Download - Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings

  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings







    1.1 Proje! D"!" #

    Co$!r"!#NPP/0050-QENFB I$%r"&!r'!'re "$(

    U!)*)!+ B')*()$,&


    Proje! M"$",ee$!

    Co$&'*!"$!# AECOM


    QM V

    Proje! S!"r! D"!e# 1-Deeer-2013

    Co$!r"! D'r"!)o$#425 C"*e$("r D"+&

    Proje! Co*e!)o$# 0-Ar)*-2016

    Co$!r"! Pr)e# QAR 17557857494.09/-

    1.2 Proje! De&r)!)o$#

    Infrastructure and utility building for new Naval Base Force to be developed on a

    reclaimed platform, created from dredge materials

    1. Pro,r"e De&r)!)o$

    Activities are organized under following work breakdown structure.

    1. !N!"A# A$%INI&'"A'I(!%I#!&')N!&

     'I%! F)" A**!&& ') '+! &I'!

    A"!A I&! $-"A'I)N

     'I%! F)" *)%#!'I)N

    /. "!#I%INA"0

    *)N'"A*'-A# "!-I"!%!N'&


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    %ANA!%!N' AN$ &I'! &-!"(I&I)N&'A'-')"0 !"%I'& AN$ A")(A#&

    2. %)BI#I&A'I)N 3 "!#I%INA"0 )"4&

    5. !NIN!!"IN

    *)N'"A*'-A# &-B%I&&I)N AN$ A")(A#

    4!0 !"&)NN!# *(

    &-B*)N'"A*')" "!-A#IFI*A'I)N

    %!'+)$ &'A'%!N'&

    &-"(!0IN AN$ &!''IN )-'

    $!&IN AN$ &+) $"AIN

     %A'!"IA#&6. ")*-"!%!N'7 $!#I(!"0

    8. *)N&'"-*'I)N.

    9. '!&'IN 3 *)%%I&&I)NIN

    :. +AN$IN )(!".

    For programming and planning purpose eac; sub division are furt;er divided in to

    various levels based on t;e works involved.


    Proje! D'r"!)o$

    ro 19-"$- 26-Fe- 680

    Are"-I 19-"$- 26-Fe- 680

    B"*"$e o% or?& 1-De- 0-Ar- 425

    2. Pre*))$"r+

     ';e reliminary work ;as start wit; *ontractual reuirements.

    Co$!r"!'"* re@')ree$!&  w;ic; ;as erformance Bond, orkmen

    *ompensation Insurance olicy, *onstructional lant 3 !uipment Insurance

    policy, professional indemnity insurance policy, *onstruction allrisk insurance

    policy, and arent *ompany uarantee and Advance payment.


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    M"$",ee$! S)!e S'er=)&)o$ o&!  is considered as eneral Item asmentioned in &c;edule of rice.

    S!"!'!or+ er)!& "$( "ro="*& w;ic; are reuiring ;aving preliminary

    approvals prior reuire starting t;e construction works. t;e following are t;e

    reuire permits w;ic; ;aving submittal /8 calendar days and Approval 2>

    calendar days, )btaining All necessary permits it; N)*, !nvironmental ermit

    C%)!D, Advertise ermit, $ewatering ermit, Interface *learance, !Ecavation


    . Mo)*)"!)o$ ; Pre*))$"r+ or?&

    % ( will start t;e %obilization work will be started after getting Approvals of 

    &tatutory aut;orities and Agencies for 'emporary ork. ';e submission and

    approval of work met;od statements, s;op drawing, design and procurements are

    sub divided in to t;e following categories *ivil7&tructural, Arc;itectural, !lectrical,

    %ec;anical, I' Facilities, !uipment and #ocal Access "oad development for

    various %obilization works.

     ';e following 'emporary orks Facilities are included in our %obilization plan at

    initial stage

    • *ompletion of !ngineer=s %obile )Gce

    • *onstruction of B* 3 %&F ( %obile oGces

    • *ompletion of *onstruction (illage, %edical Facilities and *onnecting


    • *ompletion of *oncrete Batc;ing lant and *onnecting 'emporary "oads.

    • *ompletion of #aydown Areas and *ontractor=s Facilities

    • *ompletion of %aintenance 0ard7orks;op


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    start and proceed in t;e order speci?edH #ig;ting FiEtures, FiEing of ?re detection3 alarm system, FiEing of panel boards, Installation of main feeder cables and

    Installation of 'ransformer and enerator set.Me"$)"* or? )nce t;e all Finis; completed wit; t;e start to start relations;ip wit; a certain

    amount of lag &anitary 3 drainage piping work will start and once &anitary 3

    drainage piping work starts, wit; a start to start relations;ip wit; a certain amount

    of lag t;e following activities will start and proceed in t;e order speci?edH +(A*

    system, Installation of Fire Fig;ting !uipment, water supply piping, sanitary

    ?Etures 3 accessories, Installation of umps.IT F")*)!)e&)nce t;e Installation of Furniture completed wit; t;e start to start relations;ip

    wit; a certain amount of lag FiEing of telep;one system work will start and once

    FiEing of telep;one system work starts, wit; a start to start relations;ip wit; a

    certain amount of lag t;e following activities will start and proceed in t;e order

    speci?edH FiEing of #AN, Internet Access 3 i?, Installation of *omputer and I'

    accessories. )nce 'elep;one system *ompleted wit; t;e ?nis; to start relations;ip

    Installation of 4itc;en !uipment and accessories will start.Lo"* Ae&& Ro"( De=e*oe$!)nce t;e "oof *overing completed !Ecavation and &ubgrade preparation around

    building will start and complete wit; t;e start to start relations;ip t;e Fence

    around t;e Building will start and Internal "oad $evelopment and *onnection to

     'emporary "oad access also will start. )nce Internal "oad $evelopment and*onnection to 'emporary "oad access completed, wit; a ?nis; to start relations;ip

    #andscaping, #andscaping 3 arking Facilities will complete.Teor"r+ S)!e Ae&& Ro"(&)nce t;e &tatutory approvals completed !Eisting -tilities protection will start.

    From !Eisting -tilities protection wit; start to start relations;ip wit; certain lag t;e

    bedding 3 #aying of temporary for utilities will start, once #aying of temporary

    utilities completed Back?lling will start wit; t;e ?nis; to start relations;ip. "oad

    work will start after completion of temporary storm water arrangement, once!Eisting utilities will start wit; a certain amount of lag t;e following activities are

    start and proceed in t;e respective orderH !Ecavation for &trom ater pipeline,

    ipe #aying for &trom ater pipeline, Installation of ullies for &trom ater

    pipeline, Back?lling.)nce t;e &trom water back?lling started wit; a certain amount of lag 'emporary

    &ite Access "oads !Ecavation will start. !Ecavation for road starts, wit; a start to

    start relations;ip wit; a certain amount of lag ?lling of t;e 'emporary road also

    will start. Filling work starts, wit; a ?nis; to start relations;ip #aying of "oad

    subgrade starts. #aying of "oad &ubgrade start wit; a start to start relations;ip

    wit; a certain amount of lag t;e following activities will start and proceed in t;e

    order speci?edH #aying of "oad &ub base course, #aying of "oad base course,

    rime coat, Asp;alt *oncrete base course, 'ack coat, Asp;alt earing *ourse,

    Installation and FiEing of 4erbs &tone, (e;icle *ras; Barriers, recast *oncrete

    Footways and aved Areas, Foundation work for 'raGc &ign, Installation of street

     'raGc &ign, Installation of 'raGc signs, "oad marking 3 "oad studs. ';is seuence of t;e work is followed in t;e all temporary orks Facilities. 'emporary is furt;er divided intoH

      Co$&!r'!)o$ o% E$,)$eer& Mo)*e oe&o *ivil 7 &tructural work

    o Arc;itectural

    o !lectrical ork

    o %ec;anical orko I' Facilities

    o !uipment

    o #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

      Co$&!r'!)o$ o% E$,)$eer& Mo)*e oe&o *ivil 7 &tructural work

    o Arc;itectural

    o !lectrical ork

    o %ec;anical ork


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings




    I' Facilitieso !uipment

    o #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

      Co$&!r'!)o$ V)**",e "$( Me()"* %")*)!)e&o  Co$&!r'!)o$ V)**",e "$( Me()"* %")*)!)e& P"&e-1

    *ivil 7 &tructural work


    !lectrical ork

    %ec;anical ork

    I' Facilities


    #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

     'esting and *ommissioning

    o  Co$&!r'!)o$ V)**",e "$( Me()"* %")*)!)e& P"&e-2 *ivil 7 &tructural work


    !lectrical ork

    %ec;anical ork

    I' Facilities


    #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

     'esting and *ommissioning

    o  Co$&!r'!)o$ V)**",e "$( Me()"* %")*)!)e& P"&e- *ivil 7 &tructural work


    !lectrical ork

    %ec;anical ork

    I' Facilities


    #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

     'esting and *ommissioning

      Co$!r"!or L"+(o$ "re" "$( %")*)!)e&o Formation for #aydown Area

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

      M")$!e$"$e +"r( "$( or?&oo *ivil 7 &tructural work

    o !lectrical ork


     %ec;anical orko I' Facilities

    o #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

      F'e* (eo!o  *ivil 7 &tructural work

    o  !lectrical ork

    o  %ec;anical ork

    o  I' Facilities

    o  #ocal Access "oad $evelopment

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

    • Proje! S),$ Bo"r(o  *ivil 7 &tructural work

    o  !lectrical ork

    o  'esting and *ommissioning

      Teor"r+ S)!e Ae&& Ro"(&o -tility rotection

    o &torm ater $rainage

    M")$!e$"$e  is also subdivided in to t;e following *ompletion of !ngineer=s

    %obile )Gce, *onstruction of B* 3 %&F ( %obile oGces, *ompletion of 

    *onstruction (illage, %edical Facilities and *onnecting 'emporary "oads,

    *ompletion of *oncrete Batc;ing lant and *onnecting 'emporary "oad,

    *ompletion of #aydown Areas and *ontractor=s Facilities, *ompletion of 

    %aintenance 0ard7orks;op, ro

  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    &ubmission and Approval C"%D, *onstruction !nvironmental %anagement lan

    &ubmission and Approval C*!%D, Baseline rogramme, !mergency Incident

    "esponse lan C!I"D , 'emporary 'raGc %anagement lan C'%D, 1/>days


    e+ Per&o$$e* CV &')&&)o$ "$( "ro="*#  w;ic; include t;e programme

    4ey personnel *( submittalJ and approvalJ of ro

  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    After Asp;alt $esign Approval and *oncrete $esign miE Approvals %aterial

    $elivery will start for Asp;alt and *oncrete.

     ';e following are subdivided by category of %aterial

    • eneral

    • *ivil

    • Arc;itectural

    • "oad orks

    • !lectrical

    • %ec;anical

    •  'elecommunication

    5. Pro'ree$! / De*)=er+After approval for eac; material, delivery of t;e material will start to site and long

    lead items will be delivered as per t;e procurement sc;edule.

    9. Co$&!r'!)o$

     ';e construction of t;e pro

    • "oad :

    • "oad 9

    • "oad />

    • "oad 1/

    • "oad L

    • "oad 1:

    • "oad 1:A

    • "oad 1:$

    • "oad //

    • "oad 8

    Foul sewer line for t;e above mentioned roads to be completed on or before



  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    *ontractor planned to start t;e foul sewer line work by roadwise, once we ;ave

    completed t;e initial activity for one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er

    activities will follow t;e same seuence. All t;e durations are calculated based on

    t;e optimistic practical productivity.

    Are" E#

    "oad 19 from >K>>> to 1K66> w;ic; is falling under Area !, all t;e works related

    to t;is work ;as to be completed on or before /L$ec16 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement. For construction contractor planning purpose, we ;ave

    divided into two sectionsH

    • "oad 19 C>K>>> to 1K>>>D• "oad 19 C1K>>> to 1K66>D

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed t;is Area !

    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    Are" G#

     Following scope of works cover under Area H

    -tility and "oad workH

    • (isitor=s Block


    1. Foul water pumping station/. %aintenance yard substation2. Bert; area substation5. &ea water pump station

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before /9%ar18 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed under visitor=s


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    Are" D#

    Following scope of works cover under Area $H

    -tility and "oad workH

    • "oad 2 C>K>>> to 1KL>>D

    • "oad / C>K>>> to >K9/6D

    • "oad / C>K9/6 to 1K8>>D

    • "oad 1 C5K:6/ to 6K68:D

    • "oad 66 C>K>>> to 1K>>>D

    • "oad 66 C1K>>> to /K>9LD

    • "oad 66 C/K>9L to /KL6>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 2 C>K>>> to >KL6>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 2 C>KL6> to /K>>8D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 5 C>K>>> to >KL/6D• atrol "oad / C>K>>> to 1K>6>D

    • atrol "oad / C1K>6> to /K186D

    • atrol "oad 2 C>K>>> to >KL6>D

    • "oad 21 C1K:>> to /K1>>D

    • "oad 6 C>K>>> to 1K2/6D

    • "oad 52 C>K>>> to >K552D

    • "oad 55 C>K>>>to >K66>D

    • "oad 56 C>K>>>to >K66>D

    • "oad 58 C>K>>>to >K66>D

    • "oad 59 C>K>>>to 1K1:>D

    • "oad 5: C>K>>>to >K/>>D

    • "oad 5L C>K>>>to >K8/>D


    6. Foul water pumping station M & 18. %aintenance yard substation M & /9. &ervice oint &ubstation 1:. &ervice oint &ubstation /L. *ommunication &;elter M >>L1>. *ommunication &;elter M >1>

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before /1Aug18 as per contractualmilestone reuirement.

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed for utility and road


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    Are" F#

    Bert; area works cover under Area FH

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed t;is Area !

    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad work (I Bert;

    • "oad ork M )perational Bert;

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before >2)ct18 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    Are" A1

    Following scope of works cover under Area A1H

    -tility and "oad workH

    • Naval Access "oad C>K>>> to >K56>D M part 1

    • Naval Access "oad C>K56> to >KL>>D M part /

    • Naval Access "oad part 2

    • "oad 1 >K>>> to >K:6/

    • "oad 1 >K:6/ to 1K:6/

    • "oad 1 1K:6/ to /K:6/

    • "oad 1 /K:6/ to 2K:6/

    • "oad 1 2K:6/ to 5K:6/


    1. Foul water pumping station M & 8/. *ommunication &;elter M >>12. *ommunication &;elter M >>/5. *ommunication &;elter M >>26. *ommunication &;elter M >>58. *ommunication &;elter M >>6

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before >2Nov18 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed for utility and road


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    Are" B#

    Following scope of works cover under Area BH

    -tility and "oad workH

    • &ecurity Access "oad / C>K>>> to 1K8>>D

    • "oad 21 C>K>>> to 1KL85D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 1 C>K>>> to >K1:/D

    • "oad 1: C>K>>> to >KL>>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad : C>K>>> to >K9>>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad L C>K>>> to >K/5>D

    • "oad /8 C>K>>> to >K2/>D

    • "oad /: C>K>>> to 1K>>>D

    • "oad /6 C>K>>> to >K//>D

    • "oad /9 C>K>>> to 1K>>>D

    • "oad /1 C>K>>> to >K/>>D

    • "oad /L C>K>>> to >K/6>D

    • "oad 2> C>K>>> to >K/6>D

    • "oad /2 C>K>>> to >K26>D

    • "oad /5 C>K>>> to >K96>D

    • "oad 28 C>K>>> to >K6>>D

    • "oad 29 C>K>>> to >K>96D

    • "oad 2: C>K>>> to >K16>D• "oad 18 C>K>>> to >K/96D

    • "oad 2/ C>K>>> to >K512D

    • "oad 22 C>K>>> to >K256D

    • "oad 25 C>K>>> to >K>96D

    • "oad 26 C>K>>> to >K16>D

    • "oad 2L C>K>>> to >K66>D

    • "oad 5> C>K>>> to >K>96D

    • "oad 51 C>K>>> to >K5>>D


    1. Foul water pumping station M & 5

    /. Foul water pumping station M & 62. &ervice oint &ubstation 25. &ervice oint &ubstation 66. *ommunication &;elter M >>98. *ommunication &;elter M >>:

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before /5$ec18 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed for utility and road


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity forone road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    Are" A2#

    Following scope of works cover under Area A/H

    -tility and "oad workH

    • "oad /> C>K>>> to >K6L6D

    • "oad 9 C>K>>> to >K9>>D

    • "oad 8 C>K>>> to >K85>D

    • "oad 8A C>K>>> to >K>LLD

    • "oad 1:$ C>K>>> to >K2/6D

    • "oad 1: C>KL>> to 1K:>>D

    • "oad 18A C>K>>> to >K28:D

    • "oad 16 C>K>>> to >K2>>D

    • "oad 1/ C>K>>> to >K9L/D

    • "oad 12 C>K>>> to 1K//6D

    • atrol "oad 1 C>K>>> to >K:>>D

    • "oad 1> C>K>>> to >K2>>D

    • "oad L C>K>>> to >K/9>D• "oad : C>K>>> to >K16>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad : C>K9>> to 1K>6>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 9 C>K>>> to >K8>>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 6 C>K>>> to 1K56>D

    • &ecurity Access "oad 8 C>K>>> to >K>6>D

    • "oad 1L C>K>>> to >K21>D

    • "oad // C>K>>> to >K/>>D

    • "oad 11 C>K>>> to >K/L2D

    • "oad 15 C>K>>> to >K9>/D


    1. otable water pump station/. *ompressor Building2. Fire Fig;ting fres; water pump station5. 'elecommunication Building6. *ommunication &;elter M >>88. *ommunication &;elter M >119. -tility Area &ubstation:. #and fuel oil buildingL. $rain water lift station M &2


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



     ';is entire works to be completed on or before 11an19 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed for utility and road


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    Are" >#

    Bert; area works cover under Area +H

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed t;is Area +

    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad work Bert; Area

    For %arine fuel oil Buildings, activities are categorized like following work

    breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before /9Feb19 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same



  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    Are" I#

    Following scope of works cover under Area IH

    -tility and "oad workH

    • (isiting Navy Bert; Area

    • "oad 66 C/KL6> to 2K888D

    • atrol "oad 2 C>KL6> to 1K882D

    • &ecurity Access 5 C>KL/6 to 1K855D

    • "oad 12 C1K//6 to 1K698D

    • &ecurity Access 6 C1K//6 to 1KL6LD

    • atrol "oad 1 C>K:>> to 1K/L1D


    &ervice oint &ubstation 5

     ';is entire works to be completed on or before /9Feb19 as per contractual

    milestone reuirement.

     ';e following works are t;e scope of t;e works to be completed for utility and road


    • Foul water Network

    • otable water distribution network

    • Fire water distribution network

    • Irrigation water distribution network

    •  'elecommunication

    • !lectrical works

    • &torm water drainage works

    • "oad works.

    First, we start wit; utility works w;ic; is related to t;is road after complete t;e

    utility work, we start t;e road work, once we ;ave completed t;e initial activity for

    one road and will proceed for ot;er road. )t;er activities will follow t;e same


    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works

    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    B"*"$e o% or?

     Following scope of works cover under Area H

    &ewerage 'reatment lant

    For Buildings, activities are categorized like following work breakdown structureH

    • !art;works

    • &tructural works

    • Arc;itectural works

    • $oors and windows

    • %etal works

    • %ec;anical works

    • !lectrical works

    • !Eternal works


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



    After completion of initial activity for t;e particular building, t;en t;e crew will

    move to ot;er building to continue.

    % ( will start t;e proDPE P)e 50 !o 90 OD< no 1217519

    PVC D'!& 80 !o 150 ()"< m 174237045

    F)re >+(r"$! m 6


  • 8/19/2019 Narrative Statement NPP-0050-QENFB Infra Structure & Utility Buildings



     RC12 Co=er No 590

     RC13 Co=er No 921

    C"! P)! 1900J600 m 598

    er& No 2007430

    1.5 A&&'!)o$& %or !e ro,r"e#

     ';e Baseline programme ;as been developed as followsH

    CiD Activity durations and resource assignments, assumed daily production,

    reuired logics and t;eir lags for predecessors and successors will be

    modi?ed if necessary based on site obstructions7 interfaces. +ence ;ase

    planning will be sub