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Page 1: Multimedija in FE ANGLEŠČINA - Š filekazalo 1 numbers, dates, prepositions.....5

Multimedija in FE


Mag. Marina Štros Bračko

Page 2: Multimedija in FE ANGLEŠČINA - Š filekazalo 1 numbers, dates, prepositions.....5

Ljubljana, marec 2010


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1 NUMBERS, DATES, PREPOSITIONS..........................................................................................................5

1.1 DATES – DATUMI...........................................................................................................................................5 EXERCISE 11...................................................................................................................................................6

1.2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION – WHAT CHIP AND PIN MEANS FOR YOU...........................................61.3 NUMBERS EXERCISES.................................................................................................................................71.4 TIME EXPRESSIONS..............................................................................................................................................81.5 PREPOSITIONS – PREPOZICIJE....................................................................................................................8

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME:..............................................................................................................................8 PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE:...........................................................................................................................9 SOME COMMON VERBS + PREPOSITIONS:.................................................................................................9

2 WORK.............................................................................................................................................................10

2.1 YOUR JOB ...............................................................................................................................................10 WHAT PERSONAL QUALITIES DO CANDIDATES FOR A JOB NEED?.....................................................12 REPLACE THE UNDERLINED WORDS WITH ONE WORD........................................................................12 FIND A WORD FROM THE LIST...................................................................................................................12 CHOOSE PHRASES THAT YOU THINK ARE RELEVANT FOR PEOPLE DOING DIFFERENT JOBS. . . .13 MATCH THE DEPARTMENTS ON THE LEFT WITH THE CORRECT DEFINITIONS ON THE RIGHT.. . .13

2.2 EMPLOYMENT...............................................................................................................................................142.3 WORK TERMS...............................................................................................................................................142.4 PAY..................................................................................................................................................................14

3 MEETINGS.....................................................................................................................................................14

3.1 LANGUAGE SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................15 EXERCISE 1....................................................................................................................................................16 Arranging a meeting........................................................................................................................................16

4 TELEPHONING.............................................................................................................................................18

4.1 EXERCISE 1.....................................................................................................................................................184.2 DRILL ......................................................................................................................................................194.3 TRANSLATION ..........................................................................................................................................214.4 NOW USE THESE PHRASAL VERBS TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES..............................................234.5 TELEPHONING SCENARIOS........................................................................................................................234.6 TELEPHONE CONVERSATION....................................................................................................................244.7 TELEPHONING LANGUAGE........................................................................................................................25

5 CORRESPONDENCE....................................................................................................................................26

5.1 PISMA IN ELEKTRONSKA POŠTA: SPLOŠNA PRAVILA..........................................................................................265.2 NASLAVLJANJE..................................................................................................................................................27

Pogosto uporabljene fraze...............................................................................................................................285.3 NAJBOLJ POGOSTE NAPAKE PRI SLOVENCIH.....................................................................................................295.4 ZELO POGOSTI STAVKI V SLOVENSKO – ANGLEŠKI KORESPONDENCI................................................................305.5 PRIPOROČILA (REFERENCES)....................................................................................................................32

PRIMER PRIPOROČILA V SLOVENŠČINI....................................................................................................32 PRIMER PRIPOROČILA, KI GA LAHKO NAPIŠE ČLAN VAŠE ŠTUDENTSKE ORGANIZACIJE..............33 PRIMER PRIPOROČILA, KI GA NAPIŠE ASISTENT....................................................................................33 Questions.........................................................................................................................................................36

6 EUROPASS ŽIVLJENJEPIS.......................................................................................................................36

6.1 EUROPASS JEZIKOVNA IZKAZNICA.....................................................................................................................386.2 EVROPSKE STOPNJE – SAMOOCENJEVCALNA LESTVICA.....................................................................................406.3 PRIMER: CIRRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................................................416.4 PRIMER: COVER LETTER..............................................................................................................................426.5 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS PROFILE.......................................................................................................................436.6 R E V I S I O N................................................................................................................................................46


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6.7 MOCK EXAM 1..................................................................................................................................................50 ............................................................................................................................................................................50

7 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................................................................................................................53


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napišemo izgovorimo/preberemo1 January 1984January 1, 1984

the first of January nineteen eighty-fourJanuary the first nineteen eighty four

11 February 1988February 11, 1988

the eleventh of February nineteen eighty-eightFebruary the eleventh nineteen eighty-eight

30 March 1992March 30, 1992

the thirtieth of March nineteen ninety-twoMarch the thirtieth nineteen ninety-two

4 April 1994April 4, 1994

the fourth of April nineteen ninety-fourApril the fourth nineteen ninety-four

18 May 1996May 18, 1996

the eighteenth of May nineteen ninety-sixMay the eighteenth nineteen ninety-six

27 June 1998June 27, 1998

the twenty-seventh of June nineteen ninety-eightJune the twenty-seventh nineteen ninety-eight

5 July 2000July 5, 2000

the fifth of July two thousandJuly the fifth two thousand

13 August 2001August 13, 2001

the thirteenth of August two thousand and oneAugust the thirteenth two thousand and one

29 September 2003September 29, 2003

the twenty-ninth of September two thousand and threeSeptember the twenty-ninth two thousand and three

31 October 2005October 31, 2005

the thirty-first of October two thousand and fiveOctober the thirty-first two thousand and five

12 November 2007November 12, 2007

the twelfth of November two thousand and sevenNovember the twelfth two thousand and seven

26 December 2010December 26, 2010

the twenty-sixth of December two thousand and tenDecember the twenty-sixth two thousand and ten

Pozor: Kljub temu, da pri datumih uporabljamo vrstilne števnike, v angleščini za številko ne pišemo pike (kot je to navada v slovenščini)!

Vrstilni števniki od 21 do 99 se obvezno pišejo z vezajem! Enako velja tudi za glavne števnike. Primer: twenty-one = enaindvajset, twenty-first = enaindvajseti.

Na zapis 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,… za vrstilne števnike še lahko naletimo in je povsem pravilen. Res pa je, da je takšen zapis izginja iz rabe v moderni angleščini in ga zato ne uporabljajte.


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What’s the time?

13:00 It’s one pm.










12:00 (poldne)


We're puttung the PIN in shopPINg

You may have seen recent TV and press coverage about chip and PIN. We'd like to tell you a bit more about it.

What is chip and PIN?

Through 2004 a new chip and PIN system will be introduced across the UK as part of a world-wide initiative to reduce card fraud. The chip and PIN debit card has a 'smart' chip that holds your 4-digit Personal identification Number (PIN).

Why is chip and PIN happening?

The chip and PIN are personal to you and make counterfeiting almost impossible, keeping your transactions secure when you're out shopping. A similar scheme in France has cut card fraud by 80%.

What will chip and PIN mean for me?

When you pay for goods with your new chip and PIN card you won't sign a receipt; instead you'll be asked to enter your PIN into a keypad. These keypads will start to appear in retail outlets throughout 2004. But don't worry, you can still use your card and sign your name in shops at home and abroad where chip and PIN isn't in place yet- just as you do now.


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Put the »I« in PIN

Once you start sing your chip and PIN card you'll soon get the hang of the new technology. All you have to do is remember your PIN – just like you do now when getting cash from a cash machine.With your new card you'll still be able to change your PIN to something that's easier to remember ( although make sure you avoid obvious numbers such as 1234 or 0000 ). To change your PIN just visit any Bank of Scotland or Halifax branch cash machine and simply follow the on screen instructions.


Write the numbers of each item next to the correct word or words.

two thousand three hundred and ninety-four ..........................................................

two three two three nine four ..........................................................

twenty-three centimetres ..........................................................

twenty-three thousand and ninety-four ..........................................................

twenty-third of March nineteen ninety-four ..........................................................

two hundred and thirty-nine pounds forty ..........................................................

two point three nine four ..........................................................

twenty-three times ninety-four ..........................................................

twenty-three per cent ..........................................................

twenty-three slash ninety-four ..........................................................

two-thirds ..........................................................

twenty-three plus ninety-four ..........................................................

twenty-three dollars ninety-four cents ..........................................................

twenty-three degrees centigrade ..........................................................

twenty-three kilometres per hour ..........................................................

twenty minus three ..........................................................


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................ ten minutes -čez deset minut

five years .................... pred petimi leti

............ 6 a.m. ............. 10 a.m. -od šestih do desetih

............ Monday -v ponedeljek

............ the weekend -čez vikend

.................. the week -med tednom

.................. 6 o'clock -po šesti uri

.................. 8 o'clock -pred osmo uro

.................. week -prejšnji teden

.................. week -prihodnji teden

.................. the evening -zvečer

.................. night -ponoči

.................. lunch -po kosilu

....... Friday ........................................-najkasneje do petka



Day ON ex. on MondayMonth IN ex. in JulyYear IN ex. in 1999Date ON ex. on 17th May 2004Time AT ex. at 5 pm, at midnightHoliday AT ex. at Easter, at ChristmasParts of the day IN *but AT night ex. in the morning/evening…


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Some phrases connected with time:

IN TIME He came just in time to save her. ON TIME Hand in the report on time.ON WEEKLY/DAILY/MONTHLY BASIS I attend an English course on weekly basis.FOR A TRIAL PERIOD OF We'll hire you for a trial period of two months.AT THE LATEST I need this data by Friday at the latest.IN THE SKY There are millions of stars shining in the sky.IN THE WORLD Six billion people live in the world.AT THE WEEKEND What did you do at the weekend?


Small town AT or IN ex. at/in PiranBig town/City IN ex. in New YorkStreet IN ex. in Dunajska street

Some phrases connected with place:

IN/AT a meetingON a business tripON the second floorAT workAT the faculty


Interested INGood/bad ATSpecialized INFamous FORResign FROMAbsent FROMGraduate FROMAccused OFKnown FORTypical OF


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Complete the following sentences about yourself


employer employee

full-time job / part-time job

permanent / temporary

clock-in system

Working time:fixedflexible

working conditions

you DO your job

you are AT work


My address is

My business number is

My extension is

I work foras a(n)

in the

I mostly deal with

I am responsible forand

My job involves a lot ofand

What I like about my job is

I’ve been with the company forsince

I’ve been in my present job for







...........................................................( company) .............................................................( job ) ...................................................................................... ............................................................(department) ...................................................................................... ............................................................(kind of work) ...................................................................................... ...........................................................( ing form ) ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... .......................................................... (period of time ) ...........................................................(since)

........................................................ (point of time) .............................................................................

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you learn about your job from:the mediajob centre

You enclose:C.V.Certificates of your educationHealth certificateCopy of a clean driving licencerecommendations

HR (Human Resources) or Personnel Department

Vacancy / free post

Invited to the interview

A short list of candidates/applicants.



send for the application form

fill it in

send it off

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enthusiastic independent cooperative generous

sensitive motivated creative kind

lively honest patient sociable

hard-working energetic well-organised quiet

open-minded efficient well-travelled punctual


• My colleagues are very friendly and like going out together.

My colleagues are very ____________________________.

• A good manager should think about people's feelings.

A manager should be _____________________________ .

• I like working with people who are really interested and have lots of energy.

I like working with people who are ___________________ .

• She is able to work very hard.

She is ______________________________.

• It is important for directors to be careful what they say to people.

It is important for directors to be _______________________________.


A person, who has travelled a lot is ____________________________________.

A person who likes working with other people is __________________________.

A person who always tells the truth is __________________________________.

A person who has lots of new ideas is ______________________________.

A person who has a good time keeping is ___________________________.

A person who always knows what to do and where his/her things are is


A person who doesn't mind giving is _________________________.

A person who doesn't need other people's help is ______________________________.


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Give reasons for your choices.

1) should have 2) should be 3) should be able to

a desire to do a good job a good leader plan carefully

planning skills Calm solve problems calmly

financial skills good with figures do repetitive tasks accurately

technical understanding strong and fit work fast

good timekeeping Accurate concentrate easily

an interest in science Reliable work hard

good communication skills Punctual work independently

Patient work well as part of a team

Clean make decisions quickly

a fast worker

1. A personnel manager . . .

2. A production manager . . .

3. An assembler . . .

EXAMPLE: I think a production manager should have an interest in science because a lot of work involves scientific tests.


sales is responsible for manufacturing goods

purchasing deals with recruiting new staff

planning deals with invoices and payments

research and development handles advertising and new product launches

quality control buys in products and services

production tries to develop new products

personnel makes sure that standards are maintained

finance persuades people to buy the company's products

distribution sets out a strategy for the company's future

marketing transports goods to different places


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employment contract terms of employmentto apply for a job to go on an interview for a jobto hire / to employ to quit / to resignto be fired /to be dismissed to be temporarily laid offto be laid off to get a raiseto be promoted / demoted to be unemployedto retire to be (50%) disabled


to have a day off / a free day to have / to take a sick dayto be on sick leave to be on maternity leaveto have a holiday to go on holidays / vacation

2.4 PAY

paycheck pay stubto get a salary to get wagesweekly bi-monthlymonthly pay gradegross income net income(income) tax supplementscontribution reimbursementbonus mileage expenseslunch scheme (voucher)



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• There are three / several / a number of points I'd like to make.• I would like to begin by . . . .


• What's your opinion of . . .• What's your position / view on . . .


• I believe / think / feel that . . .• In my opinion / view . . .


• I'd like to call on Mrs Kelly to present her views on . . .• Allow me to give the floor to Ms Miller . . .


• I agree entirely / completely.• I think we are in agreement on that.


• I can see many problems in adopting this.• I am opposed to the . . .


a secretary (writes the minutes)

participants (attend the meeting)

a chair (runs the meeting)


the meeting can be:organisedpostponedcancelledheld

AGM(annual general meeting)

the agenda itemspresence and absence of the participantsminutes of the previous meetingmatters arisingAOB (any other business)


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• Have you taken into account . . . ?• Wouldn't you agree that . . . ?


• I particularly want to emphasize / stress / highlight the fact that . . .• We mustn't underestimate / underrate the importance of . . .


• We are prepared to . . ., on condition that . . . • We would be willing to . . ., provided that . . .


• Let me conclude by . . .• In conclusion, I would like to say . . .


Answer the questions:

1 Who is responsible for the meeting?2 What's secretary's job?3 What information is usually on the invitation?4 What items are on the agenda?5 What does AGM stand for?6 What does AOB stand for?


1 Kdo vodi danes sestanek?2 Sestanek je preložen na 20. marca.3 Sestanek je odpovedan zaradi bolezni.4 Preidimo k točki razno.5 Vi imate besedo gospod White.6 Lahko nekaj predlagam?7 Ne strinjam se z vašim predlogom.8 Mislim, da nimate prav.9 Ali si že dobil zapisnik prejšnega sestanka?10 Kdaj je skupščina Telekoma?11 Preidimo k drugi točki dnevnega reda.12 Kakšno je vaše mnenje o predlogu....?13 Mislim, da bi se še morali pogovoriti o tekočih problemih.14 Njegov predlog je bil zavrnjen.15 Čas je potekel.



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V primerih od 1-12 obkrožite najustreznejšo besedo.

1 What time would be convenient for/be convenient/suit you?2 Are you free sometime/anytime/one time next week?3 Could we meet on/-/at Thursday during/on/in the afternoon? Perhaps on/-/at 3pm?4 Yes, I think I shall/should/would be able to make next Friday morning.5 I’ll email/return to/get back to you later today to confirm it.6 I’m out of the office for/until/till 2pm on that day. Anytime after that could be/is/would be

fine.7 I’m afraid I’m busy/occupied/tied up all day next Tuesday.8 Pardon me,/Sorry,/I’m afraid I can’t make/control/manage it on that day.9 Sorry, I’ve already god an arrangement/an appointment/a promise on that day.10 What if/What about/How about Wednesday instead/in place of/as an alternative?11 Would you mind/matter/object if we put the meeting back/off/away to the following week?12 I’m very sorry/regret again/apologise again for any inconvenience caused.13 I look forward to see/seeing/speaking to you next week.14 Give me a call/telephone/ring if you have any problems.15 Give my regards/best wishes/compliments to Ms Wilfandt.


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The phrasal verb on the left in the table below are all used in telephoning in English. Match each verb with a suitable definition from the column on the right.

1) to put through a) to disconnect

2) to hang up b) to discover

3) to ring up c) to wait

4) to take down d) to lift

5) to look up e) to connect

6) to cut off f) to replace

7) to get through g) to write down

8) to find out h) to call again

9) to put down i) to be connected

10) to hang on / to hold on j) to replace the receiver

11) to pick up k) to find information

12) to ring back / to call back l) to make a telephone call

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12


party line

coin operated phone / card phone

dial the numbercallsinternationallocaltrunkcollect

Hold the line please / Hold on, please the line is


extension no. (44/16)area code (03)country code (+386)

put you through

the operator

telephone book / telephone directory


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Complete these sentences.

1. I'm calling to .....................................................................(odpovedati sestanek)

2. I'm calling to .....................................................................(dogovoriti se za sestanek)

3. I'm calling to .....................................................................(rezervirati hotelsko sobo)

4. I'm calling to .....................................................................(naročiti 25 strojev)

5. I'm calling to .....................................................................(preložiti sestanek)

6. I'm calling to .....................................................................(obvestiti o novih tel. štev.)

1. I'm afraid she ....................................................................(ni v pisarni)

2. I'm afraid he ......................................................................(šel ven)

3. I'm afraid but .....................................................................(ne morem vam pomagati)

4. I'm afraid she ....................................................................(na sestanku)

5. I'm afraid but .....................................................................(bo na službenem pot.)

1. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(poklicati nazaj)

2. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(odpovedati sestanek)

3. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(preložiti sestanek)

4. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(ostati na zvezi)

5. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(govoriti z g. Černetom)

6. Would you like ............................................................... ?(skodelico kave)

7. Would you like ............................................................... ?(enoposteljno sobo)

8. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(ostati še kakšen dan)

9. Would you like to ............................................................... ?(vzeti taksi)

10. Would you like to ................................................................ ?(se srečati z njim v mestu)

1. Could you ............................................................................ ?(nam poslati kopijo pogodbe)

2. Could you ............................................................................ ?(rezervirati tri enoposteljne sobe)

3. Could you ............................................................................ ?(njega pričakati na letališču)

4. Could you ............................................................................ ?(govorili počasneje)

5. Could I ................................................................................. ?(govoriti z ga. Nunn)

6. Could I ................................................................................. ?(dobiti vaš e-mail naslov)

7. Could you ............................................................................ ?(črkovati vaš priimek )

8. Could you ............................................................................ ?(preveriti, če je pog. že podp.)


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1. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(preveriti, če je v pisarni)

2. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(najti kopijo pogodbe)

3. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(preveriti, če je pog. že podp.)

4. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(vprašati, če ima v petek čas)

5. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(ponovno napisati fax)

6. Well, I'll have to ......................................................................(poklicati ponovno)

1. I'll see if ...................................................................................(Mr Dobbs v pisarni)

2. I'll see if ...................................................................................(se lahko sreča z vami)

3. I'll see if ...................................................................................(ima čas v torek)

4. I'll see if ...................................................................................(bo nazaj do 12.00)

5. I'll see if ...................................................................................(oni potrdili rezervacijo)

Ste že kdaj . . . ?

1. Have you ever ......................................................................... ?

2. Have you ever ......................................................................... ?

3. Have you ever ......................................................................... ?

4. Have you ever ......................................................................... ?

5. Have you ever ......................................................................... ?

Še nisem . . .

1. I haven't ................................................................................... yet

2. I haven't ................................................................................... yet

3. I haven't ................................................................................... yet

4. I haven't ................................................................................... yet

5. I haven't ................................................................................... yet

Sem že . . .

1. I've already ..............................................................................

2. I've already ..............................................................................

3. I've already ..............................................................................

4. I've already ..............................................................................

5. I've already ..............................................................................


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1. Lahko govorim z gospodom Brownom, prosim?

2. Žal ga ni v pisarni.

3. Prišel bo čez 10 minut.

4. Mu želite pustiti sporočilo?

5. Prosim pokličite nazaj čez 20 minut.

6. Oprostite, lahko ponovite svoje ime?

7. Koliko je vaša interna številka?

8. Gospoda Novaka lahko pokličete direktno. Njegova interna številka je 8513.

9. Ali je to British Airways agencija?

10.Rezervirala bi eno povratno vozovnico Lj – London, London – Lj za 15. maj 2001.

11.Prosim sedež pri oknu.

12.Kdaj prileti letalo v London?

13.Koliko časa pred poletom je potrebno priti na letališče?

14.Hvala za vaš klic . Nasvidenje.

15.Od kod ste ?

16.Kje je vaše stalno prebivališče?

17.Vaš podpis prosim?

18.Kdaj je rok za oddajo plačila?


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19.Direktor je bil prejšnji teden na službeni poti.

20.Kdaj nam nameravate poslati vaš zadnji / najnovejši katalog?

21.Rok poteče 8. maja .

22.Sestanek se začne ob petih popoldne.

23.Kdaj zopet nameravate priti v Krko?

24.Pravkar sem poklicala taxi.

25.Avtobusi vozijo točno.

26.Lansko leto je bila konferenca na Hrvaškem.

27.Ste že poklicali g. Novaka?

28.Ste že obvestili g. Langa?

29. Gospoda Langa še nisem obvestila, bom ga pa obvestila čez 10 minut.

30. Pismo smo mu poslali v torek.

31.Odgovora še nismo dobili.

32.Rad bi govoril z g. Novakom.

33.Bi mu lahko sporočili, da me prihodnji teden ne bo v službo.

34.Trenutek, prosim.

35.Kdo kliče, prosim?

36.Georg Miller je na sestanku. Danes ga ne bo več nazaj v pisarno.


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37.Ste že preverili podatke?

38.Žal jih še nismo preverili.


1 I didn't know his number so I had to .................................. it up.

2 We were ..................... ..................... during the call so I had to ...................... ............. .

3 The man ..................... ................... on me because he lost his temper.

4 I tried to .................. .............................. to your office this morning but the line was


5 ............................. the embassy .................... and ask them to ...................

you ............................. to the press department.

6 When I phoned the bank I had to ......................... ....................... for nearly 10 minutes.


Fill in the missing expressions.

SCENARIO 1: (The person is available.)

Mary Smith: Good morning. IBM Slovenia, Mary Smith ………………………………..

CALLER: Good morning. This ……………. Bob Sills from IskraTel. I…………………………….

to Mr Jones ……………….. .

Mary Smith: Just ………………………, please. I’ll …………...……. you.

CALLER: Thank you.

Mary Smith: You’re ……………………………..

SCENARIO 2: (The person is not available.)

Mary Smith: Good morning. IBM Slovenia, Mary Smith …………………………...

CALLER: Good morning. This is Bob Sills from IskraTel. I……………………………. to Mr

Jones ………………………..

Mary Smith: Just …………………………, please. (after 5 seconds) I’m sorry

……………………………. at the moment.

…………………………………………………………. a message?


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CALLER: Yes. ……………………………. is Bob Sills, from Iskratel and my number is :

………………………… 04 and the number is 42 21 385, ……………………….. 33.

……………………………. about the contracts,


Practice 1

Can you change this telephone conversation to make it more polite and appropriate?

Hello, ABC company.


Hello. I want to speak to John Smith.


Who is it?


I'm Tom Jones.


You can't speak to him because he' s out.


Well, tell him something for me.




Tell him I called and to ring me as soon as he can.


OK. Bye.....................................................................................................................................................

Practice 2

Can you change this telephone conversation to make it more polite and appropriate?

Hello. Are you John Smith?


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No. You'll have to wait. I'll connect you to him.


Hello, John Smith.


Hello. I am Jane Black.


Hello. What do you want?


I want to see you next week to discuss some problems with our new project.

....................................................................................................................................................Well, you can't, I'm busy next week so it's not convenient.


Oh. Well, can I see you the week after next?


Yes, Monday morning would be OK.


All right then. I'll see you on Monday at 10 am.



Can you finish the following dialogues?

Dialogue 1

A: Hello, Oxford Marketing Services.B: Hello. Could ___________________Martin Smith please?A: _______________________B: Oh, hello Martin. ___________________________John bird from IBM.A: Oh. Hello John. How ______________ help you?B: I __________ to meet you to talk about the new contract.________________________on Friday at about 10.30?A: I'm _______________I'll be in meeting until 11.ž__________________lunch time? We could meet in the pub at 12.30.


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B: That sounds fine.A: Great. ______________ then.B: OK. ___________________.



1.Pri datumu so okrajšave 1st, 2nd in 3rd izginile, tako da večinoma pišemo:

• 3 October 2001 ali October 3, 2001.

• V ZDA je seveda na prvem mestu mesec: 10/3/2001.• To je tudi posledica rabe računalnikov in sporočil po elektronski pošti.

2. V začetku pisma pišemo:

• Dear Sir(s)= spoštovani, za vladne ustanove in banke

• Dear Sir/Madam=spoštovani, za podjetja

• Dear Mr Jones = spoštovani gospod Jones

Za vsemi temi začetki ne pišemo  več vejice,  Američani pišejo dvopičje.  e.g. Dear Mr Jones:

3. Zaključki

• Yours faithfully, če je začetek Dear Sir(s)  ali Dear Sir/Madam• Yours sincerely, če je začetek Dear Mr Jones• Best regards, že nadomešča zgoraj omenjena pozdrava• With best regards, bolj vljudno kot Best regards

4. Za Mr in Ms ne pišemo     

   več pike:

• Dear Mr Jones

5. Ženske na splošno     nazivamo z Ms: • Ms Marina Štros

6.  Vi ne pišemo z veliko začetnico, kot  je to v navadi v italijanščini in nemščini!We are writing to youWe are writing to you to inform you... Uporabimo Present Contionous


In the 1980s Americans were exposed to 1,600 commercial

messages a day. This has now risen to over 3,000 today. About 150 are noticed, but only 25 elicit some kind

of response-usually negative.

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7. Elektronska sporočila ne zahtevajo toliko odstavkov kot uradno pismo, čeprav je sporočilo uradno.

8. Elektronska sporočila so prijaznejša in v njih še bolj upoštevamo pravilo kiss = keep it short and swee   t.  

9. Elektronska sporočila uporabljajo še več okrajšav: c.c., e.g., i.e, a.s.a.p., .– ki se že tudi piše skupaj brez pik (asap), če ne delamo presledkov.

- c.c. ali cc = copies to = v vednost- Enc ali Encl = enclosures = priloge- e.g.= exempli gratia = na primer- i.e. = id est = to je- a.s.a.p. = takoj, nemudoma- p.p. = per procuratorem = po pooblastilu, za (če se podpišemo v imenu nekoga drugega)- et al = in ostali ( avtorji,  sodelujoči)- P.N. = plenum nominae = s polnim imenom, in ne prejme  naj, kot mislijo mnogi- RSVP = odgovorite prosim; pišemo na vabilo- c/o = care of= na tem naslovu

10. Pojavil se je celo glagol: I will c.c. you a copy (Poslala vam bom  kopijo v vednost).11. Presledki med okrajšavami se ne uporabljajo dosledno.12. Zelo vljudne fraze se opuščajo: we remain yours.



Dear Mr Peterson Spoštovani gospod Peterson

Dear Sir Spoštovani gospod / gospa – uporaba za podjetja

Dear Sir or Madam Se opušča

Dear Sir / Madam Je v uporabi

To Whom It May Concern Spoštovani!(ponavadi v priporočilih)

Dear Sirs Spoštovani   (zelo   formalno,   uporablja   se     za  institucije, banke)

Dear President Spoštovani predsednik (bolj priporočljivo)


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Dear Mr President Spoštovani gospod predsednik


Dear Natasha Draga Nataša


In response to your request, we are sending you…

Na vašo željo Vam pošiljamo…

We are pleased to inform you… /We are glad to inform you…

Z veseljem Vam sporočamo

We regret to inform you… /We are sorry to note that…

Žal Vam sporočamo… /Žal ugotavljamo, da…

We are sorry to learn that you will beunable to attend the opening.

Obžalujemo, da se ne boste mogli udeležiti otvoritve.

Thank you for your email of / dated 20 December

Zahvaljujemo se Vam za Vaš email z dne…

I would like to thank you for… Zahvaljujemo se Vam za…(I would like je bolj vljudno kot I’d like)

I am writing to inform you.. /I am writing to you to inform you…

Pišem Vam v zvezi z… /Sklicujemo se na…Narobe: I am writing you… 

I am writing to invite you to the opening…

Vabimo Vas na otvoritev… (You pišete z malo, čeprav v slovenščini pomeni Vi)

Referring to… /With reference to…Further to our telephone conversation…In connection with…

Skladno z… /

V zvezi z našim telefonskim pogovorom…

I am sending you the contract concerning/regarding the lease of our…

Pošiljam vam pogodbo, ki se nanaša na lizing vašega…

We acknowledge receipt of … Potrjujemo prejem…

Enclosed please find V prilogi vam pošiljamo

We are sending… under separate cover V posebnem pismu pošiljamo


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Could/would you please  send us…. Ali bi lahko

You are requested to … Prosimo vas

Please send me Prosim pošljite mi

Please replyPlease reply by the end of the week

Prosim  odgovoriteProsimo odgovorite do konca tedna

Please contact Prosimo obrnite se na…..

Please confirm in writing Prosim potrdite pisno

We would like to remind you Radi bi vas opozorili

In case of any further/ extra /additional information please do not hesitate to contact us/me by phone/email

V primeru dodatnih informacij me prosim pokličite po telefonu/email­u

We look forward to hearing from you.Looking forward to hearing from you.We look forward to your answer/reply.

V pričakovanju vašega odgovora




Thank you for your letter from 15 March.I write to you.  I am writing you. Please contact me on emailPlease confirm in written.I am looking forward to hear from you

Thank you for your letter of/dated 15  March.I am writing to you.I am writing to you.Please contact me by email.Please confirm  in writing.I look forward to hearing from you.

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Hvala za vaše pismo z dne 3. dec. 2004.

Hvala v naprej.

Pišem Vam, da se opravičim za zamudo, ki je nastala zaradi mojih službenih 


Hvala za Vaše gostoljubje v času mojega obiska pri Vas.

Prosim, potrdite pisno.

Pišem Vam, da Vas obvestim o spremembi datuma.

Pišem Vam, da preložim/odpovem sestanek.

Pišem Vam, da potrdim rezervacijo za enoposteljno sobo na ime Gašper Bračko.

Pišem Vam, da potrdim povratno vozovnico za 17. dec. ob 7.00 za 


Pišem Vam, da sporočim naše nove tel. številke.

Pišem Vam v imenu gospe Jožice Tivadar.

Priloženo Vam pošiljam prijavnico za seminar.

V roke prodajni službi.

Pišem Vam v zvezi v Vašo ponudbo.

Z veseljem Vam sporočam, da ste upravičeni do 10% popusta.

Ali mi lahko prosim pošljete vaš zadnji katalog in cenik. 

Thank you for your letter of 3 December.

Thank you in advance.

I am writing to apologise for the delay due to my work commitments.

Thank you for your hospitality during my stay with you/ visit to you.

Please confirm in writing.

I am writing to inform you about the change in date.

I am  writing to postpone/ cancel the meeting.I am writing to confirm the reservation for a single room in the name of  Gašper Bračko.

I am writing to confirm a return  ticket  on 17 December at 7.00 for Belgrade.

I am writing to inform you  about our new telephone numbers.

I am writing on behalf of Ms Jožica Tivadar.

Enclosed please find the seminar registration form.

For the attention of sales department.

I am writing  in connection with your offer/ proposal.

I am pleased to inform you   that you are entitled to a 10 percent discount.

Could you please  send me your latest catalogue and price list.

V odgovor na Vaše povpraševanje Vam sporočamo . . .

Na žalost Vam sporočamo, da niste bili izbrani za  našega dobavitelja.

V primeru dodatnih informacije me prosim pokličite po telefonu ali mi pišite na zgornji naslov.

V zvezi z našim tel. razgovorom Vam sporočam, da bomo poskrbeli za prevoz g. Browna od letališča do 


Prosim, uredite zadevo takoj. 

In response to your enquiry we inform  you that ….

We regret to inform you that you have not been chosen for / as our supplier.

In case of  any additional  information please contact me by phone, or in writing to the above address.

With reference to our telephone conversation  we/ I inform you that we will arrange a transfer for Mr Brown from the airport to the hotel.

Please give the matter your immediate attention.

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Priporočilo je pismo oz. dokument, ki ga na vašo željo napiše oseba, ki bo za vas napisala pozitivno mnenje o vašem delu in o vas samih.

Ponavadi je ta oseba eden izmed profesorjev na fakulteti, lahko tudi nekdo, ki vas je poučeval v srednji šoli, vaš športni trener, predsednik študentske organizacije, tutor.

Priporočilo je lahko napisano za natančno določen primer (štipendijo, potovanje, del.mesto), lahko je dano za določen čas ali pa trajno.

Vsebovati mora podatke o kandidatu (ime, priimek, rojstni podatki in kontaktni podatki) in podatke o osebi (ime, priimek, naziv oz delovno mesto, naslov oz email in telefonsko številko), ki je napisala priporočilo.

Pred vami je nekaj uporabnih primerov v slovenščini in angleščini, ki si jih lahko že sami pripravite kot osnutek.



(ime priimek študenta), rojen (datum) je študent Fakultete za elektrotehniko. Ves čas študija je s svojim delom na vajah in prisotnostjo na predavanjih dokazoval natančnost in marljivost, kar potrjujejo ocene in priznanja, ki jih je v času študija prejel na fakulteti. Poleg študija je bil aktiven tudi v izvenštudijskih dejavnostih. Glede na to, da si želimo čimveč vsestransko usmerjenih mladih strokovnjakov z dobro strokovno podlago in obvladanjem vsaj enega tujega jezika, menim, da moramo narediti vse za povečanje števila takšnih mladih strokovnjakov in (ime, priimek študenta) je eden izmed njih. Zato njegovo prošnjo za podelitev štipendije toplo priporočam.

Marina Štros-Bračkolektorica za angleški jezik


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To Whom It May Concern

I have known Petra since the winter of 2004, when she began working for our union. Her work in the Union has been outstanding. She worked in the area of educational courses for students. She ran up to three courses/ workshops at a time. Her class sizes ranged from f5-25 students, aged 19-26 years. She was also responsible for designing course structure, selecting materials and determining the classes syllabus.She has also successfully run a student summer camp, and various other classes with focus on telecommunications.

I appreciate not only her diligence and discipline at work but especially her enthusiasm for the job she is doing. She helps improve the students' ability to implement and broaden their knowledge of the subject. Her approach to them is very individual even in a big class.

At all times here students were asked to complete questionnaires and all expressed not only satisfaction with her work but also appreciation of her excellent personal qualities.It is a pleasure to write this reference letter for Paula. She is thorough, reliable, enthusiastic, works co-operatively with people, and has a cheerful disposition.

I have no hesitation in recommending Paula as a candidate for studies or employment. I wish her success in her next career.

Yours Faithfully

Mira Grašič,Member of Student Union at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering


To Whom It May Concern:

I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Prof.Marjan Kovač. Jože Porenta completed a BSc program at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2004 and has subsequently added to his extensive educational experience. This includes responsibility for lab practice at almost every level of the respective subjects. He was responsible for first year students in our lab and was a very consciences member of the lab staff. This vast experience has given him a sense of education in its broadest sense.

My own work with him is related to his life as a student. In this capacity I was able to work with him as a researcher. Jože is extremely careful in his work and insists on exceptional quality. His writing style is good, flowing, and of the highest standard.

Jože Porenta is presently seeking a position which would allow him to express his skills and talents in the most productive manner. I support his desire and hope you will give his serious consideration.


Miha Potočnik, PhD


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Associate Professor


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Correct the sentences if necessary.

1. When David was seeing Mary at the conference, he knew that there was something wrong.

2. While I looked for the contracts, I suddenly remered I had left them at home.

3. I’ve spoken to your Customer Services manager on Monday.

4. I’ve seen him last week.

5. She worked in an office for sixteen year.

6. She has worked in an Office when she was sixteen.

7. I finally managed to persuade him.

8. She didn’t come yet.

9. I met him before.

10. We knew our present CEO for years.

11. Did you have a chance to read the report yet?

12. I was very busy today.

13. I have received the file two hours ago.

14. I’ve joined the company in March.

15. He has gone out a few minutes ago.

16. He’s not in. He went out.

17. Is Peter here? - No, you’ve just missed him.

18. I’ve been to England a couple of times.


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_______________________________________________________________ ?It was built in 1923._______________________________________________________________ ?No, she didn’t tell me anything._______________________________________________________________ ?Peter telephoned Emma._______________________________________________________________ ?Bus 14 goes to the city centre._______________________________________________________________ ?No, I didn’t hear the bell._______________________________________________________________ ?Yes, very much._______________________________________________________________ ?Carol lives in Cardiff._______________________________________________________________ ?No, I can’t. I don’t have any money on me._______________________________________________________________ ?Yes, there is a bank near the post office._______________________________________________________________ ?It’s about 12 miles to the airport._______________________________________________________________ ?He has gone to Boston._______________________________________________________________ ?I paid $ 2000 for it._______________________________________________________________ ?He went with Gary to the party._______________________________________________________________ ?The banks close at 12 o’clock._______________________________________________________________ ?I’ve been working till midnight._______________________________________________________________ ?No, nobody saw me._______________________________________________________________ ?That woman is David’s sister._______________________________________________________________ ?We are going to the zoo._______________________________________________________________ ?He was elected in 1986._______________________________________________________________ ?No, Mr. Miller is abroad._______________________________________________________________ ?Yes, I have. But it’s very old._______________________________________________________________ ?In 1939._______________________________________________________________ ?Since 1976.


Europass življenjepis

Priložite fotografijo (neobvezno).

Osebni podatki


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Ime / Priimek Ime Priimek

Naslov Ulica, hišna številka, poštna številka, kraj, država

Telefon Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Prenosni telefon: (Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite.)

Telefaks Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

E-pošta Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Državljanstvo Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Datum rojstva Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Spol Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Zaželena zaposlitev / zaželeno poklicno področje

Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Delovne izkušnje

Obdobje Ločeno vnesite vsako bistveno delovno izkušnjo. Začnite z zadnjo. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Zaposlitev ali delovno mesto

Glavne naloge in pristojnosti

Naziv in naslov delodajalca

Vrsta dejavnosti ali sektor

Izobraževanje in usposabljanje

Obdobje Ločeno vnesite vse izobraževalne programe, ki ste jih zaključili. Začnite z zadnjim (glejte navodila).

Naziv izobrazbe in/ali nacionalne poklicne kvalifikacije

Glavni predmeti/pridobljeno znanje in kompetence

Naziv in status ustanove, ki je podelila diplomo, spričevalo ali certifikat

Stopnja izobrazbe po nacionalni ali mednarodni klasifikacijski lestvici

Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Druga znanja in kompetence

Materni jezik(i) Navedite materni jezik (po potrebi navedite več maternih jezikov, glejte navodila)

Drug(i) jezik(i)

Samovrednotenje Razumevanje Govorjenje Pisanje

Evropska raven (*) Slušno razumevanje

Bralno razumevanje

Govorno sporazumevanje

Govorno sporočanje


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Jezik(*) Skupni evropski referenčni okvir za jezike

Socialna znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Organizacijska znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Tehnična znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Računalniška znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Umetniška znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Ostala znanja in kompetence

Opišite te kompetence in navedite, kje ste jih pridobili. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Vozniško dovoljenje Navedite, ali imate vozniško dovoljenje, in dodajte, za katero kategorijo motornih vozil velja. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Dodatni podatki Vključite druge koristne podatke, npr. kontaktne osebe, priporočila itd. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).

Priloge Naštejte morebitne priloge. Če rubrika ni bistvena, jo odstranite (glejte navodila).


Europass jezikovna izkaznicaDel Evropskega jezikovnega listovnika, ki ga je razvil Svet Evrope


Datum rojstva (*)


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Materni jezik(i)

Drug(i) jezik(i)


Samoocenjevanje jezikovnih znanj






Evropska raven (**)

Diplome, spričevala ali certifikati (*)

Naziv diplome, spričevala ali certifikata

Ustanova podeljevalka Obdobje Evropska raven (***)

Jezikovne izkušnje (*)

Opis Od Do


Samoocenjevanje jezikovnih znanj






Evropska raven (**)

Diplome, spričevala ali certifikati (*)

Naziv diplome, spričevala ali certifikata

Ustanova podeljevalka Obdobje Evropska raven (***)

Jezikovne izkušnje (*)

Opis Od Do


Samoocenjevanje jezikovnih znanj






Evropska raven (**)

Diplome, spričevala ali certifikati (*)

Naziv diplome, spričevala ali certifikata

Ustanova podeljevalka Obdobje Evropska raven (***)

Jezikovne izkušnje (*)

Opis Od Do


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A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2



o r





Pri počasnem in razločnem govoru razumem posamezne pogosto rabljene besede in najosnovnejše besedne zveze, ki se nanašajo name, na mojo družino in neposredno življenjsko okolje.

Razumem besedne zveze in pogosto besedišče, ki se nanaša na najbolj temeljne reči (npr. najosnovnejši osebni in družinski podatki, nakupovanje, neposredno življenjsko okolje, zaposlitev). Sposoben/sposobna sem ujeti glavno misel kratkih, jasno oblikovanih sporočil in obvestil.

Pri razločnem govorjenju v standardnem jeziku razumem glavne točke, kadar gre za znane reči, s katerimi se redno srečujem na delu, v šoli, prostem času itd. Če je govor razmeroma počasen in razločen, razumem tudi glavne misli mnogih radijskih in televizijskih oddaj, ki se ukvarjajo s sodobnimi problemi in temami, ki me osebno ali poklicno zanimajo.

Razumem daljše govorjenje in predavanja in sem sposoben/sposobna slediti celo bolj zahtevnim pogovorom, pod pogojem, da je tema dovolj splošna. Razumem večino televizijskih poročil in oddaj o aktualnih zadevah. Razumem večino filmov v standardnem jeziku.

Razumem daljše govorjenje, četudi ni natančno razčlenjeno in razmerja niso izražena jasno, temveč so samo nakazana.

Brez posebnega napora razumem televizijske oddaje in filme.

Nimam težav pri razumevanju jezika, govorjenega v živo ali posredovanega preko medijev, četudi je tempo govorjenja hiter. Potrebujem zgolj nekaj časa, da se navadim na narečje.











Razumem posamezna pogosto rabljena poimenovanja, besede in preproste povedi, npr. na obvestilih, plakatih in v katalogih.

Sposoben/sposobna sem brati zelo kratka, preprosta, vsakdanja besedila, kot so reklame, prospekti, jedilniki in urniki. V njih znam poiskati natančno določen, predvidljiv podatek. Razumem kratka in preprosta osebna pisma.

Razumem besedila, katerih jezik je pretežno vsakdanji ali povezan z mojim delom. Razumem opise dogodkov, občutij in želja/ tudi v osebnih pismih.

Berem in razumem članke in poročila, v katerih pisci zastopajo določena stališča ali poglede. Razumem sodobno literarno prozo.

Razumem dolga zahtevna besedila z veliko podatki, pa tudi literarna besedila ter zaznavam slogovno različnost. Razumem strokovne članke in daljša tehnična navodila, četudi se ne nanašajo na moje strokovno področje.

Z lahkoto berem vse vrste zapisanih besedil, tudi ko gre za abstraktna, po jeziku in zgradbi zahtevna besedila, npr. priročnike, strokovne članke in literarna dela.












je Znam se preprosto pogovarjati, če je sogovornik pripravljen svoje izjave ponoviti počasneje ali jih pojasniti in če mi je pripravljen pomagati pri izražanju misli. Znam postavljati in odgovarjati na preprosta vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na trenutne potrebe ali splošne teme.

Sposoben/sposobna sem se sporazumevati v preprostih situacijah, kadar gre za neposredno izmenjavo informacij o splošnih vsakodnevnih stvareh. Znajdem se v krajših družabnih pogovorih, čeprav ponavadi ne razumem dovolj, da bi se lahko samostojno pogovarjal-a.

Znajdem se v večini situacij, ki se pogosto pojavljajo na potovanju po deželi, kjer se ta jezik govori. Sposoben/sposobna sem se tudi nepripravljen-a vključiti v pogovor, povezan s splošnimi temami, temami, ki me osebno zanimajo, ali takimi, ki se tičejo vsakdanjega življenja (npr. družine, hobijev, dela, potovanj in aktualnih dogodkov).

Sposoben/sposobna sem se precej tekoče in spontano izražati, tako da se brez večjih težav sporazumevam z rojenimi govorci. Lahko se vključim v razprave o splošnih temah in z utemeljitvami zagovarjam svoje stališče.

Sposoben/sposobna sem se tekoče in naravno izražati, ne da bi pri tem preveč očitno iskal-a primerne izraze. Jezik znam uporabljati učinkovito in prilagodljivo tako v družabne kot tudi poklicne ali učne namene. Znam natančno izražati svoje misli in poglede ter svoj prispevek spretno povezovati s prispevki drugih.

Z lahkoto sodelujem v vsakem pogovoru in razpravi. Dobro poznam pogovorni jezik in besedne zveze. Govorim tekoče in znam natančno izraziti tudi majhne pomenske odtenke. Če pri sporazumevanju naletim na kakšno težavo, jo znam spretno zaobiti in preoblikovati težavno mesto tako, da sogovorniki to malo verjetno opazijo.













Uporabljati znam preproste besedne zveze in povedi, s katerimi lahko opišem, kje živim, in ljudi, ki jih poznam.

Uporabiti znam vrsto besednih zvez in povedi, s katerimi lahko na preprost način opišem svojo družino in druge ljudi, življenjske pogoje ali svojo izobrazbo in predstavim svojo trenutno ali prejšnjo zaposlitev.

Tvoriti znam preproste povedi iz besednih zvez, s katerimi lahko opišem svoje izkušnje in dogodke, sanje, želje in ambicije. Na kratko znam razložiti svoje poglede in načrte. Sposoben/sposobna sem pripovedovati zgodbo ali obnoviti vsebino knjige oziroma filma in opisati svoje odzive.

Jasno in natančno znam opisati mnogo stvari s področij, ki me zanimajo. Razložiti znam svoj pogled na določen problem in podati prednosti in pomanjkljivosti različnih možnosti.

Sposoben/sposobna sem jasno in natančno opisati zahtevne vsebine, pri tem smiselno povezati tematske točke, razviti in poudariti posamezne vidike ter napraviti ustrezen zaključek.

Sposoben/sposobna sem jasno in tekoče podajati tudi daljše opise ali razlage. Govoru znam dati logično obliko, ki poslušalca opozarja na pomembna mesta. Slog govorjenja znam prilagoditi situaciji in poslušalcem.










Pisati znam kratka, preprosta sporočila na razglednice, npr. s počitniškimi pozdravi. Izpolnjevati znam obrazce, ki zahtevajo osebne podatke, npr. vnesti ime, državljanstvo in naslov na hotelski obrazec.

Sestavljati znam kratka, preprosta obvestila in sporočila, ki se nanašajo na trenutne potrebe. Pisati znam zelo preprosta osebna pisma, npr. se komu za kaj zahvaliti.

Pisati znam preprosta, povezana besedila v zvezi s splošnimi temami ali temami s področja osebnega zanimanja. Pisati znam osebna pisma in v njih opisati izkušnje in vtise.

Pisati znam jasna in natančna besedila v zvezi s številnimi temami in vprašanji, ki me zanimajo. Pisati znam eseje ali poročila, v katerih moram podati informacije ali zagovarjati oziroma zavračati določena stališča. Pisati znam pisma, v katerih moram poudariti pomen določenih dogodkov in izkušenj.

Sposoben/sposobna sem tvoriti jasna, slogovno dobra besedila in obširneje izraziti svoja stališča. V pismih, esejih ali poročilih znam natančno razložiti zahtevne vsebine in pri tem primerno poudariti tista dejstva, ki se mi zdijo najpomembnejša. Oblikovati znam različne vrste besedil v prepričljivem in osebnem slogu, primernem za bralca, ki mu je tako besedilo namenjeno.

Tvoriti znam jasna, tekoča, slogovno primerna besedila. Sestaviti znam zahtevna pisma, poročila in članke v zvezi z zahtevnimi vsebinami, ki morajo imeti logično zgradbo in bralca voditi tako, da dojame pomembne točke. Pisati znam povzetke in kritike strokovnih in literarnih del.


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Education1997 - presentDegree in French and Film Studies, University of LondonDegree performance to date: 2.1Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative Technique

1992 - 1997Royal Latin School, Aylesbury4 A Levels: French (8), German (C), English (B), Film studies (A)7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History (B), Art (A), Maths (8), Economics (8)

Work experience1999Information Officer, Futuroscope, FranceResponsible for dealing with enquiries in a busy office, responding to 2,000 enquiries a week. This demonstrated my ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of humour while working under pressure.1998Customer Services AssistantProvided support for customer enquiries. Dealing with customers' complaints demonstrated my ability to remain calm under pressure. Explaining complex issues simply and clearly helped me to develop my communication skills.

Positions of responsibilityIn my final year at school, I helped organise a careers fair for all final year students.

SkillsGood working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets Working knowledge of French and ItalianCurrent clean driving licence

InterestsTravel: I have travelled extensively and independently in Europe.Music: I play the guitar in a semi-professional band and have done a number of 'gigs' for school and student clubs.


Personal DetailsMelanie Henderson Date of birth 3.11.1978

Address99 Newlands Park LondonSE30 8UjTel: 0171 25650

Hamish Roberts(Tutor at University of London) 17 Woodland AvenueOxfordOXll 7GGR

Richard Gayle(Customer Services Manager/DAT) 31 Pleasant StreetLondonSb8 3LSR


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March 25,1997

Mr. Donald ParkManager, Human ResourcesShoreline Industries100 Lake Blvd.Toronto, Ontario M4M 1M4

Dear Mr. Park,

(Introduction) This is in reply to your advertisement for an Accounting Representative whichappeared in the Sunday Toronto Star on March 20, 1997. As the following comparison shows, my experience and background match this position's requirements.

(Interest Builder)

(Next Step) As additional information, enclosed is a copy of my resume. I would like anopportunity to personally discuss the position with you. You may call me athome or leave a message at (416) 423-8700.

Your sincerely,Susan Bedford5460 Kent Street, Apt. #9 Toronto, Ontario M3M 9T5 (416) 863-5767


Three to five years accounting expenence.

Strong communication skills

Knowledge of accounting systems


Five years in-depth accounting experience. Results achieved in reducing costs and improving inventory control for three years, responsible for administration of staff of 5individuals.

Proven excellence in ongoing oral and written communication with clients and staff. Developed and presented operational procedures and accounting manuals.

Experience in day-to-day processing of complex accounting system. This includes generating input and analyzing output. Updated existing system to provide greater operational flexibility.


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• Self-esteem and confidence • Honesty, integrity and personal ethics• A positive attitude toward learning, growth and personal health;• Initiative, energy and persistence to get the job done.

RESPONSIBILITY• The ability to set goals and priorities in work and personal life;• The ability to plan and manage time, money and other resources to achieve goals;• Accountability for actions taken.

ADAPTABILITY• A positive attitude toward change;• Recognition of and respect for people's diversity and individual differences;• The ability to identify and suggest new ideas to get the job done - creativity.


WORK WITH OTHERS• Understand and contribute to the organization's goals; • Understand and work within the culture of the group;• Plan and make decisions with others and support the outcomes;• Respect the thoughts and opinions of others in the group;• Exercise "give and take" to achieve group results;• Seek a team approach as appropriate;• Lead when appropriate mobilizing the group for high performance.


COMMUNICATE• Understand and speak the languages in which business is conducted; • Listen to, understand and learn;• Read, comprehend and use written materials, including graphs, charts and displays;• Write effectively in the languages in which business is conducted.

THINK• Think critically and act logically to evaluate situations, solve problems and make

decisions;• Understand and solve problems involving mathematics and use the results;• Use technology, instruments, tools and information systems effectively;• Access and apply specialized knowledge from various fields (e.g., skilled trades,

technology, physical sciences, arts and social sciences).


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6.6 R E V I S I O N

1. Translate:a) ob 14.00b) pred pol urec) med 18. in 20. urod) po 14. urie) med sestankomf) točnog) za veliko nočh) 29. januarjai) 2007j) ob koncu feb.k) na Čopovi 15l) v 3. nad.m) v sejni sobin) brez zamudeo) v Celju

2. Answer:

a) What's the time?b) What's the date today?c) What's the day today?d) What do you do?e) Where do you work?f) How long have you been working here?g) What are you doing at the moment?h) How are you?i) What is your citizenship?j) Where do you come from?

3. Write at/on/in

1.................6 June 7......................24 September 13.................Friday morning2................the evening 8......................Thursday 14.................Saturday night3.................half past two 9.......................11.45 15.................night4...............Wednesday 10...................Christmas Day 16..................the end of the day5.................1987 11.....................Christmas 17...................the weekend6.................September 12.....................the morning 18.................winter

4. Too many words:v vsakem stavku je ena beseda odveč. Poiščite jo.

1. Would you like a coffee?2. ithank you for meeting me.3. Did you have had a good journey?4. Can I to go to my hotel first?5. I'm sorry I'm in late.6. To what time did you arrive?


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7. How long was your flight?8. My name is Peter Bell.

5. Vstavite ustrezno vprašalnico.

1. .........................are you going? To Paris.2. ..........................are you visiting? Our main French client.3. ..........................are you going to do? To discuss prices.4. ...........................are you leaving? On Monday.5. ...........................are you staying? Two days.6. ...........................are you traveling? By train.7. ...........................are you returning? On Tuesday.

6. Uporabite vljudnejši način(pogovor po telefonu)

1. Who are you?2. What do you want?3. He is not here.4. Wait.5. What?6. What's your name?

7. Uporabite Present Contiuous za dogovorjena dejanja v prihodnosti:

Peter Brown and his colleague Anna work for Euro Hotels. They................ (visit) the Canary Islands next month for a four-day business trip.They ........................( arrive) in Grand Canaria at 10.15 a.m. and ......................(give) presentation on the company's plan to local managers in the afternoon. On day two Peter .................... ( travel ) to Tenerife and ................... (visit) the company's hotel there. Anna ....................... (not accompany) him.

8. Explain:a) c/o j) OSCEb) Attn. VATc) a.m. R.S.V.P.d) cc i.e.e) encl. e.g.

9. Translate:

exchange rate contractunemployment rate most convenientinterest rate premisesa fare a breaksignature to remindto sign

10. Translate


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a) Z veseljem vam sporočam, da . . .b) Na žalost vam moram sporočiti, da . . .c) Prosim, da potrdite rezervacijo pisno.d) V zvezi z najinim pogovorom vam sporočam, da . . .e) Želela bi povratno vozovnico za London, 14. februarja 2006.f) Pišem vam, da vam sporočim naš novi naslov.g) V roke nabavnemu oddelku.h) V pričakovanju vašega odgovora vas lepo pozdravljamo.

11. Write at/on/in

1. Goodbye! See you ....on.........Friday.2. Where were you ..................28 February?3. I got up....................8 o'clock this morning.4. I like getting up early ............. the morning.5. My sister got married.....................May.6. Diane and I first met ...............1979.7. Did you go out.....................Tuesday?8. Did you go out.....................Tuesday evening?9. Do you often go out.....................the evening?10.Let's meet......................7.30 tomorrow evening.11. I often go away.........................the weekend.12. I'm starting my new job...........................3 July.13.We often go to the beach........................summer.14.George isn't here...............the moment.15.Julia's birthday is .........................January.16.Do you work ............................Saturdays?17.The company started.............................1969.18. I like to look at the stars........................night.19. I'll send you the money.........................the end of the month.

12. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

a Jan and Karmen live/lives in Madrid.b Jože watch/watches television every evening.c I usually go/goes to school by bus.d It never snow/snows in this city.e Suzana live/lives in that house.f Katja get/gets up early every day.g All the buses leave/leaves from this bus-stop.

13. Write a question or a negative sentence.

a Jan – get up at 7.00..................Does Jan get up at 7.00..................................................?

b .Ana in Miha - walk to work................................................................................................?


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c Jan- leave home at 8.00........................................................................................................?

d Ana in Miha – relax in the evening.......................................................................................?

e Ana in Miha – not/like tennis .............Ana in Miha don't like tennis........................................

f Jan – not/where school uniform...........................................................................................

g Ana in Miha – not/use computers..........................................................................................

h Jan – not/do his homework.................................................................................................

14. Ana in Bojan meet in a bar. Bojan usually says the wrong thnig. Correct his mistakes.

ANA: Good evening.BOJAN: Good day.ANA: How are you?BOJAN: Terrible. I've got a bad cold and ...ANA: It's my birthday today.BOJAN: Congratulations.ANA: Would you like a drink?BOJAN: No, thank you. Coke.ANA: With ice?BOJAN: No, please.ANA: Here you are. Cheers.BOJAN: Bless you.


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A. Translate the following sentences.

1. Rad bi govoril z g. Millerjem, prosim.........................................................................................................................................2. Gospoda Millerja trenutno ni........................................................................................................................................3. Lahko me vežete z g. Adamsom, prosim? ........................................................................................................................................ 4. Torek mi ne ustreza.........................................................................................................................................5. Podpišite tukaj, prosim.........................................................................................................................................6. Opravičujemo se za morebitne nevšečnosti........................................................................................................................................7. Želela bi potrditi naročilo št. 25/B.......................................................................................................................................8. V zvezi z vašim dopisom z dne 15. feb. 2003 vam sporočamo............................................................................................................................................9. Poslali vam bomo našo podrobno ponudbo. .......................................................................................................................................10. Kakšen poseben popust lahko ponudite za večja naročila?........................................................................................................................................11. To je naša najnižja ponudba........................................................................................................................................12. Opravičujemo se zaradi zamude v odgovoru na vaš dopis.........................................................................................................................................13. Z obžalovanjem ugotavljamo, da je v naši fakturi napaka.........................................................................................................................................14. Prosimo navedite količine, ki jih potrebujete. ........................................................................................................................................15. Želel bi nekaj informacij o vaših izdelkih. ........................................................................................................................................16.Sem študent/ka VKŠ Celje.......................................................................................................................................17.Ali si moral delati sprejemni izpit?......................................................................................................................................18.Ne, ni mi bilo treba.......................................................................................................................................19.Koliko je šolnina ?......................................................................................................................................20.Angleščino imamo v predavalnici 210.......................................................................................................................................21.Katere tuje jezike se učiš?......................................................................................................................................22.Kje so prostori VKŠ Celje?......................................................................................................................................23.Ali so predavanja obvezna?


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B. Correct the mistakes.

1. Mr Brown works in Intereuropa.

2. He is doctor.

3. Catherine live in London.

4. How often you travel to Germany.

5. I call to arrange a meeting with Mr Smith.

6. Thank you for your letter from 4 April.

7. I work here for 5 years.

8. I'm writing to place an order for . . . .

9. We would be appreciate it if you could . . .

10. This is owing to the government has increased sales tax.

11. Are you looking for someone?

12. I need to speak to Mr Miller.

13. They are wanting some more time think it over.

14. I’m agreeing. I think it’s a good idea.

15. Helen deals with John’s clients whlile he’s on holiday.

16. I think about changing my job.

17. He can’t answer the phone. He has a shower.

18. Which beer are you preferring?

19. That’s ridiculous – we’re not believing it.

20. I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you say.

C. Find the prepositions.

1) ............. the afternoon 5) ................ a business trip

2) ............. night 6) ................ a meeting

3) ............. Thursday 7) ....... Friday at the latest

4) ............. May 1 8) ................ 3 o'clock


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D) Form questions .

1) Mr Collins is writing a letter of complaint.


2) We started our business 5 years ago.


3) On Monday he called twice.


4) Mr Miller signed the contract.


5) I didn't call you back, because I was too busy.


E) Fill in the missing words.

1) The ........................................ leads the meeting.

2) During the meeting the secretary keeps the .............................................. .

3) Could you please tell me the date and .............................. of the meeting?

4) The meeting will take place on 15 May instead of 13 May. It has

been ..............................

5) Today there are five items on our .................................... to discuss.

6) Ms Brown will contact you directly to arrange a ................................ time for her


7) I look forward to ................................. from you soon.

8) Thank you for your enquiry ............... 12 June.

9) With ................................... to your recent advertisement in PC HIT, I would be

grateful if you could send me details of your business software.

10) We ............................. receipt of your order dated 17 September 2001 for . . .

F) Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1) We are delighted / friendly to hear that the conference as a success.

2) Please find the attached / enclosed euro prices as requested.

3) This is Peter Smith speaking / talking.

4) He is in charge of / for receiving visitors.

5) Would / Could I have your name again, please?


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• Jones L. Working in English.OUP.Oxford.2001• Knight G. Business Goals 1. CUP. Cambidge.2004• Materials from ECML seminars, Graz.• Wood I. Pass Cambridge vantage. Summertown Publishing.Oxford.2001• Harrison L, Cushen C., Hutchison S. Achieve IELTS.Marshall Cavendish.2005• Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S., Market Leader.Pearson Education.2000