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Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

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n-Heptane/air combustion in perfectly stirred reactors: Dynamics,bifurcations and dominant reactions at critical conditions� 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author at: Aerothermochemistry and Combustion SystemsLaboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Sonnegstrasse 3, ZurichCH-8092, Switzerland.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C.E. Frouzakis).

Mahdi Kooshkbaghi, Christos E. Frouzakis ⇑, Konstantinos Boulouchos, Iliya V. KarlinAerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich CH-8092, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 9 April 2015Received in revised form 4 May 2015Accepted 4 May 2015Available online 10 June 2015

Keywords:n-heptane kineticsNumerical continuation and bifurcationanalysisBogdanov–Takens bifurcationCusp bifurcationComputational singular perturbationEntropy production analysis

The dynamics of n-heptane/air mixtures in perfectly stirred reactors (PSR) is investigated systematicallyusing bifurcation and stability analysis and time integration. A skeletal mechanism of n-heptane con-structed by entropy production analysis is employed, which is extensively validated for different condi-tions with respect to the ignition delay time, laminar flame speed, and the typical hysteretic behaviorobserved in PSRs. The significantly reduced size of the skeletal mechanism, enables the extension ofthe bifurcation analysis to multiple parameters. In addition to residence time, the effect of equivalenceratio, volumetric heat loss and the simultaneous variation of residence time and inlet temperature onthe reactor state are investigated using one- and two-parameter continuations. Multiple ignition andextinction turning points leading to steady state multiplicity and oscillatory behavior of both the stronglyburning and the cool flames are found, which can lead to oscillatory (dynamic) extinction. Thetwo-parameter continuations revealed isolas and codimension-two bifurcations (cusp, Bogdanov–Takens, and double Hopf). Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) and entropy production analysiswere used to probe the complex kinetics at interesting points of the bifurcation diagrams.

� 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The Perfectly Stirred Reactor (PSR) or Continuous Stirred TankReactor (CSTR) is commonly used to study complex chemicalkinetics and combustion dynamics. In practice, such reactors canbe realized by intense mixing using gas reactant jets in ajet-stirred reactor [1]. Efficient mixing provides homogeneous con-ditions so that the state at the reactor exit is the same as inside,simplifying strongly its numerical modeling.

Since the rigorous analysis of Bilous and Amundson in 1955 [2]and the more comprehensive numerical study of Aris andAmundson [3], the reactor dynamics and stability for the single-step irreversible exothermic reaction R! P have been investigatedextensively, revealing interesting dynamics which include multipleequilibria and hysteresis loops, super- and subcritical Hopfbifurcations, and complex oscillations (see, for example, [4–6]).

The dependence of the reactor state (indicated for example byits temperature T) on s, the residence time in the reactor, typically

displays an S-shaped curve, connecting the weakly- and stronglyburning steady state branches via an unstable steady state branchbetween the ignition and extinction points [7]. The lower branch ofthe bifurcation diagram that shows the possible long-term statesdrawn schematically in Fig. 1 starts from the chemically frozenstate at very short residence time and remains weakly reactingup to the residence time of ignition sign, where the system statejumps to the strongly burning branch. Starting from a state onthe latter branch, the gradual decrease of s will eventually leadthe reactor back to the weakly reacting state at sext , the residencetime of extinction. Steady state multiplicity exists forsext 6 s 6 sign, and the reactor operation becomes sensitive toexternal perturbations.

More complete pictures of the qualitative features of PSRs andphase portraits for various scenarios of bifurcation diagram havebeen obtained analytically and numerically for single-step reac-tions and lumped variables [8–10]. PSRs have also been investi-gated via Lyapunov’s direct method [11], parametric sensitivity[12] as well as from the control and stabilization point of view(e.g. [13]). A discussion of earlier theoretical and experimentalstudies of ignition and cool flames in CSTRs can be found in thereview of Griffiths and Scott [14], the book [6] and the referencestherein. The ignition and extinction conditions are used for the

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validation and rate constant tuning of detailed and reduced mech-anisms by comparison with experimental data (see, for example,[15]).

Although the dynamic behavior of PSRs using generic single- orfew-steps reactions has been systematically analyzed, few litera-ture studies have considered detailed reaction mechanisms.Numerical investigations of hydrogen combustion in isothermalPSRs [16–18] revealed complex dynamics which in addition toignitions and extinctions included oscillations and birhythmicity(coexistence of two stable limit cycles for the same operating con-ditions). Sensitivity and principal component analysis at the bifur-cation points were used to construct minimal reaction mechanismsthat can predict state multiplicity [17]. Recent investigations ofignition/extinction behavior of more complex fuels like dimethylether [19,20] and n-heptane [21] in PSRs focused on the detectionof important features with respect to the variation of a singleparameter (the residence time) and its effect on the type of extinc-tion (sudden jump to the weakly burning or extinguished state ordynamic extinction via oscillations of increasing amplitude) [20].

The complexity of the reaction mechanism in terms of the num-ber of species and reactions increases dramatically with the size ofthe fuel molecule [22], and even for ideal homogeneous reactorslike the PSR the computational cost becomes high, particularlywhen a large number of parameters determines the behavior.Thanks to the availability of efficient numerical continuation pack-ages, the analysis of the dynamics of single- or few-steps globalreactions can be expanded to detailed mechanisms including hun-dreds of species and thousands of elementary reactions. The effi-cient scanning of the dynamics with respect to multipleoperating parameters can identify the critical conditions leadingto the transition between different reactor states and provideessential information not only to enhance our understanding ofthe phenomenology of combustion chemistry, but also for thedesign of experiments to probe different types of kinetics formechanism validation purposes.

In the present study, we employ a skeletal mechanism con-structed using the recently proposed reduction approach that isbased on the relative contribution of elementary reactions to thetotal entropy production [23]. Comparisons with the detailedscheme show that the skeletal mechanism reproduces accuratelynot only the ignition delay and the laminar flame speed over awide range of conditions, but it can also accurately capture thecomplex PSR dynamics including the bifurcation points.

The bifurcation diagram summarizing the possible dynamics aswell as the transitions leading from one state to another can begenerated by finding the long-time state for the system of equa-tions describing the dynamics for different values of the controllingparameter(s). In a brute force manner, this can be achieved byscanning the parameter space and numerically integrating thetransient equations modeling the temporal evolution of the con-centration and temperature in the reactor (Section 2) starting fromdifferent initial conditions. The dynamics in a PSR is determined byfive parameters: the residence time s, inlet temperature T0, pres-sure p, equivalence ratio / and heat loss per unit volume _Qloss,and the brute force method becomes impractical. In addition tothe excessive number of integrations that are required, thisapproach can only identify stable steady or oscillatory states.

Arc-length continuation methods [24] offer an accurate andmore efficient way to track changes in the long-term behavior bystarting from a particular solution and following it as one or moreparameters are varied. Unstable solutions can be computed, andthe local stability can be determined by the eigenvalues of theJacobian matrix obtained by linearization of the governingequations around the desired state: eigenvalues with negative(positive) real parts define stable (unstable) states. In this work,

the AUTO-07p package [25,26] is employed to systematically fol-low the transitions in the observed behavior, first with respect to

independent variations of s and _Qloss for fixed values of the remain-ing parameters (one-parameter continuations), and then for thesimultaneous variation of s and T0 (two-parameter continuation).The effect of equivalence ratio and pressure is assessed by comput-ing the two-parameter diagrams for different values of / and p topartially construct three-parameter diagrams. The observeddynamics include steady and oscillatory strongly burning statesand cool flames, multistability over extended ranges of operatingconditions and higher codimension bifurcations.

Entropy production analysis can also provide useful informationabout elementary reactions responsible for bringing the systemstate to equilibrium. Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP)analysis is also employed to identify the dominant reactions atthe bifurcation points. CSP is a time-scale based approach thathas been used for the identification of slow and fast processes(e.g. [27]), skeletal and reduced mechanism generation (e.g.[28,29]), analysis of two-stage n-heptane ignition [30], as well asflow-chemistry interactions in limiting phenomena [31,32]. TheCSP analysis is performed on the so-called explosive mode, i.e.the mode with time scale corresponding to the positive or the leastnegative eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix at the state of interest.The corresponding eigenvector, a first-order approximation to theCSP mode, is used to identify the most important reactions atextinction, ignition or oscillatory combustion with the help of theamplitude [33] and time scale participation [34] indices. Moredetailed CSP-based analyses of autoignition and the multi-stageignition of n-heptane can be found in [35,30,36].

The work presented here is along the lines of the work of Lu andco-workers who studied combustion dynamics in PSRs for n-hep-tane [21], methane [19] and DME [19,20]. One-parameter continu-ations with respect to the residence time were performed in theseworks focusing on ignition and extinction, and a variant of the CSPmethod, the Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis (CEMA) [37], wasused to analyze the kinetics.

The paper is organized as follows: Following the presentation ofthe PSR governing equations in Section 2 and a brief discussion ofnumerical continuation in Section 3, the skeletal mechanism thatwas generated using entropy production analysis is presented inSection 4. The CSP analysis tools used are briefly reviewed inSection 5, before turning to the results of numerical calculationsboth from the chemical kinetics and the dynamical system pointsof view (Section 6).

2. Governing equations

A system of ns chemical species Mi; i ¼ 1; . . . ;ns is considered,which reacts according to a mechanism of nr reversible elementaryreactions





m00ikMi; k ¼ 1; . . . ;nr ð1Þ

Stoichiometry is defined by m0ik and m00ik, the stoichiometric coeffi-cients of species i in reaction k for the reactants and products,respectively. The rate of the elementary reaction k is

qk ¼ q fk � qr

k ¼ k fk



½Xi�m0ik � kr




½Xi�m00ik k ¼ 1; . . . ;nr ð2Þ

where ½Xi� denotes molar concentration of species i and k fk and kr


are the forward and reverse rate constants of reaction k. Theproduction/consumption rate of the ith species _xi is the summationof the rates of all reactions involving the species i

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3168 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

_xi ¼Xnr


mikqk ð3Þ

where mik ¼ m00ik � m0ik is the net stoichiometric coefficient.The temporal evolution of Yi, the mass fraction of species i, and

temperature T in a perfectly stirred reactor is described by a sys-tem of ordinary differential equations (ODEs)


dt¼ 1


i � Yi

� �þ


qi ¼ 1; . . . ;ns ð4Þ

dTdt¼ 1



h0i � hi

� �Y0

i �1




hiWi _xi �_Q loss


where Y0i and h0

i are the mass fraction and total enthalpy of species iat the inflow with temperature T0, Wi and hi the molecular weightand total enthalpy of species i; �cp and q the mixture heat capacity

under constant pressure and density, and _Qloss the heat loss per unitvolume. With the equivalence ratio / defining the inlet compositionY0

i , the system state is described by the ns þ 1 dimensional vectorz ¼ ½Yi; T�; i ¼ 1; . . . ;ns for specified values of the components of

the five-dimensional parameter vector C ¼ ½s;/; T0;p; _Qloss�; p isthe reactor pressure.

Starting from an initial condition z ¼ zðt ¼ 0Þ, the initial valueproblem (4) can be integrated for specified values of the parame-ters using the stiff ordinary differential equation solver DVODE[38] to compute the temporal evolution of the reactor state. Thechemical source term and the thermodynamic properties are com-puted using CHEMKIN [39]. At long times the system evolvestowards either a steady (equilibrium) or an oscillatory state (limitcycle or periodic orbit). In general, bounded solutions of systems ofautonomous ODEs can also converge at long times to more com-plex attractors, like tori (quasi-periodic orbits) or strange attractors(chaotic orbits) (for example, see [40,41]).

3. Numerical bifurcation analysis

Time integration can be used to explore the dynamics in abrute-force way for different combinations of parameters and ini-tial conditions. In the general case, slight changes of the parame-ters result in small changes of the long-term dynamics, and thedynamical system displays structural stability. However, at criticalparameter values small variations can lead to bifurcations wherethe change in the long-term dynamics can be dramatic. The corre-sponding values or the zero-, one- or multi-dimensional loci of thecritical parameters define the bifurcations points, curves, or sur-faces which separate the parameter space into regions character-ized by similar long-term behavior.

The system (4) can be written in the generic vector form

dzdt¼ f ðz; CÞ ð5Þ

Here, z 2 Rnsþ1 is the system state, C 2 Rnc the vector of operatingparameters, and the source term f : Rnsþncþ1 ! Rnsþ1 is a smoothvector function satisfying the Lipschitz conditions. The brute-forceapproach is neither efficient in probing the dynamics nor accuratein determining the bifurcation points, particularly forhigh-dimensional phase and parameter spaces. The aim of numeri-cal bifurcation analysis is to compute accurately and efficiently thelong-term solutions of the corresponding set of theparameter-dependent nonlinear algebraic equations

f ðz; CÞ ¼ 0 ð6Þ

defining the steady state of the system as some of the nc parametersare varied to compute the solution branches zðCÞ.

For the sake of completeness, the basic notions and dynamicfeatures observed in this study are summarized. For a more com-prehensive discussion the reader is referred to [41]. For fixedparameter values, the phase portrait is the collection of solutiontrajectories of Eq. (5) in phase space, the ðns þ 1Þ-dimensionalspace in which all possible system states can be represented. Atgiven parameter values C� a fixed point is the steady state z� satis-fying f ðz�; C�Þ ¼ 0. At long times, the system state may also evolveon a limit cycle, a closed trajectory in phase space that describesoscillatory behavior. Together with fixed points they are the mostcommonly observed types of limit sets. If the qualitative structureof the phase portrait changes at C ¼ C� then a bifurcation occurs,and ðz�; C�Þ defines the bifurcation point. The bifurcation diagramis the plot of some function of the state variable z in the limit setas a function of one or more components of the controlling param-eters C.

The local stability of a state can be characterized by the eigen-values and eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix of the right handside of (5), J ¼ @f

@z [24,41]. As the solution branch C is followed dur-ing variation of a single parameter, the eigenvalues follow trajecto-ries on the complex plane when the real part is plotted vs theimaginary part, and bifurcations occur when the eigenvalueacquires a zero real part. In the generic case, when a real eigen-value crosses zero at ðzTP; CTPÞ, two fixed points collide and disap-pear at a turning point bifurcation. When a complex pair ofeigenvalues with negative real part crosses the imaginary axis atðzHB; CHBÞ, a stable state loses stability at a Hopf bifurcation pointand in the generic case a limit cycle is born. It can be shown thatthese codimension one bifurcation points (i.e. obtained by varyinga single parameter) follow curves when a second parameter is var-ied simultaneously which can meet at codimension-two points.These higher codimension bifurcations play the role of organizingcenters of lower-order bifurcations [41]. At a cusp bifurcation pointtwo turning point curves meet tangentially and the parameterspace is divided into regions having a different number of steadystates. At a Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation, the linearization at thefixed point has a pair of real zero eigenvalue and satisfies sometechnical non-degeneracy conditions [41]. At a double Hopf orHopf–Hopf point the Jacobian has two pairs of purely imaginaryeigenvalues.

The package AUTO-07p [25,26] is employed for the continua-tion and bifurcation analysis of the system of Eq. (4). In the com-bustion community, AUTO has been used to study the dynamicsof the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction [42] and for hydrogen/airmixtures in PSRs [16,18]. In order to perform a comprehensivestudy of n-heptane in a PSR, AUTO-07p was coupled with theCHEMKIN library [39] so that complex reaction mechanisms canbe readily accommodated. Dynamical system analysis for highhydrocarbons is less common and the recent studies have mostlyfocused on the effect of varying the residence time on the reactortemperature [21,19,20]; the details of the employed continuationapproach were not provided.

4. Skeletal mechanism for n-heptane/air mixture

Entropy production analysis was recently proposed as a methodfor the construction of skeletal mechanisms [23]. The rate ofchange of the total entropy production per unit volume due tothe nr elementary reactions reads

dSdt¼ Rc



q fk � qr


� �ln

q fk



where Rc is the ideal gas constant. The relative contribution ofeach reaction to the total entropy production at time t isdefined as

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Fig. 1. Typical S-shaped bifurcation diagram of a PSR temperature with respect tothe residence time.

M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179 3169

rkðtÞ ¼dSdt

� ��1

Rc q fk � qr


� �ln

q fk


!" #ð8Þ

and the most-contributing reactions can be identified as the set ofreactions which contribute more than a user-specified threshold �to the total entropy production

rkðtÞP � ð9Þ

The set of unimportant species, i.e. those not present in themost-contributing reactions, can be eliminated from the reactionmechanism. The entropy production analysis was performed for dif-ferent threshold values � on a solution database for n-heptaneauto-ignition in the range of pressures 1 6 p 6 20 atm, initial tem-peratures 650 6 T0 6 1400 K, and equivalence ratios 0:5 6 / 6 1:5computed with version 2 of the detailed n-heptane/air mechanism(561 species and 2539 reactions) of Curran et al. [43,44], which inthe following will be referred to as D561. A skeletal mechanismwith 161 species and 688 reactions was constructed with� ¼ 0:006 and validated for different cases in a wide range of ther-modynamic conditions for auto-ignition in a constant pressure andvariable volume reactor, in steady perfectly stirred reactors, and forlaminar premixed flames [23].

Careful inspection of the results of time integration in a tran-sient PSR revealed that 13 intermediate species of the skeletalmechanism that participate in important reactions appear only asreactants in irreversible reactions in the detailed mechanism.Since they cannot be produced, their concentration remains

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.610-5










0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.61000/T0 [1/K]






φ = 0.5

φ = 1.0

φ = 1.5

1 atm

20 atm

1 atm

20 atm

1 atm

20 atm


Fig. 2. Comparison of the results obtained with the skeletal (symbols) and the detailed (sinitial temperature at various pressures and (b) the laminar flame speed on equivalence

identically zero and they can be safely removed to construct askeletal n-heptane mechanism with 149 species in 669 reactions(denoted as S149); the skeletal mechanism in CHEMKIN format isprovided as supplementary material. Figure 2 compares the igni-tion delay times and laminar flame speeds. As it can be readilyobserved, the skeletal mechanism reproduces the results ofdetailed mechanism accurately. Additional details and validationscan be found in [23].

The comparison of the detailed and skeletal mechanisms for thecontinuation with respect to the residence time for a stoichiomet-ric mixture of n-heptane and air with T0 ¼ 650 K and p ¼ 1;5 and20 atm is shown in Fig. 3. Although not marked in the figure, theskeletal mechanism is able to capture accurately not only the turn-ing but also the Hopf bifurcation points (Table 1). It can thereforebe concluded that the skeletal mechanism provides an accuratedescription of the kinetics and retains high fidelity to the complexnon-linear dynamics of n-heptane oxidation in comparison to thedetailed mechanism.

5. CSP analysis

The processes contributing to the dominant time scale at thebifurcation points are investigated in Section 6 via numerical toolsprovided by the Computational Singular Perturbation.

The system of Eq. (4) for an adiabatic PSR can be rewritten as

dzdt¼ gðzÞ ¼ PðzÞ þ LðzÞ ð10Þ

by decomposing the right hand side in terms of the chemical sourceterm PðzÞ

P ¼ W1 _x1

q; . . .



i¼1Wi _xihi


� �T


and the flow term LðzÞ

L ¼ Y01 � Y1

s; . . . ;

Y0ns� Yns



i h0i � hi

� ��cps





The source term in Eq. (10) can be written as a matrix–vectorproduct

gðzÞ ¼ SR ð13Þ

0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4











S L [c



T0 = 650 Kp = 1 atm


olid line) mechanisms for the dependence of (a) the auto-ignition delay time on theratio.

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τ [s]

T [K


10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100










p = 1 atmp = 5 atmp = 20 atm

Fig. 3. Comparison of the dependence of reactor temperature on the residence timefor an adiabatic PSR at T0 ¼ 650 K, / ¼ 1:0 and various pressures using the detailed(solid lines) and skeletal (open circles) reaction mechanisms.

3170 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

where S is the ðns þ 1Þ � ð2nr þ 1Þ-dimensional generalized stoi-chiometric matrix (forward and reverse reactions are treatedseparately)

W1m11q � � � W1m1nr


q � � � �W1m1nrq


W2m21q � � � W2m2nr


q � � � �W2m2nrq



. ... ..

. ... ..

. ... ..


Wns mns 1q � � � Wns mnsnr

q�Wns mns 1

q � � � �Wns mns nrq





q�cp� � � �






q�cp� � �





i �hiÞY0i





and R ¼ q f1 ; . . . ; q f

nr ; qr1; . . . ; qr


h iTis the ð2nr þ 1Þ-dimensional vec-

tor of the generalized rates of progress.Systems enjoying time scale separation are evolving in fast and

slow subspaces embedded in the phase space. A typical scenario inchemical kinetics is a spectrum of time scales, si, where the first Fscales are much faster than the rest and there is a large gapbetween the F and F þ 1 time scales

s1 < � � � < sF � sFþ1 < � � � < snsþ1 ð15Þ

CSP [33] offers an algorithm to decompose the dynamics into itera-tively refined modes, which span the fast and slow subspaces.Recasting Eq. (13) in terms of the CSP modes, one can write

Table 1Comparison of the bifurcation points computed with the detailed (D561) and the skeletal/ ¼ 1).

p [atm] TP1 ðs½s�; T½K�Þ TP2 ðs½s�; T½K�Þ

D5611 ð2:32� 10�5;1735:4Þ (1.02,790.2)

5 ð6:35� 10�6;1846:1Þ ð6:38� 10�2;840:20 ð2:78� 10�6;1981:4Þ ð7:24� 10�3;889:

S1491 ð2:33� 10�5;1739:2Þ ð1:08;807:3Þ5 ð6:39� 10�6;1849:5Þ ð7:34� 10�2;859:

20 ð2:81� 10�6;1983:8Þ ð8:93� 10�3;908:

g ¼ gfast þ gslow ¼XF


afasti mi

fast þXnsþ1


aslowi mi

slow ð16Þ

where ai is the ðns þ 1Þ-dimensional CSP column basis vector for the

ith mode with amplitude mi ¼ bi � g. The complementary vector

space element bi is the CSP row basis vector satisfying orthogonality

condition (written in Kronecker form) bi � aj ¼ dij. Typically the F

fastest time scales are dissipative, the corresponding CSP modesquickly become exhausted and the system state evolves on the slowsubspace, which can be approximated by

mifast � 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; F ð17Þ

The relaxation on the slow subspace is then governed by

dzdt� gslow ð18Þ

Local information for the system time scales can be obtained fromJg , the Jacobian of g at the desired state. For real eigenvalues (com-plex pairs are treated as described in [35,45]), the CSP ith mode can

be distinguished with a time scale approximated by s � jkij�1, theith eigenvalue of Jg [46]. The right eigenvectors v i stored column-wise define the ðns þ 1Þ � ðns þ 1Þ matrix V

V ¼ v1;v2; . . . ;vnsþ1½ � ð19Þ

while the ith row of matrix V�1 is the ith left eigenvector ~v i of theJacobian

V�1 ¼







3777775: ð20Þ

To leading order CSP vectors can be approximated by the right and

left eigenvectors, i.e. ai ¼ v i and bi ¼ ~vTi [46].

The decomposition approach briefly presented above, leads tothe introduction of different diagnostic tools to quantify the contri-bution of species and reactions or other processes to the CSP modeof interest. The ith CSP mode can be characterized based on thesign of ReðkiÞ, the real part of the eigenvalue of Jg . The CSP moderelated to the positive or less negative eigenvalue plays the mainrole in limiting phenomena like ignition and extinction [19–21,31,32,47].

The contribution of process k to the amplitude of the ith CSPmode can be computed with the help of the amplitude participationindex [33,35,21,36]

APIik ¼

~v iT � Sk

� RkP2nrþ1

k0¼1 j ~v iT � Sk0ð ÞRk0 j


(S149) mechanisms; TPi and HB1 are as marked in Fig. 4 (adiabatic PSR at T0 ¼ 650 K,

TP3 ðs½s�; T½K�Þ HB1 ðs½s�; T½K�Þ

ð1:22� 10�3;706:5Þ ð1:04� 10�2;741:9Þ3Þ ð4:75� 10�4;749:6Þ ð3:13� 10�3;789:0Þ0Þ ð2:37� 10�4;789:9Þ ð9:21� 10�4;833:8Þ

ð8:41� 10�4;717:3Þ ð6:98� 10�3;756:5Þ5Þ ð3:76� 10�4;760:1Þ ð2:29� 10�3;803:2Þ4Þ ð2:24� 10�4;800:3Þ ð7:09� 10�4;844:7Þ

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where k ¼ 1; . . . nr and k ¼ nr þ 1; . . . ;2nr correspond to the contri-bution of the forward and reverse reaction rates and k ¼ 2nr þ 1to the contribution of flow term. The API values are normalized to½0;1� and complex conjugate pairs of modes can be transformed intoa pair of real modes as described in [35,45].

The Jacobian matrix Jg can be decomposed based on the contri-bution of the processes,

Jg ¼X2nrþ1


ck ð22Þ

where the ck ¼ rðSkRkÞ is the ðns þ 1Þ � ðns þ 1Þ-dimensional

gradient of the vector SkRk. The ith eigenvalue of Jg can then be writ-ten as,

ki ¼ ~vTi � c1v i þ � � � þ ~vT

i � c2nrþ1v i ð23Þ

and the normalized contribution of process k to the value of the itheigenvalue (ith time scale) defines the timescale participation index[34,48,20,46],

TPIik ¼

~vTi � ckv iP2nrþ1


i � ck0v i


The analytic Jacobian matrix used in the CSP analysis is obtained byapplying the automatic differentiation tool Tapenade [49] on thesource code of the transient PSR, and the eigenvalues and the leftand right eigenvectors of the Jacobian were computed usingLAPACK routines [50]. In the following, we will only analyze theexplosive mode corresponding to the leading eigenvalue, i.e. theone with positive or least negative real part, to identify the domi-nant process and reactions for ignition, extinction and oscillatorybehavior.

In addition to the time scale analysis, entropy production, playsan important role in characterizing the reversibility of the system[51]. Chemical affinity, Gibbs free energy and entropy productionare closely related [52,53]. The reactions which contribute morein the production of entropy are responsible for relaxing the sys-tem from the initial state towards the maximum entropy state(equilibrium) and can be ranked accordingly (see for example[54] for a combustion application). In this work, entropy produc-tion analysis will be applied at bifurcation points to identify thereactions which are responsible for combustion irreversibility.

10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

τ [s]












T [K













strongly burning

unstable branch

cool flameextinguished


Fig. 4. (a) Reactor temperature as a function of residence time for a stoichiometric n-heindicate stable (unstable) states, while the solid curves between HB1 and HB2 of the exoscillations. (b) Trajectories of the leading eigenvalues along the cool flame branch for s

6. Continuation and bifurcation analysis

In this section, the effect of the variation of the system param-eters on the dynamics of n-heptane/air mixtures in adiabatic andnon-adiabatic perfectly stirred reactors are investigated usingAUTO-07p [26].

6.1. One parameter continuations

6.1.1. Adiabatic reactor: effect of residence timeThe bifurcation diagram for the combustion of a stoichiometric

mixture in an adiabatic PSR at atmospheric pressure and inlet tem-perature T0 ¼ 700 K displays five branches (Fig. 4(a)). In addition tothe commonly observed strongly burning state, the unburned orweakly burning states and the connecting unstable branch drawnin Fig. 1, the cool flame and a short unstable branch connectingit to the extinguished reactor state are found. The cool flamebehavior is associated with a small increase of the reactor temper-ature (732 6 T 6 820 K) and is characteristic of higher hydrocar-bons displaying multi-stage ignitions and the NegativeTemperature Coefficient (NTC) regime [55]. The branches are sep-arated by the four turning points TPi and the analysis reveals twoadditional Hopf bifurcation points HBi leading to oscillatorydynamics as discussed below. Similar bifurcations are reported in[21] for a / ¼ 0:5 mixture at p ¼ 10 atm.

The first turning point at sTP1 ¼ 0:0206 ms (TTP1 ¼ 1753:5 K)marks the extinction limit of the strongly burning state as can beverified by time integration of the transient Eq. (4) starting froman initial condition at TP1 and reducing the initial reactor temper-ature by 1 K: the response shows a fast drop of the reactor temper-ature to that of the inflowing mixture (Fig. 5(a)). The mostcontributing reactions to the total entropy production as well asthe important reactions identified by time scale analysis of theCSP mode with positive eigenvalue are provided in Fig. 5(b)–(d).At TP1, the leading eigenvalue is zero. To avoid numerical difficul-ties with the infinite time scale, the CSP analysis was performedslightly to the right of the bifurcation point on the unstable branch.Although the leading eigenvalue changes rapidly around TP1, theordering of the reactions and the indices were found to be insensi-tive to the chosen point. The APIs reveal that extinction is con-trolled by the competition between the flow (negative index asexpected from the transition to the extinguished branch by an

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300Re (λ)








Im (λ








ptane/air mixture (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K) in an adiabatic PSR. Solid (dashed) linespanded inset show the maximum and minimum reactor temperatures during the< 6� 10�3 s.

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Fig. 5. Extinction of the strongly burning state at TP1 (T = 1753.5 K, s ¼ 0:0206 ms): (a) Temperature evolution in the transient PSR after reduction of the reactor temperatureby 1 K, (b) Most contributing reactions in the total entropy production, (c) amplitude participation indices, (d) timescale participation indices (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K).

3172 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

increase in the flow rate, i.e. decrease in the residence time) andthe elementary reactions responsible for the main chain branchingstep at high temperatures, H + O2! O + OH, and the main heatreleasing reaction, CO + OH! CO2 + H (positive indices indicatingthat an increase in the rates of these reactions will favor thestrongly burning state). The dominant time scale at the chosenpoint (s1 ¼ 1=k1 ¼ 6:97� 10�4 s) is determined by the main chainbranching reaction (positively in the radical-producing direction,negatively in the reverse direction) and negatively by the coldinflow. The main heat releasing step together with the secondarychain branching step O + H2! H + OH have a positive contribution.Entropy production and thus irreversibility is dominated by reac-tions including small molecules.

The second turning point at sTP2 ¼ 0:7571 s (TTP2 ¼ 820:3 K)marks the ignition conditions towards the strongly burning state.Indeed, a 1 K increase of the initial reactor temperature from theconditions at TP2 results in a jump to the strongly burning state(Fig. 6(a)). Entropy production analysis reveals that reactionsresponsible for the breakup of heavy molecules are most importantwith respect to irreversibility (Fig. 6(b)), while CSP analysis per-formed slightly to the left of TP2 on the unstable branch(Figs. 6(c) and (d)) shows the clearly dominant role of the reactionH2O2(+M)! 2OH(+M), the main branching step at low tempera-ture [56], both in the amplitude and in the time scale(s1 ¼ 6:09 s) of the leading eigenmode. Flow has again a negativecontribution. Similar findings are reported in [35,30] for autoigni-tion of a stoichiometric n-heptane/air mixture in a constant vol-ume batch reactor at 850 K and 13.5 bar.

Along the cool flame branch, the segment connecting the twosupercritical Hopf bifurcation points HB1 and HB2 (dashed line inthe inset of Fig. 4(a), with the solid lines marking the oscillationamplitude) defines the range of residence times for which then-heptane cool flames exhibit oscillatory behavior. The trajectoriesof the complex pair of eigenvalues on the complex plain (imaginary

part plotted against the real part) as s is decreased from s ¼ 6 msalong the cool flame branch of Fig. 4(b) show the two crossings ofthe real axis at the Hopf bifurcation points HB1 and HB2, theirmeeting at s ¼ 4:13 ms to become real, and their subsequent tra-jectories along the real axis. One of them crosses to positive valuesat turning point sTP3 .

The time history of the state initialized at point S1

(s ¼ 0:7412 ms, T ¼ 760:84 K, Fig. 4(a)) shows the evolution to alimit cycle with a frequency of about 240 Hz (Fig. 7(a)). At theunstable steady state S1, the kinetics are determined by the set ofreactions shown in Fig. 7(b)–(d). Reactions containing heavy mole-cules are most-contributing in the total entropy production. TheAPIs show that the dominant reactions are the dehydrogenationof n-heptane by hydroxyl radicals to produce different isomers ofthe heptyl radical C7H15 and initiate the formation of the radicalpool, while the flow term has again the main negative contribution.In addition, ketohydroperoxide molecules are formed from isomer-ization of peroxy-alkylhydroperoxide radicals. The real part of thedominant eigenvalue at S1 is positive. The TPI shows that the slow-est timescale of the unstable state at S1 (s1 ¼ 4:51� 10�3 s) is dueto the reactions CH2O + OH! HCO + H2O and HO2 + OH! H2O. Atthis point, flow has a contribution only on API, which is positivelyaffected by the H abstraction reactions by the hydroxyl radical. Asshown in [57] for a simple glycolysis model, CSP analysis can alsobe used to identify the processes controlling the oscillatory behav-ior. For the high-dimensional n-heptane combustion, such a studyis significantly more complicated and beyond the scope of thiswork.

The steady cool flame becomes stable for a narrow intervalwhen s < sHB2 , and eventually disappears for a shorter residencetime at the third turning point TP3 (s ¼ 0:413 ms, T ¼ 731:72 K,Fig. 4(a)). As shown in Fig. 8(a), a reactor initialized at a tempera-ture slightly lower than TTP3 evolves towards the inlet tempera-ture; TP3 corresponds to the first stage ignition point of

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Fig. 6. Ignition of the cool flame at TP2 (T = 820.3 K, s ¼ 0:7571 s): (a) Temperature evolution in the transient PSR after increasing the reactor temperature by 1 K, (b) Mostcontributing reactions in the total entropy production, (c) amplitude participation indices, (d) timescale participation indices (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K).

Fig. 7. Oscillatory dynamics at the sample point S1 (s ¼ 0:7412 ms, T = 760.84 K): (a) Temperature evolution in the transient PSR together with a projection of a sampletrajectory on the ðYOH;YO2 Þ phase plane, (b) most contributing reactions in the total entropy production, (c) amplitude participation indices, (d) timescale participation indices(p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K).

M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179 3173

n-heptane/air mixtures. The explosive mode amplitude is very sen-sitive to the residence time, while chemistry is dominated by

isomerization (internal H-atom abstraction) and dehydrogenationreactions via OH and O2 (Fig. 8(c) and (d)). For low temperature

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Fig. 8. Cool flame extinction limit TP3 (T = 731.72 K, s ¼ 0:413 ms): (a) Temperature evolution in the transient PSR after decreasing the reactor temperature by 1 K, (b) mostcontributing reactions in the total entropy production, (c) amplitude participation indices, (d) time scale participation indices (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K).

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 φ










T [K




unstable cool flame


T = 2219 K

T = 1296 K

T = 765 KHB2oscillatory cool flame



Fig. 9. Dependence of the reactor temperature on equivalence ratio for theadiabatic PSR at p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K and s ¼ 1 ms. Solid (dashed) lines indicatestable (unstable) steady states.

3174 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

ignition of n-heptane, the same class of reactions are found todominate the oxidation path in [29]. All along the cool flamebranch, entropy is produced by reactions involving largemolecules.

Finally, another unstable branch connects the cool flame to theextinguished reactor state at the fourth turning point TP4 ats ¼ 0:56 ms and T = 700.0013 K (expanded inset in Fig. 4(a)).

6.1.2. Adiabatic reactor: effect of equivalence ratioAccording to Fig. 4(a), the stoichiometric mixture in a PSR with

s ¼ 1 ms can support three steady states with reactor

temperatures equal to 2219 K (stable, strongly burning), 1296 K(unstable intermediate state) and 765 K (unstable cool flame),and one stable oscillatory state around the cool flame. The effectof the variation of / on the reactor temperature at fixed s ¼ 1 msis shown in Fig. 9. Three branches can again be seen, but the bifur-cation diagram in this case displays an isola containing the stablestrongly burning state and the unstable branch within the flamma-bility range 0:325 6 / 6 2:582, which is not connected to the coolflame branch. The maximum temperature of the strongly burningstate occurs slightly on the rich side of the fuel equivalence ratio/, as expected from the off-stoichiometric peak of the adiabaticflame temperature for hydrocarbon/air mixtures [7]. The isola isclearly separated from the cool flame branch which extends overthe whole range of / with temperatures T0 6 T 6 793:8 K. Sincefor / P 2:582 the cool flame is the only steady reactor state, itskinetics can be isolated and effectively studied.

The changes in the bifurcation diagram that lead to the forma-tion of the isola as the residence time is varied are shown in Fig. 10.The isola exist for s 6 0:1 s (Fig. 10(c)), but disappear for s ¼ 0:2 s(Fig. 10(b)) after the unstable and the cool flame branch merge atsome intermediate residence time. For s ¼ 1 s the bistability regionshrinks to 0:172 6 / 6 0:775, and at long enough residence timesthe T—/ diagram will assume the familiar shape of the adiabaticflame temperature vs. equivalence ratio curve [7]. At low residencetimes the size of the isola, and with it the flammability range,decrease and at sufficiently low s the cool flame branch disappears(reactor temperature equal to T0, Fig. 10(f)).

6.1.3. Effect of heat lossThe dependence of the reactor temperature on heat loss for the

stoichiometric mixture at atmospheric pressure and for s ¼ 1 s andT0 ¼ 700 K is depicted in Fig. 11. At these conditions, the adiabatic( _Qloss ¼ 0) reactor can only operate at the strongly burning state(T ¼ 2463 K), but as the heat loss increases the reactor tempera-ture decreases and hysteretic behavior is observed. Two turning

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T [K











T [K













T [K

]0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10

0 3 6 9 12 15 0 2 4 6 8

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 φ






τ = 1 s

τ = 10−1 s

τ = 10−3 s τ = 10−4 s

τ = 10−2 s

τ = 0.2 s







Fig. 10. The dependence of temperature reactor on the equivalence ratio in the adiabatic PSR with T0 ¼ 700 K and p ¼ 1 atm at (a) s ¼ 1 s, (b) s ¼ 0:2 s, (c) s ¼ 10�1 s, (d)s ¼ 10�2 s, (e) s ¼ 10�3 s, (f) s ¼ 10�4 s.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Q. loss[kJ/(s×m3)]










T [K


strong flame

cool flame



0.6 0.651000




unstable branch

Fig. 11. The dependence of temperature reactor on heat loss in the PSR(/ ¼ 1:0; T0 ¼ 700 K, p ¼ 1 atm and s ¼ 1 s). Solid (dashed) lines indicate stable(unstable) branches.

0 2 4 6 81100






T [K


0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5t [s]





T [K




Fig. 12. Temporal evolution of the reactor temperature for non-adiabatic PSR with_Qloss ¼ 0:646 kJ/(s m3) (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K, / ¼ 1; s ¼ 1 s). Different initial con-

ditions results in (a) multi-period transient solution for initial T ¼ 1140 K or (b)dynamic extinction for T ¼ 1137:8 K.

M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179 3175

points mark the conditions where no strongly burning state (TP1,_Q loss ¼ 0:67 kJ/s m3) or cool flame (TP2, _Qloss ¼ 0:02 kJ/s m3) can

be supported in the reactor, while the existence of the Hopf bifur-

cation point HB ( _Q loss ¼ 0:614 kJ/s m3, T ¼ 1201:3 K) before TP1

indicates that the strongly-burning flame extinguishes dynami-cally. The solid curves emanating from HB in the inset of Fig. 11and marking the oscillation amplitude show that the limit cycle

exists for _Q lossHB6 _Q loss < 0:6459 kJ/s m3 and disappears suddenly,

probably in a global bifurcation involving the limit cycle and thesaddle point which is difficult to locate in such ahigh-dimensional phase space.

The long-term behavior along the unstable branch connectingthe HB to the TP1 point in Fig. 11 becomes very sensitive to the ini-

tial condition. Figure 12 shows that for _Q loss ¼ 0:646 kJ/(s m3) start-ing from two initial conditions taken along the dashed lineconnecting HB to TP1 in Fig. 11 and slightly perturbing the reactortemperature, either a multi-period limit cycle (T ¼ 1140 K,Fig. 12(a)) or extinction (T ¼ 1137:8 K, Fig. 12(b)) can be observed.

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τ [s]









T [K






6.60 6.90 7.20






1×10-3 2×10-3






0 0.5 1 1.5 21150




T [K



0 0.5 1 1.5 21100





T [K



0 100 200 300 400t [s]





T [K



Fig. 13. (a) Dependence of reactor temperature on residence time for non-adiabatic PSR with _Qloss ¼ 0:1 kJ/(s m3) (p ¼ 1 atm, T0 ¼ 700 K, / ¼ 1); time history of reactortemperature for (b) s ¼ 6:6 s, (c) s ¼ 7:0, (d) s ¼ 7:1605. Solid (dashed) lines indicate stable (unstable) branches.

3176 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

Isolas also exist in the non-adiabatic case as shown in Fig. 13 for_Qloss ¼ 0:1 kJ

s m3. Hopf bifurcation points are found along the unsta-ble (inset inside the isola) and the cool flame branch (inset at lowerleft corner). The oscillations for sHB1 6 s 6 sTP2 have amplitudes ofabout 10 K and the period increases with increasing residence time(Fig. 13(b) and (c), periods of 0.12 and 0.17 s, respectively). Close tothe turning point, the reactor operation is characterized by longintervals (close to 70 s) of slow increase of the temperature fol-lowed by oscillations with a period of approximately 0.3 s(Fig. 13(d)), indicating that the limit cycle disappears at a globalbifurcation involving the nearby saddle point [41].

6.2. Multi-parameter continuation

Continuation of the turning and Hopf bifurcation points whilesimultaneously varying two parameters results in bifurcationcurves which delineate regions on parameter planes with similarlong-term dynamics. For the 150-dimensional system consideredhere, the two-parameter continuation with AUTO-07p requirescareful choice of the numerical parameters and the bifurcation dia-gram had to be constructed in a piecewise manner.

6.2.1. Adiabatic reactor: effect of residence time and inlet mixturetemperature

We now consider the effect of the simultaneous variation of theresidence time and the inlet temperature on the four turning andthe two Hopf bifurcation points of Fig. 4(a). The results are plottedin Fig. 14(a) together with one-parameter diagrams at selected T0

(Fig. 14(b)–(e); Fig. 4 should also be consulted for the notation).The turning point branches for the cool flame ignition (TPB2) andthe strongly-burning state extinction (TPB1) meet tangentially atthe cusp point CP1 for an impractically short residence timeðs; T0Þ ¼ ð1:9� 10�6 s;1805:9 KÞ, and the parameter rangesbetween them define the regime of multistability. To the left ofthe TPB1 bifurcation curve and for inlet temperature lower thanthe TCP1 the residence time is so low that the reactor cannot beignited at any inlet mixture temperature. Similarly, the turningpoint branches for the cool (TPB3) and the extinguished reactor(TPB4) states meet tangentially at the second cusp point CP2

(s ¼ 2:3� 10�4 s and T0 ¼ 746:5 K), and the parameter range

between them defines the conditions for the coexistence of thetwo states.

For inlet temperatures higher than TCP1 ¼ 1805:9 K, the reactorcan only operate at the strongly-burning state, irrespective of theresidence time (Fig. 14(e)). In the range of parameters betweenthe bifurcation curves TPB1 and TPB2 and the two horizontaldashed lines passing though the CP1 and CP2, two steady (weaklyand strongly burning states) and one unstable steady state willbe observed (Fig. 14(d)).

In the range between TPB1 and TPB2 and below the lowerdashed line, the dynamics become more complex, involving up toseven possible limit sets: three steady and stable (unreacted mix-ture, cool flame and strongly burning state), three unstable steadystates, and oscillatory cool flames. At inlet temperature T0 ¼ 550 K,the lower limit for which the detailed mechanism is valid [43], oneHopf bifurcation point always exists for a residence time betweenthe second (TPB2) and the third (TPB3) turning points (i.e., alongthe cool flame branch), as it can be seen in Fig. 14(b) forT0 ¼ 600 K. It turns out that the second Hopf point emerges fromthe saddle-node TPB3 locus at s ¼ 0:4898 s, T0 ¼ 687:58 K. TheHBB and TPB3 curves meet tangentially at a Bogdanov–Takens(BT) bifurcation point of codimension two where the steady statehas a double-zero eigenvalue [41]. As the value of inlet tempera-ture is further increased, the turning point and the second Hopfpoint, move apart and two Hopf points begin to move closertogether until finally HB1 and HB2 coalesce at the double Hopfbifurcation point ðs; T0Þ ¼ ð7� 10�4 s;719:1 KÞ, another bifurcationpoint of codimension two, where two pairs of complex conjugateeigenvalues change their signs simultaneously at a double Hopfbifurcation point. For 719:1 < T0 < TCP2 K, the whole cool flamebranch is steady, as can be seen in Fig. 14(c).

As mentioned, high codimension points act as organizing cen-ters for the dynamics (see [41] for the details on the expectedbehavior around such points). However, for high-dimensional sys-tems like the one considered here it is difficult to show the expectedbehavior, which includes global bifurcations. Figure 15(a) showsonly the transient behavior of a PSR initialized at a residence timeslightly lower than BT. The reactor state starts to oscillate withincreasing amplitude. Due to the low residence time compared tothe BT point, the cool flame cannot sustain itself, it extinguishessuddenly and the reactor temperature returns to the inlet value.

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10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

τ [s]








T 0 [K








(a) (b)






10-3 10-2600









10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100




250010-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-11000




10-4 10-2 100



10-610-510-410-310-210-1 1001600




Fig. 14. (a) Two-parameter (T0–s) continuation of the turning and Hopf bifurcation points of the adiabatic PSR at p ¼ 1 atm and / ¼ 1; one-parameter bifurcation diagrams(b) for T0 ¼ 600 K, (c) for T0 ¼ 730 K, (d) for T0 ¼ 1200 K, (e) for T0 ¼ 1900 K. Colors are the same as in Fig. 4(a). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figurelegend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179 3177

The entropy production and the CSP analysis of the mode with pos-itive eigenvalue at the conditions of the BT point are provided inFig. 15(b)–(d).

Some of the dynamics mentioned above occurs in narrowranges of inlet temperatures and sometimes for very short resi-dence times and would therefore be difficult to observe experi-mentally. Nevertheless, two-parameter diagrams like Fig. 14provide invaluable information for understanding the combustiondynamics and guiding experiments in PSRs to parameter regionswhere the kinetics at different regimes can be effectively probed.Continuation with respect to additional parameters can help toidentify parameter ranges that are more amenable to experimentalinvestigation.

6.2.2. Adiabatic reactor: effect of pressure and equivalence ratio on thes—T0 bifurcation diagram

The effect of pressure and equivalence ratio on the s—T0 bifur-cation diagram can be studied by computing the curves for differ-ent values of p and /.

At higher pressure the observed bifurcations do not change, butthe branches of the critical curves shift to lower residence timesrendering the strongly burning state more dominant (Fig. 16(a)).The range of inlet temperatures leading to cool flame oscillationswidens, but the reduction in the range of s make their experimen-tal investigation more difficult. The inlet composition is found tohave only a minor effect on the dynamics for / ¼ 0:8;1:0, and 1.2(Fig. 16(b)). Figure 16 can be considered as a projection of thethree-parameter bifurcation diagram on the two-parameter spaces—T0. By repeating the analysis for different pressures or equiva-lence ratios, three-parameter diagrams can be constructed.

7. Conclusions

The complex dynamics and bifurcations of high hydrocarbonslike n-heptane in perfectly stirred reactors were systematicallyinvestigated using a combination of time integration of the tran-sient PSR equations and single- and multi-parameter continuationand stability analysis with AUTO-07p [26]. The study was carried

out with a skeletal mechanism with 149 species and 669 elemen-tary reactions constructed by applying the recently proposedentropy production analysis method [23] on the detailed LLNL2scheme [44] (561 species and 2539 reactions). Ignition delay timeand flame speed over an extended range of conditions and thebifurcation points in the PSR computed with the skeletal mecha-nism are in very good agreement with the results computed withthe detailed mechanism.

The reactor stability was investigated with respect to the resi-dence time s, inlet temperature T0, pressure p, inlet mixture equiv-

alence ratio / and heat loss _Qloss. Multiple turning and Hopfbifurcation points were found in the continuation with respect tos defining the bifurcation values and showing that up to six limitsets can coexist for the same operating conditions, bothphysically-realizable (steady and stable: extinguished reactor, coolflames and strongly burning state, or unsteady: cool flame oscilla-tions) as well as unphysical (unstable steady states along thebranches connecting either the turning points defining the condi-tions for ignition and extinction or Hopf bifurcation point leadingto the oscillatory dynamics). The kinetics at the bifurcation pointswere analyzed with the help of the time-scale and amplitudeparticipation indices of Computational Singular Perturbation toidentify the important reactions for the explosive mode corre-sponding to the eigenvalue with positive or least negative real partand entropy production analysis which points to the reactions con-tributing most to irreversibility. Continuation with respect toequivalence ratio revealed isolas, and their appearance was studiedby varying the residence time. With respect to heat loss, aZ-shaped curve was obtained, and the extinction of the stronglyburning reactor was found to be dynamic (oscillatory extinction).Time integration indicated that global bifurcations also play animportant role in the dynamics.

Two-parameter continuation with respect to s and T0 revealedthe range of conditions of the different steady and oscillatory states.Codimension-two bifurcation point (cusp, Bogdanov–Takens anddouble Hopf) were found, but the high-dimensionality of the sys-tem complicates their detailed investigation. The effect of pressureand equivalence ratio on the two-parameter diagram was also

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Fig. 15. The analysis of Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation point, BT (T0 = 687.58 K, T = 727.89 K, s ¼ 0:4898 ms): (a) Temperature evolution in the transient PSR after smallperturbation in reactor temperature, (b) Most contributing reactions in the total entropy production, (c) Amplitude participation indices, (d) Time scale participation indices(p ¼ 1 atm and / ¼ 1).

10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

τ [s]









T 0 [K


solid : p = 1 atmdashed: p = 5 atm

10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

τ [s]









T 0 [K


solid : φ = 1 dashed : φ = 0.8dotted : φ = 1.2

(a) (b)

Fig. 16. Effect of (a) pressure and (b) equivalence ratio on the s—T0 two-parameter continuation diagrams (adiabatic PSR working at stoichiometric conditions).

3178 M. Kooshkbaghi et al. / Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3166–3179

studied. Increasing pressure for a stoichiometric mixture in an adi-abatic PSR was found to shift the critical curves to lower residencetime, but the bifurcations between different states was unaffected.Equivalence ratio variations in an atmospheric pressure adiabaticPSR have only a minor effect.

To the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first compre-hensive and systematic study of the combustion dynamics of ahigh hydrocarbon in perfectly stirred reactors. However, the com-plexity resulting from both the high dimensionality of the dynam-ical system and the large number of parameters hinder theexploration of all possible long-term behaviors. A lot remains tobe done, particularly in terms of exploring different combinations

of parameters, locating and tracking global bifurcations, and ana-lyzing the wealth of the generated information to probe and under-stand the reaction kinetics determining the critical conditions.

The numerically predicted ranges of different dynamics canguide experimental investigations to interesting conditions, whichwill provide data for the validation or iterative refinement ofdetailed reaction mechanisms.


Financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundationunder Project Number 137771 is gratefully acknowledged. I.V.K.

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was supported by European Research Council (ERC) AdvancedGrant 291094-ELBM. M.K. would like to thank Dr. AndreaBrambilla for his help with CSP analysis and AUTO.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at


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