Download - My Portfolio Ed Tech 2

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Educational Technology in a Nut Shell

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I am Mary Clare C. Crespo, a third year

student taking up Bachelor of Elementary

Education at Palawan State University-Brooke’s Point.

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What is Educational Technology?

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Educational Technology 1 is about presenting new technology to the learners, Educational Technology 2 is more on the

application of the different modern educational media presented from the

previous subject. This is wherein learners can be more aware, appreciate more, and

be fully equipped to use different technology tools ranging from traditional

to modern educational media.

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Technology- Boon or Bane?

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In our generation for today, technology is important in everyday life. Because technology gives more benefits for us this is attempt to solve the problem of survival, capturing enough energy and

converting it into human needs and also to make life easier. That are some

benefits of technology.


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Educators used it for: Assignments

Activities We used it to communicate


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The disadvantages of technology is we will become a lazy person and we

will become dependent.

For example…


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We have a library we have a lot of books, but most of the students they do not the books for research they

research in the internet.


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Systematic Approach In Teaching

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It is a network of elements or parts different from each other but each

one is special in the sense that each performs a unique function for the

life and effectiveness of the instructional system.


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The system approach views the entire educational program as a system of closely

interrelated parts. It is an orchestrated learning pattern with all parts harmoniously integrated

into the whole: the school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the

materials, and assessment tools and procedures. Such an approach integrates the older, more familiar methods and tools of instruction with

the new ones such as the computer


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Roles of Technology In Learning

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Delivery vehicles for instructional lessons


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Technology serves as a teacher


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Partners in the learning process


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Technology is a learning tool to learn with, not from.


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From a constructivist perspective, the following are the roles of technology

in learning: Jonassen, et at 1990

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Technology as tools to support knowledge construction:

For representing learners’ ideas, understandings and beliefs

For producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by


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Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support

learning-by-constructing: For accessing needed information

For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views.

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Technology as context to support learning-by-doing:

For representing and stimulating meaningful real-world problems,

situations and context For representing beliefs,

perspectives, arguments and stories of others

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Technology as context to support learning-by-doing:

For defining a safe, controllable problem space for

student thinking

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Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing: For collaborating with others For discussing, arguing, and

building consensus among members of a communities.

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Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing:

For supporting discourse among knowledge-building


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Technology as intellectual partner (Jonassen 1996) to support learning-

by-reflecting: For helping others to articulate and

represent what they know For reflecting on what they have

learned and how they came to know it

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Technology as intellectual partner (Jonassen 1996) to support learning-

by-reflecting: For supporting learners internal

negotiations and meaning making For constructing personal representations of meaning for

supporting mindful thinking

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Roles of Technology in Education

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Learning with technology has become essential in today’s schools.

Worldwide, governments, education systems, researchers, school leaders,

teachers and parents consider technology to be a critical part of a

child’s education.

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The important role that technology plays in education gives teachers the

opportunity to design meaningful learning experiences that embed


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The “Cone of Experience”

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What is Dale’s cone of experience?

The cone of experience is a pictorial device use to explain the

interrelationships of the various types of audio-visual media, as well as their individual “positions” in the learning


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What is Dale’s cone of experience?

The cone’s utility in selecting instructional resources and activities

is as practical today as when Dale created it.

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Dale’s cone of experience

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Principles on the cone of experience: The cone is based on the

relationships of various educational experiences to reality (real life), and the bottom level of the cone, “direct purposeful experiences,” represents reality or the closest

things to real, everyday life.

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Principles on the cone of experience: The opportunity for a learner to use a

variety or several senses (sight, smell, hearing, touching, movements)

is considered in the cone. Direct experience allows us to use all

senses. Verbal symbols involve only hearing.

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Principles on the cone of experience: The more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better the chance that many students can learn from

it. Each level of the cone above its base moves a learner a step further away from

real-life experiences, so experiences focusing only on the use of verbal symbols

are the furthest removed from real life.

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Principles on the cone of experience: Motion pictures (also television) is where it is on the cone because it is an observational experience with little or no opportunity to participate or use

senses other seeing and hearing. Contrived experiences are ones that

are highly participatory and stimulate real life situations or activities.

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Principles on the cone of experience: Dramatized experiences are

defined as experiences in which the learner acts out a role or activity.

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Verbal Symbols Principal medium of communication Bear no physical resemblance to the

objects or ideas for which they stand May be a word for concretion, idea,

scientific principle, formula or philosophic aphorism

Disadvantage: highly abstract

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Visual Symbols Chalkboard/whiteboard, flat maps,

diagrams, charts Fits the tempo of presentation of idea,

topic or situation Very easy to procure and prepare

Limitations: lack of ability to use the media size of visuals simplification of

visual materials leads to misconceptions.

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Conceptual Models of Learning

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There are a lot of number of models and theories about learning that is ideal in achieving instructional goals through

preferred application of EdTech.These are:

Meaningful LearningDiscovery LearningGenerative Learning

Constructive Learning

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If the traditional learning environment gives stress to rote

learning and simple memorization, meaningful learning gives focus to

new experience that departs from the learning of a sequence of words but

gives attention to meaning.


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It assumes that: Students already have prior

knowledge that is relevant to new learning.

Students are willing to perform class work to find connection

between what they already know and what they can learn.


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In discovery learning, students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned. New

ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to move on and depart from the structured

lesson previously set.It is important that the students become personally engaged and not subjected by

the teacher.


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Here, we have active listeners who attend to learning events and generate meaning from this experience and draw inferences thereby creating personal model of explanation to the

new experience in the context of existing knowledge.

This is viewed as different from the simple process of storing information. Motivation and

responsibility are crucial to this domain of learning.


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It gives emphasis to what can be done with the pieces of information

not only on access to them.


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The learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and

a good learning environment. The most accepted constructivism principles are:

Learning consist in what a person can actively assemble for himself and not

what he can just ask from someone else. Role of learning is to help the individual

live to his personal world.


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Implications of Constructivism The learner is directly responsible

for learning. He creates personal understanding and transforms it

into knowledge. The context of meaningful learning

consists in the learner “connecting” his school with real life.


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Implications of Constructivism The purpose of education is the acquiring of practical and personal knowledge and not the abstract or

trivial truths.


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Learning Through Ed Tech 2

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As future teacher Ed Tech 2 is a great help especially in our world today. We must be willing to adapt and adjust in our teaching strategy and we must be

willing to learn these new technologies. Most of the classrooms today, teachers

are using computers, laptops, projectors in teaching. And that is why we need to

be computer-literate or computer expert.


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The Student After Ed Tech 2

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I definitely learn a lot and also enjoy the Educational Technology 2. I am thankful

that we have this kind of subject that helps and prepares the future teachers.

Truly integrating technology into teaching and learning is a great help both

to the teachers and students but technology should never replace the
