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Multimedia question

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Regulated Platforms within the media

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• “In the United Kingdom, the print media is essentially self-regulating. There is no statutory Press Council, no statutory complaints body and no requirement that journalists be registered or belong to any particular association. There is, however, a body established by newspaper bodies themselves, the Press Complaints Commission.”

• When looking at the platform Print within the media, we see that many institutions have there own personal liability to what they process into there news feeds, news papers, or posters.

“South Africa does not have a national press/media law. The Imprint Act (no 43 of 1993) requires only that the name and address of the printer appear on any printed matter intended for public sale or distribution. Thus, media and journalists are not subject to special regulations but, as any other citizen, have to comply with general laws.”

The Print media

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• “Unlike the press, broadcasting regulation in the UK is based on statute and is relatively complex. Private television and radio are regulated, respectively, by the Independent Television Commission (ITC) and the Radio Authority (RA), both provided for in the Broadcasting Act 1990.6 These bodies have broad licensing powers and the governing statute requires them to establish certain codes to which licensees must conform. They also have broad powers to sanction broadcasters who breach license conditions, including through suspension or revocation of licenses. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a public service broadcaster, is not subject to ITC licensing, and has instead established an internal system for processing complaints. All broadcasters – public and private, radio and television – are subject to the jurisdiction of the Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC).”n

When looking at the platform Broadcast, the media has to take more actions because this platform is a world wide organisation. Therefore, institutions such as the BBC and ITV have to regulate there programs so that they are suitable for there audience. Institutions do this through times of the day.

“Broadcasters have the option of either adhering to a code developed by the regulator (the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) and adjudicated by the Complaints and Compliance Committee (CCC) of ICASA, or of abiding by their own code administered by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA).”

• like the press, broadcasting regulation in the UK is based on statute and is relatively complex. Private television and radio are regulated, respectively, by the Independent Television Commission (ITC) and the Radio Authority (RA), both provided for in the Broadcasting Act 1990.6 These bodies have broad licensing powers and the governing statute requires them to establish certain codes to which licensees must conform. They also have broad powers to sanction broadcasters who breach license conditions, including through suspension or revocation of licenses. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a public service broadcaster, is not subject to ITC licensing, and has instead established an internal system for processing complaints. All broadcasters – public and private, radio and television – are subject to the jurisdiction of the Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC).

The broadcast media

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• “Under the Communications Act 2003 (‘the 2003 Act’), Ofcom has the general duty to promote the optimal use of the spectrum. The Wireless Telegraphy Act 1998 (‘WT Act’) facilitated the use of market mechanisms in spectrum management for the first time in the UK. For non-auctioned spectrum, the WT Act enabled ‘Administered Incentive Pricing’ (AIP), whereby prices for annual licence fees are set above administrative cost to reflect a range of spectrum management objectives. These WT Act license fees, set through AIP must be prescribed in regulations in the form of a statutory instrument”

• Ofcom focuses mainly on the controversial institutions so that they aren't exploiting any offensive or inappropriate adverts or programs that may be offensive to certain people, cultures or religions.


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Invasion Of Privacy

Invasion of privacy is a violation of a public figure's right to be left alone by the media.

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Different Types of Invasion of Privacy

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Identity Theft

• PEWhen Candida L. Gutierrez's identity was stolen, the thief didn't limit herself to opening fraudulent credit and bank accounts. She assumed Gutierrez's persona completely, using it to get a job, a driver's license, a mortgage and even medical care for the birth of two children.

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• Yes it should be regulated as Invasion Of peoples privacy has become more of an issue. • Facebook the famous social networking site has tightened up its privacy controls sufficiently to

satisfy a review by the body that regulates the social networking company outside North America, removing the immediate threat of legal challenges.

• The regulator said the outstanding areas of concern included minimizing the potential for advertising to target users based on words that could be considered as sensitive personal data, but both it and Facebook said they were confident that these issues would be dealt with speedily.

• Anyone can access information through social networking site.

Social networking sites

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How would you feel if your pictures, acquaintance circles and comments were used to judge you in a job interview?

In the US employers are requesting Facebook login information from prospective and current employees - a practice that has caused a backlash among privacy advocates. Political figures and rights groups are adamant that a person's digital footprint should be protected. But others believe the practice raises the possibility of employee discrimination and issues surrounding online security. "Not only is this an undeniable invasion of privacy, but by attempting to find out every personal detail.” - Bimal Parmar, marketing VP.

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Cookies • When you visit a site that uses cookies for the first time, a cookie is

downloaded onto your PC. • The site then ’knows’ that you have been there before, and in some cases,

tailors what pops up on screen to take account of that fact. • This basically means that your information has been stored.

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Negative effects of lack of regulation.

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Points• Chat rooms – Children go on there and are targeted by sexual predators.

These predators even pretend to be young as well and persuade the children to meet up with them. Or they just take advantage of them

• Websites to watch 18 rated films. Even though there is a certificate on the films, anyone can be exposed to them and even films that have been banned can be viewed even though they were banned for the reason of its extremes.

• Can search anything and children can accidently go onto a website that they didn’t mean to and get exposed to sexualised things.

• Websites that show racist, extremist, sexualised and pornographic views can be viewed by anyone.

• Exposed to bad language – influenced easily. • Social networking – grooming, pictures are exposed to anyone. • Online bullying

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Examples• A man in his early thirties was chatting about sex with a 13-year-old

South Florida girl and planned to meet her after middle-school classes the next day.

• Last month the maker of a smartphone app called Skout, designed for flirtation with strangers in the same area, admitted its use had led to sexual assaults on three teenagers by adults. The venture-backed firm had not verified that users of its now-shuttered teen section were under 20, giving predators easy access.

• Also in June, a teen-oriented virtual world called Habbo Hotel, which boasts hundreds of millions of registered users, temporarily blocked all chatting after UK television reported that two sex predators had found victims on the site and that a journalist posing as an 11-year-old girl was bombarded with explicit remarks and requests that she disrobe on webcam.

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• Timothy Fullard posed as a man called Dom and contacted a girl, 12, at her home using an internet messaging system, Northampton Crown Court heard. The police traced Fullard after the girl's mother became worried about her computer use. He admitted inciting the girl to engage in sexual activity. Fullard was also put on the sex offenders register for 10 years.

• A woman, who is now 17, explains how she was groomed online by a man when she was 12/13-years-old. The man, who is now in prison, won her trust through a social networking site.

• For 13-year-old Missouri girl Megan Meier, the bullying she received through MySpace, which she believed was coming from a boy in the neighbourhood, appears to have driven her to take her own life. In fact, while Megan thought she was being abused by 16-year-old Josh Evans, she was actually talking to Lori Drew, the 49-year-old mother of one of her former friends who, it is alleged, had set up a fake profile to taunt Megan.Ms Drew is now standing trial on computer fraud charges.

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Freedom of speech

• The internet should be the place where there should be no regulation. People should have freedom of speech and be able to express themselves freely.

• Other platforms are restricted such as broadcasting, and certain magazines as well. This surely means that there should be a platform where no one is restricted to use anything.

• Places on the internet where people can express themselves in on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to name a few.

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Freedom of speech • Broadcasting is another huge area where a large amount is regulated. This

is done by BBFC and they regulate movies by giving them a certificate.

• Therefore this restricts people from watching certain things. Therefore making them feel not trusted, on the on hand with the internet, they feel happy because they are not restricted from anything, therefore they feel trusted. We are prosumers and that is what the internet is for!!


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Why people blog

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• If certain sites and pages were closed some business and people who advertise on the web, might not get many people looking at their advertisement because they have been blocked from that site. This means that they might not get enough customers to make a profit, leading them to close down their business.

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• The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billion's of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by an array of electronic , wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the world wide web and the infrastructure to support email.

• Every hour, enough information is consumed by internet traffic to fill 7 million DVDs. And four years from now, it’ll be four times larger than that. At the moment there are a number of small associations who try to regulate the internet as much as they can but there is no “king of the internet” it has become to big for it to be completely regulated. The number of different websites and the amount of information that is stored on the internet makes it impossible to regulate.

• There are to many variables that stop those in power regulating the internet, like invading privacy of its users and copyright breaches.

• There are a few regulations that are in place, mainly used to stop young people interacting with something they shouldn’t and is there primarily for use of adults. These include pornographic websites and those that involve using and/or spending money like certain shopping websites and gambling websites.

• these are ways the internet can be regulated: 1. The constitutional approach2. The state control approach4. The self-regulation approach5. Rating and filtering techniques

How big Is the internet

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Internet censorship is the control or suppression of the publishing of, or access to information on the Internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations at the behest of government, regulators, or on their own initiative. Individuals and organizations may engage in self-censorship for moral, religious, or business reasons, to conform to societal norms, due to intimidation, or out of fear of legal or other consequences.

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In accordance with these laws, more than sixty Internet regulations have been made by the People's Republic of China (PRC) government, implemented by provincial branches of state-owned ISPs, business companies, and organisations. The apparatus of the PRCs internet repression is considered more extensive and more advanced thanin any other country in the world. The governmental authorities not only block website content but also monitor the internet access of individuals

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• 4. Extra legislation is not required• THE nature of the internet means that legislation is completely

counter to its ethos. As Russian Minister for Communications and Mass Media, Igor Shchegolev, told, Governments and industries are better suited working with online leaders to create a code of conduct for the internet rather than try and impose regulation that can be negated simply by one or two states refusing to come into the common system. It would also allow states that do not have the political capacity to sign legally binding legislation to join and take steps towards developing a free and responsible internet, rather than becoming ostracised rogue online states.

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• Targeted content• According to a Harvard study, at least 18,000 websites are blocked

within mainland China. According to the PRC-sponsored news agency, Xinhua, stated that censorship targets only “superstitious, pornographic, violence-related, gambling and other harmful information”. On the other hand, websites that are centered on following political topics are often censored. Foreign media websites such as BBC News, Yahoo! Hong Kong and Voice of America are often blocked.

• A 2012 study of social media sites by other Harvard researchers found the 13% of content that was blocked focused mainly on any form of collective action (anything from false rumors driving riots to protest organizers to large parties for fun), pornography, and criticism of the censors; significant criticisms of the government were allowed.

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• Words such as: ‘dictatorship’, ‘human rights’, ‘democracy’ and ‘oppression’ are blocked in RPC search engines.

• They have also blocked social media websites for fear of “false rumors” spreading.

• In 2010,Chinese human rights activist Lui Xiaobo became a forbidden topic in Chinese media due to him winning the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.

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• Rebecca MacKinnon, who reported from China for nine years as a Beijing bureau chief for CNN, said: "... many bloggers said he [Michael Anti – a famous Chinese journalist whose blog was censored] was a necessary sacrifice so that the majority of Chinese can continue to have an online space to express themselves as they choose. So the point is, compromises are being made at every level of society because nobody has the

expectation of political freedom anyway”

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When Wikipedia closed down their site for a day due to the SOPA legislation issues, there was a massive backlash of people saying how they didn’t want their internet to be regulated. Not because they do anything illegal – just because things like Wikipedia, and social media websites like Facebook and Twitter would regulate what we say, and block out anything they may class as ‘unacceptable’.

CENSORSHIP! Joke, this is an extreme version of how it WOULD be

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Regulation, types and people who regulateOfcom-tv and radio

Bbfc- filmsasa- advertising

Multiplatform media can allow access to a wider range of views, including extreme ones. Should the internet be more regulated?

You should refer to other media products to support your answer.

The internetWhat is

regulation like at the moment

What regulation stops and how it isn't perfect, doesn't’t always block the right things and can become more of a problem

The internet was made for freedom of speech, types of websites from video sharing to chat rooms, YouTube and msn

The internet is very big, very hard to regulate it all, different things that might need regulating

Examples of regulation, and what its like at the moment 1. The constitutional approach2. The state control approach4. The self-regulation approach5. Rating and filtering techniques

Why regulation is bad and how it affects what we can interact with.Examples of grooming on the web

Answer the question, using points and evidence I have made, I believe that it should be more regulated but only to a point so that younger people cant access certain things that may affect them negatively, so

that older viewers can still access these things, like chat rooms, certain videos/movies and social networking sites.

What is regulation, what it does and stops, examples of things that may need regulating, movies- heavily violent or controversial like this is England.