Download - My Notes On The 67 Steps


Lesson 1 Do you deserve it? (More than yesterday, because you worked on it) Are you worth a damn? I am a little better every day before sleep in relationship to waking up If you could bet on one of your high school peers, if the one you would bet on makes ! million you get !""""" (!"# deal), which one would you pick? Make sure you have the $ualities you have based your choice on Managing %neself & 'eter Drucker (ot everything is black or white (not in de criminal sense) %n a scale of ! to !" )ow much do you deserve success? Dalai *ama+ ,here are - kinds of people.orst / (ot doing(ormal / Doing 0 ,hinking 1est/ Instinctual (only doing) .ill Durant+ 2ou don3t deserve anything (nature)Homework:.rite down the things you want to achieve and give your e4ort a credit, somewhere between ! and !" Include the positive and negative things you3re doing pursuing the goal Answer:.ell rounded life 5ood shape, close friends, grounded, good 6ob7income, woman I love, hobbies Lesson 2 ,he most changeable person wins7survives 8ey factor to adaptability+ (ot everything is black in white Made in America by 9am .alden :emove ignorance (every day at least once) I99 & *ooking for the stability by changing till it3s a stable situation (for as long as it stays) Homework:(umber ! area where I3m too stubborn, too black and white, aren3t changeable Answer:My social skills have been lacking for the past year I need to connect more with di4erent kind of people ;or e score)ow many books have you read? 9cale ! to !")ow good are you tracking down mentors? 9cale ! to !"?opy the competitors? 9cale ! to !")ow much money have you been spending on being a robin hood? 9eminars and so on 9cale ! to !"Homework:.hat is the number one area you have been lacking the humility factor? )ealth, .ealth, *ove or )appiness And give one concrete thing you are going to change from now onAnswer:,he number one area I have been lacking humility for the last time is+ 9chool I3msometimes too stubborn to listen what my peers have to say regarding the pro6ect or the homework assignments, I think I have the answer ,o prevent this from happening I@m going to listen more and ask more $uestion about their way of thinkingLesson 4 A5ood artist copy, 5reat artist stealB & 'ablo 'icasso )umans learn by osmoses I3m great because I3m 9tanding on the shoulder of giants & Isaac (ewton ;igure out your endgameCCC --# rule+ !D hours a day awake+ --# spend this time with people below you (people you mentoring7helping)/E comfortable--# spend this time with people on your level (your closest friends) /E comfortable--# spend this time with people above your level (mentor) /E uncomfortable butmost important 'itfall of looking for perfection (impossible) 1ecome a learning machine 9et !F month goals If a famous person makes time for you 9ent them a giftCHomework:.ho are some potential mentors? Ma< !" And a simple plan to start cultivate a relationship with your chosen mentors Answer:=lliott )ulse, %wen ?ook, ,ai *opeG, 5reg 'litt, Alan .atts, =ric ,homas, :alph .aldo =merson, :ussell 1randLesson 5 9ee di4erence in di4erent kind of people ;it vs fat :ich vs poor And so on Hoel 9alatin search him DisciplineC Money is money 1e honest but nog too generous AI never met a person who I didn3t learn something fromB Abraham *incoln Make careful bets in lifeC *isten to rich people (rich in the sense of know their stu4, succeeded) %bservingC 1ecome more aware (o4 obvious things others ignore)Homework:.hat is the thing of a profound lesson what you have learned from a rich friend versus a poor friend? ,he di4erence in mentalityAnswer:My rich friends seem to think di4erent about life ,hey take more responsibility in their own life, know most of the time what they want and have more consistency in their behaviorLesson 6 .e tend to believe something we hear more often (?an be untrue) 9culpture Approach to life *ife doesn3t happen to you *ove the grind 'ick a rock and sculpt it ;irst pillar of the good life+ )ealth 8now your strengths and choose your path according to thatHomework:.hat is the number one area you have taken the lottery approach?.hat was the result?Answer:,he number one area I have been taken the lottery approach is my happiness I let my happiness depend too much on circumstances and opinions of other peopleLesson 7 Avoid learned helplessness 5o outside the cage into the wild =nough practice pays o4Homework:.hat is one area where you have been helplessness (learned)?Answer:;inding what I want to do with my life, passionLesson 8 ,he integrated life Don3t see life in compartments like ,5I; ,hank 5od It3s ;riday ?ombine )ealth .ealth *ove )appiness Hob friends and so on Make a 6ob out of your passion ,ap dance out of bed kind o4 mentality I mile rule+ ensure everything important in your life is close to youHomework:.hat are I things you have not integrated well in your life? Answer:9chool J )ealthLesson 9 Hohn .ood (en)+ A.e are in competition with ourselvesB 'oor friend always have opinions on stu4 1e the most adaptable, look at people and copy7improve on them 9crew it let3s do it & :ichard 1ranson :ichard Dawkings must readC A9urvival machines that can simulate the future are one 6ump ahead o4 survival machines who can only learn on the bases over trial and errorB (,rial & time0 energy, error & often fatal) *earn by mistakes, but the mistakes don3t have to be yours (learn by reading) :ich friends never work alone ,hey have a team ?ounselors, mentors ,he behavior of humans are mostly caused by fearIt3s a good thing but don3t get caught by it 9tart with the Krst pillar, health ,here are too many books (around !-" million) ,ips+/ :ead in order (read the right books)/ Don3t increase your speed reading yet 1e a gold miner, set a time and Kndthe best content / 9tart 9lowlyC (average ! book a month, get to the point that you read one book a week) / 2ou can read many books in the same time ( for e hours of travelling to my university for a room during the week 'ros+ More spare time, close to the school, new friends and new e