Download - Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Page 1: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport

TrainMoS II

“Port  Energy Operations and Clean Power Investment Analysis” 

Madrid . November   2015

Javier  Gesé  AperteDeputy Director  Cargo Handling and PassengerServices Puertos del Estado

Page 2: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Transport Policy of the European Union


The concept of Motorway of the Sea

The Trans‐European Transport Network and  the Iberian Peninsula

Case study methodology

Survey on MoS

Preliminary conclusions

Page 3: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (2007).

Participating way of making policy

Strategic projects to develop (EU space without barriers, reduction of ships’ emissions, marine research,

Programmes to continue to support MoS/SSS 

MoS Policy within the the European Transport Policy and Maritime Transport Policy

Page 4: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

European Transport Policy

The free movement of people and goods is a superior objective of the European Union. 

The single market will only be possible with an efficientand sustainable transport system

Optimal use of different transport modes for any leg of the transport chain.

Effective for people and industry

Energy efficient

Minimum harmful effects

•Congestion • CO2 emissions• Space, air and noise pollution

Page 5: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

European Transport Policy

¿How attain a efficient  and sustainable transport system? 

Optimization of the logistics chains including rail, barges and maritime transport

o Use less energy

o Use cleaner energy 

o Use in more efficient way a the multimodal network

Page 6: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)
Page 7: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Environmental impact of transport and sustainability

European Transport Policy

White paper on the future development of a common transport policy (1992)

White paper on European transport policy for 2010 (2001)

Pointed the need to develop environmental objectives

Communication ‘Greening transport’ (2008)

Strategy for internalisation of external costs (2008)

Initiatives to reduce the harmful effects of transport

Urged transport efficiency, support of MoS / SSS

A sustainable future for transport (2009)

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European Transport Policy

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Developmentof theTrans‐europeanTransport NetworkTEN‐T

Page 10: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Developmentof theTrans‐europeanTransport NetworkTEN‐T

the Core Network Corridors

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Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (2007).

•Criticized the disadvantage shipping faces compared with other means of transport with higher public investments

What is Short Sea Shipping ?

What Short Sea Shipping is? 

“...the movement of cargo and passengers by sea between ports situated in geographical Europe or between those ports situated in non‐European countries having a coastline on the enclosed seas bordering Europe” (European Commission, 1999).  

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Communication on an European Ports Policy (2007)

In many ports there are still bottlenecks 

Hinterland connexions are key to the capacity rating

Adaptability of port services to Short Sea Shipping

Communication EU Coordinator of MoS L.Valente de Oliveira (2008)

Need quality label indicators of ports serving MoS

Southern port should increase quality performance 

European Transport Policy

Ports are nodes of the network

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Administrative  formalities

European Transport Policy

Strategic goals and recommendations for the EU’ maritime transport policy until 2018 (2009)

Communication and action plan with a view to establish a  European maritime transport space without barrier (2009)

Remove administrative barriers that harm the potential growth of SSS 

“Blue Belt” initiative will simplify customs procedures applied to EU goods carried by vessels sailing in EU ports

“national single windows” . Coherent implementation of the ships reporting formalities . Directive 2010 /65/EU

“e‐maritime” and “e‐freight” . Use of electronic information for the reduction of administrative forms and facilitate interchange information

Page 14: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

European Transport Policy

Page 15: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

European Transport Policy

Can Shipping be a sustainable and efficient transport alternative ? 

Page 16: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

European Transport Policy

Page 17: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS as part  of  the TEN‐T

MoS Policy within the the European Transport Policy

In 2003 the Commission proposed a revision of the TEN‐T: 29 priority projects ( In 2004 30 priority project were approved)

Project nº 21 Development of the Motorways of the Sea

MoS  Baltic Sea

MoS Western Europe

MoS  South‐East Europe

MoS South‐West Europe

MoS is a service, not just infrastructure 

Page 18: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Main issues related to Motorways of the Sea (1) 

MoS Policy within the the European Transport Policy


Environmental impact and sustainability

Growing impacts that must be reduced

Charging and pricing

Consider true costs

Internalizing external costs

Logistics and Intermodality

Comprehensive focus of logistics and transport

Need to promote intermodality

Page 19: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Main issues related to Motorways of the Sea (2)

MoS Policy within the the European Transport Policy


MoS and Short Sea Shipping

Must be promoted as part of the multimodal transport chains

Significant ‘green dimension’ and potential for shifting cargo from road transport

Ports Key for the development of MoS

Some services must improve their adequacy for Short Sea Shipping

Adminstrative formalities

Revision of regulation for Community goods using sea leg

Implementation of new technologies

Page 20: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

It is maritime transport

What is a Motorway of the Sea ?

It is a subtype  of Short Sea  Shipping

( short distance maritime transport)

It is integrated in multimodal transport chains

It is a priority  within the European Union Transport Policy

Page 21: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS as part of  the TEN‐T

European Transport Policy

In 2003 the Commission included MoS as the 21 priority project

MoS is a service, not just infrastructure 

Regualtion (UE) 1315/2013 Union guidelines for the development of the trans‐European transport network

Motorways of the sea, representing as they do the maritime dimension of the trans‐European transport network, shall contribute towards the achievement of a European maritime transport space without barriers. 

Page 22: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Financial assistance is a preferred instrument of policy makers

MoS Policy and financial assistance

There are several instruments

Cohesion funds

European Development  Regional funds

TEN‐T funds

Marco Polo funds

Loan and loan guaranties of European Investment Bank


State aid granted by Member States

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Homogenizing funding conditions for projects

MoS Policy and financial assistance

MoS Projects under MarcoPolo II

MoS Projects underTEN-T

State aid, European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund

Maximum 35% of operatingcostsfor all the funding applied

State aid, European RegionalDevelopment Fund, CohesionFund

Maximum 30% of capitalcostsfor all the funding applied

Maximum duration 5 years Maximum duration 2 years

Page 24: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Evaluation of projectsTraffic shifted from the road 30%Project quality 35%

Business Plan 35%

Traffic shifted from the road


•Lorries and semitrailers1st year   25.000


4th year  100.000

…Total  850.000

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Spain and France

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Project quality

•Number of ports in Spain

•Calls per week

•Quality of land access

•Telematic systems

•Quality of port facilities

1st year   4 calls/ week


3th year  7calls/ week

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Spain and France

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Acciona TrasmediterraneaNantes‐Saint Nazaire       Vigo 28hLe Havre  Vigo  (Algeciras) 36h 

4 dept/week   7 dept/week

Unaccompanied(Ro‐Ro) 120‐260 loads      20 kn

Grimaldi‐Louis Dreyfus

Nantes‐Saint Nazaire       Gijón 14h

4 dept/week   7 dept/week

Accompanied (Ro‐Pax) and Unaccompanied(Ro‐Ro

150 loads      23 kn

MoS Policies at Member State LevelMoS Policy in Spain and France

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MoS Policies at Member State Level

High quality shipping services

MoS ?

MoS in the West Mediterranean



Page 28: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

The Ecobonus scheme

State aid for lorry drivers, transport Companies and trucking Associations

Limits of the aid 20% of seaway price (existing routes)  30%                           ( new routes )

Minimum number of 80 trips per yearCompromise to maintain similar volume over three years

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Italy

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FFG ‐ rail and water Freight Facilities Grant

To encourage transfer of freight from road to rail and water

WFG – Waterborne Freight GrantTo assist start‐up costs of new coastal UK shipping shifting traffic from road

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in the United Kingdom

Page 30: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Scotland-rest of UK freight, by road, 2007

Total By‐Road Volume

39.4 m tonnes(Source: CSRGT)

Total road trafficapprox 3 million 



MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in the United Kingdom

Page 31: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Coastal UK ferry Services

•Subsidy / incentive •Road tolls•Port infrastructure

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in the United Kingdom

Aberdeen - Thames393 nm (728 km)

Humber - Thames187 nm (347 km)

Tees - Thames257 nm (476 km)

Rosyth - Thames385 nm (713 km)

Rosyth - Tees141 nm (261 km)

Clyde - Mersey180 nm (334 km)

Rosyth - Thames385 nm (713 km)























St. Ives














2000 10050 150

Distance in Kilometres



Page 32: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Baltic and North Sea Region

Page 33: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Baltic and North Sea Region

Page 34: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Baltic and North Sea Region

Call for tender for Motorways of the Sea projects in the North Sea Region.

Belgium and the Flemish region of Belgium,Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdomand Norway

Enable bids for EU Motorways of the Sea funding for sea based transport projects in or starting in the North Sea Region.

Page 35: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Policies at Member State Level

MoS Policy in Baltic and North Sea Region

Call for tender for Motorways of the Sea projects in the North Sea Region.

At least two ports from two different memberstates and should involve a maritime transport operator

But also, terminal operators, road hauliers, rail operators, logistics firms, ship brokers, financial institutions, academia, local and/or regional public authorities and infrastructure owners, and others

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The Iberian Peninsula is peripherical in Europe

MoS Case Studies in Spain

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TOTAL 211 Mio t


114 Mio t


96,4 Mio t


93,1 Mio t

(~ 20.000 veh/day)


3,3 Mio t

Year 2011


MoS Case Studies in Spain


Page 38: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Road Congestion in the Pyrenees

MoS Case Studies in Spain

Page 39: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Some questions to be answered

Why some SSS services are not successful?

Do we need to subsidize MoS initiatives?

If the answer is yes, How?

Case study methodology can provide extensive  insights into relevant aspects of the maritime service

• The shipping operation can be identified as a phenomenon

•The  multimodal chain and the transport system the context where the phenomenon takes place.

Case study methodology

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MoS Case Studies in Spain

Selected for the case study at first stage 

• Grimaldi (Spain – Italy MoS)

•Transfennica (Spain – Belgium MoS) 

•Brittany Ferries (Spain – United Kingdom MoS)

Page 41: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

Case Study Methodology 

Template used to analyse the case studies

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MoS Case Studies in Spain

Page 43: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)
Page 44: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Case Studies in Spain

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Pont Aven

Brittany Ferries

MoS Case Studies in Spain

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Bore Sea 


MoS Case Studies in Spain

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MoS Case Studies in Spain

Ports / Integration

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MoS Case Studies in Spain

Page 49: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS is still at a early stage of development. Some  standardisation for effective use of funding and incentives, and consideration of external costs will be needed.  

Additional studies will be needed to understand and take actions to promote the use of Motorways of the Sea. 

Some Case study conclusions






MoS Case Studies in Spain

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MoS Case Studies in Spain

Page 51: Motorways of the Sea in the EU Maritime Transport · It is maritime transport What is a Motorway of the Sea ? It is a subtype of Short Sea Shipping ( short distance maritime transport)

MoS Case Studies in Spain

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Consideration of the Survey

Stakeholders considered

Survey of Spain’s MoS stakeholders

Questions to be answered

How deliver the questionnaire ?


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Sample of the questions 

Survey of Spain’s MoS stakeholders

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Survey of Spain’s MoS stakeholders













Disagree Neutral.No answer

Agree StronglyAgree

Competition between modes is currently unfair 


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Preliminary Case study conclusions

MoS has to be considered with a wider vision. Not as a exclusive service for freight.

Ro‐Ro vessels carrying unaccompanied semi‐trailers have proved to be very efficient. It will need support for simplifying the operation. 

Ro‐Pax vessels have higher operating costs increasing substantially overall costs, however complementary income can be obtained from on board sales

Funding will be necessary while the current status of  investment and regulation in transport remains  

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Today exists an uneven playing field between road and sea transport

Weak and diverse Policy response in past decades

Complex funding applications process

There are good examples of proactive support

Futher research on the application of the Ecobonus schemeat European Level and financial aid

Preliminary Case study conclusions

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