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Analyze Marketing Plan of a Product


Principles Of Marketing MKTG 301 or BUS154

10/12/2013Spring 2014

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Page 2: Nadec


Saturday, April 8, 2023

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Assisstant Professor, Business Administration

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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Market Analysis & Product

You must be answered for this question’s

•What are the trends used in my product? •Who are the customers?

•Where the place of competition? Target market?

•State of the economy in this place? •How will you promote my product all year round?

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Analyze Marketing Plan of a Product

Overview• Background and Methodology• Reaction to Terms and Messages• Opportunities/Barriers to Marketing.• Key Findings• Implications• Discussion


Saturday, April 8, 2023

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Saturday, April 8, 2023

•Product Attributes:(. Nadec)

Describe the main product features, major benefits received by those using the product, current branding

strategies, etc. example . Nadec shareholders

The company's products are divided into three main products: Dairy products and derivatives: (milk,

fresh milk, long-term milk yo gurt). Agricultural products (wheat, feed vegetables fruits honey dates). Syrups and juices include long-term and fresh juices

such as: (apple orange guava

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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Begin market planning by clearly identifying the market you want to target.

Answers to the following four key questions:1. Who will buy my product?2. Why will they buy my product?3. What will they pay for my product?4. Where do they expect to find this product?

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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Market Analysis: What is my Target Market?

A target market is a well defined group of customers. Markets can be found within any broad category:

consumers, businesses, industries, institutions, etc. Consumer groups, for instance, can be characterized by

demographics, geography, lifestyle, values, leisure, or occupation. Business customers can be defined in terms

of markets, products, management styles, distributions channels or size. Value-added product marketing

includes the end consumers of your product/services and the businesses that may distribute and sell your product

to the end user.

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Strategies and methods of distribution Distribution methods used at Nadec

When designing Nadec for its distributional they bear in mind the two policies for distribution is the first in: Market Coverage Policy horizontally In this policy Nadec follow two paths:

The first way: mass distribution Means the distribution of mass among Nadec delivery of dairy products and derivatives and juices also for all retailers of food and used this way because most of the products Nadec can be incorporated within the goods soft, adding that the advantage of being easy replacement, as they do not need to after-sales services of all these characteristics forced them to choose this way of horizontal distribution.  

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The second way: selective distribution We mean it when Nadec pick some food retailers to display some of their products they have, and is often used this way with most agricultural products such as dates, and olive oil. And to cooperate with these traders Nadec with respect to the quantities required.

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•Who is the competition and what do they offer?

•What makes your product better?

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The second policy can be translated into: Politics market coverage vertically In this policy, follow Nadec four ways: -

The first way: direct distribution It uses with financing projects (CATRING) that serve the industrial consumer, such as: hotels, restaurants, military colleges,

hospitals, schools and government ministries, and due to the need to sectors such huge amounts of products. Previously, this line also serves the final consumer by creating outlets directly subordinate to the Nadec but due to the lack of usefulness

has been closed.

The second way: a consumer product retailer This is the road is the main and most importantly, to the fact that products Nadec fresh and perishable so it does not have

to be refrigerated in the shelves suitable for, and in the case of non-availability of refrigerators with the Broker guarantees to maintain the level of quality year with

Nadec they are in this case to provide the mediator with refrigerators affiliates until ensure a certain level of quality.

Third Way: The product wholesaler retailer consumer.  This road is used in goods such as long-term: long-term milk and some cheeses, and so being able to endurance products and therefore used this line for Nadec load distribution costs on more than one distributor which ensures the arrival of the product to the consumer at the lowest possible price.  

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Fourth Way: The product and the consumer retail agent. It uses this road on a limited scale, especially outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and to the need to control directly, which means that the company will be forced to open branches in these countries and thus bear additional costs, in addition to the market of these countries is not considered an opportunity feasible to establish Mcharba where . Featuring the fourth road from the rest of the methods used at Nadec that serves the export activity

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Distribution lines used depending on the size distribution outlets:

Financial Analysis : key accounts (A)(payment on credit) (B) cash van (Cash)

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Mechanism to deal with salesmenRelationship with intermediaries

Transportation and storage: Supply and arrangement

1) Classification by products ( groups ) such as dairy products, which are arranged as follows:a. Full -fat .b. Low-fat .c. Skimmed

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2) Sorted by color gamut , and is often used with juice products , and are arranged starting strong vivid colors and finishes brightly quiet .

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3) Classification according to promotional offers , and we mean to highlight the products undergoing Offers and activation process for sales from other products .

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 Promotional activity :Advertising and care programs, and participation in exhibitions and conferences ... This is what we call the promotional activity , how is cooperation between Nadec and intermediaries in this sensitive side of the marketing process ?

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Used Nadec promotional gifts in abundance in the line (cash van) so as to gain the loyalty of small retail shops and to increase interest in products Nadec and displayed better , but in line (kay accounts) often prevents departments stores subsidiaries from taking such gifts in order to oppose this measure with the most policies of major retailers .

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