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Musculo-Skeletal System

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R043 – The body’s response to physical activity

Learning Outcomes u LO1 - Know the key components of the musculo-skeletal and

cardio-respiratory systems, their functions and roles u LO2 - Understand the importance of the musculo-skeletal and

cardio-respiratory systems in health and fitnessu LO3 - Be able to assess the short-term effects of physical

activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems

u LO4 - Be able to assess the long-term effects of physical activity on the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems

Aspire – To be able to highlight where bones and muscles are within the bodyChallenge – To discover the Musculo-skeletal system

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You have applied for an assistant personal trainer position in a sports centre.

As part of the interview process you have been asked to prepare a document that demonstrates your ability to recognise and identify key components of the musculo-skeletal and cardio-respiratory systems. You also need to describe the roles they play in movement and physical activity and include both short-term and long-term effects.

The body’s response to physical activity

Aspire – To be able to highlight where bones and muscles are within the bodyChallenge – To discover the Musculo-skeletal system

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The skeleton is a framework for the body and provides many other functions. There are 206 bones in the body.

How many bone names do you know already?

Musculo-skeletal system

Aspire – To be able to highlight where bones and muscles are within the bodyChallenge – To discover the Musculo-skeletal system

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Head/Neck joint

Musculo-skeletal system

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Shoulder joint


Musculo-skeletal system

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Chest region


Musculo-skeletal system

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Elbow region


Musculo-skeletal system

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Wrist region


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Pelvic Girdle

Hip joint

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Knee joint



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Foot Hand


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Challenge – In your group of 4 use number 4 as the skeleton while the other 3 people in your group use sticky labels to

point to where the bones are number 3 will go first followed by number 2 and then number 1 will go last.

Winning team Is the team with the most correct bones.

Red – Be the skeletonAmber – label at least 2 bonesGreen – label at least 3 bonesBlue – label at least 4 bones

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Recall activity Name 4 different bones in the body?

Where are they located in the body?

Name 8 different bones in the body?

Where are they located in the body?

** can you remember ALL the bones? **

Hotspot challenge to see who has remembered the most and placed them in the correct position on the skeleton.

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Muscles are used in everyday life all the time. Sportspeople are reliant on the power of skeletal muscles to compete.

How many muscle names can you recall?

Watch me

Musculo-skeletal system

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Anterior Deltoid


Rectus Abdominals

Biceps Brachii

Biceps FemorisRectus Femoris


Teres Major


Adductor Longus


Gluteus Maximus




Gluteus Medius

Posterior Deltoid

Triceps Brachii

Wrist Flexors

Wrist Extensors

External Obliques

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Challenge – In your group of 4 use number 4 as the muscle Man or Woman while the other 3 people in your group use

sticky labels to point to where the bones are number 3 will go first followed by number 2 and then number 1 will go last.

Winning team Is the team with the most correct muscles in the correct position.

Red – Be the skeletonAmber – label at least 2 bonesGreen – label at least 3 bonesBlue – label at least 4 bones

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Recall activity Name 4 different muscles in the body?

Where are they located in the body?

Name 8 different muscles in the body?

Where are they located in the body?

** can you remember ALL the muscles? **

Hotspot challenge to see who has remembered the most and placed them in the correct position on the musculo skeletal diagram .

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Definition: ‘A joint is a place where two or more bones meet’ This is known as articulation.

The skeleton is a framework connected by joints.

Joints are necessary for muscles to lever bones and create movement.

Synovial Joints

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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There are 3 types of joints in the body according to the amount of movement possible:

1. Fixed joint (fibrous or immovable joint): These joints do not move. i.e. the plates in the cranium.

2. Slightly moveable joint (cartilaginous joint): These allow slight movement and are often surrounded by cartilage. i.e. vertebrae.

3. Synovial joint (freely moveable joint): These joints are the most moveable and are vital to sporting actions. i.e. the knee joint

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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1. Ball and socket joints allow movement in all directions and is the most mobile joint in the body.

Example: Shoulders and hips used in a tennis serve.

Give a sporting example of when this type of joint would be used in sport (do not use the one that is already give to you)(TEAM DISCUSSION)

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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2. Hinge joints - only allow forwards and backwards movement like the hinge on a door.

Why are these joints important for sport?

These joint are extremely powerful and in conjunction with surrounding muscles can produce power and speed i.e. Knee drive during a 100m sprint

Where can these be found in the body?

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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3. Pivot joints have a ring of bone that fits over a bone sticking out. Pivot joints allow rotation only.

Examples found in the body: The joint between the atlas and axis in the neck which allows turning and nodding of head

Why are these joints important for sport?

This joint allows for small movements that assist a larger sporting action i.e. breathing during a swimming stroke

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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4. Condyloid joints have an oval-shaped bone end which fits into a similar shape. They allow small movement in all directions.

Why are these joints important for sport?

These joint are extremely useful when a sport involves gripping a ball.i.e. handball throw

Examples found in the body: Found between the carpals and metacarpals in the wrist joint.

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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5. Gliding joints occur between the surfaces of two flat bones that are held together by ligaments.

Why are these joints important for sport?

These joints are used to allow flexibility and movement in the hands, feet and back regions. i.e. a kicking or catching action or a boxing slip

Examples found in the body: The bones in your wrists and ankles as well as the spine.

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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6. Saddle joints are similar to condyloid joints but the surfaces are concave and convex.

Why are these joints important for sport?

These joints are used to grip a sporting implement. i.e. gripping a badminton racket.

Examples found in the body: The bones at the base of the thumb.

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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Task • Now that you have all the information that you need please

complete the work sheet. You should give sporting examples and explain what movement is made at each joint.

• Red = 1 Sporting example and the movement

• Amber = 2 sporting examples and the movement

• Green = 2 different sporting examples and explain why that joint is needed in that sport and the movement

• Blue = 3 different sporting examples in detail explain why that joint is needed any why it wouldn’t work without and explain what movement is made by that joint

Aspire – to link how joints are used within different sporting actionsChallenge – discover the different types of joints and where they are located in the body

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