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Natural Cures for Arthritis

Updated: October 10, 2007 4:49 PM EST

Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis,

inflammation; plural: arthritides). There are currently over 100 forms of arthritis, ranging from

conditions related to wear and tear of cartilage (osteoarthritis) to conditions associated with

inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (rheumatoid arthritis or "RA").

Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from

arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. Tenderness of the

inflamed joint can be present.












Natural Cures for Arthritis

folk remedies and holistic cures (1 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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9/18/2007: Rena from Mineral Bluff, Georgia, USA writes: "Cod Liver Oil and Super greens cured

me of my Osteoarthritis in my right knee and my right shoulder in less than 9 months. The pain

subsided within a couple of weeks, that is when I knew I was on to something. I took 1

tablespoon of the Cod liver oil, and 1 Heaping tablespoon of the greens daily. I will not list what

brands I used, but please make sure they are of the highest quality you can find. I now live pain

free, and keep up the practice several times a week for maintenance."

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8/16/2007: Maya from Singapore, Singapore writes: "Hi. I only discovered about oil pulling while

browsing the web on information on how to cure me of my skin disorder (keratosis pillaris). I read

a posting done by this lady who SWEARS by oil pulling and its remarkable effects! I tried it just

yesterday and was shocked at how fast results can be observed! I'm suffering from a knee injury

due to my active lifestyle and since i'm not exactly young, i don't recover too easily. I've been (2 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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having a bad knee for weeks now. But when i did my first oil pulling yesterday, i got IMMEDIATE

results! My knee felt so light and i was able to do squats with no problems! I'm really a sceptic so

i was finding ways to credit the improved knee flexibility to other 'health practices' of mine. But

when my mom tried it later that night (she sufferes from acute arthritis), she too said that her

joints felt remarkably better! i did it again this morning and later today, my heart was racing.

Also, i feel a bit of discomfort in my private region. I don't know if it could be because i had an

infection before and it was probably in the process of healing...i'll continue the OP and see what

happens! I'm a convert!"

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8/3/2007: Roland ([email protected]) from Fargo, Georgia writes: "Recently I had a severe

case of Arthritis that affected my left thumb. The thumb would lock down and I had to unlock it

by force. The pain was also quite severe. I began using Spirits of Turpentine to relieve some of

the soreness and used it for a month. The arthritis and the pain gradually went away and has not

returned. At all. Anyone Else ever Tried Turpentine for this disease?"

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39 YEA 1 Nay

EC: you must take apple cider vinegar daily. It may take two to four weeks to feel the full

effects. However, Apple Cider Vinegar ("ACV") relieves pain and gives freedom of

movement in most people. This is not a cure - if you stop taking the apple cider vinegar for

a few days, you will feel your arthritis symptoms again!

Dosage: 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 oz of water, 3x a day. Read our apple cider

vinegar main page for more recipes and adding baking soda to get proper pH balance.

Besides drinking ACV, you can also find relief by soaking arthritic joints in hot Apple Cider

Vinegar. Use 1/4 cup of ACV to 1.5 cups of hot (but not scalding) water. For areas too large to (3 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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soak, try soaking a cloth in the above ratio and putting it on the affected area. Wrap a towel over

the wet cloth to keep in the heat. Keep the wrap on for ten minutes. You can repeat this after the

joint cools for ten minutes.



8/23/2007: Crystal from Mount Vernon, Indiana writes: "I am 29 and have been diagnosed with

severe RA. I was diagnosed bout 2 years ago. I am trying the ACV remedy. I have been taking 2

TBLS of ACV with a 1/4 tsp baking soda for about 2 weeks now. I have not had any results as of

this time. I was just wondering if it should have shown some kinda change in pain or weight loss

by now. I also tried the ACV soak on my wrist, it helped for maybe 10 minutes. I'm getting

discouraged about using the ACV. I am considering not using the ACV anymore."


10/10/2007: Roswita from Seminole, Fl writes: "I strongly urge you to buy only the Organic, raw,

unfiltered ACV, without preservatives. I am a 62 year old woman who suffers from arthritis and

acid reflux. Every morning I mix 1 tbls ACV with 1 tbls raw honey in a 16 oz glass of lukewarm

filtered water. I do the same thing at night time. Only I mix it in 6 to 8 oz water. Otherwise I

would be up all night. My arthritis pain has gone away and I no longer suffer from acid reflux."

9/4/2007: Jean from Swaffham, United kingdom writes: "I have heard that two capfuls of apple

cider vinegar, one teasp.molasses sugar, 1 teasp.honey mixed with little hot water and taken

daily helps cure arthritis, is this possible?"

8/25/2007: Shirley ( from -, Missouri writes: "On the latest post dated

8/23/2007 by Crystal who has severe RA at such a young age. I am sure Ted will have some good

remedies for her, but in the meantime, I would like to tell her my story.

I am 64 years old. About 4 years ago my arthritis got so bad, it was difficult for me to walk to the

mailbox and back and when going up stairs, I would have to take one step at a time. By that I

mean, get one foot on a step and bring the other to that step and so on. I had to go down them

the same way and be very careful to always hold onto the banister. My knees and hips were very

painful all the time. I read in a book I had about taking organic apple cider vinegar, honey and

water for different health reasons. Not sure what I decided to take it for now, but it wasn’t for the


Anyway I did begin to take the ACV everyday. I took it twice a day. One day I came to the stairs (4 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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and walked right up them without any problems. I didn’t think anything about it until I got to the

top. Then I thought about what I just did. I couldn’t believe I did that without any pain or effort.

From then on, I have been walking stairs and taking long walks without pain. I mean NO pain. I

do know it was the ACV drink because for one thing it was the only thing I was doing different at

the time. Then I didn’t take the drink for a few weeks. I guess I got lazy. The pain started to

come back so I started back on it and the pain stopped immediately Now I take it for about a

week and off 2 weeks or more but I don’t have to take it constantly and that’s working out for

me. You have to use organic apple cider vinegar not the distilled. It should be 2 tablespoons ACV

with the baking soda (so the vinegar won’t harm the teeth) plus 1 tablespoon raw honey in a

glass of water. I think in my case the pain went away so slowly, I hadn’t noticed the change until

that day I climbed those stairs. Crystal, please don’t give up. It may take a while but I believe it

will work for you too. 8/25/2007"

7/29/2007: Barbara from El Paso, USA writes: "I was diagnosed with RA at the age of 29. I am

now 65 and have not had many flare ups until the last few months. Then, it started acting up in

my right knee and hip. For almost 2 weeks I could hardly walk without help, and, could not even

lie, much left sleep, on my right side. Then, I made a long trip driving my husband's pickup truck.

When I returned from the trip, after about 2 days both my wrists hurt so bad I could barely

function. I used wrist bands, Arthritis Bengay, I was desperate.

Then I found this site while I was searching for natural cures. I started using ACV, mixed with

water and honey, about 2 weeks ago. I have been using the store brand from where I shop, it is

5%. I am totally amazed with the results. Almost NO pain, in my knee, hip or wrists!! I can even

sleep on my right side!!

I will take Ted's advice about using the baking soda as I have had a little burning in the tummy,

but, it's worth it to be able to sit here and type, lift, move, without pain in my wrists. I have also

lost about 5 pounds. My goal there is 15 more. I will continue my ACV regimen, am trying to get

my husband to try it and haven't succeeded as of this date. Thank you for this web site!!!"

7/12/2007: Deborah ([email protected]) from Denison, TX writes: "I was diagnosed

with Systemic Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis 14 years ago. My grandmother told me about ACV

and the many ways it could help arthritis, sleeping problems and stomach problems. I take 1

tbsp. once daily with just water and all of my physicals for the SLE & RA have come back great. I

have no deformity in my joints and have not had a flare up in over 7 years. I also had several

bleeding ulcers & was having to take daily stool samples to my doctor, but my physical showed

scarring but no ulcers. I also use ACV as a toner for my face and my pores are smaller and my (5 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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age spots are nearly invisible. I have printed out several pages of literature on ACV and have over

20 friends on this daily regimen and all of them can tell the difference and have been taken off

their medications for their illnesses from arthritis to high blood pressure & cholesterol. I am a 48

year old grandmother that works with a younger market and I work circles around all of them.

ACV helped me with my SLE, RA, Ulcers, Chronic Fatigue, Crohn's Disease and IBS. I had a sister

die from SLE and normal life expectancy is 10 years and I am going on 15 years after my


6/28/2007: Earl from Sydney, Canada writes: "I had joint pain continually in my thumbs...could

hardly grip anything...tried to use my thumbs again the NEXT DAY...95% pain gone..I

mixed it with orange juice and drank quickly...ran out of orange juice..only juice on hand was

Friut Solutions...taste a lot better and easier to get down"

5/28/2007: Hugh from London, UK writes: "I read about the properties of Cider Vinegar about 6

wks ago. I have Crohn's and after coming off an immunosuppressant some 18 months ago I

developped a not uncommon side effect of Crohn's, flitting arthritis, quite intense, moving from

joint to joint, generally in the wrists/hands, sometimes the feet, on a daily basis. I tried cider

vinegar and after a few days I was virtually pain free for about a week, and then messed up the

quantity required, and it came back. I have found that about 2 tbspns a day, spread through the

day (with a slice of lemon and tspn of honey, generally 1 tbsn with a pint of hot water is a

refreshing drink in the afternoon) and after a couple of days I was almost pain free (a vague

awareness, not pain, of certain joints) and that has gone on now for over a week. I take 1 tspn in

the morning with some lime juice and again 2 more lots of the same in the evening and just

before bed

It also appears to be beneficial for the Crohn's, product/leaking.

Below that, even 1 tspn, the arthritis makes its presence felt, but much less so.

I have concerns about the acidity and the long term effect on teeth, so I am now trying it with

some bicarb. I will report back.

Unfortunately it did not work on a wart on my finger, but then that has been resisting everything

(surgery, freezing, caustic pencil, salicylic acid (3 yrs) duct tape) for the last 15 years."

5/12/2007: Dawn (countryattics/@/ from Lebanon, INDIANA writes: "I have been

suffering from partial bowel obstruction from adhesions due to a liposuction that went bad back in

the 90's. I have suffered from severe pain, nausea and hemerroids due to the inability to fully (6 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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cleanse myself out because of the blockage. This has been on going for the past 5 years. I would

have an "episode" at least once a week, sometimes 2 and 3 times a week. The pain was

unbearable and would literally take my breath away. Since I started taking one shot of ACV daily I

have yet to have an "episode". I now have the best movements in years! I am completely

amazed! Also, I suffer or should I say used to suffer from arthritis in my hips. I have absolutely

no pain at all now and I know it is from the ACV because I haven't done anything else to remedy.

I wish someone would have told me about this a long time ago. It is the simpliest thing in the

world to do and it is all natural! God Bless Apple Cider Vinegar! If you haven't tried it, YOU

SHOULD! Also, my complexion is glowing!"

4/26/2007: Elle from Concord, New Hampshire writes: "I was diagnosed with Rhumathoid

Arthritis at 11. At 18 (and it a lot of pain) I was given a book on curing arthritis naturally and set

about doing it. One of the main proponents of the book was Apple Cider Vinegar. I took a cocktail

of 2 teaspoons ACV, 1 teaspoon honey and 8 oz hot water twice a day. Within 2 or 3 weeks the

flareups had ceased. It should be noted I also cut back on red meat and citric acids (they are

everywhere!)which I discovered were a major trigger for me. And I took epsom salt baths twice a

week. When I went back to my dr and had blood tests done my RA factor was down to a 2. (I

have no idea what it was before but I am pretty sure 2 is almost nothing!) That was 25 years

ago. I still have RA technically but I rarely have a problem with it. The first inkling I get that its

sneaking back up on me I go back to the ACV. I still avoid my trigger food which have come to

include, believe it or not, green beans. I believe trigger foods are different for everyone - only you

can figure out what they are. I have not been on meds or seen a rhumatologist (sp?) in all that

time. Thank god for ACV. Only for it I would be a cripple now instead of living the very full life

that I do. I have to say that it makes me so mad that there is a very simple cure for RA and the

medical world is not out there shouting about it. So many people suffer needlessly with this

disease. If you have RA you owe it to yourself to go out there and find out what works for you.

Find your triggers, try ACV, read all you can on natural cures. There is no magic pill - but there is

a way and its all in your own hands. Goodluck and Good Health. Elle"


Cathy ([email protected]) from Atlanta, GEORGIA writes: RE: ARTHRITIS!! My youngest

daughter was diagnosed with Rheumatiod Arthritis in 2005. I have tried to convince her to put off

surgery - knee replacement and talk to someone who has gone through what she is me please. I read an article in EARTH CLINIC dated 4/26/2007 by : Elle from

Concord, New Hampshire. I would like for Elle to talk to my daughter. My daughter needs to hear

from an individual who has RA and get some advice about homeopathic and natural remedies to

fight her symptoms. My number is 404 - 918- 2095 and my email is [email protected]. (7 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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Thank you."

4/20/2007: Patricia from Welch, WV writes: "I used to drink acv & honey 2 x a day and for some

reason stopped. Started noticing a lot of pain in both elbows. Dr. said it was arthritis. Told me to

stop lifting weights. I didn't completely stop, but did slow down. Started drinking the acv & honey

2 x a day again, for allergies. While looking at your website, it occured to me that I have not been

having pain while lifting weights, even though I had increased the weight amount. I used to not

be able to touch the bones on the sides of either elbow without it hurting...I just touched them

and there is NO PAIN!! I really hadn't thought about the difference until I was reading your

website. ACV & honey will be taken EVERY DAY...TWICE A DAY. Two capfuls of acv & 9 squirts of

honey/2 tablespoons full. This stuff REALLY, REALLY, WORKS!!!"

4/15/2007: Pamela ([email protected]) from Richmond, VA writes: "I just wanted to say I am

truly amazed how ACV works for arthritis. I have little to no joint pain, since I have started taken

the ACV cocktail, for two months now. I took pain medicine for years ,with not half the benefit of

ACV. Thanks so much for your site. It is a blessing. 1/4 cup acv 2oz of cranberry juice 8oz water.

Two times a day.If it is to tart add some honey or apple juice it really is refreshing to drink. It

really works...Good luck.."

3/17/2007: Marra (Pjmzqrx@aol,com) from Olympia, wa writes: "Well, this is my 4th day using

vinegar in hopes of helping my arthritis. Wrote in last week saying I'd let you know how its going.

I stand truly amazed. I don't even recognize my body. The aches thus far, are 99% gone. I

literally can jump up out of a chair. What an absolute miracle. I am speechless. As for weight?

Yes! I've noticed a bit of a change already. Will let you know more."

3/11/2007: Rhonda ( from Elizabeth City, North Carolina writes: "I read

the articles on this site and started using acv with water. Right away the pain of arthritis went

away! I had not been able to work, play or much of anything in over a year. I was getting worse

by the day. I had not had a pain free day in over a year! After only one day, it eased up. After 3

days my pain was gone completely!!! I'm not joking here. Those of us with RA know how bad the

pain is. I had to stop taking Celebrex because of stomach problems caused by the meds. Now my

skin is smoother, I have TONS of energy (not hyper), and just feel better over all. I'm trying to

get hubby to give it a try since he has acid reflux and a fuzzy-headed feeling for 6 months now.

I'll get him to try it eventually! He's amazed at my lack of pain now. Thank you all so much for

posting your findings, it's given me my old self back and I've missed it!"

3/3/2007: Don ([email protected]) from Los Angeles, CA writes, "I have tried acv for (8 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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about three weeks now with little success. I had a problem last night. When I use an extra pillow

it seems to work but forgot to last night. I also have arthritis and acv mixed with raw honey has

helped so much I have stopped taking syn-flex, a remedy with unknown side affects. I will try the


2/15/2007: Eileen from Boston, MA writes, "I have RA and have kept it at bay very successfully

for 20 years primarily with an ACV and honey drink (water, 1 tbls acv, 1 tbls honey). I also avoid

my trigger foods (for me are Citric acid and red meat) but if I feel any achiness at all coming on

its back to my ACV and honey drink for a few days and I am good."

Sharon, from British Columbia writes, "In the mid to late 1980's I was working in an Extended

Care Unit in a hospital, working as a Care Aide. All through out this time I had been seeing my

doctor because of constant pain due to arthritis. My back and knees hurt so bad sometimes it was

near unbearable. My knees were so bad I could not touch a knee cap with a finger it hurt so bad.

X-rays were taken of my knees, showing spurs under the knee cap itself. X-Rays also take of the

small of my back, the doctor said he'd never seen arthritis so bad in someone so young, that

everything was becoming one, even my fingers were beginning to twist. He tried me on different

arthritis pills to see which would work the best, one finally JUST eased the pain slightly. Now

working in the hospital that your doctor works is not to good at times. I was attempting to kneel

down and had a extremely hard time of it trying to stay more on my side and very hard time

trying to stand; my doctor happened to be on the floor at that time and saw this, told me to make

an appointment to see him, he then told me I would have to find other work because I couldn't

live like this. The pills the doctor had me on cost $60 a month. He said I would have to take them

the rest of my life. At home I thought of this, then remembered something my chiropractor told

me, take 2 teaspoons acv, 2 teaspoons of honey in water, adjust to taste. One day (no longer

working at the hospital) I ran out of pills, out of money, then remembered what my chiropractor

said. I thought there would be a transition period for the acv to work, I was preparing myself for

a whole lot of unbearable pain. I started the drink that night and every night for 1 week. Besides

flushing my kidneys out, there was NO transition at all. There was no pain, absolutely nothing...

and still there is no pain. So I followed my chiropractors instructions because obviously he knew

what he was talking about. I then stopped taking it. I found I would get cravings for it, so I took

this as my body telling me it needed it. To this day I had not taken any pills from the doctor for

arthritis. It has now been 16 years. If you read the instructions how to clean a drip coffee

machine, it says to use vinegar. Vinegar dissolved calcium build in the machine and I've found it

dissolved the build up in my body. I am back taking acv, this time not plan on stopping

this time. This really is a miracle for me and do advise people to try it, it really does work, besides

what have you got to lose other than pain, and you can't beat the cost. It won't hurt and anything (9 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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as far as I'm concerned is better than taking pills from doctors who treat symptoms...not cure."

1/3/2007: Susan from Tampa, FL writes, "2 tsp honey, 2 tsp _______s apple cider vinegar in 8 to

16 ounces of water 3 times a day cured my arthritis, back pain and allergies. I was in so much

pain for many many years with severe back problems, and then 2 years ago was diagnosed with

rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The dr. prescribed steroids, and 2 different immuno suppresant

drugs and the side effects were horrible. I could hardly get out of bed in the morning, my joints

and muscles hurt so bad, i also have fibromyalgia. I started this regimen about a month ago and

saw immediate results. My hay fever has cleared up also. My sinuses are dry, usually I always

have a bad post nasal drip problem. I feel more energized, and my body just feels good, like it is

getting what it needs."

12/26/2006: Edie from Mission Viejo, CA writes, "1 Tablespoon ACV with 2 Tablespoons water a

day cured my arthritis and hot flashes. My friend told my husband and I to take ACV for our sore

wrists and hands and we started 2 mos. ago. After one mo. I noticed I had absolutly NO hot

flashes. This amazed me. I really had them bad night and day. I also noticed no acid reflux (quit

taking my prilosec a month ago) and no restless legs to speak of. I also feel I have lost a couple

of lbs. Of Course the hand and wrist pain is gone. This is probably crazy but my eyelashes are

longer. Pretty funny huh?"

9/16/2006: Christina from Tulsa, OK writes, "I mixed 1 tablespoon of acv with 1 teaspoon of raw

honey in 6 oz of water and drank it three times a day. It instantly cured my arthritis, I was

suprised. And my appetite is suppressed. I recommend this to anyone , oh and i do not have to

take an allergy pill' I highly recommend this to anyone who has any kind of problem. my grandpa

used to use this and he is 76 years old healthy."

6/14/2006: Sheri from Auburn Hills, Mi writes, "I originally tried ACV for weight loss; I have a

stubborn 20 pounds to lose. I was pleasantly surprised as to how pain-free I became in a matter

of a few days. My knees no longer 'click' when I go up stairs. I can bend and squat to play with

my children and no longer suffer ankle pain from the effort. My acid reflux is gone as well. When I

run out of ACV, in a matter of days, the pain returns and I'm like an old lady once more. It works

for me!"

Lynda, of Grants Pass writes us, "I have arthritis of the spine and a friend of mine gave me a

recipe with apple juice, grape juice and Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been taking a 1/2 cup daily

for about a month and I know that it is helping me tremendously. I can get out of bed in the

mornings without having to stand still for a few seconds. It has also helped me curb my appetite." (10 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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Marcia, from Fairforest, SC writes, "I am a huge proponent of RAW apple cider vinegar. My

husband and I have been using it three times daily for about five weeks. He no longer has the

joint stiffness and pain associated with arthritis. We did quit using all sugar and white processed

flour as well."

Tina, from Jacksonville, FL writes, "I suffer from chronic arthritis of the ankle due to a serious

injury several years ago. There is no cartilage left between my joint according to my X-rays. After

being prescribed Celebrex I was concerned about finding out later that it caused adverse side

affects like Vioxx. After hearing from a friend about the healing affects of ACV, I went cold turkey

off Celebrex and began using ACV. I had been taking Celebrex for about two months and I

thought that once I stopped the drug I would be in extreme pain. After two weeks of using ACV

only, there is very little pain or swelling any more. I will continue to use ACV for other ailments as


Anonymous writes, "For a stiff neck, take a half vinegar half warm water solution and soak a rag

in it, then wring the rag out and wrap it around your neck. Put a layer of plastic wrap (to keep

your sheets dry) and finish up with a towel (be careful not to strangle yourself). Leave this on

over night and in the morning you will not believe the difference."

8/12/2005: Mae from San Diego writes, "I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I do know that ACV

helps, but I was not drinking it every day when my pain came back and it hurt to walk I started

back on the ACV I how drink it every day and it helps fight the inflammation and I don't hurt as

much. I make a tea two or three times a day I put three tablespoons of ACV in a cup of hot water

and one tablespoon of honey."








4/3/2006: Mara from Adelaide South Australia writes, "In 1991 I had a cortisone injection in my I

would need another every 6 months and would eventually need an operation. Having read Dr

Jarvis's cider vinegar book, I drank daily about 500ml of mixture (1 tsp honey, 2 tspns cider

vinegar to a glass or cup of water). Although it had no immediate effect, I continued to take it for (11 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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general health reasons, but after 2-3 months, suddenly realised that I had no pain in hand/wrist.

Despite having lazily ceased this practice, I still have no trouble in the hand. Perhaps my recent

right hip replacement would not have been necessary had I continued treatment. I have now

resumed the habit, making up a litre jug of mixture and drinking it frequently, in hopes of

preventing the need for a left hip replacement as some signs of wear are apparent. I am

convinced of the benefits, but warn people that it is not a short term fix. On the other hand, 15

years of no pain suggests that it is has a long-term effect. Go for it! Mara"

4/15/2006: Lu from San Marcos, TX writes, "leg, hip, low back pain gone."

3/15/2007: Marra (pjmzqrx[at] from olympia, wa writes: "Two 1/2 years ago, i was

diagnosed with two forms of arthritis, osteo-which is throughout my entire spinal column and

every joint throughout my body--I also have RA. I am 43 years old. I've successfully held much of

the pain at bay with diet & exercise. I am trying ACV for the first time--wish me the best! I will let

you know how its going. Thank you for your feedback everyone!"

Earth Clinic note: Please make sure you read our section on the amazing apple cider vinegar!

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7/21/2007: John ([email protected]) from Brunswick, Ohio writes: "I repaired my arthritis

that was causing three bad discs in my lower back. My surgeon told me I was to full of arthritis

and there was nothing they could do for me and sent me to the pain clinic. A friend of mine called

me to tell me about a meeting on using permanent magnets to repair my arthritis problem. I

went to the school and learned how to use magnets. I bought a few magnet pads, and

experimented with my problem, the one that made me believe in the magnets was what

happened when I went to the hospital to have my pacemaker replaced, they took the pacemaker

out, but held me for a few days while they run me throw an MRI to better see what was going on

with my back and put a new pacemaker in on the other side of my chest a few days later. That

night after they removed the old pacemaker, the incision from cutting out the old pacemaker

swelled up, so I put one of my magnet pads over the swelling, and to my surprise after forty-five

minutes the swelling was down to nothing. After what the magnets did for the swelling made me

want to make my own magnet pads, I wanted something to penetrate deeper into my back so I

made my own magnet pads using 12,000 gauss magnets to reach deeper into my body. I placed (12 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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the pads on my side of the bed and slept on them for a year, and during the day I would put a

pad over my lower back were I had the bad discs. I also started taking coral calcium to rebuild

the discs that was eaten out from the arthritis, I needed to get a lot of exercise to bring the

mussels back that I lost to support my body, but it was all worth it to be able to enjoy life again.


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6/26/2007: Victor from ~~~ ~~~~~, usa writes: "Raw cabbage and cabbage juice relieves joint

pain and swelling in my hands, and it works fast."

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4/28/2007: Jeff ([email protected]) from WAVERLY, Tenn. writes: "HAVE TRIED SALT




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3/20/2007: Sunny ([email protected]) from Fullerton, CA writes: "I am of Korean descent,

and for as long as I can remember, my grandparents and my mother have been using ginger for

a few different ailments. Recently, I noticed with the cold weather, the flu bug was going around

and I have had some pain and swelling in my wrists and finger joints. I made tea by boiling one

ginger root, sliced and diced, in some water, added some fresh lemon juice and the peel (how it

was done forever in my household) and added honey into my cup. it isn't a cure for a cold, but it

certainly helps to relieve symptoms. i took the warm ginger remains out of the pot and mashed it

up and applied it topically to my wrists and fingers. the pain is substantially alleviated. if you can

handle the smell, it is worth a try. this is not a cure for arthritis, but a natural and very healthy (13 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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way of relieving pain. there is also a link to show studies done by the U of Maryland on ginger and

what ailments it helps with. hope this helps.


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3/20/2007: Katherine from Los Angeles, USA writes: "Arthritis Remedy: Ginger Root/Mint tea. I

have found that making tea out of ginger root and mint is more helpful than any capsules. Take

about a 1 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peel and then slice root into mug, add some fresh

mint leaves, pour good boiling water over and steep at least 1/2 hour (the longer the better)

drink before you retire for the night. This not only helps with the joint pain but has also helped

me sleep more sound. The mint is important as it helps the stomach - ginger root tea alone can

be a bit difficult if one is no longer 20+. This is an aquired taste. DO NOT get carried away like I

did the first week and drink more than one huge mug a night. As my Chinese Dr. friend said "it is

like listerine for the body". Cleans out the toxins and it is a natural anti inflammatory. Katherine"

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Dr. Kandarjian, Chiropractor writes, "Glucosamine and Chondroitin capsules have done me and

my patients lots of good."

Back to Top


Jan writes, "Two weeks of two tablespoons each morning have reduced the arthritic pain in my

knees. Does anyone else have knowledge of black strap molasses working on arthritis?"

10/12/2005: Gwynne from Johannesburg, South Africa responds, "Jan asked if anyone else knew

about black strap molosses - the best molosses to use is the Crude Black Strap Molasses - Book (14 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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to get on Molasses is Cyril Scott ISBN 0 7225 0241 9.

Read more about molasses cures here.

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Jo Ann, from Clearwater Florida writes, "I have bone spurs and arthritis. A friend learned of my

condition and advised these supplements: 250mg. Magnesium Oxide, (promotes bone and muscle

health) and Super B complex, 250 mg. (promotes energy and metabolism). USE AS DIRECTED

ON BOTTLE. Along with these supplements, I mix 1-64oz. bottle of pure 100% apple juice, and 1-

64 oz. bottle of 100% grape juice, and 1-cup apple cider vinegar. Mix all liquids together and

store in refrigerator. Drink 1/3 cup of mixture 3x a day. It has worked for me! Thanks and may

you all be blessed with wonderful health! And remember, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!"

Back to Top


4 Yea

9/2/2007: Phyllis from Taranaki, New Zealand writes: "Arthritis -- I believe in turmeric, but sweat

a lot. Is this normal?"

6/21/2007: Aaron from Cape Coral, Florida writes: "I tried the TURMERIC remedy for boils about

4 days ago, initially with little hope it would work, but in a state of desperation, since this was my

THIRD boil in less than 6 weeks, and I had 2 more starting! I went out as soon as I finished

reading all of the testimonials on your site, and bought a bottle of Turmeric capsules from my

local GNC. That night I took three 500mg caps with dinner, and another 4 capsules before going

to bed. (If a teaspoon is good, a tablespoon is better!) The next morning the boil on my stomach,

which was a dark purple golf ball radiating excruciating pain the night before, was now a light

purple golf ball that was starting to drain, and the pain had gone down by 80 to 90%!

In addition, one of the new boils that was just starting, (a tiny painful pimple,) started to heal, (15 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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and the other one, slightly larger, while it didn't go away, it stopped growing, and with 72 hours it

too drained (really like a normal pimple, only thicker discharge and more painful.)

It's now been about 4 days, and while the large boil is still draining (the core came out yesterday)

and is still very tender, it is healing and no other boils are starting.


The big BONUS is this: The arthritis in my shoulder that I've been suffering with for the last year,

is gone, and even more exciting, I have been dealing with Heal Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) for about

2 years, and have been suffering TREMENDOUS pain in my foot, every day, all day.

Within 24 hours of taking the Turmeric, my feet have COMPLETELY stopped hurting!!!I plan to

continue taking at least one capsule a day indefinitely as a preventative for recurring boils, and as

an apparent remedy for my Heal Spurs!!! The real miracle here is that I don't even believe in

natural remedies! Thanks so much for the great advice!!!"

Reem, from Karachi, Pakistan writes, "I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has

always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint


Bill from Califon, NJ comments, "I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All

the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at

night. I took 1600 mg of tumeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone

and flexibility is returning."

Click here for more info about Turmeric.

Back to Top


Michelle, from Sun prairie, WI writes: "Eat no raw tomatoes or peppers to get rid of arthritis. Eat

grapes and pineapple to counter act arthritis. Stop taking advil or other pain relievers. It will take


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4/18/2006: Kitty from Bransonm MO writes, "golden grapes soaked in cheap gin for nine days,

then nine grapes per day, everyrday. Considerable help for my arthritis. Go figure???? Heard from

two others who swear by this."

Back to Top


9/1/2006: Nadine from NY writes, "i have rheumatoid arthritis and i had it really bad and could

barely walk. was on arthristis medication and pain killers and i was still hurting etc . called the

doctor's office and they told me there was nothing more they could do for me. well, i got angry

and decided i would help myself. the first thing i did was get rid of all salt sugar preservatives and

bleached flour. within 3 months, i was no longer taking pain killers and my medicine was less. i

continue the diet although i do eat some sugar lol but i don't eat preservatives. i eat whole grains,

beans, lentils, split peas, etc, and fruit and vegetable and a little meat. i stay away from bacon

and cold cuts because of the preservatives. i do not have much joint pain now if ever i'm off most

arthritis medicine and i no longer take pain killers at all. ya see, arthritis swells the joints and salt

and preservatives swell the joints, so if you take them with the rheumatoid arthristis your kicking

yourself in the butt and giving yourself added pain. the extra swelling causes irritation and sets

the inflamation into motion, so it is very important not to eat any preservatives and little salt.

don't eliminate all salt completely. i don't use salt when i cook or eat, but if i have a craving for

salt, i indulge it because i need the salt. if you want to use salt use kelp or sea salt. when you

look at labels you will be amazed at the amount of salt in products. i do not eat store bread."

12/29/2005: Bibi, from Fairhope, AL writes, " Eliminate ALL dairy products if you have arthritis.

Eliminate other mucous causing foods like flour as well. Arthritis is a disease of toxicity so it is

about getting the bad stuff out more than anything else. Consider colonic irrigation if you are

unable to do a juice fasting. If you eat meat, do so with proper food combining (do not eat protein

with starch, eat fruit alone, etc..)"

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John, from TN writes, "Have heard that pineapple/juice cures 26% arthritis. It works and have

even saw this in animals such as bears that were arthritic being helped. Make sure pure & no

sugar added."

1/7/2006: Jim, from Fort Worth Texas writes, "Try bromelain for joint pain it helps. Has anyone

ever tried noni juice it helps also."

Bromelain, derived from the pineapple plant, is one of a group of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes

capable of digesting protein).

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8/29/2005: Joan from Ohio writes, "Jello! Just plain old Jello is the best thing for Arthritis! I

promise! Someone told me about it yrs ago because i have Arthritis in my lower back. and when it

gets to bad, i cant walk at all. and i tried it and it worked great!! Just mix it as if your going to

chill it and instead of putting it in frig, pour a coffee cup full and drink. do 1 cup a week to start

and then drink as often as needed.. Great for stiffness and all!!"

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9/16/2006: Yvonne from Wentzville, MO writes, "I'm 74 have arthritis in my shoulder-can't afford

the creams, when I found out the main ingreatent was the same as cayenne pepper, I stared

buying hot sauce that is made from aged cayennes, rub it on my shoulder couple times a day, it

stains your clothing, but sure helps, and it is a lot cheaper."

Read more cayenne pepper cures.

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9/30/2006: William from Lexley, Alabama writes, "Apple Pectin: Two 500 mg caps per day taken

with either grape or orange juice (Vitaimn C) cures Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Gout, TMJ and

Arthritis. I have given it to over 50 people in my job as EH & S engineer for a manufacturing

company as well as having used it myself for the past ten (10) years with complete success for

pain in both of my thumbs. Lasting results have occurred within 48 hours. Will correspond. WEH"

Back to Top


11/15/2006: Suzanne from London writes, "I have suffered from very bad arthritis for some years

and also osteoporosis of the spine. I used to dread winters even though I was prescribed anti-

inflamatory pills and painkilers by my doctor. I recently discovered ginger root (I found a

newspaper article about ginger that I had put away some years ago) and have been taking it for

about 3 weeks now in capsule form from the health food shop. The stiffness has gone from my

joints and spine and most of the pain which is gradually disappearing. In fact, the other day I

realised that I didn't have any pain or stiffness at all. It is such a great remedy that I am

recommending it to everybody I know who has arthritis."

1/18/2007: Suzanne writes again: "I recently sent you feedback about ginger. I have been taking

it in capsule form daily now for approximately 2 months. It seems to act as a pain-killer. The

relief I get is tremendous and most of the time i am completely pain-free from Arthritis and

Osteoporosis of the spine. I recommended it to a friend in the US. Here are his replies in two e-


E-mail from Richard: December 15, 2006:

"Dear Suzanne: Thanks for tip. I'm going to the shopping centre where the health food store is

this afternoon....and I'll get some ginger root. My ankle is in bad shape. If it were a knee or a

hip....I'd have a replacement.....but they can't do that very well at this point with ankles. When

we return from Viet Nam I'm looking at ankle-fusion surgery. It's not quite as bad as it sounds.

One still has some movement where the leg meets the foot......and the pain stops!"

E-mail from Richard: 21 December 2006: "Dear Suzanne: Can't thank you enough for the ginger

recommendation!! I've only been taking the stuff for a few days....but the results are remarkable. (19 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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I'm moving around just about pain-free. We leave tomorrow for Viet Nam and I hope to enjoy the

walking.......which I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to do."

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11/20/2006: Ted writes, "The cat's purr recording has helped my mother's arthritic leg pain too,

in case you are wondering. She told me it works better than the drugs. Just today, I played the

cat's purr for her again and she was able to walk relatively pain free. "

Please refer to Ted's recording on the stiff neck cures page.

Back to Top


Anonmyous from Australia writes, "Linseed oil (refrigerated), Tyrosine and Echinacea cures

wrinkles, arthritis, varicose vein pain, Parkinsons Disease, fibromyalgia. 5 tablespoons Linseed oil

and 2 echinacea tablets 3 times a day. Don't take calcium, evening primrose and

glucosamine if you have any of the above conditions. Just try to eat less meat and plenty of

fruit and vegetables. Fresh vege juice is very good also try 1 clove of fresh garlic a day. Tyrosine

stops the shakes of Parkinson's very quickly. You will feel so much better."

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4/20/2007: Laura from Ferndale, MD, USA writes: "I have had Psoriatic Arthritis since I was 10

years old, & one of the worst symptoms I've had for 38 yrs now, is daily shooting nerve pains in

my extremities. The good news: when I take 1000 mgs of MSM daily, the shooting pains are

completely gone. If I miss a few days, they always start up again. Love this site."

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8/28/2007: JEANNE ([email protected]) from WPB, FLA writes: "THIS WILL BE MY



















JEANNE , [email protected] IN FLA."


8/28/2007: Amd from Vallejo, CA writes: "Jeanne: Please try Oil Pulling. Follow the instructions

(which are really easy). Good luck and best of luck."

Back to Top


3/26/2007: Felix ([email protected]) from Toronto, Canada writes: "I read all the

comments here about the wonders of ACV, magensium and alkalina diet to cure or at least

minimize arthritis. But i'm also confused because i do not understand what acidity has to do with

arthritis, some say i should stay away from acidic foods such as raw tomatoes, starches, pastries (21 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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and other processed food. Can anyone explain to me why all those foods cause arthritis? I would

like to get to the source of the problem and not just relieve myself from hip pain, i had that for

few years now and only 22. This winter is a disaster, some mornings i have to struggle to get our

of bed, and obviosuly realize that something in my body is screwed up. People recommend

various remedies, and i would like to try whatever it takes to cure my pains. But i need to know

what exactly i'm doing. Am i having these pains because of vitamins and minerals deficiency? I

didn't always eat fruits and vegeables, would that be the main cause? My diet? Does chlorine in

the tap water affect my bones? I would greatly appreciate a detailed explanation and perhaps

advice on how should i approach this very serious matter with all the remedies inlisted here and

other sources. Thank you."

Ted replies, "Dear Felix: Basically the cause of arthritis that is little known to the public is the

issue of mycobacteria, which is a microbe that is fungus like and exists in the cartilage between

the joints. The tend to grow there causing pain. Israel have some of the lowest arthritis level due

to high boron in their drinking water. In some other regions of the world, people who are not

exposed to the sun such as during winter also get severe arthritis, usually due to the vitamin D

levels being low. A healthy body can easily produce 10,000 i.u. of vitamin D in full sun. Certain

vitamins apparently have antifungal properties (anti-mycobacterium) such as vitamins D and

vitamin K.

The biological terrain parameters for a these arthritis causing microbes is they grow well in high

acidity, high heavy metals (in particular high free metal iron) and when the body's immune

system is low. A 60 year old person will produce only 1/6 the level of vitamin D as a young

person. And borax, or boron mineral have anti fungus properties as well, which in effect reduces


Therefore the remedy for arthritis is alkaline such as at least taking baking soda 1/4 teaspoon

taken twice a day, or a more complete one such as 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/4

teaspoon of baking soda. This will raise the pH to alkaline weakening the fungus and

mycobacterium cellular structure.

Taking vitamin D, and vitamin K is used as treatment for osteoporosis, but at the same time it

helps considerably in reducing pain associated with arthritis. I should know since my own mother

has it. The usual dose of vitamin D especially for people who really need it who is not out in the

sun or especially during the winter is usually between 2000 i.u. to 10,000 i.u. at least. I take

them myself but at about 20,000 i.u. but I don't take them everyday, only when I have cloudy

vision (cataract), or arthritic pain. But this is not the only thing I find that taking some borax is (22 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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very helpful as a boron supplements, such as 1/8 teaspoon per liter of drinking water dividing up

the dose over the course of a day. I may take more, but 1/8 is the best one. Usually it is taken

for say 3 or 4 days out of a week for men, while for woman maybe once a week or twice a week

such as every three days. The dose depends really on how the body responds, such as reduced

arthritic pains the next day. The one supplements that helped me the most for my arthritic pains

is the borax, followed closely by vitamin D and alkalizing. For vitamin D to work the best, since it

increase serum calcium to be higher than normal is for me to take about 250 mg/day of

magnesium chloride (or appropriate magnesium supplements such as magnesium citrate,

magnesium gluconate).

The level of antioxidants in the body is also naturally increased when the body is in a more

alkaline state. If you have your ORP meters handy (Oxidation Reduction Potential) and measure

the urine pH also, the antioxidant level is raised by at least 20-30% depending on what your

initial pH was and the ending. Of course this is just the average for most people. Antioxidant is

seen as protective.

There is some observation that people with arthritis also has high level of free iron between the

joints and they also serve as food to the mycobacterium. In that case coriander or chinese parsley

eaten regularly will reduce the heavy metal burden throughout the body. Oil pulling is also seen

helpful, if the primary target to remove heavy metals in your body, then I think olive oil is

generally the best based on my own observations. You are free to use any other oils as heavy

metals are oil soluble, the use of heavy metals pulls out the metals from the body, thus slowly

reducing the heavy metal burden in the body.

As to which diets will help you the most in reducing arthritic pain, is obvious that avoiding certain

foods are most helpful. Since microbes which cause arthritis tend to grow best with high heavy

metals and fried foods sponge up a lot of heavy metals, avoiding fried foods, and oily foods would

help the most. The second issue is the high sugar foods where mycobacterium tends to grow best

in presence of high sugar foods such as as corn syrup (fructose), sucrose (sugar) and white flour.

These the most obvious ones, besides bad habits of smoking, drinking and a few others.

I place little restrictions on what you can or cannot eat, but I prefer most people to avoid certain

foods is a better option toward lessening arthritic pains in general. Foods that are alkaline forming

are generally seen as green leafy vegetables, whole fruits now and then, some watermelon,

seeds, cranberry, and sometimes if necessary whole wheat.

Avoiding anything white such as white sugar, white flour, fast food, devoid of any mineral are (23 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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generally acid forming, even the common salt. Use sea salt instead, as they are generally alkaline

with their pH averaging between 7.5 to 8.5, which is better than the common salt. Also, sea salts

provides general micro mineral balance found in nature that processed foods is lacking."

Back to Top


Reader Inquiry:

3/8/2006: Henry writes, "'Dear Sir /Ms; My family is looking for another opinion about my

mother's condition. What do you suggest? My mother is in her late 70s. Six months ago she was

perfectly fine. Now she can barely move. Her current Primary care Physician and Osteopathic

Physician both feel she has Osteoarthritis. We also have family friends in the medical profession.

One family friend just graduated from medical school this year, the other has one year to go

before graduation. Our family friends who live out of State were visiting recently and kind enough

to do a physical examine of my mom and check her X-ray which we had on CD. They said no

Arthritis (Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis) in their opinion. They felt it was some kind of

tendonitis. Both sides are saying different things and can't both be right. With all do respect to

the doctors and their good intentions we (our family) feel that it is neither Arthritis or Tendonitis.

The reason is my moms rapid movement deterioration. In October 2005 she had full and

complete movement with no pain. Then all of a sudden in November 2005 both shoulders at the

same time became extremely painful to the point that she could no longer even put on her coat

by herself without difficulty. It was in November and December that we saw the doctors, had the

blood test done and got the shot of cortisone in both shoulders. We were then told to make an

appointment in March. The appointment was made. The examination is next week. Before we go

however we would like to do a little research on our own to help our doctors. These days patients

are encouraged to give a helping hand and be active participants in their health care. We don't

want to go empty handed to the upcoming examination asking, what now? We prefer to go in and

say this is what we have learned, what do you think?; Its all too easy for doctors to think outside

of the box feeling: Patient in late 70s, no previous Arthritis, now Arthritis, is the to be expected

box. Why the family feels this is neither Arthritis or Tendonitis is the rapid movement

deterioration. In the couple months since her last examination my mother now can barely walk.

Both legs are so painful now she can barely move them. Six months ago she moved faster than I

move and I am a healthy 51 years old. Also within the last couple months she can barely move

her neck or her fingers. She additionally seems to have lost a lot of strength and stays tired all

the time. All of this has happened since her last examination (when only her shoulders bothered

her), (the cortisone shots worked for two days) in December. If I'm not mistaken there are over

100 different types of Arthritis, and none of them progresses in this manner. What do you think (24 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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my mother might have if its not Arthritis? How best do you think it should be treated? My mothers

primary care doctor is in his 70s and has retired two or three previous times. We don't know how

interested he is in maintaining his practice much longer. Her Osteopathic Physician specializes in

sports medicine. Our family friends are young (in their 20s) and live out of State (additionally,

one has another year to go before graduation). We therefore are open to switching doctors if we

get a good recommendation of a doctor in our area who is accepting new patients. At my mothers

rapid rate of movement deterioration we (the family) feel an urgent need to correctly diagnose

and hopefully reverse this process before it goes further. Bottom line, we need any information

and or leads that you think might help. Thank you very much. Henry"

3/21/2006: Laurel from Utica, NY responds, "Hi Henry...Just wanted to say that your mother's

condition has the earmarks of POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA which I was treated for a number

of years ago. I had varying degrees of pain which began in my shoulders (a common site for this

illness) and it wasnt until I was in a situation akin to your mother's that I was finally diagnosed

with P.R. Unfortunately the diagnosis is only made by symptoms and a high sedimentation rate is

one of them. I do believe the treatment is Prednisone to which (in the higher doses) I had a

dramatic positive response. My illness was on and off again for a few years and seems gone now.

There is also, perhaps, the possibility of FIBROMYALGIA which can result in sudden bouts of

crippling pain as well. I am sure you will find much information on the web re. either of these

problems and I do hope your Mother gets properly diagnosed soon even if the treatments out

there are not always that effective or safe. Good Luck. Laurel"

3/18/2006: Ted, from Bangkok Thailand responds: "Your mother might be high on uric

acid. It doesn't show in X-rays. My mom also in her 70s had this sudden pains resembling what

you are mentioning as a result of my mother binging on drinking coffee and tea, which is very

high on uric acid. As a result my mother cannot walk or move for a day or so. Since I know the

cause I gave my mother only 2-3 mg./day of lithium carbonate mixed with water to help dissolve

the uric acid and stopped with uric acid rich foods (e.g. coffee, oysters, cucumbers, etc.) and had

her drink plenty of water. The other thing is to eat on an empty stomach 2-3 cups of oatmeal.

Your mother should see some recovery with this within 3 days. You might check with a doctor

about giving her approx 250 mg of magnesium chloride on an empty stomach to aid in the

recovery process."


5/30/2006: Jeannine writes to Ted in Bangkok, "Do you have any ideas or suggestions about my

hand and how to reverse the ravages of arthritis? As I mentioned before, my hand has started to

twist to the side and it's very weak in comparison to my right hand. Jeannine" (25 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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Ted cc's Earth Clinic his response: "There are several supplements which will help arthritis, while

it is not perfect, it is due to long term deficiency and to reverse it will take some time. However, a

quick cure that I have seen, well at least from the pain and ability to move hands is the use of

vitamin B complex plus aspirin. Both my parents used this whenever hands become immobile.

However, over the past couple of decades research has come up with other that is also helpful

that will complement the conditions. This includes the use of MSM (Methyl sulfonyl methane).

MSM has an interesting history, in the field of arthritis and the most well known is James Coburn

the actor who tried to treat arthritis for year and was actually cured using it. And of course, as

media and big business would have it, they silenced him about what supplements he used to cure

arthritis. What MSM really does is quite interesting, (as well as chelation using EDTA), in that the

cause of "cross linked" collagen - a more complicated language of wrinkled skin! Is in fact due to

two conditions, excess blood sugar and heavy metals causes the skin and joints to be inflexible.

Therefore, taking MSM and possibly DMSO (they stink) will restore and rid the body of aluminum

and heavy metals which causes it.

If there is possibility of high blood sugar, simply go on a diet of low glycemic indexed food. That

means sugar free diet, especially away from sugar, softdrinks, pastries, and high fat. In fact

eating high fats especially fried food can really shoot up the insulin and sugar that causes

arthritis. The other findings is that boron supplements will help arthritis is well known in

normalizing calcium and magnesium ratios. Vitamin D3 is very helpful for arthritis too. Taking

chicken collagen (the cartilage from young chickens breastbone) you can get from Knox chicken

gelatin, I think and also helpful. Collagen is what keeps your body from falling apart.

Last but not least, try to get some aloe vera oil and evening primrose oil. You need only to apply

on your hands once every 3-4 days and your skin should be improved. The other simple way is

plain old vinegar. Applying it to the hands should help the skin at least restore some suppleness. I

don't know why it does this, but I suspect it removes some calcium buildup and heavy metals

from the skin. You should see the results somewhat the next day for comparison purposes.

Vitamin C is also important for collagen synthesis also and taking this with vitamin E and fish oils,

can also help the joints movement and reduce some pain too. A newer way is to try DHEA, this

will restore your skin entirely, but if you just want it for your hands, then perhaps try to get a

tablet of DHEA and mix that with vitamin E for example and apply to your hands. THis might help

and in fact there actually a DHEA hand cream somewhere, but you don't need to go get it, just

make a simple one as mentioned here. I must mentioned a little bit about vitamin D3 or vitamin

D4 (higher quality) in that certain conditions of arthritis is in fact a vitamin D deficiency. What

kinds of vitamin you use can make a difference, a preferred one, if you can get one is D4, (26 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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however it appears that in U.S. you require a prescription. At a place where I live I cannot obtain

this, so I just went with the lower quality vitamin D2, and the usual dose at least for my friends

and relative is 20,000 I.U. per day for only 30 days, then stop. There is growing evidence that

colloidal silver is helpful to arthritis. But once you are "cured", you need to stop using it. Now why

does colloidal silver cure arthritis? Will a little unknown reason that most people do not know is

that in presence of silver the cells de-differentiated, in simple language, it is an equivalent of

creating stem cells. Now once they become de-differentiated, the cells can regenerate the

arthritis conditions. If you fear of agyria from silver use, then after you gotten better, just take

plenty of vitamin C, E, and selenium. They will generally remove the agyria problem for some

people who do have it. I couldn't cover everything about arthritis, but this is just the major ways

to deal with it."

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6/3/2006: Jeannine writes Ted again: "I noticed a small calcium lump (I'm assuming that's what

it is) on the knuckle of my pinky (left, my twisting hand). Any ideas to melt away this lump? The

small rash on my back is also getting better. This rash, in the past, remained persistently

aggravated. Question. I'm taking the high dose Atomodine referenced in the E Cayce readings. Do

you know anything about these high dose iodine treatments? Is it ok to combine the supplements

and the Atomodine? I don't want to overdo it."

Ted responds: "Melting the calcium on the twisting hand is quite a challenge, it took many years

for this lump to come up, assuming of course this is from your bones, not from the skin.

This is due to a long term vitamin D, magnesium and in my opinion, L-Carnosine deficiency.

Taking these three over a somewhat longer period will reduce it, but not instantly melt away.

However, getting your energy back is relatively simple, the bones just takes more time. The

fastest way I know is perhaps buy a book and practice Quantum Touch, or get a Quantum Touch

practitioner to melt this calcium issue. Quantum touch is a strange healing, in that it corrects your

bones deformities rather quickly, especially in the spine area, but can be helpful with your hands.

Of course it will take a couple of months (if you can) to get that down to a point that you are

happy with too. Quantum touch has its origin (the author avoids this reference) from Eastern

Medicine called Qigong, but since this is rather involved, just in case you are wondering.

As to Edgar Cayce's recommendation on Atomidine, the chemical compound is known as Iodine

Trichloride, which is an extremely water soluble compound in water making the likelihood of an (27 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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overdose quite difficult. In the field of chemistry, most "salts" or chloride compound are water

soluble and usually such excess are rid of by the body in due time, reducing the possibility of

overdose somewhat.

I tend to be quite conservative with my views and a minimum use of Atomidine would be not to

exceed one week if done everyday. If you go beyond one week you can try it once a week or once

a month should be sufficient. For me I prefer once a week is a good estimate that should prevent

such overdose.

Practically all of Edgar Cayce's remedy are side-effect free if you follow his instructions and the

strict specification of the product he recommends. By the way, most of energy coming back, at

least for me is usually DHEA and magnesium, in case you are wondering what specific

supplements are responsible. Some can just see energy coming back with a simple baking soda+

citric acid (plus tiny pinch of potassium & magnesium helps) before bedtime also. Ted"

6/13/2006: Jeannine writes, "I went off my alkaline food diet and suffered greatly. I'm still taking

the supplements every other day. My knees hurt so much that I'm back on the diet. I also

purchased the Quantum Touch Book on the Internet. I have a question about the make-at-home

body alkalizer (baking soda, citric acid potassium...) you recommended. How do I take this? As a

powder or a liquid? In water? I'm not sure. Please let me know."

Ted responds: "An alkaline food diet is very important. Many foods we eat are quite acid. Our

body needs alkaline foods. It is difficult to be on an alkaline foods as they are not as tempting as

the acid foods. I get into this problem all the time! They are one of the causes arthritis. Just

remember that high glycemic diets (carbohydrates, grain, flour, and sweets) are quite acid. I

have a question about the make-at-home body alkalizer (baking soda, citric acid potassium...)

you recommended. How do I take this? As a powder or a liquid? In water? Mix everything in water

in a full glass or half glass of water. There are two ways to mix it. one way is to add citric acid

first then baking soda until a precipitates start forming then I stop. Then I add a pinch of

potassium and magnesium to the mix. Another way is to add the baking soda first, then keep

adding the citric acid,stir until the baking soda precipitates disappear. Then add a pinch of

potassium and magnesium. The water will fizz. Wait for a couple of minutes until the fizz is down.

Then drink it down on an empty stomach. Wait until all the liquids are in the intestines. Do not

eat for at least an hour or two. If you eat immediately this will usually cause loose stools. The

alkaline and the salts in your foods don't mix well. Of course if you want to cure constipation, that

is another matter." (28 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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6/14/2006: Jeannine writes, "I marvel at your knowledge. I will stay on the alkaline diet even

though it's so restrictive. Do you know if humus is allowed? It's one of my favorites and I can't

find anything that indicates it's a food I should say away from. Also do you know if popcorn is a

restricted food or not?"

Ted replies, "Jeannine: Popcorn is quite toxic due to the packaging which contains fluoridated

compounds (flurotelemer) that seeps in, it is high in carbohydrate (acid),and the butter they use

is trans-fatty acid (which destroys your liver function). And often some packages of popcorn have

aluminum, which is toxic to the brain. The protein from popcorn are incomplete. Taking whey

protein would be more ideal. Pellagra disease is often associated with lack of bioavailability of

corn on amino acid tryptophan, therefore the body cannot convert this to vitamin B3, or niacin.

Well, popcorn has a long and sordid history of health problems. For me I would stay away due to

higher than average carbohydrate.

Do you know if humus is allowed? It's one of my favorites and I can't find anything that indicates

it's a food I should say away from.

I am taken to mean it Humus is an arabic food using chick peas, olive oil, sesame paste, hard

boiled eggs, and pita bread. Pita bread is relatively high in glycemic index. But other things

appear o.k. with exception of hard boiled eggs be modified to partially boiled eggs where the yolk

is still liquid. You MIGHT get around the problems of restrictive alkaline diets by taking in more

protein whose source will be only from fish and whey protein. They are a bit less acid forming and

less likely to interfere with your arthritis and they have Omega 3 fatty acid, which is helpful with

arthritis. The absolute key is reducing the sugars and fats, in particular vegetable oils. Alkaline

diets usually helps, but you can make modifications and see if that works. Avoid microwave

cooking, you eat neurotoxic proteins and trans-fatty acid and alien protein when you do that.

Microwave cooking alters the molecular structure of proteins, DNA, and RNA. It is like having your

own genetically modified foods using microwave technology. And with the miracles of horizontal

gene transfer (nature exchanges DNA all the time with the food we eat), your DNA makeup can

change just eating these. Arthitis will get worse with that kind of cooking. Ted"

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|7/25/2006: Bryan from Lansing, MI asks: "Hello. I came on your site doing a search for

removing calcium deposits from blood vessels. I've had chest pains and did a CT angiogram which

showed extensive and dangerous calcium deposits in coronary arteries, aortic valve and aorta. (29 of 32)10/13/2007 5:15:52 PM

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However, I'm losing calcium from my bones and now have osteoporosis. (Male, 73, run 2 to 13

miles, only meds are eyedrops for glaucoma). I've tried magnesium but it gives me irregular

pulse. Noted your EDTA. Have appt with nutritionist Thursday. Any ideas on why my calcium is

leaving my bones (IF that is the cause of osteo) and going to my soft tissue? Thyroid is iffy but

endo says basically normal. Any thoughts would be appreciated."

Ted from Bangkok replies, "Dear Bryan: Calcium leaves the bones only when your pH of your

body is slightly acid cause the calcium to leave the body and gets everywhere but the bones. It is

the same story as you put bones in vinegar, the calcium will be completely removed from the


Therefore, to solve this problem take a fair amount of citric acid + baking soda, at 1/4 teaspoon

each mixed with water at least twice a day. With sufficient buffer the calcium won't leave the

body and what is in the body the citrates will remove it. To return the body to normal quicker,

taking B complex will help, especiall B6. Vitamin Bs work together with magnesium and this is

why you have trouble with the use of it. You must take both.

Chickens don't get heart disease because for one thing their drinking water is dechlorinated, but

our water is chlorinated. Get a dechlorinator from Pet shops that sells aquarium fishes and put a

couple of drops it in your water. Removal of chlorine will prevent calcium carbonate from sticking

on to the coronary walls as sodium thiosulfate causes greater solubility of calcium also. Chlorine

have a tendency to cause the settling of calcium carbonate, this has been my observations as

thiosulfates have a weak chelation capabilities too. Taking EDTA alone will not work as well as you

take baking soda together. They work synergistically. Ted"

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