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Truly Zero Tour dates inside and more news on their new album with James Vaughn talking!



Truly Zero


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There fi rst album was a let down so the pressure is on for them to succeed. I think that if the rock career doesnt go well for them then that will be it for the popular youth group.The group fi rst started out on MySpace music who had a massive amount of play counts counting to over 250‛000. This was enough for the upcoming band to get a manager and to get into the music business. The Birmingham based rock group are hoping that there new album will shoot into the charts hitting the top 10 but they know that this will take alot of effort and commitment.

The new lead singer James Vaughan auditioned for the lead singer in rock band Paramore but unfortuniatly he lost the audi-tion to Hayley Williams.Now the lead singer of up coming band Truly Zero looks to hit back with a new superb album called The Avenger.

With the launch of the new tour the band is looking forward to a long and successful career. The tour will hit all major european countries and capital cities it will be one hell of a year for the new band as it will be the fi rst tour they have encountered. The pressure is on to see if Truly Zero really have what it takes to make it big.

“With the new album coming out this year your going to see what Truly Zero can really do”

WHEN TRULY Zero formed in 2008 as Foul Devil. They started out singing punk but there fi rst album didnt go down well in the

charts only hitting the top 50. They got a new manager and a new lead singer called James Vaughan who is due to launch the new ROCK album later this year.

“People will be blown away with the new album its going to hit the big time and nail the top 10 EASY!”

With the new album being the fi rst rock album that the band has done no one knows what to expect it is an exciting and thrilling time for awaiting Truly Zero fans. Im sure the tour will be great and Truly Zero will have thousands of fans by the end of the year without doubt.

The Tour 2010

31/03/2010- Birmingham03/04/2010- Manchester06/04/2010- lONDON08/04/2010- cARDIFF13/04/2010- dUBLIN20/04/2010- pARIS24/04/2010- lYON30/04/2010- lISBON03/05/2010- mADRID10/05/2010- aMSTERDAM17/05/2010- mOSCOW24/05/2010- aTHENS30/05/2010- bIRMINGHAM

*All dates subject to change

The new tour gets underway on the 31st of March when the band kick off with their fi rst performance in Birmingham. The Band will kick start their tour in their home town Birmingham and will also fi nish their tour in Birmingham so show their appreciation and a thanks for all the support that has been given. With the tour hitting most of the major cities in Europe the band is sure to make success and make a big impact in the future.





There fi rst album was a let down so the pressure is on for them to succeed. I think that if the rock career doesnt go well for them then that will be it for the popular youth group.The group fi rst started out on MySpace music who had a massive amount of play counts counting to over 250‛000. This was enough for the upcoming band to get a manager and to get into the music business. The Birmingham based rock group are hoping that there new album will shoot into the charts hitting the top 10 but they know that this will take alot of effort and commitment.

The new lead singer James Vaughan auditioned for the lead singer in rock band Paramore but unfortuniatly he lost the audi-tion to Hayley Williams.Now the lead singer of up coming band Truly Zero looks to hit back with a new superb album called The Avenger.

With the launch of the new tour the band is looking forward to a long and successful career. The tour will hit all major european countries and capital cities it will be one hell of a year for the new band as it will be the fi rst tour they have encountered. The pressure is on to see if Truly Zero really have what it takes to make it big.

“With the new album coming out this year your going to see what Truly Zero can really do”

WHEN TRULY Zero formed in 2008 as Foul Devil. They started out singing punk but there fi rst album didnt go down well in the

charts only hitting the top 50. They got a new manager and a new lead singer called James Vaughan who is due to launch the new ROCK album later this year.

“People will be blown away with the new album its going to hit the big time and nail the top 10 EASY!”

With the new album being the fi rst rock album that the band has done no one knows what to expect it is an exciting and thrilling time for awaiting Truly Zero fans. Im sure the tour will be great and Truly Zero will have thousands of fans by the end of the year without doubt.

The Tour 2010

31/03/2010- Birmingham03/04/2010- Manchester06/04/2010- lONDON08/04/2010- cARDIFF13/04/2010- dUBLIN20/04/2010- pARIS24/04/2010- lYON30/04/2010- lISBON03/05/2010- mADRID10/05/2010- aMSTERDAM17/05/2010- mOSCOW24/05/2010- aTHENS30/05/2010- bIRMINGHAM

*All dates subject to change

The new tour gets underway on the 31st of March when the band kick off with their fi rst performance in Birmingham. The Band will kick start their tour in their home town Birmingham and will also fi nish their tour in Birmingham so show their appreciation and a thanks for all the support that has been given. With the tour hitting most of the major cities in Europe the band is sure to make success and make a big impact in the future.