Download - MuCool Absorber Review meeting Fermi Lab, 12 – 13 August 2002 Flow and thermal simulation By Wing Lau & Stephanie Yang Oxford University.


MuCool Absorber Review meeting Fermi Lab, 12 – 13 August 2002

Flow and thermal simulation


Wing Lau & Stephanie YangOxford University

Two Thermal models that we have looked at:

The flow rate dependant “Force Flow” model;

The Convective Flow model

The Force Flow model:-

Current FE software we have at Oxford is adequate to deal with this type of thermal analysis

2-D model & 3-D models are working well.

Computing power required for the 3-D model is several order of magnitude larger than that required for the 2-D model.

Preliminary results show that at 5m/s, the LH2 provides a good cooling surface to the centre of the window. There is a “dead” zone at the crotch corner of the Bellow window which needs additional mixing to prevent LH2 from boiling in this area;

The Convective analysis:

Detail examination of the results show that the gravity effect was absent from the analysis, hence the lack of any re-circulation and thermal mixing ;

Further discussion with the software supplier revealed that this was indeed a deficiency of the software on this particular feature;

We have since switched to another software for the convective flow analysis;

The new software is called CFX-5. It is fully capable for 3-D modelling. We have since installed the programme in our network drive and Stephanie is working hard to ensure that we have further results to show at the next meeting;

Our first task is to simulate what KEK have done to see if the two results tie up;

We are confident that this is the right tool for this type of analysis;