Download - My school is like a cell vcitoria humes


Epps High School

Biology II

By: Victoria Humes

The Office is like the nucleus. The main office is like

the nucleus of cell, because it controls and instructs the cell just like the office controls and instructs the school.

The Nucleolus is like the Principal.

The Nucleolus directs the different systems in the cell just like the principal directs the school.

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is like the hallways.

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is very similar to the hallways in a school, because it transports many things throughout the cell just like hallways transports students.

The Mitochondrion is like the Cafeteria. In a school the

cafeteria provides energy for students and in a cell the mitochondrion the production of energy occurs.

Vacuoles are like the library. The library in a school

contains many important items just like the vacuoles in a cell contain important fluids.

Lysosomes are like Janitors.

Lyosomes in a cell digest particles and disintegrate the cell after its death, therefore cleaning up the cell just like a janitor cleans up the school.

The Ribosomes are like the vice


The Ribosomes are like vice principals because they help the principal (nucleus) do its job.

The Chromatin is like the


The chromatin like a teacher because they provide information that is needed to help the school and cell like the chromatin provides information for the cell.

The Cell Membrane is like the doors and walls

outside the school.

The cell membrane is like the doors and walls of the school because the walls and doors protects and surrounds the school just the cell membrane protects and surrounds the cell.

Chromosomes are like books in

a school.

Chromosomes are like computers and books in a school because chromosomes stores information like books and computers store information.

The End.