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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Data Structure & Algorithms Subject Code: MSC-201

Paper Code: FCJ-141 Time : 20 Minutes

M.Marks : 10

Section A

Objective Type Questions

Attempt All Questions (Each question carry 1/2 mark). Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking

the correct answer.

Q. No. I. Choose the correct answer-

1. A technique of direct search is-

a) Binary Search b) Linear Search

b) Tree Searching d) Hashing

2. A mathematical model with a collection of operations defined on that model is called-

a) Data Structure b) Primitive data types

c) Abstract data types d) Algorithm

3. The number of inter change required to sort 5,1,6,24 in ascending order using Bubble

Sort is-

a) 6 b) 5

c) 8 d) 7

4. The complexity of multiplying two matrices of order m*n and n*p is-

a) np b) mp

c) mn d) mnp

5. For an undirected graph with n vertices and e edges, the sum of the degree of each

vertex is equal to-

a) 2n b) e2/2

c) (2n-1)/2 d) 2e

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Page 2: M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015) …€¦ · What is the postfix form of the following prefix * -ab-cd ... (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015) Data Structure


6. If a node in a BST has two children, then its in order predecessor has-

a) No child b) Two Children

c) No left Child d) No right Child

7. A Binary tree in which if all its levels except possibly the last, have the maximum

number of nodes and all the nodes at the last level appears as far left as possible,

known as-

a) AVL tree

b) Threaded tree

c) Full Binary tree d) Complete Binary tree

8. Which of the following sorting algorithms does not have a worst case running time of


a) Insertion sort b) Quick sort

c) Merge sort d) Bubble sort

9. A smallest element of an array’s index is called its-

a) Lower bound b) Upper bound

c) Extraction d) Range

10. A maximum degree of any vertex in a simple graph with n vertices is-

a) n+1 b) 2n-1

c) n-1 d) n

11. The data structure required for Breadth first Traversal on a graph is-

a) Trees b) Stack

c) Queue d) Array

12. The data structure required to evaluate a postfix expression is-

a) Queue b) Array

c) Stack d) Linked List

13. Which data structure would you mostly likely see in a non recursive implementation

of a recursive algorithm?

a) Linked List b) Trees

c) Queue d) Stack

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14. In a circular Linked List-

a) Components are arranged hierarchically

b) Forward & Backward traversal within the list is permitted.

c) There is no beginning & no end

d) Components are all linked together in some sequential manner.

15. Which of the following sorting methods would be most suitable for sorting a list

which is almost sorted?

a) Bubble sort b) Insertion sort

c) Selection sort d) Quick sort

16. A BST is tranversed in the following order recursively; Right, Root, Left. The output

sequence will be in-

a) Ascending order b) No specific order

c) Bitomic sequence d) Descending order

17. An adjacency matrix representation of a graph cannot contain information of-

a) Nodes b) Edges

c) Direction of edges d) Parallel edges

18. Quick sort is also known as-

a) Merge sort b) Heap sort

c) Bubble sort d) None of these

19. One of the major drawback of B-tree is the difficulty of traversing the keys


a) True b) False

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

20. What is the postfix form of the following prefix * -ab-cd.

a) ab+cd-* b) abc+*-

c) ab+*cd d) ab+*cd-


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Data Structure & Algorithms Subject Code: MSC-201

Paper Code: FCJ-141

Time : 2:40 hours M.Marks : 60

Section – B (Short Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)

Q.No.2. What values are automatically assigned to those elements which are not explicitly



What is an algorithm? What are the characteristics of a good algorithm?

Q.No.3. Which sorting algorithm is best if the list is already sorted? Why?


What are circular Queues? Write down routines for inserting and deleting element

from a circular queue implemented using array.

Q.No.4. Write short notes on (any two)-

i) B-Tree

ii) Abstract data type

iii) Simulation of queues

Q.No.5. What is graph? How it was represented in memory.


Write the use of Greedy Method.

Q.No.6. What do you mean by merge sort. Explain any two sorted array.


What do you mean by dynamic programming? Give an example in detail.

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Section C

(Long answer type questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)

Q.No.7. Write an algorithm to insert a node in the beginning of the linked list.


What is a linear array? Explain how two dimensional arrays are represented in


Q.No.8. Define a sparse metrices. Explain the representation of matrix using linked list.


What is a Binary tree? What is the maximum number of nodes possible in a

Binary tree of depth d. Explain the terms required in Binary tree.

Q.No.9. What are tournament trees? Explain the concept with example.


What are binary search & AVL trees with all four notations? Explain B-tree


QNo.10. Draw the complete undirected graph on one, two, three, four and five vertices.


What do you understand by Game trees? Explain it by using perfect example.

Q.No.11. What is the use of Branch & Bound Method? What do you mean by Back-



Explain the method to calculate the address of an element in an array. A 25×4

matrix array DATA is stored in memory in row-major order. If base address is

200 & we=4, words per memory cell. Calculate the address of DATA [12,3].


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Operating System Subject Code: MSC-202

Paper Code: FCJ-142 Time : 20 Minutes

M.Marks : 10

Section A

Objective Type Questions

Attempt All Questions (Each question carry 1/2 mark). Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking the

correct answer.

Q. No. I. Choose the correct answer-

1. Mutual exclusion can be provided by the-

a) Mutex locks b) Binary semaphores

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

2. UCB stands for-

a) Unified Control Block b) Unit Control Block

c) Universal Control Block d) None of these

3. Chaining and indexing are strategies of-

a) Contiguous allocation b) Non-Contiguous Allocation

c) Partition Allocation d) Static allocation

4. Multithreading on a multi CPU machine-

a) Decrease concurrency b) Doesn’t affect concurrency

c) Increase concurrency d) May increase/decrease concurrency

5. The “process” term was coined by-

a) Barry Boehm b) Alrecht

c) Daley d) None of these

6. Belady’s Anomaly is a behavior of which page replacement algorithm?

a) FIFO b) Circular FIFO

c) Optimal d) LRU

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7. Which of the following is the crucial time while accessing data on the disk?

a) Seek time b) Rotational time

c) Waiting time d) Transmission time

8. Process is-

a) A program in execution

b) Program in high level kept on disk

c) Contents in main memory

d) None of these

9. The strategy of allowing process that are logically runnable to be temporally suspended is


a) Pre-emptive scheduling b) Non-pre-emptive scheduling

c) FCFS d) SJF

10. Rotating Priority is used in-

a) RR algorithm b) FCFS

c) SJF d) STRN

11. An OS module that selects the next job to be admitted for execution is-

a) Schedular b) Throughput

c) Compiler d) Dispatcher

12. External fragmentation is subjected to-

a) Segmentation b) Swapping

c) Pure demand Paging d) None of these

13. Dispatcher-

a) Never changes task priorities

b) Schedules task into processor

c) Small and simple

d) Puts task in I/O wait

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14. A virtual device is-

a) Dedicated for One Purpose

b) Shared device converted to dedicated device

c) Dedicated device converted to a shared device

d) None of these

15. Swap space exists in-

a) Primary Memory b) Secondary Memory

c) CPU d) None of these

16. A process can be terminated due to-

a) Normal Exit b) Fatal Error

c) Killed by another Process d) All of these

17. Which of the following is a process synchronization tool?

a) Thread b) Pipe

c) Semaphore d) Socket

18. Virtual memory is normally implemented by-

a) Demand Paging b) Buses

c) Virtualization d) All of these

19. Process synchronization can be done on-

a) Hardware level b) Software level

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

20. Because of virtual memory, the memory can be shared among-

a) Processes b) Threads

c) Instructions d) None of these


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Operating System Subject Code: MSC-202

Paper Code: FCJ-142

Time : 2:40 hours M.Marks : 60

Section – B (Short Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)

Q.No.2. What are the main advantages of time shared system? How it is implemented?


Compare spooling and buffering?

Q.No.3. Discuss the significance of maintaining the access control list in file system?


Explain ISAM access method of file?

Q.No.4. On a system using round-robin scheduling what would be the effect of including

one process twice in the list of Processes? Justify your answer?


Explain Convoy Effect? Why is starvation a major problem in priority


Q.No.5. Compare-

i) Demand Paging Versus Segmentation

ii) Logical Address space Versus Physical Address space.


Explain the difference between MVT and MFT schemes.

Q.No.6. Explain Virtual devices?


Briefly describe about the techniques of device management?

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Section C

(Long answer type questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)

Q.No.7. Explain Operating System as Resources Manager. Why spooling adds an

advantage to the system.


Explain the dual mode operation of operating system? How does it protects the


Q.No.8. Explain the single level and two level directory structure with example?


Explain file allocation methods?

Q.No.9. Consider-

the jobs

Calculate the minimum average waiting time for-


ii) SJF

iii) Round Robin (quantum=10)


What are the various Process states? Write a short note on PCB.

QNo.10. How many Page faults will occur with a string 0,1,7,2,3,2,7,1,0,3.There are four

frames which are initially empty. Use-

i) FIFO ii) LRU iii) LFU iv) Optimal.


Under what circumstances do page fault occur? What are the steps for handling a

page fault?

Q.No.11. Write a short note on I/O schedulars?



i) Buffering

ii) Block Multiplexing.


Job Burst time

p1 10 ms

p2 29 ms

p3 3 ms

p4 7 ms

p5 12 ms

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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Computer Network with Windows NT Subject Code: MSC-203

Paper Code: FCJ-143 Time : 20 Minutes

M.Marks : 10

Section A

Objective Type Questions

Attempt All Questions (Each question carry 1/2 mark). Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking

the correct answer.

Q. No. I. Choose the correct answer-

In PCM an analog to ______________ conversion occurs.

a) Analog b) Digital

c) QAM d) differential

2. In ______________ transmission, bits are transmitted simultaneously each across its

own wire.

a) Asynchronous serial b) Synchronous serial

c) Parallel d) Both (a) and (b)

3. Which topology requires a multipoint connection?

a) Mesh b) Star

c) Bus d) Ring

4. A television broadcast is an example of _________ transmission.

a) Simplex b) Half Duplex

c) Full Duplex d) Automatic

5. A cable break in a topology stops all transmission in _______ topology.

a) Mesh b) Bus

c) Star d) Primary

6. Which multiplexing technique transmits analog signals?

a) FDM b) TDM

c) WDM d) Both (a) and (c)

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7. AM and FM are examples of ________ modulation.

a) Digital to Digital b) Analog to Analog

c) Digital to Analog d) Analog to Digital

8. The ______ layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium.

a) Physical b) Data link

c) Network d) Transport

9. Mail services are available to N/W users through the __________ layer.

a) Data link b) Physical

c) Transport d) Application

10. Identify the class IP Address 4,5,6,7.

a) Class A b) Class B

c) Class C d) Class D

11. Which of the following is a connective device?

a) Bridge b) Repeater

c) Hub d) All of these

12. A repeater takes a corrupted signal and __________ it.

a) Amplifies b) Regenerates

c) Resamples d) Reroutes

13. Which of the following is not a guided medium?

a) Twisted pair cable b) Coaxial cable

c) Fiber optic cable d) Atmosphere

14. Transmission medium is usually categorized as-

a) Fixed or unfixed

b) Guided or Unguided

c) Determinate or indeterminate

d) Metallic or non metallic

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15. Number of Classes defined for IP addressing are-

a) 2 b) 3

c) 5 d) 7

16. Telephone networks use-

a) Message switching b) Circuit switching

c) Packet switching d) None of these

17. CSMA is acronym for-

a) Carrier Sense Multiple Access

b) Computer Sense Multiple Access

c) Collision Sense Multiple Access

d) Carrier Sense Multi Access

18. _____________ is used to identify each device connected to the internet.

a) Computer Address b) IP Address

c) Class d) None of these

19. The first version of Windows NT was released in-

a) 1990 b) 1993

c) 1995 d) 1997

20. TDM is an acronym for-

a) Time Distributed Multiplexing

b) Time Data Multiplexing

c) Time Division multiplexing

d) Time Digital Multiplexing


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Computer Network with Windows NT Subject Code: MSC-203

Paper Code: FCJ-143

Time : 2:40 hours

M.Marks : 60

Section – B

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)

Q.No.2. Explain topology. Explain any two types of topology.


What do you mean by modulation? Describe Amplitude and Frequency


Q.No.3. Describe packet and message switching techniques.


What do you understand by token ring and token bus?

Q.No.4. Explain IPv6 addressing.


Describe congestion control.

Q.No.5. Describe ISDN Services.


Explain SMTP and UDP Protocols.

Q.No.6. Define Windows NT Operating System.


Explain any four salient features of Windows NT.

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Section – C

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)

Q.No.7. What is the importance of Networking? Explain the different types of



Explain multiplexing. Describe FDM and TDM techniques.

Q.No.8. Explain OSI model. What is the importance of physical layer and application



What do you understand by IEEE standard? Describe 802.4 and 802.5


Q.No.9. Explain any 4 connecting devices.


Describe routing algorithm. Explain distance-vector routing.

Q.No.10. Explain TELNET and FTP protocols.


What do you understand by cryptography? Explain any two data encryption


Q.No.11. Describe Security Models.


Write the differences between WINDOWS NT and other Operating Systems.


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Programming in Java Subject Code: MSC-204

Paper Code: FCJ-144 Time : 20 Minutes

M.Marks : 10

Section A

Objective Type Questions

Attempt All Questions. Each question carry 1/2 mark. Use the symbol (√) in the box for marking

the correct answer.

Q. No. I. Choose the correct answer-

1. Which of the following is not the keyword in Java?

a) Null b) Import

c) Package d) Volatile

2. The extension name of a java byte code file is-

a) .java b) .obj

c) .class d) .exe

3. Which of the following feature is not supported by java?

a) Multi threading b) Reflection

c) Operator Overloading d) Garbage Collection

4. How many methods does a threadd class provides for sleeping a thread?

a) 3 b) 1

c) 4 d) 2

5. Which of the following is generated when the source code is successfully


a) Output b) Byte code

c) Error d) None of these

6. Which keyword is used to monitor statement for exception?

a) try b) catch

c) throw d) thrown

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7. Interfaces helps in which type of inheritance?

a) Multiple b) Hierarchical

c) Multilevel d) Single

8. Which is not a wrapper class?

a) Vector b) Boolean

c) Character d) Integer

9. Java Runs on-

a) Windows b) Mac

c) Unix/Linux d) All of these

10. All applets must be declared as-

a) Public b) Protected

c) Private d) Static

11. Which package provides interfaces and classes for writing servalate?

a) Javax b) Javay

c) Javad d) None of these

12. Which one is not an event class?

a) Action Event b) Listener Event

c) Item Event d) Key Event

13. What is the name of the method used to start a thread execution?

a) init(); b) start();

c) run(); d) resume();

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14. The last value in an array called or can be found at index-

a) 0 b) 1

c) ar.length d) ar.length-1

15. Keyword which is used to access the method or member variables from the super


a) Super b) Using

c) is_a d) has_a

16. An object that has more than one form is referred as-

a) Inheritance b) Interface

c) Abstract class d) Polymorphism

17. What is the size of a char in Java?

a) 4 bits b) b) 7 bits

c) 8 bits d) 16 bits

18. JRE stands for-

a) Java Runtime Environment b) Java Runtime Encaptulation

c) Java Resource Engine d) Java Runtime Engine

19. Which of these keyword must be used to inherit a class?

a) Super b) This

c) Extent d) Extends

20. Standard output variable ‘out’ is defined in which class?

a) Void b) Process

c) Runtime d) System


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M.Sc. (CS) Second Semester Examination (Year 2015)

Programming in Java Subject Code: MSC-204

Paper Code: FCJ-144

Time : 2:40 hours

Max.Marks : 60

Section – B (Short Answer Type Questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 4 marks)

Q.No.2. Explain the features of java applications.


What do you understand by Java Byte code? Explain.

Q.No.3. What is Wrapper Classes? Explain with example.


Difference between Objects and Methods.

Q.No.4. Explain about abstract classes and final classes.


Explain try-catch functionality in Exception Handling.

Q.No.5. What do you understand by java packages. Explain.


Explain life cycle of a Thread.

Q.No.6. Explain AWT Classes.


Explain Delegation Event model.

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Section C (Long answer type questions)

Attempt all questions (each question carries 8 marks)

Q.No.7. Briefly explain about fundamentals of java programming.


Explain life cycle of an Applet?

Q.No.8. What are wrapper classes? Discuss their application.


How can you handle strings in java? Explain.

Q.No.9. What is Exceptions? Explain with example.


Explain the differences between packages and interfaces.

Q.No.10. Write a note on TCP/IP socket programming. Write a programe for TCP socket

connection in JAVA.


What is a datagram? Explain the datagram packet and datagram server and client.

Q.No.11. Explain the relationship between an Event Listener Interface and an Event

Adapter Class.


Difference between Delegation Event model and Event Classes.
