Download - National Perspective April 25, 2010

Page 1: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 Edition 87 Vol. 2 - Week 36


See story on page 14


Supt. Edward Broaster

A salacious expose of rogue cops and rogue Cabinet MinistersHon. Gaspar Vega Crispin Jeffries

See story on page 3

Channel 7’s TV Reporter Dies

Keith Kevin Swift dies of Brain Hemorrhage at 30

See story on page 5 See story on page 5

Luisa Carillo Succumbs from Jumping a Hijacked Bus

Left: Luisa Carillo, Right: Dr.Joel Cervantes

Page 2: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 2

very inexperience. These young parents were not capable to instill the moral values in their children. Also, many of the kids were born to single mothers, since many of the fathers abandoned the households. By the 1980s this

third generation (children of the young parents) began turning into adolescents and young adults and looking for guidance. The UDP government in the mid 1980s was not interested in putting any programs in place to positively harness all the wild hormones that these young people possessed at the time. They were left to fi nd their way guided by television and drug barons that were gaining prominence along with the advent of crack cocaine. By 1992 the crime situation was already becoming sensational with contract killings being carried out such as the famous Itza Brown slaying at the National Stadium. Since then, literally hundreds of such slaying has occurred and none of the recommendation in the 1992 Crime Report has been implemented. What has happened is the consistent increase in the crime wave and additional laws placed on the books to marginalize law abiding Belizeans. While in tandem, the Belizeans law abiding citizens’ homes have become their prisons. Belizeans cannot exit their homes at night because they belong to the criminals that roam the streets at night. Presently, the UDP government

is powerless to do anything to reduce the crime situation in Belize. They are focused on the Police Department as the primary fi ghting tool against crime. They brought in a suspected felon named Harold Crooks to advise

them on how to modify the Police Department. To date, nothing has changed within the Police Department; crime is unabated and the entire Belizean society is poorer and more desperate than ever. The UDP government continues to waste precious time

Belizeans of the old capital, Belize City, continues to be nostalgic of the “old days” when Belize was considered safe and life was revered. These old timers are somewhere in their mid forties and fi fties and can be considered Belize’s version of the baby boomers. These baby boomers longed for the days when as a family, they can take a stroll in the park have ice cream and retire to their fenced homes. These baby boomers claimed that Belize of the seventies and early eighties was safe; the only fear in the streets at night was ‘ghost’ and the occasional UBAD hoodlums that had attempted to infest the streets of the old capital. However the dreams of the Belizean baby boomers are no doubt the dream of all Belizeans, young and old, rich or poor. In 1992 the Honorable George Price, as Prime Minister of Belize commissioned a Crime Report Committee of fi ve members. This report was very detailed and highlighted the root causes of the deterioration of the then Belizean youth along with the Belizean society. The report noted that the breakdown in the family structure has signifi cantly contributed to the moral degradation of the society. The breakdown commenced after Hurricane Hattie in 1961 that destroyed Belize City, which in turn destroyed all the economic activity in the urban center. As a result many mothers and fathers left Belize for the United States in an effort to seek better economic opportunities and to be able to improve the lives of their family. These kids of these adventurous parents were left with other family members such as grandmothers, aunts, older sisters, etc. In majority of the cases the guardians in Belize was not equipped to supervise the young children when they began transitioning to adolescents. The young kids began rebelling, choosing their own direction. During the early 1970s, they began to become mothers and fathers themselves at young ages, thus being

bickering and blame slinging. No efforts are being made to provide more jobs for the Belizeans that are on the unemployment line. However, the government insiders are busy fi lling their pockets and ensuring that nothing

is shared with poor Belizeans. The time has come for Belizeans to send a fi rm message to the government telling them that they should do their jobs; nothing more, nothing less. This UDP government is noted for pretending they are saints and creating gimmicks. Gimmick such as a $200 million Stimulus Package that has not materialized. This so called stimulus package was a direct set up by the Prime Minister because thus far, not even $1.00 has been spent on any stimulus package. Benefi ts will come to the people when the people demand that the

Dean Barrow government do their jobs in accordance with their manifesto. The PUP will be required to do the same when their term comes in 2013.

25 Nanche St. Belmopan


Presently, the UDP government is powerless to do anything to reduce the crime situation in Belize.

They are focused on the Police Department as the primary fi ghting tool against crime. They brought

in a suspected felon named Harold Crooks to advise them on how to modify the Police Department. To date,

nothing has changed within the Police Department; crime is unabated and the entire Belizean society is

poorer and more desperate than ever.


Page 3: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 3

Continued from page 1

By: Rhenae NunezA salacious 10 page document headlined “Danger” and dubbed “The Broaster Report” by the National Perspective has been circulating in the media (mostly via an e-mail file incongruously titled “I WOULD WANT YOU AND MY SWEETHEART TO BE FRIENDS”) and the wider society for about two weeks now. The document is not well written but tells compelling stories of events that otherwise would not have reached the wider society. In fact, although most members of the media have seen the document, they have chosen not to tamper with it. Whether this is out of fear or genuine uncertainty about its veracity, we don’t know but we have chosen to give “The Broaster Report” a second look.Following the release of the document, Superintendent Edward Broaster was hospitalized at the Medical Associates Hospital with “heart complications.” Our information is that he developed the symptoms after he was advised that the contents of his lap top computer, which had allegedly been stolen, would be disclosed. The document introduces itself as a letter, beginning with the salutation “Dear Sir; I challenge you to read this document and digest it before you analyze it carefully bearing in mind that the current status quo in the department has turned 360 degrees.” It is clearly

a mixture of the anonymous author’s opinions et cetera, and what he labels excerpts from the files of the purloined laptop. After reviewing the document we have concluded that it indeed tells a frighteningly compelling story and paints a vivid picture of the bowels of the Belize Police Department and more so, the state of Belize’s National Security. The document is too long, the allegations too numerous to be dealt with in one article so we will have to comment on its contents, cautiously and carefully, in parts.On April 1st, All Fools Day, when Detective Constable Mangar was flaunted as a symbol of corruption and an example of the so-called rogue cops in the Police Department, it precipitated a series of events which culminated with the heisting of Broaster’s computer. In the Broaster Report we now learn that the officer was set up. The Broaster Report states: “Last year a laptop was stolen from a very prominent citizen and it was recovered from a Chinese national who is friends with Eddie and Lee Mark. A coolie descent police officer was instrumental in the recovery of that lap top. “Four days prior to the sting operation David went to CIB office and inquired for the cell number and address of Mangar. “The day after David had inquired about Mangar’s particulars, Germaine Palacio was on Cran Street inquiring about

Mangar house. Gilbert Goodger who lives in the neighborhood showed Palacio Mangar’s house. “On the month of November 2009 Mangar arrested and charged Palacio for the crime of robbery. Palacio had just been released from prison after serving a 6 years sentence for robbery. “Any way Palacio arrived at Mangar’s house and he noticed that Mangar had his things packed because Mangar was moving out of the house. Palacio volunteered to sell DVD’s and CD’s for Mangar, promising Mangar that whenever he gets the stuff sold he would bring back the money to Mangar. “The night in question when Mangar got the phone call he honestly believed that he was going to get money from the DVD and CD sales from Palacio. Upon his arrival at the place that Palacio had summoned him he was arrested. David already had photocopied monies in his possession. “That same night prior to the sting operation against Mangar Ernie Miranda and Germaine Palacio boarded a taxi cab being driven by an age able male from the Village of Double Head Cabbage. They boarded the taxi cab on Castle Street, which is David’s old neighborhood. They held up the taxi driver at gun point and forced the driver to take them to the Martin De Porres Area. Luckily for the taxi man there was a fire in the Junesville Area and Inspector Valerio, PC Ryan Young and another police officer were diverting vehicle that were approaching Holy Emmanuel Street from the Western Highway. Palacio, Miranda and their hostage approached the Police detour but before reaching the officers Palacio and Miranda jumped out of the vehicle that

plunged into a near by drain. Palacio was detained and Miranda escaped. Palacio then told the police that their plan was to rob Chon Saan Palace but before doing that they had to get a next gun from Leon Yorke. A search of the car resulted in the discovery of a .38 revolver and one live round. Bogo who was nearby the Fire scene intervened and took over the investigation and transported Palacio in his vehicle and thus contacted Eddie and David and their Evil and malicious plot sprung into action. Where and when was the attempted robbery committed at Chon Saan.”We note that on November 23, 2009, Channel 7 News reported in a story headlined “Gang of 4 Charged for Vasquez Avenue Robbery” that four men “24 year old Jermaine Palacio from Castle Street, 29 year old Leon Usher from Mahogany Heights, 23 year old Lionel Sampson from Antelope Street and 26 year old Jermaine Garbutt from Neal’s Pen Road” were arrested and charged for robbery, harm, and firearm possession stemming from the armed robbery of Tong’s II supermarket on Vasquez Avenue. The television station further reported that: “Germaine Palacio pleaded guilty to the charges, but because he did not agree with the facts of the case when they were read to him, Magistrate Albert Hoare entered a not guilty plea for all the charges. Palacio was serving a 5 year sentence for robbery and was released on parole 6 weeks ago. But now he’s going back to jail – along with his associates as all four defendants were remanded into custody until January fifth of next year.”The Broaster Report goes on to make several allegations about the handling of

The Broaster Report

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Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 4

I remember as a child, visiting on occasion, what was then the very small border town of Chetumal. Although here at home, we ourselves would have to have been considered very poor, in Chetumal we were allowed almost a sense of superiority. The folks over there were evidently even poorer than we were and far more wretched in appearance. The little buildings were dilapidated and the children were tattered and ragged for the most part. Everywhere people were begging and in most instances, these beggars were the little ones, obviously with little or nothing to eat. Then there was the crime. You could not leave anything unattended for any period of time. The cops were openly corrupt with mordidas being the order of the day. If nothing else, it would give us Belizeans a reason to appreciate and be grateful for what we had, realizing that we were indeed living in a good country. Even though we did not always have enough, we at least had pride. We enjoyed the little visits but were usually happy to cross back into home turf which at the time had very little crime and where we all lived together in a neighborly, peaceful and happy environment. My how things have changed!Today, we visit Chetumal and it is a thriving metropolis; modern buildings, beautifully kept roads and avenues and a wide variety of top class hotels, restaurants, cinemas and shopping malls. Civic pride is evident as everywhere that you look or go; the homes are properly maintained with well groomed lawns and painted fences. The city is immaculately clean with hefty fi nes levied for littering and the breaking of rules. The story is told of one school teacher, who was taking her class of students for a fi eld trip to Chetumal. Upon nearing the border, the teacher stands up and says to her class: “students, if you have anything to throw out the window, do it now because you won’t be able to do it over there!” That little anecdote, more than anything, sums up the attitude of many Belizeans. We know that what we can get away with at home, we cannot get away with over there. Belize has basically become what Chetumal used to be. Chetumal currently stands as a shining model of growth and development and is heralded as one of Mexico’s cleanest cities. Belize City on the other hand, is currently looked upon as the armpit of the region and just about every international travel advisory, warns against even short visits to our swamp. Crime is outrageously out of control and murders are dispensed like health vitamins; one a day at least. Potholed streets, overgrown lots, fi lth and garbage, abandoned and neglected buildings and derelict vehicles are everywhere you go. And then there is the begging! I was in San Pedro recently and saw a tee shirt on sale that made me very ashamed. The tee shirt read, “Belize, the land of “gimme dollar”. For a minute I was upset but as I stood there

staring into the store window, a man came up to me and, you guessed it, asked me for a dollar. What an incredibly ironic attestation. The begging in Belize has grown epidemic. Where is the dignity? Where is the pride?

Have you ever said hello to someone and then realize what a mistake you just made? There’s usually a long sad story, sometimes accompanied by a doctor paper or some type of appeal letter. Almost every one you meet seems to have their palms outstretched. The saddest thing is to see grown and apparently healthy young men, begging ailing elderly folks for money. These people have no shame! And then they give you the classic line, “would you rather I go steal?” Well ole chap, if

the only two choices available to you are to beg or steal, then I would rather you just disappear. What benefi t are you to our society? What good can you do for our country?If a man is down on his luck for awhile,

one can almost understand. Many of these individuals however, have adopted this style for a living; for them it is a profession. I have known guys who grew up around the same time that I did. We would go to Majestic or Palace and “hustle” to get in. By “hustle” I mean beg a nickel here or a nickel there to make up the entrance fee. I look around today, and a few of these same guys are still out there hustling, in the very same way. Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Maybe we should study Chetumal and fi gure out how they were able to make the transformation from indigence to opulence. We also need to study our own history and try to fi gure out where and how we slid into this state of mendacity and plucklessness. Sure the politicians had a hand in getting things this way, but where was the will to resist? We need to stop this beggy, beggy business and regain our spirit of independence and dignity. Charity is a virtue but this pandemic beggary is by no means virtuous. Off your knees Belize, please!In closing this week, I would like to

add my voice to the chorus of condolences to the family and close friends of veteran reporter Keith Swift. I cannot say that I was ever close friends with Keith Swift and during my time with Police, we were usually on opposite ends of opinion. Keith Swift even joined the Police Press Offi cer briefl y during the time that I was there. His premier allegiance was always to Channel Seven however, and I objected to his biased dissemination of news to that particular media house. I was always impressed with his writing skills though, and was sorry to lose his expertise in that area

when he left. We might never know what really killed Keith Swift, for as could have been expected, the autopsy was for the most part, inconclusive. We are promised toxicology tests but then again, how often have we heard that one! Needless to say, Keith Swift will be missed and condolences are in order to the many family, friends and fans that he leaves grieving behind. For sure, there’ll be some no-holds-barred reporting on the night shift. RIP Keith!

I was in San Pedro recently and saw a tee shirt on sale that made me very ashamed. The tee shirt read, “Belize, the land of “gimme dollar”. For a minute I was upset but as I stood there staring

into the store window, a man came up to me and, you guessed it, asked me for a dollar. What an

incredibly ironic attestation.

Continued from page 3

the Jermaine Mangar matter, including that the senior detective at the scene did not record a statement from “the old man who was kidnapped” and that he did not process the car. It notes that the report of the kidnapping was never revealed and that “the reason why it is being kept hush hush is that if the old man would had given his statement then Lee Mark could not have been portrayed as the fearless businessman and win the political friendship he now enjoys with the Prime Minister.”The anonymous author of the Broaster Report, who purports to be a police offi cer, makes several more scandalous allegations against a number of his fellow offi cers in this matter, but because they are unverifi able at this point, they can only remain as such, for now.He also posts the sitrep for the incident that completely contradicts the “offi cial” story in nearly all material aspects. In his introduction the

author asks, (and attempts to answer) the question: “Why is it that the indictment of the “Rogue Cops” surfaced when public distrust is at a climax? The objective is to bring to light the current department managerial incompetence in instilling discipline within the organization. The aim is to show the incompetence of the Commissioner of Police, Deputy and Commander Management Services; prompting Commander CYDP to rescue the department. Since when has Eddie been an investigator? The allegation was sensationalized and this assisted the Government in distracting citizens from the issue of the fuel prices rising, GST raising and the Belize Chamber of Commerce raising hell. All of these issues were placed in the back burner and the Police Department was again sacrifi ced in order to save the politicians. The commissioner of police was misled and is being used as a pawn in Eddie’s plot of taking over the department by showing the incompetence of his competition.

Eddie is now the favorite of the Prime Minister and the substitute to Crispin.”Whatever the intentions and objective of the Jermaine Mangar rogue-cop arrest and press conference, it is now clear that the entire sordid episode was not honestly or accurately portrayed to the public and the public is not fooled. The endemic corruption and incompetence in the ranks of the Police Department continue to be exposed for all to see, and the stench is now stifl ing. The Broaster Report, though, not only goes on to make even more lurid allegations about police corruption but also makes the most sensational and scandalous accusations of political corruption ever presented in the annals of Belize’s political history.Its accusations and allegations, specifi cally against cabinet ministers Gasper Vega and Anthony “Boots” Martinez, are as without parallel or precedent.It must be a sign of the times that this explosive document is only whispered about between friends and acquaintances. It is dangerous, explosively so.

The Broaster Report

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Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 5


Pretends to care about Black Southside Belizeans

Willfully ignores Barrow & UDP’s Corrupt Practices

Deceives Belizeans into think-ing (His)tory is Belize’s History.


By Rhenae NunezBelize City; Tues. April 20, 2010Keith Kevin Swift only lived thirty short years but over a third of his life he etched his place on the Belizean media landscape as a familiar face, voice and personality on Channel 7 News’ weeknight newscast. Police Medical Examiner Dr. Mario Estradabran performed a post mortem examination on Tuesday evening and concluded that Keith died sometime on Monday morning from heart failure triggered by a brain hemorrhage. Dr. Estradabran explained that the hemorrhage sent blood clots coursing to his heart, clogging it, causing Keith’s heart to fail. His death mercifully was almost instant, Estradabran concluded. Keith was battling arthritis and up to the time of his death he was on medication for it. Dr. Estradabran theorized that the brain hemorrhage could have been caused by pain killers mixed with energy drinks. He emphasized that it was only a theory and only a toxicology report can establish whether or not the combination of pain killers and energy drinks were lethal cocktail.The toxicology report, however, could also prove inconclusive. Keith was found lying on the floor of his bedroom by his co-tenant Mark Bowman, shortly after five when he returned from work Monday evening. Keith had not reported for work at Channel 7, on Monday and calls to his cell phone had gone unanswered. He

was last seen alive the night before, and his door was closed though the key was in the lock. The news shocked the entire nation and precipitated an outpouring of sympathy and condolences expressed through messages to Channel 7 where Keith worked since he interned there at seventeen years old. In an all too brief life but relatively speaking long career, Keith etched his place on the Belizean media landscape not only through longevity but also earning the respect of his colleagues and the admiration of a legion of fans for which he had become a familiar and trusted reporter. From his early years in the industry it was obvious that he was mature beyond his years. His preciosity was apparent and that talent and potential soon evolved into an entertaining, often self-deprecating and wry humorous style that became his signature “a Keith Swift story.” His was a refreshing curiosity, a determination to get answers to the questions, and a desire to tell the story right.Keith Swift will be missed both personally and professionally, and will be remembered not only for a lifetime worth of over 3,000 stories that chronicled an industry, a country and himself as they all matured, and literally grew up right before our very eyes.

There were high hopes last week for eighteen year old Luisa Carillo who jumped from a D&E Bus as it travelled at top speed while being hijacked by two Guatemalan bandits. The incident occurred on Sunday night April 11th shortly after seven as the bus was making a routine scheduled trip from Belize City to Benque Viejo Del Carmen. As the bus stopped at Clarissa Falls to let off passengers, the two men who were already on board approached; one armed with a grenade and the other with handgun. The man with the gun approached the driver Ernesto Castillo Jr. 19, and ordered him to keep driving and then demanded the purse containing the proceeds of the day’s operation. The conductor handed it over and the gunman made his way to the back of the bus where he proceeded to rob the passengers. The grenade man remained on the third step and kept brandishing the grenade. He warned Castillo against signaling other drivers, because he would detonate the grenade killing everyone on board. When the bus reached Succotz the grenade man ordered Castillo to slow down and to open the door. That was when a passenger kicked the grenade man off the bus. The gunman was still on board robbing the passengers. His weapon jammed when he attempted to us it therefore the passengers and

conductor seized the opportunity to jump on him, beat him up and stabbed him multiple times, eventually killing him.A terrified Luisa Carillo jumped off the bus during the mutiny and sustained a fractured skull. She has been in the Belize Healthcare Partners Hospital since Monday under a medically induced coma while doctors worked in earnest for her recovery. Luisa was conscious when she was admitted on Monday and recognized members of her family but her doctor, Neurosurgeon Joel Cervantes said that she was showing signs of neurological demise. Dr. Cervantes said that they took proactive measures to stop the swelling on her brain. Cervantes explained that it appeared that Luisa jumped backwards and landed on the right side of her head sustaining injury in the temporal region and fractured the base of her skull which communicates with the ear canal on the right side. Dr. Cervantes explained to Channel 7’s Keith Swift that, “At the same time the brain issue was flung up inside the skull and this caused two conditions to occur. One is a blood clot that is trapped between the surface of the brain and the inner part of the skull on the right hand side and secondly because minor blood vessels had a rupture, in the water canal of the brain she has a little bit

Channel 7’s TV Reporter Dies

Luisa Carillo Succumbs from Jumping a

Hijacked BusContinued from page 1

Continued from page 1

Continued on page 6

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Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 6

The third institution that contributes to this ‘triangle of injustice’ is the prison system. According to one source we are now paying approximately $10,000 per year for every inmate in prison. Prison was one of the few areas of government expenditure to attract an increase in their budget in this year’s National Budget. There are presently nearly 1500 inmates in the Belize Prison System, (Kolbe). When you add the above cost to a guesstimate of about 60% of the Police budget, and about 70% of the Court’s budget that

is also spent yearly in processing this same sector of youth, you get an idea of the enormous yearly cost of dealing with this certain sector of criminals rotating through the criminal justice system. The cost of feeding, clothing, housing, supervising, and providing medical needs, etc. for thousands of individuals, many of whom are in prison for ‘fine/confine’ offences, is not only a drain on Belize’s scarce resource but also a waste of human resources. When one considers that by the time these youths enter prison (post primary school), government has already invested millions of dollars in free primary health care and education on them. Now, in the prime of their productive years, when they should begin paying back society through contributing to the tax base, they remain a burden not only to the government, but the entire society. While monies would be well spent on protecting society from rapist, murderers, and violent individuals, the fact is, most of Belize’s convicted prison population is made up of youth, many of them repeat offenders, who have less than a year remaining on their sentence and who were confined for what can be considered ‘fine/confine’ offences. Some are in prison for what is called “economic crimes”, such as thief, robbery, burglary and drug trafficking. If the increase harshness of

prison sentences over the last two decades was effective then why is recidivism (returnee rate) in prison so high? It is estimated by prison officials that seven out of every ten inmates released from prison, returns. Longer sentences have only succeeded in warehousing more convicts. Despite the limited successes we have seen in the rehabilitative approach taken by Kolbe the prison population continues to increase and now stands at nearly 1500; and prison remains a warehouse where individuals are

housed and taken care of for a certain period before they are returned to society, most not significantly different from when they entered.Anyone who knows will tell you that in the age of computers and cell phones some inmates in prison are just as connected as me and you. And remember the revelation that some high ranking officers in the prison do favors for certain inmates, which include home visits and a night on the town. Simply sending criminals to Kolbe has not turned around the challenge we now face. Prison has not deterred criminals from a life of crime; in fact, in some cases it facilitates. There is no real fear of going to prison among these youths.IN RETROSPECT In retrospect, twenty five years of implementing legislations, beefing up the police, expanding the courts and increasing the space in the prison were not enough to mitigate the social and economic problems that contributed in this phenomenal growth in crime in our country. While they represented an understandable reaction to a social crisis, their impact on the social problems that produced the crisis in the first place, was not realized. In reacting to one set of problems (increase crime), another set of problems, (expanded criminal culture), was nurtured. So what we have today is an animal let loose on the public,

especially in poor communities. An animal created by a criminal justice system gone awry. Instead of rehabilitating these criminals and returning them to society as civil individuals the criminal justice system has been turning out youths who are increasingly degenerate, angry, and yes, animals. Clearly the only way out of this triangle of injustice is to amend the Crime Control Act I & II and begin to reintroduce justice back into the system. The police must continue to emphasize community policing strategies while increasing its assault on the most dangerous among of the criminal elements. The Courts must return to the discretionary powers of Magistrates and Judges to look into extenuating circumstances and avoid sending to prison those who could be dealt with through community service and other non-custodial sentences. There must be an expansion of the Legal Aid Unit to provide legal representation in non capital cases. There must be an immediate move to reduce the population of the remand section of the prison. There must be a radical move to restructure the prison environment to include more work and less leisure in the population. Work gangs doing socially beneficial public works projects so that society, as well as inmates, gets the sense that they are indeed paying their debt to society. We need a radical departure

Triangle of Injustice

Clearly the only way out of this triangle of injustice is to amend the Crime Control Act I & II and begin to reintroduce justice back into the system. The police must continue

to emphasize community policing strategies while increasing its assault on the most

dangerous among of the criminal elements.

from the same old same old. One area that should also be considered, and one which has been suggested before by the respected Janus, and is worth revisiting, is the matter of segregating known gang leaders and hardened criminals from the general prison population. We must break the connection, isolate the cancer, and treat these inmates independently. These are tough decisions but worth considering in face of a growing criminal culture that need drastic actions. We should create a self sustaining camp in the most remote section of the country, where the only means of communication is a lone digital scan radio operated by the prison guards to keep in contact with headquarters. Where the only access is by vehicle and filled with wild life to discourage escapes. This camp should house all difficult cases. The inmates at this camp will sustain themselves though hard work to expand the facility as well as feed themselves. Inmates will serve their sentences of a year and more at this facility. The character building training provided by this facility will allow these youth to disconnect from the culture of Belize City for an extended time; when they have built up their own personality and sense of self and direction they are ready to reenter Belize City, armed with the skills and ability to survive the rigors of life as they survived the challenges of the jungle. (Comments welcomed at [email protected])

by: Nuri Muhammad

Continued from page 5

of blood in it. Secondarily she has developed a lot of brain swelling, well moderate to severe, which between the blood clots and the brains swelling, this compromises her life to a certain extent.”While things looked bleak for the student of Sacred Heart College in Cayo District, her doctors were hopeful because of her young age and good health. Luisa was expecting to graduate in June. On Friday, Dr. Cervantes woke Luisa up and expressed optimism for her recovery. Although still guarded, he said that her chance for survival had improved from 60 – 40 to 70 – 30 percent. Cervantes hoped to start her on a liquid diet and take her out of the Intensive Care Unit and eventually send her home by the middle of the week. By Sunday, Luisa still awake and cognizant started complaining of a headache and eventually had to be rushed back into surgery to essentially make room for further swelling that had re-occurred on her brain. Dr. Cervantes explained to Channel 7’s Jim McFadzean,

“We did a brain CT scan and the evidence was that around the brain stem, the most primitive part of the brain, the water canals that surrounded, there was the appearance of blood that wasn’t there before. Basically what this did was shut down the supply of blood to the brain. And at the same time that causes the brain enema to resurge.” “She already had some residual blood brain swelling but with this new appearance, that sent the brain into overdrive,” Cervantes explained, “the necessity became to have to make space so her brain could swell out which is the next step that we did that same day. We took her to surgery and did extensive removal of bone, bone flap, taking off bone to allow the brain tissue to swell out.Luisa Carillo, 18, died on Monday, having never regained consciousness after Sunday’s emergency procedure. She is survived by her parents, four sisters and three brothers. Luisa was laid to rest on Thursday.

Luisa Carillo Succumbs from

Jumping a Hijacked Bus

Page 7: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 7

Letters Editorto the

West Landivar Residents to Carlos Perdomo; Tear Down that Fence!

Robbery and Gunfire at Dolphin Park

By: Rhenae NunezBelize City; Mon. April 19, 2010Just as residents of the quiet West Landivar neighborhood near Dolphin Park were settling in for the night around 10:40 p.m. last Saturday night, they were jolted from their from their tranquility by a barrage of gunfi re. About six shots witnesses said that they heard, others say that they heard more. Three teenagers were doing homework on their laptop computer in Dolphin Park under the watchful eyes of their mother and Rufus X when two young men, described to be about fi ve feet tall and perhaps in their mid teens approached and placed what appeared to

be silver color weapons to their heads and demanded their possess ions . Those were the laptop computer, their cell phones

and cash. Fearing for their lives they complied as their mother and Rufus X watched helplessly, not wanting to startle the robbers or their victim. Rufus X fi red a shot after the robbers exited the park and they promptly fi red back. Luckily no one was hurt during the exchange however one of the bullets found its way in police prosecutor Clinton Magdaleno’s home and barely missed his wife. The Magdalenos live diagonally across from the park. The robbers were seen fl eeing toward Bachelor Avenue. Police responded about fi ve minutes after and did not display much enthusiasm to

pursue the culprits who were believed to have still been in the neighborhood. The incident has brought to fore a number of issues of concern to West Landivar residents especially those in close proximity to the park. The community had banned together to prevent businessman and developer David Gegg from building a 56 boat slip marina with a restaurant, bar, gas station and a three storey offi ce complex next to Dolphin Park. Soon after the matter was settled in court, a group calling themselves the West Landivar Citizens Action Committee, WLCAC, took charge of all things West Landivar and have since then fenced off Dolphin Park and the entire plot that w a s supposed to be the site for the Gegg project. The WLCAC also drafted a bill that would designate West Landivar as a residential area. There have been mixed reactions to the proposal and the bill was shot down by former Prime Minister Said Musa when it was presented in the House during the 2010 budget debate. Musa pointed out that the bill ultra vires, meaning that it proposed to do things that would be beyond it scope and would confl ict with

the City and Town Planning Act. For that reason it would be challenged in court and would not stand up to scrutiny. There have been no further developments regarding the bill. There have been mixed reactions to the bill in West Landivar since many residents say that they have not seen the Bill and have not attended any of the consultative meetings on the Bill. The National Perspective has made several attempts to see a copy of the

p r o p o s e d bill at the West Landivar police precinct but our attempts have been unsuccessful. In November of last year, cabinet approved the bylaws for the zoning of West Landivar. The bill was rescinded after it was challenged in the House of Representatives. There has been no word from the architects of the bill about whether they will pursue it further therefore we assume that the West Landivar Zoning Bill was still born.

Sunset apartments across from Dolphin Park, the property of businessman and Coye’s

nemesis, Alfred Shackron.

Dolphin Park in West Landivar built by former Area Representative, Joe Coye

Belmopan, 14 April 2010.- The Embassy of Mexico informs that Mexican Customs has confi rmed that the inspection schedule for passenger buses crossing the border to Chetumal, Mexico, has been extended from Monday to Sunday from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.The new schedule will allow any type of passenger buses to cross into Mexico any day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday.Buses arriving between 6:00 am and 9:00 am will be visually checked by customs offi cers at the Mexican border, while buses crossing from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm will be scanned by the Gamma Ray System that was implemented at the beginning of this year. The extension of the time, especially on weekends will facilitate the entrance of Belizean buses and passengers and at the same time it will enhance security and safety for visitors at the border between Mexico and Belize.The Embassy of Mexico also reminds the public that Belizean nationals DO NOT require visa to travel to Chetumal or to any other part of Mexico. In order to cross the border, Belizeans can use either their passport or their visitor’s card (FMVL).Belizeans are encouraged to apply for the FMVL card at the Mexican Immigration offi ce at the border. The card makes the entrance into Mexico faster and allows traveling within Quintana Roo, including Chetumal, Playa del Carmen and Cancun up to 3 consecutive days.For more information please contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of Mexico at 223-0193 or 223-0194 or write to [email protected] or visit the Embassy´s web page at



April 20, 2010

Dear Editor,

Allow me to share my views today about what I noticed in the Placencia Village Council Elections. Placencia is traditionally a UDP stronghold. The PUP stalwart on the Peninsula was Mrs. Doris Leslie, who sadly left us many years ago. With her death it seemed that the PUP was dead. But after Sunday there seems to be a resurrection of our beloved Blue and White.The outgoing Chairman, Mr. Brian Yearwood, a UDP supporter won in 2007 on a business platform. Although he had many faults, he tried to handle things evenly in trying to move Placencia forward. For that he paid a heavy price. Placencia has always tried to keep partisan politics out of the village’s affairs anyway. But the UDP sent down its heavy guns from Belmopan just three days before the election dictating to the people the candidates. Brian Yearwood was ousted and Glenn Eiley brought back. I thought after the trouncing Glen got at the hands of Rodwell Ferguson in 2003, he would have retired from politics. I guess not. Well it didn’t matter whom Melvin Hulse and the UDP tried to force upon the good residents down here. The popular grandson of Mrs. Doris, Charles ‘Juni’ Leslie seemed to have generated enough energy and support to beat Hulse himself. The energy was spurned by a youth movement that is tired of the politics of old. In fact Juni kept the election non-partisan.Juni whipped Brian and Glen combined. Clearly the voice of the people spoke loudly and clearly. They want fresh ideas. They want hope and vision. What they don’t want is Melvin Hulse and the UDP. Placencia people are no fools. They have hedged the future of their village in the grandson of the PUP backbone. UDP Ministers came down here, promising this and that and acting like arrogant lords. They really believed that their presence meant victory for the UDP.Take this message back with you to Belmopan. Stay out of Placencia. We don’t want the UDP. We don’t want Melvin Hulse.

Thanks,Proud Placencia Resident

Stay out of Placencia, UDP

Page 8: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 8

Page 9: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 9

NEWS FROM Latin america & regional

Chavez hails Venezuela independenceCARACAS– President Hugo Chavez kicked off a national party on Sunday for the 200th anniversary of Venezuela’s independence, but critics used the date to accuse him of turning the nation into a Cuban-style dictatorship.The socialist leader -- who casts himself as the heir to 19th century South American independence hero Simon Bolivar -- was welcoming fellow left-wing heads of state, such as Cuba’s Raul Castro and Bolivia’s Evo Morales, through the day.On Monday, exactly 200 years after Venezuela’s initial declaration of independence from Spain, the leaders of the Chavez-led ALBA alliance of Latin American countries are to hold a summit in Caracas amid celebrations across the nation.“Happy commemoration of 200 years of struggle,” Chavez wrote in a message to the nation. “Fatherland, Socialism or Death! We will overcome!”As well as echoing the language of his mentor Fidel Castro, the former Cuban president, Chavez has likewise presented his rule as a chance to bury the infl uence of capitalism.“We’re still not fully independent but now we’ll fi nish the job,” he told a group of children, some dressed as Bolivar. “A patriot has to be like Bolivar, revolutionary and socialist.”

The Venezuelan president, who came to prominence in a failed 1992 coup then won power at the ballot-box six years later, has taken over Fidel Castro’s role as the continent’s leading critic of U.S. power.Street-parties and special events took place all over Venezuela on Sunday. Armies of workers and volunteers -- dressed in the red T-shirts and caps of Chavez supporters -- swarmed over Caracas, sprucing up streets and buildings ahead of a military parade and other events planned for Monday.Raul Castro said he was “overjoyed” to be in Venezuela, adding the 49th anniversary of the failed U.S.-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was another cause to celebrate. “In the future we will celebrate the 490th anniversary,” he joked.OPPOSITION FRUSTRATIONChavez opponents, who have only beaten him once in about a dozen votes since 1998, fumed as they saw him turn the bicentennial into a huge show of support for his government.Some supporters of the “First Justice” party rallied at a Caracas square for an alternative “independence declaration”.“After 200 years, we are again under an odious foreign domination,” its leader Julio Borges said, accusing Chavez of an “indignant submission” to the Castro brothers. “The freedom fi ghters 200 years ago did not fi ght for ... dictatorship.”

Thousands of Cubans work with the Chavez government, in shanty-town medical clinics and sports training centers, plus politically delicate areas such as the security agencies.Chavez supporters view that as a model of international cooperation, while critics say it breaches sovereignty.Former Venezuelan president Carlos Andres Perez, whom Chavez failed to oust in 1992, also weighed in.“It is not possible to celebrate when a militarized, authoritarian and pro-Communist regime, headed by a murderous coup-monger, has kidnapped the nation,” he said.Perez even compared Chavez to Hitler in his buildup of a pro-government militia. The training of teenage “communications guerrillas” -- to counter the anti-Chavez push of private media -- has divided Venezuelan opinion this week. Venezuelan politicians are gearing up for a September assembly vote, where opposition parties hope to cut into the government’s majority and show Chavez’s popularity is waning. Though opinion polls are diffi cult to follow in Venezuela, due to accusations of political

bias, it is clear Chavez’s popularity has fallen in the last year, from more than 60 percent to about 50 percent or less. That, however, is still a relatively high rating and enough to help him win in September, analysts say. Venezuela’s poor majority give Chavez high marks for social policies including free clinics and schools, and subsidized food networks. “This idea that Chavez is losing approval and is on the way out is absolute rubbish,” said pensioner Edith Valencia, eating at a state-run “socialist pancake” shop in Caracas. “We admit not everything is perfect and it is a tough year, we even admit he has made some mistakes. But will we vote for him? You bet! I am a Chavista to the core.” Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko -- both recent visitors to Venezuela -- sent congratulations for the 200th anniversary. Chavez wants to strengthen global ties that work against U.S. dominance and would also have been hosting President Hu Jintao this weekend were it not for the earthquake in China.

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez salutes militia members as he arrives for a ceremony to commemorate …

Voters will go to the polls in Trinidad and Tobago on 24 May. Prime Minister Patrick Manning announced the date on Friday, nine days after he initiated the dissolution of the country’s parliament. There has been much debate and speculation in the ensuing days over Manning’s unprecedented move.Since then the main opposition parties, the United National Congress (UNC) and the Congress of the People (COP) have been in talks about forming an alliance to contest the polls. Nomination day has been set for 3 May.Prime Minister Manning is seeking a fourth term in offi ce.In the last election in 2007, his People’s National Movement (PNM) won 26 of the 41 seats.Candidate selectionThe three main parties have been going through a process of selecting their candidates for the election.

That’s also a high-pressure process as sitting candidates are not guaranteed that they will defend the seat in the election. Will Persad-Bissessar make it a double by also becoming TT’s fi rst woman prime minister?This past week much attention was focused on Mr Manning’s PNM and party stalwart Dr Keith Rowley, over whether he would be allowed to defend his seat. Dr Rowley, who was replaced as a cabinet minister in 2008, and is considered as a likely successor to Mr Manning, has had differences with his party leader.

The opposition UNC has had a period of internal wrangling over the leadership of founder and former prime minister Basdeo Panday. That on the one hand led Winston Dookeran, to break away and form the Congress of the People Party (COP). Dookeran split from the UNC to form the COPIn January Mr Panday lost a bitter party leadership battle to Kamla Persad-Bissessar.Shortly thereafter she also replaced him as the UNC’s parliamentary opposition

leader.Mr Panday, who was deselected from running in the seat he had won under the UNC, has said that he’s considering contesting the polls as an independent candidate. He is targeting a constituency currently held by his former UNC ally and party chairman Jack Warner.Mr Warnen is perhaps best

known outside Trinidad as vice president of the International Football Federation (Fifa). Meanwhile, the UNC and COP parties have now formally committed to running a joint slate to contest the polls.Press reports in Port of Spain say weekend talks have resulted in agreement over constituencies, with UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar to take the role of prime minister and COP’s Winston Dookeran to be appointed president of the twin-island republic - should the UNC/COP ticket unseat the PNM.

T&T to the polls on 24 May

Page 10: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 10

Who is winning and who cares?!?


I have been turning off my radio and TV whenever news of the ongoing village council elections comes on. Much as I have interest in what is going on in rural Belize, I do not trust any of the media houses to honestly tell me what is really going on out there. I will agree that the Village Council Elections is a barometer for both parties and in my humble judgment; neither party has lost or gained ground. If there is any group that has advanced, it is that of independents. The ongoing exercise is a barometer, yes, but not a good barometer because it is hard to gauge for either side of the political fence who is winning. What is being transmitted on the evening news is grown people otherwise called “adults” who are acting like spoilt children. Sadly, that is what we have for leadership in Belize today. That is the politics we practice by which we elect our incompetent, untalented and in some cases unintelligent “leaders”. I’d like to think that there growing antipathy for that sort of unhinged, irrational and lunatic behavior. How do we fi x this? We, and I mean those of us who exercise our rights at the polls need to demand better caliber for candidates and when in offi ce we must demand that they conduct themselves in a manner representative of the offi ce

we have given them the privilege of occupying. I have scratched deep with my comments on the current leadership of the PUP. I know how much some folks do not like me and are miffed at the things I have said but they read anyway. I’m about to do the same again therefore I advise that you quit reading at this point. The current leadership of the PUP needs to call the National Convention so that the PUP can decide once and for all who will lead us from here on. The people of Belize will vote back a PUP government but it will be a government by default. It is unfair and undemocratic and uncivilized to limit our choices in the name of a small group’s private agenda. We have Dean Barrow and his inept and nepotistic government as a result of private agenda and hunger for power. We should not take that chance again. There is just too much at stake. I certainly do not want to risk the level of maliciousness, offi ciousness and ineptitude to occupy the seats of government. If the people are fairly afforded the chance to vote and they select Johnny again, then I will accept that, what I cannot countenance is for another serving of the Nardas and Carolyns and other inepts that make up the executive to be in charge of all our affairs.

I have done numerous Spot Checks to fi nd out why there has not been any indication of a National Convention for the PUP and no one seems to know or cares to hazard a guess. What I continue to get on a weekly basis is a dollop of criticisms of the leadership. Much as some of my critics are vexed by my comments, I only amplify what a signifi cant portion of PUPs and PUP empathizers have and continue to express. This delay about calling the National Convention can end up costing the PUP at the polls. That is why I will not hedge my bets on the results of the village council elections – too many inconsistencies – people who out rightly run on party lines and then those who claim independence and then pander afterwards to their party of preference, those who are really independent, the unhinged disingenuous who claim independence but are not, those who say keep politics out of the exercise but instigate political confrontations. In this experiment, there are no controls so I will stay out of it. There has been an ongoing poll however, that of the folks who just want effective, good, transparent and fair leadership. Come on, is that too much to ask for? Call me bitter – I am a productive woman and I will get by but think seriously of the messages being sent by Johnny and his crowd when they fi re one of their own and do so in a malicious manner and then pretentiously empathize with those who have been treated the same by the UDP but say that it is different (you people are sick!). How does one reconcile that with the people whose lands have been taken away, those who were fi red, and those whose loved ones have died at the hands of this government? If you say I am bitter then in all fairness I will say that you are limited. Please do not take it personal, but you must see the incongruence of your reasoning. While Johnny has drawn closer to Said, who he also needs to patch things up with is with the rest of us who will go out to

vote, we ultimately decide. Let us be done with the pretentiousness that is on the part of those in Johnny’s executive who do not want Johnny for their leader. They have demonstrated that; some verbally and others by their actions. We the so-called “old guard” are not to blame for that. Those people have consistently been the polarizing fi gures for Johnny’s leadership. While this impasse abides there are no guarantees that the PUP stands a chance at the polls and that is exactly what the UDP wants, however to prevent that the new PUP cannot just sit there and expect those of us who have been offended by them to just unite so they can win elections so they can disenfranchise us and ostracize us again. We are not stupid. Call the National Convention! Last but not least I tuned in to Wave’s morning show on Tuesday morning, just in time to hear Senator Thimbriel chewing up on Wendy and Linsford Castillo for their efforts in Hattieville. Wendy is contesting on an independent slate which comprises of PUPs, UDPs and independents. That is what happens when a leader does not recognize the talents, the hard workers in his army. Johnny fi red Linsford Castillo as Manager of the Belize Times and like me, did not do so legally. Who in their right mind will endorse such a leader and since when does Juliet decide for anyone? Last I checked, one has the right to choose in this politics that we practice here and when that right is compromised or out rightly violated then it’s our job to respond to it. I voted for Carlos Perdomo and by extension, the UDP, I am not a UDP, but I have that right to choose. Look what I got for it. I was shopping for a better area representative – look at what I got?!? Damn!Word is that Joe Coye is planning to re-enter politics. I will discuss that next week. I have my own sentiments about that. Do have a safe weekend. The way I have been losing family and friends lately I need make the reminder.

The 2010 Hurricane Season in the Atlantic Ocean will begin on June 1, 2010 and the forecast predicted by Colorado State University forecasters William Gray and Phil Klotzbach on April 7th issued its annual report warns that it would above-average-atlantic-hurricane-season activity. Gray and Klotzbach both said that the ‘El Niño’ phenomenon conditions will likely dissipate by summer adding that in their opinion the warm tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures will not drop and will remain at the current temperatures. These temperatures have reportedly been much warmer than usual and because of this trend, they indicated it will set favourable conditions for hurricanes to develop and intensify. They predict a total of around (15) fi fteen named storms of which (8) eight may develop into hurricanes during the season. Of this, four of which are

expected to strengthen and become major hurricanes. This means that these four, if they do in fact become major hurricanes, would ultimately

receive a rating of at least a category 3 defi ned by the Saffi r-Simpson scale. The Saffi r-Simpson scale indicates that such a storm must have winds of

at least 111mph; and that these winds be sustained for a period of time. The names proposed for Atlantic Storms are: Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine,Igor,Julia,Karl,Lisa,Matthew,Nicole,Otto,Paula,Richard,Shary,Tomas,Virginie andWalter.For individuals in the paths of potential hurricanes, the keys to minimizing deaths and property damage are preparedness and heeding the instructions local offi cials. If a hurricane actually threatens your area, keeping current on the latest forecasts for the storm’s path and preparing to evacuate is essential. This 2010 Hurricane Season page will follow the 2010 season from preparedness, throughout the

season, and in the aftermath, offering up-to-date information and resources to keep you fully informed.


Page 11: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 11

I will start out by expressing my sincerest sympathy to the family of late Keith Swift as well as to the family of channel 7 and to the entire Belizean television audience, who will sincerely mourn Keith’s passing, may the lord bless him and may he fi nd perpetual light. Now, I have several points that I would like to touch on this week, some positive and require the praise and congratulations but I will also try my endeavor best to share my views on the second week of the village council election and possibly look at the process of rehabilitation for some of the juveniles who have become in confl ict with the law. Congratulations immensely to Shalini Zabaneah for winning silver medal in the females’ 20 kilometer time trial race at the Central American games. That is a historic accomplishment for Belize. But it also shows what can be accomplished with dedication, commitment, conviction and support. Jeana Lovel the other female cyclist from the team fi nished fourth in the road race just missing the bronze medal; we certainly have to tip our hearts to these ladies for their accomplishment. Chris Galvez, 18 years old won the bronze medal in the under 23 category. This is also historic for Belize, overall the cycling team did very well and most be congratulated for their performance. We also had medals in athletics including setting some new Central American records and fi nally with sports we want to congratulate the Belize basketball federation and the Belize national basketball team,

attorney Godfrey Smith and all of us Belizeans who believed and our prayed that the appeal to the world aberration would have been in favor of Belize. After two weeks of village council elections forty-six villages have already held elections and the political rhetoric is becoming a little more intense with the major parties the PUP and the UDP claiming victories to create the impression that they are winning in the elections. These elections which is the closest thing to mid-term election are very important to the political institution because 1. For the UDP it is a national referendum on their performance for the over two years that they have been in government, for them it is trying to defend the tremendous mandate they were given by the electorate in the 2008 election if in just over two years their popularity have subside so quickly it is then dangerous leading up to the upcoming municipal elections of 2012 and the 2013 general elections; 2. For the PUP after the most devastating defeat in any elections, the PUP want to prove that they can rebound and become a formidable alternative in fi ve years; quite contradictory to what most pounded felt would have been at

least ten years before the PUP would have re-organized and had a chance at a general election, 3. For PUP leader Johnny Briceno his leadership hinges on his party winning the majority of the hundred and ninety-one villages. So after two weeks of elections and forty-six villages it is clear that the PUP are winning the majority but the UDP has shown total dominance in the orange walk district after two weeks. Johnny has to be concern because as party leader of the PUP, he is from orange walk although the villages contested in orange walk are not from his constituency, the PUP have shown major dominance in the Stann creek west constituency as well as other southern division. But with a hundred and forty-fi ve villages still remaining and four weeks of elections quite a bit could happen, impartial view will continue to monitor. As we go to the third week of this election I don’t think that the crime situation has had an effect and or an impact yet on these elections. But again we will wait and see how that will impact if it does. In the past couple of weeks, over a dozen juvenile have been remanded to the Wagner’s Youth Facility ‘boot camp’ at the Belize central prison, Kolbe

foundation; many of these juveniles have been sent there for major crimes such as murder, aggravated burglary, aggravated assault, possession of unlicensed fi rearm and ammunition. At the boot camp since last November the chief justice and the chief magistrate accompanied by other relevant stakeholders with juvenile interests visited the facility. The Kolbe management approved the implementation of a truly revised boot camp program that commenced mid January of 2010. The three phase program which start with an intense discipline and behavior modifi cation phase progressed into a second phase that sees the focus tilted towards academic while reducing the emphasis on the discipline and life skills and the phase three incorporates a vocational technical training component including on the job training with the phase 1 and 2 to try to impact a complete rehabilitated young man in six months. This program has had a remarkable change on the juvenile at least until this point. Since the commencement of this program on January 18, 2010 none of the 25 young men that had gone home has returned to this program to this date 21st of April 2010. The point I am trying to illustrate is that if this juvenile are placed in meaningful rehabilitative programs that accentuates their good and endeavor to correct their bad that we can meaningfully address the situation of crime in Belize. Now I know everyone will not agree with me but this is my impartial view.



As the marathon that is the 2010 Village Council Elections takes center stage in our political and social discourse, once again confusion as to its “results” and what those “results” portend has again reared, as it did in 2007. The question many people ask is who won? Both political parties have been actively campaigning in various parts of the country, and as a result some people assume that there must be a clear cut winner. All our other “national” elections are conducted by the Elections and Boundaries Department, and the balloting in those is really an expression of preference for a political party. Our village council elections are a hybrid at this point, and are evolving towards that, but are not quite there. This simple salient fact does not sit well with the urban-centric media and among mostly city-dwelling political partisan. Many do not understand the system and are frustrated because it is near impossible at this point to clearly nominate an overall winner under the present system. Then there is also the fact that in the majority of the smaller communities, many of which are hamlets, really, they do not want their elections “politicized.” It is diffi cult for City folks to understand that partisanship has a bad name in the smaller communities. Folks

in these mostly rural, many of which are still relatively isolated and insulated communities, fear the divisiveness and discord that partisanship brings and many regard it as one of the evils of urban living. In 2000 the Musa Administration as part of its promised political reform and rural development agenda passed the 2000 Village Council Act that essentially defi ned the roles of village councils and widened the scope of authority and responsibility of these bodies. Following their loss in 2003, the UDP began targeting the village council elections and began actively campaigning in some of the communities. The PUP, perhaps recognizing both their opponents’ efforts and their fading popularity in what had heretofore been an area of the electorate in which they had held sway for decades, stepped up their partisan efforts in 2007 and began to run slates in some of the smaller communities. The Barrow Administration decided that this year’s village council election would be conducted by the Elections and Boundaries Department rather than the Ministry of Rural Development as had been done in the past. Some people assumed that the next step of formal ballots with partisan candidates denoted by color, and a separate nomination day,

and formal campaign period would also ensue. In 2007 I was a proponent of all the villages’ elections being fully “politicized” meaning that I believe that they should be conducted by the Elections and Boundaries in the manner that other national elections were conducted, complete with the partisan activities and campaigning, and with a clear winner and loser. Today I am not so sure that this is desirable or practical. In my visits to some of the villages, particularly the smaller ones, the residents do not want the “politicization” – they like things just the way they are and would prefer they remain that way. They fear the divisiveness. They fear the incipient hostility that they see from the partisanship campaigning. We are too small, too close knit and this would be bad for us they say. Many also fear victimization by the political directorate. Should their village vote one way they fear they will be targeted by the other side. Most of those who are arguing that the entire elections be “politicized” seem to be doing so because they want to know who “won”. They say they’re tired of the dispute and “quarreling” over who won. I think this is disrespectful of the expressed wishes of those villagers who say they don’t want the partisanship. It

may even be selfi sh. I am of the opinion, though, that in the larger villages, those with a voting population of over 300, for example, the election process should be closer to that of the other national elections. It would ease what is clearly a logistical bottleneck and would go a long way to preventing some of the fraudulent practices I have observed. I can think of no practical impediments to this being done. The 2010 Village Council Elections has at least fi ve more rounds to go but the returns from the fi rst two rounds show that the UDP has lost ground. My opinion is that they have lost seats in councils they had previously won, and where they have retained seats, they have done so almost unanimously by smaller margins. They have yet to boast of winning new seats or councils. It is diffi cult to determine defi nitively if this is indeed the fact because the partisan results for over 50% of the villages could not be verifi ed. In 2007 the PUP claimed victory in 103 villages, and said the UDP won 74, and while 16 went independent. The UDP claimed it won 114, that the PUP won 67, and 9 went independent. I will use the UDP’s own declaration to determine how they are doing and how they have done.

The 2010 Village Council Elections

Page 12: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 12

There is growing concern among the frequent users (locals and tourists alike) of the water taxi vessels to and from Belize City that services the two most traffi cked islands of Caye Caulker and San Pedro Ambergris Caye especially after the sharp increase in fares (price-gouging) going into the Easter week-end. Whilst nosing around trying to fi nd out what may be contributing factors as to the brazen act to raise prices the National Perspective found out that there are no more fair competition between what was once the Caye Caulker Water Taxi Association and San Pedro Water Taxi Association and that there is only one group manipulating and controlling the Water Taxi business, period.There are no longer any Caye Caulker residents involved in any way with the Caye Caulker Water Taxi association because many members/owners of the CCWTA were offered fi nancial compensation and as a result sold off their rights for their membership even though many have only received 25% of what was offered whilst the majority are still waiting to collect a penny.This agreement on paper has given the principal owners of the San Pedro Water Taxi Association the power to operate and control the phantom Caye Caulker Water Taxi Association thus enjoying the monopoly of this growing industry and increase passage fares as they wish.Many familiar with the operational aspect of the water taxi industry believe that this was not a voluntary wind up sale on the part of the CCWTA but in fact was forced by the interested party within the leadership who basically pushed the company into fi nancial trouble then offered the seeming merger as the only way out.Many believe and view this take-over of the CCWTA by the SPWTA as hostile, immoral and illegal and to make matters worse, the new Owners had insiders in Government facilitating in the transfer of the Marine Terminals (in Belize City and the main Pier in Caye Caulker) to their names (company names to themselves) without the expressed consent of the President of the CCWTA to the purported transfer.Both terminals were leased to the CCWTA under the condition that it was an association, and not a private lucrative company. Instead of providing a better service to locals and tourist alike, they are left behind stranded now there is only one boat per hour because of the merging of schedules. There are no longer Slack/Standby boats in the event they are sold out, they only sell tickets to capacity for the one boat on schedule, which more often than not, is over capacity, then the remainder are forced back to wait for the next scheduled boat.Now that school is reopened, school children are made to sacrifi ce especially since past schedules were designed

with the students in mind where island students could have travelled unhindered to and from San Pedro or in Belize City without paying those huge boarding costs.The prices of tickets need not be that high many believe that this new monopoly is a conspiracy for profi teering and nothing more. It cannot be called competition; because it is seemingly a merger, obviously hidden. There is only one group of owners even though it gives the appearance of two companies and Tickets are accepted from both companies at each other’s Terminals.The people should know that owners

of the San Pedro Water Taxi basically took control whilst members of the CCWTA were left hanging on a string without pay. It is strongly rumoured that the

Minister of Tourism, Manuel Heredia, is in fact a new Shareholder in SP Water Taxi. The Port Authority, after harassing the CCWTA for months

Monopoly in the Water-Taxi Business…?San Pedro Water Taxi in control, the Caye Caulker Water Taxi Association, just a PhantomSan Pedro Water Taxi in control, the Caye Caulker Water Taxi

Continued on page 16

Page 13: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 13

THE VOICES OF THE RANK AND FILEReading from Said Musa’s notes on his political life titled “With malice toward none”, I was reminded that it was the People’s United Party Government of 1998-2003 that introduced many reform measures especially the Freedom of Information Act that has to do with the free press in Belize. It is also a fact that it was actually the PUP government of Said Musa that freed the radio airwaves from Government control. Musa made it possible for all those private radio stations including the UDP’s WAVE Radio to operate freely with their propaganda. Belizeans can still remember vividly the arrogant response and behavior of former UDP Broadcasting Minister, Hubert Elrington a.k.a “Crazy Glue”, at the helm of Radio Belize who fervently opposed and denied a radio and television license to Kremandala prior to 1989. The PUP under Said Musa not only freed up of the airwaves, but also abolished the old colonial law of criminal libel which Elrington and the UDP loved to use against Belizeans to stifle criticism and political dissent. Then we remember the dreaded UDP Security and Intelligence Services (SIS) the UDP’s political police that spied on Belizeans especially their PUP political rivals and their leaders. The UDP later amended the Belize Constitution to allow the SIS to act with impunity under our constitution. Today, the principal intellectual authors and creator of the dreaded SIS Sir Manuel Esquivel, was recently knighted by Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Belize (what a serious joke!!!). Those were the days of the past that many Belizeans seem to have forgotten including the many frustrating challenges that the independent media had to endure under a government controlled airwaves. In fact, the very media that the PUP freed-up turned, in due time against Said Musa and his PUP government especially during his last term from 2003-2008. The Belize Constitution (and the PUP Constitution) guarantees us the right to ‘freedom of expression’ regardless of what others may think. The UDP does not tolerate dissidents within its Party’s rank and file; ask “Sleck and Nasty” Juliet, the disgraced Belize City Mayor Moya-Flowers or even “Crazy Glue”. During the Said Musa era, as Prime Minister and Party Leader, Said Musa showed broad tolerance for dissident voices. On the contrary however, during the brief two-year span of the current Briceño leadership, there are some in the Party who believe that there is no room under the big blue

tent for dissident voices; that they should not be tolerated and should be silenced at all cost. I want to remind those fools again that many of them in the Party’s leadership today were leading dissenters when Said Musa was Leader. Said took it like a man and made changes where possible for the betterment of the Party. How do you think the G-7 came about and seemingly survived in their conspiracy to bring down the PUP in the General Elections just so they can eventually take over the Party’s leadership. Some believe that John Briceño, Mark Espat, Joe Coye and Godfrey Smith, all Musa’s senior cabinet Ministers, fully understood the level of tolerance Said Musa’s leadership entailed because they all abused his generosity and

his patience. For those who would want to say that the conspiracy of the G-7 was the right thing for the Party and Belize, I cannot agree with them because a Party as experienced and mature as the PUP should have had these senior members respect the structure of government and governance and they should have had the decency to solve their differences within as a Party or resign for the sake of the entire Party. The G-7 in the PUP did nothing in their revolt to make life better for Belizeans; nothing to fight poverty in this country, but instead were all about themselves. Yes Jack, all about their personal enrichment. Many have pointed to Johnny’s lucrative family business that started and developed progressively during the last decade under Said Musa’s Administration. Look at Mark’s enrichment in the City which started during his tenure as a PUP Minister. As for Godfrey, just visit the Central Bank building and look northerly and you will see what I mean about enriching themselves. The G-7 gives the true meaning to the trafficking of influence and to the quotation by Balzac that “behind every great fortune, there is a crime”; that crime was against the hard working rank and file foot-soldiers of the People’s United Party. The National

Perspective is not a political organ of the PUP, it is an independent newspaper that is ‘bias to none’ and so you will find that many dissident PUPs like me will find a sanctuary to voice their legitimate concerns in the Perspective because independent thinkers will certainly not be entertained at the Belize Times, Independence Hall, “Happy tails” or the Amandala.As we approach the third week since the infamous “All Fools Day” press conference by the stubborn Jackass Prime Minister and his stubborn Jackass driver, the Chief of Police Crispin Jefferies, they are yet to deliver the widely publicized ring of corrupt cops as they promised who were supposedly robbing and killing Belizean citizens. In this same press

conference the pompous Compol told the nation that he will shoot to kill whenever the Police engage any suspected criminals. There is still not a word from the Queen’s Loyal Opposition the People’s United Party (shame) in condemning Prime Minister Dean Barrow and the Compol for taking Belizeans for fools on All Fools Day. Mr. Leader of the Opposition, the Belizean People are asking where is the forceful effects of the Opposition? Does your silence mean the approval of the Prime Minister and the Compol’s actions? Many of the weeping mothers mourning the murder of their loved ones on the local television news are PUPs and UDPs but most of all, they are Belizeans. Hon. John Briceño should be investigating the serious allegations in a report by Senior Superintendent Edward Broaster that was stored in his lap-top computer implicating Belizean businessmen, politicians, and senior Police Officers in despicable operations involving organized crime. It is your rightful duty and obligation as Leader of the Opposition to call for a Commission of Inquiry, hold the Prime Minister responsible and alert the Belizean public on the breach and compromise of our national security. There are some that accuse me that I have

an ‘axe to grind’. I would have them know that I am neither petty nor have I an axe to grind. I only try to expose those few elements that are undermining the very principle and survival of the PUP. They are the ones that give me an axe and I offer no apology in grinding it because unlike some of them, I am not a mischief maker. I simply highlight and reveal the error in judgment of the people at the higher echelon of the Party whether they are aware of these mistakes or not I simply expose them for who they are. The present leadership of the PUP would want to us to believe that they are ready and are forging full steam ahead as a unified Party going into the Village Council elections; that is just NOT true! As a PUP stalwart

and a grass root soldier, I only wish I could echo those sentiments that they would have us believe. The so-called unity that the leadership wants us to believe is a farce not because the other forces don’t want it but because of the sustained mentality of this new leadership. One would just have to look at the manner in which the PUP media organs are operating. Look at Vibes Radio then look at the Belize Times. Is this satisfactory and acceptable to you Hon. John Briceno? Who is to blame for the present state of these media organs? We at the Perspective keep warning the PUP leadership that the PUP

National Communications Director, Narda Garcia, needs to start communicating properly or leave. This woman is so selfish and an outright racist and is completely full of herself. Narda, however, is one of Johnny’s chief advisors that are talking Johnny into believing that the Party needs to de-centralize itself from the political capital, Belize City. It is rumored among the quiet circle in the corridors of Independence Hall and the court yard of “Happy tails” that a Guatemalan never loses his/her true feeling towards his/her black countryman (how true). Narda Garcia is Johnny’s Albatross. This woman fights not only with Carolyn Trench Sandiford, but also with Julius Espat who is much more decent and is more of an asset to the leadership than the unappeasable Narda Garcia. She hates G-Mike’s guts and wants him out of Vibes’ studio. Narda needs to depart from the PUP which was founded as a multi-ethnic Party. There is no place for racist elements in our Party (that is why Evan X is out). SHE MUST GO!! You might regret that you did not accept her resignation when you had the golden opportunity to do so, Party Leader. Enough said.Gordon Smith would like at this time give










Continued on page 18

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Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 14

P a n a m a City, April 19, 2010

Belize athletes won 4 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze at the 2010 Central American Games in Panama.Jonathan Williams, who has represented Belize at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2007 Panam Games in Rio de Janiero, won Belize’s 4th gold medal in the 400m hurdles in Panama on Monday, April 19. He had also Belize’s 3rd silver medal in the male 110m hurdles last Friday. UB student Kaina Martinez, known for her paddling prowess in the 2009 Ruta

Maya as well as her football, softball, basketball and volleyball skills, is the fastest woman in Central America, running 100 meters in 12.05 seconds to win gold in Panama last Friday. This was not a Kaina’s personal best,

she has clocked 11.98sec for the 100m, which is still short of the C.A. games record: 11.66 secs.Kaina also won gold in the women’s female 200 metres clocking 24.89 secs on Saturday, again slower than the C.A. games record. She also won the silver in the women’s long jump at 5.45metresTricia Flores fl ew 5.97metres on her 3rd attempt to win gold in the women’s long jump last Friday, breaking the previous Games record of 5.66m. She had jumped 5.72m on her fi rst try and

5.75m on her 2nd attempt. Belize’s national women’s road cycling champion Shalini Zabaneh won Belize’s fi rst medal, silver in the individual time trials last Wednesday but placed 9th in the 66.3 km (42 miles) road race. Two time Cross country champ Gina Lovell fi nished 4th. El Salvador’s Evelyn Garcia had to settle for the bronze in the time trial, but she won the gold in the road race, clocking in 1:51:30, while Costa Ricans Marcela Rubiano and Adriana

Rojas took the silver and bronze.Belizean cyclist Eduardo Reyes won Belize’s 2nd bronze medal in the under-23 category in the 143 km road race.

He and Greg Lovell did not medal in the individual time trials, which were dominated by Costa Rica. Gregory Lovell fi nished 5th in the elite category of the road race, which Panama’s Fernando Urena won in 3:39:07 for the gold. Costa Rica’s Jose Bonilla took the silver and Mario Contreras clocked 3:39:34 as he led the main peloton to claim the bronze. Reyes was in the peloton and got the same time, fi nishing 9th overall, but he was 3rd in the under-23 category, which Costa Rica’s Allan Morales won and Moises Hernandez took the silver. Byron Pope of Benny’s Megabytes fame was 4th (11th among the elite) in the under-23 time trial over 39 km last Thursday, while Reyes had fi nished 9th (18th among the elite). Las Tuesday, the Belize softball women won Belize’s fi rst medal, bronze when they lost to 0-2 to Panama, after losing 1-5 to el Salvador in the semifi nals. They had won 5-1 over El Salvador in their fi rst encounter and had won twice over Nicaragua, before their fi rst loss to Panama 7-10.

Team Belizewins 4 gold at Central American


race. Shalini wins Silver

Tricia Flores GoldLong Jump

Kaina Martinez Gold 100m&200m

National Softball team win Bronze

Page 15: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 15



Hold On Smart, Truckers & O.Walk Running Rebels win in Digicell basketball game

Belize City, April 19, 2010

The Crooked Tree Government School girls and Burrell Boom Methodist School boys will represent the Belize district at the upcoming national primary schools softball championships to be held by the National soports council at the home of softball, the Rogers Stadium in Belize City on Friday, April 23.In the championship fi nal, winning pitcher ElmaWade led the Crooked

Tree Government school girls to a 9-4 win over Burrell Boom Methodist School girls, collecting 9 hits off the pitching of Boom’s Rebecca Nicholson. The Burrell Boom Methodist boys, led by winning pitcher Isanny Pook walloped out 5 runs off the pitching of Ladyville’s Jerome Carr to win the boys’ championship 5-2 over the Our Lady Of The Way RC School boys from Ladyville. In Game 1, the Burrell Boom Methodist

girls advanced to the fi nals as they blew away the Belize city champs, the St. Martin’s De Porres RC School girls: 6-1. Winning pitcher Rebecca Nicholson gave up only one run, while her teammates whopped Gilda Moguel’s pitching to score 6 runs.In Game 3, the Crooked Tree girls also advanced t the fi nals by a 17-3 win over the Belize City sub-champs, the Holy Redeemer School girls. Winning pitcher Elma Wade allowed only 3 runs, while her teammates walloped 17

hits off Tyra Moreira’s pitching.In Game 2, the Our Lady Of The Way boys had moved on to the fi nals by eliminating the Belize City champs, the Queen Square Anglican School boys: 7-5. Jerome Carr allowed 5 runs, while the Ladyville boys collected 7 hits off Devaun Zuniga’s pitching. In Game 4, the Burrell Boom Methodist boys got the easy bye to the fi nals when the Central Christian School boys forfeited their game: 7-0.

Burrell Boom boys-Bze district ChampsCrookd Tree girls-BZE DISTRICT champs

Belize City, March 28, 2010

Hold On Smart outlasted the Burrell Boom Celtics 45-44 in the Digicell “Balling for Life” junior basketball competition at the Belize City Center last Friday night while the Truckers posted their 2nd win: 81-48 over Ferrari, and the Orange Walk Running Rebels enjoyed their 3rd back to back to back win 60-55 against the Lake I. Boys on Sunday.The Burrell Boom’s Kyle Pinkard hit 2 treys to give the Celtics 12-9 lead in the fi rst quarter, but for Hold On Smart came back with Jamaal Kelly’s 11 pts and Russel Staine and Elvis Olivera scored 8 pts each to lead 26-15 at the half time break. The Celtics out gunned the Smart boys who tried to Hold On in the 3rd quarter, as Burrell Boom’s Devon

Brown tossed in 6 pts, and Roman Williams and Christian August each scored 5 pts with and Cardinal Lopez good for 4 more to give the Celtics a 35-33 lead at the end of the 3rd quarter.Smart’s Edgar August and Beresford Codd held on with 4pts each while Lyndon Arnold and Devon Wright each added 3 pts for the 45-44 win.The Truckers trundled over Ferrari 81-48 on Sunday, Stephen Smith leading the attack with 20 pts to lead 26-13 in the fi rst quarter. Ferrari’s Rodwell Neal answered with 13 pts, but Truckers’ Jaleel Arnold delivered 17 pts more to lead 43-29 at the half time break.Kadeem Tam and Oliver Solis scored 10 pts each to give the Truckers a 68-36 lead at the end of the 3rd quarter; and Ferrari’s Vince Young

and Charles Armstrong scored 8 pts each, Dylan Moguel added 4pts and Kaleem Loredo and Malcolm Robateau chipped in 3pts.Truckers’ Steven Wade scored 12 pts and Dijonne Ramclam and Teryn Roches added 3 each to seal the 81-48 win.Orange Walk’s Omar Tesecum scored 17pts as he led the Rebels to a 60-55 win. Tesecum scored 3pts in the 1st quarter and Jamaal Harris added 4, but the Lake I Boys tied the score 11-11 at the end of the quarter. Alberto Cuellar led the Lake I Boys with 12 pts and Ronald Michael

a d d e d 11pts as the

Lake I Boys led 27-19 at the

half. Orange Walk’s Michael Martinez scored 14 pts to seize a 41-39 lead at the end of the 3rd quarter; and Hakeem

Hassan added 11 pts for Lake I boys.The Rebels’ captain Randy Usher scored

9pts in money time, while Roger Reneau added 5pts and

Marcel Richards tossed in 3pts for

the 60-55 win.

Page 16: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 16

By: Anonymous IIIn my last tractatus, I called for the exclusion of both major political mass parties from participating in electoral politics of Belize, and the governance of the nation because of their gross ineptitude, corruption and colossal stupidity in the maladministering the country during the past 60 years. Until the people can form new political parties with a new multi-party proportional representative government, I suggested that the country be governed with the fuel and informed consent of the people by a coalition of the United Nations, Canada, USA, Mexico and OAS. This idea and concept must be implemented if truly we need a change to progressive minds and ideas, emanating from our intrinsic natal, esoteric and exoteric intelligence which enables us to be creative and innovative in the sciences, business and economics which will change our appreciation and understanding our cosmos and our place in the grand design of the universe. I took a short hiatus from contributing to this newspaper to perform and test some hypothesis using certain parameters and empirical data and evidence. I performed several scientific statistical hypotheses using a random sample of 150 participants. The idea of the survey is to gather data to test whether the general public has progressive ideas in politics, bringing about basic development, knowledge of our banking system, law, along with the government and its leaders that are in charge of creating social and economic development in our country of Belize. Here are the results with a standard deviation of +3 percent; here are some of the questions asked:Do you think the statistical Institute of Belize provides true data on economy or does it provide spurious quantification to please the party in power? 65% Data is jaded; the data shown is intimidated by government. The government continues to pay bills and funds for budget. 25% Good data provided10% UndecidedShould Belize dollarize its economy? I.E. Using U.S. dollars in their economy like Panama, El Salvador and Peru just to name a few. 90% Yes, 2% No and 8% Undecided-Respondents said not only Belize but all small nations and islands in the Caribbean use U.S. dollars as their currency. This would obviate the need for government control if foreign exchange and accumulation of reserve since balance of payments will be affected by a floating currency on a daily basis as how the U.S. is? Do you support the idea that elected representatives be recalled for wrongdoing, ethical breaches and moral ineptitude? 90% Yes, 3% No and 7% UndecidedDo you agree we should give Native Belizeans the same rights and privileges to start businesses like we give to Mennonites, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Europeans, Jamaicans and Barbadians? 98% Yes, 2% NoMust Belizeans have the first right and then the same rights to explore for oil on their own land rather than allow the government to pre-empt that right by contracting with foreigners to steal your oil?99% Yes, 1% No

Do you think Senators must be elected and be accountable to citizens? 100% YesIf Senators are not elected then they are not accountable to anyone and they become a useless fifth wheel of government creating wasteful expenditures. Ditto the Governor General’s office.Do you think John Briceño has the attributes, the intelligence and competence to be any kind of leader and even become P.M. of Belize?60% No, 10% Yes, 30% Undecided

Do you know anything about the government budget system and deficits?95% No, 5% YesShould the government reduce all taxes across the board to increase consumer demand, investment and reduce government expenditures? 90% Yes, 5% No, 5% UndecidedDo you think we are being taxed excessively?100% YesThe oil company BNE reaped at least $500 million profit. Belize received $40 million, the owners of the land received $1.5 million. Do you think this is justice and good governance?95% No, 5% UndecidedHave the politicians lied to you? Are they lying to you? Will they lie to you?90% Said yes to all 3 parts of the questions.5% were undecided and just didn’t know.Government spends approximately $1 billion a year to finance government activities and the wages, supplies, equipment, retirement and pension funds of the pampered civil servant class. By how much percent must we reduce the number of civil servants so government can balance the budget? 95% of the people said that 50% of them should be reduced over the next 5 years, 5% didn’t seem to care, didn’t know or were undecided.A. Do you see the Central Bank of Belize ever changing the colonial paradigm of management and operations? 100% YesB. Do you see the Central Bank encouraging the Commercial Banking System through moral suasion, legal means, or just out of sheer market forces to change their modus operand in granting loans for development of Belize? 20% Yes, 80% NoC. A predominant majority of the interviewee wanted us to state that the commercial banks requirements for making a loan are;a.) excessiveb.) required too much collateralc.) additional guarantor for loan approval – overkilld.) general level of confusion exists in dealing with public and their ethnicity - If you are a Mennonite, your loan application is approved instantaneously- If you are any other non-white, all hell will be unleashed on you as it almost seems impossible to get approved- Chinese, Arabs, East Indians Merchants who are well connected with bankers of their own ethnicity have no problems.- That leaves the poor black man (poor in spirit, poor in possession, poor in obtaining jobs) to suffer. Why so if our Prime Minister Barrow himself is a Blackman.

The yearly income of survey

Living in this Wretched Country Called the Jewelparticipants is;$0- $3,000 → 30%$3,001- $10,000 → 10%$10,001-$15,000 → 10%$15,001-$20,000 → 12%$20,001-$26,000 → 8%$26,001-$30,000 → 24%$30,001-$50,000 → 5%$50,001-$250,000 → 1%How many years of formal education did you attain?1 to 8 years and 9 to 12 years → 94%13 to 16 years → 5%17 years or more → 1%Do you agree that P.M. Barrow should have given his ex-wife all those legal prosecutorial contracts instead of giving the Attorney General and Solicitor General Offices?90% don’t agree, 10% undecidedWould you recommend Belize to investors’ moth with standing excessive taxes and below average workers skills and performance? 90% No, 10% UndecidedEpilogueAfter reviewing the path of political, legal, economic and educational evolution in Belize over the past sixty years, I have concluded rightly or wrongly that: the people are stuck in a philosophically byzantine mentality. For example, the politicians being stolid themselves; want to keep the people dull, stupid, dim-witted and obsequious. They have succeeded in doing this; and this attitude is reflected and manifested in the manner Belizeans treat each other. They talk the good talk but when its time for action, they let everything slip out of their fingers to the great enhancement of the foreigners- the Mennonite, the Chinese, the Arabs, the East Indian Merchants, the Europeans, Americans and Canadians. The Belizeans have lost their inheritance, their land, their homes, their dignity, their freedom, but most telling they have lost their souls and they don’t know who they are. This is a shameful thing because this will last for generations and if leaders don’t come forward to protest the Shang Basing of our own country, this perdition will fade into infinity. It would be just as you have never been born. How pejorative nihilistic and absurd the national character of the Belizeans appear!Before I finish, understand that you will never progress as a nation: not in the sciences, not in the arts, not in anything unless you;

You have freedom to your land (i.e.) you own the natural resources with which you can accumulate capital for investment.You adopt an American style economy and move away from the Caribbean paradigm. Again this is not meant to be pejorative against this Caribbean but our research into the econometrics of those island nations does not bode well; and association with them as economically weak as the country is, might be a harbinger of future catastrophe .Belizeans must look in the mirror and recognize that before we can truly compete in anything, we have to improve our competency in everything we input our labour. Belize is known for high priced poor quality labour and one of the reasons investors stay away from Belize. You wonder why you keep losing the yearly cross country race to foreigners. The reason is lack of professional attitudes, towards your job as cyclists; you have to improve your nutrition (that is the absolute essential key). This is transposed or translated into all categories of jobs: the bank tellers, the labourers, the managers, the owners of a business, the sloppy politicians, the hard pressed teachers and other categories of careers/professions.Capital formation is another essential for a country to build and progress. In Belize the banks and government (past and present) are adversaries of the people. It is so transparent that banks don’t want to make loans to the general public with the exception of the Mennonites (You see how meteoric their wealth has become). Let the banks promise you with the same unbiased access to capital, you too will have a meteoric ripe to wealth and maybe good power and attainment of philosophies synchronised with western philosophy of Metaphysics (anthology and cosmology), Ethics, Aesthetics, Epistemology and logic to include the brain waves and particles of the seven wise men of Greece, Max Planch, Niels Bohr, Francis Bacon, Newton Liebniz, Kent Hegel and George Price, Musa and Barrow.In keeping the spirit and working of epistemology, if the government will provide work contracts to only friends, relatives then don’t expect those who are not friends and relatives to pay the taxes to support such corruption.

Editor’s Note: The views expressed is solely that of the writer

when there was competition, is now ALLOWING high obscene rates, and overcrowding on a daily basis, this is not Safe and endangers the lives of passengers, Tourists and Locals alike. There are STRONG rumours that a few of the past owners of the CCWTA intend to resume business operations, but have heard that the GOB will not ALLOW them to get off the ground. It seems that this seeming merger, is protected and condoned by the GOB to the fullest.

Continued from page 12

Monopoly in the Water-Taxi


Page 17: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 17

Jahston Edward to Livingston and Keisha Juanita Terry nee BethranJovaan Arturo to Reynaldo Arturo and Priscell Melinda Pinto nee ConchaShi Ya to Wei Dong and Wen Ling Lai nee ChenSahana Reeyon Amanda to Dion Fitzgerald and Rosalee Anamarie Banner

nee RhaburnAryanna Carlita to Caleb Benedict and Kadine Kimara Mendoza nee

KingstonKai Francis to Andrew and Julianne Stockbridge nee RobinsonEleina Gabriela to Edgar Giovanni and Wendy Roxana De La O nee MartinezThyrese Wayne to Bendamin and Therese Dianne Sanchez nee Ottley

Angel Benjamin Pott, 28Keon Emmanuel Young, 22Matilde Cleopatra Speer, 88Gavin Andre Deon Sanchez, 30Gloria Elfreda King, 51Marjorie Elizabeth Moore, 29Ernest Philip Burns, 77

Jian Bo Huang to Wei Yong Na both of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, BelizeArthur Gray Morgan to Damaris Ann Howe both of Maryland, USAJose David Galdamez to Ofelia Shack both of Teakettle, CayoDaniel Charles Cooney to Jessica Grace Grove both of New York, USAJared Lee Wade to Lisa Renee Petitmermet both of Rhode Island, USAJeffrey Scott to Michele Darlene McKenzie both of Texas, USALucien John Pollard to Sahsil America Perez both of San Pedro, Ambergris

Caye, BelizeHector Giovanni Flores to Francisca Mileidy Henry both of San Pedro,

Ambergris Caye, BelizeAlvin Parale Perez to Miraflor Salonga both of The PhilippinesAristides Alberto Francis of Panama City, Panama to Wendy Patricia Webster

of Providence Islands, ColombiaJose De Jesus Lerma Quintana to Arelita Herla Yah both of Santa Clara, CorozalEmory Alex Young to Danita Dianna Kee both of Ontario, CayoEriberto Antonio Aguilar both of Valley of Peace, CayoJacobo De Jesus Ayala to Maria Elena Gomez both of Cowpen, Stann CreekCarlos Matrgarito Cojon to Norma Sili Obeli Garcia both of Blackman Eddy,

CayoJosue Joel Uh to Zulma Yojana Diaz both of Trail Farm, Orange WalkErnest Raymond Perez of New York, USA to Rocio Raquel Rugel of New York,

USAClifton Williams to Joy Gale both of Independence, Stann CreekBrian James Vost to Lindsay Elizabeth MacTavish both of Pennsylvania, USA









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For Serious Inquiries Call Cel: 666-2290

By: Dulce Silva

We all experience stress from time to time, but when stress occurs frequently (chronic stress) and is left uncontrolled it can cause both health concerns and a hazard to your appearance. Stress is a natural response to emotional or physical threats. This can be from work, a daily commute or family life. Stress causes a state of alarm, w h i c h p roduces adrenaline a n d i n c r e a s e s levels of c o r t i s o l . Cortisol is a hormone that can effect oil production in the skin and creates h i g h e r levels of visceral fat (abdominal fat). Increased oil production can lead to skin condition fl air ups such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, hives and acne. Stress also makes the body more susceptible to infection and causes the skin to repair itself more slowly.Stress, Beauty and Skin AffectsStress affects beauty through skin condition worries such as blemishes as well as the loss of moisture, which occurs more rapidly when under stress. Dryness of the skin can create more fi ne line/wrinkles appearance and causes the skin to look dull and aged. Creating a skin care regimen can help fi ght stressed skin worries. It is important to wash and cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser that is appropriate for ones skin type (oily, dry or normal). Apply a daily moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning and a heavier cream or facial lotion at night. There are a number of products now that contain antioxidants that can combat stress effects by protecting the skin from free radicals. Dermatologists suggest not only using a skin care regimen for the outside of the skin but a healthy diet to nourish from within.Counteract Beauty Stresses with Healthy DietA healthy diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can help keep skin, hair and nails conditioned from the inside out. Foods such as fi sh, olive oil and nuts provide healthy sources of this essential healthy fat. Stress not

only affects the skin but the hair and nails as well. Both can become dry and brittle from excess stress. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your body in proper function to counteract the affects of stress. As part of a healthy diet drinking plenty of water will keep the skin hydrated

and youthful. Re laxa t ion Techniques to Fight StressWith this in mind those who are feeling s t r e s s e d should add one more tool to fi ght stress, which are relaxation

techniques. These techniques help ease stress in order to provide a healthier life style. There are fi ve relaxation techniques that have proven to relieve tension and relax both the mind and body.Meditation- You don’t have to get a guru for this relaxation tool. Simply close your eyes and breathe. Let your mind go blank and focus on the sound of your breath as you inhale and exhale slowly. It will relax you and refresh you.Aromatherapy- Scents can create a soothing affect. Try using scented oils, potpourris or candles in scents such as chamomile, lavender, rose or vanilla.Tai Chi- This form of exercise is performed through slow focused movements combined with breathing. It allows you to leave behind stressors and focus on the movement, which slows the heart rate creating a peaceful sensation.Yoga- Much like Tai Chi, Yoga is a fi tness method that focuses on slow, gentle postures with a combination of breathing that relaxes both the mind and the body.Massage- It never hurts to treat yourself to a professional massage but if this isn’t in your budget a loved one is certain to help melt the stress away from your neck and shoulders where stress can hide causing headaches and irritation. Stress can cause health concerns and beauty woes but by incorporating the tips and tools mentioned above you can protect your health and your beauty.

Life Stresses Influences Beauty: Fight the Effects of Stress on Your Beauty

Page 18: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010PAGE 18

Continued from page 13

By: R EscalanteThe work of a true vibrant leader of a mass Party as experienced and experimented as the People’s United Party with almost fifty thousand (50,000) members that has traversed almost (60) sixty years dedicated to the development growth which has shaped the lives of every single Belizean irrespective of their political persuasion is no easy task.The People’s United Party over the last six decades has consistently worked arduously throughout the years shaping the psyche of what was a British conscious colony transforming it to one of national unity in a struggle seeking its own national identity, achieving self government then changing the name of the colony from what was British Honduras to what is now Belize the internationalizing the Belizean cause to self-determination which culminated with political Independence on September 21st , 1981.The works of the then People’s United Part y Leader did not end by giving us Belize’s Independence, a flag with a national identity and a national anthem, with the new dawn of the Independent nation of Belize came the new task of forming alliances and finding trading partners with the world community of nations which entailed broad based policies and implementing a bold visionary direction tailor-cut with decisions best suited for the wellbeing of Belizeans and a progressive way forward promoting the development of economic growth with every year ahead.Every Belizean should know achieving economic Independence has been the greatest challenge since Independence and creating the appropriate investor climate must include putting many of the basic infrastructures in place and throughout the years the visionary leadership of the People’s United Party have given us every positive thing that you can see standing around you and created jobs in different fields. It embarked on the most comprehensive and dynamic police towards education investing tens of millions of dollars as a way forward enabling all Belizeans the opportunity to further their studies beyond.In housing and healthcare, the bold PUP leadership created housing communities all across the nation creating thousands of jobs and the opportunity for young Belizeans to own a house for the first time doing the same with healthcare facilities upgrading the level of service with the creation of regional hospitals and policlinics throughout Belize.A Party Leader has to be visionary with the abilities to paint and illustrate the picture of where he wants to go, how

he intends to get there and what will he do when he gets there. The leader has to be inspirational in all aspect first and foremost, that he must deliver certain attributes in order to have followers and by that I mean the entire 50,000 rank and file members not only a few figureheads from one, two or three constituencies and believing that it is the duty of the remaining twenty-eight constituencies to fall into place even though there is a crystal clear indication from the few figure heads to characterize those leaders of the twenty-eight constituencies as not needed.A true visionary leader has to be surrounded by people faithful to him but indeed faithful to the movement, the cause, the objective of the People’s United Party which is to be victorious at the next General Elections and become the government that will bring about a stable economic environment, create jobs for all Belizeans and bring back the peace and tranquillity that Belizeans have enjoyed in the past.A government that has the capacity to reignite the human values in the public and social institutions that are crumbling before our very eyes under the stewardship of Prime Minister Dean Barrow and his government of the United Democratic Party. The job of Party Leader of the People’s United Party requires the knowledge of how to move Belize out of the gutter on to a meaningful path of prosperity; not only to get the vote and expect things to fix itself as the UDP is doing. Belize needs a tested leader with the manoeuvrability and capability to take the Belizean ship out of the troubled waters before it suffers the same fate as the Titanic, from a seemingly failed state on to a clear controlled navigational path of opportunities and progressive development for the wellbeing of all Belizeans.Two years ago, the then Opposition UDP told you life was ‘haad out ya’, you believed and opted for a change, dropping the bone for the shadow, today you realize that things were sweeter compared to now and the only thing left to happen is for the dog to pee on your foot.The change came but it was for the ‘worst’! Now it up to Belizeans to decide who will they chose as leader to deliver them from this economic torment.We must take note analyse what is happening in Trinidad and Tobago whose government has been forced into an early election slated for May 24th 2010.Belize and Trinidad share a lot in common with government leadership style but at least they are awake and have snapped out of La-la-land. Are You?

Wanted a Party Leader,a National Leader

Public Viewsand Opinion

Who will deliver us from this economic torment?

the barely sober Editor a little spotlight that he so long for in the Perspective (hold your seat Mike, I won’t be rude). In his ‘Sober Reflections’, the barely sober Editor penned “What if… We were one PUP far removed from this nonsense fraction or factors?” “Free from useless distraction etc. and pile of mother jazz”. He concluded his essay by saying “he is pissed off when people bring their petty agenda into the game and disrupt the game plan” He is pissed off for himself and those soldiers who aren’t afraid of getting dirty and taking hit for the love of the Party. He calls for Johnny who he knows could handle a machete to clear away the useless bushes (you know what he means Rhenae). If the Editor was sober when he penned that article, then I believe that we would have had to take him seriously, but he really needs to sober up. Mike, people like me tell our readers every week in our articles that we are in favor of real unity in our Party and want to see the PUP become a viable Party with a strong Leader that can win elections. All the distraction that seems to affect you is coming from amongst yourselves. The problem with you people is that you all believe that this is a political game that only you can play because you want to twist the rules to your convenience. You all want to disrespect and trample upon the very lives of the grassroots rank and file of the PUP who are the majority that is taking a licking out here principally because of your power games and greed. This is no game Mike and to give comfort to your sober mind, there is no game and there is no game plan. Mike, Johnny is well known for his ability to use a machete, but we don’t want a machete that cuts on both sides; a “panya machete” right Said? Musa can confirm how his former Deputy’s machete cuts, and you Mike, of all people, should never forget that. Articles like mine, “Spot Check” and Jeremy Robinson’s only seek to expose people that you know do not want to bring meaningful unity within the PUP, and we do it in a very sober fashion, Mike. I can boast that the Editor of the Perspective give us that opportunity that we will never enjoy at the Belize Times, Mike. Just a month ago you felt the burning necessity in your state of mind to call Johnny, Narda, Julius and Stuart to express your disappointment and feelings about the PUP leadership. Mike, you know that you were suspended for two weeks for speaking the truth, and we believe that what you said to the Party Leader and the others was the truth, seriously Mike. Someone should have warned you not to throw stones at glass windows Mike. You are a dissident voice like us. The only difference is that that dissidence comes out only when you are ‘nice-up’. The game plan is that Narda wants to replace you as Editor for what you said to her that night Mike, and that might come sooner rather than later. So, no watch we Mike, watch yu self

and cover yu own back. Take it from one who knows this first hand.In closing I must admit that like most of us, Mike behaves like a fool when he is drunk, but when sober, he is very shrewd; the latter is attributed from him being a learned student of the Master Yesser Musa. Mike now knows that Narda obviously has Johnny by his ‘tanates’ and that she is certainly after his (Mike’s) head. He also knows that Johnny is not pleased with his (mis)behavior for trying to tutor the Party Leader on how to be a successful Party Leader. So in the last edition of the Belize Times, Mike took sweet revenge and pasted a very pathetic picture of a sulked, disappointed and humiliated Party Leader - who cannot even command the respect of a light weight Officer-in-Charge of the Orange Walk Police formation looking terribly defeated - sitting on the floor outside at the Orange Walk Police station (yu wicked, wicked Mike). This is the worst picture I have ever seen of a PUP Leader on a Belize Times’ front page (Mike gat yu Pathy Leeda). Then on the same front page of the Times he captured a story of “Funny Business at Finca Solana...” If you don’t make the connection then ask the question where does Narda Garcia resides, and how did she manages to purchased that expensive property and build that mansion that added to her other expensive properties in Corozal? Maybe we ought to ask Said Musa, Mike because the Miranda Report did not mention those assets of Narda. After striking back at Narda and the Party Leader, on the Times front page, Mike cleverly provoked and lured me to give him a little attention in my article when he penned in his Sober Reflections “What If…” knowing full well that Gordon Smith would not have given up the opportunity to exposed the Times front spectacle and fill in the puzzle for my readers. It must be understood Mike that the real problem is not us here at the Perspective or those who bravely dare to criticize the PUP leadership. The new PUP is at each other’s throats and is doing all the damage to themselves while at the same time, wants the masses to follow blindly. People like Narda Garcia smelled POWER from the first round of the Village Council elections and want to dominate her position for her greed. I want to remind her and others like her of last week’s article from my comrade in this battle Jeremy Robinson who cautioned us by quoting “Contrary to popular belief, “Cold” is not the opposite of “Heat” but the absence of it. Therefore, a rejection of Barrow and the UDP will not be equal to an “acceptance/endorsement” of Johnny & Co.” As a proud PUP, I want to see my Party triumphant in the upcoming elections, and although I have not and will not comment about the ongoing Village Council Elections until it climaxes, I wish the PUP success in the upcoming Village Council Elections. Meanwhile, take heed my friends and listen to the voices of reason, the voices of the people. Those that have Ears to hear! Hear.


Page 19: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25th, 2010 PAGE 19

HEALTHY LIVINGThere are many types of anxiety disorders that include panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, specifi c phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder.Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times. Many people feel anxious, or nervous, when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or making an important decision. Anxiety disorders, however, are different. They can cause such distress that it interferes with a person’s ability to lead a normal life.An anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness. For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling.What Are the Types of Anxiety Disorders?There are several recognized types of anxiety disorders, including:• Panic disorder : People with this condition have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, chest pain, palpitations (irregular heartbeats), and a feeling of choking, which may make the person feel like he or she is having a heart attack or “going crazy.”• O b s e s s i v e - c o m p u l s i v e disorder (OCD) : People with OCD are plagued by constant thoughts or fears that cause them to perform certain rituals or routines. The disturbing thoughts are called obsessions, and the rituals are called compulsions. An example is a person with an unreasonable fear of germs who constantly washes his or her hands.• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) : PTSD is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event, such as a sexual or physical assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a natural disaster. People with PTSD often have lasting and frightening thoughts and memories of the event, and tend to be emotionally numb.• Social anxiety disorder : Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder involves overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. The worry often centers on a fear of being judged by others, or behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment or lead to ridicule.

• Specifi c phobias : A specifi c phobia is an intense fear of a specifi c object or situation, such as snakes, heights, or fl ying. The level of fear usually is inappropriate to the situation

and may cause the person to avoid common, everyday situations.• Generalized anxiety disorder : This disorder involves excessive, unrealistic worry and tension, even if there is little or nothing to provoke the anxiety.What Are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder?Symptoms vary depending on the type of anxiety disorder, but general symptoms include: Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness; Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts; Repeated thoughts or fl ashbacks of traumatic experiences; Nightmares; Ritualistic behaviors, such as repeated hand washing; Problems sleeping; Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet; Shortness of breath; Palpitations; An inability to be still and calm; Dry mouth; Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet; Nausea; Muscle tension; DizzinessWhat Causes Anxiety Disorders?The exact cause of anxiety disorders is unknown; but anxiety disorders -- like other forms of mental illness -- are not the result of personal weakness, a character fl aw, or poor upbringing. As scientists continue their research on mental illness, it is becoming clear that many of these disorders are caused by a combination of factors, including changes in the brain and environmental stress.Like certain illnesses, such as diabetes, anxiety disorders may be caused by chemical imbalances in the body.

Studies have shown that severe or long-lasting stress can change the balance of chemicals in the brain that control mood. Other studies have shown that people with certain anxiety

disorders have changes in certain brain structures that control memory or mood. In addition, studies have shown that anxiety disorders run in families, which means that they can be inherited from one or both parents, like hair or eye color. Moreover, certain environmental factors -- such as a trauma or signifi cant event -- may trigger an

anxiety disorder in people who have an inherited susceptibility to developing the disorder.How Common Are Anxiety Disorders?Anxiety disorders affect about 19 million adult Americans. Most anxiety disorders begin in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. They occur slightly more often in women than in men, and occur with equal frequency in whites, African-Americans, and Hispanics.How Are Anxiety Disorders Diagnosed?If symptoms of an anxiety disorder are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by asking you questions about your medical history and performing a physical exam. Although there are no laboratory tests to specifi cally diagnose anxiety disorders, the doctor may use various tests to look for physical illness as the cause of the symptoms.If no physical illness is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, mental health

professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a person for an anxiety disorder.The doctor bases his or her diagnosis on the patient’s report of the intensity and duration of symptoms -- including any problems with daily functioning caused by the symptoms -- and the doctor’s observation of the patient’s attitude and behavior. The doctor then determines if the patient’s symptoms and degree of dysfunction indicate a specifi c anxiety disorder.How Are Anxiety Disorders Treated?Fortunately, much progress has been made in the last two decades in the treatment of people with mental

illnesses, including anxiety disorders. Although the exact treatment approach depends on the type of disorder, one or a combination of the following therapies may be used for most anxiety disorders:• Medication : Medicines used to reduce the symptoms of anxiety disorders include anti-depressants and anxiety-reducing drugs.• Psychotherapy : Psychotherapy (a type of counseling) addresses the emotional response to mental illness. It is a process in which trained mental health professionals help people by talking through strategies for

understanding and dealing with their disorder.• Cognitive-behavioral therapy: People suffering from anxiety disorders often participate in this type of psychotherapy in which the person learns to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that lead to troublesome feelings.• Dietary and lifestyle changes • Relaxation therapy Can Anxiety Disorders Be Prevented?Anxiety disorders cannot be prevented; however, there are some things you can do to control or lessen symptoms:• Stop or reduce your consumption of products that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate.• Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies. Many contain chemicals that can increase anxiety symptoms.• Seek counseling and support after a traumatic or disturbing experience.

Anxiety Disorders

Page 20: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Domingo, 25 de Abril, 2010Edición 87 Vol. 2 - Semana 36

Historia en la pagina 4

Muere Tele-Reportero de Canal 7

By Rhenae NunezBelize City; Tues. April 20, 2010

Keith Kevin Swift de 30 años reconocido personalidad de los medios que por doce años formo parte del equipo de noticias de canal 7, murió este pasado lunes de un derrame cerebral. El examinador médico forense, el Dr. Mario Estradabran, realizo un examen de autopsia al cuerpo de Swift el martes por la tarde y concluyo que Keith había muerto el lunes por la mañana de fallos del corazón causada de una hemorragia cerebral. El Dr. Estradabran explico que la hemorragia hizo que la sangre alrededor de su corazón que se coagulara así causando su corazón a fallar. Su muerte fue de manera casi instantánea, dijo el Dr. Estradabran.

Keith ya tenía otros problemas de salud batallando con la artritis y a llegar a tiempo de su muerte estaba tomando medicación para el problema. El Dr. Estradabran llego a creer que la hemorragia de su cerebro pudo haber ser causada por

pastillas para el alivio del dolor mescladas con bebidas que dan energía así como el Redbull y el Monster. Dijo que nomas es una teoría y que nomas un reporte de toxicología puede comprobar si en verdad la mescla de patillas para el dolor y bebidas de energía pudo haber sido el coctel letal que tomo la vida de este hombre tan joven. Agrego, también el reporte puede a llegar a ser no concluyente.

Keith fue buscado en el piso de su recamara por su compañero de apartamento, Mark Bowman, un poco después de salir de si trabajo a las 5 de la tarde. Keith no había llegado al trabajo el

lunes por la mañana y llamadas a su teléfono celular no estaban siendo contestadas. La ultima ves que el fue visto vivo fue la noche anterior del domingo, su puerta cerrada aunque las llaves estaban en la puerta. La noticia de la muerte repentina dejo en shock a la nación y toco a muchos a dejar mensajes de simpatía y condolencias al noticiero canal 7 adonde el joven Keith había empezado a trabajar desde que nomas tenía 17 años. El joven Keith tuvo una carrera larga en su poco tiempo de vida. El llego a formar parte de nuestra familia cada noche y así también ganar el respeto de sus colegas y admiración de

personas de diversas profesiones. Keith llego a ser un reportero a quien todos le teníamos confianza para llegar a la verdad. Su estilo de reportaje era único por su graciosa manera de entretener a la audiencia televidente y la misma ves siempre llegando a su punto final de la verdad. Así todos sabiendo cuando es una historia por “Keith Swift.” Su curiosidad era refrescante, el tenia una determinación a llegar a la verdad, y también de contar

su historia apropiadamente. Keith Swift será extrañado personalmente por sus familiares y profesionalmente por todos sus colegas. El no tan solo será extrañado por reportar en mas de 3,000 mil reportajes que siguió paso por paso a diferentes industrias de nuestro país, pero también el fue visto madurar desde joven siendo flaco hasta llegar a ser un hombre solido creciendo junto con nosotros en nuestros corazones y en nuestros hogares todas las noches de semana por el canal 7 de noticias. Un joven que creció en frente de nuestros ojos.

Keith Kevin Swift muere de Hemorragia Cerebral a los 30

Page 21: National Perspective April 25, 2010

Beliceños pobladores de la antigua capital, ciudad Belice, continúan nostálgicos recordando los tiempos pasados cuando Belice se consideraba un refugio seguro y la vida se valoraba. Estas personas ya caminan sobre sus cuarenta-y-pico de años y se pueden considerar la versión Beliceña de los ‘Baby Boomers’. Esta generación de ciudadanos veneran y recuerdan aquellos días cuando una familia podía salir a un paseo ya sea al parque o a tomarse un helado antes de retirarse a sus casas cercadas. Esos eran los tiempos de un Belice sano y libre de los estragos de la delincuencia durante los años de los setentas y parte de los ochentas; cuando el único temor o miedo que existía era de fantasmas o los rufianes UBAD que comenzaban en su intento a infestar las calles de ciudad Belice. Sin embargo, lo que es antaño y solo un bonito recuerdo para esta generación sin duda es el sueño anhelado de todo Beliceño ya sea joven o viejo, rico o pobre. En año 1992 el Honorable George Price, como entonces Primer Ministro de Belice delego un comisión para un Reporte sobre el Crimen que incluyo cinco miembros. Este Reporte fue muy detallado subrayando e enfocando las causas a fondo que en ese entonces estaba deteriorando a la juventud Beliceña con el resto de la sociedad. Este Reporte subrayo la desintegración de la estructura familiar que significantemente contribuía a la degradación moral de la sociedad. Según ese Reporte,

esa desintegración familiar comenzó después del Huracan Hattie en 19961 que destruyo casi toda la ciudad de Belice que a su vez destruyo toda la actividad económica en lo que en ese entonces se consideraba como el centro más poblado. Como resultado, los padres y madres de esa época abandonaron Belice para emigrar a Estados Unidos en busca de mejores condiciones económicos para el mejoramiento personal y de sus familiares. Los hijos de estos padres aventureros quedaron con otros familiares como abuelos, tíos, hermanos etc. Pero en la mayoría de los casos de estos guardianes en Belice, no tuvieron el equipo necesario para supervisar esto niños que comenzaban a desarrollarse como adolecentes Estos jóvenes descarriados comenzaron sus actos de rebeldía cada quien por su propia dirección. Muchas comenzaron a procrear convirtiéndose en madres y los padres jóvenes sin experiencia comenzaron a negar las obligaciones y responsabilidades que cumple con ser padres. Estos padres jóvenes no pudieron inyectar ni cultivar los valores morales necesarios en sus hijos. Hubo muchos niños instruidos apenas por uno de los padres ya que muchos padres abandonaron sus obligaciones para hacia sus hijos. Para culminar los años de los 1980’s la tercer generación de hijos de padres jóvenes ya comenzaban a ser adolecentes y la indisciplina ya comenzaba a agobiar a la sociedad. El Gobierno UDP de los

1980’s no demostró ningún interés de implementar ningún programa para poner toda esa energía juvenil para mayor bienestar durante ese tiempo. Los dejaron sin dirección alguna que resulto que sean mal-encaminados por la televisión y narco-traficantes que comenzaban a mostrar prominencia en la vispeda de la cocaína crack. Para el año 1992, la situación del crimen ya era sensacional con crímenes de homicidio de contratos llevada a cavo como la de Itza Brown en el Estadio Nacional. Desde ese entonces, se han llevado a cavo cientos de asesinatos y ninguno de las recomendaciones del Reporte de Crimen de 1992 se han implementado. Esto a causado que esta tendencia siga en aumento consistentemente y esa ola criminal solo ha logrado marginalizar a los ciudadanos igual a las leyes draconas que tienen a la población agobiados y encerrados dentro de sus propias casas prisioneros de la incompetencias del estado dándole mas espacio a los criminales para poder operar sin impunidad. Actualmente, el gobierno UDP se encuentra sin capacidad alguna para reducir la situación del crimen que afecta al país entero. El gobierno ha enfocado en el departamento de la policía como la única herramienta al combate al crimen. Contrataron a un supuesto criminal Harold Crooks para asesorarlos en estrategia y dirección pero hasta la fecha nada ha cambiado. El crimen violento va de mal en peor y hasta la policía ahora tiene elementos despreciados dentro de sus filas. La policía no ha

podido combatir la delincuencia y la sociedad Beliceña están mas desesperados que nunca. Este Gobierno UDP continua perdiendo todo el tiempo precioso con venganzas y buscando excusas para sus incompetencias. Ningún esfuerzo se ha hecho para atraer inversión extranjera para asi crear fuentes de trabajo en donde el desempleo ha decaído. Sin embargo, estos Ministros de gobierno también se ocupan de enriquecerse y llenar sus cuentas bancarias mientras que la pobreza entre la población va en aumento. Ha llegado la hora para que los mismos ciudadanos tomen carta en el asunto y envíen un firme mensaje al gobierno para que funcionen debidamente o que se atengan a las consecuencias. Este Gobierno UDP es reconocido por sus propagandas de mentiras y pretender que son los santos. Uno de esas propagandas es la promesa de el Paquete de Estimulo que prometió injectar $200 Millones de dólares a la sociedad que nunca se ha realizado. El puebo fue victima de este tipo de enganio por parte del Primer Ministro porque ni un solo dólar se ha gastado de ese paquete de estimulo. Como el bienestar y beneficios llegara al pueblo cuando no han cumplido con las promesas de sus Manifestos y no han funcionado de acuerdo a sus promesas. El PUP estarán obligados a hacer lo mismo cuando entren en el 2013.

PAGINA 2 Domingo, 25 de Abril, 2010

Abran Los Ojos,El Pueblo Esta Despierta.


Page 22: National Perspective April 25, 2010

PAGINA 3Domingo, 25 de Abril, 2010


En Teherán desfilaron los misiles tierra-tierra tipo Ghadr, Sajjil y Shahab-3 —con alcance de hasta dos mil kilómetros—, lo que coloca a Israel y a las bases estadounidenses dentro del alcance de Irán.Los misiles Shahab-3 tienen capacidad de trasladar ojivas nucleares. Aunque el Gobierno de Teherán no posee ninguna por ahora, la posibilidad de tenerla ha sido origen de preocupación para Occidente, además del controversial programa de enriquecimiento de uranio de Irán, ya que la comunidad internacional teme que pueda servir para ocultar el deseo de fabricar una bomba atómica.“En la actualidad, nuestras fuerzas armadas tienen tanto poder que ningún enemigo se atrevería a tener ideas malvadas de poner sus manos en territorio iraní”, aseveró Ahmadineyad en el festejo. El discurso del presidente iraní fue transmitido en vivo por la televisión estatal, que también exhibió segmentos del desfile.

Ahmadineyad también instó a EE. UU. a dejar de respaldar a Israel y que desmantele su presencia militar en Medio Oriente y en Afganistán. Teherán considera que los soldados estadounidenses se encuentran a las puertas de su país al estar desplegados en Iraq, en Afganistán y en el Golfo Pérsico, lo que significa una amenaza, y por ello Ahmadineyad reiteró sus acusaciones en el sentido de que la presencia de EE. UU. ha sido fuente de la inestabilidad en esa región. “Si están interesados en garantizar la seguridad de la región, ellos deben, en primer lugar, retirar su presencia militar de la región y dejar de respaldar a Israel”, agregó.Contra Israel: Los dirigentes iraníes afirman que Israel está destinado a la destrucción, y Ahmadinejad causó la indignación de los occidentales con afirmar en el 2006 que el holocausto de los judíos por Alemania nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial era un “mito”.

Ahmadineyad exhibe poderío militar de Irán

Teherán - El presidente de Irán, Mahmud Ahmadineyad, afirmó ayer en un discurso durante el Día Nacional del Ejército que las fuerzas militares de su país son tan poderosas en la actualidad que nadie se atrevería a atacarlo.

Las celebraciones por el Bicentenario del inicio de la Independencia venezolana coinciden, este lunes, con la realización en Caracas de la IX Cumbre de la Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de nuestra

América.Con un desfile cívico-militar, manifestaciones culturales y una sesión solemne de la Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento), Venezuela conmemora este lunes el Bicentenario del comienzo de su gesta independentista, que se remonta al 19 de abril de 1810.Para las 05:30 horas locales (10:00 GMT) está previsto que se realice un masivo toque de diana a nivel nacional, además del lanzamiento de fuegos artificiales, esta última acción denominada “Cohetazo”, con lo que se emprenderán las celebraciones del los 200 años del inicio de la Independencia en Venezuela del yugo español.Posteriormente, se prevé que para las 10:30 horas locales (15:00 GMT) se realice

un desfile de efectivos de movimientos populares y efectivos de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB), en el que además participarán delegaciones castrenses de Bielorrusia, Libia, Argelia, Argentina,

Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua, entre otras naciones.Este desfile, el cual autoridades venezolanas han asegurado que será el más grande en la historia del país, se realizará en el paseo de Los Próceres, ubicado en el sureste de Caracas, la capital de esta nación suramericana.En horas de la tarde, la Asamblea Nacional se desarrollará una sesión solemne con motivo de nuestra independencia, en la que la presidenta de, Cristina Fernández, participará como la oradora de orden. Además de Fernández, como invitados a las celebraciones por el Bicentenario de la Independencia de Venezuela han llegado a este país los presidentes de Bolivia, Evo Morales; de Cuba, Raúl Castro; de

República Dominicana, Leonel Fernández; de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.También han llegado a Venezuela los primeros ministros Antigua y Barbuda, Wiston Baldwin Spencer, de Dominica,

Roosevelt Skerryt, quienes junto a los mandatarios participarán además en la VIII Cumbre de la Alianza Bolivariana para los pueblos de nuestras América (ALBA), la cual coincidirá con las celebraciones patrias venezolanas.Sólo se espera la llegada del presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, la cual está prevista para la mañana de este lunes.El presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, dijo a su llegada a Caracas el domingo que están por celebrarse tres actividades importantes: el Biecentenario de la Independencia venezolana, la IX Cumbre del ALBA y el fracaso de la invasión estadounidense a Cuba en Playa Girón, considerada la primera gran derrota del imperialismo yanqui.“Me encuentro enormemente contento por venir a Venezuela, porque vamos a celebrar

mañana tresactividades importantes, los dos siglos en el lugar donde se inició el proceso de independencia de la hermana Venezuela y de gran parte de América, también la reunión del ALBA, y en tercer lugar porque mañana también harán 49 años de la victoria del pueblo cubano bajo la dirección de Fidel frente a la invasión mercenaria imperialista”, dijo el mandatario cubano.Por su parte, el presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, señaló: “Hemos venido aquí a festejar este Bicentenario y rendir homenaje a esas grandes luchas que gestaron los héroes de la Independencia”.Asimismo, a su llegada a suelo venezolano, el jefe de Estado dominicano, Leonel Fernández, resaltó la importancia de la

celebración y dijo que “el 19 de abril de 1810 es un hecho simbólico y emblemático para toda la América Latina, fue el inicio de la ruptura del orden colonial de nuestra América”.Vinimos a acompañar al presidente (de Venezuela, Hugo) Chávez junto a los demás jefes de Estado y de Gobierno es un motivo de gran distinción y de honor”, añadió Fernández. La jefa de Estado argentina, Cristina Fernández, señaló que su visita a Venezuela es para conmemorar “lo que constituye, sin lugar a dudas, el primer Bicentenario de este año, y nada menos que aquí en Caracas, venimos a acompañar al presidente Hugo Chávez, al pueblo de Venezuela, a la historia”.“Bueno, venimos a compartir un momento muy especial para los hombres y las mujeres suramericanas, estamos muy contentos de estar aquí”, agregó la presidenta argentina. Posteriormente, el mandatario nicaragüense, Daniel Ortega, sostuvo que en Venezuela “se escuchan los gritos de lucha por la Independencia de nuestra América, desde esta tierra latinoamericana, Ya es el amanecer que se empezó a oír hace 200 años y que hoy se está haciendo realidad con el ALBA”.El presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, puntualizó en un acto previo el domingo, en cadena de radio y televisión, que en su país se ha iniciado un “nuevo ciclo definitorio y definitivo en la historia venezolana”. Puntualizó que entre los años 2010 y 2030 se afianzará “la revolución socialista, la independencia plena y la unidad de los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe”. Analizó los hechos históricos que impulsaron el 19 de Abril de 1810, invitando además a celebrar “en grande los 200 años del comienzo de un ciclo emancipador que se mantiene en la actualidad”.

Además de militares, desfilarán movimientos populares venezolanos para conmemorar los 200 años de la gesta independentista

Venezuela celebra Bicentenario del inicio de su Independencia

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PAGINA 4 Domingo, 25 de Abril, 2010

Belmopán, miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010.- La Embajada de México informa que Aduanas de México ha confi rmado que ha sido ampliado el horario de revisión de autobuses de pasajeros que entran a México, a través de la frontera de Chetumal, de lunes a domingo de 6:00 am a 7:00 pm. El horario permitirá a todo tipo de autobuses de pasajeros, incluyendo a los de Belice, cruzar hacia México cualquier día de la semana, incluyendo sábados y domingos.Los autobuses que arriben entre las 6:00 am y las 9:00 am serán revisados de manera visual por ofi ciales de Aduanas de México, mientras que los autobuses que cruzan entre las 9:00 am y las 7:00 pm continuarán sometiéndose a la revisión de rayos gama implementada a principios de este año. La ampliación del horario, especialmente los fi nes de semana, permitirá continuar garantizando la seguridad en la frontera entre México y Belice, así como facilitar la entrada de pasajeros y autobuses beliceños.Asimismo, la Embajada de México reitera al público beliceño que las personas con pasaporte de Belice no requieren visa para viajar a Chetumal o a cualquier otra parte de México. Los beliceños pueden utilizar su pasaporte vigente o la tarjeta de visitante local (FMVL).Se sugiere a los beliceños que soliciten la tarjeta FMVL lo que les facilitará y agilizará su entrada a México y su permanencia hasta por tres días en Chetumal y el resto de Quintana Roo.Para mayor información, favor de comunicarse a la Sección Consular de la Embajada de México al 223-0193 ó 223-0194, escriba a [email protected] ; visite la página de internet de la Embajada en



Hay una preocupación aumentando entre los pasajeros frecuentes por los taxis marinos que viajan desde la cuidad de Belice hacia Caye Caulker y San Pedro especialmente después de que los precios en las tarifas subieron sustancialmente durante el fi n de semana de pascua.

Lo que pudimos entender de nuestra parte en este periódico de la Perspectiva Nacional es que ya no hay competencia justa entre lo que antes era la Asociación de Taxis Marinos de Caye Caulker y la Asociación de Taxis Marinos de San Pedro y que ahora nomas hay un solo grupo controlando todo el negocio de Taxi Marino. Ya no hay ningún residente de Caye Caulker que es parte de la asociación porque los dueños/miembros de la Asociación de Caye Caulker fueron ofrecidos compensaciones y de resultado vendieron sus derechos en la membrecía de la Asociación de Caye Caulker aunque muchos de ellos nomas han recibido 25% de lo que fue prometido y muchos no han visto ningún centavo. Este acuerdo realizado en papel le ha dado a los dueños principales de San Pedro Water Taxi el derecho de poder controlar las operaciones de Caye Caulker Water Taxi así subiendo las tarifas como les de la gana y disfrutar de este negocio lucrativo en todo su monopolio. Muchos familiares con el aspecto operacional del la industria de taxis marinos creen que este proceso de juntar a dos asociaciones no fue voluntario y que fue tomada de manera forzada ya que la compañía fue llevada a problemas fi nancieros por lideres que básicamente empujaron la compañía a la quiebra y vieron que la fusión de las dos asociaciones era la única manera hacia delante.

Muchos creen que la absorción de la Asociación de Caye Caulker por la Asociación de San Pedro es hostil, inmoral y hasta ilegal y para agregar, los nuevos dueños contractaron a miembros del gobierno para facilitar la transferencia de las terminales en la cuida de Belice al igual de Caye Caulker a sus nombres y no de sus compañías sin el consentimiento del presidente de la Asociación de Caye Caulker. Las dos terminales fueron dadas bajo contrato de arrendamiento bajo la condición que era una asociación y no una compañía privada lucrativa. Ahora en ves de proveer un servicio excepcional, ahora se han quedado atrás. Ahora hay solo un barco

cada hora y ya no hay barcos extras por si al caso esta lleno el primer barco. En ese caso se tiene que esperar otra hora para que salga el otro barco.Ahora que la escuela se ha abierto, los estudiantes están sufriendo especialmente que ahora hay diferentes horarios. Antes los horarios acomodaban a los estudiantes viajando de Caye Caulker a San Pedro para atender la escuela secundaria y los de San Pedro para atender escuela en la cuidad de Belice sin tener que pagar precios altos. Muchos creen que los precios no deberían ser tan altos y que este nuevo monopolio es solamente para hacer ganancias y nada más. No puede ser llamada competencia porque la verdad es que no es. Nomas hay un solo grupo controlando aunque dan la

apariencia que todavía hay dos compañías. Hasta boletos de ambas asociaciones son aceptados en cualquier terminal. Es rumorado que el Ministro del Turismo, Manuel Heredia, es unos de los nuevos accionistas en el San Pedro Water Taxi. Las Autoridades de los Puertos están dejando ahora que los precios suban al gusto de los directores de la compañía de San Pedro cuando

a n t e s se oponían contra la Asociación de Water Taxi de Caye Caulker. Hay fuertes rumores que los antes dueños de la Asociación de Caye Caulker Water Taxi intentan tomar la compañía patras pero que el gobierno se opone contra ellos. Parece que hay una fusión; cualquiera podría notar eso, una fusión que es protegida bajo el interés del gobierno rojo.

Monopolio en la industria de Taxis AcuáticosSan Pedro Water Taxi controla la Asociación de Taxis Acuáticos de Cayo Ikako

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