Download - Multi-Vendor Outsourcing for the financial industry


Multi-Vendor Outsourcing For The Financial Industry


The case for using multiple outsourcing vendors

Using multiple outsourcing partners to improve software delivery

Benefits of multi-vendor outsourcing

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Outsourcing in the Financial Industry

The state of outsourcing in finance

The state of outsourcing in finance

Getting started with multiple vendor outsourcing

Key steps


1 Vendor selection

Key steps

2 Cultural fit

Key steps

3 Vendor management agreement

Key steps

4 Ongoing risk management

5 Effective communication

Our outsourcing partners



An inside look into how we manage multiple vendors

Our operating model

Defining the project scope

1Project kickoff Ongoing project

2 3

Our team structure

Case Study

Multi-Vendor Outsourcing In The Banking Sector

The client’s challenges


Within the Scrum teams a close cooperation between TJIP, Dilato and Maxcode has been

achieved, through a clear division of work.

Our solutions


Project outcomes


The project is now a good case practice for successful Agile project management.

Download the complete case study