Download - My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

Page 1: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Now most of you guys have found a pretty good product to promote, set up your

landing pages, created your sales funnels, follow ups, implemented some marketing

tricks etcetera.

Now the next step is: How do we get people to actually see your funnels.

Let’s take an example: My product is a weight loss supplement.

A lot of people go on the Internet and search for Search Engine Optimization and try

to compete with millions of others pages to rank on the first page on google. Others

go to their Facebook account and start buying random ads, hoping they get the right

audience to see their offers or giveaways. Another select crew watches a few tutorials

about generating leads on youtube and find that solo ads provide an amazing ROI and

start spending their money on ads.

Page 2: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

I’m not trying to say that these ways of generating traffic aren’t useful.

Actually These types of traffic generation are amazing!

BUT only you know what you’re doing.

There’s two ways to ‘get to know what you’re doing’.

1. Find it out yourself and spend thousands of dollars testing different ad vendors,

facebook ads or trying to outrank a million pages on Google.


2. Do some research, see what’s worked for others and model after them.

To be honest I’m a bit of a lazy person so I’d always go for number two and that’s

exactly what I’m going to teach you in this report.

Page 3: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Traffic Hack #1

1. Find where the traffic is gathered

Now we’ve set everything up. We ‘funnelhacked’ the shit out of our competitors. We

know the tricks, we know the upsales, we know the follow ups .. Now where are we

going to get the leads.

You know a good friend of me told me once. All these people are trying to create

traffic and it’s a waste of time.

We don’t create traffic. It’s already there. We just don’t know where to find it. Your

job as a marketer is not to create traffic. Your job as a marketer is to find out where

the traffic is gathered and just get your offer in front of them.

So this will be our first step. Go to

Page 4: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

2. Type in your example website

Right now you must be wondering: ‘But where can I find my example website’?

Go to google and search the product you want to promote. For example if you are in

the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’.

The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

3. View the stats

Now take a deep dive into their stats. There’s a bunch of different options when you

scroll down the page.

Page 5: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

First of all you can see their total visitors, average duration rates, pages per visit and

bounce rate. Use these stats to determine if this website is one you’d want to model


Furthermore you are also able to see traffic by country, which is useful if you want to

target specific countries. For example a lot of internet marketers prefer targeting top

tier English speaking countries. If 50% of the website visitors is from china, this

wouldn’t be a website you’d want to model after.

Page 6: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

And off course the top referring sites. Note that these top referring sites have send

over millions of visitors to in the past 6 months. has a paid and a free version. The free version gives you a lot of

different insights you can use to scale up your traffic, but if you really want to get in

deep and have the right budget to do so, I’d recommend you try the paid version.

For example the free version will give you insights in the different banners your

example website uses.

The paid version on the other hand will give you insights on the date the banner’s

been published, how long it has been running etc.

Meaning you can actually model after their TOP banners while using the same traffic


Now why would you do this?

Because it works!

Page 7: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

It absolutely makes no sense trying to figure out the wheel yourself when someone

else already did this for you.

4. Model after the banner ads and use the same websites to get your offer

in front of your target audience.

So again, don’t try to reinvent the wheel and model after what works.

Analyse your competitors, see what works for them and model after their ads. If

you’re looking for a good website you could use

Go to the exact same websites your example website is using for referrals and buy

your ads there.

Voila. You just found traffic looking for your offer!

I am gonna let you in on a little secret.

I actually modeled this report after a video of my friend Russel Brunsson.. and it’s

converting like crazy!

See the power of modeling after things that already work?

I hope this helps!

Ps. Because I always under- promise and over- deliver I’m gonna give you my #2

Traffic Hack aswell!

Read along..

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Page 8: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Traffic Hack #2

My #2 Traffic Hack leverages the power of Social Media.

What we use in particular is the platform Instagram.

Used correctly, Instagram has the potential to be a highly-targeted, visual advertising

channel for your brand.

In fact, in a recent study it was discovered that Instagram provides brands with 25%

more engagement over other social platforms. This means that Instagram is a prime

channel to build your brand for your ecommerce business.

‘It goes down in the DM’

Manually contacting people through Instagram DM

You must have heard of it before. The saying ‘It goes down in the DM’.

Thousands of online businesses use the Instagram Direct message (DM from now on)

to connect with their target audience.

Why? It’s simple, it’s scalable and it works!

Page 9: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

What I personally do is the following:

1. I connect with fellow Entrepreneurs who struggle with getting followers, or

monetizing their audience.

I manage to find them through Instagram Hashtags (Entrepeneur, Entrepreneurs,

Makemoneyonline, Grind, Grindtime etc.)

2. I provide them with a free gift (Instagram Mastery E-book for example, or guide to

your first $100,- E-book) with our tips and tricks that might benefit them.

3. They get in my e-mail list and from there I bond with them, provide them with

value and link them through to my landing pages or blog pieces.

How much DM’s should you send?

Instagram is very strict in it’s policies. That’s why it’s important to know how to use

their features the right way.

Instagram hates ‘spam’ and will do everything to protect their loyal users from

getting ‘spammed’.

This is why they’ve set certain limits to the DM function. This differs per account, per

message and per day. This is why it’s smart to spread your messages throughout the

day. This way it’ll look less ‘spammy’ to Instagram and you’ll lower the chance of your

account getting flagged as a spambot.

I’ve listed an example of my daily DM routine below.


Waking up - 5 people when you wake up

Breakfast - 5 people before breakfast

Getting to work - 5 people when you parked your car or traveling with train/bus.

Short break 5 people in every short break

Lunch – 5 people before lunch

Getting home 5 people when you parked your car or traveling with train/bus.

Dinner 5 People before dinner

Going to sleep 5 people before going to sleep

Page 10: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Make sure to do this! This is you connecting with fellow Entrepreneurs, who 9 out

of 10 times have a following, have a brand, but are still searching for a way to

monetize their audience.

What Should you send?

This is the Instagram DM funnel I use to connect with my target audience and get

them to leave their E-mail with me.

Message 1: Nice page! (y).. I see you’re doing a pretty good job building it .. Keep it up!! ;)

Answer: Thanks a lot! Like your page also!

Message 2: Well deserved .. Maybe I could help you boost your page? (for free that is)

Answer: What would you suggest?

Message 3: I could send you a free Instagram Mastery pdf. It includes a few IG secrets I’ve used to

get the results I’m getting today .. Getting your posts on Instagram’s explore page is one of the most

interesting topics! If you want, give me your e-mail and I’ll inbox it right away!

Off course this is just an example. You could expand your funnel to bond some more

with them before calling them to action, or you could shorten it to ease it up for

yourself. In the end it’s all about testing and tweaking. Just see what works for you

and scale this up.

‘Time to scale up!’

Page 11: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Automation through Instagram Direct Message

Next to manually connecting with people on a daily base I started with four other

accounts connecting to people on different hashtags. I use Followliker that sends

around 20-30 messages per account, per day. Meaning next to my manual targeting

of around 40 people a day, I have an additional 80-120 people reached a day using

my auto DMS. Followliker is a one time investment off $97,-. You can get it here >>>

I do understand if you don’t want to invest $97 right away, so I’ve also found a different solution. is a DM service that lets you auto send DM’s for free. Only

downside is that you won’t be able to manage the amount of messages that it’ll send and the messages will be send with their brand’s name at the end of the message like

this ‘Hey great page, thanks for following me!‘Message send via’.

It’s not perfect, but it’s a great way to start. You can get it here >>>

What Should you send?

These are the three example messages I’ve used to gain leads for my Instagram

Mastery E-book

Message 1: Heyy what's up! Lovely page you got there.. :) If you want help gaining real followers and

engagement (and earn some extra's while at it)? Check out the link in my bio. I've lined out all the

secrets I've used to get 70k (@yr.charisma) within 6 months in a simple PDF for you to see for free :)

Hope it helps!

Message 2: Lovely page you got there, loving the vibes! Maybe I could help you get some more

people to see it. I’ve been studying Ig Algorhytm for a while and have written down the tricks I use to

gain around 500 real followers a day on my main acc @yr.charisma. It’s free ;) Check the bio for the

Pdf. Hope it helps!

Message 3: Hi there, was scrolling down your page and I must say you’re doing a pretty good job

building it .. ;) Keep it up! Maybe I could help you get some more views and likes overall. Been

studying IG algorhytm the last 6 months and wrote all the secrets I used to gain between 300-500

Real followers a day on my main @yr.charisma It’s free ;) Check the bio for the Pdf. Hope it helps!

Again this is just an example. You could expand your funnel to bond some more with

them before calling them to action, or you could shorten it up.

Page 12: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

In the end it’s all about testing and tweaking. Just see what works for you and scale

this up.

Make sure to target different hashtags, so you lower the chance of reaching out to the

same people over and over again.

I started with four accounts and noticed it worked. Now at the time of writing this

report, after testing different messages and niches I have well over 20 Instagram

accounts up and running, targeting over 500 people, spread over 100’s of hashtags

on a daily base.

Page 13: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Bonus Earn money leveraging Social Media

Become an Instagram Affiliate!

As an extra bonus we will discuss the program we use to grow our follower base,

connect with our audience and earn an extra full time income while doing so (on


It's very simple... Let me explain.

You probably already know affiliate marketing , but let’s just start with the basics here:

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing wherein you refer someone to

any online product and when that person buys the product based on your

recommendation, you receive a commission.

This commission varies from $1 to $10,000 depending on what product you are


Page 14: My #1 Traffic Hack · the fitness niche you might search something like ‘tips for losing weight fast’. The first website you’ll see is This is now our example website.

My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

Now let me put this all together... Here we go...

1.) Create an Instagram account.

2.) Post valuable content

3.) Have the link in your bio for the product you promote

4.) Market to your following in form of images, videos and direct messages promoting

this opportunity (not product)

5.) Watch the commissions roll in to your bank account.

Now the beauty of one of the systems we are promoting is that it puts your Instagram on complete autopilot. Meaning you don't have to waste countless hours every day connecting with people.

Because really .. we don'have the time for this right?

We identified our target market and saw the problem most Online Marketers face ..

every single day ..

Lack of TIME ..

We simply don't have enough time to scout for 100's of people every single day and ask them if they're willing to join our business, or check out our website, or like our pictures on Instagram.

This is where we came in and took all of these things as our responsibility.

We'll have a full team working on your account 24/7, 365 .. meaning starting from today our team will follow/unfollow, like, comment and Direct Message people for you. All on autopilot.

Next to tremendously boosting your follower amount and engagement per post, the system itself also includes a lucrative affiliate program, meaning whenever you refer someone to join, you'll earn a residual commission!

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My #1 Traffic Hack

Over 5.000 leads in 1 month!

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy

So let's rewind ..

You're telling me ..

This so called Growth Service gives me an army of people working on my account 24/7, 365 days of the year, tremendously boosts my page with new real, engaging followers and I make money while at it?

All on autopilot?

Yes .. That's exactly what I'm telling you.

Get your Instagram Page up and

running now

I want to thank you for taking the time to read through this report. I hope it helps

you generate more and more traffic over to your website to eventually make your

business explode! Just remember. Being an Entrepreneur isn’t easy. It’s actually

‘taking the hard road’. Test, Tweak, Adjust, Repeat!

Love what you do , and what you do will love you.

Thanks for your time.

Geraldo Alken

Your Charisma | Digital Marketing Consultancy