Download - Mount Royal University · PDF fileMount Royal University ... Mount R oyal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding ... through its internationally recognized conservatory,

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Page 2: Mount Royal University · PDF fileMount Royal University ... Mount R oyal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding ... through its internationally recognized conservatory,

1 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Mount Royal University 2016-2019 Comprehensive Institutional Plan

Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... 2

Accountability Statement .................................................................................................. 4

Institutional Context .......................................................................................................... 5

Mandate ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Mission .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Vision ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Affordability, Accessibility and Quality Goals, Priority Initiatives and Expected Outcomes .. 7

Appendix A: Financial and Budget Information ................................................................ 16

Fiscal and Business Environment ........................................................................................................ 16

Key Budget Planning Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 16

Balanced Operational Budgets............................................................................................................ 18

Appendix B: Enrolment Plan and Proposed Programming Changes .................................. 20

Enrolment Plan by Program (FLE) ....................................................................................................... 20

Enrolment and Program Mix ............................................................................................................... 23

International Enrolment Projections (FLE) .......................................................................................... 24

Program Planning ................................................................................................................................ 25

Appendix C: Research, Applied Research and Scholarly Activities ..................................... 28

Research and Scholarship Strategic Directions ................................................................................... 28

Administrative Infrastructure for Research and Scholarship .............................................................. 28

Thematic Research Areas .................................................................................................................... 30

Appendix D: Community Outreach and Underrepresented Learners ................................ 32

Regional Access to Learning Opportunities ........................................................................................ 32

Initiatives for Indigenous Learners...................................................................................................... 33

Appendix E: Internationalization ..................................................................................... 35

Appendix F: Capital Plan ................................................................................................. 36

Approved Project ................................................................................................................................ 36

Projects for Approval .......................................................................................................................... 38

Appendix G: Information Technology ............................................................................... 40

Page 3: Mount Royal University · PDF fileMount Royal University ... Mount R oyal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding ... through its internationally recognized conservatory,

2 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Executive Summary Mount Royal University has a clear vision to provide an exceptional undergraduate educational experience for all our students. As we move into the second year of our University Strategic Plan, Learning Together, Leading Together, we continue to refine the priorities that enable us to achieve this vision and at the same time address the Government of Alberta’s goals for Advanced Education. This Comprehensive Institutional Plan is a roadmap for 2016-17 through 2018-19 academic years. The 16 priority initiatives we describe in this plan are directly aligned with Advanced Education’s goals of affordability, accessibility and quality and with strategies articulated in our strategic plan. Affordability priorities: 1. Achieve equitable, stable and predictable government/regulated funding 2. Diversify our revenue sources and capitalize current assets 3. Fundraise with intention, actively generating donor support 4. Promote environmental sustainability Accessibility priorities: 5. Grow to meet the demand of Alberta learners 6. Remove barriers to timely degree completion 7. Indigenize our University 8. Internationalize our University Quality priorities: 9. Ensure a personalized learning experiences for our students 10. Create high impact experiences in and out of the classroom 11. Foster a broad interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking and problem solving 12. Provide high impact or capstone work-integrated learning experiences 13. Enrich the student academic experience through participation in research projects 14. Create empowered learners 15. Promote innovation and excellence in teaching pedagogy 16. Foster a safe and positive work environment Mount Royal appreciates the value the Province places on post-secondary education, evidenced in part through a two per cent increase to our base operating grant in Budget 2016. Our financial and budget plan reflects a balanced budget for all three years of the CIP. In our enrolment plan we project that we will reach a total of 9,653 FLE by 2018-19. We outline our commitment to offering a blend of degree, diploma and certificate programs driven by student and employer demand. As well, we are positioned to accommodate as many as 1,100 additional full load equivalent (FLE) students in the short term using available space, with only an increased operating grant. As an undergraduate university, we are at the beginning of an exciting journey toward increased participation in scholarship and research, with an objective that scholarly activity enhances and enriches the educational experience of our students. We outline a number of initiatives that are already underway to grow our capacity in this area, including structures around grant reporting and compliance and support for our faculty as they set their sights higher on the national and international research stage.

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3 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Mount Royal is a committed member of Campus Alberta and we outline a number of ways in which we are supporting collaborative program offerings to provide greater access to learners across the province. Partnering with our college partners in Red Deer, Medicine Hat and Fort McMurray, Mount Royal offers four degrees at three different colleges in communities without universities. We are particularly pleased about the recent completion of our Indigenous Strategic Plan – to our knowledge, we are the only post-secondary institution in the province with such a plan. Over the next three years, we will work to increase the representation of Indigenous students on our campus, providing them the supports they need, increasing the number of courses providing Indigenous content and infusing our campus with greater ways of knowing. We articulate a number of initiatives to increase the proportion of international students on our campus. We also aim to increase student mobility the number of students participating in international exchanges outside of Canada. In our capital plan, we identify a number of areas where we will continue to support our learning community, including the anticipated completion of the Riddell Library and Learning Centre in 2017 supported by a generous $86 million contribution by the Government of Alberta. We further identify seven capital projects, including several critical internal renovation and re-purposing projects and the future desire for the development of an integrated Health Sciences and Science and Technology Wing. Information technology is a key support for learners and faculty across all disciplines, and we outline a vision which will see a shift in the management of our resources. Following a “run, grow and transform” resource management model, we plan to shift from simply keeping our existing systems running toward growing and transforming them to meet diverse teaching and learning needs. In summary, Mount Royal is well positioned to meet the needs of Alberta learners both during the present challenging economic times and when Alberta resumes its position as Canada’s economic leader. Our graduates leave Mount Royal with the critical soft skills and practical application experience in their field of study. Together, these key differentiators enable our graduates to hit the ground running in their chosen path, whether it be graduate studies or embarking on a career. We will continue to emphasis access to a quality undergraduate education that meets the needs of our learners and our economy.

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4 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Accountability Statement May 30, 2016 This Comprehensive Institutional Plan was prepared under the Board’s direction in accordance with legislation and associated ministerial guidelines, and in consideration of all policy decisions and material, economic, or fiscal implications of which the Board is aware. [Original signed by] Bryan D. Pinney, Chair Board of Governors

Page 6: Mount Royal University · PDF fileMount Royal University ... Mount R oyal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding ... through its internationally recognized conservatory,

5 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Institutional Context Mandate

Mount Royal University is a public, board-governed institution operating as a Baccalaureate and Applied Studies Institution under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act of Alberta. Mount Royal was named a university by an Order in Council on 2 September 2009, and is governed by the Post-Secondary Learning Act.

Mount Royal University is a learning community that focuses on instruction informed by scholarship. Its mission is excellence in baccalaureate and applied degrees along with certificate and diploma programs. Mount Royal’s programs prepare students to be thoughtful and informed citizens by combining liberal and applied studies and by providing graduates with opportunities for individual fulfillment, further study and employment.

Mount Royal offers programs in arts and science, nursing and health, business, communications, community studies, design, education, performing arts and Indigenous studies that lead to the following credentials and further studies:

• Baccalaureate degrees and transfer programs to prepare learners for further study and employment • Applied degrees to prepare learners for employment • Certificate and diploma programs to prepare learners for employment and lead to further studies and

credentials • Post-secondary entrance programs that facilitate learner access to further studies

Mount Royal University plays a pivotal role in the Campus Alberta system. It is both a sending and a receiving institution for students transferring to and from other institutions. The University also develops collaborative degree partnerships with other Alberta institutions.

Mount Royal supports scholarly activity that contributes to instructional excellence and to the cultural, social and economic well-being of the community locally, provincially, nationally and internationally.

Mount Royal students are supported by a range of services that contribute to academic, social and personal development. Student supports include library services, academic advising, learning skills development, cultural activities, career services, residence services, counseling, recreation and wellness programs. These services are designed to benefit students by increasing their opportunities for success.

Mount Royal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding region. Mount Royal also serves a wider learner population provincially, nationally and internationally through face-to-face and distance delivery and through partnerships with other post-secondary institutions. Mount Royal serves its communities by creating and communicating knowledge and by meeting the needs of the labour market in fields related to its program areas.

Mount Royal University also serves its communities by providing contract training, professional development, international programming and, through its internationally recognized conservatory, music instruction, particularly for younger people. Through these programs, Mount Royal enhances its commitment to continuous, lifelong learning and to global awareness in an interconnected world.

Approved by the Minister of Advanced Education and Technology February 24, 2010

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6 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016


Since 1910, Mount Royal has built a reputation on a strong, liberal education foundation with an undergraduate focus. More than a century later, we remain responsive to the needs of our community through our enduring commitment to this legacy.

We are a community of engaged citizens, providing personalized, experiential and outcome-based learning in an environment of inclusion, diversity and respect. Through our focus on teaching and learning informed by scholarship, we are preparing our graduates for success in their careers and lives.


Mount Royal University: An exceptional undergraduate educational experience

Page 8: Mount Royal University · PDF fileMount Royal University ... Mount R oyal’s primary service area includes Calgary and the surrounding ... through its internationally recognized conservatory,

7 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Affordability, Accessibility and Quality Goals, Priority Initiatives and Expected Outcomes Mount Royal University endeavors to implement the following priority initiatives to achieve these expected outcomes during the three-year term of this 2016-2019 Comprehensive Institutional Plan. We also address how each priority initiative contributes to the adult learning system’s overall goals of affordability, accessibility and quality. These priority initiatives and expected outcomes directly align with goals and strategies from Mount Royal’s University Strategic Plan (USP), Learning Together, Leading Together.

Type Description Expected Completion Date


G1 Affordability Priority Initiative

P1 Achieve equitable, stable and predictable government/regulated funding Aligns to USP Strategy #10.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Development of a financial plan designed to achieve our current and long-term strategic goals July 2017

EO2 Active and full participation in the Adult Learner Review of post-secondary funding in Alberta December 2017

EO3 Introduction of a funding model that supports Mount Royal’s undergraduate mandate and teaching focus July 2018

EO4 Attainment of an equitable, predictable and sustainable base operating grant and infrastructure maintenance funding July 2018

EO5 Institutional flexibility in setting tuition and course-based instructional fees aligned with the proportional cost of program delivery and competitive within Alberta

June 2018

EO6 Government commitment to provide funding for the Indigenous Housing Initiative June 2017

Performance Measures

PM1 University-level government funding for degree programs that is equitable with other post-secondary institutions

PM2 Three-year balanced budget that does not require reserve funds for base program and service delivery

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8 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Type Description Expected Completion Date

PM3 Reduction in gap between tuition and course-based fees and proportional cost of delivery per program

PM4 Reduction in qualified turn-away rate

Priority Initiative

P2 Diversify our revenue sources and capitalize current assets Aligns to USP Strategy #10.2

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Maximization of university resources (physical, financial, people and technology) through detailed analysis of current and future capacity July 2018

EO2 Finalization of a new Campus Master Plan that identifies potential commercial development opportunities for future revenue generation July 2016

EO3 Implementation of a centralized conference services model June 2018

Performance Measures

PM1 Reduction in operations and maintenance expenditures per FLE

PM2 Increase in revenue from sales of services and products

Priority Initiative

P3 Fundraise with intention, actively generating donor support Aligns to USP Strategy #8.3

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Growth of the University’s endowment fund for scholarships and bursaries June 2019

EO2 Growth of the University’s endowment fund for initiatives that support teaching and learning practices June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in percentage of donor-funded bursaries, scholarships and awards to equal 2.5% of Mount Royal’s annual operating budget

PM2 Increase in endowment funds to provide sufficient operating revenue for the Institute for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and other programs that directly support our vision

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Type Description Expected Completion Date

Priority Initiative

P4 Promote environmental sustainability Aligns to USP Strategy #10.3

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Development of a plan for the implementation of the key recommendations from the President’s Task Force on Campus Sustainability

December 2017

EO2 Adoption of energy renewal initiatives, reduction of our carbon footprint, carefully considered land use, waste reduction and stewardship of our green spaces, among others

June 2019

EO3 Enhancement of environmental sustainability practices through an outreach approach June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Reduction in electrical consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

PM2 Increase in diverting waste from the landfill to recycling programs

PM3 Increase in number of LEED certified buildings on campus


G2 Accessibility Priority Initiative

P5 Grow to meet the demand of Alberta learners Aligns to USP Strategy #4.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Higher demand for post-secondary access in the Calgary region addressed through additional capacity and enrolment growth June 2019

EO2 Expansion of programming to meet learner and market demands June 2019

EO3 Implementation of a new branding concept communicating our four brand pillars to potential applicants and the wider community June 2018

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase of 1,100 FLE over 3-4 years

PM2 Increase in admission quotas

PM3 Increase in number of degree programs and major offerings

PM4 Increase in intake of transfer students for degree completion

PM5 Increase in number of post-baccalaureate certificates and diplomas

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Type Description Expected Completion Date

Priority Initiative

P6 Remove barriers to timely degree completion Aligns to USP Strategy #4.3

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Expansion of the First Year Registration Assistance Program December 2017

EO2 Offering year-round course delivery June 2019

EO3 Improvement in student access to specific courses and alternative delivery methods June 2019

EO4 Maximization of course transferability across MRU and with other institutions June 2019

EO5 Introduction of course redesign projects for high DFW (drop/fail/withdraw) multi-section courses June 2017

EO6 More effective monitoring of currently enrolled students to determine if pace is meeting intentions for completion June 2017

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in number of students gaining admission into their first choice program of study

PM2 Increase in the five-year graduation rate

PM3 Reduction in number of courses with high DFWs

Priority Initiative

P7 Indigenize our University Aligns to USP Strategy #9.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Implementation of an Indigenous student recruitment plan December 2018

EO2 Implementation of partnerships and MOUs between Mount Royal and Indigenous groups that result in the creation of resources that contribute to curriculum development and Indigenization

June 2019

EO3 Expansion of the Aboriginal Housing Program June 2019

EO4 Faculty, staff and management awareness and understanding of Indigenous culture and issues June 2019

EO6 Establishment of an academic affairs liaison group composed of faculty representatives to coordinate the Indigenization of curricula and research

June 2019

EO7 Establishment of a Canada Council Research Chair in Indigenous Studies engaged in collaborative, community research and leadership at MRU

June 2019

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11 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Type Description Expected Completion Date

EO8 Implementation of a transition year program for Indigenous students registered in the University Entrance Option, facilitated by the development of learning communities

June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in number of degree program applications by Indigenous students

PM2 Increase in Indigenous student enrolment in degree programs

PM3 Aboriginal family housing program is doubled to 8 families and the single program moves to support 36 students

PM4 Increase in number of degree programs that include Indigenous content and perspective

PM5 Evidence of feeling greater sense of belonging by Indigenous students on campus

PM6 Increase in retention rates of Indigenous students

PM7 Increase in number of on-campus events showcasing Indigenous culture and ways of knowing

Priority Initiative

P8 Internationalize our University Aligns to USP Strategy #9.5

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Establishment of new International partnerships and renewal of existing partnerships in order to grow student opportunities for study abroad

June 2019

EO2 Development of a recruitment plan for international students January 2017

EO3 Enhancement of international student supports June 2019

EO4 Establishment of international student quotas by program January 2017

EO5 Expansion of international field school opportunities June 2017

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in number of international students enrolment from 2% to 3.5%

PM2 Increase in number of MRU students participating in a study abroad program

PM3 Increase in number of international partnerships

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Type Description Expected Completion Date

PM4 Increase in number of and students participating in international field schools


G3 Quality Priority Initiative

P9 Ensure personalized learning experiences for all of our students Aligns to USP Strategy #1.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 High level of student interactions with faculty Ongoing

EO2 Implementation of an Early Alert/Early Warning program June 2017

EO3 Introduction of Transitional Support Programming aimed at providing year round transitional support for first year students June 2017

EO4 Implementation of a revised Student Evaluation of Instruction program April 2017

EO5 Enhancement of program and service delivery to meet individualized student needs June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Maintain student – faculty ratio below PSI average

PM2 Increase in student retention rates

PM3 Increase in proportion of students who say they were given the chance to evaluate the quality of teaching in their courses

PM4 Increase in proportion of students who say they were satisfied with the personalized learning experience

Priority Initiative

P10 Create high impact experiences in and out of the classroom Aligns to USP Strategy #2.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Introduction of co-curricular programs and services that increase students’ sense of belonging and participation

June 2017

EO2 Provision of outreach and community learning experiences June 2019

EO3 Introduction of domestic field schools June 2017

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Type Description Expected Completion Date

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in self-reported sense of belonging of students participating in targeted programs and services

PM2 Increase in student participation in community building programs and services

PM3 Increase in number of domestic field school placements

Priority Initiative

P11 Foster a broad interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking and problem solving Aligns to USP Strategy #3.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Implementation of the recommendations for General Education resulting from the 2014 Program Review April 2018

EO2 Creation of a Centre of Liberal Education featuring Scholars in Residence and a high profile speaker series April 2017

EO3 Development of collaborative interdisciplinary programming June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in the percentage of students reporting growth and development of a variety of skills (CUSC, NSSE, GOA survey)

PM2 Increase in employers’ perception of the skills of Mount Royal graduates

Priority Initiative

P12 Provide high impact or capstone work-integrated learning experiences Aligns to USP Strategy #3.2

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Expansion of student work experience and work integrated learning opportunities June 2019

EO2 Expansion of student community engagement and Community Services Learning (CSL) opportunities June 2019

EO3 Demonstration of the impact of CSL on student learning and development June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in the number of students participating in internship, co-op, practica, clinical placements

PM2 Increase in number of graduates with CSL designation on transcript

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14 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Type Description Expected Completion Date

Priority Initiative

P13 Enrich the student academic experience through participation in research projects Aligns to USP Strategy #3.3

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Expansion of undergraduate research opportunities June 2019

EO2 Demonstration of a clear progression of research skills through curriculum descriptions and degree requirements for all programs June 2019

EO3 Inclusion of opportunities for students in every program to participate in at least one senior level research or capstone project June 2019

EO4 Graduates have recognized experience in conducting research and have gained transferable analytical skills in the research process June 2019

EO5 Employers recognize the quality of Mount Royal’s undergraduate research program June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in number of students participating in research projects

PM2 Higher graduate school acceptance rates of our graduates

PM3 Increase in employer recognition of research on employer satisfaction surveys

Priority Initiative

P14 Create empowered learners Aligns to USP Strategy #3.4

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Implementation of more peer-to-peer programming for the promotion of student success and confidence, leadership and experiential learning September 2016

EO2 Creation of an integrated student experience, encouraging students to create their own sense of community to enhance their work within academic programs

June 2019

EO3 Expansion of Library services, programs and technologies to expand student capacity and leverage academic success January 2017

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in participation in collaborative learning, peer-to-peer and mentorship programs as measured using CUSC and NSSE student surveys

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15 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Type Description Expected Completion Date

Priority Initiative

P15 Promote innovation and excellence in teaching and pedagogy Aligns to USP Strategy #7.1

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Completion of framework for institutional Teaching-Learning Strategic Plan June 2017

EO2 Advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning pillar of our research strategy June 2019

EO3 Introduction of Blended Flipped Classroom instructional design December 2016

EO4 Use of Open Education Resources (OER) across programs June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Five new teaching-learning enhancement/innovation projects approved through Round 2 of Provost’s Teaching-Learning Enhancement Grants

PM2 Increase in number of 3M Teaching Fellowships awarded to Mount Royal faculty

PM3 Increase in number of course sections using Blended Flipped Classroom instructional design

PM4 Increase in number of programs using OER

Priority Initiative

P16 Foster a safe and positive work environment Aligns to USP Strategy #6.2

Expected Outcomes

EO1 Implementation of a Diversity & Meaningful Inclusion framework and delivery of appropriate education and training programs June 2019

EO2 Delivery of appropriate and flexible programming to support the health and wellness of employees June 2019

EO3 Implementation of recommendations from the President’s Mental Health Task Force and development of programming to support and educate the campus community

June 2019

EO4 Development of a campus wide safety culture through the implementation of enhanced and updated Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) policies and procedures

June 2019

Performance Measures

PM1 Increase in employee satisfaction and retention as measured through employee surveys

PM2 Reduction in employee absenteeism/short- and long-term disability claims

PM3 Evidence of improved employee wellness as measured through surveys on employee wellness, health, and well-being.

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16 Mount Royal University – Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2016

Appendix A: Financial and Budget Information The 2016-17 to 2018-19 budget plan was approved on May 30, 2016 by the Mount Royal University Board of Governors. Fiscal and Business Environment

This three year fiscal plan for 2016-17 through 2018-19 is set in an environment of unprecedented change—economically, environmentally and politically. The plan reflects the much appreciated increase in financial support by the province through its Campus Alberta Grant; the provincial directive to freeze student tuition and fees as well as wages for non-bargaining positions; a continued sluggish regional economy; and increases in provincial consumer price index despite this downturn. It also reflects institutional initiatives designed to move us toward our strategic objectives while responding to these changes. The Government of Alberta announced its 2016-2017 budget on April 14, 2016 honouring its commitment to increase funding to higher education with a two per cent increase to the Campus Alberta Grant. Further, as the freeze on post-secondary student tuition and fees was maintained into 2016-17, the Government offset the financial impact of this freeze through tuition backfill funding. As a result of this continuing provincial support for higher education, Mount Royal can make continued progress toward its objectives. An economic downturn and increased unemployment continue to add pressure and demand for higher education. Mount Royal is ideally poised within the Calgary region to respond to this demand for undergraduate level students. Having been physically expanded over the past 15 years, the University is well situated to add another 1,100 full load equivalent students with only increased operating grant; no capital spending is required. Post-secondary institutions, in Alberta and beyond, also strive to optimize related commercial activities and opportunities not only to provide needed services but additionally to fund the growing portion of operations not directly funded by government. As well, there is a continued focus on operational efficiencies, taking advantage of evolving technology, process redesign and sharing of services so that scarce resources can be directed to student needs and focused program delivery. All of these efforts are required as delivery costs continue to outpace the growth of our regulated revenue sources (grant and student tuition and fees). Key Budget Planning Assumptions

1. Enrolment and Tuition The enrolment plan, as provided in Appendix B, presents modest year over year growth projected to be five per cent beyond 2014-15 and continuing through 2018-19. This plan does not yet reflect any further increases as material growth is reliant on proportionate growth in provincial grant support. The institution is also engaged in several initiatives to optimize persistence and retention of registrants within given resources. This will facilitate increased enrolment overall and those adjustments will be reflected in future budget plans.

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The primary business driver for student tuition is the enrolment projections and the modest increase is captured in budgeted revenue. Student tuition and fees are provincially regulated and for 2016-17, frozen at 2014-15 rates, with a grant-in-lieu provided by the Province to offset the revenue loss due to this freeze. The University does anticipate the ability to increase tuition and fees in 2017-18 and 2018-19 at a rate estimated to reflect a modest CPI for those periods; 1.5 per cent annually. This projected increase is reflected in the budget plan. 2. Provincial Support - Campus Alberta Grant The Province of Alberta 2016-17 budget confirmed the Province’s commitment to post-secondary education with a two per cent increase to Campus Alberta Grants. This budget plan assumes operating grant increases of the same magnitude by the Province for both 2017-18 and 2018-19. 3. Strategic Revenue Generation Mount Royal’s Faculty of Continuing Education and Extension has long been recognized as one of the most successful in the Province. This Faculty incorporates the operations of the Conservatory, now located in the new Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts. Since the Centre’s opening in August 2015, we have been experiencing tremendous uptake in the program and space rental offerings that this new facility provides. Additionally, Mount Royal has created an office of Events and Theatre Services to coordinate all related institutional services and facilities in order to generate, and take full advantage of, conference and event opportunities. Preliminary incremental activity and related financial contributions from this initiative are included in the second and third years of this business plan. 4. Expanding International Education International students currently make up just over two per cent of enrolment in Mount Royal credit programs. Consistent with the University’s strategic objectives (i.e., Priority Initiative P8 above) and in response to market demand, Mount Royal has initiated an International Education Growth Project to expand and better coordinate marketing and supports around the full breadth course and program offerings for international students. Modest growth in international registrations is anticipated in 2017-18 and 2018-19 and this is reflected in the budget plan. 5. Provincial Directives and Economic Pressure on Compensation Reflecting current economic pressures, the Province has placed a freeze on all provincial government and public agency non-bargaining wages and salary grid advancement for a period of two years commencing April 1, 2016. This freeze impacts approximately 160 employees within Mount Royal. Given reductions in provincial earnings over the past year, our current economy, and provincial direction, there remains pressure to minimize compensation increases within post-secondary and government agencies. The budget plan reflects the provincial freeze on non-bargaining positions, negotiated settlements, and estimated adjustments in the absence of negotiated settlements.

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6. Review of Resource Planning Process The University has been developing enhanced data analytics that will integrate information on course-specific enrolment projections, space utilization and availability as well as instructional capacity. This enhanced information on the underlying business drivers and resources related to delivery of our core programs will be used as the University redefines its approach and timeframe for the annual budget development process. It will also incorporate investment in strategic objectives as a primary consideration in development of the University’s future three-year budgets and Comprehensive Institutional Plans. Balanced Operational Budgets

Mount Royal University’s budget plan for 2016-17 through 2018-19, presented in the following tables, presents a balanced operating plan through 2018-19. The strategic initiatives noted above will provide additional net contributions that may be further invested in the University’s strategic objectives. Statements of Expected Revenues and Expenses

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Appendix B: Enrolment Plan and Proposed Programming Changes Mount Royal’s Enrolment Management Plan aligns with the Mission and Vision of the University and is guided by the specific goals, strategies and measures defined by the University Strategic Plan. Underlying all enrolment planning is the principle of thoughtful growth; that is, growing to meet the demands of Alberta learners and the employment market in a manner that does not compromise quality or the value proposition of what makes a Mount Royal education desirable. The following chart details actual, preliminary and projected Full Load Equivalent (FLE) totals at the program level by credential type for the period defined by this Comprehensive Institutional Plan. The projections reflect approved programming and intake decisions that have already been implemented and are based on current and anticipated budgets as well as physical capacity. By 2018-19, it is expected that Mount Royal will have increased its overall FLE by approximately five per cent when compared with 2014-15 reported totals. Enrolment Plan by Program (FLE)

2014-15 Actual

2015-16 Preliminary

2016-17 Projection

2017-18 Projection

2018-19 Projection

Institution Total 9,166 9,294 9,339 9,483 9,653

Degree 6,183 6,602 6,848 7,109 7,313

Bachelor of Arts 1,336 1,386 1,408 1,442 1,465

Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice 368 373 311 305 304

Bachelor of Business Administration 1,391 1,567 1,675 1,764 1,818

Bachelor of Child Studies 131 192 264 291 296

Bachelor of Communication – Broadcast Media Studies

- - 32 58 79

Bachelor of Communication – Info Design 116 118 115 116 116

Bachelor of Communication - Journalism 171 181 164 164 164

Bachelor of Communication - Public Relations 192 197 191 193 192

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems 163 188 190 202 210

Bachelor of Education 259 267 353 362 386

Bachelor of Health & Physical Education 318 426 475 489 500

Bachelor of Interior Design - 39 70 110 149

Bachelor of Midwifery 42 43 35 35 35

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2014-15 Actual

2015-16 Preliminary

2016-17 Projection

2017-18 Projection

2018-19 Projection

Bachelor of Nursing 919 812 714 693 686

Bachelor of Science 778 815 851 887 914

Applied Degree 220 133 63 10 2

Bachelor of Applied Child Studies 3 - - - -

Bachelor of Applied Interior Design 143 107 55 8 2

Bachelor of Applied Ecotourism & Outdoor Leadership

23 6 3 0.3 -

Bachelor of Applied Business & Entrepreneurship - Sport and Rec

42 19 6 2 -

Bachelor of Applied Science - Environmental Science

4 1 - - -

Bachelor of Applied Business Administration – Accounting

1 - - - -

Bachelor of Applied Business & Entrepreneurship

1 - - - -

Bachelor of Applied International Business & Supply Chain Management

1 0.1 - - -

Bachelor of Applied Nonprofit Studies 1 - - - -

Bachelor of Applied Computer Info Systems & Business

1 1 - - -

Bachelor of Applied Justice Studies 1 - - - -

University Transfer (UT) 245 258 297 298 298

Bachelor of Physical Education - UT 5 1 - - -

Bachelor of Computer Science - UT 65 62 73 73 73

University Entrance - UT 173 195 225 225 225

Bachelor of Education - UT 0.3 - - - -

Bachelor of Engineering - UT 2 - - - -

Open Studies 692 572 457 409 393

Open Studies 675 549 440 392 376

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2014-15 Actual

2015-16 Preliminary

2016-17 Projection

2017-18 Projection

2018-19 Projection

Unclassified 17 23 17 17 17

Diploma 337 299 220 205 194

Aviation 38 51 42 42 42

Broadcasting 68 72 28 14 3

Child & Youth Care Counsellor 28 2 - - -

Early Learning & Child Care 32 4 - - -

Social Work 165 170 150 149 149

Business Administration 1 - - - -

Business Administration & Insurance 0.1 - - - -

Disability Studies 4 1 - - -

General Studies 0.1 - - - -

Music Performance 1 - - - -

Theatre Arts 1 0.4 - - -

Certificate 155 149 119 120 120

Business Administration 20 17 20 20 20

Advanced Athletic Therapy 33 31 - - -

Advanced Studies in Critical Care Nursing 35 36 38 38 38

Bridge to Canadian Nursing 57 60 57 57 57

Early Learning & Child Care 6 1 - - -

Environmental Science 5 4 5 5 5

Journalism 1 - 1 1 1

Studies in Aging 0.1 - - - -

Learner Funded Designated Programs 223 226 223 223 223

Funeral Service Certificate 17 16 17 17 17

Funeral Service Diploma 39 49 39 39 39

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2014-15 Actual

2015-16 Preliminary

2016-17 Projection

2017-18 Projection

2018-19 Projection

Massage Therapy Certificate 3 4 3 3 3

Massage Therapy Diploma 99 98 99 99 99

Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate 0.3 - 0.3 0.3 0.3

Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma 65 60 65 65 65

Unspecified 9 14 9 9 9

Aboriginal Education Program 9 14 9 9 9


Academic Upgrading 715 661 715 715 715

Bridge to Canadian Nursing 57 60 57 57 57

English as a Second Language 353 349 353 353 353

Transitional Vocational Program 34 31 34 34 34

Note: FLE Discrepancies at Prog type/Institutional Rollups Due to Rounding 2015-16 Preliminary FLE Contains: Summer 15 – End of Term / Fall 15 - End of Term / Winter 16 – End of Term / Spring 16 – End of Day May 19, 2016

Enrolment and Program Mix

Decisions regarding Mount Royal’s optimal enrolment and program mix, both in terms of program content and credentials offered and regardless of whether the University is on a growth or retrenchment trajectory , will be governed by the following guiding principles: • Broad-based range of programs across professional, science and arts disciplines; • Program mix includes offerings considered fundamental to a mid-sized, undergraduate institution; • Critical mass of programs/majors in particular areas to provide viable options for degree completion; • Address student interest and demand; • Respond to community needs, job market demands and demand for graduates; • Build on institutional strengths including our focus on a liberal education characterized by our General

Education program; • Programs are recognized and valued by external stakeholders (e.g., employers, graduate schools,

professional schools, certification bodies, etc.); and • Program development or expansion that represents additional access for students will be done

through adequate additional funding.

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From 2016-17 to 2018-19, the most significant changes in Mount Royal’s enrolment mix are anticipated to occur in degrees, applied degrees and Open Studies. Despite the reallocation of FLE to bolster existing degree programs and to support the development of new approved offerings, Mount Royal continues to have a disproportionately high Open Studies FLE total. Over the next three years, the University will engage in additional planned reductions to Open Studies to offset increased intakes in degree programs where student demand and demand for graduates is strongest. Baccalaureate FLE will also increase over this same period of time as the University’s remaining applied degree programs are phased out and fully converted into ministerially-approved, four-year degrees. Mount Royal will also strive to maintain its commitment to Alberta learners while strengthening its catchment area. As a long-term objective, the University intends to moderately increase the number of registered Alberta students who reside outside of the Calgary region. Overall, the University Strategic Plan calls for 85 per cent of the student body to be residents of Alberta, 10 per cent of students to come from other provinces and for five per cent of credit enrolment to be from international students. Comparatively, Mount Royal has a lower number of international students enrolled in undergraduate credit studies than many other post-secondary institutions. Diversity and inclusiveness are defining characteristics of a student’s experience at Mount Royal and, as such, the University will mindfully increase its international focus over the next three years with a corresponding increase in specialized student supports dedicated to our international student population. The institution plans to grow international enrolment in credit programs by approximately 100 FLE from 2014-15 to the end of this Comprehensive Institutional Plan. Enrolment increases are anticipated to be in accordance with existing registration patterns across the range of certificate, diploma and degrees offered. International Enrolment Projections (FLE)

2014-15 FLE

(Actual) 2015-16

(Preliminary) 2016-17

Projection 2017-18

Projection 2018-19

Projection Institution Total 173 180 220 246 274 Degree 100 111 137 153 170 Applied Degree 3 1 2 2 2 University Transfer 5 9 10 12 13 Open Studies 48 46 56 62 69 Diploma 9 7 8 9 10 Certificate 8 6 7 8 8

Note: - International student enrolment in English as a Second Language, Bridge to Canadian Nursing, Academic

Upgrading and Learner Funded Designated Programs excluded from the credit undergraduate projections above.

- FLE Discrepancies at Prog type/Institution Rollups Due to Rounding - 2015-16 Preliminary FLE Contains: Summer15 - End of Term / Fall15 - End of Term / Winter16 - End of Term /

Spring16 - End of Day May 19, 2016

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Program Planning

Our program planning over the next three years will continue on our current trajectory that includes the following main elements: • Continue to build new undergraduate degrees and majors, particularly in the foundational areas of

the arts and sciences and professional areas in which students graduate job-ready; • Continued reduction of seats in Open Studies to fund expansions of existing degrees and majors and

development of new degrees and majors; • Sustain and expand a core suite of diplomas and certificates that are driven by student and market

demands; • Maintain our commitment to a fulsome General Education component in all degrees and majors; • Phase out Applied Degrees and University Transfer programs. Degrees and Majors New degrees and majors will be developed and implemented in phases, as determined by priority level, readiness and communications and directives from the Minister of Advanced Education. Phase 1: Implementation of minister-approved degrees and majors in Fall 2016

• BSc - Environmental Science collaborative degree at Keyano College • BSc - Environmental Science expansion at MRU • B Communication (Broadcast Media Studies)

Phase 2: Obtain ministry approval of degrees and majors that have already been submitted; launch

program in Fall 2017

• BA (Business Economics) • BSc (Chemistry) • Educational Assistant certificate • Embalmer certificate • Funeral Director certificate

Phase 3: Programs that have cleared approval processes at MRU and are ready for submission to the

Minister of Advanced Education; projected launch in Fall 2018

• BBA (Finance) • BBA (International Business) • BBA (Supply Chain Management) • BSc (Computer Science)

Phase 4: Programs currently under formal consideration at MRU; projected launch in Fall 2018 or 2019

• BSc (Integrative Biology) • BSc (Mathematics)

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Phase 5: Continue to develop, rationalize and prioritize programs for the future

• B Ed (Secondary) combined with BSc (Mathematics and Physical Science) • B Ed (Secondary) combined with B Health and Physical Education (Physical Literacy) • B Ed (Elementary) combined with B Child Studies (Early Learning and Child Care) • BA (Indigenous Studies ) – Interdisciplinary • BA (Environmental Humanities ) – Interdisciplinary • BA (Religious Studies) • BA (Women’s and Gender Studies) • BA or BFA (Fine and Performing Arts) – Collaborative or Joint Degree • B Liberal Studies (Interdisciplinary) • B Social Work (1-year accelerated, post-degree entry)

Programs that are under reconsideration as a result of feedback from the Minister of Advanced Education include:

• B. Social Work (4-year) • BA (Philosophy) • BBA (Aviation) • Extension Credit Programs (new audiences) • Graduate Certificate in Human Resources • Future U Certificate

Diplomas and Certificates Post-baccalaureate certificates and diplomas (credentials requiring a degree for admission) will likely be the primary area of growth for certificates and diplomas for Mount Royal going forward. A second growth area for one- to two-year credentials will be pre-baccalaureate programs designed for target audiences, such as first-generation or Indigenous learners requiring transition programming, or mid-career adults returning to the University or wishing to change direction. General Education The General Education core is a signature component of all Mount Royal degree programs and serves as a launching pad for many Minors. Unique to an institution of our size in Canada, the GenEd core is designed to equip students with a range of perspectives and skills to complement any specialization. A two-course reduction in the GenEd requirements, from 12 to 10 courses, was approved at MRU in 2016, and will fully roll out by 2018. Applied Degrees and University Transfer As indicated in the enrolment plan chart above, we will continue to phase out Applied Degrees and discipline-specific University Transfer programs over the next three years. While the chart shows a stable plan for the BSc (Computer Science) - UT, this assumes that the proposed BSc (Computer Science) will not be approved and launched by Fall 2018. If such a launch does occur, then the University Transfer Program enrolment will start to decline due to greater demand from our students to complete their studies at Mount Royal University.

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Additional Learner Pathways We will revisit our programming for students who fall short of admission averages as well as for mature learners, including where and how programs are offered. The Open Studies program has not been as successful as we would like in transitioning students to degree programs so we are looking at how to expand and create additional pathways through the University Entrance Option, as well as through laddered and degree completion programming offered through the new Centre for Extension Credit in the Faculty of Continuing Education and Extension.

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Appendix C: Research, Applied Research and Scholarly Activities Mount Royal University is developing a vibrant research and scholarship culture where high quality research by faculty and students takes place as a matter of course across all academic units. We place particular emphasis on programs of research that are timely, relevant, collaborative and community-engaged. Our undergraduate students engage in research projects that would be supported by graduate students in many other institutions. At Mount Royal, research is woven more closely with teaching. Topics tend towards meeting practical or community needs while still maintaining a healthy mix of basic and applied research questions. Most importantly, faculty at Mount Royal are more directly involved with their undergraduate students — with greater opportunity to engender that ‘spark’ that launches a new researcher on their way. As an institution, we are still in the early days of developing a research track record, but we have demonstrated positive initial successes. Over the next three years, we expect to grow that success and continue to mature as a university. Undergraduate involvement in research will remain a central goal. Research and scholarship at Mount Royal aligns well with the 2012 Alberta Research and Innovation Plan (ARIP) and our directions over the next three will contribute significantly to: • Economic Diversification and Job Creation; • Environmental Stewardship; • Effective Resource Management; and • Engaged Individuals and Communities for a Healthy Alberta. Specific examples and connections are provided in the sections below. Research and Scholarship Strategic Directions

Research and scholarship are directly addressed in three main goals articulated in the 10-year University Strategic Plan: • Goal 3 – Provide intellectually engaged learning • Goal 7 – Enhance our culture of innovation • Goal 8 – Engage multiple communities in innovative and productive partnership activities Some of the ways these longer-term research and scholarship goals will be addressed in the next three years is reflected in CIP Priority Initiatives P13 and P15 (see table above). In addition, the Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement (ORSCE) will focus on two broad areas over the next three years: 1) the development and improvement of administrative infrastructure required to support research and scholarship, and 2) building capacity in specific thematic research areas. Administrative Infrastructure for Research and Scholarship

The development and improvement of administrative infrastructure has four elements: 1) responsible conduct of research, 2) financial and project management, 3) capacity building and 4) support for undergraduate research.

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1. Responsible Conduct of Research We are in the process of updating policies, creating standard operating procedures, developing research guidebooks and implementing transparent processes for researchers to conduct research that meets efficient, ethical and appropriate conditions expected in today’s research environment. We have an experienced and effective Human Research Ethics Board and we are currently refining the review process for both individual and course-based research projects. Mount Royal will have a fully operational Animal Care Committee in place by the end of the 2016-17 academic year and will seek certification from the Canadian Council on Animal Care. We have recently come into compliance with new federal legislation on research biosafety and will continue to refine our review process for researchers. Our goal for the current three-year planning horizon is to have all elements of research compliance review fully functional and up-to-date by the end of the 2019 academic year. 2. Financial and Project Management We are currently reviewing all institutional policies related to research and scholarship. This includes identifying both policy gaps and new policy needs. Our goal is to have all of these policies up-to-date by the end of the 2017-18 academic year. We are currently implementing a new research management and tracking system using the ROMEO software product. This system provides a fully integrated platform to track and manage research projects from ‘cradle to grave.’ We intend to launch ROMEO in the fall of 2016 with full build out by the end of 2018. We are also committed to developing a new research trust accounting system that meets the needs of research fund management and articulates effectively with the institutional finance system. 3. Capacity Building Mount Royal University is committed to providing ongoing support for the development of world-class researchers in an undergraduate-focused context, through: • Enhancement of professional development opportunities (workshops, lectures, etc.) . • Research Development Officer positions – two to three faculty members who are research leaders

are provided with course release to provide peer mentoring to colleagues seeking assistance with project development, grant acquisition, project management and research dissemination. This is a pilot project that will be fully evaluated at the end of the current 3-year planning horizon.

• Hiring external consultants with expertise in Tri-Agency grant programs to work directly with faculty members on applications.

• Increasing research capacity through successful applications to federal and provincial research infrastructure funding sources.

• Working towards successful applications to the Canada Research Chair (CRC) program, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Alberta Innovates (AI). We are preparing a nomination for the institution’s first CRC in the area of Indigenous Studies (Environment, Sustainability and Culture).

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4. Support for Undergraduate Research A priority for the next three years is to establish a dedicated fund to help support undergraduate research. This fund will be administered by the ORSCE and will support independent research and conference travel. Additional support will be made available through the existing Internal Research Grant Fund in the ORSCE, and a variety of innovation funds within faculties. Thematic Research Areas

1. Indigenization Mount Royal University has just completed an Indigenous Strategic Plan, which includes a goal for culturally respectful Indigenous research to foster respect for Indigenous ways of knowing and knowledge-production and increase capacity for Indigenous scholarship. The Indigenous Strategic Plan includes the following elements related to research and scholarship: • Building research protocols and partnerships • Supporting research capacity • Building a culture of respectful research 2. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Mount Royal University has long been dedicated to research that contributes to the theory and practice of post-secondary instruction, particularly through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). SoTL generally involves rigorous, systematic, and evidence-based study of student learning in one’s own course, with the understanding and improvement of student learning and/or teaching practice as its ultimate goal. Leadership and support for this area is provided by the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (see below) and MRU’s Academic Development Centre. Thanks to generous donations to the Nexen Scholars Program and the TransCanada Collaborative SoTL Research Program, MRU is supporting multidisciplinary collaborations, contributing to knowledge about teaching and learning through research and integrating knowledge across disciplines and communities of practice. We have broad engagement with individual faculty members from across the University through the Nexen Scholars Program, and have started to support program-, discipline- and interdisciplinary-level projects through our TransCanada Collaborative Research Program. The scholarship of teaching and learning will be a focal area over the next three years. 3. Leadership Through Research Institutes Mount Royal University’s research and scholarship strengths are well represented by our research institutes and centres. These entities are highly integrated into teaching and research at the institution and they act as catalysts and facilitators, bringing students and faculty together in scholarly pursuits. These include:

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• Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISOTL): Over the next three years, the ISOTL will focus on ensuring financial sustainability to continue to provide core support for research on campus. Research and scholarship conducted through ISOTL advances the broader field of post-secondary learning and contributes directly to the continuous improvement of undergraduate instruction at MRU.

• Institute for Environmental Sustainability (IES): The aim of the IES is to act as a facilitator and catalyst

for interdisciplinary sustainability research. The IES is committed to engaging students and researchers across all academic disciplines at MRU, and fostering partnerships with industry, government and non-government agencies. Current and planned research contributes directly to ARIP’s goal for Environmental Stewardship and Effective Resource Management especially through work related to the energy industry in Alberta.

• The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: This Institute is a place for students to discover

their entrepreneurial potential—our vision is to graduate the most entrepreneurial minds in Canada. The scholarship of the institute is highly engaged with the Calgary community and beyond, thereby contributing to Economic Diversification and Job Creation identified in ARIP.

• The Institute for Community Prosperity connects learning, research and change leadership to build

community and strengthen the common good. The Institute aligns strongly with the ARIP outcome of Engaged Individuals and Communities for a Healthy Alberta, but also contributes to Economic Diversification and Job Creation. The Institute will continue to develop leadership on campus and beyond in the areas of social innovation, community change and the non-profit and social economy.

• Centre for Child Well-Being: This Centre includes a diverse group of researchers studying a broad

spectrum of physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, economic-political, spiritual, environmental and developmental factors that affect child well-being. The Centre’s activities align with creating Engaged Individuals and Communities for a Healthy Alberta as discussed in ARIP. The Centre maintains a state-of-the art research laboratory for child study.

• The Centre for Community Disaster Research: This is a trans-disciplinary centre for research,

education and outreach related to natural, social, technological and economic disasters. Research at the Centre contributes primarily to ARIP’s Engaged Individuals and Communities for a Healthy Alberta and Environmental Stewardship.

In the next three years, we expect that a modest number of new institutes or centres will be added to expand research capacity and complete the coverage of priority research areas. The most advanced proposal at this time is the Research Collaboratory for Healthier Generations (RCHG) - a joint venture between MRU and Vivo for Healthier Generations. It will serve as a research hub where researchers, faculty, staff, practitioners and students come together and engage in community-driven action research projects. An Institute for Policy Studies is in an earlier stage of development and, if deemed viable, will be established before the end of 2018.

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Appendix D: Community Outreach and Underrepresented Learners Regional Access to Learning Opportunities

In our mandate, we are identified as both a sending and receiving institution for transfer students, and thereby play a pivotal role in Campus Alberta. As of January 2016, we have approximately 830 unique courses identified as transferable within Alberta, as catalogued by the Alberta Council on Admission and Transfer (ACAT). Collaborative Degrees Mount Royal is currently engaged in four collaborative degree programs with Alberta community colleges, as follows: 1. Medicine Hat College (MHC) - Bachelor of Business Administration 2. Medicine Hat College - Bachelor of Education 3. Red Deer College (RDC) - Bachelor of Business Administration 4. Keyano College (KC) - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science In general terms, students who complete specified two-year diplomas or university transfer credits are eligible to enter year three of the MRU degree. Years three and four of the MRU curriculum are offered onsite at MHC, RDC and KC enabling students in those locations to complete a baccalaureate program without relocating to Calgary. Upon completion of 60 credits of coursework in years three and four, students receive the MRU parchment (BBA, BEd or BSc). Detailed agreements addressing matters such as admissions, curriculum approval, faculty hiring and reporting have been developed for each collaboration to ensure the integrity and quality of the program. Dual Credit Mount Royal is currently engaged in three dual credit initiatives with area high schools: • Springbank High School - The focus of this dual credit project is Environmental Sustainability. Two

courses from MRU’s BSc in Environmental Science are being offered by MRU to students onsite at Springbank High.

• Bishop Carroll High School - The focus of this dual credit initiative is first-year English composition. Mount Royal’s English 1101 (Critical Reading and Writing) is being delivered to students onsite at Bishop Carroll by a MRU professor.

• Westmount Charter School - The focus of this dual credit initiative is first-year Biology and Chemistry.

Classes are being delivered to students onsite at MRU; the students have been integrated into lectures and labs with other MRU students.

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Initiatives for Indigenous Learners

Recognizing that Mount Royal University sits on the hereditary lands of the Niisitapi (Blackfoot), Iyarhe Nakoda, Tsuut’ina, and Métis Nations, we commit to meeting the educational needs of all Indigenous and non-Indigenous students who come to learn with us. As one if its beneficiaries, MRU will uphold the promises made in Treaty 7 and work to close the current educational gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners in Canada. We also commit to answering the Truth and Reconciliation’s Calls to Action as they relate to post-secondary education by developing culturally appropriate curricula and building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy and mutual respect.

• Increase Indigenous content in all programs and integrate, where possible, Indigenous knowledge and practice into existing courses.

• Expand Indigenous course offerings both on- and off-campus through travel courses and exchange opportunities, through building a Major in Indigenous Studies as well as interdisciplinary Minors with other disciplines while also establishing dual-credit, Transition Year and First Year programs for Indigenous students.

Mount Royal University is proud to have recently completed an Indigenous Strategic Plan, unique among Alberta’s post-secondary institutions. According to the Indigenous Strategic Plan, bridge-building with Indigenous education stakeholders forges mutually supportive and productive partnerships with all communities. Specific strategies identified in the Plan include: Recruitment and Retention A. Develop an Indigenous student recruitment plan and culturally-appropriate, relevant

and meaningful resources. B. Develop an Indigenous student retention plan that considers various levels, interest and support in

education and career advancement. C. Establish cultural competency amongst recruitment staff. Community - University Partnerships D. Identify and engage local, regional, national and international Indigenous communities and

community organizations. E. Develop partnerships and collaborations with First Nations colleges and universities. F. Mobilize existing University - Indigenous community partnerships. G. Prioritize and promote short-term educational offerings of interest to Indigenous learners.

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External Partnerships H. Engage industry stakeholders to present opportunities to support MRU’s proven initiatives and

programs, funding capital projects and spaces. I. Promote and pursue relationships with the Ministry of Indigenous Relations. J. Establish networks and relationships with national champions of Indigenous learning. K. Engage specific stakeholders who can be allies in supporting Indigenous students in developing key

skills, abilities and competencies. L. Create opportunities for speaking, co-curricular learning and extended learning for Indigenous

students. M. Develop appropriate child care services for MRU’s Indigenous community of staff, faculty and

students. Going forward, we are excited to build on our strong progress that has already taken place in this area. Mount Royal is already a leader in creating an environment that fosters success for Indigenous students and in campus Indigenization, as shown through several recent successes: • A partnership between the Making Treaty 7 Cultural Society and the Iniskim Centre for the

productions of We Are All Treaty People, September 13-15. • A partnership between Redx Talks and the Iniskim Centre for the productions of Redx Talks on October

10, 2015. • A Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Governors of Mount Royal University and

the Iiniisti Treaty Arts Society for the development of resources contributing to curricula. • Fort Whoop Up Interpretive Society has initiated a Statement of Intent to loan artifacts and other

exhibits, specifically the cultural artifacts in conjunction with Blackfoot protocols. These initiatives provide Mount Royal University’s students with community connections that enhance learning about the various Indigenous peoples and cultures and provides knowledge from an indigenous perspective. In some cases, these initiatives build on pre-existing relationships. In other cases, the initiative has been pursued by the community members because of Mount Royal University’s growing reputation as a partner and the Indigenous Strategic Plan.

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Appendix E: Internationalization

Internationalization is a key component of our University Strategic Plan, both in terms of retention and recruitment, but also increasing the opportunities for international experiences for our domestic students. In this section, we provide a brief overview of our new and existing partnerships that are necessary to achieving these goals, as well as a view of the experiences that we intend students to have before graduation.

International Partnerships

Mount Royal’s internationalization initiatives aim to foster cross-cultural learning and deepen students’ appreciation of international issues and cultural diversity. At present, Mount Royal has partnered with 69 post-secondary institutions around the world to provide students and faculty with a range of international opportunities, both inbound and outbound. Partnerships are reviewed on an ongoing basis for levels of activity and reciprocity. Likewise, new partnerships are negotiated each year. During 2015-16, new partnerships were struck with Ryukoko University (Japan), Nihon University (Japan), University of West Sydney (Australia) and University of Cologne (Germany). International Experiences

As noted in our University Strategic Plan, MRU intends to further increase our international teaching, learning, and research activity in the years to come. Of note: • At least five per cent of our students will participate in international field schools prior to graduation.

• The number of MRU students participating in semester-long study abroad experiences will increase

to 650/year by 2024-25 (roughly a four-fold increase over current levels). o At least five per cent of our students will study abroad for at least one semester prior to


• The proportion of international students on campus in credit programs will increase from 2.5 per cent to five per cent over the next 10 years.

• The number of international mobility students on semester-long exchanges at MRU will grow to

650/year (roughly double current levels).

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Appendix F: Capital Plan Mount Royal University’s Capital Plan focuses on enhancing and developing academic spaces, facilities, and structures on its Lincoln Park Campus to provide Mount Royal students, staff and faculty with a premier learning and working environment. The critical capital projects for Mount Royal are outlined below, including one approved project and priority projects yet to be approved by the Province. These capital projects will provide Mount Royal with the space and facilities to carry out its mandate and to align with the Ministry of Advanced Education’s goal of having a baccalaureate and applied studies institution that can provide lifelong learning to Albertans. In the broader context, Mount Royal’s overarching Campus Master Plan (CMP) was approved by the Board of Governors on May 30, 2016. This planning process commenced in May 2015 and involved extensive consultation both within the Mount Royal community and with external stakeholders. The outcomes of the master planning process will inform the University’s campus development for the next 20 to 30 years. The completed CMP will also initiate the more detailed cost estimation of the priority projects noted below. A key focus of the CMP is to provide direction and guidance to the University to maximize the usefulness and scalability of current facilities, through re-purposing and renovating existing spaces to support our continued growth. As well, the CMP provides a critical roadmap for future new facility growth as student demand for our programs continues to increase. Approved Project

Project and Budget Construction of the Riddell Library and Learning Centre New Library and Learning Centre:

• $100 million dollar project: $14.2 million in private funding and $85.8 million from the Government of Alberta

Ministry approved support for the project of $85.8M over 3 years:

• 2014/15: $14 million - funding received • 2015/16: $25 million – funding received • 2016/17: $46.8 million

The new Riddell Library and Learning Centre is currently under construction and is scheduled to be complete in spring of 2017. We are pleased to be completing this capital project as it has been the University’s top capital priority for the past several years. The Province contributed funding for this new construction over three fiscal years. In addition to the support of the Province, Mount Royal secured an additional $14.2 million in private sector support. The University also received approval for expanded short term borrowing authority through the Minister of Advanced Education to facilitate the construction cash flow around capital grant payments anticipated from the Province. This building under construction is located on the east side of campus, across from the East Arts building. The total size will be 21,598 gross square metres with provision for 14,969 net assignable square metres of space. The facility is designed with flexibility in mind so that the space can adapt to changing needs and it can serve a student population

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up to 12,000 FLE. This stand-alone LEED gold building on the main campus will support Mount Royal’s commitment to providing an exceptional experience for our students and offering the best possible teaching facility to achieve this goal. Critical to the project is integration of the following: • Library (study and learning spaces, collections, instructional programs, and services and support); • Student Learning Services and Accessibility Services; • START (Student Technicians and Resource Tutors), a peer technology help and tutoring program; • Office of the AVP of Teaching and Learning, comprising the Institute for Scholarship of Teaching and

Learning, the Academic Development Centre, and the Department of General Education; • Information Technology Services. Spaces directly supporting student learning will increase significantly: • Space per FLE will increase from 0.45 net square metres to 0.75 net square metres; • The number of student stations will increase from 570 to 1,496; • The number of group-use rooms will increase from three to 34. Library holdings will increase from 203,824 volumes to 396,824 volumes (including Archives). Upon approval, Mount Royal will initiate planning and a funding request for the repurposing of the vacated library space, as described below.

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Projects for Approval

Project and Budget Repurposing of the Former Conservatory Space With the completion of the Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts and Bella Concert Hall in Fall 2015, there is an opportunity to repurpose the former Conservatory space to help meet priority teaching and learning needs. Renovation of existing facilities would provide additional instructional space, faculty and support staff offices and student study spaces. Preliminary estimate: $15 million. Repurposing of Existing Library and Vacated Space Once the new Riddell Library and Learning Centre is constructed, Mount Royal will need to redevelop the existing Library, Academic Development Centre and Student Learning Services spaces to enable the further development of programs and services and to be a catalyst for redeveloping the Main Street corridor of the campus. A detailed project plan is required to confirm the project scope and budget. Preliminary estimate: $22 million. Main Street Renovations Student services currently operate in scattered locations throughout the campus, a source of confusion and frustration for students seeking particular kinds of support. To create a student-centred point of arrival and offer a “one-stop shop” for students, Mount Royal would like to consolidate and centralize student services in a more visible and accessible location. The scope of the project includes the creation of a West and East Gate Welcoming Centre; relocation of Enrolment Services, Career Services, Learning Skills and Testing and Disability Services; and an overall enhancement of the main corridors. Preliminary estimate: $7 million. Way-finding Project The expansion of the Lincoln Park Campus over the past 10 years has created the need for increased and updated way-finding across the campus. This includes traffic, pedestrian, and orientation signage for the safe flow of movement of all individuals on campus. The scope of the project includes interior and exterior way-finding signage. Preliminary estimate: $1.8 million. New Information Technology Data Centre Requirements for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning indicate that the institution will need to build either an additional, or single new, Data Centre. Mount Royal’s current Data Centre was built over 20 years ago. An additional Data Centre will allow Mount Royal to expand its technology utility base and accommodate the growth in storage and technology support required for the institution. Preliminary estimate $4 million. The University will explore the development of this Data Centre with other Calgary-based post-secondary institutions to meet this common requirement and to achieve cost efficiency. Research Labs and Facilities In transitioning from a college to an undergraduate university mandate, Mount Royal faculty members have deepened their engagement in research and scholarship activities. Laboratory facilities are of critical importance, primarily in the Faculty of Science and Technology, and they are fundamental infrastructure to engage in research, and to attract external, project-based funding in support of such research. Preliminary estimate: $8.8 million.

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Health Sciences and Science and Technology Wing Expansion – Phase II With the anticipated expansion of the Health Sciences and Science degree programs as a key part of our overall degree growth for the University, we foresee the need for the creation of a Health Sciences wing which would be incorporated into a significant expansion of the current Science and Technology space over the long term. This would create an integrated Health Sciences and Science wing to support expanded Mount Royal degree program offerings in these areas. Preliminary estimate: $152 million.

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Appendix G: Information Technology Foundational Changes to Information Technology Services

Mount Royal University currently spends approximately $10 million on Information Technology Services (ITS) labour to maintain its systems, but is unable to make significant inroads in contributing to institutional growth and transformation. Approximately 95 per cent of ITS labour focuses on running the organization, and this percentage of labour must change to properly support MRU’s University Strategic Plan, which focuses on growing student enrolment and transforming how we contribute to student success. ITS’s long-term operational goal for 2025 seeks an equal one-third split between the operational concepts of run, grow and transform. Each of these three areas will have specific goals and objectives that guide development of labour skills and execution of initiatives. The University’s strategic technology plan will guide this work, as will our information technology and data governance frameworks. Completion of these documents is planned for the end of calendar year 2016 and is dependent on finalization of divisional strategic plans to provide necessary technology investment and operations guidance. What follows is our description of the high level guiding principles in shifting focus to institutional growth and transformation. These initiatives involve removal of redundancies in workflow or systems, sharing services with other post-secondary institutions and conducting business process re-engineering and design work. Specific strategies to guide the redirection of run funds to growth and transformation activities will focus on the use of best practices in areas such as project management and tighter coupling of business cases to benefits realization; gone is the approach typical of many organizations, i.e. ‘build it and they will come’. Projects that are better planned and executed lead to operational systems that require fewer resources to support while delivering more value to their users. In addition, we will intentionally invest in tools that leverage ITS staff in a significant way, giving them more insight and impact in their daily work, and ultimately providing greater value for our client partners across the institution. Information Technology Services and the Technology Stewardship Committee

Mount Royal University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) department supports all student, academic and administrative-facing systems with a focus on safe, timely and efficient operations. ITS receives strategic guidance and oversight from the Technology Stewardship Committee (TSC) chaired by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and consisting of members from across the University community. The purpose of the TSC is the creation and execution oversight of Mount Royal University’s strategic technology plan. The TSC is central to the successful functioning of the IT stewardship process. It is an executive-level committee, setting strategic objectives and establishing institutional criteria for prioritizing systems initiatives. This committee provides stewardship for the information systems project portfolio and ensures information systems decisions have strategic fit, functional utility and balanced investment across the institution. The committee's responsibilities include guidance for the technology project portfolio with a focus on realizing benefits of implemented initiatives, as well as direction on necessary standards for efficient operations, enterprise data and systems architecture. The priorities and activities set by the TSC include:

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• Governance

Oversee the ITS stewardship process. Provide guidance to the development of University-wide information technology services policies and standards.

• Representation and Advocacy Represent all ITS stakeholders across the University. Engage senior academic leaders, student service leaders and administrative service leaders through web portals, town hall meetings and informal discussions. Finally, identify faculty/department initiatives that support the University Strategic Plan.

• Initiative Prioritization and Oversight Establish institutional criteria for prioritizing system initiatives. Monitor progress of ITS initiatives. Assess benefits realization of information systems initiatives.

The TSC ensures that a disciplined approach imbues all MRU information technology systems and processes in order to realize value while sustaining ongoing operations. New Investment

With the investment in labour and adoption of project and operational best practices, MRU will be in a position to take advantage of upgraded and new systems across its faculties and business units. The list of technology initiatives and their implementation timelines are subject to change based on factors such as institutional need, availability of resources and the ability of the affected department(s) to realize the intended benefits of the initiative. Three overriding themes that support MRU’s University Strategic Plan will guide our planning in the short term to address urgent needs:

• Excellence in teaching and learning

Projects with this focus support a personalized learning experience (University Strategic Plan Strategy #1.1) and high impact experiences in and out of the classroom (USP #2.1). In addition, technology investments will support student participation in research projects (USP #3.3) and help support development of empowered learners (USP #3.4).

• Data informed decision-making

Projects with this focus help contribute to enhanced understanding of students’ needs and making strategic technology investments that support MRU’s ability to meet increased demand in a cost effective manner. In addition, enhanced understanding of learner requirements will allow Academic Affairs to continually innovate curriculum (USP #7.1), break down barriers and support timely degree completion (USP #4.3).

• Work efficiencies

Projects with this focus contribute to an environment of strong financial stewardship (USP #10.2), which free up necessary resources needed to invest in innovation. With increasing demand on our resources, leveraging skills appropriately is fundamental to success by balancing processes that are efficient and maximize productivity.

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TSC is the guiding body that establishes technology goals and provides direction on investment of its reserve funds. The scarcity of these resources requires maximizing the investment of TSC reserves by way of the IT governance framework and ensuring we invest in foundational components of ITS labour, project management best practices and operational excellence. The ITS plan for 2019 creates a solid foundation designed to help MRU reach its ultimate goals of growth and transformation in undergraduate education.