Download - National ICT-e competence standards for initial teacher education.

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National ICT-e competence standards for initial teacher education.

A result of collaboration by Faculties of Education in the Netherlands.


Ton Koenraad (TELLConsult, Netherlands)

Aike van der Hoeff (HAN University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)

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Innovation in Teacher Ed. to prepare professionals to teach our next generation


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Instruments to support the integration of ICT in Education (1) :

The 4 in Balance Model

3 More info at NL Schoolnet (Kennisnet)

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English version (2009) available here

Instruments to support the integration of ICT in Education (2):

Dutch ICT Standards for teachers

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5 Koehler & Mishra (2006)

Instruments to support the integration of ICT in Education (3): The TPACK model

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Instruments to support the integration of ICT in Education :

The 4 in Balance Model


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Dutch ICT-e standards for prospective teachers (Version 1, 2009)

• Collaboratively developed by NL teacher training colleges (ADEF consortium)

• Describes knowledge, skills ánd attitudes

• Defines performance criteria

• Supports curriculum planning across disciplines

• Is not prescriptive re subject content nor pedagogy

• Is also useful for CPD programs


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Dutch ICT Standards for prospective teachers. Contents (2013 update)

1. Attitude – The teacher is creative, cooperates with other teachers regarding the use of

ICT, reflects on his own behavior regarding the use of ICT

2. Instrumental skills: Can make use of: – office software – Learning Management Systems – testsoftware – Authoring tools for multimedia learning materials development

3. Information literacy (Information skills) 4. General pedagogy: can use /make ICT available to:

– Present – Cooperate and communicate – Support individual work – Coach & evaluate – Test

5. Arrange and develop digital teaching materials 1. Find 2. Adapt / Develop 3. Knowledge of copyright models


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Inspired by TPACK

1. TPACK means: Technological, Pedagogical And Content Knowledge

2. It is a model to help integrate the use of technology in teaching and learning

3. It is not prescriptive but aims to explain the relationship between content, pedagogy and technology


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The TPACK model, source:

11 Koehler & Mishra (2006)

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Technological Pedagogical Knowledge: Knowing how ICT affects subject teaching methodologies

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Know-how about subject specific pedagogy & methodologies

Technological Content Knowledge: Realising how ICT influences how subject matter can be acquired.

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The premises of TPACK

• Teachers do have content knowledge, they teach about it

• Teachers do have pedagogical knowledge and experience, they use it while teaching

• Teachers should have ICT knowledge, so they can use it when teaching

• These three ‘knowledges’ should be available to them as integrated set


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A use case: Language Dept. at Faculty of Education, Hogeschool Utrecht (NL)

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According to Bernie Dodge:

“There are at least two reasons that the World Wide Web is an exciting development for educators:

• Using the Web breaks down the walls that separate schools from everything else.

• Using the Web forces active learning.”

Why the Web?

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Active learning

In Dodge´s own words active learning involves:

«putting our students in situations which compel them to read, speak, listen, think deeply, and write.

Active learning puts the responsibility of organizing what is to be learned in the hands of the learners themselves, and ideally lends itself to a more diverse range of learning styles.»

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WebQuest structure

1. Introduction: orientation & motivation

2. Task: what?

3. Process: how?

4. Resources: which information?

5. Evaluation: which criteria?

6. Conclusion: what have you learnt

& and how to consolidate?

Web resources






Teacher’s page

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WebQuests in Language Ed.?

• The WQ-model can well accommodate current SLA-views and MFL methodology - learner-centredness, active learning, focus on learning strategies

• It can help MFL teachers to: - relate learning to the real world

- enhance & (partly) replace textbook-based learning

- support transdiscipline curriculum activities

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Project Rationale

• 1. Support for what is a triple innovation for most in-service teachers: – Change in language pedagogy

– extending skills: ICT and assessment & design of materials

– acquiring new or other classroom and task management skills

• 2. And … related competences development is not widely available in initial Teacher Ed.

(Westhoff, 2005; Van den Branden, 2006; Koenraad, 2006)

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Teacher’s page as TPACK evidence


Web resources






Teacher’s page

• Introduction

• Target audience

• Goals / European Framework

• Prerequisites

• Evaluation criteria

• Instructiveness

• (Planning)

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Sharing (student) teachers’ products: Open Educational Resources


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From Pilot to Implementation From teacher level to curriculum level.

• Early adopter in one Dept. experiments in methods course

• Shares experiences with team members

• Other colleagues adopt & adapt initial course materials

• Dept. formalises course

• Other depts. include element in their methods courses

• Content teachers adopt the approach and adapt their teaching methods

• Relevant competences included in ICT standards

• Process to realise implementation in formal curriculum


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