Download - My ridiculous productivity secret (i'm using it now)

Page 1: My ridiculous productivity secret (i'm using it now)


Ye Win02/25/2016

Page 2: My ridiculous productivity secret (i'm using it now)

Intro:If I could distill this whole slide into one piece of advice, I’d say “Do the work.”

But the problem is that doing the work isn’t as easy as it seems. We all know we’d be more productive if we’d do what we know we’re supposed to do, but a variety of reasons including laziness, lack of motivation, Facebook, and funny cat videos tend to foil our plans.

Ultimately, though, I can’t make you a super productive machine of performance and quality, although I can give you some effective tools to fight distraction, hone your focus, and click the X in the top corner of that browser window playing cat videos – as funny as they are.

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“Pomodoro“ TechniqueThe "Pomodoro" Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. His best-selling book of the same name was updated and revised in 2013. 

"Pomodoro" is Italian for tomato. The technique works by getting you to structure your work in 25-minute sessions, each separated by a short break. 

Cirillo took the name from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that he used to manage his time as a university student. 

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Let see what is “pomodoro” in one picture.

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How to use?

The method is remarkably simple. Each 25-minute session is one "Pomodoro". When you complete one, take a five-minute break before embarking on the next. When you have completed four "pomodori," take a longer break to rest and recharge. 

There are now exist plenty of apps for tracking and recording pomodori. I use the built-in “pomodoro” timer in the Kanbanflow app( for tracking my pomodori. (In fact, I have one running right now.)

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Let closer look up to “Pomodoro” technique usage.

"Pomodoro" Rule

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Why we need "Pomodoro"?


For many people, time is an enemy. We race against the clock to finish assignments and meet deadlines. The "Pomodoro" Technique teaches you to work with time, instead of struggling against it. 

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2. ELIMINATE BURNOUT(exhaustion)

Essential to the "Pomodoro" Technique is the notion that taking short, scheduled breaks while working eliminates the “running on fumes” feeling you get when you’ve pushed yourself too hard. It’s impossible to over work when you stick to the system. You may end up taking fewer sick days, too!

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Whether it’s a call, a Facebook message, or suddenly realizing you need to change the oil in your car, many distracting thoughts and events come up when you’re at work. The "Pomodoro" Technique will help you log your distractions and order them according to priority levels. Often, they can wait.  

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Most of us are intimately acquainted with the guilt that comes from procrastinating. If we haven’t had a productive day, it’s pretty easy to end up feeling like we can’t enjoy our free time. Becoming a "Pomodoro" Master involves creating an effective timetable, allowing you to truly enjoy your time off.

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The benefits

There were four benefits by using this technique.  You will be realize, that will be done by automatically when you using it. Believe me!! 

Now, let me describe each benefits briefly.

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(1) Focus

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Because of 25 minutes rule.

The magic of focus:I don’t usually believe in magic pills, but I do believe focus is the magic pill for productivity.

I can tell you all the productivity hacks and techniques in the world, but if you can’t sit down and focus on a task, it won’t do you much good.

The "Pomodoro" Technique also forces you to focus.

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(2) Sticky Note

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By using Kanban board, that will gives you an excellent overview of your current    work situation.

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(3) Best Tracking Yourself

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By using Kanban support, you can trace what you had done easily, per day, per week, per month, per year, etc..

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(4) The mental game (will reduce your guilty)

One huge problem I’ve always had with my work is that I always feel guilty that I’m not doing more. It doesn’t matter how much I work in the day, it seem like I can never relax. I always feel like I should be doing something. I’d sit down to play a videogame (one of my favorite pastimes) and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it, because I’d feel like I was wasting my time and should be doing more work. Perhaps you have this same feeling as well.

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This technique and realization has made a huge improvement in my working life and has helped me to get much more done while enjoying my free time. Once I’ve hit my goal for the day, pomodori-wise, I’m free to do whatever I want. If I feel like it, I might get more work done, but if I want to sit down and play a videogame or even waste time watching a movie or some other mindless activity, I can do it without guilt, because I know I’ve put in a hard day’s work.

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My experience in "Pomodoro" and how to use "Pomodoro" Technique effectively?

When I first started using the "Pomodoro" Technique, I didn’t do it properly. I simply tried to do some pomodori during the day by setting a timer for 25 minutes. I didn’t pay attention to how may I got done or do any estimation of how many pomodori a particular task would take me, so I didn’t get much out of it. 

The real power of the "Pomodoro" Technique is using it as a tool to estimate and measure your work. By tracking the count of pomodori done in a day and having a goal of how many to accomplish in a day, you’re suddenly given the power to truly gauge how hard you worked in a day and what your true capacity is.

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Let me summarizeIncluding “"Pomodoro"”, there are so many productivity techniques in the world.Believe Me!! There is no magic pills/ways for getting productivity.

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If you found one and you are interesting that one. Try and focus on that one.

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Try to be your own.

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If you are used to with that one, you will get your productivity soon.

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Taking an action.

☛ Go to

Create free kanban account.

Schedule your task

Follow "Pomodoro" rule

Try at least one month

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Finally, I’d encourage you to develop, it’s the “Pomodoro” Technique.