Download - mqc meekly 1fxpnttcntmqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.Nl':\!BER 2; OVERALL CLUB fiROWS f AST AS Work On Annual Student Work \JUNIORS TO filV[

Page 1: mqc meekly 1fxpnttcntmqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.Nl':\!BER 2; OVERALL CLUB fiROWS f AST AS Work On Annual Student Work \JUNIORS TO filV[

mqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. Nl':\!BER 2;



Is Slowed .Up Nets Large Sum AT THE ELLEN ON MAY FIRST f;tudent Bod) and !'acuity )!embers all Taking a Poke at .IL C. L. by

\\-'earing Overalh;, Ginghams, Olive Drabs, and Aprons. Greatest Movement Toward L<!veling of Classes. in History of Institution. Lady Duff Gordon \Vires for Ideas.

The staff o.f--::-1921 Montanan I One of the. most interesting sets are ac~omp1~shmg some remakable re- I ~f figures wh.1ch has been published An suits. m spite of the delays and r e-, m The Exponent for some time is verses that have come up in the last the amount of money earned by Mon­few weeks in the form of lack of tana State students during the fall materials and the delay caused by quarter from October 1st. to Decem-

Eight Part Program has been .\rranged that " "ould be a Credit to Pant.ages. Song, Dance and a \Vho1e lot of Foolish neos is \Vaiting Behind the " "ings to Give Bozeman People one of Their ;\l o$l Pleasant E\·enings

the illness of the photographer. How- ber 17. There were 179 students ··Yo-hoo, Skrnnay. Take a look at the bulletin board: 'We, the under- ever, these difficulties have been turned in reports for work done and The result of one full month of pre- 1 The preceding is just a meager out-

tho"'e college boys. Overalls. sus- signed, agree to wear overalls, cover- taken care of and the work is now a total of $12,769.90 was earned in I paration for the Juniors big vaude- line of one part of one act. There are pcnclers and everything.'' This is the alls,. old clothes or O. D.'s until the progressing with considerable rapid- the three months. The amount var- ville "One Wonderful Night" has pro- eight in all, each different, talented. sort of talk that our campaign to price of clothing comes down," and ity. The book as it will appear wilJ ied considerable, there being reported · duced eight vaudeville acts which, and beautiful in costuming- and set­knock old H. C. L. is causing. as by ni.ght over two hundred and fifty/ contain a complete r.ecord of the I $240 as the highest made by any one :·can't be ~ea.t.". Each one of them ting. The cast of the entertainment m'arly 300 men from ::\L S. C. have had hned up- events of the precedmg year. The studentt and the amounts run from 1s· a show m itself and together they has worked hard and faithfullv to !-l-i~n~tt the pledge to wear overalls, The refon11 is not a fad, but a sin- $ales campaign at its completion I there on down to a few dollars. will present an entertainment for give the public a real amature v~ude-old rluthes. or olive drabs until the cer effort on the part of the student showed a total sale of over four These figures are interesting not lovers of song, comedy, and drama I ville performance. JH'icc of c;thcr c!othing comes down body to reduce college expenses. A I hundred copies. so much for the amount earned as for· which, in the eyes of the critics, will Those who have contributed their within r~ason. The ~lOVNnent was I ~arge number of the boys are work- The delays which were caused by~ the number that earned it. Nearly: excell any like effort in the annals time and ability have done so willing­~tarted .)]onday mornmg when ~ev- mg their way through and it is a the shortage of materials at the en-1 one-third of the student body is work-\ of M. S. C. ly in a effort to help buy those foot­t•ral appParc-d at :-;chool in the cheap- hard row for many of them to hoe. , gra\·ers and printer~ rs now over- ing their way, totally or partially, 1\ Not alone have the students of the ball men of last fall an "M" sweatei· <.:r ~arb. Quite a few have been fo1·ced to quit come. It. has been impossible to through school. One hundred ancl college been called upon for talent, which they so justly deserve, and to

The following- petition was put on school, and this was due largely to secure mounting- paper and supplies seventy-five members are earning an but also in the ranks of the towns- aid the dass, who had the initiative to


the high price of clothes. It is be- / to be sent to the publishers. Up to average of over seventy-one dollars people there has been found excep- make those sweaters possible, in the

BASEBALL TEAM lic\.·C'd that the action that has been elate the dummy has not been received a quarter. tionable ability and wherever it was cost of publkation of the college year ~tar~ell will go a long ways toward I and until. it comes work is almost at With the beginning of school last thought that such ability would im - book. There i::. a great big reason cuttmg down the high cost of Iidng ·a ~tandsi1lL fall the student job proposition looked prove the personalle of the enter-\ why every student. and every mem-

PLAYS MISSOULA among college students. J A number of the class pictures are bad. The poor summer on the farm tainment, it has been called upon. The ber of the faculty should appear next

~ Wednesday morning a similar pe- , not available on account of the illness had made it necessary for a large nearest approach to a vaudeville of week wearing, to a man, the little tag tition for the girls was put on the of Schlechten of the Central Studio number who were coming here to professional calibre has thus been which reads: "I helped buy a foot-

HERE MAY 7 jl 8 blackboard in the main hall, and is and much of the mount_ings Pas been work their way through. The Regis- obtained and those who attend may ball sweater.'' 11' obtaining signatures almost as fast I held up. The work is now being taken trar's office got busy and lined up feel assu~ed th~t they will witness a Lets make it a s]ogan.

I as the boys. The girls are to wear; care of at the Schlechten Studio and the jobs and the figures speak as show which will compare favorably =============== ginghams. apron$:, or any of their old I the pictures will soon be in the hands to their success. with the "Pan"' which has visited CULPRIT BOASTS c!othos. With them, as well as the I of the staff and the work is expected I the city this

f;eason Opens Here in Two Weeks. boys, the primary purpose is to keep I to progress rapidly from here on. ALPHA EPSILON THETA The next we•k W111 be devoted to Bad \\reat her has :Hade Out-door f "L"ttl S hl t 1 I I · d t l " h I rom buying as many new clothes. 1 e c ect" has improved in l \ ~ eac Y re 1ear5a m or er o po is Practice lmpo"sible. Prospects for The action of the students started health and ;viii soon be back at his A LIVE ORGANIZATION the acts. i11 every possible way so that I Good Sea•on. the reform ball a-rolling all over I work and Wiil help his brother finish j they will proceed without delay or

town. Monday afternoon the boys of the pictures. Alpha Epsilon Theta has made a I confusion on the evening of May

Tlu~ l!l20 ba:seball sea::.-on at Mon- Gallatin high unanirnously voted to The annual will contain many new name for itself this year and has as- first I tana State will open on i\iay the 7th adopt a pledge similar to theone in \ featm~s. _Information as to these in- sured itself a permanent place m the ~0me httle idea of the extent to

. when the colleg-c will start a two force ~n the hill. A_ number of coun - nova.t10ns .are not given ~ut· as it is j hst. of college actiY1~1es. The inter- whwh the class o! '21 has gone 1n an ,game ~eries with the University, ty officers and busmess men put on I the mtenti.on of the Jumors to pre-i estmg progrants wh1Ch have been effort to stage a production of the providing all is right "~ith the their '~Id


Blu,: Denim with the ".·hi~e sen: these as su1:prises. to the stud- given ~av~ in~ured the _.Popularity or highest order may be derived from er man. A~ yet very little pract

1cmg I sC'ams m em anc! went to work m I ent.,.. '.1'he feature section, the Col- the atgamzafaon. Darmg the past the fact that the lar~est ·costuming

bas been done due to ad\·erse condi- solicl comfort. Yesterday a major- lege Favorite. is complete, the pie- , weeks there have been discussions on housese in Seattle and Salt Lake City lions caused by the bad weather which J ity of t.he boys in the graclos eame to tur~s having been finished at Schlech- the Little T.heatt•e Movement, Imigra- have been ~ailed upon to furnish ela­ha~ predominated the past few weeks. school m old clothes. te~ s Stud10. Ii present plans mate!-- tion, American Scenanos, Amencan borate chorus costumes and a wealth Howe\ er, most of the battery men The general adoption of such .a plan I iahze, the dope for the book will ~e Pottery and American Cartoonists of beauty- in each act will thus be have been working out daily and as


, did not by any means standardize the m the hands of the engrave1·s w1thm and Cartoonmg. possible in addition to highly trained soon as the present snow goes off the fash10n. A costume designer could a month (Continued on Page 2 .) and talented characters. team \Viii be out m a mass So .far \get ideas by the score, as old King ____ _ ~ Much enthusiasm has ben evidenced there are about thirty-five men signed j Originality L.;;; reigning supreme. · on the part of the entire cast Of the


Library ~J) stery Coming to Conclu­sion as the :\1an in the Case Put~ on an Air of Triumph.

There was ·a yoUng lady named Maud Who was a society fTaud.

In the ball room rm told, She was haughty_ and cold,

But in her back parlor-0 Gawel!

up of which duht are men \vho play- , Ev~1-y shade, from a Palm Beach BAND MAKES A Bir. HIT THROUr.H entertainment in regard to the Male ed on the team last year. The mater- \vh1te to a livery stable blue, is being , U U Burlesque Chorus which has caused Now, don't jump tO quickly to COR-

ial from the freshman class is the proudly worn by men who never got .,,,. indigestion among rnany of those who clusions; her name isn't Maude but

best that has been seen here for j as. much _satisfaction out of .a. $90 STATE ON THEIR ANNUAL TOUR have been fortunate to witness a re- this little verse is so applicable t~ the several year~ and with a reasonable suit. Holliday, Whitney and W1ll1ams hearsal. You oughta see Shorty Mc- heroine of the college oscilatory mys-time to p:et in •hape they bill be able have started a Deer Lodge club and Connell in pink skin tights standing tery that we could not refrain from to put up a fil?ht that should send the will petition for recognition just as next to a big, long, tall drink of running it. We have no fault to U home without anv Bobcat meat. Of soon as their numbers and finger State-wide Popularity of Our Band is Shown in the Crowded Rouses Every- water attired in like costume, and find with this junior girl who so dar-the men who rema~in from last years print records arrive from Fort Leav- where Along the Route. Townsend, Great Falls, and Harlowtown Hang say boy! some of the' things those ingly embroidered those touching lit-team are ~IcConnell, captain, FJynn, C>nworth. Out the Standing Room Only Sign at the Concerts Played There. two do do! You sure oughta see it. tie touches to the sh·ict borders of manag-er, Bowen, Alquist, Roney, J or- 1 Some are undoubtedly taking it as 'l'hey are backed up by some startlin_e:- conventionalty in the college library-g-enson, Larse and Sutherland. Some a joke and will discard the idea as --- -- beauties in the chorus girl line, which she will not talk. She retains a dis-of the mo t promising freshman/ soo~ ~s the n~ve.lty wears off, but a On board the Band Car, between played, with the orchestra, for a big it is safe to say the college never crete and haughty silence, fearful, material who are expected to make

1 majority see 111 it a chance to lower Lewistown and Harlowton, April 20. dance. The dance was one of the knew they possessed. Watch develop- I mayhap. that even so staid and placid

their letters are Atterbury. Finley, I th.e high price of an education. and The college band, on its fourteenth biggest in the Masonic Temple in ~nents concerning- ""'ho is the Girl I a person as the Exponent detectif and Pigg. wtll keep the ball rolling untiJ prices annual tour, has met with good sue- months the large dancing floor being ~n the Male Burlesque Chorus? There would use the infonnation she might

Baseball while never the most im- come down. Get in the swim and put cess on the first half of their trip. so crowded that dancing was difficult. 15

one-yes sir. just one dainty, 1

impart to set his footsteps on the portant branch of athletics has al- 1 on the Patches and Frayed Edges and Good crowds have been out to their The affair was under the auspices of delightful delicious,-0! Darling, little i easy grade which leads to feminine \'ays been popular here During the Blue Dennns I concerts and dances and no little the Greater University Club of that g irl in the chorus but-can she be affections. Inasmuch as this fresh-ga.mes at Missoula last year there favorable comment has been heard city, a live organization which was identified in tirne? It means money to man youth seems to be the n10st envied were about fifty fans who accompan- 1 v 1• w •.

11 about the band and Director Howard. influential in securing the large turn- the p:rson who can identify her be- man on the campus, we had thought,

ie<l the team in order to help them OCa lStS Bad weather followed them the fi1·st out of university men and women that fore its too late. for the benefit of our many l'eaders, win, and no doubt thei .. e will be that two days of their trip but de~p1te I attended the concert and dance. The who ha\'e similar inclinations when many more _g'O over thi~ year when Give Reci ta) this they. made enough to pay more Great Falls concert and dance was I c ~ c the call of ~pring- is working in their

I the l'eturn games are played. The than .then-. expenses. They played one of the best so far on the tour. I ross ountry blood, we would f!nd Ot'.t the ways lateness nf the sea

5on this vear has last night m the Fergue County high I The followmg morning the band and means by which this freshman

caused a decided lack of int~rest but Minnie Ellen Marquis and Edna seho?l gi,nnasmm to a large and ap- m·l't th1ough the smelter. The elec- 1 Run Coming Soon i::ainod the resuns-some might call .it no douht this will be ~timulated as Fransham, advanced students of s ing- t;rec1at1ve aud1ence. This co111pletes tric al engmeers were placed 111 charge 1 iccompen8-e-wl11ch were d1scon:ired m soon as the team gets out on the field ing, will appear in joint 1·ecital next half of their engagements. Tonight i of Clinton Booker, head of the ele~~- the library. But this young lady. with and shows that they are there to beat Thursday evening, April 29th in As- they will play in Harlowtown. trical departmellt of the A. C. l\f. ro. The date for the ct·oss country run a loyalty unusual in her sex. and the u. I sembly Hall at 8 :30 o'clock. The The band car was hooked onto I of Great Falls and an l\l. S. C. Gradu- has been set for the first of May stifling a natmal inclination which

As yet the schedule is not com- totally different quality of their three in Bozeman Thursday I ate, who took them to the various when the freshman ruld sophomore likewise <:h~radcrizes mo~t \vomen, plcte but the coach and manager voices, one low co11tralto and the other mornmg and was d~oppecl at Town- points of interest to them. The rest classes will battle for the fourth point 1 refuses ~o give us the details. . . Flynn ha,·e been wm·king lately in hio;h so prano. will offer variety and send at 7:30. Durmg the day the

1 of the band was placed in charge of toward the frosh-soph cup. The race But Wit~ the. freshman-he is d1f­

ordor to p:ct a full program. The pleasing contrast. Miss June Hart- band. played on tr.e street and in the a guide who took them through the <lOW sta nds two to one, the fresh- ferent. \', e thmk he is rathe.r proud tenm at Wa~hington State have askPd man 'viii be at the piano. Following e\'cnmg played before a packed house 1 smelter, the zinc plant and the wire man having won football and basket- I of his accomplishments as a hp read­for a three game series here and is the program. for the concert. A half hour before mill. A couple of the civil enginec1·s ball the sophomore$. having won the er .. He has stated !;e,·eral things another to be played there, but due Aria from the Creation 11 ,Vith Ver- the concert started a drizzling ram wen t out to the new quarter of a tug' of war. I which may be taken as axioms in the to the> gllortness of the eason it will dure clad" . -· --··-············-· .. Haydn in. The dance was not so well at- mlihon dollar concrete br1dge across I As is usual the long run will start manual of golde~ (though stolen) mo~ be po~sible to play only one series. I Miss Fransham tended as the concert and the band the Missouri river and were given from the sidewalk leadmg to the Main I ments In. the first place ~e s~rs that \Vh1ch will be probably be at Pullman. Dedication _ .... Franz and orchestra alternated m providmg permiss ion to mspect that. Hall from Cleveland From there it gettmg. kisse~ fron: a j!irl is very TIU~ will gh·e Pigg a chance to work J Lullaby .. . Brahms thC" 111usic for this. . The band car was then taken over goes around the flag pole. down I much. h~e :akm,l!' ol1Ycs out of a ~ot-againot some of his old schoolmates. Ave !'>faria Schubeit ! In Cascade the following afternoon the Great Northern to Lewistown, ar- Eighth avenue to the Huffine lane. tle,-it is rather hard to get the fn·,t ~o far the ~chedu l e for games is as


Miss Marquis the band put bn a short concert in I riving there Sunday evening in time From there it goes west to the first one or two !Jut after that they ~re follows: "-'altz son.t? from Romeo and Juliet the high school auditorium and that to let the men take in a show at road to left around the collco·e farm 1 ~asy. e~ondly, he .


8 that a kis~

1\Iay 7-?\Iont:!na University at ·-· ·········----········-----········-···· ··· Gounod evening· again played for a concert Lewistown's new Judith Theatre. On and up to the street car tr:ck. The is a pe~u~iar propositl?n. Of no use • Bozeman. Miss Fransham and dance. A snowstorm here inter- · Monday evening they played for their course then iuns to the west end of J to one, it is a.bsolute bhss to two. The

Jfay 8-Montana University at Hindoo Song: __ .... .. ............ Bemberg fered with the attendance although concert there before a good crowd in the engineering laboratory and over ~ltl man buy its, the young- m~n steals Bozeman . The Perfect Hour ...... Hahn the Cascade Opera House was filled the high school gymnasium. No to the track. The final lap is once it an<l .the small boy p:ets it th.rust

May 14--~fontana Wesleyan at Good l\farning Claire.. . ..... Pessard for the concert. dan<'e was given here. around the track the finish being at up,on 11,1n1. .

1.t is a husband's ng-ht.

Rel · · I A · G F 11 S d A L · · · ' a overs pr1\·llejtf' and a baby's heriL

ena. l\hss !\1arqu1s rnvmg m reat a s, atur ay, t ewistown the pnv1leges of the the quarter rnark. T . . May l!i-Mount St Charles at Duel from Stabat Mater "Quis est the boys were met by Lester Cole. Elk's Club were thrown open to the The usual prize for the winner has I arg·et.l

0 a nwnie~ woman it mea "

H I . . c1· t n k d G b . . RI i · to a young "11"' hope· and to "'

e ena. Homo" . _ ....... Rossm1 m on '>00 er1 an eorge Roose- oys and a good bit of their day and been a medal to first place and a Id ' . 1 h . '"' ' ' . '! . lt d d tel

1 d / h lf · . . ' 1 o ma1C, c antv. He says speakmv

.} ry 28.-\Yhitman Col1ege at Whit- l\Iisses Marqui s and Fransham · ve an were nnme ia Y cone ucte a a m the oil city were spent there. cross country sweater to the second. . th 1. 1 1 - . . · ' .-m Tl S R t ti y M C A f th t ·1 h I Th 1 t I Id M S m e io; it o h1S six months stand-an 1e tar ---·- ?gPrs


. o le . . . . o . a c1 y w ere ey a so ~1e se,·er~ o . . . . . C. Whether this will be continued has ing as a freshman, that it takes ex-May 29-Whitman College at Wh it- .-\. Moonlit fdyll .. . . Sibella they played several pieces at the men who aided materially m piloting not yet been decided although it is . . ·

v 1

S · B h · f th t t 11

b 11

th d · peqence to g-ct such thrn~s started rnan . The .i ear's ~t t w prmg ........ eac opening o e s a e vo cy a I em aroun . . probable that the first place may get There are certain rere< uisit~s necc·~-

,Jun<' 4---:IIontana Uni"ersity at Jlhss Fransham J tournament. H ere also they met the I Throughout the tt·ip the band has a sweater. I "f P 1. ..... . . . . . sary 1 you al'e to contmu3Jly travel

BJissoula. A little wmdmg Road ............ Ronald I Bozeman team. They then played I made many friends for itself and the The annual interclass and field I along aff t" · h""h y .

J h I · · f f th · t"t t" T .


ec wns m i~ gear. ou une 5-illontana Uni"ersity at :\Iy Star . . ...................... Beac severa pieces m ront o e news-1 ms 1 u 10n. he high schools have meet will take place on May 13 All got to k th . f r.r I · · ff' d h · · · · · · now e meaning o an a 11 -

1s~oula. . Roses m Jun~ -· ··- .. ·······--:······· German pape1 o ic:s a~ t e Ramb?w Hotel. I coo~erated he~rt1ly. w1:h 1t I.n the classes have men out for this meet parently accidental brushing o! yo•p· The j:tames at 'Vashington State if l\fiss :rtiarqms In the evenmg m th7 Masomc Tem ple various towns m which 1t has stopped and no doubt this year's interclass I lady's shoulder: you must gauge to a heduled will be played on June 7, Duet, Carmena :·········--··· ...... Wilson the band appeared m concert before and the treatment received has been I meet will be one of the best in the nicety the furtive caress of strayinp:

. 9. Misses Marquis and Fransham a packed house and following that the best. history of the institution. (Continued on Page 4.)

Page 2: mqc meekly 1fxpnttcntmqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.Nl':\!BER 2; OVERALL CLUB fiROWS f AST AS Work On Annual Student Work \JUNIORS TO filV[

PAGE TWO TH E WEE KLY EXPO:\E:\T, F'RlD .\Y , APRI L 2:1. 1 ~120

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT EST.\111.lSl!ED JA . ' U .IR\ 1, 1910.

(Outgrowth 01 l\Ionthly Exponent, E stahlishe<l J anuary 1, 1895.)

~ I I I l?t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I'!

~ .


The 'Ytlekly Exponent is strictly a st udent enterprise. It's chief pur- •

pose is to present to its reader~ , caeh \\eek, an accura te nrnt C'mr1p!Pte recor d

We are in for a "WET" Spring. so i;repare for it

-8ta.50 to , 30.00-

of the developments in college affairs durin~ Lhat period and t) ( xtc r .. its fu ll •

. . HOWARD'S . . induence io1· t he upbuildingo of )£on tnna St.ate Collcj!c. P•l' pa, 1 1..~r j ... the • I result of voluntar~· l'ffort put forth hy the stu<lt•nts who 1. 1mpo~e the ~t:lff . -

Published ever:.· Fri1.lay of t ht' Collcg-e by n ~ta(f chosen f om the .. =---------------------------' stt1<lcnt5 of the ).Iuntana .Stato t'ollc;.!'c of A:r::rieulture an•I k1.. rnni .\rt .... ..

of the Univcr ity of ) lontana, Bozeman. :\luntana. THE HUB _\ cc1•11ltmcc for ;\lniling- nt Specia l Rate of Post..1.µ;e pro\ Hl('d for in ~cction • ED and LOU HOWARD

110:', .. \l't of Ot:lubcr :J, 1917, authorized February 17, 1919. ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I ' I :

S UBSCl!IPT!ON R \TE. Quality

STATIONERY Two Dollar:; Per Year - - - - - Ten Cents Per Copy.

:Stu<ltnts bec.:ome subscriberl:i u 11on pa~·ment of t he regular Activity Fee. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


B USINE SS MANAGER .................... AUGU8T 1\1. SCH1'EIDER, '21

ADVERTI SE'\G MAN AGER . .. . ......................... LORREN BRADFORD, '21


1 ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MA!' AGE R. ...................... EARL DAWES, '21 .\ S:' fST \ :\T ,\ll\'ERTIS! XG )!AN AG ER . G. LE \\'1 8 ER\\'IX. '23

: Gallatin Grocery Co. t

t5 5 55 5 5 I G I G Phone G / G



!__ - - ---------- - --REPORTERS BEING SELECTED BY COMPETITION. The Geo. H. Willson Co.

PINK GEORGE JOE Eve lyn Seeley Cornelius Harrington / ============================= ~larlyn Judd ~lerrill J. Alquist ~"'S..~~'-~~~'-~~~'-~

Minnie Ellen l\Iarquis Denn Hauseman II I Georgia Hnnnah Minor Holliday FOR PROMPT SERVICE AND QUALITY

lr---:::::::~:-:T:=---1 ~:·~.::·"'" WITH TH••·:~"''""" 1

1· fiallatinI~~Lndry Co I 1

1 Travelng with the band over the state, we ha\'e been primarily I

issue. In every 1.own m which the band has stopped we have m- ~

I AND EYERYTHING IN FURNITURE. ~nlerested in the attih.1de o! the citizens in regard to the bond OUR WAGONS COVER THE ENTIRE CITY .

O O S M ITH I quired as to the progress in that particular community on the l ~ PHONE 79

• • issue in the hope that we would have. at the end of the trip, a ~~~ pretty good idea as to the probable outcome at the election this

~~ .... ..-..~~~~~~~,... __ ~ ._. __ ~ fall. And we regret to say that what we have seen has rather weak- :---------------------------

F.\CULTY CALLING in T d Ph ·ir b D r ened our faith in the passage of the measure at the election this ownsen ' ' •ps . urg. cc I fall. Too few people know about it. Vl'e have met no particular

ON !UGH SCHOOLS Lod1<e, Anaconda and Diijon. Dea~ opposition to the measure, which is significant, yet we have found Hamilton leaves the 29th for Cutbank, no sentiment for it outside of the very small percentage of citi-

Thc Y-isitin1< o;f high schools by Shelby, Valier, Conrad and Collins. zens whio are graduates from the University of Jlfontana, which members of the faculty started this Mr. Wilson leaves this week for is also significant. week and will continue through May . Laurel , Joliet, Red Lodge •nd Bridger. We appreciate the fact that the issue is yet new to the people

Thi~ plan was started four yeaI'l! ago Professor Holst is at the present time and that considerable time remains before it comes to a vote, yet I by Chancellor Elliott in an effort to on a speakinir tour to Hysho.m, Rose- we cannot truthfully say that we are entirely satisfied with the bring the high school students and bud, Forsythe, Roundup, Harlowton, progress made to date. For instance, in Townsend, a place but faculty into closer touch with the and White Sulphur Spring•. Next sixty-five miles from Bozeman, and with a number of M. S. C. methods and aim of higher education. week Dean Norris will go to Billings, alumni there, very little was known about t he bond issue. In fact, The meetings this year are especially · Warden and Hardin. Tlle first week in Harlowton and Cascade we found bigger boosters for the issue to bring high school students into in Judith Ga'p, Moore Winett ond than at Townsend. In Great Falls we found that t he progr ess eloser touch with the higher educa- in .Judith Gap, Moore Winet and made was onlv mediocre and we were told that considerable opposi­t ional institutions of the state. Stanford. Dean Herrick goe• to tion had bee~ met with there. In Lewistown, the bond issue was.

Doctor O'Gorman is out at the pre- Lewistown, Geraldine, ond Great Folls little known. •cnt time speaking at high schools next week. We do not wish to be pessimistic in this regard, but we want

1 to express the impressions we received by talks with citizens in no small area of the state. Above all, we want to see the bond issue pass.



T erps' Dance They are here and we believe that they .will stay for some

1.ime. The high price of clothing has made it essential for the college student to adopt some sort of ~·eform to cut down expenses,

I and the overall and old clothes proposition looks to be our bet. It is not intended that the ~tudent possessing O. D.'s or ser\'lceable old clothes should go down and im·esl in blue denims. The prin:i­ar y ob jec t i~ to keep from buying any new c.lothe8. and to do lh1s would defeat the pu1 pose. ?.!any will lake it as a Joke or a fad,

.\.PRIL 30 --0-- ELKS' HO:\IE


to be di sc ard ~ d irn soon as the no,·elly wears off. To many ot hers ~ il is a stroke of good luck that Wlll matei ially cut do" ·n l h t> high r. prire of education. You are in Rome uow and His better 1.o \Je a

Homan than to t'lmspii-uou~ly coml' to school 111 a hard bo iled «ollar. ... \ I.I'll\ El'stLO rt!ET\

Arcade Bil liard Parlors .\ Li\ E OIH, .\"\!Z \TlO'.':

Fines t Parlor in Gallatin County

A NICE LINE OF CIGARS, CA DIES AND TOBACCO. ( Cunt.inul·<l F rom Page 1 )

FIRST CLASS BOWLING ALLEYS J'lw 1Hl't:till¥~ have bt~en \ l'l'Y wo1·th

whilP und t>Yt.' l" YOl1l' hns en joy1.•d lht•

~ol'ial lim e a nd - the ho:-; pi l ali ty nf the

- - - -.-..~~------~~~---~~~~.-.. g n b of Ilanu lton lla l1 and tlw \' .ir-

1 l I 1ous \\omen'!' f1ate 1111tte~ who h U. \'('

IF YOU WOl'LD BUY TIIE BEST HOME MADE oiwtH'll thei 1 hut1>cs fu r t ht• use of

Al ph:i Eps il on Theta an<l ha \'c st.• n cJ C.\., DIES IN BOZEMAN rtaintv refreshments a t the tl use of

BUY THEM AT the p;·o1<ram• I

l In add1t10n to tlH.'""l' pro~rnm ~ lhe

l ~L.e SUGAR BOWL n!l'mbcrs hnve bt•l'n bu 'y workin1< up U' J t.he piny " )hmtnna \Yins Today" I

A w hil· h was pi-csentetl ni Tou rnn rnrnt

A The Home of Home Made Candies. ' timt' under llw at1'pict'• of t he M

1 t ('lub. Th(' Bohcnt i~ be ing- spon~ercd ·~~~~~~~~...,~~~~~~~ by,\ E . T 111111 t l lL' C'offct' ("'ltth nntl it

- ----- --- -·- - - - ,i;:1s .\ lph~ Ep~i lqn Thl'la t ha t

"-''-"'3.~'-''' ''"'"-"-''' ' ' ' ''' "-''' ''''''' "' ''~'-''-"-"- ;,..~ l•rntig-ht llan•lcl A T.ori np; ln Boze-

~ F h 1 b sh ~ ~ 1~1111n 11fo1:~u~1:;. int re ting 11.:rtun• on ' as ton a • er op ~ Prov-r:\111-. for the n·maindt..r of thl' ~ :; tul! ll 1· are u~ follow:

~ ~ ;.·' ;'.'XHr~~::::~;~,:•Jll'111'1ll~;:~,it~i::~:~: 1 ~ ' LEAN AND S \:'\I TARY. ~ 'n Poi try Ruth ' Gret•n


~ Jn the :\O\'t.>l Lillian Drummond

~ Galla tin Trus t and S:l\ ingR Bank Building, Bozeman, Mont. l 111 ll rn 111" "

111! tho F."'ay ;; ~ ,;,.eJey.

' ' .._,~''''"'-~....S-.."'-''''~ ''-"-'-"-'-"-'~ "'3.,~,._~,. s ~l ay ;,. The Jri , h '.\l uvcmcnt , It' ~i11 11 ig ic::ml·e nnt l lMHlcnc i C'~. Prof. ) 'Gmmnn.

·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I rINE SHOE REPAIRl3 G DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. \<la R n k«r.

C1rl ha hl'i.:,'UI' t 'ppmg O\ r the bnulld- nl~o by l'ntvllmg ln twP 1nc­

l·hana·al c:lo~:-.C's, 11n11w ly: )1. E lb :rnd \[ J; ;;~.

\\l'11E:-. you m:1k:e :i c all hy le · 11 , it sh<'l lJ }!tt the s:ime C'are ) oll \\ uulll gi \ 1.· to ::t per on al l~.111.

You t!· )'01ir:-clf, anll

niurtt..'S)' n·quirt..~ the: sJmc furn1J l

corret..·me!l<i in )'Ol r \\ riti11~ P:t}'C' f.

will propcrlv r~prese nt you on any occa~hm. \\ ' e invite you rn imrec t our extcmin: disp!Jy of the e el('gant papers.

For the Latest in Dress and School Shoes


Exclusive Shoe Store 22 West Main Street.

J . E. LANG, - Proprietor.

~ H. R. Greene, Cashier. 0 . A. Lynn, Assist. Cashier ~

Chester A. Morton, Assit. Cashier. a

YO R PATRONAGE SOLICITED. a a ~ Bozeman Montana.


~ ~

! A Barber Shop for the Students l I YOU WILL LIKE OUR CLEA_ T SIL\ VES I ': I AXD NIFTY HAIR CCTS.

: I : A. B. Williams I

! 28 West Main St. Bozeman, :IIont.




LL ·cu CO U,'.';'fER IN co.·, 'ECTION

11111111111111 11 c1t1 1 11a1111 · ·1·11a11 1 r 1 111111; 1111 1


Loose-Leaf .............. ....,.... ........ ~ ........ -.,-.J ote Books



STUDENT::., Et. ... I ' It ~ Litt.,rattirl· Flol'l'TI<'l' A ik t·n and

t . Ja:i.· l!•. C'1 ntury F rrnrh ~t:ul p~ E •t'rical l\Iar~1 im·ry , .best ta.n oak leather; .exper t work- A t111'l· . L"'.·t,re ill11-tra l t« l h y s l i<lt'" b)'

' mansh 1p does it; I.aches heels a specialty. I l er. du 1 a f t

' ' I.c hire r~ncl h\• .':\fav m E.• E~an.

A • 0 . 7 La,., t :\lain ~ 1. Cl!A:\IPION SHOE SHOP A .J 1no 2 O r i,.11 ~t Pru;ludions l 'ncl c. r I ~~~~~~---~-..-.,...41119-~~~~......._..... 1' l 11·t·t.·t1 1 111 of f1111·1i t hy .\nn ll 11 ll a ncl

fiALLATIN DRUfi CO i Phillips' ook Store Qualtt) and Ser> tel' 1 <;>J;>IXHllX!QiX!~l:HllXl<:


Page 3: mqc meekly 1fxpnttcntmqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.Nl':\!BER 2; OVERALL CLUB fiROWS f AST AS Work On Annual Student Work \JUNIORS TO filV[

THE WEE KLY EXPO.'E1'T, '"!!ID.\ Y. APRIL 23, 1920. ~~~~~~-=====-~~~--::--~~-=====-7-~=--:


I Base Ball j

j 1920 I I • ·ew Line just in I 1 B \LLS, B.\TS, GLOVES I I I


ETC. ' I I


1 Rose Drug Co. j 'Th_e ~et?- Store



The Individual Candy.

I Schmidt Bros.

• 11111 ••• •

I II I 11111 I

)fario Georg we •k in Butte.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I I I I I I I I I I ;


Socie y ~ t:

I I I I I I I I I I I I If I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I; I I I I I I I I I I~ ••

pC'nt n f~w days )a_!.::.t )li~ ... r; .. n i~ 11 had rlinner at the !t Hall s. 11d ~· 111g-ht. t:


:: :: :: :: i: n i: :: i: :: TO Gl\ E :: \lE\lORL\L TE.\

l.\LE:>;DAR :: ~:1.Ln,ay ft.t rnoon !t 1 2 to 6

April 2,. S. A. E Dance •• t1it: Tl:itt3 X.1 ~fr}~ will t·nll'rtain tht.: )lay 1-Junior Cla~s Show :: fa1•ulty an<l studt:nt of .ll. "', C. a.t :\lay 7-Beta Ep:o-alon Dance :: I an informal tea. Thf• pur~'!'.l' r-f tht• May Phi Gamma Dance :: tea wil! be to '1~<.:u~~ the c~u.bJi,.h-jfay 1-l Theta Xi Dance .. mt nt " n tund tu he ll'"'t.'d in mem > -~ )lay l:l- S .. \. E. Dance .. of :'\I ~ C nh_n who lo:--t t' I" '><:. May 21 ·Bl; Chi D:tnce •• in tlw war. how ~t11.:h a fun1l cnn bt.

Am) EL11 l1 cl ll< had lundt with Evt·h·n \\",1t<>rmnn vhdtcd iriend!-1 :: ~[ay 22 Ome'!a Peta Dance :: I r<:ii~ 1 and . O\\' b t U!'t'(l.

Dot. IlaJ?en on Tuesday. I in Tr1wt! end ) wc>ck. :: :\lay 2~-Junior Prout at the :: - -

1 :: Elk>. ~• .\(;[lQ:'\O~lY .\:>; [) CllD11STRY Ruth ~ '"orton ~p(•nt the wt-ck end ~11· f~, 1:, \y1.·rs w~i-; a g-ue:t of the .Junf' ·1 Alpha Omicron Pi •• DEP.\R'l',1F. -Tc:. TO

·1t h~r home in l!dena. I P.cta F ' "n hot"" Sattu·<lny eYening. n Dance. •• tu::-; EXPERDJ'f'_ T.' I :: .June 5-Phi Gamma Dance :: 1.t'fdinir a F• ·h :-lnd \ ictiir Lar.,;e spent •• June 16 C:o1rmenccment :: The .\ T n m~· an11 f'hPnistr_.

t 11

tfic "eel" in Billinl'.!'s. •• •• partm1.:11b i plan111ng to ca~ry OP :i :: ;: :; :-; :: :: t: :: :! :-:. :: ...... t Ypi rinH·nts hf'rt and at the ... ut.-

~I( s FIL c"' ( Ait en fe•v da'-'" at th(_• Alpha 0 11ou:-.e. t 0

!llaly I ranc1 Evcr(!tt ha" Leen Kent Envm wa:-. a dinner J:!'Uest at ,.,tati t)"'" at ll 11,tlt·~. 2\Io<'r!l.-=in an I

II H· '-T . "ith a \·icw o" mak f'.,. acclll·-t nt the> F'. :. t. house for a fe·-i,- t c On c~a Bt.~ta ...tiot."e Friday c\'.ening-

days. Alumni d E att> 1fr·ti:>l"!f'it1 cioll ... on th1..· '"fed of --- ~iJ.?.vnld Ilerg- was 3. dinner ~uest at an x .. I -:unflc)\n·r~ c.n ~oil fritifity. :-:1·n

~Ir<;:; '\'ilnwt and :.ns~ Garri..;on 11 the ~iirma Chi house \\'t•dnt·sday e\·- S d \ l 1\\Cl'~. o,. cnurst>, have pron·<I to he

Wt'l"C dlT" wr gllt·~ts at the Alpha 0 I C'ning-_ tu en ts Vt:ry fine :-ilap-e, but (juitc- a num-






H c L

I Holloway's I I Clothes \ren't

1 Less Than others


I • l : i •

I ' i I • I


I t

I house. I . --- ber cf farrnt.>rs ha\·e 1·t•t·cntly !:'~nt =n but 00 more and qualit) Paul \\ alker and Donald BetPletf: ! inquirit•s ns to whcthct· or not snn-

:\-lary Francis E\•crett, of Living- I W<'re dinner guesh at the F. s. Kl~nt Erwin. 'IH, and Ere-ell Bun- flcwcrs wt·rc hard nn the land. Jn .-it •n was a guest of Dorothy Reed, hom~e Friday. I ndl, 'HJ, l1a\·p entf•rcd into tlll' J?:.1r- sunfi(;W<1rs a j.!rcat tcnnage of me.t_,,._ \\.cdnesday. ___ t •• bu:--inC'!'s in Dclgracl<'. .. ial is n·movcd from the land, !'ome-

('ath('rine Towne entcrtainccl a few I - - time::; a~ mu('h a" 40 tons of g-rt>cn

such that they must please l you or Your Money Back.

)Irs . .:\lcCrae and :.-Iiss Alexander of her friend::; at a :-;prC'ad in her l"Oom Tl1e S. A. E . men who arc. ",.ith the fodder to the acre, anrl it is desh·ablc were dinner J?Ue:-;ts at the- Iota Delta Sunday night. Land were guests of Forre::-.t llcnry. to as:;c-ertain what amount of plant house !ast week. 1 '20, during their stay in Towns<'n<l. feed is removed and whether or not

•·shorty" ~\Joore ha~ been <"ailed to --- j the cffrct nf such remon•l would )ft-s. '\\~ilmot and Mi:ss Baldwin his home in Poplar on aecount of the I R~lph 'Vimvovd, cx-'22, has enr~ll- prove rlet•·in.1C'ntal to the ~oil or to I

we1·e luncheon gue!'ts of Mrs. Her-, illness of his fathel'. ed m the (•nmmerre and bankm::t I crop~ followmg-. I ric.'k on :\londa:r· ___ course al the Univer!-'ity of \VashinJ?-1 In <k·tcrmininJ? the effect of sun-

--- Dean Hen;tk spent a few days in ton. flowers, the AgTonomy and Chemis- I Fred Davies of the :\tine::;ota Alpha I Lh'ing-ston la st. week as the guest --- try Departments will endeavor to do

t ' i

Ho~~l!~~~~:~ & I Marx Clothes. Chapter visited the S. A. E. frater-1 of l\lrs. H. J. l\liller. William B ~1abce, '20. ha s accepted 1 three thin)?s: 1

nitr last Saturday. ___ a pos1t1on with the U S B1ological 1- To dete1111ine the amount of 1

1 111 1 • • • • ' ''' • • • • • • • 1111 • • 11 1 • • ·~ 1 --- J Josephine S perlmg and 1\Jiss ~·lit Survey He w1I1 make ht s headquaT- plant food removell. and whether or 1===============-; Ice Cream Cigars Candy~ :\I rs. T J Manis_ ?~ Big Timber, of Townsend have been vis itine; G \n- 'ter s at Great Falls . not ~unflowers remove more plant ! • • • • • 11 ' • • • • • • u ' 11 11 n • • r 11 • 11 1'1•;

~ ~ spent several days v1s1tmg her daugh- evieve Sperling at the F. s. c. ho•J .o. --- food than other crops; -_-As se rt1" n g' .. : tcr. Beulah, recently. Katheri ne Kearns. '19, who is now 2-Whether or not the {?rowth of -~ --S ERV ICE- ~ . --- Oriel Campbell and her brother. teaching home econom ics at Town- sunfl ower> has a serious effect on ~- GOO d Taste ., ~ ~ I ~hss :Myrle l\Iyers and l\Iiss H elen eil Campbe11, of Missoula, were- din~ !==end, :\lontana , entertained in honor the followin!!' crop, wheat, for in- ~ i THE ELLEN PARLORS 11 ~ea~~,::r~a:t~~~:,,:~sts at the S. A. ~:~.guests at the Alpho 0 house Sun- ~:gt~~it~i g:~: ~his"'~ :ah:/re tour- 1 s~':.~i (1) and (Z) are found to be - To send a bride a gift from

Pe:1se's is to ascribe to her dis-~ ~ 1 ___ 1. --- true, how may plant food be i·ec:tor- criminatin~ taste. _

~ -QUALITY- ~ I Mrs. ~faggis Hathway, a state Gertrude Corrigeux entertained a Kenneth Wing , '20, left last week 1 ed. h ~

: ~ ~~g~~::t~alfr~~; l~~;~~l~a~~~~!~. was ~~;:~:\no~e~:~~:o~ a:\hea Ha~~: ;~~ i~~rl~:~~"';;~I~~ ~~:gi;~:lti:nh•~; Mr. bo;hou;ouP'~":~n~hesh:~~srec~a~ - SPEND THE EVENING IN - I Potter is attending the Stock- ;; distinction in quality and art- ;o. ;; ;; --- day e,·enin". scientific ass ista11t 1·n Fo1·a&e ancl 111en's C t· t a·11· th' 1- -~ • 1:- ~ onv('n ion a

1 mgs

15 I ~-= istic merit, for the pres tige of ~".,,,,.:-~ THE ELLEN CABARET ~ Mildred Poorman has been called Cereal? Insect Investigation, U. S. week . the Pease name comes about _ •~. ·' ' , ., , ·' ' ' , , , , ' " ' , ,,, ,, , , , , ,,, , , , , , , ,ii home. and on account of sickness in Mrs. Buzzell and her daughter, Bureau of Etonomology. Mrs. King • · h f ·1 · •n• i1 111111 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 , , , , , , 11 1• 1 11 11 1 11111 11 1 11 1111! I; through practicing just such er am1 y, will not return to school Katherine, and Mr. c. L. Stevens, accompan ied her husband, and thefr !! • !! discrimination in selecting ~

this quarter. were dinner guests at the Sigma Chi household possessions have also been ~ SPLENDID NEW ii ~ ii house Sunday. shipped to their new home. ;_~- !.= 1 I= m~·~~;end;:e ·not a Jnatter of !_~:: __ ·

STUDEN'IS Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Rut. dollars. Beauty bears no price

~l~~;~;; ' :~~:::~:.::·~:~~ ~i~;'.:~~~7~~.:~::::t1'. ~\t:Y12~t;:~~~~ __ .I 6~~~~~~ s~~~~~~s !_.= '! __ . I§!.gg:~§-~ !_~:

vision. entertained at dinner Mrs. Wilson, Saturday aftemoon the Alpha o Marjorie, '19. They expect later to SILVER COFFE SETS ~ At the stighteat and the Misses Houghland, Herein, girls gave a tea for the faculty go to New York for a visit with their ~ In very smart styles of plain ~ ~ $l5.00 to $50.00 ~

indication of undue •train, come to Ten Haaf, and Rutledge. women and the mothers of the town brother, Eugene, '11, who is making ~ ginghams and checks and ~ ~ iii us for a thorough examination of . members or ~he fraternity. a success as a composer of popular E some plaid t rimmed proper~ ~ -.- I yout· eyes. Mrs. J . R. Parker entertamed at a


. ___ songs. ~ for street wear and very~ ; "

I delightful luncheon Wednesday. Cov- The F. . c. fraternity entertained ~ economical- ~ ~ H A PEASE i ro ~

WE <'AN QUICKLY TELL WHETHER ers were placed for :ight _a~d the at a dance at their chapter house on News has been received in Bozeman ~ ~ ~ 1 t If l.J 1 ~ GLASSES ARE NECESS.'.RY I hi.hie was decorated Wlth da1s1es. A last Saturday night. Representatives of the marriage in Butte, Monday, ~ -Price $3.95 to $6. 75- ~ ~ ~

11 d ,. . f _"=:~ w· A L K E R ' -. __ ~ - Jewe201er6• wan.d MOapltnomS•t.trlato ~ LESLIE E. GAGE J e 1c1ous our-co_urse rneal was served. of the faculty and alls fraternitie April 19, of Miss Willie Louise Fen- s ; 11

were present. ner, only daughter of Tvir. and Mrs. • j L t S d . th s· Al w·11· ~ SPECIALTY STORE ~ THE HALLMARK STORE --~ Jeweler & Registered Optometrist as un ay evening: e 1gma - 1 1am B. Fenner of that city, and ;; ; _ iii

Broken lenses replaced same day. I pha Epsilon initiated several new Friday evening the Omega Beta Robert Kohler, who recently returned 11 111 1 111 11 1 1 1 1111 • 1 •11111 11 11 • 1 1 1 1 11 1111 111 11 n 1u 1 111 11 1u 1 1 1 11 1u i 11 11 • • • • • , 11 11 , 11 1 1 11 1 11 1u 1 11 1 •11 u 1111 11 1111 11 1 11 1n 1 r. •

members. Those initiated were F'Tank fraternity had a very delightful dance from service. The bride was formerly I Knight, Lee Popham, Henry Jacques, at the K. of P. hall. During the even-1 a student at Montana State college !J'••mm•BC!l!•••EllZl!ml!all!!•Z!!:SMIR!!!!l~B•!Z!!llll!!•••• Dwi~ht .Johnson. l\Iyron Westlake, ing pun~h a~cl wafers were served and and has ,many f riends here, not only J ean Robertson. After the ceremony e,·eryone enioyed a pleasant evening. amon1< the former students but among SECURE RESERVATIONS NOW for :t0 fr ~hments were se1Ted and <;r:\"<'1'~ 1 --- the people of the city who met her tC''lst~ Piade hv the upper ehr.:."''"'lt'11 This is the second notice that has while she \Vas a student here.

--- been publi~hed concerning rnembel'-1 lenni~ enthu;:,iasts enjoyed a few 1 ship of the Alpha Epsilon Theta, and 2\fr. J. C. Taylor has been carrying

!n·ief hour!' on the rourts thi~ week. all girls wbhing to join this society on exten:-:ion work in Billings. Har­One or t.wo sno"-fall~ ~oon put a stop nc·t year will gh·e their names to Lil- low town and Lewistown 1-ecentlv. to the spoTt mHl this remark pa:;;~ed lian Drummond or Marjorie Burgesr.;.. · bdween two advocates of the 1·acke1

• , U pp~r Classmcn \\ill be considered I '·~ay. what ar<>- you going to do when: rst. DR E o HOLM summ('r ro111C1~?'' "Why I don't know, --- 1 1 8 \\'hy?" '\Veil. I'm going to play I R. 0. \\"ilsc..:n. J. R. P<.i.l'ker and E. tennis on that day. L. Currier were tht• college men who DENTIST

I pai-ticipatcd in ,tate rnlley ball I Story Block Bozeman

Bela Ep~ilon entrrtninecl at an in- tournament in Great Falls last week. ~~~~~-~·~~~~~~~~~~

EUROPE-via Historic St. Lawrence Route.

ALASKA-i\fidnight Sun Excursions.

PACIFIC COAST-British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California.

CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCmES-Switzerland of America -Banff, Lake Louise, Glazier.

Honolulu, JaJlan, China. Phillippines. Australia.

A. G. ALBERTSEN, G. A, CANADIAN PACIFIC 611 Second Ave. S. Minneapolis, 1\Iinn.

THE WORLD'S GREATEST HIGHWAY. lttgal .. f,·.,-n1al dance at the Elks hall Jast The ;:?:anws were fast and the tourna- • Frid~.y evcnin~. Thirty couple \vere ment ,-ery interesting. The Boze-, presPnt and enjoyed dancing until man team won third place. Great midnight when they repaired to the Falls coming- in first, Hekna second tea room where a two course lunch- and Butte fourth. ELLEN ------------------- ~

T h c a t re 1' 1 ~~'~O~ an~me ~~~!~~E CAPS U.25 to $3.50

They Can't Shrink or get mussy. because they are "C rave nette" finished . They wear twice as long as ordinary Caps, and keep their

f s;; !· rid freshness to che end.


Chambers -Fisher Co. -ALWAYS RELIABLE-

eon wa::; served. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Tallman. Among the guests were Mr. Eaton. Mr. Stradford snd Mr. Ayers. A number of the Sig:ma Phi Epsilon fraternity at Mis­sou la were present.


Exchange Cafe FOR YOUR LUNCH

After the show or dance.

Our Pastn· is the Best in ·town.

Prompt Ser\'ice - Reason­~ble Prices.

The last meeting of the class on Russia was held at the hom e of Maud Al exander Thursday evening of last week. Grace Nutting and Maud Alexander have conducted a very in­teresting com·se in Ru r;!'.ia n histor:,1

during the past two weeks. There were about 12 girls present and a very enthu~iastic and interesting dis­cussion was carried.on about Boli:::hev­ir.:.m and economic pl'oblenrn in Russia. :\Iiss Mcintosh war.;. pr<:>:~ent and g-ave m?.n~r enlig-htening- opinions. Deli<'i-

1 ou~ tea and rake were served at the end of the evc>nin~.



=::=:=:=:=:=:-::=:=====================::::;:===== I Gallatin Post Xo. I~ of the Ameri­~~~~~~~ I can Lerrion have cleci<lecl to h1ing thel

~ QUALITY SERVICE If. 1 Hallowel .concert company to Boze-

er e ance ome 0 ' the evening: of ~lay 6th. The conce1 t Aft th D C t the I J man to gl\·e a concert and dance on 1

I CI U b Cafe will he gi,·en to help financial con-ditions at the Post. A large number of colle~e students arc legion mem­hers anrl the comm~ event deserve~

Dance Hall for Private Parties at all Times the supnort of e,•ery student on the

B .\.'QUETS A SPECIALTY ~hill Anke1 Chtbtenson "ns .ippoint· .. ~ ecf as colleg-e eommittee memher and

~ V. C. l\'ra;1- ~ will handle the tid.ot snle a1l<I puhlic-~~~~~~ j ity for the college.



Sylvia Bremer -1 '-

"April Folly" -AND-

Harold Lloyd Comedy

"Captain Judd's Kids"

and happiness .




It's the most economical and pleasant means of travel.

I Owe~·~~':;;T7I~;;;:~~ '

'.''E ARE . ·ow PREPARED TO RE ·nr,;n YOU




The Bungal w

Page 4: mqc meekly 1fxpnttcntmqc meekly 1fxpnttcnt VOL. XJ. THE WEEKLY EXPO~ENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.Nl':\!BER 2; OVERALL CLUB fiROWS f AST AS Work On Annual Student Work \JUNIORS TO filV[


• • . 1111111 ·~· ••• I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HOT o~ 'E FRO.:\l tcr~~tcd in football should profit by .............. .._ ...... ...,.._..._.._......_...,...... . ............ .._ ... ...,... ... ....,..,._.._ ............................................................................. .........,.. "' Engine~ring I .\. · UPPEH BERTH this rnlunble trainini:: nnd cxp<·ricncc ~ ~ - J o Sh Sh : I N .;:ites offered in ~prim< football 1•rncticc. < N T c t ~ : fl ur oe op : ''-============!' Cunklm, :J A )!. Thur,day morn- Tho work nt first will 1ndude the ~ e w 0 p oa s ~

in;:?'. i11 Bozeman- -'"Lou, my ::;tuff d('n;·lopm"'nl of such prdiminary cs- ~ ~ : i\'o Lack of rooh\ear Here.: 1 Bd fer tht Ill\\" t'n..;:i11 ·rlni..: ~hops j ... n·t h1.:re." jSL'ntial-i a:-. intc-rfrrlftl'l, ~crinuna.girn:r ~ ~

... will be nd,·crti:-en for, hezinnin~ to- Lou ( ~lc1..~pd)) ""\\"ell how thL._ will follow lnh•r, arnl thl• C'oal'h may '• ~ : E\C?rything in foot wear . fron1 : 11 orr "'· chd ) ou gd hllL'" Ir o;:.sibly C"lt somc:- tmpt't t..ant g-ames ~ ~ ,- a pair of humble lace:; to a pair : . . . b, fMc the "a'o" doses ~ SMART. YOUTHFUL MODELS I . ~ : .of l~xqui:·dtely fini~hed fshoe:s.' : . \ n.w lrUdl' oil L'~lg"llll'" tor th~ ~n- Roy :\labor, '11). awakl~ncd the boy:; There an~ o;:.1..·n•ral new men out and ~ \ ~ And \\ ith :;uch a latitude of• i.:m«•rmi:: lab"''" •hippccl en the l .th in Town'C•nd at 7:00 A. ~[. Thurs-' t<ts of i::ood raw material which :• THE NE'V POLO COATS, READY ~ : Eelection that there is no ques- : ' .f this ""'nlh nncl slll>uld be here day morning. I should dc,·olop into roal football stuff. 1 \ FOR THE COLLEGE GIRLS. ~ : lion of your finding the exact : ,--oon. --- A good many <if the old line-up ·will ~ > : shoe you need at the price' : -- . . Small boy in Tow11!'1..•nd-1'See that hl' on the job next year. but tht·re are \ \ : you wish to pay. • .\II till' :-;tud1..•11ts graduatmJ..; in cit'~- g-uy ovl'r thc.•r<· {pointing to Shorty ~cvcral Yacancics to ~.e fiUed, which I ~ Pfl.CeS $24.75 Up ~ _ \Ve h :n·e a reputation for : t~·t1..'al eng-inecrmJ? ha~·c occt:'.P~~<l pos~: lknry) . well hl:''s my bii:t sister's are left by the out-gomg class. I \ ~ ~careful 8Cr\' ice and concen- : t1~ns :\lost. of _tJwsL" pos1t1.ons arc beau lh> ga\·e nll~ ninety pennies ~ 11 :• : traled Yalues. : with. la~l!o elc.•ctncaJ companies such once to kC'ep out of the parlor.'' 'l he ull<:ndanre Qf the newspapers t \ ~ ~ ... •

1...;. \\ ~·:-- tm e-houst.• or the Gent'ral Elec- to the bond issue. ~eerns very .favor- ~ I\ < S • } t ... lr11..· ( ompany. Henry !\lichcl. in To\vnscnd was able and no opp~s1t1on of a1~y irnport ~

1 '•

~ peCia Y _ --- ,c.-y carefu l lo see thal everyone got has beon met with from this som·ce. > ~ lj ~ B t Sh : Our111fr tlu• few warm <la~~ when J all of their m~truments only to find j To all who understand the si tuation I ~ ~ ~

• • 00 up.. -1 the survormg ~lasses were at WOl k when he got to th.c car that he had in the state institutions the bond issu~ ~ I ~ : Sn1arl Footwear for " 'omen.: i.:n the cam1_ms. several girls expres- forgotten two dainwt:, . I is a real question and is receivini:: I> pl~ ~ ; . "' s •cl the opinion that 1t would be great ihrir support. To the many \vho do ~ ~ ~ 2·10 \V. Iain. . : /~port to ha~·r out-of-door classes d~r- Lou, aR the ca r passed thru Gey- not understand the situation, and this ~ I ~ ~Joe Conaty. John Hines ;;;; ! 111~ .the ~prmg q.uart~r .a.nd began .m- scr-"This mu st be a mud Geyser

1 Ii~ the majority of voters. it seems ............. -.-..-.-.... -.-.w ................ ~.,,._ ................ -• ..., ._._...,,._...,.~.,.~~

~111,i 1 ,. 1 • • •1. 1 • ' • ' • ' • ' • • • • •1 • •1 • •~ I qu1nng- mto the poss1b1lil.y of taking look at the roads." only an add1t10n to their taxes from t•lcmC'nlary su rveyi ng as an electiYC>. ___ whirl~ they cnn see no ~·eturn . This

--- Jn ll<•lcna. Mashin mel a mi.s who constitute• the class winch has to be NELSON CAB COMPANY

MADDOX CREAMERY During the Inst wet.'k Prof Thaler tH.arly caused him to ll1l:)ti the tram. rnformed as of the issue. 1Ve believe The Oldest and Most ..

took a trip to Butte, to orrnmizP a that too much is being relied on the Reliable in the wirl'le~s telegraph l'la%. composed of In GrC'at Falls, a barbl•r wanted to lll'Wspaper udvt?rtisin~ for the bond City

\Ye Make l\IACCO Phone 389 the omployoos "t the Great Falls Sub know of .J:wk Swe»t belonged to the issue. We do not belie,·e that that I Ph one 273-W Auto Livery That good Butter & lee Cream station, of tho ~! ontana Power Co. Canadian army. .\nothor barber is pultini:: il before the biit majority

The Montana Powt'l' Co. is planning- mistook one of the boys for a Park of the p<.'Oplc as it might be put """"'",._....,..,._.._, to put in win•les~ ~tations at Butte, Hotel bell-boy. across by other means. Nc:wspaper ..__ -.-.-.r.-..~ ... -••• -..-..._-..._._._~ ' Groat Falls, and Thompson Falls. ___ I publicity depends too much upon the LET US DEVELOP AND ~

I• .. • 1

' • 1 1 1 1 1

• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

' 1


1 1 1 1

• These station:-; will ke-ep in <:ommuni- Lou to DeKaY-"Those white trous- whims of the t•ditor~. the space aYail- PRINT YOUR FILM:S. > THE ... cation with tht? ocllege ~tation. ()J"S of your::; would fit Fonest Henry's abll'. It IS not entirely dependable. ~


~ I future brothl'r-in-J::nv helter than tht:!v ~

MODEL fiROCERY ~ I taiJ,~e;;~~;-~~-~~'~l~·;~w::i:oth~"::u~=;~ Jo you. You ought to put some lac~ ,, EXTENSION NOTES II PHOTOS OF STUDENTS AT~ -~ which it wa~ cu:-;tomar.v for the around the botto111 of them you'd > SPECIAL PRICES ~

I g-<·t by bcltei " I ' l i ; wom('n on the hill to tnkt.\ and t he ( ~

George Bartz, Prop. i I courSles whil'h were for men. This ~ CENTRAL STUDIO ~ I S I d F G · - Looic l\fcRobcrts-llell no. don~t t~p e an ancy ro~er1es ~ quarkr howevt..'r, the nwn who hav<.' want 110 dividend Mr. E. L. Cun·ier visited Gl endive i, Keeps a con1plete hne of~ I always been ronsidt..'red the ~harks in and other points in eastern :\1ontana I Lunch goods of the best~ chcmistrv will han' to look to their 1

• • last week in the interests of the bond .._ •• ..._..._._...,,,,........ ....... ._..,,._............,.,~ I quality. Prices ahvays right.: laurds for it i~ reported that in a . Thl' boys reckon then· g'atc. receipts: issm:' and tax amendment. I ,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 , • 1 , 1 1 , , ,, , 1 • i . ~ . i· • • • I m ml'nls. ~lw popular question when

i (Cent exam nnt1on m that subJect the money is counted after ench con- I I one woman pulled tho unheard of I , . ., .. t is "Do we cat tomorrow.. }fr Copeland has been m Teton and COMMERCIAL NATIONAL

...,.._.., w w thrwWJV.-..-..- • ......_".............,.-.•.; i:rradl' of 100 Pt'l' eent and SC\'eral Powell Counties durmi:: the past few B AN K

1 ~ BOZEMAN ~ thers followed close behind with 98's Eu><onc Rnpatz, 'l?, met the boys w,·eks carrymg on fann management I ._ \ and 95·3 . G F 11 d 1 1 J sch1>0ls in 'arious towns. :\I r Cope- I J H B k C h' 11 '> FARMERS' CREAMERY \ m ,,-,•at •a ' an Jl aye< sncra land took up part1<·ularly lhe business . . a er, as 1er



12 So. Black Ave.


H.F. WEST Funeral Director



Phone 690-R-2

'> ~ )iu:l.'!'i with them. I ~• Uses Pasturized Cream in DEA:'\ HERRICK LECTl' RES management of tho farm and ga,·e in-

their TO SOCIOLOGY CLASS Dutch-"How's the' flat wheel. I structions in Cann accountin g. _I n I Capital Stock .............. $150,000 ""' "'~'"" 11 • " ' • • 1 1" 1 , 1 1 1 1 , , , " '" ,

Gallatin Gold Ice Cream. , ___ .. , mnny casos the banks cooperated with j 1 ~ PICTURE FRAM N. fi. " ~

~ <~ nunng Denn Tlnil'1lton's absence Lr.u. ' 1 ho Pullman has a flat wheel~ him in his accounting work. I Surplus and Profits .... $250,000 ~ I ~ All 0 d P ti

f 1

th' k D JI . 1

Lou-"lt's all riitht now, we wen '---·------'! :----·~ ___ -•= AS IT SHOULD •:~_.---=~ r ers romp y I nm r.wn i• wpc -. enn err1c' out and pumped it up." '1 '1· d k---t t , . 1· I t 11 Bozeman, - - Montana ·~ Taken care of. has lH'l'n g1v111g the class 111 Soc·iology ___ it i· ~t ur ex:· wen o a 1er as

~ 1 a <..:pccial sPr1es of l(•c.turt•s on pro- . . . 1 wel·k to carry on field cxperim nts in Phone 143 Bozeman , 1 f .Janitor. :llasonie Tl'mple. Great ... ·. t" Th E. .· S .

• • J ems o I nw:n at ion nn<I Anwncan- F:tlls,-·'The hanrl is fine but vour ~111ga JO~l. c 1me.nt • tat.10n ~ ~ ,.,,.,,._,,.._. .. _. .. ..,_ . .,,_ . .,,_. ... .--.. ...... ~-.......,.._,._.._.._....

11zatton. . . h b k 1 d t ~ . 1s carrymg out an 1rr1gation proJect ~ BI DONE ~

The <:"la"s wns delig-htcd with her sml!t..'l' i:-; ti fe uln . · URe 0

1 "hngt in that sl•ction of the ~tate , thru ~ ~

"'<'nW my!';t: am as soon as 1e 1 . . ___ ............................ ~~ 1nkrestmg story of a vi!1il to Ellis th f. t t J k "t ..


which the farmers hope to receive a ~ ~ ~~ . . c n:s not..' ·1ww 1 wa" no use. . ~ ~


ii bland, clescribmit tho \'at·iou$ pro-1

H J great deal of benefit. Of course, duo ; at ;;

I ce=--st>s through which the imigrants tiW('\'~r. ne frOt an C'ncorl'. to the pre-.ent amount of moisture. ii ~ MAfiAZINES J must pass before they are peimitte<l 1 Hank pcrspiri-n1t-freel\' '·F0 r- the farmers are o\·er-optimistic and


~=: .. _LINOLEUM 'ND ARTi_·= .. .. to enter Anll•rka. I k L' 1 't t k N" · 't f t,, many do not rec.•og-nize the need f or ft !a One of John Opt•nheim's !'.tories wa~ o;:.a e, ou . <.on a c ~ orma 0 a~ future- irrigation.

IC.\NDIES and CIGARE'ITES i!i the founclal10n for n lecture m livinit -- ------- '1 ~ •• _ STORE ~ •. _ ·.~ . . . Rousc-"I only know two tunes.

~ J condition• m. the foreign qua1 ter of onP is Yankee lJoodle nncl the other C'li LPl<tL BO.\ ST. OF

M H WHITE i ou1 larg-e citie• nnd the problem of i n t., ms HOLD . \ CH IE\'EME~TS ! "Japanese Art Goods" ~

f 1 I A.mencanizi11~ the whole 1miirrant I ' ___ ~ ~ • . fami ly l30 :lrnt the chi ldren will fmd ThP boys

1 d yet to know ii• 11

1111• • 11111 11 114 1111, • 11 1 ·• 1 1 1 1 · , , 1n1 111 1n r 11i

2S w.~fam St. l'nclerstnndmir S)~npathy at home and h h . are puzz e ((;ontinued Frv1n Page Oue) • w lt t>r Ca~tade was n town or n ------

OOQ(H)(f(H)(:t-(H)-0 not drift awa~ fro.m the home Jife ch~ease-. hands; rou must be able to read wit/. -----~~~ because of dt\'ldt.~d mtl'rcsts. I out hesitat ion tlw affection so subt-


The work of Jane Addams at Hull " -.--... 1 11 1 .11 111 , • ,.. , ,,1··1 ·1 i 1•1 · 1 u1 11111 1 11 • u • a . • •·, 111 11 1, d"

1 f h


Parker . Thrre s no u~e of me ley c:onvey<.'d by those intangible · · • - i.ouse was l!'iCUssec as a tvpe o t e . • I . I · h ft t t l · I ~

1 . · . takm~ a bath [ haven t a chang'e of ences w 11c corne so o en o s ro.

i BE INDEPENDENT. : mo~ 1ern •ocwl settlemont work which undonvNll'." 1

linit couples on moonli1tht e\'~n ings, ~OWN YOUR OWN HOME ~ frea y serv_es. foe needs o_f the people I --- when the breath of April is all about 2 • ~ or whom 1t 1s 111tl'nrled. m a wonder~ J h h · d I 'J ~ ! fully efficient way In Gn•at Falls. the band played a you an on t e sout wm t lCre c.:ornc~ i PLA:\' NOW ~ · few numbors at the <Woning of the the •cent of far-off wild flowers. You ~ TO BUILD THIS SPRL~G ~ I state valley ball tournsment. On the must reali7.P that "hile affection ~ • ---~~--. - -. - ~ rrain thl'y mC'l the Bozeman team. makC!'i the hear grow fonder ... it i s

~KENYON-NOBLE LUMBER~ KEEP YOUR Sl' IT I - -- i::cnerally of someone else, particularly ~ COMP ANY :,_; J The funniest siirht of the trip to when that someone is constnntly on

datP was Conklin with a bass drum the joh. and thC' anS\\Cr to the song ; 320 W. Main Phone No. 4 ~ PRESSED LOOK WELL hen<'in1t from a strnp around his neek 'Who \\'ill Ki" those Ru by Lips when ::=,. 1n1t' 11111••·••1 1 11 11111•1u1111u1111u11111111111 1111 1111 1 ·nlCI two bigo suitea~e~ full of ,Jewish :\ Rlll so Far Away?" is "Sonw Oth-

DRESSED I hardware in his hands onrou te to the er :\Ian." Bul tl:p l"rcatest results,

Cigars Candy Billiards

, I


City Dye Works ; Phone 185

~~~~~~._, ,_. ~

1~1~· .,cit· O"f't~ TJousP. RO conc·ludes this bla!=;e freshman, lies in the finl·1w~s l)f thC' g3m<'. the pay- I ing ~1ttt>nti{lll to littl<.• things. Such thought "ulnl'ss ns letting your g-irl u~c your hanclkcn·hicf wht>n !:"he has a col.I: w1..•cuinl?" her initial=-- on yvm· 1 :n·m. put tht·r{' with an indelible pen­

~Wr\·f1l'Y "All h•n o[ thl~ people of Ca tadc \\'C'l'C' nt the concert and the Wt're bn.rl so thr othc>r two c·m1ldn't g-rt tht·n:.''

LPstcr Cole, EvC'r ett )kSpadden di; k~l:pin!.!" ht•r littll~ handkerchief c; .... 0 • RoosevPlt. ancl ('lin ton Booker pinned on :.·our pajnmas all these nw tlw bayR at the depot in Grent things hr in 2 about a tl•nder intimacy Falls. that to the unitinkd, is hard to instill.

Y c>s, wt~ know thei1· nnmes. those

The ~rntini<·nt of the• band i~ that f'wo in tht• library. \Y e will not puh­Gr-''tl Fa11~ i~ th(' hest l'ity in the I lish thl•m this wc~k f_or t~e simple .. tHlt>. C:iscadf' and H PlcnR a re rank-I rca~on lhnt th<.' ed1tor·1n-C'h1cf of the l'd ~idc bv side>. Expon('nt ts ?ut of the city and we

prefctl' that his g-reater understandmg--- P001'R \Ly, and kno" ledge of such tender sub­

Jects (take this any way you will)

Sprint." footha1J prarlice hl'j.tan Mon~ s hould lw_ the one to write the c·lose­day nfll'nwon, and althouj?h the wet I up c:;u.•nfll'IO

wC':1thC'r ha" pn\ventc>d work for the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:

"'Dav Dram Face Pow· derhu•velve1yamooth.'veneverfound in another. And its odor is ei:quisi1e- 'ddicious-­ly tautaIWn&' is, I be­lieve, the Dest W9Y to describe it."

Othel° Day Droeam to11r.. requi$ites include Pe.J*(umc, Toilet Water, TaL:1 Sachet.


Cox- Poetter Drug C o .








P.HONE 246 C. 11. LEIBY, Prop.

- -------~-.--·-~~T7N7~~;;;:i:~~---, f IN FLOUR AND ROLLED OATS. A f TRY THEM TODAY. '

t DIVISION ' t MONTANA FLOUR MILLS CO. f ---~~~~~----~~~~~~~

E verytbing from the Plans To the Shingles

;~a;~ :~·:\· ,:.',~i~k .... ' \\:i~~· (~~~·~in::e s~:~n:. \VE JUST ASK YOU I ~-! lllM• •• 0. n' ·t·a· 'n' .a. 's' ·t·a· ·t·e· 'c' .0 • • I.le' .g. e ... 0. fl I I I I I I I I.' I I. I I I

th<• frc nt, n.ny of which merit the 'l'his bring':-; thr<·c• major activities to WHAT


129 W. Main. Phone 21 .

'Ve arc in :t p1) 1tion to supply yt•t1 w 111 t'\"l'rythini.:- lrom die phns tn 1hc shing-11.:, i( \'nu in~ ·nd iO hutld th is yi:ar Yim l:uulJ to us uhout

Building Material ··•rn~c our yl :-ir of <''.'l.:pnilncc in

the lumlicr hu .. 1m .. ~ "ill pron: very hdplul lo you. A :-.lig~c .. u•m elf a dtffeient Lind of woud pcrhap:. a JdT~:n nt t,;r:u le will . ;n·e ynu mJ11y

dolhrs on your house. \\'e'n: all kind:. uf lumlwr. 1.N's go onr the pl.10:> tua:;ttbcr and tigurc the co~t.


:~;:r~~~t:,~n'.hl:a::~~~n'.m~0'~~ckThese Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 'fwt'11ty ~even C'n thu s ias ts turned - .I -

~Ill with llrnl fiithting. Bob Cat spirit, dNrne cl th t'.' 1mddC' d pnnt~ and blue jC>r~ey~. whirh wrrl' cleaned and laid ·1sidl' afh•r the mudcly s tru ggle los t No,·emb<.11., and nrl' rPa dy to prepare for the batt!M next fall.

The C'onC'h intend s to offC'1' a train- ' ing in the fundamental s of footbnll, for which tlwre i~ lit.tie time drvo ted in tho fall. This is nn pportunity to learn the game.~. and many freshrnen a nri new men art" taking advantage of it. All candidates for next year's team, or nny men who arc at all in- I



OVERALLS Ii Walsh's I ~

Practical courses in Architectural, Civil, Electrical and l\Iechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horticullure, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistrr, Econ­omics, Biology, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, ommod ious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art tudio.

Alfred Atkinson, President EOZEMAN, MONTANA.

----------- - - - --' !:I I I 111 1 11 I I I 11, 1111 1 1 111 1 I I I I I I 1·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -1 ·11 It