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Motion Estimation for Functional Medical ImagingStudies Using a Stereo Video Head Pose Tracking

SystemWilliam Pak Tun Ma1,2, Ghassan Hamarneh1, Member, IEEE, Greg Mori2, Katie Dinelle3, and

Vesna Sossi3, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The accuracy of functional medical imaging modal-ities used to assess brain functions are known to be easily de-graded by patients’ head movement, due to the extensive durationand the increasing resolution of the scanner. In positron emissiontomography these corruptions can cause tracer concentrations toappear blurred or originating from erroneous locations on thefinal image. Many researches have been using external markersto provide an accurate motion measurement. In this work, weprovide a marker-less framework that can track the patient’s3D head pose during the scan. The framework approaches theproblem by combining stereo vision, feature point detection,and the Unscented Kalman Filter. By utilizing features directlyavailable on a patient’s face for tracking, the work eliminatesthe need of markers common to most current approaches, andtherefore effectively minimizes any scanning preparation timesand patients’ discomfort. Initial visual inspections show thisapproach is able to retrieve final transformation parametersmatching the extracted feature points with the actual headmotion. This framework can be extended to any imaging modalitythat is affected by patients’ movement.


Positron emission tomography (PET), functional MagneticResonance Imaging (fMRI), and other functional medicalimaging modalities are used to assess brain function in normaland disease states, but, in general, all are susceptible tohead movement. The problem is exacerbated when diseaseconditions, such as Parkinson’s, impact subjects’ ability toremain still tens of minutes in the scanner [1]. Brain processesat specific anatomical locations of a moving brain will appearto be blurred or to originate from erroneous locations, unlessmotion is accounted for. Changes in measurements of a fewpercent are biologically meaningful; yet patient motion canobscure such changes, leading to reduced image quality, lessaccurate quantification of brain functions, decreased ability tostudy processes of interest and may require more subjects tobe investigated to reach clinically significant results.

The primary contribution of this work is the development ofa marker-less framework for tracking a patient’s head move-

1 Medical Image Analysis Lab2 Vison and Media Lab3 Physics and Astronomy DepartmentThis work was supported by MITACS in partnership with TRIUMF.W. P. T. Ma, G. Hamarneh, and G. Mori are with Simon Fraser Uni-

versity (SFU), Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5A 1S6 (email [email protected],[email protected], [email protected])

K. Dinelle, and V. Sossi are with the University of British Columbia(UBC), Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z1 (e-mail [email protected],[email protected])

ment during PET scan. As the head is a fairly rigid object,its movement can be sufficiently described with only rotationand translation. To accomplish the task of finding the correctrotation and translation during the scan, the work makes use ofstereo vision, features extraction, and the Unscented KalmanFilter. The algorithm uses rigid features directly available onthe patient’s face, such as the nose, the ears, and the corner ofthe eyes. When these features are combined with informationavailable from a set of calibrated stereo video cameras, themotion of the patient’s head is determined.


Two classes of motion estimation methods exist: (i) “Duringacquistion” and (ii) “Post-acquistion”. “During acquisition”trackers measure motion during the scan, mostly by trackingpneumatic bellows, infra-red reflectors, or other markers at-tached to the patient [4], [7], [10]. The measured motion cansubsequently be used for correction with sensitivity correctionfactors [11]. The marker approach is inconvenient for thepatients and time consuming for the staff. It is also difficultto rigidly fasten the markers to the head, so they slide or slipthus producing inaccurate motion estimates. “Post-acquisition”methods estimate motion without prior knowledge of headmotion during the scan. In this class of methods, motioncorrection is performed via voxel-based 3D image registrationof reconstructed image volumes to each other or to a template[9], [12]. Assumptions on the effects of motion on the acquireddata can be adopted to constrain motion estimates [6]. Thisclass of methods relies on functional images with low spatialresolution and low SNR, and depend on assumptions that maynot always hold true, so a change in the observed location offunctional activation can not be reliably attributed to eitherbrain motion or change in activation.


We developed a method for tracking head pose that elimi-nates the tracker dependence on attaching markers to the head.In particular, we use a stereo video tracking system, in whichleft and right (L/R) high resolution video cameras recordhead movement, and computer vision methods to calculatethe head’s 3D position. For 3D head pose estimation, non-collinear pairs of corresponding head/facial feature points (inL/R images) are identified and tracked throughout the videousing feature point detection (with Scale-invariant feature

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Fig. 1: Example setup of the stereo system, looking inferiorto posterior. The system can also be set further away or bemounted on the ceiling to minimize any inconvenience to themedical staff.

Left images Right images



fl0 fr0

flt frt

Fig. 2: The circular constraint requires features to match acrossthe two base images and two input images.

transform (SIFT) [13]) and object tracking (with UnscentedKalman filter (UKF) [5]). As the head is mostly surroundedby the scanner gantry, pose estimation will be based ontracking facial features as seen by looking inferior to posterior(Figure 1).

Since not all facial features are ideal for motion estimation,the users begin the process by selecting regions on the baseL/R images where feature points will be extracted and matchedusing SIFT . Example regions might be the nose, the eyes,or the ears. Correspondences are limited to between featurepoints that satisfy the epipolar constraint to guarantee thematches produce points in 3D via stereo triangulation [8].Feature points are also extracted from each pair of subsequentL/R video frames, and matched with the features from the baseimages. These matches must satisfy the circular constraint. I.e.if fl0 is a base feature on the left image that get matched to flt

at time t, than this match must be confirmed by the circularmatches fl0 ↔ flt, fl0 ↔ fr0, flt ↔ frt, and fr0 ↔ frt

(Figure 2).After the preliminary step, we have a set of points St in 3D

(via stereo triangulation on the matched feature points) foreach pair of L/R video frames at each time step t, with the

correspondence to the base 3D points S0 known. The secondstep involves finding the actual motion of the head. For thiswork, we used exponential map to represent rotation in 3D [8].

Exponential map describes rotation with a 3D vector ~wwhere ~w is the axis of rotation, and ||~w|| is the rotation angle.Given ~w, the rotation matrix is given by:

R = I +w

||~w||sin ||~w||+ w2

||~w||2(1− cos ||~w||) (1)


w =

0 −w3 w2

w3 0 −w1

−w2 w1 0

. (2)

Using this representation gives us 3 rotation and 3 trans-lation parameters that need to be calculated for each frame.We know that the orientation of the head between adjacentframes are very similar, and we take advantage of this fact bycalculating the head orientation using the UKF.

A. Kalman Filtering

The Kalman Filter is a type of predictive filter that estimatethe state xt ∈ Rn of a discrete time controlled processdescribed by the linear equation

xt = Axt−1 + qt−1 (3)

with the observation yt ∈ Rm, described by another linearequation

yt = Hxt + vt. (4)

In the above equations, qt−1 and vt are the process model’snoise, and the observation’s noise respectively. Kalman fil-tering operates in two steps: time update and measurementupdate. In the time update step, the new state xt is estimatedusing only the past state xt−1 with

xt = Axt−1 (5)

Pt = APt−1AT +Qt−1 (6)

where Pt−1 and Pt are the error covariance of xt−1 and xt

respectively, and Qt−1 is the covariance of process noise qt−1.In the measurement update step, the Kalman Filter uses theactual observation yt to correct its estimation as follows

xt = xt +Kt(yt −Hxt) (7)

Pt = (I −KtH)Pt (8)

where Kt is called the Kalman gain and is calculated usingthe covariance Vt of observation noise vt

Kt = PtHT (HPtH

T + Vt)−1. (9)

For the head pose problem, the state xt should containthe rotation vector ~w and the translation T . This create a 6-dimensional state vector xt = {w1, w2, w3, Tx, Ty, Tz}. Theobservation, on the other hand, will include all 3D pointslocation of the matched features, i.e. the set St as a singlevector. The linearity assumption of the Kalman Filter breaksdown here, however. While we use the common assumption ofconstant position – the location of the head at time t shouldbe near that at time t − 1, thus leading to the assumption

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of a linear relationship (identity) for the state transition, therelationship between the state and observation is governed bya non-linear equation h(xt) defined as

h(xt) = RtS0,t + Tt (10)

where Rt is calculated by (1). S0,t is a set of points from S0

that actually have matches to the points in St. This reducedset is necessary since not all features from the base frameswill be matched at each time step.

B. Unscented Kalman Filter

The UKF attacks the non-linear problem by trying toapproximate the probability distribution. This is accomplishedusing the Unscented Transform [5]. Given xt and Pt, theUnscented Transform first requires the generation of a set of2n+ 1 points termed sigma points, where n is the dimensionof the variable xt. These sigma points have the properties thattheir mean and covariance matrix are equal to xt and Pt. Onecommon set of sigma points and the associated weights aregenerated as follows:

xk,t =

xt if k = 0xt + (

√(n+ λ)Pt)k if k = 1, . . . , n

xt − (√

(n+ λ)Pt)k if k = n+ 1, . . . , 2n

wm0 =


λ+ n

wc0 =


λ+ n+ (1− α2 + β)

wmk = wc

k =1

2(λ+ n)k = 1, . . . , 2n


where λ = α2(n+ κ)−n and (√

(n+ λ)Pt)k is the kth rowor column of the matrix square root calculated with stablemethods such as Cholesky decomposition. κ, α, and β areconstants, and can be set at 0, 1e−3, and 2 respectively. Thesesigma points are then propagated with the non-linear functionto generate a new set of points:

yk,t = h(xk,t) (12)

The final propagated mean and covariance are calculated asfollows:

yt =2n∑


wmk yk,t (13)



wck(yk,t − yt)(yk,t − yt)T . (14)

The Unscented Kalman Filter generally requires augmentingthe state vector with the noise covariance, and generates thesigma points and applies the Unscented Transform on this newstate. However, when the process noise and measurement noiseare additive, the UKF can be simplified to work directly on theoriginal state vector [3] with the Additive Unscented KalmanFilter.

For the head tracking problem, the only non-linear relation-ship is the transition from states to observations. In this case,the problem can be further simplified. For the time update step,

the algorithm can use the original Kalman Filter for estimatingthe new state and error covariance. Since the state transitionfunction is the identity, this gives the following time updatecalculation:

xt = xt−1

Pt = Pt−1 +Qt−1.(15)

The set of sigma points xk,t is then generated using the esti-mated state xt and error covariance Pt, and transformed usingthe non-linear equation (10). This gives a set of transformedpoints yk,t and their mean yt. The transformed covariance ismodified to include the measurement noise, with the followingcalculation from the Additive Unscented Kalman Filter:

Pyt = Vt +2n∑


wck(yk,t − yt)(yk,t − yt)T . (16)

The measurement update is completed with the followingequations:

xt = xt +Kt(yt − yt) (17)

Pt = Pt −KtPytKTt (18)

where Kt = Pxt,ytP−1

ytis the new Kalman gain used by the

UKF and Pxt,ytis given by the following cross covariance:



wck(xk,t − xt)(yk,t − yt)T . (19)

Since this framework is not required to run in real-time, anextra benefit can be gained by running the UKF both forwardand backward, a technique commonly known as the Kalmansmoother [14]. Generally, running the UKF backward requiresa different state transition function that relates xt to xt−1.However, since here the state transition function is the identity,the backward UKF can be implemented in the same way asthe forward UKF by simply passing observations in reverseorder. Merging the solution from the two UKF runs requiresthe following calculations:

(P st )−1 = (P f

t )−1 + (P bt )−1 (20)

xst = P s

t [(P bt )−1xb

t + (P ft )−1xf

t ] (21)

where xst , P

st , x

ft , P

ft , x

bt , P

bt are the state and error covariance

of the Kalman smoother, forward UKF, and backward UKFrespectively. The initial state and error covariance for thebackward UKF are taken to be the final state and doublederror covariance outputted from the forward UKF [2].


A problem with markers based approaches is that it is ingeneral very difficult to find a robust way of attaching anymarker on the head. Markers that are attached incorrectlymight slide independent of the head motion, or might cause thetracker to track skin motion instead of head motion. Therefore,the usage of non-intrusive motion correction has immediatebenefits for the patients, as they will no longer be required towear special clothing, have special devices attached to them(infrared reflective spheres), or marks painted on their facesduring scans (e.g. using the Polaris infrared tracking system[7]). This also minimizes scanning preparation times.

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(a) Frame 1 (b) Frame 36

Fig. 3: Images showing the base points reprojected ontothe video frames after applying the rotation and translationestimated by our method. The white dots are the reprojected3D points for each base feature points. These images showthe UKF is able to find the transformation allowing the basepoints to follow the motion of the participant.

Fig. 4: The rotation vectors’ (x,y,z) dimensions calculated byour method for the 300 frames. Most rotations are along thez axis, agreeing with the video sequence.


We tested our framework on a 300 frames L/R videosequence of a participant inside a PET scanner. Figure 3 showstwo frames from the left camera, and the rotated and translatedbase points reprojected onto the image (represented as whitedots). Our preliminary experiments show visible chin, nose,and ear features and very encouraging tracking results.

Figure 4 and 5 show the 300 retrieved rotation, and transla-tion parameters respectively. The rotation parameters are the 3dimensional vectors, where the length of the rotation vectorscorresponds to the angles in radian. The translation parametersare the amount of translation in the 3 different axis, with theamount of translation in millimeters. As seen from the figures,most of the motion are rotations along with the z direction,which is the direction away from the camera, with relativelylow amount of translations. This agrees with the selected videosequence, which contains mostly left and right yaw movement.

Fig. 5: The amount of translation calculated for the 300 framesin millimeters.


We developed a stereo-video head pose tracking systemfor estimating head motion of subjects while undergoing afunctional medical imaging scan. The work combined theusage of stereo vision with the SIFT features detector fortracking. For each pair of frames in the stereo video, featuresare extracted and matched with a set of base features generatedfrom the base frames. The matched features are used togenerate 3D points in R3, and these points are then passedas observation to the forward-backward Unscented KalmanFilter for calculating the rotation (as exponential map) andtranslation within each frame. We plan to compare our resultsto those obtained with the Polaris. Our long term goal isto have an easy to deploy patient tracking system whichcan benefit clinical researchers relying on different medicalimaging modalities.


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