Download - MUD Winter 2014-15 - Annual Report elizabethriver


Newsletter of the Elizabeth River Project making restoration a reality

Winter 2014-15 - Annual Report

1. From almost dead… to a C! Scientists issued a new report giving the Elizabeth a C. That’s enormous for an urban river once thought beyond hope.

2. New plan for the new worst area. The only F’s on the new report were for parts of the Eastern Branch – and we were ready with a new strategy for restoring the Eastern Branch.

3. Southern Branch shows most improving trends! Thanks to your support, years of toil at sites like Money Point are paying off. Once the worst, the Southern Branch now has the most improving trends on the Elizabeth. 4. Goals met or exceeded: Lafayette branch. We substantially achieved or greatly exceeding all 2014 goals for water quality, wetlands, oysters, and public education on the Lafayette.

5. More than 2,350 homes now “fly the flag!” Your generosity means we have now enlisted this many River Star Homes to follow 7 simple steps for a cleaner river,in return for the signature blue yard flag.

6. Pollution reduced: 312 million lbs. Your support of our River Star Businesses program means we have now helped guide 114 business and government facilities to reduce their river impacts.

7. Three seahorses, 60 osprey nests, oysters 7 inches long. Living on a healthy river with wildlife like this is what it’s all about. All of it was found in the Elizabeth lately, thanks to your support.

Resolve to find your best role yet in 2015 at; 399-7487.

7 Best Ways Helped

the Elizabeth in 2014. Thanks!Your Home River Made Great Strides - Because You Supported These Efforts. The New Year looks startlingly great for the Elizabeth, with thanks for your support.

Here, Memphis Peevy delights in fish now living in our Paradise Creek Nature Park.

Seahorse found by ODU ichythology students, mouth of Lafayette Sept. 2014 Courtesy Amanda Ackiss.



The health of our river is returning, thanks toYOU.



Your home river will continue to revive, with YOUR support.

Board of Directors

Mudflats is the newsletter of the Elizabeth River Project, a membership-based non-profit working to restore the Elizabeth River through government, business and citizen partnerships. “Mudflats” refers to that slippery, biologically active zone where land and water meet, symbolizing our search for common ground among diverse interests.

www.elizabethriver.org475 Water Street, Suite C103APortsmouth, VA 23704[P] 757-399-RIVR (7487)[F] 757-397-8377

From the Executive Director

is for Celebration of Your “Fantastic” Progress

Professor Dan Dauer has graded Old Dominion University biology students for decades, and tested the Elizabeth River just as long. So when

he joined me last month on the radio, he had a ready answer for how he would have scored the Elizabeth in the 1990s.

“Not just an F. I would have said, ‘Drop the class,’” Dauer told Hearsay host Cathy Lewis. And that’s why Dauer, like many of us at Elizabeth River Project, thinks it’s “fantastic” that the Elizabeth has now earned an average grade of C in a new State of the Elizabeth River report by Dauer and a dozen other area scientists

All the hoopla over “Liz’s C” has been a special and fun way to end 2014. I am also thinking two other things about that C: First, how grateful I am for you who have supported what seemed like an impossible cause. And, how can I express in this small space how much heavy lifting is still before us?

Channel 3 asked what grade we’re shooting for next. Having not got much beyond savoring the surprising C,

I squeaked: “Maybe a B?” But listen y’all, it took more than 20 years to get to C. The B will not be next year.

Just now, the first sprinkles of rain made me head to the yard, bag in hand, to scoop

the dog poop as we are counting on all good River Star Homes to do (, to help drive down bacteria levels still unacceptable in too much of the Elizabeth. Polluted runoff is still an enormous challenge throughout our urban river. Your participation in our lawn makeover program for River Star Homes is also urgent, to keep excess nutrients

out of our runoff, and to help change the national mindset that a green lawn requires chemicals.

“The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land,” said Luna Leopold, a hydrologist. Thanks for your hands-on help and your generous support. New for 2015: Adopt a seahorse (symbolically) with your donation at!

Marjorie Mayfield Jackson, Ph

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tOfficers President - Karen Squires, Community Leader Vice-President - Phil Stedfast, Operations Manager, Kinder Morgan Elizabeth River Treasurer - Michael Nickelsburg, CAPT. USN (Ret.), Former Biology Department Head, Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth Secretary - Howard E. Copeland, Attorney

Directors Bruce Bradley, Retired, Landmark Communications, Former President and Publisher, The Virginian-Pilot Frank Daniel, Retired Regional Director, VA Dept of Environmental Quality Paul G. English, Professor of Business Mangement, TCC R. Michael Ewing, Environmental Programs Manager (East Region), BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair Ann Fitzgibbon, Community Leader Joshua S. Harris, Vice President – Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill Lynch Mary Beth Horton, Realtor, Nancy Chandler & Associates Bob Hume, Retired Chief Regulatory Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District John Keifer, Retired Director of Norfolk Public Works Michael R. Kirsch, CEO, K Plus Henry Light, Crenshaw, Ware & Martin, PLC Ruth Martin, Martin Consulting Services Ray E. Moses, RADM NOAA (Ret.) Christopher R. Neikirk, ERP Immediate Past President, AVP Executive, Norfolk Southern Corporation Judy Perry, Partner, Re:Design LLC Joshua P. Priest, Planner, Base Development Group of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Debbie Ritter, Chesapeake City Council Dr. Joe Rule, Retired Assoc. Dean, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University Louis F. Ryan, Retired General Counsel, Landmark Joseph J. Thomas, COL. USACE (Ret.), Former District Engineer Michael Unger, Research Associate Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Randy Webb, President and CEO, Signature Lauren Wolcott, Shareholder, Lauren V. Wolcott, CPA, P.C. Thomas J. Wright, Attorney, Stallings, Bush & Randall

Staff Marjorie Mayfield Jackson, Executive Director Pamela Boatwright, Deputy Director - Administration, River Star Business Program Manager Joe Rieger, Deputy Director - Restoration Robin Dunbar, Deputy Director – Education Sara Felker, River Star Homes Program Manager Dave Koubsky, Environmental Projects Manager Diana Larkin, Outreach Coordinator Katherine Reader, Bookkeeper Barbara Sasser, Accounts Manager Casey Shaw, Grassroots Coordinator Caroline Smith, Bargekeeper, Learning Barge Captain Sarah Sumoski, Urban Park Ranger Ashley Sorey, Education Specialist Mike Fowler, Landscape Specialist Virginia Thumm, Development Director – Interim

“Not just an F. I would

have said, ‘Drop the class.’”

~ Professor Dauer on how he once

would have graded the Elizabeth.

475 Water Street, Suite C103APortsmouth, VA 23704[P] 757-399-RIVR (7487)[F] 757-397-8377


Thank YOU for the river’s new passing grade.

From Almost Dead… To Passing Grade!




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Elizabeth River Average: C

For the first time ever, the Elizabeth River has a letter grade – and for an urban river once thought dead, the C represents great

progress. A committee of more than a dozen scientists was convened by Elizabeth River Project and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to prepare the State of the Elizabeth River, Scorecard 2014.

Here are the highlights, with thanks to YOU for making possible so much improvement. Let’s keep it up! See the full report at

Southern Branch: Most Improving Trends The best news in the report: The once notoriously polluted Southern Branch shows the most improving 10-year trends of any of the Elizabeth’s five branches. The Southern Branch, also known as the cradle of US maritime history, is also where your gifts to Elizabeth River Project have been put to work for our largest and longest efforts. Thank you for huge progress!

The report found improving trends for bacteria, bottom health, bottom contamination and nutrients. The Southern Branch still got a D, with much left to do. You can help with a donation now at at

Eastern Branch: New Worst Area

The saddest news in the scorecard is in some ways the best. Two small fingers of the Eastern Branch – Broad Creek and Indian River – both got F’s from the scientists. But that just

reaffirms the Elizabeth River Project’s selection of the Eastern Branch as our newest focus area, and the subject of a comprehensive new restoration plan prepared with the help of more than 90 stakeholders. Read the full plan at To help with implementation, email [email protected].

Inside Scoop on the New Scientific Report... Worst Branch Shows Most Improvement & YOU Made It All Possible.

Elizabeth River Project removes 36 million lbs. of contamination at Money Point on the Southern Branch (left). The project is part of the reason the Southern Branch now shows the most improving trends on the Elizabeth River. Right, Rebecca Walawender, ODU, tests a new Money Point wetland and finds cancer rates have dropped dramatically in fish.

4Thank YOU, River Star Businesses, for 312 million pounds of pollution reduced

Unrestricted revenues and other supportPledge income $116,500Grants and contributions $217,915Membership dues $72,292Other income $996Interest income $109Net assets released from restrictions $1,097,187 $1,504,999ExpensesProgram services 81% $1,218,350Management and general 16% $247,377Fundraising 3% $49,345 $1,515,072Change in unrestricted net assets (10,073)

Temporarily restricted net assetsGrants and contributions $1,430,084Program income $109,897 Net assets released from restrictions (1,097,187)Change in temporarily restricted net assets $442,794

Change in Net Assets $432,721

Net Assets - beginning of year $1,366,882

Net Assets - end of year $1,799,603

Statement of Financial PositionCurrent AssetsCash $604,341Accounts Receivable $31,880Pledges Receivable - net $130,561Prepaid Expenses $8,069Accrued Interest Receivable 0

Total Current Assets $774,851

Property and equipment - Net $968,253

Non-current pledges receivable - Net $306,500

$2,049,604Current LiabilitiesAccounts payable and accrued payroll taxes $15,139Line of Credit $100,000Current portion of long-term debt $3,411Deferred revenue $17,148

Total Current Liabilities $135,698

Long-term LiabilitiesLong-term debt - less current portion $114,304

Total Liabilities $250,002

Net AssetsUnrestricted $104,232Unrestricted invested in property & equipment $968,253Temporarily restricted $727,117

$1,799,602Total Net Assets $2,049,604

The Elizabeth River ProjectStatement of ActivitiesFiscal Year Ending September 30, 2013

Don’t Miss River Star Businesses Luncheon

W e consider our River Star Businesses “the finest environmental stewards on the Elizabeth.” Each fall, their latest achievements must be documented; then pass peer review as

both voluntary and significant for the size and nature of their operations.

Come celebrate with the stars as their number grows to an anticipated 114 business and government facilities. Top achievers will tell their stories at our Annual River Star Businesses Recognition Luncheon from 11:30 am to 2 pm on Thursday, Jan. 22 at Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel. Tickets are $25 at or 399-7487.

Joe Rieger, Alice Dodson and Wanda Russo tour river restoration progress on one of our River Otter and Mummichog society cruises. Consider joining them in the New Year. Contact Virginia Thumm, 399-7487. Photo courtesy Larry I’Anson.


Will YOU help us keep up the momentum?

Lafayette 2014 Goals Achieved… More to Do


Area scientists have found diverse life returning to the Lafayette branch of the Elizabeth, including, L to R: Shrimp up to 8 inches long; the exotic looking but native “lookdown” fish; the searobin and burgeoning osprey.

Sea Robin, trawl survey, mouth of Lafayette

Amazing catches,” said graduate student Amanda Ackiss, emailing us in astonishment. She had suggested Old Dominion

University students switch from Owl Creek in Virginia Beach to the mouth of the Lafayette to learn fish collecting.

The teeming life they found, including a seahorse they kept for awhile in an aquarium (see p. 1), is part of the progress that your donations have helped make possible, ever since Elizabeth River Project organized a community-wide plan in 2011 to clean up the Lafayette branch of the Elizabeth.

Elizabeth River Project gave awards Nov. 7 to seven partners for working with us to substantially achieve or greatly exceed all 2014 goals for the Lafayette. Living Lafayette Awards went to the Virginia Zoo, which committed to a new seahorse exhibit celebrating the Lafayette progress; as well as City of Norfolk, HRSD, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, US Army Corps of Engineers and Lafayette Wetlands Partnership for Lafayette milestones including:

• Met state water quality standards for bacteria. This is the goal we defined early-on as “swimmable.” Swimming is actually a Norfolk Health Dept. call (read our Safety First tips at But meeting the standard is a great environmental achievement by you, our donors, plus many individuals and organizations.

• Exceeded wetland goals. The 2014 goal was to restore 10 acres on the Lafayette. About 15 were achieved and seven more are funded, thanks to City of Norfolk, you and other partners.

• Exceeded oyster goals. The Lafayette plan called for 10 new acres of oyster habitat by 2014. About 9.5 acres of new reef combine with two more acres to be built in 2015 by Elizabeth River Project, plus 800 “oyster reef balls” - and an amazing 13 million oysters grown by Chesapeake Bay Foundation and citizens.

• Exceeded public involvement. The goal was 1,000 River Star Homes. Elizabeth River Project started River Star Homes on the Lafayette and we’ve now passed 2,350. Virginia Zoo has agreed to become our first satellite recruiting station.

None of us are done on the Lafayette, though. The plan also set 2020 goals including getting further than we have with reducing a large algae bloom appearing in the Lafayette each summer.

Find your role in Lafayette restoration as a home, school or business:

At 7 inches long, this live oyster (carefully returned to its bed under a Lafayette bridge) is the largest our team of scientists have seen anywhere in the Chesapeake Bay.

Cleaner water, 15 acres of new wetlands, 13 million oysters, 2,350 “star” homes - thanks to your support.


$100,000 and AboveChesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. $50,000 to $99,999National Fish & Wildlife Foundation The Hampton Roads Community Foundation US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration$25,000 to $49,999APM TerminalsAimee and Frank Batten, Jr. FoundationChesapeake Bay Funders Network City of Norfolk (Contract)Norfolk Southern FoundationJames and Karen Squires$10,000 to $24,999BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair Jane BattenBB&TCSX Transportation, Inc.Luck Companies FoundationOriana M. McKinnonPNC FoundationMr. and Mrs. Louis F. Ryan $5,000 to $9,999American Borate Co. Birdsong PeanutsBruce and Lily Bradley Colonna’s ShipyardPortfolio Recovery AssociatesSoutheast Virginia Community FoundationUnited Way of South Hampton Roads VA Dept. of Conservation and RecreationVirginia Environmental Endowment Wheelabrator Portsmouth$2,500 to $4,999Margaret BarteltMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernert IIIJ. Robert BrayClearfield MMG, Inc.Dr. Richard V. Homan Charles and Mary Beth HortonMr. and Mrs. Wick MoormanMr. and Mrs. Chris NeikirkThe Windward FoundationVirginia Institute of Marine Science Randy and Lelia Graham Webb $1,000 to $2,499 Accurate Marine Environmental, Inc. Shirley Baldwin

Bay Diesel and Generator ServiceRADM Charles J. & Susan BeersPam Boatwright and Don GulliverMr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd

Joan and Macon BrockDeborah ButlerColumbia Gas of Virginia Cottrell Contracting Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen CyrusMr. and Mrs. Bill Eisenbeiss

Paul and Linda EnglishGarden Club NorfolkHarbor Group International Mr. and Mrs. Peter HuberCapt. and Mrs. Lawrence I’Anson

Marjorie Mayfield and Robert JacksonMike and Carolyn KirschKITCO Fiber Optics, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David LawsonHenry and Angelica Light

Marine Hydraulics International, Inc.Joan G. MillerCapt. and Mrs. Michael NickelsburgNorfolk Dredging CompanyCapt. and Mrs. E.C. OldfieldPerdue Agribusiness Steve and Judy PerryPortsmouth Service LeagueRebekah L. Huber Family Charitable Fund Lynn Cobb and Warren Richard F. Scott Ripley and Michele Workman Richard D. and Shirley Hanson Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John ShannonMr. and Mrs. Phil Stedfast Joe and Petra ThomasThe Vane Brothers CompanyMr. and Mrs. Mark WardenJane and Sam WebsterWells Fargo FoundationMr. and Mrs. Wayne WilbanksLauren Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf Ken and Nancy Wren, Sr.John Wynne$500 to $999Atlantic Dominion DistributorsMr. and Mrs. John BroderickThe Hon. and Mrs. Kirkland and Jack ClarksonThe Honorable and Mrs. Marylin and Howard CopelandNoel and Crile CrislerJames GwathmeyHarborfront Garden ClubDr. and Mrs. Robert HeideIMS Environmental Services, Inc.Archer & Patricia Glynn JonesJohn M. Keifer Kinder Morgan Norfolk TerminalsPam and Pete KloeppelCornelia B. LeeLyon ShipyardAnn MingioneRADM and Mrs. Ray MosesNorfolk Tides Baseball ClubJosh and Karen PriestMr. and Mrs. Ike PrillamanKathleen and Anne Redfern Judith SchooleySKW Constructors E’Ann Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Junius WilliamsVolvo Penta of the AmericasVulcan Materials Sales Yard$499 and UnderMr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Anne Ablett Mr. & Mrs. Evelyn and Bob Adkisson Robert A. Affeldt

Deepest Thanks to Elizabeth River Project Investors Contributions received Feb. 25 – Nov. 18, 2014

American Borate Co.American Honda FoundationAmerican RoverAPM TerminalsBAE Systems Norfolk Ship RepairBank of AmericaMr. and Mrs. R. Douglas BarnhartMr. and Mrs. Richard Barry, III Ms. Margaret Bartelt Jane Batten Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batten, Jr. BB&TBirdsong Peanut CorporationMr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Bradley Mr. J. Robert Bray Mr. and Mrs. Macon Brock, Jr. Brown and CaldwellMs. Deborah Butler J.L. Camp Foundation, Inc.Chesapeake Bay Funder’s NetworkThe Hon. & Mrs. Jack Clarkson Colonna’s Shipyard, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colpitts Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Covington Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Creecy CSX Transportation, Inc.Dollar Tree, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Decker, III Dr. and Mrs. Brian and Melissa Deutsch Dollar Tree, Inc.Dominion Resources Services, Inc.FishAmerica FoundationMr. and Mrs. David Goode Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hall Hampton Roads Community FoundationRichard Homan, MD Dr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Beth Horton HRSD

Lyle Jackson Marjorie Mayfield and Robert Jackson Louis Jaffe and Kitty Whitman Henry and Angelica Light Mr. Harvey Lindsay, Jr. Luck Companies FoundationMrs. Oriana McKinnon Maersk Line, LimitedMr. and Mrs. Peter Meredith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moorman National Fish and Wildlife FoundationMr. and Mrs. Chris Neikirk CAPT and Mrs. Michael Nickelsburg, USN Ret. NOAA Restoration Center F/HC3Norfolk Southern FoundationOSAGE of VirginiaMr. Chris Perry Steve and Judy Perry Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc.Portsmouth General Hospital FoundationGray and Sharon Puryear Susan Robertson Ms. Wanda Russo Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ryan Richard Sheppard Southeast VA Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. James Squires TowneBank FoundationVA Dept. of Conservation and RecreationVA Dept. of Environmental QualityVA Dept. of ForestryVA Dept. of Game & Inland FisheriesVirginia Environmental EndowmentVirginia Port AuthorityVirginia Ship Repair AssociationMr. and Mrs. Randy and Lelia Graham Webb, Jr. W.F. Magann Corp.Wheelabrator PortsmouthBarbara White

CITGO Petroleum CorporationShirley Baldwin Fred and Jane Bashara Bay Diesel and Generator ServiceRADM Charles J. and Susan Beers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernert, III Pam Boatwright and Don GulliverBlake Bailey and Mary Brinkmeyer John Arrigo and M. Ann Carney Dr. and Mrs. James and Judy Carraway The Honorable and Mrs. Howard Copeland Cottrell Contracting Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cyrus Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniel Bill and Michael Eisenbeiss Elizabeth River Garden ClubMr. and Mrs. Paul and Linda English Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Karen Fine Mr. Guy Fridell, III General Dynamics NASSCO-NorfolkEleanor and Sandy Harris The Hon. and Mrs. James C. Hawks Ms. Gayle Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huber R. Willson Hulcher, Jr.Bob and Susan Hume Capt. & Mrs. Lawrence I’Anson Mr. and Mrs. James Izard II Ms. Claudia Keenan Kinder Morgan/Elizabeth River TerminalsMr. and Mrs. Mike Kirsch KITCO Fiber Optics, Inc.VADM and Mrs. Alexander Krekich

Mr. and Mrs. David Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lester Mrs. Eleanor Marshall John and Ruth Martin McLean Contracting CompanyMr. and Mrs. Richard Meredith Dr. Betty Meyer Joan G. Miller RADM and Mrs. Ray Moses Norfolk Tug CompanyCAPT. E.C. and Lucy Oldfield Bobby McReady Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Josh Priest Mr. and Mrs. Walter Priest, III Kathleen and Anne Redfern Ms. Margaret W. Redfern Lynn Cobb and Warren Richard Mr. F. Scott and Michele Ripley Gina and Jack Ruffin Bob Layton and BB Schenk Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shumadine Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stedfast, Jr. Joe and Petra Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Trinder Vandeventer Black LLPVirginia Natural GasMr. and Mrs. Robert Vollbrecht Andrew Wallach Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warden Howard M. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Jane and Sam Webster Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Williams Willcox & SavageDr. and Mrs. Carl Wisoff Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf Ken & Nancy Wren, Sr. John Wynne

The Elizabeth River Project is proud to recognize members of its Leadership Giving Societies, who contribute $1,000 or more annually to support the ongoing work of the organization. To learn more about becoming a River Otter or Mummichog Society member, please contact

Marjorie Mayfield Jackson at (757)392-7134 or [email protected].



Robert P. Albergotti Jr. Captain Lawrence Anderson, USN (RET) Mrs. Sabine Andrews Margaret Anglin Sheldon Arey Jason Armstrong Alexander B. Atkins Jr. Margaret Ayscue Mary Babcock Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Ms. C. Linn Baiker Mr. and Mrs. Diana and Kenneth Bailey Joanie Thayer and Howdy Bailey Amelia and Brandon Baker Brad J. & Babbi J. Bangel Nancy Bangel Buz Barclay Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Barco Mr. & Mrs. Mary and Peter Barhydt Mr. Arnold Barr Fred and Jane Bashara Carlotta and Charles Bell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Benedict Patty Bennett Mr. Terrell Bennett Leslie Bennis Joanne Berkley Joseph Berryman Lei Lei and Rob Berz Rob Berz David and Judith Best Emily Birknes James Bishop Kitty Boatwright Mrs. Susan Boice Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bolling , Sr. Dr. Rebecca D. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Isabel Brenner Blake Bailey and Mary BrinkmeyerMrs. Mary Dame Broad Anne Brooke Dr. George W. Brown , Jr. Robert M. Burchette Valerie Burkett Joseph & Joyce Burns Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Campbell II Julia Bragdon & David L. Campbell Ms. Nancy Campbell Virginia Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John and Jeanne Carlock Rebecca Carmichael Jared Chalk Mr. and Mrs.Warren Channel Julia Childress Beck Chris & Kathy Clark Martin T. Clowdsley Mr. Lewis Cobb, Jr.

Robert Coles Mr. and Mrs. Donald Comer Bradley Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Cooper Andrey Cooper-Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Creecy Dr. J. Parker and Annah Cross Jr. Carl A. Dehne Mrs. Page McGaughy and Dr. Del Delcambre Ms. Sandra DiCarlo Anne Shewan and Michael Dinniman Ms. Jay Dooling J.C. Douglass Carol Thomas Downing Julia Dunlap Theresa Dunleavy Christel Dyer Lucinda Lynn Earle Gene H. Edwards III Mr. Bruce Eley Ken and Linda Engler Melanie Enriquez Michael Ewing Sara Felker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Karen Fine Wendell Franklin Eric Freeman Friends of the Indian River Mr. & Mrs. George & Marjorie Galeota Mr. and Mrs. James B. Garrison Admiral Philip O. Geib William Gibson Lynn and Scott Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. James Gildea Paul & Barbara Shreckhise Gillooly Michele and Ricardo Gonzalez William M. Groeninger Barton Gumpert Martha S. Guyon Karen Haberthur David Hagn Carolyn Hampton Colonel and Mrs. Thomas Harleman Chris & Cynthia Harney Mr. Willie Harris Daniel Hassett Mark & Ray Haywood Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hecht-Leavitt Louis H. Henry Todd Herbert Patrick W. Herman Tonya Herzog Dr. John and Dolores Hess Alexander and Cheryl Hindle Jr. Seoya Holmes Sara Howard Tracy Hughes Bob and Susan Hume

Mr. & Mrs. David & Gail Iwans Betty R. Jackson Marshall & Jean Jackson Anne Cary Jacob Sheila Jessen Charles A. Johnson John and Carol Johnston Mr. and Mrs. James Jones III Cheryl Jordan Peggy Joseph Diane Kasper Twinky an Jeff Kelleher Katie Kelvas Bill and Anne Kenny Christopher Keyes Jim & Mary Ann Kincaid Paul A. Kotarides Rhonda and Gregory Kunsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laibstain Kate and Matt Lambert

Mark V. Lanier John Lifesey Mr. & Mrs. Joan and Leonard M. Ligon Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lilly Paul M. and Ellie Lipkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long Susan Lonigan Barbara A. Luck Steve Mallard Sister Grace Malonzo D.W. Annette T. Markham Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Maureen Marroni John and Ruth Martin Mr. Steven Martin Chuck Mason Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Massey Mark Hayes & Karen L. Mayne Charles H. McCoy Jr. Mr. Kenneth McDonald Jr. Patricia McGill Wendy McGrady Vicki McManus James McNally Mr. Michael McPhillips Mr. Chris & Kate Melhuish James A. Metcalfe G. William Meyer Jr. Lynell Michonski Mr.John Miles

Mr.James Miller Jean L. Miller Julius Miller, M.D. Ms. William and Joan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mitchel Mr. & Mrs. Brewer Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore Ms. Grace Moran Ashby Moss John D. Munford Laurel Quarberg and Sarah Munford Mr. Thomas Murray Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neikirk Chris Neikirk Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sarah Nettleton Mr. Kevin Noonan Garry and Teresa Norman Pat and James Nothnagle Robert Noyes Mike and Maria O’Hearn Brian D. O’Neil

Dan Omahen Kendall and Rebecca Osborne Deborah E. Otis Mr. and Mrs. Grover Outland , Jr. Mr. William Ouzts, Sr. Miriam Palmer Marjorie Parsons Mr. and Mrs. John Payne Pris M. Peake Mr. and Mrs. James Penney Nancy and Bob Perkins Mr.John E. Peters Jenn Pfitzner Dick and Laura Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Erin and Jeff Phillips Jeffrey Phillips Myles A. Pocta Sylvia and Mike Pope Whitney and John Porter Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Powell, III Sonia Powell Mr. and Mrs. Walter Priest III Ron and Emily Primm Gray and Sharon Puryear Mr. Arthur Quarnstrom William Rachels David and Peggy Rayl Captain and Mrs. Joseph Reagan Michael W. Reagan

Mr. and Mrs. Harriet & Allan Reynolds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reynolds V Ms. Karen H. Richards Mr. Terry Riley Bernard & Zelma Rivin Beverly Roberts William and Iva Robinett Charles & Katherine Robison III Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rooks Mr. Albert Roper II, MD John Rosenman Ms. Catherine Rothman Martha Ruggles Dr. Joseph Rule Mariah Rule Ulrike Rumpf Mr. Palmer S. Rutherford Jr. Mrs. Joyce Ryan Meredith B. Sabol Florence K. Samuels Mr. and Mrs. David Savage Andrew Schaubach Mr. Margaret Schmidt Al & Denise Schnitzer Elizabeth A. Schon Mr. John Schonk Susan Schrader James Seagraves Margaret Ann Seagraves Dr. and Mrs. C. Wood Selig Ms.Dottie Seward Mr. and Mrs. Gene Seward MissElisabeth Seyller Jason Simpson Dale Small Karla Smith Mr.Roy Smith, Jr. Donald R. Snipes Dr. and Mrs. William and Ruth Bizot Spaur Mr. and Mrs.H.B. Spear III St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Christine Stafford Valerie Stallings, M.D. Lawrence Steingold Dr. and Mrs. Roger Stenlund Raymond E. Stephens Van and Phyllis Stephenson Suzanne Stevens Virginia Stevenson John & Martha Stewart Judge Robert W. Stewart Mr. Alan C. Stringer Mr. and Mrs. Hil Strode Dr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Stroud Stephanie Sugioka James V. Sullivan Suntrust United Way Campaign Elizabeth Taraski Louise Taylor Tim & B.J. Taylor The Progressive Insurance Foundation

Martin Thomas Jill Thompson William West and Melissa Thrasher RADM Byron Tobin Helena and Christopher Tompkins Ms. Barbara Torpey Ms. Diane Torrech Michael Unger Unitarian Church of Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Claude Vanderberry Alan and Linda Vigneault James and Linda Walls Ward’s Corner Chiropractic Carol Warren Joe and Ingeburg Watkins Western Branch Academy Drs. Larry and Jackie White Robin J. White H. Waller Whittemore Melvin H. Williams Mr. William Wills Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilson Cristina Wineinger Anna H. Yarashus Dr. Terry P. Yarbrough MD Mr. Richard Yoder Nancy & Ronald Young

In-Kind Donations BAE SystemsEd and Linda Bradley Colonna’s Shipyard Inc.Crofton IndustriesGardens in a FlowerpotHarbor GalleryJohnson and Sons SeafoodMattawoman Creek FarmsMermaid FactoryO’Connor BreweryGray and Sharon Puryear Robbins Maritime Inc.Smartmouth Brewing Company Karla SmithKaren and James SquiresTotal WineTaylor’s Do It CenterWF Magann CorporationWhite’s Nursery & Garden CenterJennifer Wright and Roger Marce, Jr. Yacht Systems Services Inc.United Way/ Workplace GivingEvelyn and Bob AdkissonDeborah Butler Valerie BurkettMr. and Mrs. David LawsonJeffrey PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Claude Vanderberry

Deepest Thanks to Elizabeth River Project Investors Contributions received Feb. 25 – Nov. 18, 2014

“A community-wide campaign led by the tireless efforts of the non-profit Elizabeth River Project has revived parts of the river, providing promising signs”

- Virginian-Pilot, Nov. 22, 2014


ThankYOU, Students and River Star Homes!


Jen Wright and Chip Marce once had a yard that was boring and normal.

Grass spread from house to shore along the Lafayette branch of the Elizabeth. Then they joined River Star Homes with Elizabeth River Project.

Grant funding helped them convert their waterfront into an edible Eden that halts pollution and erosion, while providing their family with pecans, blueberries and raspberries. To water it for free and reduce runoff even more, they added two of our River Star Homes “super-barrels,” each with a

132-gallon capacity, and two smaller 55-gallon rain barrels.

All this plus 10 beehives, and active roles recruiting other “stars,” helped Jen and Chip make the River Star Homes Hall of Fame for 2014 – announced aboard an annual cruise for River Star Homes donated on Oct. 12 by the Carrie B.

Our Learning Barge has booked to capacity for student field trips ever since its launch in 2009. Now our

new Paradise Creek Nature Park, also made possible by you, our generous donors, is starting to catch up.

All Norfolk fourth graders are visiting the Learning Barge, “America’s greenest vessel,” this year with 32 schools already aboard this fall.

“Every activity was hands-on which was great for my students,” wrote teacher Patte Elder. “The Learning

Barge really brought to life the importance of keeping our rivers clean.”

Now all Portsmouth fifth graders are making their way to the 40-acre nature park, where Elizabeth River Project will construct more education facilities later this year including the Dominion Virginia Power Education Pavilion, the Fred W. Beazley Signature Entry Pavilion (with composting toilets), more “green” parking and a kayak launch.

Elizabeth River Project’s 2020 goals include 25,000 citizen soldiers who understand, embrace and support

the restoration of the Elizabeth River. That will mean reaching a lot more students of all ages, with your continued help.

Contact Robin Dunbar at [email protected] for field trips this spring to the barge, winner of the Governor’s Excellence Award in 2014, or the new park.

You can also discover this unique urban park for yourself. It’s open daily, thanks to a partnership of Elizabeth River Project and the City of Portsmouth.

Students Discover the River by Barge... and Park!

Her Boring and Normal Yard Becomes a River EdenRiver Star Homes Celebrates Hall of Fame Winner for 2014

Thanks to YOU, Paradise Creek Nature Park Joins Learning Barge for Hands-on Education

Join our free River Star Homes program or learn new ways to help: or 757-392-7135.Jen Wright earns the top “star” for

river stewardship

Sarah Sumoski, our Urban Park Ranger, leads a field trip of students from James Hurst Elementary at Paradise Creek Nature Park. Explore the unique park you helped make possible, open dawn to dusk: