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Unit 1 60 Hours

Structure of prokaryctic and eukaryotic cells ultra structure of animal and plant cells, cell

differentiation in plant and animal cells, muscle and nerve cells, autocrine, paracrine and

endocrine cells. 2 Hours

Unit 2

Plasma membrane –structural organization, membrane proteins, cytoskeletal proteins (cell wall

–structure and organization. Types of cell functions –Transport of nutrients ions and

macromolecules across membranes –passive diffusion, osmosis, reverse osmosis and active

transport, permease, Na and K – pump, Ca 2++ ATPase pump, Co-transport, symport, antiport,

endocytosis and exocytosis, conduction and transmission of nerve impulses, cell to cell

interactions, junction between cells –desmosomes, plasmodesmata; synapse, cell to cell

adhesion : (Invertebrates and Vertebrates) structure and functioning of endocrine cells including

neuroendocrine cells, components of blood plasma, RBC, WBC, Platelets, types of WBC and

their functions, Cytosolic, nuclear and membrane bound receptors. 14 Hours

Unit 3

Cellular organelles-organization and functions of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex,

lysosomes, mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus, ribosomes, peroxisomes and vacuoles. 12 Hrs

Unit 4

Cell motility – cilia , flagella of eukaryotes and prokaryotes, tubulin and microtubules, myosin

and actin intermediate filament. 4 Hrs.

Unit 5

Cell mechanisms : Cell cycle, gamete formation in animals, spore formation in plants mitosis

and meiosis- mitotic apparatus, centrioles, synaptonemal complex, cytokinesis, cell senescence

and death. 5 Hrs.

Unit 6

Chromosomes – structural organization, nucleosomes, solenoid, chromonema, euchromatin

and heterochromatin, centromere, kinetochore, telomeric organization. 4 Hrs.

Unit 7

Mutation : Types of mutations, molecular basis of mutation and its importance, mutagens –

chemical and physical mutagens, site directed mutagenesis. 6 Hrs.,

Unit 8 :

Population Genetics : Genetic variation, random mating, genetic frequency and Hardy-

Weinberg law, natural selection, genetic drift, in breeding out breeding, genetic equilibrium.

4 Hrs.

Unit 9 :

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Human genetics : Human chromosomes, chromosomal abnormalities –sex chromosomal and

autosomal, inherited disorders, genetic counseling, genetic engineering and gene therapy.

8 Hrs.

References :

1. Alberts, B., Bray, D. Lewis, J., Raf, M.Roberts, K and Watson, J.D. (1994) 3rd edition,

Molecular Biology of THE CELL.

2. Cooper G.M. (1997) The cell : A molecular approach, ASM press, USA.

3. Darnell, J.Lodish, H and Baltimore D (1990) Molecular cell biology, Scientific American

Books inc. N.Y.

4. Edwards and Hassall (1980) Biochemistry and Physiology of cell (2nd Edition) McGraw

Hill Company.

5. Garrett, R.H. and Gresham, C.M. (1995 molecular aspects of cell Biology, International

edition, Saunders College Pub.

6. Holy Ahern (1992) introduction to experimental cell biology, Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

7. karp, G (1996) Cell and Molecular Biology Concepts and experiments, John Wiley and

Sons Inc. N.Y.

8. Lodish, H.D. Baltimore A.Berk, B.D.Zipursky, P.Mastsydaira and J.Darnell (1995)

Molecular cell biology, Scientific American Books Inc. NY.

9. Tobin and Morel (1997) Asking about “Cells”Saunders College Publishing.

10. Wolfe, S.L. (1991) Molecular and Cellular Biology, Wardsworth PUB Co.

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Unit 1 60 Hours

Chemical foundations of Biology – pH, pK, acids, bases, buffers , chemical bonds. -6 Hrs

Unit 2

Amino acids and proteins = Classification, chemical reactions and physical properties,

purification and criteria for homogeneity, structural organization of proteins- primary, secondary,

tertiary and quarternary structure. Conformational analysis . Ramachandran map. – 10 Hrs

Unit 3

Carbohydrates – classification and reactions, types, structural features - 6 hours

Unit 4

Heterocyclic compounds and secondary metabolites in living systems – nucleotides , pigments,

isoprenoids, structure of nucleic acids – DNA and RNA and their organization in living cells.

Interactions of nucleic acids, polysaccharides and lipids , biological membranes. – 8 hours

Unit 5

Separation techniques for different biomolecules. -12 Hours

Unit 6

Lipids – classification, structure and functions. -6 Hours

Unit 7

Analytical techniques in biochemistry for micromolecules and macromolecules for quantification.

-12 Hours

References :

1. Cram D.J. and G.S. Hammond, Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill

2. Freifilder, D.W.H. Physical Biochemistry, Freeman and Company.

3. Glick, B.R. and Pasternak, J.J. (1998) Molecular Biotechnology, ASM Press,

Washington D.C.

4. Irwin H.Segel , Biochemical calculations, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

5. Linus Pauling, General chemistry, W.H. Freeman and Company.

6. Rao, CNR (1999) Understanding chemistry, University Press, Hyderabad.

7. Voet D. and J.G.Voet (1995) Biochemistry, J.Wiley and Sons.

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60 hrs.

Unit 1

Characteristics, classification and importance of microorganisms, codes of bacterial

nomenclature and taxonomy, Type cultures, criteria for classification, numerical taxonomy,

chemotaxonomy, Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology. - 10 Hrs.

Unit 2

Viruses : Structure and their genetic system and replication.

i) Plant viruses : TMV, Potato virus, X and Y, SBYV , CaMV, CMV, TYMV, WT Virus,

Plant rhabdovirus.

ii) Animal viruses : Vaccinia, Adeno, FMDV, Influenza, Poliomyelitis, Hepatitis B , HIV.

iii) Bacterial viruses : Lytic and Lysogenic cycles (T4 & Lambda) : Transduction

(Restricted as in lambda) Phage P1 and generalized transduction, Phage Mu and

M13. -4 Hours

Unit 3

Viroids and Prions - 2 Hours

Unit 4

Prokaryotic organisms –structure and reproduction : Important groups of prokaryotes,

Eubacteria (E.Coli), Rickettsiae, Actinomycetes, Mycoplasmas, L-forms of bacteria, spirochetes

and Cyanobacteria; Acetic acid bacteria, budding and appendaged Bacteria, Spirilla, gliding and

sheathed bacteria, pseudomonas, lactic and propionic acid bacteria, endospore forming rods

and cocci, Fission and conjugation. - 6 Hours

Unit 5

Domain Archaea, Salient features in structure ; unique enzymes; Environmental and

Phylogenetic significance. - 2 Hours

Unit 6

Eukaryotic micro-organisms : Structure and reproduction, Protozoa and yeast and filamentous

fungi. - 4 Hours

Unit 7

Microbial metabolism –EMP pathway, Entner Duodoroff pathway, Krebs cycle, fermentation of

carbohydrates, gluconeogenesis. - 4 Hours

Unit 8

Microbial growth and nutrition : Definition of growth ; growth curves : mathematical expression of

growth : measurement of growth and growth yields; synchronous growth continuous culture.

-6 Hours

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Unit 9

Microbial ecology : Effect of environmental factors such as temperature, pH, water availability

on oxygen on growth, Rhizosphere and phylloplane microflora, mycorrhiza, air microflora, water

microflora. -6 Hours

Unit 10

Methods in microbiology : Pure culture techniques : Theory and practice of sterilization,

composition of culture media, enrichment culture techniques for isolation of chemoautotrophs,

chemoheterotrophs and photosynthetic microorganisms, sampling of microorganisms from soil,

water and air. - 8 Hours

References :

1. Alexander M (1977) Introductio to soil microbiology, John Wiley and sons inc. N.Y.

2. Atlas R.M. (1998) Microbiology, Fundamentals and applications (2nd Edition) McMillan

Publishing company.

3. Brock, T.D. and Madigan, M.T.(1992) Biology of Microorganisms, 6th Edition, Prentice

Hall, Englewood cliffs N.J.

4. Frazier, W.C and Westhaff, D.C. 91998) Food microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.


5. Grabiel Balton (1994) Waste water Microbiology,Wiley Liss Inc.N.Y.

6. Holt, J.S.kreig N.R. Sneath P.H.A. and Williams S.T. (1994) Bergey’s Manual of

systematic Bacteriology (9th Edition) William and Wilkins, Blatimore.

7. Pelezar Jr. M.J. Chan ECS and Kreig N.R. 91993) Microbiology, MCGraw Hill Inc. NY.

8. Prescott, L.M. , Harley , T.P and Klein D.A. (1996) Microbiology, Wm.C. Brown


9. Stacey R.H. and Evans H.J (1992) Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Chapman Hall Ld.


10. Sullia S.B. and Shantharam .S (1998) General Microbiology , Oxford and IBH Publishing

Co. Pvt. New Delhi.

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60 Hours


Unit 1

Chemical and physical forces involved in chemical bond formation between atoms and

molecules; mechanisms of bond formation based on electronic orbitals; sigma, pi bonds,

covalent , ionic, electrostatic, co-ordinate bonds, hydrophobic and vanderwaals interaction and

their properties, chemical bonds between carbon and carbon, carbon and nitrogen and carbon

with other atoms such as hydrogen , oxygen, phosphorous and sulphur. Conformation of

proteins and polypeptides; Reverse turns and Ramachandran Plot. 8 Hours

Unit 2

Physical methods of determining the sizes and shapes of molecules ; Hydrodynamic properties,

surface tension, diffusion, osmotic pressure, sedimentation. 4 Hours

Unit 3

Isotopes and Radioactivity : Dosimetry, Radioactivity, decay laws, production of radio –isotopes,

isotopic tracer method, assay using radioactive active substrates, biological life time, metabolic

and physiological racer studies, dose response relationship, non radioactive labels, labeling and

detection methods using fluorescent molecules like diagnosing biotin, rhodomin and other

chromogenic compounds Cerenkov radiation, Liquid scintillation spectrometry. 8 Hours

Unit 4

Instrumental methods of analysis : Ultra-centrifugation, Viscometry, flame photometer,

Hydrodynamic methods, atomic absorption and plama emission, spectroscopy, Mass

spectrometry, Light scattering, UV –visible –IR spectrophotometry, Chromatography,

Electrophoresis, X-ray crystallography, NMR and ESR. 10 Hrs

References :

1. Adams et al. Biochemistry of nucleic acids 1992. Chapman and Hall.

2. Branden and Tooze (1991) Introduction to protein structure, Garland publishing Co.

3. Rhodes G (1993) Crystallography made crystal clear, Academic press.

4. Van Holde et al. (1998) Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice Hall

5. Narayanan P (2000) Essentials of Biophysics, New Age Int. Pub.New Delhi.

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Unit 5

Scope of statistical methods in scientific studies : samples and populations : Frequency

distribution – preparation of frequency table : relative and cumulative frequencies :

diagrammatic representation of frequency distribution ; histograms, frequency polygons,

frequency curve and ogives. 5 Hrs.

Unit 6

Measures of central tendency : Arithmetic mean, mode, median and percentiles. Measures of

variability : Range , mean deviation, Analysis of variance, standard deviation and coefficient of

variation. Skewness and Kurtosis. 5 Hrs.

Unit 7

Probability : Definitions : events ; sample space: addition and multiplication rules of probability ;

conditional probability (simple problems). 3 Hrs.

Unit 8

Probability Distributions : Discrete, continuous, binomial, poisson and normal distribution.

Simple correlation of regression. 5 Hrs

Unit 9

Population and sample : Random sample, use of table fo random numbers, parameter and

statistics, sampling distribution of sample means, standard error; confidence intervals. 5 Hrs.

Unit 10

Hypothesis testing: basic concepts and definitions, tests based on normal, student T, Chi

square and F distribution (no proofs) 4 Hrs.

Unit 11

Design of experiments: Basic principles of scientific experimentation : randomization, replication

and local control, completely randomized and randomized block designs. 4 Hrs.

References 1

1. Bliss, C.I.K. (1967) Statistics in Biology, Vol.1 McGraw Hill, New York.

2. Campbell R.C. (1974) Statistics for Biologists, Cambridge Uni. Press, Cambridge

3. Daniel (1999) Biostatistics (3rd edition) Panima Publishing Corporation.

4. Swardlaw, A.C. (1985) Practical Statistics for Experimental Biologists , John Wiley and Sons

, Inc. NY.

5. Green, R.H. (1979) Sampling design and Statistical methods for environmental Biologists,

Wiley Int. N.Y.

6. Khan (1999) Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Panima Publishing Corporation.

7. Bazin, M.J. (1983) Mathematics in microbiology Academic press, N.Y. Green, R.H. (1979)

Sampling design and statistical methods for environmental Biologists, Wiley Int, N.Y.

8. Fry J.C. (1993) Biological Data Analysis, A Practical Approach. IRL Press, Oxford.

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BT P105 Cell Biology & Genetics

8 x 15 Weeks = 120 Hours

1. Vital staining of mitochondria.

2. Localization of Barr bodies.

3. Blood smear – differential staining.

4. Mitosis – Onion root tip.

5. Meiosis –Grasshopper testis, flower buds.

6. Cell fractionation – Chloroplast and mitochondrial isolation.

7. Isolation of chloroplast / protoplast using enzymes.

8. Cryopreservation of cells.

9. Normal and abnormal human karyotypes.

10. Polytene chromosomes –Salivary gland of Drosophila.

BT P106 Microbiology

8 x 15 weeks = 120 hrs.

1. Staining techniques :

(a) simple staining

(b) Differential staining –Gram staning

(c) Endospore staining

(d) Capsule staining.

2. Bacterial Motility

3. Biochemical tests :

a) Indole test

b) Methyl red test

c) Voges Proskaeur test

d) Citrate utilization.

e) Triple Sugar vion agar test

f) Starch hydrolysis test.

g) Gelatin hydrolysis test.

h) Catalase test

i) Oxidase test.

4. Soil microbiology :

a) Isolation of rhizosphere microflora

b) Isolation of Phylloplane microflora

c) Isolation of actinomycetes from soil

d) Isolation of Rhizobium from legume root nodules

e) Identification of Rhizobium and Agrobacterium

f) Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM)

g) Isolation of sporocarp by sieve method.

5. Air Microbiology :

a) Isolation of air microflora –exposure plate method, Rotorod sampler method.

6. Water microbiology : Testing for quality of water (coliform test), H2S strip method.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Introduction to molecular biology and genetics : Historical background, Nature of genetic

material, experimental proof for DNA as genetic material , different forms of DNA (A, B and Z) ,

Properties of DNA, DNA denaturation and renaturation, Central Dogma Principle , Special

characteristic of DNA like satellite DNA, Tandem repeats etc. 8 Hrs.

Unit 2

DNA replication : Mechanisms of Prokaryotic DNA replication, semi conservative model of

replication, Mechanism of DNA replication –discontinuous synthesis of DNA, RNA Primer for

DNA synthesis, DNA polymerases I, II, IIII and their role in DNA replication ; Eukaryotic DNA

replication; Eukaryotic DNA polymerases, DNA ligases – Mechanism of action and role in DNA

replication : Role of otherproteins in DNA synthesis , fidelity of replication, nearest neighbour

frequency analysis, Replication of viral DNA –rolling circle model. - 6 Hours

Unit 3

DNA Repair : Photo –reactivation, excision repair, post replication repair, SOS repair etc. 4 Hrs.

Unit 4

Transcription : RNA polymerase in prokaryotes – its molecular composition, role of each

component of RNA polymerase, mechanism of transcription, Eukaryotic transcription and

Eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Transcription factors and their role . Inhibitors of RNA synthesis.

6 Hours

Unit 5

Modification in RNA : 5’-CAP formation, 3’ –end processing, Polyadenylation, Splicing, Editing,

Nuclear export of mRNA and mRNA stability. Processing of other RNAs , Ribosome formation.

6 Hours

Unit 6

Translation : Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Translation, Mechanisms of initiation, elongation and

termination, Amino acid activation, Inhibitors, Regulation of translation, Co-& post translational

modification of proteins. 6 Hours

Unit 7

Regulation of gene expression in Prokaryotes : Transcriptional control : enzyme induction and

repression, constitutive synthesis of enzymes. The operon hypothesis : genes involved in

regulation - regulatory gene, promoter gene, operator gene and structural gene, role of cAMP

and cAMP receptor protein (CRP) in the expression ofeg : Lac operon, Arg operon, Tryptophan

operon, His operon, Catabolite repression. Brief account of eukaryotic gene regulation. 6 Hrs.

Unit 8

Protein localization : Synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins, import into nucleus,

mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes, Receptor mediated endocytosis. Oncogenes and

tumor suppressor genes : Viral and cellular. 6 Hrs.

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Unit 9

Oncogens and tumor suppressor genes from humans, structure, function and mechanism of

action of p53 tumor suppressor proteins. 6 Hrs.

Unit 10

Antisense and ribozyme technology : Molecular mechanism of antisense molecules, inhibition of

splicing , Polyadenylation and translation, Disruption of RNA structure and capping,

Biochemistry of ribozyme, hammerhead, hairpin and other ribozymes, strategies for designing

ribozymes, application of antisense and ribozyme technologies. 6 Hrs.

References :

1. Davis R.W. D . Boltstein and Roth J.R. (1980) A manual for genetic Engineering, Cold

spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold spring Harbor, N.Y.

2. Glick, B.R. and Pasternak J.J (1998) Molecular biotechnology, Principles and

applications of recombinant DNA, Washington D.C. ASM press.

3. Howe, C (1995) Gene cloning and manipulation, Cambridge University Press, USA.

4. Josef.F and Michel G (1993) Prokaryotic genetics, genome organization, transfer and

plasticity, Blackwell pub. Boston.

5. Lewin, B., Gene VI New York, Oxford university press.

6. Rigby, P.W.J (1987) Genetic Engineering Academic Press Inc. Florida, USA.

7. Robertson D and Shore Miller D.M. (1997) Manipulation and expression of recombinant

DNA, Laboratory Manual Academic Press Inc. USA.

8. Sambrook et al (2000) Molecular cloning Volumes I, II and III, Cold spring Harbor

Laboratory Press, New York, USA.

9. Sandhya Mitra (1988) Elements of molecular Biology, McMillan Pub. Delhi.

10. Wallker J.M. and Gingold, E.B. (1993) Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ((Indian

edition) Royal Society of Chemistry U.K.

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60 Hrs.

Unit 1

Bioenergetics : Principles of thermodynamics : free energy, important energy rich molecules ,

Standard free energy change, concept of redox reactions. 4 Hrs.

Unit 2

Enzymes : Chemistry and 3D organization of simple, conjugated enzymes and multiple

enzymes, concept of regulatory sites andtheir characters, role of metal ion and coenzymes,

Mechanism of enzymatic reaction of single and double substrates, nucleophilic and electrophilic

reactions, substitution and elimination reactions (with one or two examples, regulation of

enzyme activity. ` 6 Hrs.

Unit 3

Kinetics : Rate of reactions, specific activity, molecular activity, km, K/cat, Lineweaver plot,

enzyme inhibition, pre-pro enzymes. 6 Hrs.

Unit 4

Photosynthesis : Chemistry and structural components of photosystems, cyt b/cyt. F complex,

ATP synthesis, characteristics of solar electromagnetic radiations, relationships between wave

length, frequency , velocity and the energy, pigments, involved in photosynthesis-chlorophylla,

chlorophyll b, bacteriochlorophyll, bacteriorhodopsin, Absorption spectrum and active spectrum,

mechanism of light reaction and carbon fixation, C3, C4 and CAM pathways, Photorespiration

and its impact, Bacterial photosynthesis. 10 Hrs.

Unit 5

Metabolism of carbohydrates, main sources of carbohydrates, enzymatic conversion and

mobilization as glucoses or fructoses, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, terminal oxidation/ oxidative

phosphorylation, mechanism of ATP synthesis, rate controlling steps and regulation. 8 Hrs

Unit 6

Metabolism of lipid and fat bodies : Beta oxidation and channeling of the products to ATP

production : Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids : oxidation of odd chain fatty acids, peroxisomal

Beta oxidation, minor pathway of fatty acid oxidation, (alpha and omega oxidation) 6 Hrs.


Biosynthesis of Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, Ketone bodies, membrane lipids –

cholesterol, phospholipid and glycolipid, biosynthesis of fat soluble vitamins : biosynthesis of

eicosanoids (Prostaglandin, leucotrienes and thromboxane). 8 Hrs.

Unit 8

Structure , properties and metabolism of amino acids, Brief account of structure and

biosynthesis : Basic glutamine and glutamic acid pathway, mechanism of reductive amino acids,

a brief account of intermediate metabolites. 6 Hrs.

Unit 9

Signal Transduction : Inter and intracellular signaling, Signal molecules – protein and non –

protein signals, organs involved in the synthesis and release : Transport, target cells /tissues :

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signal and receptors, distribution : interaction between signal and receptors : signal transduction

elements and the mechanism of transduction ; role of second messengers such as calcium,

cAMP, cGMP, phosphatidyl inositol phosphatase, A general view of plant signals –

photohormones, calcium , phosphotidyl inositol. 6 Hrs

Unit 10

Biochemistry of hormones : steroid hormones –structure, biosynthesis and importance in brief.

2 Hrs.

References :

1. Conn, E.E. and Stumpt, P.K. (1976) , outlines of biochemistry, JOhn Wiley and sons Inc,

New York.

2. Lehninger, A.L., nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (1993), II Edition, Principles of

Biochemistry, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

3. Devlin, T.M. (1997) with clinical correlations, wiley –Liss, Inc. New York.

4. Hall , D.D. and Rao, K.K (1995), Photosynthesis Cambridge University Press.

5. Zubey, G.L., Parson, W.W. and Vance, D.E. , (1994), Principles of Biochemistry,

Wm.C.Brown Publishers Oxford.

6. Stryer, L (1995), Biochemistry (4th Edition) W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

7. Mathews, C.K. and Holde, K.E.V. (1996), Biochemistry, The Benjamin /. Cummings

Publishing Co., Inc., new York.

8. Dey , P.M. and J.B. and J.B. Harborne (1997), Plant Biochemistry : Academic Press, Inc.

San Dugo, California.

9. Albert, Bruce, Bray, D.Lewis, J.Raff, M.Roberts K., and Watson J.D. (1983) Molecular

Biology of Cell, Garland Publishing Inc, New York and London.

10. Jackowski, S., Cranan, J.E. and Rock, C.O. (1991), Lipid Metabolism in Prokaryotes, In

Vance, D.E. and Vance, J.E. and Vance, J.E. Biochemistry of Lipids , Lipid Proteins and

membrane. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

11. Edwards and Hassell, (1980), Biochemistry and physiology of the cell, (2nd Edition)

McGraw Hill company (U.K.) Limited.

12. Horton H.R. Moran, L.A. Ochs, R.S. Rawn, J.D., (1996), Principles of Biochemistry, 2nd

Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc.

13. Elliott, W.H., and Elliott, D.C. (1997) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oxford

University Press.

14. Voet, D and Voet J.G. (1995), Biochemistry, 2nd Edition.

15. Mathews and Van Holde (1995), Biochemistry 2nd Edition, Benjamin /Cummings

Publishing Company Inc.

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60 Hours

Unit 1 Immune System and Immunity

History of immunology, Structures, composition and functions of cells and organs involved in

immune system –T-cells , B –cells macrophages, antigen – processing cells, Eosinophills,

neutrophils, Mast cells and killer T-cells ; microbial infections and immune responses –innate

Immunity, acquired Immunity ; clonal nature of immune response, Immunohaematology –blood

groups, blood transfusion and Rh incompatibilities. 12 Hours

Unit 2 Antigens and Antibodies

Antigens –Structure and properties –types of Iso and Alloantigens –haptens ; adjuvants –

antigen specificity, Immunoglobulines –structure –heterogeneity – types and sub types –

properties (physical-chemical and biological) :; complement –structure, components, properties

and functions of complement ; complement pathways and biological consequences of

complement activation. Generation of Immunological diversity ; Effector mechanisms.

12 Hours.

Unit 3 Antigen –antibody Reactions

In vitro methods –Agglutination, precipitation, complement fixation, immuno-fluorescence,

immunoelectrophoresis, ELISA, Radio –immunoassays : In vivo Methods : skin tests and

immune complex tissue demonstrations. Applications of these methods in diagnosis of microbial

infections. 10 Hours

Unit 4 Major Histocompatibility-Complex and Tumour Immunology

Structure and functions of MHC and the HL-A systems. Gene regulation and Ir-genes ; HL-A

and tissue transplantation –Tissue typing methods for organ and tissue transplantations in

humans : graft versus host reaction and rejection ; autoimmunity ; Tumor immunology – tumor

specific antigens, Immune response to tumors, genetic control of immune response. 10 Hrs.

Unit 5 : Hypersensitivity Reactions

Definition of allergy, Antibody –mediated Type I. Anaphylaxis ; Type II. Antibody dependent cell

cytotoxicity ; Type III. Immune complex mediated reactions : Type IV. Cell mediated

hypersensitivity reactions. The respective symptoms immunological methods of their diagnosis.

Lymphokines and cytokines –their assay methods. Immunological tolerance. 8 Hrs.

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Unit 6 : Immunization

Vaccines (conventional ; subunit vaccines ; DNA vaccines) toxoids ; antisera; polyclonal and

monoclonal antibodies ; hybridoma technology to produce monoclonal antibodies ; catalytic

monoclonal antibodies; common immunizations : small pox, DPT, polio measles, hepatitis –B,

vaccines from plants –banana, water melon etc. (plantibodies) 8 Hrs.

References :

1. Abul K.Abbas, Andrew K.Lightman, Jordan S.Pober. 1998. Cellular and Molecular

immunology. Saunders college Pub.

2. Dimmock, N.J. and Primrose, S.B (1994) Introduction to Modern Virology, Blackwell

Science Limited, Oxford.

3. Hyde R.M. (1992) Immunology , 2nd Edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore.

4. Kuby, J (1994) Immunology II Edition. WH. Freeman and Company, New York.

5. Klaus D.Elgert (1996) Immunology- understanding of immune system. Wiley Liss NY.

6. Roitt, I.M. (1998) Essential of Immunology. ELBS, Blackwell Scientific Publishers,


7. Richard A. Goldsby, Thomas J.Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne.2000. Kuby Immunology.

4th Edition, W.H., Freeman and company, New York.

8. Topley and Wilson’s (1995) Text Book on Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and

Immunology, IX Edition (5 volumes)Edward Arnold, London.

9. Tizard I.R. 1995. Immunology, 4 edition, Saunders College Publication.

10. William E.Paul (1989) Fundamentals Immunology 2nd Edition. Raven Press N.Y.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Computer basics, Operating systems, Windows , Excel, Power point, Internet basics –

LAN, WAN, Types of networks, Internet addresses, Internet access and applications, URL,

HTTP, HTML , ftp, TCP/IP, WWW, hyperlinks, File transfer protocol, UNIX, Algorithms and flow

charts. 5 Hrs.

Unit 2

C programming –Structure of C-programming – Header files, Main function, variable

declarations, how to use C statements with examples –looping statements –if, if else, while, for,

switch case statements, sub functions and examples. Introduction to PERL, examples of

Bioinformatics programming using PERL. 8 Hrs.

Unit 3

Databases : Introduction to data bases –Relational databases- Oracle, SQL, Database

generation, sequence databases –resources –Human genome project (HGP), Microbial

genomes, structural databases –protein data Bank (PDB), Organisation of databases,

Navigation through databases. 7 Hrs.

Unit 4

Principles behind computational analysis, Sequence analysis, sequence alignment and

phylogenetic analysis with reference to nucleic acids, identification of ORFs ; sequence analysis

, sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis with reference to proteins. 8 Hrs.

Unit 5

Introduction to protein structure – secondary structure prediction, tertiary structure

prediction, protein modeling, principles of homology and comparative modeling. Modeling

applications – drug designing. 7 Hrs.


Accessing bibliographic databases.

Sequence retrieval from nucleic acid and protein databases.

Restriction mapping

FASTA and BLAST searches.

Pair wise comparison of sequences.

Multiple alignment f sequences.

Identification of genes in genomes.

RNA folding.

PDB retrieval.

Protein structure.

References :

1. Bioinformatics 1998, Baxavanis

2. Bioinformatics 2000. Higgins and Taylor, OUP

3. Nucleic acid research, 2001, Jan. Genome Database issue

4. Introduction to Bioinformatics -2002, Dhananjaya, series

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8 x 15 = 120 Hrs

1. Buffers : Preparation of buffers

a) Citrate

b) Tris-HCl

c) Phosphate buffer

2. Extraction and estimation of macromolecules

a) Total protein

b) Total sugars

c) Reducing sugars

d) Fractionation of Total lipid by column chromatography.

e) Fractionation of phospholipids by TLC.

f) Estimation of glycogen from animal tissue.

3. Extraction and estimation of pigments.

a) Chlorophyll a

b) Chlrophyll b

4. Colorometric assay of enzyme activity

a) Amylase

b) Invertase

c) Protease

5. Spectrophotometric assay of enzyme activity.

a) Lactose dehydrogenase

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8 x 15 weeks = 120 Hrs


1. Study of conjugation in E.coli.

2. Study of transduction in E.coli

3. Plasmid gene mapping in E.coli

4. Tns -5 induced mutagenesis in E.coli.

5. Transformation in E.Coli

6. Study of mutations in E.Coli

7. Isolation of plasmid DNA from different type of bacteria by adopting different methods ,

purification and calculation of molecular weight of plasmid DNA. , plasmid curing

(acridine orange, heat shock)

8. Isolation of genomic DNA from bacteria.

9. Isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells / animal cells.

10. Restriction mapping of genomic / plasmid DNA.


1. Serum separation from whole blood.

2. Precipitation of immnoglobulins (igs) from serum by ammonium sulphate precipitation.

3. Dialysis of ammonium sulphate precipitated immunoglobulins. Dialysis against

phosphate buffered saline.

4. Ouchterlony double diffusion.

5. Electrophoresis of the immunoglobulin preparation.

6. Separation of lymphocytes from blood.

7. Single radial immuno-diffusion and determination of Ig concentration.

8. Blood group testing.

9. Rocket immuno electrophoresis.

10. Immuno precipitation test.

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60 Hours

Unit 1 Animal reproductive system with reference to insects and mammals- Organization, function.

Hormonal regulation of growth and reproduction in insects and mammals. IVF-Embryo transfer

technology in live-stock and man. 5 Hrs

Unit 2

Animal cell cultures : Culture media –composition and preparation, Balanced salt solutions and

simple growth medium, chemical physical and metabolic functions of different constituents of

culture medium –Role of CO2 , serum and supplements. Growth factors promoting proliferation

of animal cells (EGF, PDGF, NGF, GAP43 etc) Serum and protein free defined media and their

applications ; Culturing and maintenance of different animal cells lines (Primary and established

cell lines). Characterization of cultured cells, measurement of viability, cyto-toxicity and growth

parameters. Stem cell cultures, embryonic stem cells and their applications, cell culture based

vaccines, measurement of cell death, apoptosis , scaling up of animal cell cultures and

production of recombinant gene products. Thee dimensional culture and tissue engineering.

20 Hrs. Unit 3 Transgenic animals : Methods of obtaining transgenic animals using fertilized eggs and

embryonic blastocyst cells, examples, importance of transgenic animals – increased productivity

of domestic animals, improved desired characters of domestic animals, production of proteins

for pharmaceutical use. Animal models for tackling human diseases (Gene knock out and mice

models), Transgenic silkworms.

15 Hrs. Unit 4 Animal cloning : Methods of cloning in animal systems –Rat, sheep, pig : importance of cloning.

5 Hrs Unit 5

Diagnostics : Application of immunological and molecular diagnostic methods. (RIA, ELISA,

PCR, DNA fingerprinting) in forensic medicine and disease diagnostics.

5 Hrs.

Unit 6

Gene therapy and cell mediated therapy : Genetic diseases targeted for gene therapy, Use of

genetically modified and humanized antibodies against cell surface antigens in cancer treatment

and organ transplantation, importance of humanized antibodies and plasminogen activating

factor in treating thrombosis, importance of Adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene in curing Severe

combined immuno-deficiency (SCID).

10 Hrs

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References :

1. Ballinic C.A., Philips J.P and Moo Young M (1989), Animal Biotechnology- Pergamon

press, New York.

2. Benjamin –Cummings (Eds) Vol. 1 & 2, 4th Edition Molecular Biology of Gene.

3. Berger S.L. and A.R. Kimmel, (1996) Methods in enzymology –guide to molecular

cloning techniques, vol. 152, Academic Press Inc. San Diego.

4. Glick, B.R. and J.J.Pasternak (1998), Molecular Biotechnology, A 5 M Press,

Washington DC.

5. D.V.Goeddel, Methods in enzymology –Gene expression Technology, Vol. 185,

Academic Press Inc. San Diego.

6. Green C.E., DA, Somers, W.P. Hackett (1989), Plant tissue and cell culture –Alan R Liss

Inc., New York.

7. Ian Freshney (2001) 3rd Edition, Culture of Animal cells, Wiley Lis.

8. Jenni, P.mather and David Barnes, Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 57 (2001) Acdemic


9. Ratlege, C and B. Kristiansen, (2001) Basic Biotechnology, Cambridge University,

Press, London.

10. Reinert J and Bajaj, Y.P.S. (1997), Applied and Fundamental Aspects of plant cell,

Tissue and organ culture –Springer –Verlag, Berlin.

11. Ravishankar G.A. and Venkataraman L.V. (1997), Biotechnological applications of plant

tissue and cell culture –Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt. Limited.

12. J.D. Watson, N.H. Hopkins, J.W. Roberts, A. Steitz and A.M. Weiner (1987) Molecular

Biology of the Gene, The Benjamin Cummings Pub.Co. Inc.

13. Wigglesworth, TExt Book on Insect Physiology (1979) Oxford University Press.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Role of Hormones in growth and development of plants, tissue specific hormones, receptors.

5 hrs.

Unit 2

Introduction to cell and tissue culture, Plant tissue culture media (compostion, types and

preparation) , plant hormones and growth regulators in tissue culture, Preparation of suitable

explants for organogenesis . Application of immuno diagnostics (RIA, ELISA, Flourescent

antibody technique, precipitin) and molecular diagnostics (RFLP, RAPD, PCR) in selection of

elite plant species. Micropropagation on large scale, somatic embryogenesis, protoplast culture

and somatic hybridization, Anther, Pollen and ovary culture for production of haploid plants and

homozygous lines, cell culture methods for the secondary metabolite production, somaclonal

variation and its significance, cryopreservation, Gene banks for germaplasm conservation.

12 Hours.

Unit 3

Plant transformation techniques –Mechanisms of DNA transfer –Agrobacterium mediated gene

transfer , general features of Ti and Ri plasmids and their use as vectors, role of virulence

genes; design of expression vectors; use of 35S and other promoters, reporter genes ; viral

vectors; direct gene transfer methods (Particle bombardment electroporation, microinjection and

other methods). Selection, screening and field trials. A brief account of chloroplast

transformation –vector construct with reference to tobacco. Molecular marker aided breeding.

RFLP maps, RAPD markers and SCAR (Sequence Characterized applied regions).

13 Hours

Unit 4

Improvement of plants : Increase in essential amino acids, storage proteins, improvement of oil

content and oil quality, improvement of growth rate and yield of wood in forest timber yielding

plants, improvement of stress tolerance in plants (drought and salinity), use of anti freeze gene

for frost resistance.

16 Hours

Unit 5

Use of transgenic plants in the production of alkaloids, steroids, colouring agents, flavouring

agents, biodegradable plastics, polyhydroxyl alkoanates and polyhydroxybutyrate, industrial

enzymes, therapeutic proteins, antibodies (Plantibodies), edible vaccines, Transgenic plant for

carbohydrate modifications current status of transgenic plants in India and abroad.

12 Hours

Unit 6

Plant genomics, Arabidopsis thaliana as a model for plant genomics.

2 Hours

References :

1. Anthony R.C Wilhelm G and Joseph L : (1995) , Methods in plant molecular biology – A

laboratory course manual –Cold spring Harbor lab. Press USA.

2. Bhan (1998), Tissue culture – Mittal publications, New Delhi

3. Chrispeels M.J.and Sadava D.E., Plants , Genes and Agriculture-Jones and Bartlett

Publishers, Boston.

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4. Fu, T-J, G.Singh and W.R. Curtus eds (1999) Plant cell and tissue culture for the

production of food ingredients , Kluwer Academic /Plenum Press.

5. Gamborg O.L. and Philips G.C. (1990), Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 2nd reprint –

Narosa Publishing House.

6. Gupta P.K. (1996) Elements of Biotechnology, Rastogi and Co. Meerut.

7. Hammound J.P. Mcgravey and V.Yusibov Eds (2000) Plant Biotechnology, Springer


8. Heldt (1997), Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Oxford and IBH Publishing

Co.Pvt. Limited, Delhi.

9. Islam A. (1996), Plant tissue Culture –oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Limited.

10. Kumar H.D. (1991), A text book on Biotechnology (2nd Edition)-Affiliated EAst –West

Press Pvt. Limited, New Delhi.

11. Lydiane Kyte and John Kleyn (1996) Plants form test tubes. An introduction to

Micropropagation (3rd Edition) –Timber press, Portland.

12. Murray D.R. (1996), Advanced methods in plant breeding and biotechnology –Panima

Publishing Corporation.

13. Nickoloff J.A. (1995), methods in molecular biology, Vol. 55, Plant cell electroporation

and electrofusion protocols –Humana press incorp, USA.

14. Ravishankar G.A. and Venkataramana.V (1997), Biotechnological Applications of Plant

Tissue and Cell Culture –Oxford and IBH publishing Co, Pvt. Ltd.

15. Shivanna K.R. and Sawhney V.K. (1997), Crop production and improvement Cambridge

University Press.

16. Sawahel W.A. (1997), Plant genetic transformation technology-Daya Publishing House,


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Unit 1 Genetic Engineering – Introduction, definition, scope and importance.

1 Hours Unit 2 Molecular tools for genetic engineering, Restriction endonucleases –types, nomenclature,

recognition sequences, cleavage pattern, DNA bases –properties and functions of T4 DNA

ligase and NAD dependant DNA ligase of E.Coli ligation techniques, Vectors –general

characteristics of vectors, desirable characters such as size orisite, selection / marker gene,

restriction sites and unique multiple cloning sites for cDNA cloning, cloning and expression

vectors –Plasmids –PBR 322 pUC vectors, Ti Plasmids – M13 derived pUC vectors, Phage

vectors – lambda based vectors, M13, Cosmids, Phagemids, ARS, Mini Chromosome, yeast

artificial chromosomal vectors (YAC) Design of Shuttle vectors for replication in bacteria and

yeast cells, specific promoters for expression in yeast cells, transcriptional terminators ,

selection of marker genes for bacteria and yeast cells : Vectors for plants ; expression vectors

need for promoters such as Lac-Z, T7 and TaC, MCS ; Vectors for animals –SV 40, Bovine

papilloma virus (BPV), Retrovirus, Isolation and purification of vector DNA, digestion and end

modification. Introduction of recombinant vectors into suitable hosts, selection of recombinant

clones, purification of recombinant DNA.

25 Hours.

Unit 3

Cloning –cloning and selection of individual gene, gene libraries, preparation of cDNA libraries ; isolation and purification of mRNA ; importance of poly-A tailing in the preparation of cDNA library; Genomic library isolation and purification of total genomic DNA, partial digestion with suitable enzyme size fractionation and end modification. Transformation Techniques : Preparation of competent cells of bacteria, yeast insect, mammalian and plant cells ; Methods of DNA transfer, exogenously supplied chemical methods, calcium phosphate precipitation method, liposome mediated method and electroporation, Agrobacterium T-DNA mediated method, gene gun method ; Determination of transformation / transfection efficiency. Lambda DNA based DNA recombinants : In vitro packaging of DNA using packaging extracts infection of bacteria using packaged lambda viruses containing recombinant DNA. 18 Hrs

Unit 4

Plating , screening and selection ; preparation of nutrient media with selection, marker antibiotics and additives for visual screening of recombinant clones, selection of clones, amplification and preservation.

5 Hours Unit 5

Labeling of DNA, RNA and proteins : Use of radioactive isotopes, Non –radio active labeling relative advantages and disadvantages, in-vivo labeling, Nick translation, random primer labeling, auto radiography, autofluorography.

4 Hours

Unit 6

In vitro translation : Purification of mRNAs and translation using cell free systems from wheat

germ extract or rabbit reticulocytes and characterization of protein products on gel

electrophoresis. Blotting experiments – southern , Northern western and western / southern

blotting methods, agarose gel, polyacrylamide gel and 2D gel electrophoresis ; DNA

microarrays (DNA chips) to study gene expression etc.

7 Hours

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References :

1. Berger S.L. and A.R. Kimmel, (1996) Methods in enzymology –guide to molecular

cloning techniques vol. 152, Academic press Inc. San Diego.

2. Davies J.A. and Reznikoff, Butterworth-Heinemnn (1992) Milestones in Biotechnology ,

classic papers on genetic engineering.

3. D.V. Goeddel, Methods in enzymology –Gene Expression Technology, Vol. 185,

Academic press Inc. San Diego.

4. Glick and Pasternak – Molecular biotechnology, Principles and application of

recombinant DNA.

5. Kingsman , S.M and A.J. Kingsman (1998) Genetic Engineering : An introduction to

Gene analysis and exploitation in Eukaryotes, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford.

6. Old R.W. and S.B. Primrose (1994) Principles of gene manipulation, Boston Blackwell

Scientific Publications.

7. Primrose, S.B. (1994) Molecular Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, Blackwell scientific

publishers Oxford.

8. Sambroock E.F. Fritsch and T.Maniatis, (2000) – Molecular cloning : A laboratory

manual, cold spring Harbor Laboratory Press NY.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Basic concepts, Renewable and non –renewable resources, Environmental pollution-types.

2 Hours

Unit 2

A brief account of water pollution, soil pollution, and air pollution – sources and measurement of

pollution. Xenobiotic compounds and their sources, biomagnification, Biomonitoring –


6 Hours

Unit 3

Water as a scarce natural resource, Need for water management, Waste water characteristics,

Waste water treatment –physical, chemical and biological processes, Aerobic processes :

Activated sludge, oxidation, ditches, trickling filters , oxidation ponds; Anaerobic processes :

Anaerobic digestion, anaerobic filters, anaerobic sludge, membrane bioreactors . Treatment of

industrial effluents (dairy, distillery, tannery, textile paper and sugar industries), reverse osmosis

and ultra filtration.

15 Hours.

Unit 4

Application of biotechnology for pollution prevention : Current status with respect to the use of

Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, Bioleaching of ores to retrieve scarce metals.

8 Hours

Unit 5

Bioremediation : Concept and principles , Bioremediation using microbes, In situ and ex-situ

Bioremediation, Biosorption and Bioaccumulation of heavy metals : Phytoremediation,

Bioremediation of xenobiotics (heavy metals, pesticides, oil slicks, plastic) Bioremediation of soil

and water contaminated with hydrocarbons and surfactants, Biofilms, Reduction of

organochlorine compounds in bleach plant effluents.

10 Hours

Unit 6

Solid wastes : Sources and management, waste as a source of energy, Microorganisms

involved in the degradation of plant fiber, cell wall, lignin, fungal de-lignification and pulping of

wood, solving pitch problems in pulp and paper processes using enzymes or fungi

hemicellulases in pulp bleaching. Biotechnology for solving slime problem in the pulp and paper

industry, Production of oil and fuels from wood waste, composting , vermiculture, Biofuels :

Biogas production, methanol production from organic wastes, Byproducts of sugar industries.

10 Hours

Unit 7

Global environmental problems : Global warming, ozone depletion, UV-B , green house effect

and acid rain, their impact and management.

Biodiversity and its conservation, Status of biodiversity, Role of Biotechnology in conservation of

biodiversity, Influence of transgenic plants on the environment.

9 Hours

References :

1. Allsopp D. and K.J. Seal (1999) Introduction to Biodeterioration –ELBS/Edward Arnold.

2. Christson, J.Harst (1997) Manual of Environmental Microbiology, ASM Press,

WAshington DC.

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3. De, A.K. (1987) Environmental Chemistry –Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi Foster C.F.

John Ware D.A. Environmental Biotechnology, Ellis Horwood Limited.

4. Ericksson Ed. (1998) Biotechnology in the pulp and paper industry, Springer.

5. Geetha Bali et al eds (2001) Environmental Biotechnology, ApS Pub.

6. Jitendraprakash and LM Pierik, (1993) Plant Biotechnology : Commercial aspect and

problems Oxford and IBH.

7. Hurst C.J. et al eds (1997) Environmental microbiology , ASM Press, Washington, D.C.

8. Larry Anderson and David A. Tilman (1977) Fuels from waste, Academic press.

9. Moo –Young M (Ed-in-Chief), Comprehensive Biotechnology, Vol. 4- Pergamon Press,


10. Ramamurthy et al. Ed (2001) , Biodiversity, APS publishers New Delhi.

11. Sinha R.K. (1997) Global Biodiversity, INA , Shree publishers, Jaipur

12. Whitaker, Joh Reed and S.Philip (1989) Biocatalysis in agricultural biotechnology,

Washington ACS.

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8 x 15 weeks = 120 Hours

1. Animal cell culture : Preparation of media (natural and synthetic), culture and

maintenance of cell lines ; Transformation of cell lines.

2. MTT assay for cell viability and growth.

3. Preparation of plant culture media (Whites, MS and Nitsch & Nitsch 1967)

4. Organ culture : Shot tip, nodal and leaf culture.

5. Callus culture : Initiation and regeneration.

6. Protoplast isolation and fusion.

7. Anther culture for the production of haploids.

8. Isolation, culture and fusion of protoplasts.

9. In vitro morphogenetic studies using selected plant species.

10. Preparation of artificial seeds.

11. Isolation of plant genomic DNA (Pea shoot tip –CTAB, Cauliflower –SDS)

12. Isolation of plant chloroplasts.

13. Agrobacterium culture, selection of transformants.

14. Developing RFLP and RAPD maps.

15. Suspension culture and production of secondary metabolites.


8 X 15 Weeks = 120 Hours

1. Detection of coliforms for determination of the purity of potable water.

2. Determination of total dissolved solids of water.

3. Determination of BOD and COD of sewage sample.

4. Isolation of bacteriophages from sewage.

5. Anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal waste.

6. Determination of the efficiency of removal of air pollutant using fibrous air filter.

7. Study of microflora of industrial wastes and effluents.

8. Survey of degradative plasmids in microbes growing in polluted environment.

9. Isolation of bacteria degrading xenobiotics by selective enrichment technique.

10. Isolation and characterization of iron and manganese reducing bacteria.

11. Study on biogenic methane production in different habitats.

12. Selective enrichment of auxotrophic and antibiotic (tet, Rif) mutants.

13. Isolation of nucleic acids from environmental samples.

14. Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA and calculation of molecular weight of the digested


15. DNA amplification by PCR method.

16. Preparation of competent cells in E.coli.

17. Cloning and sub cloning using plasmid and E.Coli expression vectors.

18. Transformation through CaCl2 PEG method.

19. Selection of cloned microorganisms by blue /while colony, X-Gal method.

20. Western and southern blotting.

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60 Hrs

Unit 1

Introduction to bioprocess engineering ; Screening and selection of industrial microorganisms ;

Strain improvement : Inoculum production for bacterial and fungal processes, Spore inoculums

or vegetative mycelial inoculums for fungi.

3 Hours

Unit 2

Bioreactors : Basic functions, design and components , body construction ; temperature control ;

Aeration, agitation systems, baffles, Sterilization of fermenter, air supply and medium, Aseptic

inoculation and sampling methods, specialized bioreactors –Tubular bioreactors, membrane

bioreactors, Tower bioreactors, fluidized bed reactor, packed bed bioreactors and


10 Hours

Unit 3

Fermentation media : Natural and synthetic media; Media formulation strategies, sources of

carbon , nitrogen, vitamins and minerals. Role of buffers, precursors, inhibitors, inducers and

antifoam agents. Solid state fermentation.

8 Hours

Unit 4

Down stream processing : Objectives and criteria, cell disruption, precipitation methods,

filtration, centrifugation, liquid –liquid extraction, membrane filtration, chromatography, drying

devices, crystallization, packaging and quality assurance.

16 Hours

Unit 5

Immobilization –Definition and concept of immobilization, Enzyme and whole cell immobilization,

Immobilization techniques –Adsorption, cross linking, ionic bonding, entrapment, encapsulation,

Types of reactors for immobilization. Advantages and industrial applications.

3 Hours

Unit 6

Industrial production of Agar-Agar, alcohols, organic acids (citric, acetic and gluconic acid),

solvents (glycerol, acetone, butanol). Amino acids (Lysine , glutamic acid), antibiotics (Penicillin,

Streptomycin, Tetracyline), SCP, Vitamins (Riboflavin), Enzymes, Hydrocarbons –

Biodegradable plastic – Polyhydroxyalkanoates (Butyrate, Propionate etc.)

10 Hours

Unit 7

Food processing : Food spoilage –bacterial , fungal and yeast . Food preservation principles

and general methods, elementary idea of canning and packing ; sterilization and pasteurization

of food products.

Technology of fermented foods-sausages, olives, bread, Idli and acidophilous milk, Hazard

analysis and critical control point (HACCP) concept.

10 Hours.

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References :

1. Barwart, G.J. (1989), Basic food Microbiology, Chapman and Hall, New York.

2. El-Mansi, E.M.T. and Bryce, C.F.A. (2002), Fermentation Microbiology and

Biotechnology –Taylor and Francis, London.

3. Colin Ratledge and Bjorn Kristiansen (2002), BAsic Biotechnology, 2nd Edition,

Cambridge University Press.

4. Casida , Jr. L.E. (1997) Industrial Microbiology, New Age International Pvt. Limited, New


5. Doyle , M.P. et al (1997), Food Microbiology, ASM press, Washington, D.C.

6. Frazier, W.C and Westhoff, D.C. (1998) Food Microbiology –Tata McGraw Hill

Publication, New Delhi.

7. Hobbs, B.C. and Roberts, D (1993), Food poison and Food Hygiene, Edward Arbold,


8. James, M and Jay, J.M. (1991) , Food borne pathogen – An illustrated text, Wolfe

Publication Limited, England.

9. McNeil. B, and Harvey L.M. (1990) Fermentation – a practical approach. IRL Press, New


10. Michael J. Waites Neil L. Morgan John S.Rockey and Gray Higton (2001), Industrial

Microbiology –An introduction – Blackwell Science, Delhi.

11. Prescott, Sc and Dunn, C (1984) Industrial Microbiology, McGraw Hill, New York.

12. Stanbury, P.F. Whitaker A. and Hall S.J. (1997), Principles of Fermentation Technology

–Elsevier Science Limited., Aditya Books (P) Limited, New Delhi.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Application of plant transformation technology (transgenic plants) for improvement of

productivity and performance. Disease resistance: Genes and gene constructs used for viral

resistance by coat protein mediated protection and RNA mediated protection., Bacterial

resistance by lysozyme gene, Fungal resistance by chitinase and 1,3 Beta glucanase genes.

Herbicide resistance in commercially important plants.

Insect resistance through BT genes (cry genes) and protease inhibitor genes, BT crops, current

status in the world. Other biopesticides and their importance . Integrated pest management.

Terminator gene technology.

Male sterile plants, methods of inducing male sterility , its importance in breeding, Barstar and

barnase system.

16 Hours.

Unit 2

Crop improvement to resist adverse soil conditions. Salinity tolerance in rice and other plants

Drought resistance in plants.

8 hours.

Unit 3

Post harvest protection : Antisense RNA technology (ACC synthase gene and

polygalacturonase) Delay of softening and ripening of fleshy fruits by antisense RNA for ACC

synthase gene in tomato banana watermelons etc. Use of antisense RNA technology for

extending shelf life of fruits and flowers. Protection of cereals, millets and pulses following

harvest using biotechnology.

Biotechnology for fortification of agricultural products –golden rice, transgenic sweet potatoes.

15 Hours


Importance of biofertilizers in agriculture (Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Mycorrhiza, Actinorhiza)

advantages and current status, vermiculture, composting , current practices and production of


5 Hours

Unit 5

Control of pests : Importance of JH and JH analogues in insect pest control. Insect pheromones

and their applications. Biological control of insect pests and weeds using natural enemies, mass

multiplication of predators and parasites. Biological control of plant pathogens using

antagonistic fungi and antagonistic bacteria.

6 Hours

Unit 6

Applications of biotechnology in poultry, aquaculture, sericulture and animal husbandry,

Improvement of poultry, disease resistance, recombinant vaccines for poultry, growth hormones

for increasing biomass, fish breeding techniques, silkworm as bioreactor for the production of

commercially important proteins ; improvement of livestock, “pharming” products -

(Pharmaceuticals through milk or genetically engineered cows).

10 Hours

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1. Handbook of Agriculture (1987), ICAR Publication New Delhi.

2. Disease of crop plants in India –G.Rangaswamy and D.H. Bagayraj 3rd Edition (1994),

Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.

3. Plant Pathology –R.S. Mehrotra (1993) Tata McGraw Hill Publications Limited, New


4. Agricultural Microbiology: G.Rangaswamy and D.J. Bagyaraj 1993, 2nd Edition, Prentice

Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.

5. Microbial Biotechnology – Fundamentals of applied Microbiology. Glazer and Nikaido

(1995) W.H. Freeman Publication company.

6. Biotechnology theory and techniques –Chirikjian.

7. Veena, D.P.S. and Hons T (1984) Plant gene research, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg and

New York.

8. Trevan, M.D. Boffey, S. Goulding, K.H. and Starberry P (1990) Biotechnology – the

basic principles Tata McGraw Hill Edition.

9. Plant Pathology by Agrios.

10. Powel C.L. and Bagyaraj, D.J. (1984) V. Mycorrhiza, CRD Press Florida

11. Vincent J.M. (1982) Nitrogen fixation in legumes Cambridge University Press, London.

12. Stacey R.H. Evans H.J (1992) Biological Nitrogen fixation, Chapman and Hall Limited,


13. biosafety for sustainable Agriculture –Krathiger and Rosemarin – International service

for the agribiotech applications.

14. K.R. Aneja (1992) Experiments in microbiology, plant pathology, Tissue culture and

Mushroom cultivation –Vishwa Prakashana.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

Hybridoma technology and monoclonal antibodies : Production of murine (mouse) monoclonal

antibodies, myeloma cell lines and fusion of myeloma cells with antibody producing B-cells ,

fusion, selection and screening for positive hybrids, Purification and characterization of

monoclonal antibodies : Applications of monoclonals in Biomedical research in Clinical

diagnosis and treatment; Production of human monoclonal antibodies and their applications.

12 Hours

Unit 2

T-cell cloning : Mechanisms of antigen recognition by T and B –Lymphocytes : Structure,

function and synthesis of lymhokines : Importance of antigen and MHC class II molecules in T –

Cell cloning ; Antigen specific and alloreactive T –cell cloning, use of T-Cell cloning in

understanding the immunologically relevant antigens and T-Cell sub types Applications of T-cell

cloning in vaccine development.

10 Hours.

Unit 3

Cytokines (Lymphokines) : production of interleukins and their applications in infectious and non

–infectious diseases , Interferons – production, functions and applications.

8 Hours.

Unit 4 :

Immuno deficiency diseases : Phagocyti deficiencies, Humoral deficiencies, cell mediated

deficiencies , severe combined immuno deficiency diseases (ADA deficiencies, PNP


8 Hours

Unit 5 :

Immunity to infections : Immunity to bacteria (Tuberculosis, Leprosy , Typhoid, Syphilis),

Parasites (Malaria, Filariasis, Amoebiasis , Ascariasis) and Viruses (Hepatitis, AIDs and

Herpes) 6 Hours

Unit 6

Auto-immune diseases : Hashimotos diseases, Good pasture syndrome, Insulin dependent

diabetes mellitus, Myasthenia gravis, Systemic lupus erythematosis, Multiple sclerosis,

Rheumatoid arthritis, Treatment of autoimmune disease.

6 Hours

Unit 7

Transplantation immunity : Immuno supressive therapy : Types of Transplant organs, tissue and

bone marrow, xenotransplantation.

4 Hours

Unit 8

Tumor immunology : Theory of surviliance, immune diagnosis of tumor , detection of tumor

markers – alphafoetal proteins, carcinoembryonic antigen cells etc. Immuno therapy.

6 Hours

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1. Borrebace : CAK (1995) Antibody Engineering, 2nd Division, Oxford University Press.

2. Caul E. (1992) Immuno Flourescent antigen detection techniques in diagnostic

microbiology, Pub, Health Lab Services.

3. Cruickshank et. al. Medical Microbiology.

4. Goding, M.J.W. Monoclonal antibodies : Principles and practice (1983) Academic press.

5. Jawetz, Melnuk and Adelgerg (1971) Medical Microbiology, Appeleton and Lange.

6. Weir D.M(Ed)( Vol. 1-5, handbook of experimental immunology.

7. Immunology 4th Edition, Eli Benjamine , Cocoi and Sunshine (2000) – Weily – Liss,

Publication, NY.

8. Kuby , J (1992) Immunology 4th Edition, Richard A. Glodsby Kindt and Oshorne eds.

W.H. Feeman and Co.NY.

9. Muthukkarupan V.R. , S.Basker and F.Sinigoglia Hybridoma Techniques : A laboratory

course (1986) McMilan (India ) Limited.

10. Springer T.A. (Editor) Hybridoma technology in the biosciences and medicine (1985)

Plenum press New York.

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60 Hours

Unit 1

An overview of the legal and socioeconomic impacts of biotechnology, biosafety regulations –

National and international levels, guidelines for research in transgenic organisms ,

environmental aspects of biotech applications, use of genetically modified organisms and their

release in environment, levels of containment. Public education of the processes of producing

transgenic organisms.

Hazardous materials used in biotechnology, handling and disposal , Good manufacturing

Practices , (GMP) and Good lab Practices (GLP)

18 Hours

Unit 2

Intellecutual Property Rights (IPRs), IPRs and agricultural technology – implications for India,

WTO, WIPO, GATT,. Trips , Patenting and the procedures involved in the application for patents

and granting of a patent compulsory licenses , patent search, patent cooperation Treaty (PCT) ,

examples of patents in biotechnology, special applications of patent laws in biotechnology,

patenting of living organisms , plant breeder’s right , legal implications, traditional knowledge

commercial exploitation, protection. Bioethics in biodiversity, Ethics of resource management,

Impact of patenting on biodiversity rich developing countries. Ethical issues associated with the

consumption of GM food, labeling of GM crops and GM Food.

22 Hours

Unit 3

Human Genome project, molecular detection of pre –symptomatic genetic diseases ,

importance in health care, pre-natal diagnosis and genetic manipulation, ethical implications,

Human genome project and human rights. International ethical and legal issues. connected with

human genome diversity research, Foetal sex determination - implications in India Genetic

studies on ethnic races.

10 Hours

Unit 4

Stem cell research, applications of stem cells, ethical issues involved. use of cell cultures as

alternatives for animal models for research. Testing of drugs on human volunteers ; use of

animals for research and testing; animal cloning, human cloning.

5 Hours


Organ transplantation – organ transplantation in humans, ethical and social issues involved in


5 Hours

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1. Bent S.A. (1987) Intellectual property rights in Biotechnology worldwide, Stockholm

press, NY.

2. Chowdhury N.K. and Agarwal J.C. (1994) Dunkel Proposals Vol. II, The final act

significance for India and the world trade –Shipra Publications, New Delhi.

3. Erbisch, F.H. and Maredia K.M. (1987) Intellectual property rights in Agricultural

Biotechnology, Orient Longman Limited.

4. Evenson Robert, Carl E. Pray and mark. W. Rosegrant (1999) Agricultural Research and

Productivity Growth in India, Research report, No. 109, IFPRI, Washington DC.

5. Hacking, Andre (1986) Economic aspects of biotechnology, Cambridge University Press,


6. Rao M.B. (1999) WTO and International Trade by Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited.


Online services for Agricultural Biotechnology

Dept of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.

MSS Research foundation : Genetically modified plants.

Genetically modified plants – a.htm

Science , Technology and Innovation update

www.cid.harvard .edu/cidtech/

Biotechnology and International relations : /bitech_ir-rp.htm

The Royal society : genetically modified plants for food use.

Biotechnology in developing countries:

Regulation of the biotechnology industry

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8 X 15 weeks = 120 Hours

1. Study of fermenter –Demonstration only.,

2. Screening of Antibiotic producing microorganisms.

3. Detection and quantification of siderophores produced by Pseudomonas spp.

4. Study of antibiotic producing microorganisms in mass culture process and recovery of

the product.

5. Study of alcoholic fermentation – alcohol from different substrates –estimation of

percentage of alcohol, total acidity and volatile acidity.

6. Yoghurt production using specific starter cultures.

7. Immobilization of Saccharomyces cervisiae by calcium alginate gel entrapment.

8. Citric acid production by Aspergilllus niger, Penicillium citrianum.

9. Bioassay methods –Vitamins and amino acids.

10. Production and analysis of SCP :Spirulina, Yeast, Chlorella, mushroom.

11. Production of pectinase by Aspergillus niger using wheat bran coffee pulp using small

scale fermenter and its assay.

12. Production of a amylase using Aspergillus oryzae /Bacillus licheniforis using wheat bran

in small scale solid state fermentation and its assay.

13. Study of food spoilage Microorgnisms in fresh, canned, fermented food and meat.

14. Food preservation techniques-meat, fish.

15. Visits to industries –report to be submitted along with the record.


8 X 15 Weeks = 120 hours

1. Bioinoculants : mass production of

a) Rhizobium

b) Anabena and Nostoc

c) Azotobacter

2. Assay of Biofertilizers (at least three types)

3. Proving Koch’s postulates.

4. Assay of antifungal , antibiotics and fungicides, biopesticide –BT on Larvae.

5. Isolation of Microbial fungi and Rhizobacteria from soil and roots of plants.

6. Production of microbial polysaccharides and yield estimation.

7. Microbial flora of different soil types and habitats using molecular techniques.

8. Isolation of symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria from soil.

9. Study of root /stem nodules and study of VAM

10. Effect of BT toxins on lepidopteron insects.

11. Composting (vermiculture).

12. Mushroom cultivation.

13. Bio-insecticidal effect of biopesticides from microbial and plant sources.

14. Protoplast fusion in Rhizobium for enhanced nodule formation.

15. Baculovirus stocks –Preparation and titration using plaque colony.

16. Co-transfection of insect cells using linearized baculovirus stocks.

17. Induced breeding of carp fishes.