Download - MyPhone - Digital marketing

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing



    A Partial Fulfillment on

    Digital Marketing Subject

    Grou Member!"

    Bautista, Maynard Niel, N.

    Datukon, Jahn Avery Mitchel C.

    Palad, Kevyn Mikko B.

    Paraiso, John Daniel N.

    Sanchez, Ken-Ken D.

    alatala, Nathanael !.

    December #$% &'#(

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    I) In*u!tr+ ,-er-ie.


    "#hat is $resently kno%n as the $ioneerin& and trusted local 'o(ile $hone (rand

    in the Phili$$ines has a hu'(le (e&innin& %hich can (e traced in )**+. Back then, Mr.

    David i' $layed the $art o a 'odern-day David %hen he dared to (attle esta(lished

    international &iants in the 'o(ile $hone industry %ith his introduction o the irst ili$ino

    'o(ile $hone (rand / MyPhone.

    S'all as it %as then, %ith only 0 'odels and 12 dealers distri(utin& its $roducts

    nation%ide durin& its irst year, MyPhone %as (uilt out o a (i& &oal / to (e a $roudly

    Pinoy (rand that is in the service o $rovidin& ili$inos %ith e3cellent 4uality $hones at

    $rices %ithin their reach. his has (een $erectly e'(odied in the $hone (rand5s lo&o

    %hich is de$icted (y the Phili$$ine la& enclosed in a solid heart. his i'a&e clearly

    sho%s ho% MyPhone, as a co'$any, is co''itted to u$litin& ili$ino $ride and love or 

    the country.

    6ver the years, the MyPhone (rand has never once strayed a%ay ro' its vision.

    ro' (ein& the irst ili$ino 'o(ile $hone (rand, to (ein& the irst to oer dual-S7M

    'o(ility in the country, MyPhone has al%ays (een a $ioneer in (rin&in& variousdevelo$'ents that are heavy on nationalistic the'es and $ro-ili$ino eatures.

    6erin& aorda(le 'o(ile $hone alternative a'on& the ili$inos, MyPhone

    consistently &re% (oth in sales and reach. 7ts $roduct line continually %idens as it

    oered 'ore variety o $hones8 ro' (asic call and te3t $hones, to touchscreen $hones,

    #i-i ena(led $hones, 'o(ile 9 $hones, and recently, Android $hones.55

    ro' a 'arket underdo&, the co'$any has continuously and consistently risen

    to (eco'e a deinitive contender in the Phili$$ine 'o(ile $hone landsca$e. #ithin its

    irst ive years in the (usiness, the co'$any has co'e ar ro' havin& :ust 12 dealers in

    )**+ to its current roster o )2* dealers and nearly )** conce$t stores and kiosks

    distri(utin& its $roducts nation%ide as o today.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    ;-'arketin& can (e an advanta&e or MyPhone (ecause it allo%s the co'$any to

    tar&et a 'arket that hasn5t (een in their 'arketin& $lans (eore. 7 they are a(le to

    e3ecute this e-'arketin& $lan la%lessly then it %ould (e very convenient or (oth the'

    and their consu'ers. ;-'arketin& o$ens the door or a %hole ne% 'arket, (ut it also

    'akes it 'ore convenient or the custo'ers they already have and %ould %ant to retain.



    6ur Co'$any envisions itsel to (e the 'ost trusted and $reerred MyPhone

    online retail store across the country, 'akin& ourselves visi(le and accessi(le to all

    ty$es o users online throu&h continuous innovation and 'onitorin& o the (ehavior o

    the netizens, 'akin& %ay or the a%areness o $eo$le to MyPhone.


    6ur co'$any %ould (e havin& a colla(oration %ith MyPhone %hich &ives us the

    authority to sell their $roducts under their na'e at the sa'e $rice, (ut %e %ill (e havin&

    a s$eciic $ercenta&e o the $roit or every unit that %e %ill (e sellin&. 7n e3chan&e, %e

    %ill (e $ro'otin& their $roducts all over the Phili$$ines (y the use o internet and

    dierent social 'edia. 6ur $artnershi$ allo%s us to do retail sellin& via internet %ith the

    $er'ission o MyPhone. #e (elieve that the &ro%in& a%areness o $eo$le to di&ital

    $urchasin& could lead to a (i&&er $roita(ility since there is also an a(undant &ro%th o 

    the nu'(er o ili$inos %ho are lookin& or &ad&ets that are aorda(le (ut co'$etitive

    in ter's o 4uality. By kno%in& these, %e had decided to have an ailiation %ith

    MyPhone. 6ur ai' is to &ain $roit at the sa'e ti'e hel$ to o$en the 'inds o the

    ili$ino in ;-co''erce since technolo&y is (eco'in& an o3y&en no%adays, $eo$le

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    should (e 'ore a%are o the advanta&es o havin& the kno%led&e o 'a3i'izin& their 


    he choice o %hich $hones or &ad&ets to $urchase de$ends entirely to the

    $ers$ective and loyalty o the (uyer and this is %hat every ir' is co'$etin& or.

    Businesses no%adays are utilizin& every resources to innovate and ste$ a level hi&her,

    %ith that in 'ind, co'$anies 'ade use o the internet and 'ade %e(sites or the' to

    ta$ every $erson they %anted to interact and do (usiness %ith. #e(sites (eca'e an

    essential tool or a co'$any5s $roita(ility.

    6ur co'$etitors %ould (e those ir's %ho oer the sa'e $roduct cate&ory as

    %hat MyPhone &ives %hich also has an online retailers and advertisers. Since MyPhone

    is already a kno%n (rand, %e could actually do'inate in internet 'arketin& (ecause %e

    could continuously enhance our %e(site %ithout %orryin& a(out the innovation o the

    $roduct (ecause that $art %ould (e handled (y MyPhone itsel.

    II) ,bjecti-e!

    a) Ta!k

    6ur o(:ectives is to sell and advertise $roducts via internet and social 'edia. he

    other o(:ective is consu'ers can (uy the $roducts usin& di&ital devices so they can

    co'e to us to close the sale. #e are eyein& or custo'ers %hich are oriented to online

    (uyin& and %illin& to do online transactions. =ivin& inor'ation to the consu'ers>(uyers

    a(out the $roducts that they have or they are a(out to (uy is the 'ain o(:ective o this

    'arketin& $lan.

    7n the %e(site that %e created and desi&ned, our task is to &ive inor'ation a(out

    the $roduct and the co'$any that %e are in $artnershi$ %ith. #e also included online

    sho$ to sell the $roducts in the %e(site and or the consu'ers to have an easy

    transactions to &et in touch %ith the $roduct. #e also $ut a ta( or contacts or the

    costu'er to inor' and a$$roach us i they have any concerns or in4uiries.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    b) Pricing

    6ur $ricin& o(:ective is to (e a(le to &ain 'arket share (y $ricin& our service at a

    lesser cost. he co'$any %ishes to 'a3i'ize the nu'(er o su(scri(ers in the online

    internet access (usiness, even thou&h the $roit &ained ro' a custo'er is lo%er. 7t %ill

    (e convenient or us in the lon& ter' (ecause 'ore su(scri(ers %ill 'ean 'ore

    $otential re$eat custo'ers. he (otto' line is that %e &et 'ore $roit in the lon& run.

    c) Mea!urable 2uantit+

    Phili$$ines has a $o$ulation o over a hundred 'illion $eo$le. #e intend to cover 

    the %hole Phili$$ines as our tar&et 'arket since 'ost o the residents around the

    country are in need o 'o(ile $hones and dierent &ad&ets or their everyday use. #e

    can achieve our $ur$ose %ith the hel$ o dierent le&it courier %hich deliver $acka&es

    %ith $ro$er dili&ence and honesty that %e %ould (e $artnerin& %ith. #e %ould (e sellin&

    2? each o the total unit o &ad&ets $roduced (y MyPhone 4uarterly and it %ould (e

    availa(le in the %e( or they could contact us throu&h e'ail and contact nu'(er.

    III) Situational Anal+!i!

    a) PEST Anal+!i!

    Political Anal+!i!

    he $olitical environ'ent o the co'$any MyPhone could (e aected (y the la%s

    and re&ulations 'ade (y the &overn'ent that has to (e a(ided in order to (e $er'itted

    to continue doin& (usiness. he co'$any should ensure the saety o the environ'ent

    and (e considerate o the $olicies o the &overn'ent.

    he (usiness also could (e aected $olitically (y the chan&in& o ter's o the

    la% 'akers and chair$ersons o the state. a%s and $olicies concernin& trades and

    $roduct sellin& 'ay shit accordin& to the ne% rules that %ould (e i'$lied (y the'.

    a3es, 'ay also chan&e drastically de$endin& on the $eo$le %ho %ould (e &overnin&

    our re&ulatin& oices.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    Economic Anal+!i!

     A risin& econo'y al%ays 'eans risin& o econo'ic status %hich could (e a (i&

    actor in one nation@s (uyin& $o%er. 7nlation is one o the (i&&est actor that could aect

    a co'$any@s econo'ic environ'ent (ecause sales, trends and de'ands co'es alon&

    %ith the increase o inancial status o a $erson.

    he co'$any %ould earn 'ore $roit i the econo'ic state o the country is doin&

    %ell thus, i 'ore $eo$le %ould (e e'$loyed and earn, 'ore $roducts could (e

    introduced to the 'arket or 'erchandise.

    Socio3cultural Anal+!i!

    Culture is deinitely a (i& actor %hen it co'es to $roduct $reerence. ;very

    $erson@s choice could (e inluenced (y their (elies and (ehavior %hich co'$anies

    study and take into consideration (eore they introduce a $roduct to their tar&et 'arket.

    he increasin& $o$ularity o 'o(ile devices and the continuous advance'ent o 

    technolo&y 'ade several o $reerences and trends %hich could (e a challen&e to every


    Tec1nological Anal+!i!

    echnolo&y is no% the (asic oundation o a &ro%in& (usiness. 7nnovative tools

    and 'achineries $roduces innovative $roducts and services %hich $eo$le yearn or. A

    co'$any@s lieline de$ends on ho% %ell they can 'ana&e to continuously evolve %ith

    the use o their technolo&y.

    i&h $roductivity level and 'anuacturin& ca$acity also de$ends on ho% %ell the

    s$eed o a ir'@s technolo&ical ada$tation is. he $eror'ance o a co'$any %ould (e

    &reatly aected %ith the technolo&ical advance'ents.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    b) S4,T Anal+!i!


    • re4uent u$dates or $eo$le to (e

    a%are a(out our $roduct

    • Made (y ili$inos

    • S'ooth transactions

    •  Accessi(le or the use o social 'edia.

    • Sot%are is co'$etitive and u$dated

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    I0) E3 Marketing Strategic Planning

    a) Segment Anal+!i!

    Se&'entation is the $rocess o dividin& the 'arket into se&'ents (ased on

    custo'er characteristics and needs, and the consu'er %ho are usin& the internet as

    their source o inor'ation is the 'ain tar&et o this e-'arketin& strate&ic $lannin&. #e

    se&'ented the analysis into $arts / =eo&ra$hic, De'o&ra$hic, Psycho&ra$hic, and

    Behavior %ith re&ards to the $roduct, this are the ollo%in&8

    Geogra1ic !egmentation"

    Country8 Phili$$ines

    !e&ion8 All re&ions

    Demogra1ic !egmentation"

     A&e8 Suita(le or all a&es, 1 and u$.

    Social Class8 Married

    P!+c1ogra1ic Segmentation"

    iestyle8 Studyin&, %orkin&, and connectin& to riends and a'ily.

    7nterest8 Music, videos, &a'es, social 'edia, ca'era, and s$ecial eatures.

    /e1a-ior .it1 regar* to t1e ro*uct"

     Attitudes and (ehavior8 Callin&, te3tin&, internet surin&, online sho$$in&,

    analyzin& and surveyin&

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    b) Market ,ortunit+ Anal+!i!

    #5 DEM,GRAP6I7S

    ili$inos are kno%n to (e thrity and a conservative ty$e o $ersons %hich aects

    their choice o ood, clothes, and s$ecially &ad&ets. ;ven (eore (uyin& anythin& they

    take into consideration the s$ecs the eatures and the totally o so'ethin&, they 'ake

    researches and studies a(out the $roduct they %anted (eore 'akin& the $urchase.

    ili$inos also take into consideration the $rice o the $roduct they %anted to (uy. 7n the

    Phili$$ines "(ud&et al%ays counts as a 'a:or actor in (uyin& anythin&. hey al%ays

    %anted the (est or their 'oney and that is %hat the co'$any MyPhone ai's to oer.

    Makin& 4uality &ad&ets or an aorda(le $rice or every ili$inos %hich &ives rise to

    econo'ic innovation and at the sa'e ti'e nationalis'.

    &5 GE,GRAP6I7

    MyPhone ai's to $rovide e3cellent $roducts %ith hi&h 4uality $eror'ance %hich

    every ili$inos in every $art o the Phili$$ines could en:oy. he co'$any ai's to 'ake

    everyone availa(le and oriented to $roduct they oer. 7n every cities, 'unici$alities, and

    in every re&ion My Phone $roducts could (e (ou&ht and are availa(le online.

    85 E7,N,MI7 EN0IR,NMENT

    he Phili$$ines is a ast &ro%in& country %ith nu'erous $ro:ects and innovations

    on &oin&. #ith these, 'ore $eo$le are &iven the o$$ortunity o (ein& e'$loyed and

    'ore 'oney is (ein& circulated in the econo'y %hich $aved %ay to 'ore o$$ortunities

    to ili$inos in en:oyin& dierent ty$es o &eta%ays and the a(ility to $urchase %hat they

    are yearnin& or.

     A risin& econo'y co'es %ith the introduction o dierent (usinesses and

    $roducts. #ith that in 'ind, MyPhone took the chance o creatin& and develo$in& a

    $roduct %hich %ould (e o &ood use to all ili$ino residents %ith the $ro$er insurance o 

    %hat they have %orked hard or. hus, the innovation o the &ad&ets they created also

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    co'es hand in hand %ith the innovation o the country. he 'ore $eo$le %ho $atronize

    their $roduct the 'ore the econo'y rises.


    7n every (usiness $ro$er $a$er %orks and le&alities are needed to ensure the

    country'en that the $roduct or service a ir' is oerin& is le&al and certiied ori&inal.

    he &overn'ent re&ulates and conducts ins$ections or the saety o the consu'ers.

    Chan&es in the &overn'ent $olicy 'ake u$ the $olitical actors. he chan&e can

    (e econo'ic, le&al or social. ;very (usiness should (e %ary o the risks and the

    outco'es o the chan&es that could ha$$en %hile they are doin& transactions (ecause

    there are 'any actors that can aect their %ay o doin& (usiness $olitically. So'e o 

    the actors are the ollo%in&8

    • Bureaucracy

    • Corru$tion level

    • reedo' o the $ress

    • aris

    • rade control

    • ;ducation a%

    • ;nviron'ental a%

    • ealth and saety la%

    • Co'$etition re&ulation

    • !e&ulation and dere&ulation

    • a3 $olicy Eta3 rates and incentivesF

    =overn'ent sta(ility and related chan&es• =overn'ent involve'ent in trade unions and a&ree'ents

    7n doin& (usiness one co'$any 'ust consider every as$ects that 'ay aect

    their (usiness and social status and culture is one o the'.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


     A co'$any should al%ays ali&n their $roduct to their tar&et 'arket, the volu'e o 

    the consu'er and their ca$acity to (uy the $roduct or service %ould &reatly aect the

    $roit o the co'$any, also the values and (elies o a s$eciic $erson should also (e

    accounted in 'akin& the $roduct. Since the Phili$$ines is kno%n to (e a %holeso'e

    country and are kno%n to al%ays save as 'uch as $ossi(le MyPhone had (uilt the

    &ad&et :ust ri&ht or those characteristics. he co'$any had 'ade their &ad&et suita(le

    or %hat the ili$inos5 values are and ho% e3actly they %anted their &ad&et to (e %ith a

    very aorda(le and reasona(le $rice.

    heir $roduct could satisy %hat their tar&et 'arket is %hich is the 'ass in all

    a&es (ecause %hat they oer has all the eatures %hich ili$inos needed like !adios,

    .9., =a'e oriented, availa(le to send 'essa&es and 'ake calls, etc. they even have

    their o%n ori&inal a$$ %hich have :okes on the' and also reli&ious $rayers %hich only

    ili$ino culture has.

    (5 TE76N,L,GI7AL 76ANGES

    he %orld today continuously innovates and inds %ays to 'ake ne% trends, and

    to continuously ada$t to those chan&es the ir's and (usinesses also a$$ly chan&es to

    their $roducts and services to (e a(le to co'$ete %ith their co'$etitors and to stay in

    the industry.

    #ith the advance'ents o technolo&ies co'es the advance'ent o &ad&ets.

    Ne% eatures are 'ade, ne% 'odels are introduced and ne% co'$etitor arises. #ith

    the technolo&ical chan&e that is ha$$enin&, ne% 'odiications also co'es in. A

    co'$any should not &et outdated %ith the ne% trends that $eo$le %anted (ecause i 

    they do, they %ill (e or&otten and their custo'ers %ill s%itch to another (rand.

    MyPhone continuously innovates and a$$ly chan&es to their $roduct oerin&sali&n to %hat their consu'ers %anted. ;very 4uarter or every year they are introducin&

    ne% ty$es o s'art $hones or android $hones %hich 'any ili$inos are enticed to (uy

    (ecause o its5 uni4ue eatures and o course aorda(le $rice. hey also oer $hones

    that is suita(le or e'er&encies or an aorda(le and reasona(le $rice.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    his ty$e o $ricin& strate&y takes advanta&e o hu'an $sycholo&y. Studies o 

    $rice $oints (y direct 'arketers have ound that $roducts sell (est at certain $rice

    $oints, such as Ph$GGG, Ph$1)GG, and Ph$12GG, co'$ared to other $rices sli&htly

    hi&her or lo%er.

    c) Di!tribution Strategie!

    hrou&h the use o the created %e(site, %e %ould (e sellin& our $roducts usin&

    that channel 'ainly and the $roducts (ein& $urchased %ould (e delivered via the hel$

    o trusted local courier co'$anies.

    *) Marketing 7ommunication Strategie!

    hese ty$e o strate&ies are all a(out the co'$any tryin& to $ro:ect and sho% the

    necessary inor'ation o the $roducts and services to the consu'ers. 6ur strate&ies

    %ould (e the ollo%in&8

    i) 4eb Site

    Since the %e( site is the startin& $oint o every e-(usiness, it %ould 'ean that

    'ost inor'ation necessary %ould co'e ro' here. Just throu&h a click, consu'ers can

    canvas the dierent $roducts that are (ein& oered in the site.

    ii) Searc1 Marketing

    his ty$e o channel is all a(out $ro'otin& the %e(site (y increasin& the visi(ility

    in search en&ine results (y usin& the t%o ty$es o search en&ine o$ti'izations na'ely

    or&anic search results and $aid search results.

    iii) Email Marketing

    hrou&h the use o e'ails, the co'$any %ill (e a(le to directly send co''ercial

    'essa&es %ith necessary inor'ation o the $roducts, thus 'akin& the' 'ore a%are o 

    recent $ro'os and ne%s.

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    i-) Mobile Marketing

    9ia te3t 'essa&es, consu'ers %ill (e u$dated %ith the recent ne%s and $ro'os

    since it is assu'ed that 'ost $eo$le al%ays (rin& their handheld devices any%here

    they &o. 7t is also the easiest %ay to s$read inor'ation (ecause :ust (y te3tin&, it can

    (e transerred ro' one $erson to another.

    v. 4eb /anner: /anner A*!

    By $uttin& u$ (anner ads and %e( (anners in dierent %e( sites, $eo$le %ould

    (e 'ore inclined and curious a(out the $roducts %e oer. A si'$le click o those ads

    %ould lead the' directly to our %e( site.

    -i) Po3u!

    he co'$any %ould also 'ake use o these ty$es o advertise'ents in order to

    s$read inor'ation o our $roducts online. 7t %ould (e key to have $o$-u$s in online

    &a'es, videos, (lo&s, and dierent %e( sites or 'ore convenience.

    -ii) Social Me*ia

    6ur co'$any %ill utilize social net%orkin& %e(sites as a 'arketin& tool to

    $roduce content that dierent users can share %ith their net%ork, in order or our 

    co'$any to increase (rand e3$osure and to (roaden custo'er reach.

    e) Relation!1i Management Strategie!

    he $lan or this kind o strate&y is to increase our $eror'ance o custo'er 

    relationshi$ strate&ies. A &ood %ay o retainin& relations %ith custo'ers is (y &ainin&

    and kee$in& their trust. #arranties %ould (e key or MyPhone to kee$ their re$eat

    custo'ers, =ood custo'er service that re$lies to the needs and 4ueries o our 

    custo'ers %ould also (e relevant or retainin& our custo'ers %hether online or in local

    (ranches>stores, and to al%ays relay ne% inor'ation to custo'ers es$ecially a(out

    discounts, $ro'os, and ne% $roducts.

    0I) Imlementation lan

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    a) Marketing Mi; Tactic!


    Product dierentiation is the 'ethod used to i'$le'ent (ecause MyPhone

    caters the needs o the ili$ino consu'ers. MyPhone have dierentiated eatures and

    $roducts co'$ared to their co'$etitors. he Phili$$ines is an archi$ela&o that consist

    o +*** islands &ive or take. Many o these re&ions are co''on $laces %here natural

    disasters strike every year. MyPhone has innovated the S6S $hone %hich %as created

    to ena(le the locals there to (e ready or any cala'ity that co'es their %ay. S6S (utton

    is one o the eatures o that $hones, it is desi&ned or e'er&ency $ur$oses. he

    (attery o S6S $hone can last lon&er than any ordinary $hone (ecause it lasts or 

    seven days %hen ully char&ed. he $hone itsel is shock $roo and %ater resistant.

     Another e3a'$le o a $hone is the My0). 7t is kno%n or a act that ili$inos al%ays

    $reer havin& the latest technolo&y in their &ad&ets. MyPhone has innovated a $hone

    %hich caters to that need (ut is still aorda(le or the ili$ino 'asses. 7t has an 6cta-

    core $rocessor and a D ca'era that is a 'ain need %hen ili$ino consu'ers look or 

    a $hone.


     As 'entioned in the $a$er, MyPhone has (een in the industry or seven years

    no%. Co'$ared to its co'$etitors, the co'$any is still in its inant sta&e. 7n order to &ain

    'arket share, %e need to set a lo% initial $rice so that %e can iniltrate the 'arket


    6dd-;ven $ricin& is a $sycholo&ical $ricin& strate&y in %hich nu'eric value is

    utilized to aect the consu'er5s $erce$tion o the $roduct5s value. 7t is understood that

    ili$inos are cost sensitive and they $reer the 'ost aorda(le $roduct so the odd-even$ricin& really is essential in tar&etin& the ili$ino de'o&ra$hic. 7t is evident that

    MyPhone also uses this strate&y even in their direct sellin& 'arketin& $lans. 7t has

    %orked or the' then, and it %ill %ork or us no%.


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    or di&ital 'arketin&, it5s all a(out consu'ers and $otential custo'ers indin& out

    a(out the (rand, $roducts, services, and inor'ation a(out MyPhone. #e %ould (e

    sellin& our $roducts to the di&ital 'arket and its do'ain.


    #e intend to $ro'ote MyPhone $roducts (y airin& their dierent co''ercials,

    ino'ercials, and $rint advertise'ents in the dierent use o the channels o di&ital

    'arketin&. #e need to ca$italize on this in order to &ain 'arket share and increase the

    kno%led&e o consu'ers a(out our $roduct.

    b) Relation!1i Management Tactic!

    Custo'er $lays a (i& role in a co'$any, %ithout the' the co'$any %ill not &ain

    any $roit. MyPhone 'ust esta(lish and 'aintain stron& relationshi$ %ith their tar&et

    'arket since they are only ne% to the industry, it is also a key in (uildin& a stron&

    ollo%in& or their $roducts and &ro%in& the $roita(ility o MyPhone.

    6ne %ay to (uild stron& relationshi$ %ith the custo'er is to listen and revie%

    their co''ents and su&&estions, this &ives the MyPhone to have a ree 'arket survey.

    MyPhone doesn5t have to s$end a hu&e a'ount o 'oney in order to &et that ino. hey

     :ust have to include custo'er service in their site and create a $a&e in any social 'edia

    that allo%s the custo'er to &ive their eed(acks and su&&estions.

    he reasons %hy our co'$any 'ust (uild stron& relationshi$ %ith their custo'ers are

    the ollo%in&8

    • Custo'er can s$end 'ore 'oney in their $roducts

    • Brand loyalty o the custo'ers

    • Pu(lic trust in the event o crisis

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    • !e$eat $urchases o custo'ers

    • 7nluence o %ord-o-'outh 'arketin&

    c) Marketing ,rgani#e( develo$er 

  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


    ;sta(lish a 'onitorin&


    o track and check

    the inventory

    inance Mana&er 

    Shi$$in& to local areas

    to constitute the irst


    o distri(ute the


    6$erations De$art'ent>


    Provide su$$ort to

    local 'anuacturer

    o have their oyalty

    and rust

    Marketin& De$art'ent

    *) Information3Gat1ering Tactic!

    6ne o the (est %ays to &et in$uts and insi&hts ro' custo'ers is havin& a &ood

    relation. 7t is i'$ortant to (uild connection %ith your custo'ers to &ain loyalty and


  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing


  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing



    " A Beginners guide to Digital Marketing  E)*12F !etrieve ro'


    "MyPhone E)**+-)*12F !etrieved ro'


     "Online Marketer’s egmentation !uide E)**+F !etrieved ro'



     ""he Big Picture: #ow to $uild a %&M trategy  (y Davey Neil, !etrieved ro'



  • 8/19/2019 MyPhone - Digital marketing
