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How does one become a Butterfly?

You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

Take them...


Your time as a caterpillar has expired.

Your wings are ready!

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Only YOU can CREATECHANGE in your life

You were createdand designedto live a happy, joyfuland successful life!

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You were born

You can



and DO


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Conception up to 7 years – The Imprint Period?

Most of your programming happens - the Subconscious Mind is programmed.

The mind is prepared to function a particular way when it is an adult.

The mind is like a sponge and craves input.

All experiences pre-condition the bodily, mental and moral life for the adult years.

All forms of communication can affect you and your own feelings about yourself.

With everything that is happening around you, you are being trained how you should live and react based on your surroundings.

Your Self-image is ‘sculptured’.

Your Belief System is created.

Your Self-worth is created.

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You created an Image of Yourself seen through other people’s eyes.

Your Self-Image

Your Self-Image will either put Limitations on your life, or will serve you to live a Limitless Abundant Life.

All your Actions, Feelings and Emotions are Consistent with your Self-Image.

The Self-Image of yourself will determine your Thinking Habits!

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How does Your Self-Image Serve You?

You think a certain way about certain things.

You have a positive or negative thinking pattern.

You make decisions in whatever conditions or circumstances.

You react with certain emotions in certain situations.

You use a certain way of language (choice of words), for eg. swearing or calming.

The way you survive, for eg. conflict or tough decision making circumstances.

You create habits, for eg. eating healthy food or junk food, active lifestyle or watching TV all day.

Your choice of a life partner.

You are an introvert or an extrovert.

You are a leader or a follower.

You approach or deal with people in a certain way, for eg. confidant or submissive.

The way you deal wild stressful situations, either in a negative or positive way.

Will you follow a culture (group) / a religion or none at all?

You are loving or aggressive in nature.

Will influence the way you Value things & life, and the way your Belief System are developed.

Will influence the way you trust or dis-trust, be loyal or dis-loyal.

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I am not good enough

I’m a failure

Are you harbouring Thoughts of Destructive Thinking?

I’m not worthy I’m a loser I can’t do anything right

Constantly judge other people I am broke

Always pessimistic


Feeling depressed


Self pity

Constantly making wrong decisions

Feeling rejected

There is no way in hell that anything will ever change for me Frustrated

Getting no where

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WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?Biological Perspective

Your Body Vascular System Muscular System

Brain Organs Tissue Cells

Nervous System

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WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?Physics Perspective



Every single cell of your body is made of molecules, which are made of a cluster of atoms.

Our physical existence is fundamentally ENERGY.

All that scientists can find to date inside of an atom is a lot of empty space, and a few protons and electrons.

At the centre of the atom are only waves of light(Quanta) – which is ENERGY vibrating at a certain frequency.






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YOU ARE ENERGY – Quantum Physics Every single cell of your body is “made” out of these vibrating

waves of light, which ultimately is energy.

In the same way, EVERYTHING else in our physical universe is also made of atoms!

You are “made” of energy and light.

We now know that every organ, every tissue and every single cell in your body is made of atoms. The molecular structure as well as the frequency of atoms’ vibrations is what separates things and makes them unique.

(For a deeper understanding about this, research Quantum Physics)

This means that your book, chair, building and anything else physical, are “made” out of atoms and are fundamentally energy.

EVERYTHING in our physical universe, including the invisible air that you breathe, is made of atoms and therefore made of energy.

The differentiator of things, living or non-living, is molecularstructure. They differ only in the frequency of their vibration.

Everything constantly vibrates.

Everything emits ENERGY... including you!

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Our neurology, is the most magnificent creation known to us!

This is the number of possible neurological connections in ONE neuron:100, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,

000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000

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You have more possible neurological connections than the number -of all stars in our visible universe, -of all the grains of the sand on all the beaches on our planet!

One neuron is more complicated than the whole telephone network of the world.

You have more possible neurological connections than all the atoms in the entire universe.

You are not using all your neurons.

Neurons are everywhere in the body. Every single cell of your body is bathed in neurons.

Your brain can communicate with any part of your body, instantly.

As we learn, we grow new neurons.

Each Neuron is a Hologram of the Whole, meaning it contains all the info of the Whole.

The thoughts that we hold in our mind, will effect the whole body.

Your thoughts are being communicated to all of your cells, all of the time.

It proves scientifically the mind-body connection.

With the correct Mind-set, Beliefs and Emotional State, we can shape and change our bodies and health.

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YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEMThe Mind-Body Connection The Mind-Body connection means that your thoughts have a direct effect on

every single cell in your body.

Remember that you are a magnificent being with a powerful nervous systemthat has incredible potential.

What thoughts are going through your mind every day? Are they uplifting and up-building thoughts, or are they destructive, negative thoughts?

Your thoughts about yourself and your body have a direct impact on your health and mental well-being.

The thoughts that you hold in your mind affect your body.

Through your thoughts, your body have the amazing power to heal itself.

Through your thoughts, you can change your Belief System, Self-worth andSelf-Image. If a child is continuously told, “Your are stupid, you are stupid and you are stupid”, the child will eventually decide to adopt this as a belief.

Your body has this incredible power of rewiring itself. This will only happen if we choose to do something about it.

This potential, beyond measure, leads me to believe

that EVERYTHING is possible for you.

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You think all day long, even when you sleep.

Our thoughts are POWERFUL.You are what you think of yourself – victorious or defeated.

Daytime is a building process.

Night time is a sorting process.

When you think, you are making your way to a decision of some kind.

We mould our reality with our thoughts.

Our bodies react to our thoughts.

Our thoughts are REAL. Up to date thoughts are the highest form of vibrating energy that scientists have ever measured.

Our thoughts CREATE. Every man-made object on earth was first only a thought.Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions create our reality.

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THOUGHT PROCESS All thinking activity is real.

It can be seen on various types of brain imaging.

Your thinking has just created a powerful signal that is going to change the landscape of your brain and body.

When we think, marvellous, wondrously complex, and creative things takes place.

By having one simple thought, it generates electromagnetic, electrochemical and quantum action in your neurons:It causes:- magnetic fields- electrical impulses- chemical effects- photons to be activated- energy activity (quantum physics)- vibration in the membranes of the neurons

This combined activity sets up and intricate and organised sequence of actions of:- neurotransmitters- proteins- energythat forms a signal.

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The signal you have just created…

passes through the membrane of the cell,

travels to the cell’s nucleus,

and enters the chromosome,

activating a strand of DNA.

The DNA strand is unzipped,

which then expresses genes making proteins.

And these proteins you have caused to be built

hold the information you have just read

as thought or a memory.

Molecules are assembled into protein

by the genetic instructions in our DNA.

When there is interference with this signalfor eg. thinking a toxic thoughtor eating unhealthy food,genetic expression does not happen correctlyand then proteins do not form like they should.

So…..If you have a toxic thought,

the resulting proteins look and act differently

than if you had a healthy thought.

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These instructions dictatethe anatomy and physiology of our bodies,and we control up to 90% of this processthrough our thinking.

75-98% of mental, physical and behavioural ILLNESSES come from toxic thinking!

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The Mind

Sub-Conscious Mind

Conscious Mind

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The MindConscious Mind1. Thinking and reasoning2. Intellect and free will resides here3. This part gets to decide the

“changes required” to live the type of life you want to experience

4. Can accept and reject any idea5. Holds short-term memory6. Imagination7. Intuition8. Perception

Sub-Conscious Mind1. Run your body2. Stores memories3. Is the domain of emotions4. Organise all memories5. Repress memories with unresolved negative

emotions6. Presents repressed emotions for resolution7. May keep repressed emotion repressed for your

protection8. Has a blueprint of your body and a conception of

your perfect health9. Controls and maintains all perceptions10. Generates, stores, distributes and transmits energy11. Maintains instincts and generates habits12. Is programmed to continually seek more and more13. Functions best as a whole integrated unit14. It is symbolic15. Takes everything personally 16. Accepts everything as true17. Enjoys serving you, but need clear orders to follow18. Does not process negatives

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