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Murmur15.Getting started with Murmur 15–Guide to gaining intelligence about employee engagement.

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What is the Murmur 15 Engagement Survey?

The Murmur 15 is a brief Employee Engagement Survey based on our LEAD model of Engagement. If you haven't already you can check out our series of blog posts on the Murmur 15.

Put simply we have taken 15 great questions from our Murmur_dB (Murmur DataBase) to measure Engagement and four main factors we know impact Employee Engagement:

• Leadership (L)• Enablement (E)• Alignment (A)• Development (D)

The Murmur 15 will help you see how engaged your workforce is, where your cultural strengths and opportunities lie and what is driving engagement in your organization. You can watch this short video showing the survey and dashboard reporting you'll have access to.

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Inviting people to your engagement survey:

You will receive an email (Murmur 15 Engagement Survey: Invite) that you can copy/paste from or forward to anyone you'd like to invite to take your survey.

Note: This email will come 1 day after you have created your Murmur 15 account.

We have found that this type of email helps participation rates and also provides the right type of information for participants and ensures them that Murmur is a third party application that ensures their confidentiality.

We suggest you edit the email as little as possible if at all and that you send out an internal email prior to this telling all your invitees why you're doing the survey, what you're trying to achieve and how you will communicate the results.

If you'd like to see an example of what to include for your own pre-communications you can use the following template as a starting point: Murmur 15 Pre-Communications Example

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Signing in to your Murmur Account:

Remember, you just use your email and your password each time, and if you ever forget your password you can always use the 'forgot your password' facility.

You will receive you your log in details via email and after that you will be taken to your Murmur dashboard. You can return to sign in at any time via our website: Just use the Sign In button at top right.

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The first time you sign in:

Once you've signed in you'll be taken to your results dashboard. You can hover over things to get more information and we'll take you through some of the important features here as well.

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Tracking number of responses:

If you know how many emails you have sent out you will have some idea of your response rate though. At the top of your dashboard you can see the total number of people who have submitted a survey since the day your account was opened.

Because we are using an anonymous survey we will only know how many people have responded rather than a response rate.

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Understanding the results:

Murmur uses a five point agreement scale. We provide employees with statements that represent an ideal state (e.g. I would recommend this company as a great place to work) and they use the Murmur HeatBar to indicate their level of agreement.

We simply calculate the percentage of responses that were either 'Agree' or 'Strongly Agree'.

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Understanding the results:

This provides a simple and interpretable 'favorable' or 'agreement' score for people–it tells us how many responses indicate we've made it to where we want to be on any question or factor. For factors we calculate this as the average across all the questions in the factor.

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Digging deeper into the results:

Each factor overview screen shows you the overall favorable score (54% in this case) as well as the percentage of neutral (Neither Agree or Disagree) and unfavorable (Disagree and Strongly Disagree) responses. The trend charts show your results over time if you have been surveying people for a while.

There are a lot of ways you can explore your results in Murmur. The easiest way is to click on the 'More' button or on the factor scores themselves. This will take you to a factor specific page with a lot more detail. Lets try Leadership for example:

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Digging deeper into the results:

You will also be able to quickly see how all of the groups (with five or more respondents) are going. Instead of using bar charts of tables we use an infographic spread chart to quickly show all the highs and lows.

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Filtering your results:

You can filter your entire results dashboard to focus on results for just one group by changing the filter at the top at any stage.

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Getting to the Engagement Drivers:

If you have 30 or more people who have responded Murmur will calculate how strongly each of the LEAD questions drive Engagement. The dashboard will show the top 5 drivers by default with the questions ranked from 1-5.

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Getting to the Engagement Drivers:

This is based on a statistical analysis with your results that assesses how strongly responses to each question match how engaged people are. The stronger the relationship the more likely this is something that is important for engaging your employees. These are the things to focus on.

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Getting to the Engagement Drivers:

Note: the score on the left is the % favorable score which is different from driver strength. You can have a low score on something but it does not necessarily mean it is important to your employees in terms of engagement. Lower scoring drivers represent great opportunities for improvement while higher scoring drivers represent things to celebrate and maintain.

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Exporting your results:

You can export your results to a variety of formats at any time for sharing or putting together your own reports. Just click the Export button for your options.

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What’s is included in the full Murmur subscription?

We hope you find the Murmur 15 survey valuable. You can resurvey your staff by sending out the same link again.

A full Murmur subscription will give you a range of additional features:

• Expert support. Get support and guidance from one of our fully trained data scientists whenever you need. 

• Access to all Murmur surveys: Murmur 25, Murmur 50, Manager Effectiveness, OnBoard, Exit and industry benchmarks.

• Customized surveys and communications for your organization.• Employee database management: pre-populated demographics, user

administration features, automated emails and reminders.• Unlimited user accounts to share survey results with anyone in your

organization plus, manager reporting access and tools.• Advanced reporting features to compare demographic and custom groups.• Continuous pulse survey functionality.

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