Download - Nathan waterhouse Creative Communities

  • 1. Twitter: @_natw Creative Communities Nathan Waterhouse

2. Hello, Im Nathan. @_natw 3. Whos an engineer? 4. Whos a designer? 5. Whos an architect? 6. What did I miss? 7. Who is Creative? 8. Why creativity? 9. Why creativity? 10. Why creativity? 11. Why creativity? 12. Why creativity? 13. From what is, to what could be. 14. Early human groups. 15. Sex. 16. Sex. 17. How do you enable more creative confidence? 18. Play time. 19. 7 year olds. 20. Space that imposes rules. 21. Very Creative space 22. IDEO space 23. Just enough structure. 24. Different skill sets diagram. 25. From ego to end-user. 26. Insert video 27. Figure out what the community is good at & where you need support. Community management Synthesis Expert/ end-user feedback Implementation support/ coaching/ grants Framing the Design Challenge RESEARCH 350 contributions IDEAS 205 ideas EVALUATION 20 final ideas REFINEMENT 40 final ideas WINNING IDEAS Announced! IMPACT Ongoing 28. Enable everyone to participate. 10 secs hours 29. Give feedback. 30. Understand what drives people. 31. Understand what drives people. 32. Story time. 33. use social business to improve health in low-income 34. Madre Cuidadora: a Mentor / Village Phone / Vendor lady Instead of having a vending machine selling all sorts of healthcare-related items (diapers, baby food and clothes, birth kits, cell phones, etc.), we could imagine using community mothers or mentors, or even health care workers. This way, we could reduce the literacy gap, while still keeping a human contact that might be reassuring, and having information spread out from within communities, via people who belong to these communities 35. Madre Cuidadora: a Mentor / Village Phone / Vendor lady Instead of having a vending machine selling all sorts of healthcare-related items (diapers, baby food and clothes, birth kits, cell phones, etc.), we could imagine using community mothers or mentors, or even health care workers. This way, we could reduce the literacy gap, while still keeping a human contact that might be reassuring, and having information spread out from within communities, via people who belong to these communities 36. Tip: Start small you dont have to build an entire business to know theres value in your idea. 37. If low- and middle-income families have access to timely and quality healthcare and services at an affordable price, this will decrease the occurrence of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse the impact on their daily activities. Health should not be an impediment to improve the quality of life. Garca Ramirez, 1000th user, Bive 38. You are encouraging people to act with openideo. Intrapreneurs have the awareness of problems but often don't know how to act. Jorge, Bive 39. You are encouraging people to act with openideo. Intrapreneurs have the awareness of problems but often don't know how to act. Jorge, Bive 40. You are encouraging people to act with openideo. Intrapreneurs have the awareness of problems but often don't know how to act. Jorge, Bive 41. Creativity2 42. e restore vibrancy in cities and regions facing econo 43. Tip: Prototype your idea early before you commit resources 44. Amnesty app? 45. Tip: Get feedback from end users 46. insert IVR community radio Tip: Get feedback from end users 47. Whos creative? 48. Were all creative. 49. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual's leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others. Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war. Buckminster Fuller 50. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual's leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others. Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war. Buckminster Fuller 51. How could your skills benefit the world? 52. Try this. Keep an idea journal. 53. Try this: Keep a bug list 54. Try this: Collaborate with others more effectively. 55. Thanks 56. WWW.OPENIDEO.COM/MEET UPS UNI TOOLKIT