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Research By Victoria Summers

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Front Cover Analysis

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The date of the new letter is placed at the top of the page, this allows the reader to know when the information is apparent/ applicable. It is in small text, to show the information is not as important as other information such as the headers and title.

Goes straight into the information and has no contents page, this shows that the leaflet is only about information not other features in which a magazine such as heat offers interviews, top styles etc, Ht text is once again white and blue suggesting an almost uniform of context, keeping it very professional on a need to know bases only.

The mast head looks more professional suggesting the target audience is for students as well as teachers and parents. The colours are blue and white which are the school colours as well as complexity each other to stand out. The header is placed at the top of the page, they allows a professional approach as well as almost placing it as a brand name.

Although there is no context page, the information is headed this allows a sense of organisation which the content’s page normally gives, it also allows the audience to flick through and the information which applies to them is shown through the headers meaning they don’t have to read the whole context only what applies to them. The headers are in blue, fitting into the stereotypic of the school colours however, in order to show it’s importance over the information text it is bolder to show it is more important and to capture the audiences eyes more effectively than the rest of the text.

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Puff is used by the magazine as it claims to be the UK’s biggest music magazine, this makes the reader want to buy the magazine, as it boost the magazine making the audience feel it is that they’re the best, making the music lovers want to buy it as it is targeted at them and they are told it is the best magazine for them. as there is a lot of rivalry between magazines, it helps the reader think this magazine is the best for them, as it was awarded for it.

The main image follows the codes and conventions of magazines by being placed in the middle of the page. Cheryl Cole, is placed in dark leather clothes with red lipstick to draw the attention to the eyes. With her tongue sticking out it suggests a very sexual pose and would increase the most likely male readers to purchase the magazine, as the theory of male gaze states. This could also appease the women reader as Cheryl is seen to be looking confident in a stereotypical man’s world, brining in the audience of women who want to learn more about Cheryl as it relates to their life style.

The masthead, differs from the majority of magazines, as there is more attention brought to it, by having a block of red behind it brining out the colour on the page, this could bring the reader in by showing the magazine has its own individuality. Also, the conventional magazine’s slowly bring their masthead to the back, however, Q, stays dominant to keep its masthead almost the centre of attention and only being a one lettered name. However, there is still some conventional mechanisms it uses, such as the masthead being the biggest and boldest font on the page.

The audience, who doesn’t know who Cheryl Cole is, now can put an face to the imagine and may be interested in her as she is in the news a lot of the time by the magazine adding the typical convergence of having the lead article, next to the image. This makes the reader want to by it as if their a fan it brings them closer to their idol, but if there not it has other features around the pull picture so they can be intrigued to buying the magazine for another feature. By advertising this main article, it suggests it is the most important article in the magazine, as Cheryl is related to pop, it may mean that pop music lovers, will think that the magazine holds other genres other than the rock and roll attitude it is present with by the front cover. This makes the magazine open to many genres of music, but also to factorisation, making it harder to target all genres of music, including pop that the image of Cheryl Cole would bring in. The Caption “3 Words Cheryl Cole Rocks, Its out of normal convention as normally the main article is placed next to the picture in the “Main Cover Line” however, Q has decided to have it at the bottom of the page, this could just be liked to the magazine wanting to be unique as it doesn’t follow every type of typical convention

Beside the image is various other interesting articles within the magazine. Although they are not the main focus of the magazine, not everyone would be interested in Cheryl Cole, so the magazine uses “buzz Words” such as “Best "to bring the audiences attention, to the other features. This means that if their not a fan of Cheryl Cole they wont get put off the idea of buying the magazine with her on the front cover, or having the main article about her, as they know there are other articles with the Buss words bring their attention too.

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Pulls the reader in as it is something different from other magazines, as it is showing a benefit to buying the magazine at a cheaper price to normal, it clashes with the colour of the rest of the magazine so it makes it stand out and get the audiences attention.

The magazine has advertisement linked to their shop on front, this could bring in an audience by showing the advantages of buying the magazine as well as bringing in an audience from the same market area as the shops listed, to sell copies. The format is in a bandana across the page, so it sounds out as well as having complementary colours to bring the readers eyes to important information, and a black colour for the less important.

Talks about a life story, this could bring in an interest of the topic as it’s often heard about but never talked about. It offers a direct quote allowing the audience to feel the need to be informed (gratification theory) it also shows a sense of community as it is learning from another and allows a reader to comment about it in the next issue. It also helps establish who the audience is.

The main image takes up the majority of room on the page. This allows the audience to see who the image is off and with the help of a snippet of the interview along side bring in the audience curiosity.

Brings the audience in by saying boldly who it’s target audience is and that they’re the best, making the women want to buy it as it is targeted at the and they are told it is the best magazine for them.For every issue, the colour of the mast

head changes to fit the colour scheme by adding a colour that is bold, yet not clashing to bring the audiences eyes to the magazine. The magazine name has moved from being placed in front of the main image to being placed behind, this could mean that that they are trying to target their audience through the image of their main article of interviewing a celebrity to bring forward an audience who likes that celebrity more than creating a loyal base of fans. The format is a very bold to stand out, yet has a soft curves to add a sense of femininity to it.

They also place a side heading next to the image, about who the celebrity is, they brings the audience in as it also has a quote from the interview as well.

Helps target the audience as it directly address female’s as sexy is often associated with the female population and women are often under pressure to look sexy, this brings the attention to the women as they may want to feel sexier or try looking sexier to bring a man into their life. The context is bold and it helps show what the magazine is about. By saying all sizes it gernalises the audience so larger or skinner people don’t feel left out as its for everyone.

Talks about mature context such as sex, this helps the audience establish what age range it is and brings in an audience who is either naive as it says hot MALE celb as many females want to understand the way a man’s mind works or by almost being a problem page for sex life

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The masthead is not very conventional of a music magazine. The format is very curvy and not as bold as other music magazines, this could however suggest the magazine is aimed at a female audience, as the sharp fonts are not as appealing to women as curvy ones. The use of vibrant harmonious colours such as blue, yellow and white are more lighter than other magazines such as Q, similar to Glamour magazine giving it as sense of more femininity. Like all magazines the magazine uses a maximum of 3 - 4 colours, this gives it a sense of professionalism as it is not clogged with colours. Each magazine also either has bright clashing colours or calm harmonious colours, depending on who their target audience is.

Rock Sound, follows the conventional rules of surrounding the main article. The advertisement of the main article is directly placed next to the image of the band PARAMORE, this makes the audience link the two as they are both place next to each other in the Main Article line, this gives a sense of relating, allowing fans of the band or similar bands want to by the magazine. The main image has a white outline to the picture, giving this magazine a friendlier approach compared to magazines such as NME which have bold harsh toned colours. This once again allows the audience to be linked with a more female audience then male.

This magazine offers the deal of having a free CD with it. This makes the audience automatically want to buy the magazine as it has a free CD, with bands they may like on as well as similar artists, which would be cheaper than going into a store and buying a CD. This makes the audience feel as if they are gaining something by buying the magazine, as well as getting 2 free poster, once again making the audience feel as if they are gaining something by purchasing the magazine rather than going on line and reading it for free.

Rock sound, has its other features scattered at the top and bottom of the main cover, instead of at the side like many other magazines. This could give more of an importance to the band rather than the other features as it gives more advertisement. Usually a reader would be put off by big blocks of writing, however, to insure this doesn’t happen, the other features alternate colour, this makes the text seem less and easier to handle, as well as bringing attention to them.

Rock sound also has their bar code conventionally at the bottom of the right hand page, this takes the audience eyes unconsciously away from it, as the colours are black and white, making the audience focus more on the product being sold to them than the bar code. However, unconsciously the audience is thinking that it is authentic due to it having a bar code making it more professional.

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The Masthead, is a curvy but sharp font, with the use of having a bright colour, it is considered to be a female magazine. The font in which is used is capitals possibly meaning making a statement, against the fact that the majority of music magazines are mainly men based. As conventional, the title is placed at the top of the page, this way loyal fans can just search for the title of the magazine. By having this masthead in a light harmonious colour, it brings attention to itself, especially against male dominant music magazines with darker colours and sharp tones, this would bring interest for the women reader who is not loyal and would first be attracted to the title. So far it seems that the title is the attention grabber for a magazine, this means it has to be eye catching and speak to the audience in which you want. Mainly go for if a male audience sharp and bold and for a female light and curvy.

The layout of the various build ups of a magazine is spread out leaving a lot of space, in compression to Rock Sound which it’s information is portrayed to be vary cramped. This could add experience to the magazine as they are confident with what their market wants so only want to put what they know is important to their audience on the front and creating an almost mystery for the new costumers or incredibly amateur as it could be shown as they don’t know what their writing about or testing the boundaries of what their audience likes.

The main image is of Fergie, bouncing out of a celebration cake. This could bring Furgie’s fans to the magazine bringing in a similar target audience to the singer or be equally publishing as singer of which they believe their target audience may like. Many of the hook features are about celebrating so the fact that Fergie is coming out of a cake could bring excitement more and bring more attention to words which cake is linked to (party). This shows that if your magazine is going to be a special edition EG new years, the front picture has to be relevant to what your are promoting otherwise the audience would come confused.

The other feature articles are either in green or a type of western style format. This brings attention to the magazine as it’s clashing two very different fonts and colours with in the writing adding curiosity. However as the writing appears very random and not flowing the magazine seems a bit amateur putting the audience off buying it. It’s language as doesn’t speak to a specific audience, so with the contrasting of a females title and a males other features advertisement it adds towards an amateur performance.

However, it has its bar code landscape but on the LEFT HAND SIDE almost suggesting its important to have it big to show it’s a professional magazine, compared to magazines such as Kerrang! That have their bar code vertical against the very edge of the magazine making it seem less important, suggesting more confidence with their target audience. Also by placing it on the left hand side, it adds even more to the amateur of the magazine as it breaks the conventional rule of having the bar code in the right hand corner.

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The mast head is very big and bold and is black and white. This suggests that the target audience is a rock and roll orientated as there is a saying that rock and roll is as simple as black and white, suggesting that the bad boy rock and roll shows a difference between black (bad - rock and roll) and white (good- soul music). The fact that there is black lines running through the title adds the effect of shattering and in rock and roll there is a tendency to smash windows and guitars. It is also bold and sharp giving it a more masculine approach suggesting the target audience is male but a young one as Kerrang! Sounds like a slang word that young rockers would use. This gives direct link to the audience as they felt like the magazine is talking to them.

The main image is of “Biffy Clyro”. the band are looking directly at the audience, making a connection between the reader and the band as it makes the audience feel as if they are talking to directly them. The band are posed to look serious and confident, and are dressed very masculine by wearing clothes such as a smart hat and almost work t-shirts (men in background only). This makes the target audience feel more connected to the band as they are likely to be around the same age and have similar trends to the band, once again making them feel connected to the band. The picture itself is placed behind font and small capture pictures, leaving only a head shot view of the band, making it even more convincing that they are talking directly to the audience, making the audience want to buy it as they feel the band is directly talking to them.

Kerrang!’s barcode, is located at the bottom right like the majority of magazines (conventional rule) however, it is almost squashed to the side and is facing vertical. This could establish that the bar code is no longer important as they are now a well established professional magazine and they can now be more cocky and confident, creating more space for more hook articles.

Kerrang! Also use buss words such as “exclusive” and “Plus”. this makes the audience feel that they are benefiting from purchasing the magazine and they feel excited that it’s an exclusive as it’s almost only for their eyes only , making them feel happy and wanting to buy the magazine.

Kerrang! offers the deal of having a free track download with it. This makes the audience automatically want to buy the magazine as it has a free gift so they can buy their own 4 tracks download, which coasts cheaper than downloading from app stores . This makes the audience feel as if they are gaining something by buying the magazine, as well as getting 2 free poster, once again making the audience feel as if they are gaining something by purchasing the magazine rather than going on line and reading it for free. This is similarly used with Rock Sound. However RS is more based at a female audience, Kerrang! Is more male as shown by the FREE! Advertisement being in a sharp object showing masculinity whilst RS’s is in a circle suggesting feminine.

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XXL’s masthead is very similar to Q. They are both positioned in the left hand corner suggesting that the title is not as important with the magazine as they have already become a well established magazine, this is proved more by the main image covering up the masthead. this gives some professionalism to it, as they now know their audience doesn’t need the title as big to know who the magazine is about. The colours are a similar colour scheme to Kerrang!, so the simple black, white and red, giving a sophisticated look to the magazine as they don’t have a merge of colour and just have strong bold colours to make the statement. The font in which is used is square and bold, suggesting that the target audience is for males, as well as the use of bold colours suggesting hardness, which is majority associated with men. XXL follows the convention of having the bar code at the bottom of the page, however, unlike the majority of magazines, the bar code is located on the left. This is very similar to RAVE (magazine), however, due to the enlargement of the main picture, the magazine looks a lot less spacious and more professionally organised. The bar code is also slimmer than other magazines, suggesting that the magazine doesn’t need to show its on sale so much now and that it is becoming comfortable with what is audience wants, and gives more room to other features, similar to the way the masthead is not as important anymore.

The main image is of NICKI AND DRAKE, the fact that their image takes up the majority of the front cover, suggesting they are important. This could also mean they are in the top of the charts and are going to bring in costumers for the magazine as many unknown artists are making it into the top charts and people want to know all about them. the outfits in which they are placed in are similar to the colour schemes of the magazine suggesting they are represented where they belong (the genre that the magazine represents) making the reader want to be apart of the world too. Also both Nicki and Drake are looking directly out into the audience, this makes the audience feel connected with the artists and wants to be the magazine to find out more about them. (gratification theory)

XXL bring attention to their main article in many conventional ways, such as announcing who they are in font that is the second biggest on the page, often just smaller than the title. This draws attention to it. The fact that the name of the artists is the same colour as the title can suggest that the article us as important as the title and they want to be a known fact to the idea that they are interviewing this new sensation. The fact that they are called rap Royalty may make the reader want to buy it as their is some competition to be called royalty of a gender and it uses buss words such as “Rebirth” to make the audience become indulged in the mystery of why the magazine thinks they are the rebirth of rap.

As other magazine show, the convention of having the less important articles at the size in the most smallest font is shown by this magazine. However, the audience may not be interested by the hottest celebrities on the front cover, so they can not ignore the need for having other articles at the side otherwise they would be foolish as it misses out on an audience that isn’t interested in the celebrities but maybe interested in something else the magazine holds. This means that the magazine, may not draw so much attention away from the main article but still enough for someone who isn’t interested in the main article to look at them. in order to do this, the magazine uses the bright colour of White on the Black background in order to still draw a little bit of eye to the other articles.

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The C, appears to look similar to the Treble Cleft, which is at the beginning of every sheet of music, however it is mainly associated with classical music, which makes it perfect to use to capture the eye of their target audience. Compared to the research of other magazines on music I have previously done, this magazine seems a lot more calm and tranquil and the font used is very flowing less bold and in your face, a lot like Classical music is meant to be. The fact that the Masthead is a simple plan black colour, it suggests that this is a serious magazine, targeted for an audience who is very serious and passionate about Classical music.

Although this is a Classical music magazine, it still follows the basic layout of a magazine such as only having a limited amount of colours used. And having the other articles placed at the side of the main image. This makes it more easier for the reader to take in the information which is being given to them.

Classical Music advertises other article within in. In the skyline, which is very unusual compared to other magazines. Usually in the sky line it normally advertises free gifts from the magazine. However, this is similar to Kerrang!’s method of putting one important article advertised at the top of the page to bring attention to it, by having a powerful block of colour behind it.

The fact that the barcode still has a lot of attention draw to it, could mean that the magazine needs to look authentic, however, in this case as the audience is targeted at an older audience, the bar code make the magazine look complete and presentable, adding to the attitude of seriousness in which it gives off.

The magazine offers the free gift of another magazine inside. This is benefited in the audiences eyes as it is getting two magazines with the price of one. This makes the feel like they have benefitted. The magazine in which they are advertising also has a similar audience so by advertising that one free inside, the other magazines audience would also by the magazine. Brining in more customers.

This picture is very unconventional as it has a background. Normally a the picture has the background formatted out or the face of the picture takes up the whole front cover. In this case the picture adds to the calmness of the magazine and with a bright background it adds even more to it. The fact that all the colours compliment each other and are not as bold as ones of rock magazine shows a virtual change to how much it is important to target the right audience thorough font and colour not just images and news articles.

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The masthead is very conventional of a music magazine. The format is curvy but bold , this could suggest the magazine is aimed at both male and female audience. The use of simple bold colours such as black, red and white gives the magazine a more lighter vibe than other magazines such as Rave. Like all magazines the magazine uses a maximum of 3 - 4 colours, this gives it a sense of professionalism as it is not drowned with colours. Each magazine also either has bright clashing colours or calm harmonious colours, depending on who their target audience is. The masthead follows the convention of being the biggest format on the page, however, it is placed behind the main image suggesting it is not as important for the reader to know who they are anymore, suggesting confidence in their audience.

The main image, does not follow conventions of a rock music magazine. Usually the front image has a plan colour background, but in the rolling stones case, like the music magazine Classical music, they offer the background of the actual picture. This creates a more carefree vibe as its looking on to the scene of a bright blue sky, making the magazine seem relaxed. The fact that Taylor Launtner has a rugby ball in his hand and appears to be on the beach gives the feeling of relaxation and that gives the reader a feeling of him being more relaxed and more open to questions. Taylor, is also not taking up the whole of the magazine as it shows some of the background as well, this adds a sense of him having fun in normal day life making the audience feel more connected to him, as it is showing something that everyone can do not just famous people. The fact that he is wearing a tight clingy top to show of his abs and muscles would bring girls to this magazine as it is showing him as a real hot desired man. The side articles are as usual placed around the side of

the main image, however, Rolling stone, places the text in black font. This makes it stand out more on the background, but also gives it less of an appeal to the audiences. However, if the information is very important it is placed in a bigger red font, this brings the audience eyes, to what it is talking about as, it differs from the rest of the text on the page.

The sky line talks about other bands/ actors which are talked about within the magazine, this shows that the magazine holds other features apart from music. This also allows the reader to see what else is in the magazine, like the rest of the font it is placed in small black writing, and although it stand out on the background, it seems that the audience would only be attracted to the title and the red bold of “teen Wolf”. yet, the writing still fits in with the style of red, black and white only. This gives off a sense of professionalism and as they layout of the page is not clogged up of colours or side articles, it allows the audience to feel more relaxed with it and able to take in information.

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The masthead of Metal Hammer, offers some conventional aspects of a music magazine. It offers the title at the top of the front cover taking up all the space, this is so the audience can just flick through the self and see it. This means that to have a good magazine, you need a bold title that attracts the eye but at the same time, it speaks to your reader. Metal Hammer has a big bold sharp white title of HAMMER but inside the first letter H, in graffiti writing it says “Metal”. this speaks to its audience by having a young vibe of graffiti inside the H, automatically bringing their audience forward and interested in the title. The use of the title being white, while the rest of the magazine is dark, offers a sense of rocker music style and makes the audience feel like the magazine is speaking to their culture.

The main image is of Average Sevenfold. . the band are looking directly at the audience, making a connection between the reader and the band as it makes the audience feel as if they are talking to directly them however, the camera is pointed up at them making them seem more powerful than the reader, maybe hinting they should be looked up to. The band are posed to look serious and confident, and are dressed very masculine by wearing dark gothic. This makes the target audience feel more connected to the band as they are likely to be around the same age and have similar trends to the band, once again making them feel connected. The picture itself is placed underneath the title making the band seem less important.

The bar code, is vertical at the bottom of the left hand page. This is not conventional as usually it is bigger on the right hand of the page. I think the idea of having the bar code at the left hand of the page smaller is becoming a new fashion trends to magazine as more and more magazines are doing it making the convention change.

This Magazine has no side articles. This could work against the magazine as it makes the audience think they only care about the main article. However, it may also work in their favor as the audience may have to pick it up to see what is inside it, creating a more mystery behind the magazine

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Content Pages

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The masthead from the front cover of the magazine, is often placed at the top of the contents page. This helps the audience remember the name of the magazine and associate the colour scheme.

Their are side headings, thiss allows the audience to find the articles they want quicker, this makes it easier for them to find what they want and increases the layout of the magazine making it easier to digest it also allows the audience to see all the magazine articles in one place, making it easier from the to see other articles in which they may enjoy under the same category

Next to the article is the page in which it can be found, this allows the audience to find the page quicker, leading to the satisfaction of the reader.

The contents page often has the month the magazine was realised and the issue in which it is. This allows the audience to be up to speed on what magazine they already have and help establish that this is the new magazine, otherwise, they may not buy it thinking its the old one etc.

The contents page usually has sneak peak pictures somewhere on the page, this brings the audience in as they become interested in what the pictures represent. They also bring more attention to an article that may not get much attention. The pictures are usually pictures related to the main articles bringing in more viewers to the article.

This allows the audience to see what is coming up in either later issues of the magazine or events which they may be interested in seeing or viewing.

In this particular magazine, their is a quote in which says “America Our Nations Under God”, this allows the audience to think about the quote and remember it. This quote may also be a slogan or a way of getting their target audience more interested with in the magazine, by using quotes that are directly linked to them.

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This magazine rarely follows some of the conventional layout of a typical contents page. For instance, this magazine has much clashing of the colours and they seem more in your face and do not really speak to the audience to bring the in. The font is very unique but once again does not seem to appeal to their target audience. The involvement of pictures, does not add to the typical conventions of a contents page as they are scattered around the page, when they are usually graphed together at one corner of the page. However, their are some conventions in which they follows such as having their category's headed at the top of each page. However, their numbers are underneath the article instead of to the side, although this usually wouldn't work, in this case it seems to lock into the style of the magazine, almost suggesting that this is right for their ideal audience. The contents page seems to be wanting to attract a lot of different types of audiences not just one, this makes the magazine seem more clogged and less appealing.

The contents page has a snip it of the front cover on the magazine in the corner. Not very many magazine’s have this on their contents page, as the front cover is only used to bring the audience in, so their is no need for it on the front page. However, fashion magazines seems to have a picture of their magazine on the contents page so they audience can remember what brought them to this magazine and has lines to show which article is related to which one on the front. However, many of the music magazines just put their on the front articles under a new category called “Front Cover” or something like that so the audience can go directly to the that article. Therefore the idea of having a picture of the front cover on the contents page seems pointless. Just like other magazines, this contents page, has pictures to bring the audience into other articles not just the main cover as well as having the name of the magazine at the top of the page, to remind the audience of the magazine they are reading, hopefully allowing it to stick in their head so the audience may remember it for the next issue and think of the presentation and if the magazine is good to make it more appealing to buy next time.

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For a magazine, the most important aspect is the name of the magazine, this is shown by the fact that they are placed at the top of the front cover as well as contents page, so the audience in constantly reminded of it, to bring the audience back next time. This magazine has it’s name crapped up in the corner, making it seem that they don’t care so much about the name. This is not very conventional and makes the contents page seem more spacious but too spacious and makes it seem more tacky and less appealing.

For a contents page it is very conventional to have the words contents page at the top in smaller letters than the name of the magazine. In this case the magazines title is smaller than the contents page and the words contents page are brighter than the rest of the article bringing the eyes away from the rest of the articles and drawing automatically just to the word contents page which tells the audience nothing. The fact that they use a variety of colours could be good however, they seem to have used too many making the magazine seem clogged and having too much spacious room around the edge, whilst other magazines have been spacious but still not as spacious as this as their articles etc seem more crapped together.

The layout of this contents page is conventional as it has the artciles together on one side of the page with the page numbers, however, once again the page numbers are under and say the word page in it, whilst others just say the number of the page, leaving the audience to understand it. The pictures could have been layout more as they have words overlapping the pictures, when usually this is not write as normally the text and the pictures are in to different boxes and they will not over lap .

The pictures follow the convention of being grouped together however, they are more spread out than in a square form which many professional magazines use, this makes it seem more spacious around the outside but cramped with in the middle of the page. They need to use the space more effectively.

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This contents page, appears to be more professional as it almost has the editors letter on the contents page. It is conventional to have an editors note on the contents page as it tells the audience what is hot and new making it easier for the audience to know what to look at. It makes the audience feel understood and that the magazine really knows what they want, creating a more personal level of understanding between the magazine and the reader.

In this magazines contents page, it has more of a heading to the page, instead of saying the ever clique, “Contents Page”, it says “This Week”, this makes it seem more for a younger audience as it’s speaking more carefree and also allowing the audience to know how often the magazine is released.

On this contents page, it advertises the magazine buy stating an offer to the audience. It talks about subscribing the magazine and the benefits from subscribing, this becomes more appealing to the audience, as it makes them want to buy the magazine as its more beneficial.

The layout of this magazine is very conventional. It has the articles under headers on the right hand side, this means that if the audience flicks through they will see the contents page of articles, making key words pop out to them and make them want to read it. The colour scheme is more relaxed and getting on than in your face making it more easier for the audience to read and like, as it’s not just a merge of colour. Like many magazines, it has the page number first than the name of the article, this brings more attention to it as the numbers aren't in the typical 1, 2 , 3 pattern which the mind is used to. The articles have heading above them once again making it easier for the audience to find the articles which they are looking for. In this case, their are not very many pictures used, this works in favour of the magazine, as it doesn’t seem so clogged up and the pictures she used are directly to the point and what is needed. They are used to advertise/ bring attention to a point. Bringing the audience more interested in what the magazine has to offer.

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The layout of this contents page is very well layout. The articles are aligned on the left hand side. Although this is very unconventional as they are the opposite side to the side in which the audience looks when flicking through they are however, laid out to get noticed. For instance, the headings are in red banners, this brings attention to them as red is assonated with hot making the mid automatically think of hot gossip. The colour scheme is also the colours of Q magazine making it automatically recognisable as they no longer have to make such an emphasise on their name. This also is true for the page numbers as they have on the left before the article to bring more visual memory to the number of the page than the article itself. The colours are the same 3 colours throughout the whole magazine, making it more appealing as they are the only colours used, not just clashing of colours. They use only 2 pictures making the audience care less about the photography and more about the contents. The pictures they do use however, help bring more attention to the main articles like the front cover.

This contents page, gives off the sense of bring more professional as it has the editors reviews on the contents page. It is conventional to have an editors note on the contents page as it tells the audience what is hot and new making it easier for the audience to know what to look at. It makes the audience feel understood and that the magazine really knows what they want, creating a more personal level of understanding between the magazine and the reader.

Usually a magazine only has the issue and the month it was realised near the top of the page near the title. Q, however, also has their website and other social networking sites underneath. This shows they have an understanding of their audience as they know times have changed and that they have had to adapt to their audiences changing needs due to the advancement of web2.0 being such a hit.

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The layout of this contents page is very similar to the layout of Q. The articles are once again aligned on the left hand side. Although this is very unconventional however, laid out to get noticed. For instance, the headings are in red banners, like Q, this brings attention to them as red is assonated with hot making the mid automatically think of hot gossip. The colour scheme is also the colours of Q magazine making it less recognisable as they no longer just the colours of Q, meaning that M, has to make their title bigger so the audience does not get confused between magazines. This also is true for the page numbers as they have on the left before the article to bring more visual memory to the number of the page than the article itself. The colours are the same 3 colours throughout the whole magazine, making it more appealing as they are the only colours used, not just clashing of colours. The only area in which is not the same as Q is the fact that they use 3 pictures making the audience care less about the photography and more about the contents. The pictures they do use however, help bring more attention to the main articles like the front cover.

The fact that the magazine has regulars means that they are more related to their target audience. This shows this buy the fact that they have regulars meaning that they know what their audience want and have used the knowledge they have gathered to target their audience to the best of their abilities.

The fact that this magazine copies Q, a lot makes it less appealing to the audience. Although it could be argued that by coping Q, it could be easier to get Q’s target audience, it also means they are in the shadow of Q’s suggest. The pictures used are home taken and the only professional one is the one at the top, you can tell this by the way the photos have been taken, EG, a professional photo would have more of a less shadow background. The artists also wouldn't be looking directly at the camera in a normal environment. The creator of the contents page didn’t take much consideration about their target audience but more of copying Q/

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The masthead from the front cover of the magazine, is often placed at the top of the contents page. This helps the audience remember the name of the magazine and associate the colour scheme.

The magazine index page is separated into two pages, ones considering bands and the other considering other features such as news, reviews, live gigs etc. This makes the audience have a choice about what they want to red first. The band index is in a smaller font than the main contents page, making the audience know which index to go for. Both index are alternative to each other, for example, Band index is red articles with black page number, whilst this week contents, has black articles and red page numbers. The fact that the this week contents page is bigger suggests that it is more important than the band index, however, band index is in red suggesting more hot gossip.

This contents page is very well layout. The articles are aligned on the right and left hand side. This is very conventional as they are the side in which the audience looks at when flicking though. However in this case there are two index pages, but more attention seeking strategies are used on the right hand side on suggesting it is the main contents page. For instance, the headings are in black banners, this brings attention to them as the black banners is contrasting with the white text. The colour scheme is also the colours of NME magazine making it automatically recognisable as they no longer have to make such an emphasise on their name. This also is true for the page numbers as they have on the left before the article to bring more visual memory to the number of the page than the article itself. The colours are the same 3 colours throughout the whole magazine, making it more appealing as they are the only colours used, not just clashing of colours. They use only 1 pictures making more attention to the main articles on the front cover. They also have a deal of the subscription at the bottom of the page, bringing the audience more interested in the magazine as it is making the audience think subscribing is beneficial.

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The layout of the magazine follows many conventions of a contents page. It has the name of the magazine at the top of the page and still has the convention of having it as the biggest text on the page. It has it’s date placed over the top of the magazine name in big text although normally the edition number and date is smaller and beneath the name to show it is less important. It also has the pictures grouped together, however, they are usually grouped together in a square in only one corner of the page, whilst in this case they take up dominantly all the right hand side. The main articles and page numbers take up the left of the page as usual and have the page number in a brighter format colour than the article names. The page number on the pictures typically are in a box of the colour in which is used to normally represent the page number and has the page number in a brighter colour. This contents page has regulars suggesting they are closure to their audience as they have regulars suggesting they know what their audience wants/ expect and want o meet their audiences needs.

The colour scheme used is typical of used throughout the whole of the magazine, they use 3 main dominant colours and many of the music magazines use black and white with another colour what is shocking and creates eye catching properties. The colours are typically used in the masthead as well this causes a link to be formed between the colours and the magazine.

The masthead is placed in the top middle of the page. This is not very convention as it is usually at the top of the page with the issue and date of release underneath. This make the audience, eyes still be caught by the size of the font however, the eyes are more drawn to the colour which is shown by the colours of the issue and date release.

On this contents page, over the top of the picture is the word “Exclusive”, this is a buzz word and makes the audience become excited over the fact that it is exclusive automatically making it more gossip than just a normal interview with a band. It also means they cant find this interview anywhere else, making them want the magazine even more.

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The layout of this page is not very conventional. The page seems to be very dull, due to the black and white photo in which is placed at the left and the grey colour in which is used. Usually in magazine, the background is white with black and another bright eye catching colour such as red on top, however, in this case, the black and white are reverse creating a dull approach making the contents page seem more informative than entertainment wise. This content page only has one picture on it, and has no link to what it is about on it. There is no page numbers on the contents page making it harder to find the articles in which the audience wants. There is only 2 basic fonts on the page making it seem very basic and boring and not very well targeted at their audience as every type of group prefers variety as it helps establish differences. However, it still follows the conventions of having a header and the important fact in a brighter colour so it is more visual in their audiences mind.

This magazine only has one picture on it. Usually when a magazine only has one picture it means more attraction to the main article, however, in this case the picture is black and white still adding to the colour scheme, however, it has no reference to what the picture is for, making the picture useless. I have learnt that the whole point of having a picture is getting some visual link to a article, making it bring more attention to the article. This means that the article and the picture has to be linked.

This content page has 3 boxes for content pages. Each having a heading above so the audience knows where to find the article they want. This increases the layout and seems to have the right amount of text and pictures are everything seems spacious but not too spacious. This makes it easier for the audience to find what they are looking for.

This contents page has only the date in the corner instead of underneath the title for the contents page. However, by having at the side of the page it adds into the layout of the page.

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This content page has the typical convention of layout of a contents page. It has the mast head in the left hand side in the top corner, this allows the audience to constantly related the magazine so they remember the name. It has a title of the contents page next to the title, for instance, in this case “this month”, this allows the audience to know that the magazine is released weekly so they know when the next one is due etc. The maximum of pictures a magazine seems to have is 4 and the least seems to be 1. the pictures on this contents page are all grouped together, thus making the layout seem more tidy. Their is an alternating colour of the page number however, this works as their is an equal amount of two colours for each photo (2 on 2). Their are 4 colours used in this piece Grey, Black, White and orange. Usually the colour of 4 colours would cause a clash however, in this case, as the grey substitutes the white in the background to give it more of a standing out colour, the colours work well and brings the audience more towards the grey background with the white text than the white background, adding some contrast. Once again their is headlines for each section of articles allowing the audience to find similar articles which they may enjoy.

On this contents page, it advertises the magazine buy stating an offer to the audience. It talks about subscribing the magazine and the benefits from subscribing, this becomes more appealing to the audience, as it makes them want to buy the magazine as its more beneficial.

The title is placed in the left hand corner of the page in bright orange font. This is one of the main colours of the magazine and as its on a white background it lets the title leap of the page, giving it more attention. The fact that it also contrasts against the grey background by having a white background behind it gives it more attention also.

3 of the pictures used are of a band on stage, this gives gets the audience interested as that is the closer the majority of the audience has ever got to the band and a few of them may have even gone to that gig. The personal picture could work if it was a picture of the editor as its the only one not in a concert however, it could also be interoperated as a one on one with the band making the audience want to buy it as its personal

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Double Page Spread Analyse

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Layout: The layout of this magazine consists of on the left hang side having a big picture, with lots of quotes and hook lines to get the audience involved with the magazine. On the left hand side it then has a picture of the band at the top of the page, with the article underneath. Around the article is various quotes in bigger font. This allows the audience to get a taste of the most interesting parts of the magazine so they would wont to read the rest of the article. On the far right of the right hand page is what the band are promoting by being in the magazine. This allows the audience who are interested in the band see what they have achieved and go and buy what they are promoting as they band should have the same target audience as the magazine, making benefit for both parties to win from the situation of working together.

By LINE : This tells the audience what this interview is about, for example in this case it is an interview. This allows the audience to get some background information about who the band are, where they came from and what makes the so special for example in this case “World Premiere”.

Use Of Quotes: By having quotes surrounding the article, it allows the audience to have a preview of what is said in the interview and what they may enjoy from reading this interview.

On a double page spread the name of the band is usually diagonal along the left hand corner. It is also the biggest format on the page and has to be the most eye catching. It also has to have hooks around the outside to keep the audience interested in the article and what it has to offer them.

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The layout: the layout of this double page spread consists of having a picture on the left hand of page that dominants the whole page. This allows the audience to see who the band is. Usually the picture is of the band performing live so it makes a recognition as that is the closes the majority of the reader has ever got to the band, offering a like or a recognition.

On the right hand side, is the interview, to show its an interview, the magazine has the different colours for the question and answer and typically has the white background. Their are 3 pictures within the interview so the audience can see all the band and see what they look like in concert adding a link between band and audience. It also gives a chance for the audience to see the rest of the band not just the main singer whom normally everything revolves around.

Quotes: for the majority of the time a double article spread is an interview. This means that the spread needs to include at least 3 interesting quotes to engage the audience into the interview and getting interesting quotes exclusive to the magazine so ones they’ve never heard before.

Borders: through out the whole spread their is borders separating all the text. This makes the reader become more likely to read the magazine as it is more spread out making it easier to read and take in the information by breaking it down.

Their is a lot of references to the band within the article. This is because it is the magazines job to publishes the band, as they have the same target audience and they want to get attention for either an upcoming band or sell copies by having a well known band. This means the audience has to be constantly remembered of the bands name.

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Layout: this double page spread has a conventional layout. For instance on the left hand side, their is a picture of the band that is being described this allows the audience to see who the band are, as they may not recognise them by name. It also shows the whole band and who they are. On the left hand side their is also the name of the band in the biggest font in the brightest colour giving attention to it. It also usually has a saying about the band underneath or above to help the audience get some justice of who they are. On the right hand page is the article concerning the band and quotes surrounding it as usual to get the audience interested in the article.

Colours: the colours used in this article are typical for their target audience, it has to speak to the reader as well as being a good reprehensive for the band, otherwise you would give of the wrong impression of the band. For instance you wouldn’t give a hippie band a black and grey background as your readers would think they were more rock than hippie. The colours have to also fit in with the type of music the magazine supports or your readers wont buy it as it doesn’t give them their needs.

Numbers: There are numbers at the bottom of each page, this allows the reader to find the page from the contents page or bare reference to the page. It is however, not necessary to have the page numbers on every page, just the majority so the audience know where everything is. Almost like a navigation system.

Pictures: the pictures are meant to be formatted in a way that talks about the band in the best way. By having the picture taking up the whole of the left hand page in black and white font it makes the audience think the band are emo/ gothic artists. The picture also has to either stand out from the article or blend in with it. In this case it blends in by using dark colours.

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Layout: the layout of this page is not very conventional. On the left hand side of the spread, their is a picture of “Jamelia”, with a By line to bring the audience in. Their is then a brief description of who Jamelia is and then the article beings. With the conventional of using two colours one for the question and one for the answer. This continues onto the right hand side, with once again another picture. The effect of this layout makes their seem to be more content and making the page seem almost clogged up.

Pictures: the way the pictures are used in this double page spread is very unique for instance where the writing of the interview is, the photo is placed in black and white. Whilst where their is no text there is colour.

However, in the name Jamelia, in order to colour/ catch attention, the picture behind is given colour. This brings attraction to the name and is a unique way of bringing attention to the article.

In the middle of the page, their is a new article called SING!. This include lyrics of Jamelia’s new song. This is another unique way of bringing attention to Jamelia and although the audience may not know who she is they may have heard her song and can recall the lyrics therefore, becoming interested as they have finally found out who she is and want to know more about her due to the love of her song. It can also be used as someone who is a huge fan of Jamelia and want to learn the lyrics to her song.

Colours: the used are black, white and orange. By using black and orange together in the text as well as in her picture, it can represent the colours of a tiger, making the audience think of Jamelia as feisty. This could bring girls more into the article as girls are all for girl power.

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Layout: the layout to this double page spread is very unique. This spread, doesn’t have the band’s name on the top of the page, instead it has quotes that look like they’ve been cut out of a magazine and just stuck on. This could bring attention to the article as it’s very unique. The picture of the band is now on the right hand side taking up the whole page, when usually its on the left, this means whilst flicking through the audience would see the band first instead of the article, maybe making them stop and take notice. The article typically has the use of alternative colours for the interviewing of answers and question

This is the only section where the band name is actually mentioned. This is a direct caption of who is in the photograph and who they are. This allows the audience to see who’s who in the band and see an actual picture of them.

Picture: the picture of the band in unconventional on the left of the spread, this is unique as the majority of the time it is on the right hand side. This means that whilst flicking through the audience can see their picture and maybe take a look at it.

Colours: the colours used are the typical of having black and white as the main colours, the only difference is that in this double page spread, their is two other eye catching colours instead of just one. This makes the article appear more colourful and eye catching however, with the colours used it makes the magazine seem more manly than both sex’s suggesting their target audience is male.

This tells the audience where they can get more information with the band. The fact that it’s a website suggests that they are in tune with their audience as it is supporting the development of web2.0.

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Layout: this double page spread follows the convention of having a large image on the left of the band it is presenting. It has a interesting title to introduce the band and a little sub summary beneath so the audience knows a bit about the band. Then on the left hand side is the article about the band and quotes in which the band say. The colour of the layout seems to be a mixture of gold and silver, possibly meaning rich,. The way that the writing is put into big boxes of writing only separated by the questions lead the text to appear to be more.

Title: the title is very bold and sharp and is a pun of the lead singer of the black eyed peas being called will. “Will He Or Wont He?”. This brings the audience an introduction to the front man of the band. By using gold and silver the font represents both male and female liking and the fact that the writing is both curvy and sharp making it unisexual. The title, is not as big as other titles that have been seen however, it still follows the convention of being the biggest text on the page.

Picture: the picture used is of the band in suits and almost formally dress. The picture appears to be a contrast of gold and silver maybe showing that they are a multi platinum award winning band. The fact that their is a girl in their band dominated by men could bring women to the article as it’s about a women basically in a girls world or bring in the men as its the male audience talking to the male band members.

Numbers: There are numbers at the bottom of each page, this allows the reader to find the page from the contents page or bare reference to the page. It is however, not necessary to have the page numbers on every page, just the majority so the audience know where everything is. Almost like a navigation system.

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Layout: the title of this piece of this double page spread is a quote from the article. It basically sums up how the artist feels and their strongest quote within the interview. It then has a short summary underneath the title about who the artist is and why they interviewed them. it then goes on to talk about the interview for instance how they meet her and what they found out from the interview. On the right hand side is a picture of the Artist Lily Allen who the article is about.

Title: the title is a quote from the interview. This brings the audience in as it’s a very sharp statement to say and the audience becomes curious as to why she would say something so sharp and forceful. The majority of an audience would care more for a quote that is something sharp as it brings the audience’s curiosity in. The title itself is written in the artist banksy’s style. This style is graffiti and usually talks more to a under generation. So by writing the title in this way it brings in their target audience.

Picture: the picture of Lily Allen is in colour and she is wearing casual clothes. This suggests that she is very chill at the interview and is willing to talk on a more personal level with the interviewer. Along with the title quote, the picture of her being casual could suggest she doesn’t care about what other people think of her and she is doing this because she loves the music not the clothes or perks of the job. Format Of Article: The format of the article is in columns, this breaks the information down so it is easier for the audience to read and appears less daunting, making the reader more likely to read it.

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Layout: this double page spread is dominated by photo’s. On the left hand side. Their is a picture of the lead vocalist, with a picture of the guitars overlapping in the corner. On the right hand side is once again a quote, bringing interest to the magazine, acting as the title. It then goes on a to have a short summary about who MCR are and why they’re famous. Then it continues into the article. To the right of the article, is the new tracks in which are MCR’s and available to download. Thus bringing advertisement to the band.

Title: the title is once again a quote. This quote, helps the audience identify who the band are and what they represent. The title, follows the colour scheme of the magazine, by having the main parts of the quote in red and the less in white, this leaps out from the page as they are brighter colours than the black background. The fact that the font used looks like its print, suggests they are targeting at younger male audience.

Numbers & Magazine Name: in small print at the bottom of the page is the name of the magazine and the page number. This is so the audience always knows the name of the magazine as they always will unconsciously remember the name for next time. As well as having the numbers so the page numbers are helpful in the contents page. Helping the audience find what they’re looking for.

Photographs: there is a big photo of the main singer on the left hand side, and smaller pictures of the band on the right. This allows the audience to identify who the band are and show them doing there job allowing the audience to feel closure to them.

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Layout: on the left hand page, their is a picture of the band filling up the whole page. On this page their is the magazine name and need to know facts about the band. On the right hand side is more picture of the band, with a column about everything you need to know about the band. As well as the article with quotes surrounding it.

Need to Know Columns: this double page spread has two need to know columns about the band. This allows both fans and reader of the article know everything they need to know about the band. This allows them to feel up to date with the bands progress and great new fans of people who have never head of them before. Due to the use of these extra column the double page spread no longer has to have a summary box about who the band are under the title.

Title: the title for this double page spread is the name of the band “ The Teenagers”. The font is in capitals and is black text and a blue banner in the background. By having the dominant colour of blue, the magazine appears to be more lenient towards the male population. The fact that it is in capitals makes more of a statement as it gives the sense of stressed and stand out in your face attitude.

Pictures: the pictures used are of the band. This shows that the pictures taken needs to be relevant to the article as their is no point of working. As the article is of a band, it seems conventional to have a picture of them singing at a gig present, to bring up the audience interest.

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Layout: this double page spread consists of having a title at the band at the very top of the page. It then has pictures of the band down the side and pictures of guitars in the background to grab interest. The format is green bring more attention to it as it’s a very unique colour for the article. The fact that it has the exclusive in white means it brings more attention to it. The variation of fonts also brings interest as their is a variation of fonts

making the article seem less dominating.

Picture: there is very little use of pictures on this double page spread however, the effect of only having the pictures down the side of the pages, allows the reader to focus more on the article and see the pictures on the outside as fun and a reflection of the bands personality. It also allows more pictures to be shown

but it a controlled format.

Buzz Words: by using the world exclusive on their double page spread, the audience feels unique to be reading it and therefore feeling more special. It also makes the audience feel as if they would learn something new about the band by reading the article.

Thus making the audience more likely to read it.

Website Address:The fact that there is the website address at the bottom of the page suggests the website knows their target audience uses the internet a lot, so they know they have to include the internet into their articles to gain interest/relation.

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Audience Research

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Audience’s Answers/Reader Profile

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Pie Chart Results

What Type Of Music Are You In To.?


R N B PopIndie D&BDubstep None

if you could improve one thing about a magazine what would it be?

More reader input

more articles on now bands

more articles on old bands

more articles on Upcoming bands


Q3) What Style of music are you most likely to buy ?Rock IIIPop IIR & B IIIAnother (Please State) INDIE, d&b, INDIE,DUBSTEP

Q4) if you could improve one thing about a magazine what would you improve ?(More reader inputMore articles on NOW bands IIIIIIIIMore Articles on OLDER Bands IIIMore Articles on Out Coming Bands IIOther (Please State)

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Find Your Tribe

Using the data that was collected from my questionnaire, I used By using this website it has allowed me to see how I could appeal to my audience.

The result I got was EMO. I found this website very useful as it helps set everyone into a set group, making the target audience have fractions, making it easier to have a more reliant/ informative relationship with the reader as it’s closer and easier.

I also did findyourtribe myself and also got EMO, this means it’s easier for me to relate with my target audience.

As an emo, I have to have, a dark/ unique approach to my audience. I have to be up to date with the latest bands, of the culture of Rock/Metal.

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Uses && Gratification Theory

In my magazine I shall be using the gratification theory. The theory is based on the idea that the audience is interested in the

magazine for one of the four reasons stated below

- Information = the audience wants to know about the story, which they can access through the magazine. This relates to my magazine as I shall be telling them the latest stories about the music industry celebrities EG, new record releases and possible romance with other stars.

-Personal Identity = the audience will learn about themselves and create an identity through what they read. This links into my magazines as they will choose some of the artists to role model and copy there behaviour, therefore learning about themselves and who they inspire to be like.

-Integration and social interaction = the audience will feel a part of a community with the sense of belonging to the group. This links into my magazine as it is helping young girls become stable with who they are and create friends.

-Entertainment =this allows entertainment for my readers as it gives them something to do when they are bored for example travelling to school etc.

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Magazine Institution Research

There are 5 main institutions in the media business. Three of the main five are...

- IPC Media, this is one most known magazine institutions. It was found in the UK in 1963, with its headquarters in London. Its portfolio sells over 350 million copies per year. It currently has 5 main groups of magazines divisions. They are Connect, Inspire, Ignite, SouthBank and TX. They currently publish magazines such as “Now”,”Look””NME”.

- Bauer Media Group, this magazine institution was found in Germany in 1875, with its headquarters in Hamburg, although it operates in 15 worldwide countries. The company is privately owned by the Bauer family. Its portfolio sells around 38 million magazines per week. The institution currently has 282 magazines in 15 worldwide countries. The institution mainly consists of only three divisions of magazines they are Women Weeklys and TV Listings and men’s magazines (Which they are mainly known for). They currently publish magazines such as “Bella”, “Take A Break”, “Kerrang””Q”,”Mojo”.

-EMAP, this magazine institution was found in UK, in 1947 with it’s headquarters bases in London. It has 20 magazines in its portfolio. It mainly does Business to Business magazines such as, “Nursing Times”, ”Retail Week”. However, it also does consumer magazines such as “Kiss”, “Magic”. It also sponsors events similar to IPC as well as having there own radio station.

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‘Personal Learning and Reflection’

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What I’ve Learnt From Cover Analysis

I have leant that the majority of magazine’s have their mast head at the top of the page so you can see it in the selves.

I have learnt that the main image doesn’t have to take up all of the page, but it does have to be in the middle of the page

Side articles go around the main image, The main words of the articles are put in a different colour to attract

audiences eyes The masthead, has to be in a font and colour that would speak to the

audience making them want to buy it The bar code can go in either the left or right of the bottom page, the

majority of new magazines have a slim one on the bottom left (new Phase.?)

I can apply these conventions to my magazine, to give it a more authentic look, bringing in my target audience. The conventions I will apply to my own magazine, is the one of having the masthead at the top of the page in the biggest font, establishing the colour scheme on the front page, and having the main image take up the majority of the front page.

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What I Have Learnt From Contents Page

there has to be page numbers next to the article, the more professional magazines have them in front of the articles

There is a change of colour, EG the background is normally white, the text is normally black and the

page number is usually in a more eye catching colour They have snip it’s of articles that look interesting and unique to that

article making the audience curious to see the link, with page numbers over top

They have the name of the magazine small in the left hand corner They usually have a title for it, usually either This Week in... Or Contents

page, depending on target audience.

This will help me with my contents page, as I now know the basic outline of the contents page and the unique techniques they use to bring the audience in. From this I will take the idea of having a title of “This Week” to allow me to have a younger audience interest, I will also have snip it’s of interesting pictures in a tight square at the bottom right of the page.

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What I’ve Learnt From Double Page Spread

the majority of the double page spread, have a image on the left hand side taking up the whole page

They have a the interview on the right in columns Alternative colours, one for the question and one for the answer If they are advertising for the band’s new single they show a time line on

right hand side of all their previous albums etc They usually have a headline that brings the audience in, and a summary

underneath about who that person is etc.

From this I have learnt, that my double page spread, should be of an interview. I will take on the idea of having a picture on the left hand side taking up the whole of the page and the interview with alternative colours on the right, helping to show an establishment of professionalism.

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What I’ve Learnt From My Audience Research

My target audience has a variety of tastes in music They mainly get their music of the web on sites such as youtube, Itunes. They are mainly encourage to buy a magazine by, the main image, this is

suggesting that I should go for one of the main artists which they listed to linking on from the survey.

They prefer NOW band interviews, so for my double page spread I should include a band that is in the top of the charts.

My audience prefer artists who are from a rock background such as Two Doors. However, there preferred artist at the moment is lady gaga.

From my audience research I have decided that my magazine will be based at an audience of 17 year olds + who like pop- rock music, such as lady gaga, eninem and paramore. I will show this by having a bright masthead with a darker coloured background, this was influenced by the fact that the majority of my target audience brought magazines such as NME. The majority of my audience do not like going to festivals, and spend the majority of their time getting music through internet sites. I therefore have to make sure my magazine is adapted to the rise of Web2.0 by having state about band websites and talking about web2.0 markets.