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Research Into Existing Music Videos- TIGHTROPE by JANELLE MONAE

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Tightrope by Janelle Monae, Directed by Wendy Morgan

The genre is Funk/Soul

The video concept is how in life you should keep your balance and not get too high or low about things. Janelle relates to the song because she has covered a journey to get where she is on her road to success.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

“Tip on the tightrope”- Janelle and the dancers pretend to be walking on a tightrope.

“High Or Low”- The actions made my Janelle and the dancers relate to being high or low.

“You cant get too high”- Janelle is on a table dancing relating to the fact that she is higher than the dancers below in relation to the lyrics.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The video does cut to the beat of the music but there are a few off beat cuts which adds to the quirkiness of the video.

Solo instrumental parts are shown as there is a band so bits in the music show them playing the instruments, such as the trombone and drums.

The video keeps a high energy level throughout however visuals do change when there is a dance break.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

As Janelle Monae is a new artist on the scene, the record company will be wanting to sell her image. She is quirky and fun and her songs are upbeat and funky so the video is quite a statement and as she can relate to it as well makes it even better.

In the video she wears a manly suit and has big quiffed hair. She is not representing herself as a typical female and shows she has edge.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

The artist is not on any kind of sexual display in the video.

Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is performance based.

Research Into Existing Music Videos- A PUNK by VAMPIRE WEEKEND

Page 2: Music Video Research

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A Punk by Vampire Weekend, directed by Garth Jennings.

The genre is indie/rock and characteristics include of the way they are dressed, the style of the video and that they are a band.

The idea of the music video was to show the band performing as sped up stop motion figures, including a winter and underwater scene.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

The lyrics dont really relate to the video because it is just the band performing rather than a video made to a narrative.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The video cuts really well to the bat and you can still see the artists mouth singing the correct lyrics even though it has been sped up. It is a really colourful and clever video and promotes the band image.

Solo intrumental parts are illustarted as they come more formward towards the camera.

The video keeps an upbeat pace as it is an upbeat song,

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

The video is original and different.

The image of the band is cool and chilled as they are all wearing different coloured shirts.

A motif in which I thought of was looking at the childrens programme I used to watch called “The Wiggles”. It is quite quirky and different and they all wear coloured jumpers. This was something I noticed and a similarity in the two videos. It is almnost like “The Wiggles made cool”.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

There is no sexual display whatsoever.

Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is performance based.

Research Into Existing Music Videos- NO LIES by JASON REEVES FEAT. COLBIE CAILLAT

Page 3: Music Video Research

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No Lies by Jason Reeves ft. Colbie Caillat, directed by Nathanael Matanick

American Singer/ Songwriter and Musician, and genre characteristics within the video include of the mellow voices and heartfelt lyrics along with the California Coast setting in the video.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

“You Keep your feelings safe like letters”- relation to lyrics as Colbie writes her thoughts on a letter.

“Secrets you are dying to say”- The visuals show Colbie looking thoughtful.

“Dont Make Me Wait”- The visuals is a split screen and they are both doing the same action even though they are far apart.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The video cuts to the beat throughout. Although the song is soft and mellow there is a drum beat in which transitions and cuts are cut to fit this beat which works effectively.

During the instrumental the cuts become less frequent as they are both walking to meet eachother with their letters.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

The record company is looking to sell this track by putting two artists together. As the two artists are both well known, they are more likely to promote the song to a wider audience as fans of both artists will see their combined track.

The focus is on the main artist. There are mostly close ups and extreme close ups used to show emotion and also him and the lyrics. There are also close ups on Colbie as she is the other focus in the video. The video has a simplicity about it and charm, as it is about a romance and they both play the characters well. The use of close ups means that the audience can really relate the lyrics to the emotion portrayed. Both Jason and Colbie are dressed casual and are both very natural in the way they look and sing.

Jason Reeves and Colbie Caillat are both real musicians and so the simplicity of the video relates to their own style as they are both natural and have simple videos to promote their mellow songs.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

Unlike many videos in this time, there is no sexual reference. The artists are both covered up and there is no interaction between them. It is a simple romance and in no way shows off the artists.

The camera work does not show any sexual display. It only shows a story of two lovers.

Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is purely narrative based. It is a narrative of a love story and a sweet romance blossominh through letters being written to eachother. The settings are also beautiful.

Page 4: Music Video Research

Research Into Existing Music Videos- LOVE ON TOP by BEYONCE

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Love On Top by Beyonce, Directed by Andria Petty (2011 Sony Entertainment)

The genre is up tempo R&B in a similar kind of style to The Jackson 5 and Stevie Wonder. There are 4 key changes and the song requires a wide range in vocal ability such as Beyonce's powerful voice.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

“Bring The Beat In”- Beyonce waves her arm in the air and the beat of the song begins.

“I can feel the sun whenever youre near”- Her arms reach up above and she looks up which reates to the lyrics of the sun above her.

“Everytime you touch me”- Beyonce touches her chest.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The video cuts really well to the beat because as there is dance throughout, it is important that the beat matches the dance. This works really wel throughout.

As there are 4 key changes, there are also new settings and costumes as the keys change and so the beat of the music fits perfectly to when they change each time.

The video keeps the same pace throughout exept the energy gets bigger and bigger as the key changes get higher.

For example, the transition into the first key change is right on the beat as her simple black outfit and studio is exchanged for a darker studio with bright lights and Beyonce is now wearing a smart low cut jacket and gold trousers. It is also dark outside.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

The record company is looking to sell this track as Beyonce is already hugely popular with her R&B Soul songs, they have brought something new to the market with a fun video.

The image of Beyonce is showing her as a real woman with curves and personality. She looks like she is having fun throughout the whole video and the way she moves to the beat makes the audience want to join in. She smiles the whole way through.

This video relates to previous videos such as “Single Ladies (Put a ring on it)” because that was another upbeat song which had a complicated dance routine. She also worse a similar black leotard outfit.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

Beyonce isnt being shown sexually, however, the song is about love and she does wear leotards and revealing clothing and as she is an attractive woman so there is obviously a sense of this.

The only thing that could show Beyonce sexually would be her costumes as they are either low cut or quite revealing.

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Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is performance based as it is set in a studio and it is all dance.

Research Into Existing Music Videos- PARADISE by COLDPLAY

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Paradise by coldplay, directed by Hype Williams.

The genre is alternative rock.

The concept of the video is about an elephant in London Zoo escaping and making its journey back to Africa.. or “Paradise”.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

“So she ran away in her sleep”- The elephant has run away and is on the tube.

“Para, Para, Paradise”- The elephant holds up cards with the lyrics on.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The music does cut to the beat.

The video is quite fast faced, as it is telling a story.

In the wild, slow motion is used with the visuals to show happiness and sense of time during “para, para, paradise” chorus.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

Close ups are used however it is more about settings in the video as the band Coldplay are popular already, the video is making a statement instread of promoting the artist.

The video is very different to videos they have done before.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

There is no sexual display.

Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is completely narrative based apart from at the end there are previews of performances.

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Research Into Existing Music Videos- SHUFFLE by BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB

Insitutional/reference information

Shuffle by Bombay Bicycle Club, directed by Era Trieman.

The genre is alternative/rock.

The idea of the music video is promoting the artists and their lives. It was their first single so it shows them performing as well as them being filmed using their own cameras. You feel close to what theyre like and the lives they lead.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

“I will not go”- they pretend to be cycling (against the rule supposedly)

“Once you get the feel of it”- they are dancing (including Lucy Rose) showing they feel the music.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?

The music cuts really well to the beat as it is a song you would want to dance to.

Solo intrumentals are highlighted as it shows them performings so the singers and dummer are shown frequently.

The video does change pace as by the end of the song they are drinking more and in a bar dancing along,

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?

The record company is selling the band by showing them as individuals and their personalitys.

They are shown to be fun and quirky and moving well to the music.

Often, a new artist will make a video like this to promote themselves as people and the artist they want to be.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?

There is no sexual display.

Is the music video perfomance-based, narrative-based or concept-based

The video is mainly performance but is also self filmed.