawling around

you, while showing a

minimum or no

enthusiasm at all?

And you suddenly

discover that he is bleeding! As a dog owner, quite obviously this may not be a good time for

you at all. Let us discover what can cause bleeding to your dog and how to deal with it.

Rectal Bleeding

If you have identified that your

dog has been bleeding with his

loose stool, it may be quite

possible that he is having

problems in his anal glands.

An abscess or infection in the

anal gland may cause the

problem. When you find your

dog bleeding from his anal,

you need to take him to the vet.

The vet usually suggests you to

take a stool sample of your


Chest Bleeding

This condition is known as Hemothorax. If your dog suffers from Hemothorax, it means that

blood is clotted within the chest. If the condition occurs, the dog shows few evident

symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, increasing degree of breathlessness, fatigue,

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Complete Dog Health Guide

collapse and whitish

mucus membranes. If

you find your dog taking

short, rapid and shallow

breaths, it is the high

time to consult your vet.

Bleeding due to Injury

The dog may start

bleeding due to injury. If

this is so, remember that

the dog not only

experience physical

pain, but also he is


frightened. So you need to provide the dog enough condolence and confidence. They may act

frantically and if you are not able to control him, it may lead to further injury for the dog. In

case of minor bleeding, you can use pressure bandages for your dogs, however, for serious

injury, you must not be late in admitting the dog to the hospital.

Dog Health Licking

Licking is a natural activity of

a dog. Possibly there is no dog

that does not link at one time

or another. Not all breeds lick

in the same fashion. However,

if it becomes excessive and

continual, it may turn out to

be a serious issue of concern.

It may be possible that a dog

licks out of his fear or having

a poor health condition.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

Biological Condition for


Dog health licking can

sometimes be a biological

incidence. For example, a

female dog licks her

babies to keep their free

from any dirt. When the

dog babies are born,

mother licks them

passionately in order to

clean the films and fluids

out of their body. Dog

health licking also facilitates appropriate breathing in case of newborns.

Female mother also aids licking her newborn babies to help them in the process of urination.

Sometimes babies lick their mother’s lips to make her vomit, so that they can eat what she

vomits. However, this is not a common case, if the owner puts enough attention to take care

of the babies.

Psychological Condition for Licking

When a dog is subject to experience stress, he or

she starts licking excessively. Sometimes, a

stressed out dog can burn their restlessness by

chewing their legs or paws.

Possible Consequences of Excessive Licking

In few cases, excessive licking may result in other

complications such as dermatitis. At the worst

extent, the dog may not limit his action of licking

to his body itself, but to anything that he can find

such as wall, floor and so on. This increases the

chances of getting infection or allergies as well.

Some dogs may start eating fluff off the floor in order to ventilate his stress or displeasure. If

you ever find your dog chewing hair and trying to get it gulped down, it may need medical

attention. While some people suggest a treatment as the answer of the problem, some others

suggest that behavioral training may well solve the issue. In fact, a combination of these two

offer maximum benefit.

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Complete Dog Health Guide

Follow the next part of this E-Book Dog Health Guide Part 2 To Get the Complete

Information About Dog Health Guide.

To read more information about dogs, issues related to their health, food and for

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