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Name: _______________________

Symbolism To Kill A Mockingbird

Item Describe what it represents Item Describe what it represents

mad dog




gun / air


items left

in tree














Themes To Kill A Mockingbird

There are many themes in this novel. List three. How do these involve or affect the characters?

Make jot notes as you read to help you draw out these themes.

Theme 1: Coming of age

Theme 2: Intolerance

Theme 3: Prejudice

Date: __________________________ Name: ______________________

To Kill a Mockingbird – Chapter Questions

Complete the chapter questions on separate paper as they are assigned. Use complete sentences and

proof (quotes) where needed. Throughout the novel and/or when we finish reading the book, your teacher will collect all or some of the questions assigned, with one day’s notice to be marked as follows:

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level

Knowledge/Understanding insufficient evidence to score or response is below level for course

-shows limited understanding of all terms/elements -show limited understanding of book’s content -correctly identifies few happenings in the book

-shows some understanding of all terms/elements -show some understanding of book’s content -correctly identifies some happenings in the book

-shows understanding of all terms/elements -shows understanding of book’s content -correctly identifies happenings in the book

-shows advanced understanding of all terms/elements -shows deep understanding of book’s content -correctly identifies happenings in the book and their deeper meaning

Thinking/Inquiry insufficient evidence to score or response is below level for course

-correctly identifies little implied meaning -rarely looks beyond the surface details

-correctly identifies most implied meaning -sometimes looks beyond the surface details

-correctly identifies implied meaning -looks beyond the surface details

-correctly and creatively identifies implied meaning -looks well beyond the surface details and infers meaning

Application insufficient evidence to score or remedial measures are needed.

-applies few elements/terms correctly -has little correct grammar, spelling, punctuation (many errors) -disheveled and unorganized

-applies some elements/terms correctly -has some proper grammar, spelling, punctuation (some errors) -ordered mostly and presented in a somewhat neat manner

-applies all elements/terms correctly -has proper grammar, spelling, punctuation (few errors) - ordered and neat, with most elements of task applied

-applies all elements/terms correctly and creatively -has proper grammar, spelling, punctuation (practically no errors) - very well ordered, very neat, all questions clearly labeled.

Communication insufficient evidence to score or responses are so poorly crafted that the meaning in quite obscured

-has some proper writing style -has some proper sentence structure (many sentence structure errors) -has some proper language - most of the responses are just ‘tossed’ onto the page. Very little attempt to set up the answer and ensure clarity.

-has mostly proper writing style -has mostly proper sentence structure (some sentence structure errors) -has mostly proper language - it reads a bit choppy at times which results in the intended meaning being obscured.

-has proper writing style -has proper sentence structure (few sentence structure errors) -has proper language -overall, it reads well, but writing style could be improved to increase writing effectiveness

-has proper and creative writing style -has proper and varied sentence structure (few to no sentence structure errors) -has proper and creative language - overall, it reads smoothly due to a highly evolved writing style that conveys meaning well.


To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 1 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary

1 _________________________________________________________________________


Setting - Setting plays a huge part in this story. Describe where and when the story takes place.

Quote Analysis Quote Who said it?

(and do not say Scout simply

because she is the narrator)

Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town.

What is the literary connection? “The sheriff hadn’t the heart

to put him in jail alongside

Negroes, so Boo was locked

in the courthouse basement”

(Lee 14).

“Don’t blame me when he

gouges yours eyes out.

You started it, remember”

(Lee 17).

Characters - For this chapter, examine two characters.

Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. From what point of view does the narrator tell the story?

2. What do we know for certain in this chapter about Boo Radley?

3. What is at the root of the children’s fascination over Boo?

4. Chapter one serves as an introduction of the town of Maycomb and its inhabitants. Find a sentence or a

paragraph which illustrates the following attitudes of the majority of its people:

a. Pride in ancestry and tradition

b. Pride in conformity, and distrust in those that are “different”

c. Racial intolerance

d. Awareness of difference in social classes.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 2 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

2 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis

Quote Who said it?

(and do not say Scout simply

because she is the narrator)

Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote? b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the

town. What is the literary connection?

“Atticus said professional

people were poor because

the farmers were poor”

(Lee 27).

Characters For this chapter, examine two characters.

Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. Scout makes three mistakes during her first day in the first grade. What are her mistakes and why do they

make Miss Caroline so angry?

2. Why does Scout explain Walter Cunningham’s situation to Miss Caroline? What does her championship of

him show about her?

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 3 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

3 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis Quote Who said it?

(and do not say Scout simply

because she is the narrator)

Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“Atticus greeted Walter

and began a discussion

about crops neither Jem

nor I could follow” (Lee


“We couldn’t operate a

single day without Cal,

have you ever thought of

that? (Lee 33).

“His fingers wandered to

his pocket watch: he said

that was the only way he

could think” (Lee 39).

“You never really understand a

person until you consider things

from his point of view… until you climb in his skin and walk

around in it” (Lee 39).

Characters For this chapter, examine two characters.

Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. Calpurnia lectures Scout on manners when Scout criticizes Walter’s manners. What does this tell you

about both Calpurnia and Atticus with regards tt heir feelings about others?

2. Cite examples of contrast between Jem and Scout. (write down the page numbers and differences)

3. Burris Ewell and Walter Cunningham are all from poor families. However, there are great differences

between them. Describe these differences.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 4 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

4 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis Quote Who said it? Analysis

a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“Angel-bright, life-in-

death; get off the road,

don’t suck my breath” (Lee


Characters For this chapter, examine two characters.

Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Mrs. Henry









Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“winking at me in the afternoon sun”

(Lee 44)

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Auspicious (43)

Reckon (46) Arbitrated (49)

Wrought (45)

Abominable (47) Wallows (49)

Parceled (51)

Evasion (53) Whittled (52)

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. It is summer again. What year is it now?

2. What did Scout find first in the knot-hole? Who is suspected as the gift-giver?

3. What characteristics of children in general are revealed through the Boo Radley game?

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 5 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

5 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis Quote Who said it? Analysis

a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“There are just some kind of men

who-who're so busy worrying

about the next world they've

never learned to live in this one,

and you can look down the street

and see the results.” (Lee 60)


Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here








Or extremist

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“...get Miss Maudie's goat”

(Lee 58)

...”acid tongue in her head”

(Lee 59)

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Quibbling (66) Chameleon (56) Asinine (65)

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. What does Jem yell in anger at the end of the chapter? Why is it important? Consider his

developmental stage in life.

2. What type of Baptists does Scout’s friend criticize? What type of Baptist is she? Provide a quote

to support your answer.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 6 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

6 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis Quote Who said it? Analysis

a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“Atticus saved Dill from immediate dismemberment. 'Just a minute, Miss Rachel, I've never heard of 'em doing that before. Were you all playing cards?'” (Lee 75)

“He said he often woke up during the night, checked on us, and read himself back to sleep” (Lee 76).


Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Mr. Avery Low-Class /


Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“...keep my fat flopping

mouth shut” ( 69)

“we strolled silently down

the sidewalk…” (68)

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Commotion (72)

Ramshackle (70) Desolate (76)

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. What is significant about Jem's decision to make a lone, nocturnal return to the Radley place? What is

important about what happens when he returns home?

2. What is significant about the town's conclusion regarding the disturbance at the Radley place?

3. Define prejudice. How is prejudice seen in Maycomb? Provide two examples with quotes (chapters 1-6)

4. Find a quote that demonstrates very well the starting point where Jem and Scout begin to grow apart as

children and begin to become their own people, gaining maturity and insight.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 7 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:



Quote Analysis

Quote Who said it? Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote? b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town.

What is the literary connection?

“I tried to climb into

Jem’s skin and walk

around in it:” (Lee 77)


Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Jem reflective

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“walked on egg shells”

(Lee )

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Gnats (78)

Perpetual ( ) Ascertaining ( )

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. What does the tree provide for the children during this chapter?

2. Why is Jem frightened over the condition of his retrieved pants?

3. Why does Jem cry at the end of the chapter? What is the real reason for his sadness?

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 8 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

8 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis Setting plays a huge part in this story. Describe where and when the story takes place.

Quote Who said it? Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote? b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the

town. What is the literary connection?

“Jem, I ain't ever

heard of a nigger

snowman” (Lee 89)

“Atticus, you'll never

raise them!” (Lee, 68)


Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here



Atticus peacemaker

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“Miss Maudie's hat was suspended...

like a fly in amber...” (Lee )

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Accosted (

Quelled ( Perpetrated (

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. Atticus knew Miss Maudie was angry about the snowman, but he “strolled” over. What

does this say about his character?

2. Why does Atticus decide to keep the blanket incident a secret?

3. a) After the fire is over, how does Miss Maudie feel about the destruction of her house?

b) What does this tell you about her character and her values?

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 9 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

9 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis

Quote Who said it? Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“Every lawyer gets at least one

case in his lifetime that affects

him personally... Try fighting

with your head for a change...”

(Lee 101).

“If I couldn't hold up my head

in town, I couldn't represent my

county in the legislature, I

couldn't even tell you or Jem to

do something again” (Lee100).

“Don't say nigger, Scout.

That's common” (Lee 99).



(how related

to Scout?)



Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here





Literary Device What device is being used and what does this mean?

“Aunt Alexandra would have

been analogous to Mount

Everest (Lee )

“But I was worrying another

bone” (Lee 100).

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. Why does Scout believe that Uncle Jack doesn’t understand children very much?. Explain with quotes.

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 10 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

10 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis

Quote Who said it? Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote? b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the

town. What is the literary connection?

“People in their right minds

never take pride in their talents”

(Lee 130)


Character Eval. Proof Quote and write the quote and page # here

How does Scout view

her father at the

beginning of the


How does Scout view

her father at the end of

the chapter? What


Heck Tate

Symbolism Themes Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____ Did you check your sheet and add to it? _____

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Vehemently (127)

Articulate (129) Jubilantly (131)

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird (pg 119)? What is Atticus’s view and does Miss Maudie view the

action? Is there a deeper link between this caution and the events surrounding the children and the town?

2. Why did Atticus get angry and scold Scout?

3. What is a mad dog and why is Calpurnia so freaked out over it?

4. Why do you think that Atticus didn’t boast about being “Ol’ One-Shot”?

To Kill a Mockingbird – Ch 11 Name: ____________________

Chapter Summary:

11 _______________________________________________________________________


Quote Analysis

Quote Who said it? Analysis a) What is the context or circumstance surrounding this quote?

b) Explain what this quote shows about the person’s character, or about the town. What is the literary connection?

“You just hold your head high

and be a gentleman. Whatever

she says to you, it’s your job

not to et her make you mad.”

(Lee 133)

“… I took it for granted that he kept his

temper… however, I thought the only

explanation for what he did was that for a few minutes he simply went mad.”

(Lee 136)

“That should appeal to your

imagination. Just pretend

you’re inside the Radley

house.” (Lee 140)

“…she died beholden to

nothing and nobody. She was

the bravest person I ever

knew.” (Lee 149)


Character Character


Proof Explain, and write the quote and page # here

Mrs. Henry




Atticus wisdom

Vocabulary Make sure that you understand these words

Escapade (147) devoid (146)

Ignorant (144) hooky (134) Reconnaissance (140)

Inaudible (138) queer (140)

propensity (144) Viscous (143) tirade (141)

Melancholy (132) defect (134)

Chapter Questions answer on a separate sheet of paper in good format – see rubric!

1. What did Jem do to injure a neighbor and why did he behave in this manner?

2. What is the reason why Atticus makes him find a solution to the problem on his own? What is the solution?

3. Why does Atticus say he must defend Tom Robinson?

4. Explain the routine at Mrs. Dubose’s house. What book does Jem read to Mrs. Dubose?