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My genre is gritty London. The reason why I had chosen this is because I love the feel of a London

crime drama and the darkness of the story. I also like how they use ambient lighting to give that

gritty sense.

(My brother the devil)

when analysising the opening sequence to

my brother the devil it is a load of pictures of

the people living in rough places in london

(council estates, back streets ect) to establish

where we are and where the location is set.

It is in black and white aswell to maybe

represent the povity and dark time (evil,

drugs, killing).

It then cuts to two short clips of the two

brothers and what the current situation is in

their lives. So its already showing the two

main chariters and a tiny bit of a background

story (the older one likes boxing or he has

anger issuse and likes to get his anger out

through boxing and the younger one has just

came out of secondry school and has now


As we get a bit further on in the clips,

pictures of the dangers and the people who

live in that part starts to get a bit more

sireous and more dangerous to set us in the

mood and to tell us what is happening in

that location.

As the pictures start to come to a close we

strat to see the relationship of the two

brothers and we know they are brothers

because of them saying to eachother

“brother” and mensioning other family


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about 2 and a half minuets in the opening titles

come in and shows up at the end of their (the two

mens) convosation. this is effective because it cuts

in normaly and out of the blue so its maybe

representing that ist a normal day for thse two.

(Ill manors)

The first thing we see in the opening

scene of ill manors is that we see a guy

lighting a cigarette (marijuana maybe?).

He is watching the TV about how people

are untreated and how the mother tried

to get her children in to school. The TV is

a small box TV in a small bedroom so we

can start to get a sense of what class he


When he switches the channel, it turns to a

person talking about how he has a strong

family supporting and backing him up and

when he says that it turn to the guy watching

the TV and you can see the pain in his eyes so

we can infer what his family status is by saying

that he isn’t close to his family because of his

reaction to that short clip.

Establishing shot of the neighbourhood, how

the film would revolve around a working class

as it is of a rough-ish area- maybe linking to a

negative background that he has

There is a narrator in the back ground saying

“you’re in for a ride, put your seat belts on

because this is ill manors where dark shit goes

down” this is establishing what type of film it is and what the type of film is. The accent he has is a

gritty London one so we can tell where it is set as well by that clue. It’s also time lapsing to show

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how busy it is and how many people there are in that area, and where ever you go there is always

trouble so it may be showing that there is trouble here?

There is also a mixture of ethnicity shown in the short clips, therefore there is no target of

representing a specific ethnic background so it may be telling us of the whole range of ethnic

background of people that there is.

Because there is a lot of phones we

normaly conect this with drug

dealers so it could be representing

the drug users in this film and


It then goes on to show people

calling aload of other people so it is

showing how everyone knows

everyones buisness and how you

cant keep anything secret in this part because everyone is well connected in this part of london.

Things that I can pull and take from this is maybe using time lapses of where my movie could

potentially take place. Also the language that thy have been using, shall I use some of the dialog that

they are using? I am also thinking about doing it in the evening where it’s not do dark yet its dark

enough to see them but giving a grimy feel to it.


The opening sequence of kidult hood

is with a black background and

scruffy white wirghting. The scruffy

wrighting could be representing the

‘scruffyness’ of the area where this

film is situated. The omly diolog is

kids screaming and playing in a

school perhaps? Also with

grime/gargae music playing in the

background, a popular and common

choice of music in the poor parts of london.

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it then cuts to a school wher ethe

sounds of childern come apparent

with children playing going on with

their daily lives in school. Then in the

playground there are 3 youths,

talking and one is on their phone

(perhaps talking to a drug dealer

indiating that there is frug use in this

film maybe?) and with the other

person with his hood up and looking suspicious looking out for higher authority if they are looking so

backing up the fact that they are up to no good.

Then there aretwo girls talking with

thick london ghetto accents about

everyday life and one of them turns

round and says “got any gritt?”

(implying drugs) as if it is an evryday

thing because she doesn’t react to it

with any negativity so I can tel thtat

the place where they are it is very

drug orientated.

Shortly after that there is a gang of

three. I can tell thet they are feard of

and respected (probably beccause

they are rough people) because he

anonces to a person with great

disrespect and and they reply

sounding scared. Also in the

background is very suspicious music

giving the impression that they are up

to no good maybe.

One of them says they

have nothing to wear

for the party that they

are going to Friday nigh

and the blond one says

if I score some money

for stuff wear will you

come. Th eone with

black hair says where

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you going to get that amoun of money from and the blond one says don’t you worry abouty that ill

get it. This suggests that she is into dealing or stealing because she seems extreemly shady about

where she gets the money from.

it cuts to a guy stashing something

looking extreemly carfull if anyone is

lookingh. We can imply that he is a

dealer or a mule dillivering the drugs

because he hide it and due to the earlier

drug reffernces in the 2 minute clips

Green Street

At the start it shows the typical london

underground and it has football chants in

the background. So I can infer that this

film is to do fwith bootball. The lighting is

quite dark and gritty (no artifisual

lighting added to movie) this maybe

represents the povity of where they are


We then see the people chanting. They

are dressed in track suits and nice

trainers. We normally associate this look

with hooligans and trouble makers so I

can tell that they are trouble. The camera

shot is low maybe implying that they are

strong and powerful.

There is a shot where there are two

groups either side of the railway track. It

is an over the shoulder shot so it is giving

the impression that we are stood behind

them (we are part of the action). The

people that we started off with are

mugging the other people off and

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shouting at them so we and expect further action to go down and maybe a fight to happen. It is a

shot reverse shot as the dialog is thrown one to another so backing up the fact that they want us to

feel a part of the action.

there is a guy in the middle and infront of

every one so we can imply by the way

they are blocked that he is the main guy

that we are suppose to look out for in the

movie. There is diogetic sound in the

background of what a train station sounds

like so it gives us a greater impression and

backs up the fact that they are acctually in

a train station.

90 seconds in there is already a fight so I

can tell this film is very fight orientated.

The camer looks as if it is beeing hand

held due to a lot of shackin as its panning

around yetr again making us part of the

action. There is fake and over dromatic

punching sounds to give an extra

dimension to the fighting.