Download - Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog

  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


    ……Naresh Kadian: Founder of Animal Welfare Party in India.

  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


    Where as Gandhian Ideologist, philosopher, environmentalist, trade unionist, soial

    reformer, !"I and animal rights ativist Naresh Kadian, former #uty $agistrate and

    #istrit Khadi and %illage Industries &ffier, Nominee of 'P'()A, Nodal Inspeting

    Authority for Animal Welfare #ivision *Govt. of India+, founder 'hairman of the People

    for Animals *PFA+ aryana, representing -nited Nations affiliated the International

    &rganisation for Animal Protetion &IPA in India /, $aster "rainer,Animal Welfare 1oard of India, %olunteers of the Wildlife 'rime 'ontrol 1ureau *$inistry

    of )nvironment and Forest+, needs reognition in the field of !"I, #isaster $anagement,

    animal rights and their 0elfare read 0ith Wildlife onservation and Khadi Gramodyog


    Naresh Kadian, '23, !ose Apartment, setor45, Prashant %ihar, !ohini, #elhi 446637

    0as 8orn on 46th &to8er, 494 in village (i0ana, no0 in ;ha#istintion? as 0ell, eleted as $em8er of the

    'lothing and Foot0ear Institute, @ondon on Novem8er 3th, 4933. e had 8een a reporter

    for the >;agiriti?, a

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    oCytoin 0as reovered 0hih 0ere in

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    legal ation then he filed a omplaint 8efore (peial )nvironment 'ourt at KuruBshetra,

    liBe 0ise a 8laB 8uB 0as hunted in -dmi village of Panipat, FI! 0as lodged and 0hen

    due to politially pressure Administration moved to anel the ase 8ut Naresh Kadian

    moved omplaint in this ase as 0ell 8efore the (peial )nvironment 'ourt at

    KuruBshetra. A 8laB 8uB 0as also found in the aptivity of a 'hairman, aryana

    "ourism 'orporations residene at #haruheda 8ut same 0as also resued andreha8ilitated in !ohtaB oo 8y Naresh Kadian, due to this strong ativism Naresh Kadian

    0as harassed 8y then aryana Govt. A 8laB 8uB 0as aptured 8y the offiials of Wildlife

    siene faulty of Aligarh $uslim -niversity, same 0as resued 8y the -P Wildlife

    #epartment 0ith out any legal ation against offenders 8ut Naresh Kadian lodged FI! No.

    594 dated 9th ;uly, D644 against five offiials of the faulty as 0ell. )lephant polo 0as held

    at ;aipur in D66 8ut Naresh Kadian raised the issue and then moved pu8li interest

    litigation a8out elephant a8use, !a

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    India for freeing the )lephant sym8ol of 1(P, online petition has 8een delivered to the

    'hief )letion 'ommissioner of India on Novem8er 2, D644. 'omplaint against ;um8o

    'irus has 8een lodged 8y Naresh Kadian to resue 8lind hippo, doBed tail dogs, feathers

    hopped 8irds, a8used horses, amels, ats and elephants. !aised his voie against the

    National #airy !esearh Institute / N#!I, 'entral 1oard of )Cise and 'ustoms, Inome

    "aC #epartment, #elhi (tate !ifle Assoiation, aryana Pu8li (ervie 'ommission, (tateGovernment of imahal Pradesh, "amil Nadu, Kerala, KarnataBa, aryana Polie,


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    e has managed many PI@?s and online petitions, as he has spent 26 years ative servie for

    the development of Khadi and %illage Industries, manBind, animals, 0ildlife, nature and

    soiety as 0ell, proeed on voluntary retirement on August E, D645 from the aryana

    Khadi and %illage Industries 1oard.

    $ain PI@?s moved 8y Naresh Kadyan and a0areness ampaign on the follo0ing issues,0hih 0ere supported 8y the International ommunities:

    4. 1an on un8randed eata8les, diretions 0ere issued 8y the igh ourt.

    D. !emoval of enroahments from Gram Panhyat, gauhar and ommon land all over


    2. Appointment of @oBayuBta in aryana, on PI@ and then ontempt moved for

    implementation of the gaette notified rules and regulations.

    5. Appointments of onsumer form mem8ers along 0ith setting up aryana uman !ights'ommission, PI@ 0as moved and deided in favour.

    7. N!' petitions during Kadyan (ang0an Bhap disputes, liBe0ise dispute amongst ;at?s

    and Khumaar of Ahulana village in (onipat.

    . $arriage dispute 8et0een Kadyan and @ohan gotra matters.

    E. (atlu amuna @inB 'anal / (@ matter in the igh 'ourt at 'handigarh.

    3. 1an on same gotra marriages, PI@ 0as moved in the (upreme 'ourt of India then in the

    #elhi igh 'ourt.

    9. Amendments in the Prevention of 'ruelty to Animals At, 496, replaement of this

    toothless legislation 0ith strong la0, draft for Animal Welfare At, D644 0as prepared 8y

    the $inistry of )nvironment and Forest.

    46. 1an on peaoB feathers trade, $inistry of )nvironment and Forest issued draft for

    amendment in the eCisted la0s.

    44. 1an on elephant polo and iron anBush, PI@ 0as moved in the ;aipur 1enh of


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    DE. "he $inistry of (oial ;ustie and )mpo0erment made doumentary on ruel

    transportation of animals, live raids along 0ith FI! and resue of a8used animals 0as

    onduted 8y Naresh Kadian.

    D3. )Cposed ruel sheep and goat shifting under India Army supply over from #elhi to

    ;=K. Animal transportation in goods vehile 8e 8anned, matter 0as onsidered 8y the(tate 'ommittee for (laughter ouses *Govt. of aryana+.

    D9. (uessfully running t0o am8ulanes and shelter for animals in distress, this 0as

    approved 8y the Govt. of India to PFA aryana under 'hairmanship of Naresh Kadyan.

    26. #ogs have rights to 8arB, rules for pet shops, dog 8reeders and fish aLuariums along

    0ith 8an on peaoB feathers trade in India.

    24. !emoval all o8

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    29. $any sheduled 0ild animal speimens 0ere reported, raised voie in (aered eart

    (hool, 'handigarh J #P( and Green Field Pu8li (hool, !e0ari J 1irla Pu8li (hool,

    Pilani. Pu8li interest litigation / PI@ 0as also moved 8efore the #elhi igh ourt.

    56. D3 oCen 0ere proteted from slaughtering, matter taBen up 8efore Pal0al ourt, 79 oCen

    also reused and sheltered after lodging FI! 0ith Pal0al (adar Polie station.

    54. Afrian lion Narsinhma resued from $u

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    74. "he #iretor General of (upply and #isposal along 0ith the Government of Pun

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    D. PI@ No. 463 of D642 moved 8efore (upreme 'ourt of India a8out protetion of

    (am8har @aBe 0etland of !a

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    opposed 8y Naresh Kadian, liBe 0ise onservation of 0hite tiger efforts 0ere opposed 8eing

    an no speies in 1engal "iger.

    E2. A#! / National )letion Wath offiial logo violated the Flag 'ode of India, omplaint

    lodged 0ith #elhi Polie.

    E5. !eport plaed in aryana Assem8ly a8out 'hautala?s family trust 8e inLuired 8y '1I

    along 0ith the statement given 8y General %.K. (ingh a8out funding to ;=K politiians.

    E7. Naresh Kadian put his 0eight 8ehind suessful implementation of the National Food

    (eurity &rdinane, D642 0ith demand of iodied salt for human onsumption.

    E. ;ustie for (iBh families in Kuth, Gu

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    37. (tate )m8lem of India, National a0ards along 0ith National Flag of India misused 8y

    many igh 'ourt?s 0e8sites, $inistries 8ut Naresh Kadian raised his voie and orretions

    0ere made out.

    3. "elengana (tate offiial logo also defetive, Naresh Kadian raised his voie, liBe 0ise

    monBey 0as shot dead in !ohtaB 8ut Naresh Kadian raised his voie.

    3E. 1an interstate shifting of amels from !a

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    99. Naresh Kadian is fighting against 8iased praties in aryana Khadi and %I 1oard.

    466. Fighting for introdution of animal 0elfare legislations for Indian Army, Polie and

    para $ilitary fore animals, adopted t0o sniffer female dogs of aryana Polie.

    464. Naresh Kadian taBen up !o8ert Wadra land deal matter 0ith the Govt. of !a

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    442. "he Great !oyal 'irus a8used performing animals, proper omplaint lodged 8y

    Naresh Kadian, to resue the a8used animals.

    445. Petition for prohi8ition of elephant trading along 0ith animal performanes, in the

    (onepur attle fair aepted 8y the AW1I and Govt. of 1ihar.

    447. !o8ert %adra 0ith #@F deal regularisation matter 0as also taBen up 0ith the )letion

    'ommission of India.

    44. $atter taBen up 0ith the )letion 'ommission of India against $N( and 1(P, to

    freee their sym8ol.

    44E. Hero FI! against AB8aruddin &0aisi, $@A for his hate speehes during $aharashtra

    eletions, ## No. 55 0ith P(, Prashant %ihar, #elhi on D54645, 0hih 0as for0arded to

    ydera8ad Polie, liBe 0ise National uman !ights 'ommission onsidered Naresh

    Kadian petition and for0arded to the $aharashtra (tate uman !ights 'ommission.

    443. FI! No. 2EE dated D746D645 lodged against the organisers of the o0 fighting 0ith

    pigs, 0ith Am8ala 'antt Polie (tation.

    449. -nmarried female 8oCer 0ere asBed to go through pregnany test 8ut this matter 0as

    taBen up 0ith the N!', notie issued.

    4D6. President of India visited %arindavan on Novem8er 4, D645 and 46 langur 8rigade

    0as deputed to Beep a0ay ommon monBeys, 0hih 0as a rime against Wildlife At, 49ED

    8ut this 0as strongly opposed 8y Naresh Kadian and Administration 0as ompelled to 0ith

    dra0 46 langur 8rigades.

    4D4. 1a8a !ampal ontroversy moved 8efore the National uman !ights 'ommission, to

    resue pu8li, 0hih 0ere hostage 8y !ampal, omplaint lodged 0ith #GP as 0ell.

    4DD. $inistry of !oad "ransport and igh0ays moved draft to frame rules a8out

    transportation of livestoB, for pu8li omments, Naresh Kadian managed online petitions.

    4D2. 'onduting training a8out animal 0elfare legislation?s, to all #istrit 'ommittee for

    (laughter ouses in aryana and raB do0n many illegal slaughter houses, lodged FI!?s.

    4D5. FI! lodged 0ith P( 1aroda against Biller of t0o male 8uffaloes, many illegal slaughter

    houses are eCposed all over aryana and lodged FI!?s against them.

    Naresh Kadian 0as 0orBing as #istrit Khadi and %illage Industries &ffiers for

    #istrits Farida8ad, Pal0al, Gurgaon, $e0at, !e0ari and Narnaul 0ith In harge,

    'onsignment Ageny at Farida8ad as on 42D642 and then proeed on %!( under protest

    on E3D645 in the pay sale of 9266253665D66 grade pay.

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  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog



     Number : MINHA/E/2014/00666

     Name OfCompainant

    : Nares! "a#$an

    %ate of

    Re&eipt: 0' Apr 2014

    Re&ei(e# b$ : %epartment of Home

    )or*ar#e# to : +, %i(ision


    A##ress: Rom No- 10. Nort! o& 

     Ne* %e!i



     Number : 230.214



    : Arrest pro#u&e before &ourt of a*: A %e!i &ourt !as issue# a nonbaiabe

    *arrant N78 against 9!a!i Imam of ama Mas;i# Mauana 9$e# A!me#u!ari in &onne&tion *it! a &rimina &ase an# #ire&te# poi&e to arrest an# pro#u&e !im in &ourt- 9amming t!e %e!i un#ermine t!e aut!orit$ of a*-> >In m$&onsi#ere# opinion #e&aring a&&use# A!me# u!ari a pro&aime# offen#er

    *ou# be a mo&er$ of a* an# it *ou# pro(i#e an eas$ es&ape route to t!e

    a&&use#- It is surprising an# s!o&ing as *e to see t!e poi&e for&e not abe toe=e&ute t!e N7 issue# against u!ari- 9u&! ina&tion b$ poi&e &annot be

    toerate#> !e sai# in !is or#er ast *ee- A &op$ of t!e or#er *as ma#e

    a(aiabe on$ no*- ,!e &ourt !as or#ere# t!e station !ouse offi&er of ?o#!i

    Coon$ to >persona$> e=e&ute t!e *arrant b$ u$ 1' an# s!o* up in &ourt ont!e ne=t #ate *it! a report- ,!e report !as to be for*ar#e# b$ t!e %C<

    &on&erne#- ,!e )IR o#ge# *it! ?o#!i Coon$ poi&e station !a# a&&use#

    u!ari aong *it! t*o ot!ers @ HabiburRe!man an# Nafisa @ of riotingobstru&ting an# assauting pubi& ser(ants from #is&!arging t!eir #uties- ,!e

    aege# in&i#ent too pa&e on 9eptember 3 2001 *!en poi&e an# &i(i&

    agen&ies offi&ias *ere reporte#$ tr$ing to remo(e en&roa&!ment from nearC5O Compe= in ?o#!i Coon$- ut a mob e# b$ u!ari reporte#$

    assaute# t!em- HabiburRe!man an# Nafisa *ere arreste# but t!e &eri& *as

    not pi&e# up on t!e groun# t!at t!ere *ou# be a a* an# or#er probem- ?atert!e &!arges!eet *as fie# an# !e *as name# as a&&use# but *as not arreste#- In

    anuar$ 2004 t!e &ourt !a# or#ere# rein(estigation of t!e &ase noting t!at

  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


     proper inuir$ *as not &arrie# out an# u!ari *as aso not arreste#- ?ater

     poi&e sai# !e &ou# not be arreste# be&ause t!is &ou# ea# to >&ommuna riots>-In Ma$ 2006 an N7 *as issue# t!roug! t!e %C< 9out!8- ,!e offi&er faie#

    to e=e&ute it an# poi&e ept on seeing time- ,!e$ aso &aime# t!at u!ari

    *as untra&eabe- In u$ 2010 t!e &ourt &riti&ise# poi&e for t!eir faiure to

    e=e&ute t!e *arrant an# ase# t!e Commissioner of rue of a*>- Ho*e(er a fe* #a$s ater t!e

    &ourt *as informe# t!at e(en t!e Commissioner !a# faie# to e=e&ute t!e

    *arrant- >I &an sa$ from t!e re&or# t!at in %e!i poi&e offi&ers up to t!e ranof Commissioner of t!e &ourt sai# on %e&ember 14 ast $ear- It ase# t!e

    Commissioner of abo(e t!e

    a*>- Ho*e(er in Ma$ 2011 t!e prose&utor mo(e# an appi&ation seeing its

    appro(a to *it!#ra* t!e &ase in >pubi& interest>- ,!e prose&utor sai# t!eappi&ation *as mo(e# foo*ing a re&ommen#ation from %e!iBs ?ieutenant

    5o(ernor an# %eput$ 9e&retar$ Home8- efore t!e &ourt &ou# tae a &a ont!is appi&ation a protest petition *as mo(e#- It &onten#e# t!at t!e pea !as no

    merit- ,!is appi&ation *i &o

    Current 9tatus : CA9E C?O9E%

    %ate of A&tion : 24 un 2014

    %etais :


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  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


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  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog


  • 8/9/2019 Naresh Kadian: Suitable candidate for Chairman, Haryana Gau Seva Ayog
