Download - Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile 1 Fire Powers

  • 8/9/2019 Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile 1 Fire Powers



    Fire is one of the primal powers in human culture andhistory. The power to create and command flames is

    a common one for superheroes and villains alike. Firepowers are associated with a wide range of attacks, butcan also provide various defensive, movement, and utilityeffects (and complications) as seen in this profile.

    FIRE DESCRIPTORS The “fire” or “flame” descriptor has a number of implications.

    • Setting Fires: First, fire has the potential to spread,igniting flammable materials. Stray fire blasts, or acharacter surrounded in a fiery aura, can set off larger

    fires, presenting a complication for the heroes, par-ticularly if they are in an area with innocent peopleor explosive materials like fuel or ammunition. Someflame-wielders may control their power preciselyenough to not set any stray fires if they do not wishto do so; this is simply a matter of not invoking fire-setting complications where they are concerned.Having the Precise modifier means such complica-tions do not trouble the character at all.

    • Shedding Light: Open flames shed some amountof light; a fire-wielder can light-up a small area, notmuch more than distance rank 0 (30 feet) in diam-eter, like a torch or lantern. Shedding light over largerareas calls for an Environment effect ( Hero’s Hand -book, page 107).

    • Smothering: Combustion requires particular condi-tions, notably the presence of oxygen or other fuel.Fire powers are ineffective in the absence of air or

    under smothering conditions, such as underwater.Characters may be required to use extra effort under

    such conditions to pull off power stunts such as boilingsurrounding water or emitting pure heat or plasma, oreven somehow fueling their flames with somethingother than air, such as magic or pure “psychic” power.Encountering circumstances where their powers donot work at all can constitute a complication for fire-wielding characters; consider awarding a hero point ifthey are forced to go underwater, into space, or some-where else where their powers just don’t work.

    • Explosions: Just as flames can set smaller fires, so toocan they potentially “cook off” things like ammunition

    or explosives, setting them off prematurely. This canresult in damage to anyone carrying them. Treat anattempt to set off a target’s ammo as a power stunt oreven a normal attack with a suitable penalty (–5 is sug-gested). Success means the target suffers the normaleffect of the ammo going off.

    • Countering: Lastly, fire powers are useful for coun-tering various other descriptors, including air, cold,ice, water, and other fire-based powers (by creating“backfires” or using up all of their available fuel). So afire controller might be able to extinguish a forest fire,vaporize a wave or water blast, melt away ice, and soforth, using the guidelines for countering effects onpage 95 of the Hero’s Handbook.


    In some cases, the “fire” associated with a character’spowers isn’t truly fire but a fire-like energy of some sort.


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    This may indicate a character who has powers with no “fire”descriptor beyond mere appearance, such as Mindfirefrom Threat Report. Her mental powers are accompaniedby visible fiery effects, but do not involve heat or combus-tion of any sort. Thus there is no actual fire involved.

    For other characters the “fire” is merely of a differentsort. Most often this is magical, particularly the “hellfire”

    of demonic or infernal characters or mystic fires like the“Flames of the Phoros” invoked by sorcerers (an array ofmystical flame effects). Essentially, another descriptor (in-fernal, magic, etc.) is added on top of the fire descriptor.

    As with all descriptors in M UTANTS & M ASTERMINDS , the Game-master is the arbiter of how these types of fire descriptorsshould interact. While water certainly won’t douse theburning pain inflicted by Mindfire’s torturous telepathy, itmay or may not have some effect on the mystic Flames ofthe Phoros, depending on spell and its context.

    FIRE FEATURESSome potential Feature effects associated with FirePowers include the following:

    • Creating a tiny flame, like a match, useful for lightingother fires.

    • Precisely spot-welding metals (also a potential use ofPrecise Fire Damage, at the GM’s discretion).

    • Displays of fireworks or similar pyrotechnics; prettyand possibly attention-getting, but having no othergame effects.

    • Heating up or cooking food from the inside out likea microwave oven (as opposed to simply charringit from the outside like a cook-fire, which any fireDamage effect may do).

    • Harmless flames that flicker within the depths of thecharacter’s eyes or around their person, providing a+2 circumstance bonus to Presence-based checks.

    • Anything you are wearing or carrying is immune tothe flames you generate and won’t be burned bythem. This is often an assumed feature of fire powers

    in many settings, not costing any points.GETTING BURNED

    In the real world, fire is a potentially lethal and difficult tocontrol weapon. Hitting someone with a blast of fire—such as from a flamethrower—should ignite their clothesand hair and possibly leave them with severe burns.

    In the comic books, flame-controlling super-villains regu-larly blast foes with searing temperatures with no effectbeyond leaving them unconscious and steaming from

    the excess heat. The defaultM UTANTS & M ASTERMINDS

    rulesassume fire damage, like all other Damage, is non-lethalunless the attacker specifically chooses to go for the kill(Hero’s Handbook, page 206). So flame-wielding heroescan use their powers freely in combat without too muchconcern unless the GM invokes some fire-related compli-cation (see Descriptors ).

    More realistic settings should take the approach that firedamage is always potentially lethal, and simply using a fireattack counts as going for the kill in combat. Gamemas-ters may wish to impose complications for fire damage inthe form of lasting injuries due to painful burns ( LastingInjuries, Hero’s Handbook, page 199). This makes fire amore problematic weapon for heroes but a perfectly ac-ceptable one for villains, particularly those who care littleabout leaving their foes alive.

    OFFENSIVE POWERSMany fire powers are offensive in nature, using the searingheat and the other effects of flames (choking smoke,blinding light, etc.) against a foe.


    You hurl a fist-sized ball or a streamer of fire that explodes

    on contact with a target, blossoming out into a broad fire-ball engulfing multiple targets.

    Fireball: Ranged Burst Area Fire Damage • 30-foot radius, Dodgeresistance check (DC 10 + rank) for half effect • 3 points per rank(+ 1 point per rank per +1 distance rank to area).


    Searingly bright fire flashes between your hands, like an arc-welder, potentially blinding foes looking in your direction.

    Fireflash: Perception Area Cumulative Affliction (VisuallyImpaired, Visually Disabled, Visually Unaware), Limited toOne Sense • Resisted by Dodge (DC 10 + rank), Overcomeby Fortitude (DC 10 + rank) • 3 points per rank.


    You breathe (or simply project from your hands or else-where) a cone-shaped gout of fire, like a dragon’s breath.

    Firey Breath: Cone Area Fire Damage • 60-foot length andwidth, Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + rank) for half effect

    • 2 points per rank + 1 point per rank per +1 distance rank tolength and width (60 feet, 120 feet, etc.).


    You engulf targets a cloud of flames, which burns for a fewmoments before going out in a flash.

    Firey Cloud: Ranged Cloud Area Fire Damage •15-foot radius,Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + rank) for half effect • 3 points per rank (+ 1 point per rank per +1 distance rank to area).

    FIRE BLASTYou strike a target with a blast, stream, or small ball of fire,causing damage.

    Fire Blast: Ranged Fire Damage • 2 points per rank.


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    You surround your body in an aura of flames, damaginganything touching you. Since the damage is a reaction tobeing touched, no attack check is required.

    Flame Aura: Reaction Fire Damage (When Touched) • 4 points per rank.


    You emit a stream of fire that burns everything along itspath.

    Flamethrower: Line Area Fire Damage • 5 feet wide, 30 feetlong, Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + rank) for half effect • 2 points per rank (+ 1 point per rank per +1 distance rank tolength).

    HEATSTROKERather than attacking with fire, you elevate the target’sbody temperature, causing eventual heatstroke.

    Heatstroke: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction(Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) • Resisted by Fortitude(DC 10 + rank), Overcome by Fortitude (DC + 10 rank)• 4 points per rank.


    You wreathe a target in flames, which continue burning aslong as you concentrate on maintaining them.

    Immolate: Perception Ranged Fire Damage, ConcentrationDuration • 4 points per rank.


    You generate heat intense enough to soften and meltmaterials from ice to plastic, stone, or even metal. Seethe Material Toughness table on page 105 of the Hero’sHandbook for guidelines on the ranks needed to com-pletely melt various materials.

    Melt: Ranged Weaken Toughness, Affects Only Objects • Toughness ranks lost due to the effect are not recoveredand must be repaired • 2 points per rank.


    You emit a massive fiery explosion in all directions aroundyou, covering a wide area, but tiring you from the effort.

    Nova Burst: Burst Area Fire Damage, Area 3, Feature 1(Extraordinary Effort for +2 effect rank), Tiring • 120-footradius, Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + rank) for halfeffect • 1 point + 3 points per rank (+ 1 point per rank per +1distance rank to area).


    Thick smoke fills the air, making it difficult for anyone inthe area to see.

    Smoke Cloud: Ranged Cloud Area Visual Concealment Attack• 15-foot radius • 8 points (+4 points per +1 distance rank toradius).


    You burn up all of the oxygen around a target, causingthem to suffocate. If you burn up all of the oxygen in anarea or create a cloud of choking smoke, apply the Areamodifier to the power, typically Burst or Cloud.

    Suffocation: Ranged Progressive Affliction (Dazed, Stunned,Incapacitated) • Resisted by Fortitude (DC 10 + rank),overcome by Fortitude • 4 points per rank.

    DEFENSIVE POWERSFire powers can provide various defenses, from resistanceto heat and flames to protection from physical attacks.


    You transform into a being of living flame. Your fire formis largely immune to physical harm but still affected byenergy. Although it looks like ordinary fire, it is harmless

    to touch unless you also add the flame aura power (pre-viously). Your fire form may grant other powers as well,such as immunity to cold or heat, or rocket flight (fol-lowing).

    Fire Form: Insubstantial 3 (Energy Form) • 15 points.


    Your body emits heat and flames powerful enough todeflect or burn up some attacks before they can reachyou. If you do not also have a flame aura (previously)assume unarmed attackers tend to flinch or “pull” theirattacks because of the terrific heat, but are not them-selves damaged by it. If you do have flame aura, thenunarmed attackers actually flinch because they are being damaged! Your fire shield also protects againstthings like cold or other fire attacks but not energy likeelectricity or pure kinetic force (without some flammableweapon inflicting it).

    Fire Shield: Protection, Impervious, Limited to FlammableWeapons, Sustained • 1 point per rank.


    You absorb the energy of heat and fire attacks to fuel yourown powers. You can enhance a chosen trait up to thenumber of points you have invested in Enhanced Trait,or the attack’s rank, whichever is less, with a maximum ofyour Enhanced Trait points. The enhancement occurs au-


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    tomatically as a reaction, then fades by 1 power point perturn until it is gone.

    Heat Absorbtion: Enhanced Trait (Fades, Reaction: WhenAbsorbing Heat), Immunity 10 (Heat Effects) • 10 points + points in Enhanced Trait.


    Your internal heat renders you immune to cold.

    Immunity to Cold: Immunity 1 (Environmental Cold),Immunity 5 (Cold Damage), or Immunity 10 (Cold Effects) •1, 5, or 10 points.


    Your control over fire protects you from external heat orflames.

    Immunity to Heat: Immunity 1 (Environmental Heat),Immunity 5 (Heat Damage), or Immunity 10 (Heat Effects) •1, 5, or 10 points.

    MOVEMENT POWERSFire powers can provide propulsion or clear the way forvarious forms of movement.


    You have the power to “leap” from one flame to anotherwithout having to cross the space between them. Youvanish into one fire and emerge from another some dis-tance away.

    Fireport: Teleport, Extended, Medium: Flames • 2 points per rank.


    By projecting a stream of fire out behind you, you can flyas if propelled by a rocket blast.

    Rocket Flight: Flight • 2 points per rank.


    You melt and burn your way through obstacles, boring atunnel even through solid rock. Such tunnels are usuallyfused glassy-smooth and relatively permanent, but youstill have the option of moderating your flames to createan unstable tunnel that will collapse behind you.

    Tunneling: Burrowing • 1 point per rank.

    UTILITY POWERSControl over fire can provide a range for other usefuleffects, from creating shapes or objects out of flame tosummoning creatures of “living fire”.


    You can summon or create semi-independent creaturesformed out of “living fire” that obey your commands. Thecreatures you summon are not truly alive, merely animat-ed mass of fiery energy. They can look like virtually any-thing, from humanoids (often with a demonic cast) to a

    fiery phoenix or dragon. You can apply the various modi-fiers for the Summon effect to get additional fire creaturesor to make them more active or capable (removing theminion type from the template).

    Fire Creatures: Summon Fire Creature 8 • 120-point minion(see following template) • 16 points.


    STR 2 STA — AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT — AWE — PRE —

    Powers : Flame Aura (Reaction Fire Damage 8, When Touched),

    Fire Form (Insubstantial 3, Protection 8, Permanent, Innate),Unliving (Immunity 30: Fortitude Effects), Walk on Air (Flight 1)

    Skills: Close Combat: Unarmed 8 (+8)

    Offense: Initiative +0, Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 2, plus FireDamage 8)

    Defense: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 8,Will 8

    Totals Abilities 4 + Powers 88 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Defenses 24 = 120


    You can create a point of incandescence bright enough toshed light over a wide area.

    Firelight: Environment (Light) • 1 point per rank.


    You shape masses of fire into different distinct forms,from walls and rings to flaming cages. Since the Damageeffect is Selective, you can choose whether a target is af-fected by the shape’s fire or not (left in an open spaceinside a ring or cage of fire, for example). The shapelasts for as long as you concentrate. When you stop, itdissipates. If you are limited to shaping existing flamesrather than generating them as you shape them, applythe Limited modifier.

    Fire Shaping: Ranged Shapeable Area Fire Damage,Concentration Duration, Selective • 30 cubic feet(volume rank 5), Dodge resistance check (DC 10 + rank)for half effect • 5 points per rank (+1 point per rank per +1volume rank).


    You can literally see patterns of heat and gradations intemperature around you.

    Infravision: Senses 1 (Infravision) • 1 point.


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    You can mentally control and direct flames, moving themor containing them as you wish. You can affect fire witha Damage rank up to your effect rank in an area equalto your effect’s maximum area. Flames move at a speedrank of your effect rank minus their damage rank, with a

    minimum of 0 (30 feet per round). Flames with no availablesurface to burn on the end of the round they are movedgo out, so you can move the flames off of an objects intothe air and have them dissipate.

    Pyrokinesis: Perception Range Shapeable Area Fire Damage,Limited to Existing Fire • 30 cubic feet (volume rank 5) • 3 points per rank (+1 point per rank for +1 volume rank).


    You warm the air around you without flames, creating a

    comforting heat that drives away cold or makes an alreadytemperate or warm area intensely hot.

    Warm: Environment (Heat) • 1 point per rank, 2 points per rankfor extreme heat

    FIRE COMPLICATIONSFire can be a fickle ally, and flame-wielding characters mayhave various complications stemming from or related totheir powers.


    An accident-prone flame-wielder is a disaster waiting tohappen. If you have this complication, then you are morelikely to accidentally set fires that get out of control or dothings like touch off fuel tanks or other dangerous, flam-mable materials by accident. You spend a fair amount oftime containing and cleaning up the consequences ofyour powers.


    The most common addiction for fire controllers is pyro-mania: you love setting fires, and have a difficult time re-sisting the urge to do so, even when it wouldn’t be a goodidea. The GM awards you a hero point whenever you givein to temptation and have to deal with the consequenc-es, or when you roleplay struggling with your addiction,rather than focusing on other matters.

    A fire-controller might also be addicted to some sub-stance that grants or helps to control the character’spowers in some way; without it, your powers go out ofcontrol or your behavior becomes erratic.


    A fire-user may have certain fears revolving around fire andthings that oppose it. For example, you might fear water,

    extreme cold, or smothering, all things that douse flames.Conversely, you might be afraid of fire in some ways, atleast afraid of losing control over it and accidentally doingharm. When your phobia causes you to hesitate or other-wise creates difficulties, you gain a hero point.


    Assuming the fire you wield is at least somewhat like or-dinary flame (see The Fires of... for discussion of this) anumber of things can potentially douse or snuff it out.Most often this is handled using the guidelines for coun-tering effects ( M&MH ERO ’ S H ANDBOOK , page 95) but somefire-using characters suffer power loss when, for example,doused with water or wrapped in flame-retardant material.Until the condition causing the power loss is removed, youcannot use any affected powers, but you gain a hero pointfrom the complication.

    REPUTATIONGiven the other complications described here, it’s not diffi-cult for a fire-user to develop a bad reputation. People arenaturally cautious about getting burned, and may tend toshy away from you, especially if you’re known to have powersthat are dangerous or uncontrollable. When your reputationmakes things difficult for you, you gain a hero point.


    A fiery temper often accompanies fire powers, makingyou a true “hot head”! You’re liable to go off without think-ing things through and just using your powers to blastthrough anything that tries to get in your way. When youlose control of your temper or a friend or teammate has to“cool you down” to avoid it—taking time away from otherthings—you gain a hero point for the complication.


    As mentioned under Power Loss , fiery types may bevulnerable to or weakened by effects which smother ordouse flames. This weakness typically takes one of twoforms: more severe effects from certain descriptors orconditions imposed by certain situations.

    In the first case, you suffer at least an additional degreefrom effects with an appropriate descriptor, such as coldor water, for example. The more common the descriptors,the more often your complication comes into play (andthe more hero points you potentially earn). This meanseven if you succeed on a resistance check against yourweakness, you still suffer at least one degree of failure.

    In other cases, you acquire a problematic condition incertain situations. For example, a cold environment mighthinder or impair you, or a dousing with water might dazeor fatigue you. When you are removed from the situation,you recover from the condition it imposes. See the condi-tions listed on pages 17–19 of the M&M Hero’s Handbook for some inspiration. In either case, when you run afoul ofyour weakness in a scene, you gain a hero point.


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    Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of theCoast, Inc.

    System Reference Document , Copyright 2000, Wizards ofthe Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,Skip Williams, based on original material by E. GaryGygax and Dave Arneson.

    Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,

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    Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green RoninPublishing; Author Steve Kenson.

    Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green RoninPublishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.

    Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardiansof Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.

    Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook, Copyright 2010, GreenRonin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook, Copyright2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Fire Powers,Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; AuthorSteve Kenson.


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