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Page 1: Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women

Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women... by Leona Peterson

How to begin explaining what has come to mind regarding this sensitive subject.How do I put into words what I feel is the biggest reason for Aboriginal Women to be a target at any time in the last few hundred years.

Lets begin by starting with what roles Aboriginal women had in life before colonization. They were not mere home makers, child rearing fire minding individuals.Women's roles were entrenched in the culture.Women were the leaders in politics.Women were traditionally used as the thinkers.Women were seen as life, as they created life.In these roles women led lives with a say in their societies.The whole culture was based on reverence for life.Reverence for the cycles required for life's renewal.Reverence for the food used to continue on with life.This reverence is a complete reversal of colonial countries.Great Britain may have a Monarchy but its whole system is wrapped up in male dominance.Is it no wonder that Aboriginal Women have been a target??It appears to confuse many people with more education than me.How is it that I see how aboriginal women were targeted as another way to weaken the people that stood in the way for a great country to be created?Think of how the British went across this land making deals and as they went further west Aboriginal Women were specifically left out of the negotiations.Think of how this one request devalued a process that had enabled a vast spread of people to thrive for thousands of years.THOUSANDS of years in a culture where every day was cherished, revered and appreciated.I read a joke once and it didn't make me laugh or mad. It made sense if you believe.The joke alluded to the aboriginals when speaking to god and god told the aboriginals to leave the earth as it is, do not make a mess.

I have spoken of my ancestors footprint on the Tsimshian lands.For thousands of years and the only way to know the Tsimshian were here are the petroglyphs and impressions of where longhouses were placed.This way of life was shamed and portrayed as less than civilized.

Page 2: Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women

To get rid of this problem, the settlers felt, was in the way of progress, certain protocols were put in place, and the rest is not HERstory but HIStory.

To blame our own men as the only culprits is a disgrace to all the efforts made to get rid of the INDIAN problem of Canada.

Our men, just like the rest of the men of the world, fell victim to propaganda to enrich a few lives with power and position.Colonial Democracy is only democracy for male dominance.