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Page 1: Motifs of Two Small Residues can Assist but are not Sufficient to Mediate Transmembrane Helix Interactions

doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.08.083 J. Mol. Biol. (2004) 343, 799–804


Motifs of Two Small Residues can Assist but are notSufficient to Mediate Transmembrane Helix Interactions

Dirk Schneider1,2 and Donald M. Engelman1*

1Department of MolecularBiophysics and BiochemistryYale University, P.O. Box208114, New HavenCT 06520-8114, USA

2Department of Biochemistryand Molecular BiologyAlbert-Ludwigs-UniversityHerman-Herder-Strasse 779104 Freiburg, Germany

0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2004 E

Abbreviations used: TM, transmetype; GpA, glycophorin A.E-mail address of the correspond

[email protected]

Both experimental and statistical searches for specific motifs that mediatetransmembrane helix–helix interactions showed that two glycine residuesseparated by three intervening residues (GxxxG) provide a framework forspecific interactions. Further work suggested that other motifs of smallresidues can mediate the interaction of transmembrane domains, so thatthe AxxxA-motif could also drive strong interactions of a-helices in solubleproteins. Thus, all these data indicate that a motif of two small residues in adistance of four might be enough to provide a framework for trans-membrane helix–helix interaction. To test whether GxxxG is equivalent to(small)xxx(small), we investigated the effect of a substitution of either of thetwo Gly residues in the glycophorin A GxxxG-motif by Ala or Ser using therecently developed GALLEX system. The results of this mutational studydemonstrate that, while a replacement of either of the two Gly by Alastrongly disrupts GpA homo-dimerization, the mutation to Ser partlystabilizes a dimeric structure. We suggest that the Ser residue can form ahydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl group of the adjacent helixstabilizing a preformed homo-dimer. While (small)xxx(small) serves as auseful clue, the context of adjacent side-chains is essential for stable helixinteraction, so each case must be tested.

q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: GALLEX; GxxxG; glycophorin A; hetero-dimer; membraneprotein interaction

*Corresponding author

Discovering the principles of folding and inter-action of membrane proteins is one of the importantchallenges in contemporary membrane biology.Though the integration of proteins into membranesand the helix interactions can be cooperative,1

studies with bacteriorhodopsin have shown thatthe integration of individual transmembrane (TM)helices can be separated in space and time from theformation of higher-order TM structures. Thus, thefolding of a membrane protein can be described as asuccession of (i) an incorporation of individualhelices into a membrane and (ii) an interaction ofthe helices to form stable higher-order oligomericstructures.2 Helices form closely packed interfaceswith each other, and the association is stabilizedmainly by van der Waals interactions.3 Otherfactors, like extra-membrane links, lipids or stronghydrogen bonding of polar residues, may enhance

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mbrane; wt, wild-

ing author:

stability, but are not necessarily required forinteraction.4

The recent finding that amino acid motifs canmediate the interaction of a-helical TM helices is animportant step toward identifying the location ofinteracting helical interfaces and for structuralprediction of helix–helix interactions. Two motifsthat drive TM helix–helix interactions have beenwell studied: a heptad motif of Leu residues5 andthe GxxxG-motif.6 The GxxxG-motif was identifiedin a statistical analysis as well as in a genetic screenfor strong TM helix–helix interactions in a randomlibrary.6,7

Originally, the GxxxG-motif was found to beimportant for the dimerization of the glycophorin A(GpA) TM helices,8–10 and it was shown thatsubstitutions of either of the two Gly residuesstrongly disrupts the homo-dimerization of the TMdomains.9,10 The motif places two helices in a veryclose contact to each other, allowing van der Waalsinteractions between the two helices.11 Interestingly,the GxxxG-motif is important for TM proteininteractions and can mediate a-helical interaction


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in soluble proteins.12 In addition to the GxxxG-motif, Kleiger et al. identified the AxxxA-motif ina-helical interactions in soluble proteins.12 Theseresults suggest that the GxxxG-motif may bedefined more generally as (small)xxx(small). Infact, other motifs of two small residues at a distanceof four residues were also found to be over-represented in TM domains.7 Two small residuesat the same helical interface would allow twoa-helices to come into close contact, potentiallyresulting in a larger contact area at the helixinterface. This hypothesis was supported recentlyby a study on the ErbB receptor and on integrin TMdomains, which demonstrated that the motifsSxxxG and AxxxG13,14 can mediate an interactionof two TM helices, though the interactions wereweaker than that measured for the GpA TM homo-dimerization.

A structural analysis of the known GpA structuresuggested that the interaction of the two helicesmay be stabilized also by hydrogen bonding. Theb-hydroxyl group of Thr87 is close to the backbonecarbonyl group of Val84 on the opposing helix andit was argued that these two groups may form ahydrogen-bond.15 Additionally, the Gly79 andGly83 Ca H-atoms may form hydrogen bonds tobackbone carbonyl oxygen atoms on the adjacenthelix.16 The strength of this type of bond has beenestimated recently to be 0.88 kcal/mol (1 calZ4.184 J).17 Though this bond strength is relativelyweak, several such bonds could contribute signifi-cantly to the stabilization of transmembrane helixbundles.

While other motifs of small residues can drive theassociation of TM helices, it is unlikely that thesemotifs stabilize interactions by backbone Ca

hydrogen bonding because of the increased inter-helical distance imposed on the helix–helix inter-action by Ala at the interface compared to Gly.However, small residues like Ala or Ser do allowtwo helices to come into close contact with eachother, permitting increased inter-helical contacts ofother residues. Since the side-chain of the Serresidue is bulkier than the Ala side-chain, motifswith Ala should allow a closer contact of two helicesthan Ser-containing motifs.

But, can motifs of any two small residues mediateTM helix–helix interactions? And, is the GxxxG-motif identical with a (small)xxx(small)-motif?

To address these questions, we investigated theeffect on substitutions of either of the two Glyresidues in the GpA TM sequence by the smallresidues Ala and Ser, and by the large residue Ile.Synthetic oligonucelotide cassettes encoding theTM of interest were ligated into the plasmidpBLM100,18 and homo-dimerization of the indi-vidual TM domains was measured in the Escherichiacoli reporter strain SU101 using the GALLEXapproach. An overview of the GALLEX plasmidsand strains is given in Figure 1. Membrane insertionof the chimeric proteins was tested in each case byextraction of lysozyme treated cells with NaOH asdescribed.18 In each case, the correct orientation ofthe chimera in the E. coli inner membrane wastested by transformation of each plasmid into E. coliNT326 cells, which are malE deficient,19 andgrowing the cells on M9 medium with maltose asthe only carbon source. Growth will occur only ifthe MalE-domain of the chimeric proteins is locatedin the periplasm and the topology is established(Figure 2(C) and (D)).

The results of the homo-dimerization

Figure 1. The GALLEX assay. Ahomo-dimerizing fusion proteinfrom the plasmid pBLM100,which encodes for the wt LexADNA-binding domain, will bind tothe wtLexA promoter/operatorand represses expression of lacZ inthe genome of the reporter strainSU101. For monitoring hetero-dimerization, one subunit isexpressed from the wt LexA plas-mid and the other one from thecorresponding LexA plasmidpALM148 with a mutated LexADNA-binding domain. A hetero-dimerizing fusion will bind to thehybrid LexA promoter/operatorand repress the expression of lacZin the genome of the reporter strainSU 202. The TM domain anchorsthe chimera in the cytoplasmicmembrane of E. coli with the C-terminal MBP domain located inthe periplasm and the LexA DNA-binding domain in the cytoplasm.

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Figure 2. Homo-dimerization ofGpA wt and mutated TMsequences. The b-galactosidaseactivity of the GpA wt TM was set“strong”. Bars represent the b-galactosidase activities of three tonine independent measurementsrelative to GpA wt. The construc-tion of the plasmids pBLM100 andpALM148 has been describedrecently.18 (A) To measure homo-association, plasmids containingGALLEX chimeras were trans-formed into E. coli SU101; for themeasurement of hetero-associationthe plasmids were transformedinto E. coli SU202. Cells weregrown overnight in the presenceof antibiotics and 0.01 mM IPTGand diluted to A600Z0.1 the nextmorning. Cells were harvested atA600Z0.6 and b-galactosidaseactivity was measured asdescribed.25 (B) Whole cell lysateswere used to estimate expressionlevels of the chimera. Chimericproteins were detected by Westernanalysis using anti-LexA-anti-bodies (Invitrogen) and blots weredeveloped using NBT/BCIP(Sigma). (C) and (D) Test for inser-tion and orientation of the chimericproteins in E. coli. (C) The malEcomplementation assay to test forLexA(GpA)MBP orientation. E. coliNT326 cells were transformed with

plasmids encoding for the GpA chimeric proteins and cultivated on M9 minimal medium. MBP expression from theplasmid pMal-c2 serves as a negative control, periplasmic MBP expression from pMal-p2 complements for the malEdeficiency of NT326 cells. (D) Western analysis of E. coli cell extracts after extraction with NaOH. CE, whole cells; S,supernatant after extraction; M, pellet after extraction with NaOH (integral membrane proteins). The expressed proteinswith a molecular mass of 54 kDa are found exclusively in the membrane protein fraction.

Figure 3. Hetero-dimerization ofGpA wt with G83 mutated TMhelices measured in E. coli SU202.Bars in (A) represent the b-galacto-sidase activities of three to sixindependent measurements andactivities are shown relative to thestrain expressing the GpA wt chi-mera from both plasmids. GpATMsequences shown under the blackbar are expressed from pALM148,those above the bar are expressedfrom pBLM100. (B) The expressionlevel of the chimera in each strainwas tested by Western analysis asdescribed in the legend to Figure 2.

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measurements (Figure 2) show that substitution ofeither Gly by Ile is highly disruptive, as previouslyobserved by SDS-PAGE.9 Replacement of Gly79 orGly83 by Ala led to a strong decrease in the homo-dimerization capacity of the TM domains and thedisrupting effect was almost as strong as thatobserved for the Gly-to-Ile substitution. AlthoughAla has only a methyl group as side-chain, thereplacement of a hydrogen atom in the Glystructure by a methyl group of Ala may interferewith the packing of GpA.9,20,21 The substitution ofeither of the two Gly residues in the GxxxG-motifby Ser also reduces the capacity of the TM helix tohomo-dimerize, however, the homo-dimers appearto be more stable than after the replacement of theGly by Ala (Figure 2). In the context of the GpATMhelix, sequence motifs of Gly and Ser mediatestronger TM helix–helix interactions than motifs ofGly and Ala.

A replacement of the Gly residues by Ser alsodisrupted the helix–helix interaction, though theeffect was not as strong as observed after substi-tution to Ala. Since Ser should disrupt tight packingmore than Ala, Ser must provide stability by

additional factors. The only difference betweenAla and Ser is the presence of an OH group in theSer Cb carbon atom. It was found in earlier studiesthat Ser residues can form hydrogen bonds inmembranes stabilizing oligomeric structures.22 TheSer residues may stabilize the mutated GpA helixdimer by electrostatic interactions: the Ser side-chain OH groups on both TM helices may interactwith each other or the OH groups may interact withthe backbone of the adjacent helix. Side-chain–side-chain interactions involving Ser residues as well asside-chain–backbone hydrogen bonding have beenidentified in computational studies.22 The measure-ment of the homo-dimerization of a given Ser-containing TM does not allow discriminationbetween a possible side-chain–side-chain inter-action or a side-chain–backbone interaction. Todiscriminate between these two possibilities, oligo-nucleotide cassettes encoding for the GpA TMhelices with Gly83 substitutions were cloned intothe plasmid pBLM100 and pALM148, which allowsthe measurement of the hetero-dimerization of twoTM helices (Figure 1). Two plasmids encoding forthe wild-type (wt) and Gly83-substituted GpA,

Figure 4. Packing of the GpAhomo-dimer: in the wt structure(A) the Ca hydrogen atom caninteract with a carbonyl group onthe adjacent helix to form a hydro-gen bond.16 The formation of ahydrogen bond is no longerpossible in the G83A (B) or theG83I (D) mutants. After G83Ssubstitution (C), the serine side-chain OH group can interact withan backbone carbonyl oxygenatom on the adjacent helix therebystabilizing the helix–helix inter-action. The van der Waals radii ofthe residues V80, G83 and V84 areindicated. The wt GpA structurewas taken from the PDB database(1afo). Point mutations were intro-duced using the Swiss-PdbViewersoftware (

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respectively, were transformed into E. coli SU202and the capacity of the two helices to form hetero-dimers was measured.

The results shown in Figure 3 illustrate that a wtGpA TM helix forms hetero-dimers with anotherhelix in which either Ala or Ser replaces the Gly83residue. While the Ala residue disfavors morestrongly hetero-dimer formation with either of thetwo G83 mutants, the G83S GpATM domain formsa stronger hetero-dimer with the wt TM domain.

The homo-dimerization assay data (Figure 2)demonstrate that Ser residues can partly stabilize ahomo-dimeric structure, while an Ala residue ateither of the two Gly positions strongly disrupts thedimerization. The observation that a moderatelystrong dimer is formed by the wt GpATM sequencewith a TM sequence with one Gly-to-Ser substi-tution suggests that the Ser residue is involvedmainly in electrostatic interactions with a carbonyloxygen atom of the adjacent TM helix backbone(Figure 4). Thus, the disruptive packing effect of theSer residue compared to Gly can be compensatedpartly by the formation of new hydrogen bonds.

The data presented here indicate that Ser residuescan stabilize TM helix–helix associations by side-chain–backbone interactions (Figure 4). The substi-tution of the Gly residues by Ala disrupts thedimeric GpA structure, whereas the Ser residuescompensate partly for the negative packing effect bythe formation of hydrogen bonds.

The presence of a single Ser in model helices doesnot result in a strong homo-oligomerization,19,23

while multiple Ser residues can mediate theheterologous interaction of TM helices.22 Theobservation that single Ser residues alone cannotdrive significant homo-dimer formation19,23 arguesagainst the possibility that a single Ser inducesspecific interactions. Previous studies showed that,besides the two Gly residues, other amino acids areinvolved in mediating the homo-dimerization ofGpA.8–10 In this context, it is most likely that in ourstudy the remaining residues of the GpA interactionmotif contribute to the formation of a dimericstructure, which is stabilized further by a Serhydrogen bond.

In a recent study, the influence of a sequencecontext on the formation of TM dimers driven bypolar residues was investigated,24 and the authorsshowed that the sequence context indeed modu-lates association of polar residues strongly intransmembrane helices. As polar residues in TMhelices do not automatically mediate interactions,our results suggest additionally that the presence ofa GxxxS-motif does not automatically stand for aninteraction motif. The motif can help to stabilize adimeric structure if the dimerization is mediatedfurther by surrounding residues. Within severalsubtypes of the ErbB receptor and integrins, some(small)xxx(small) motifs (GxxxA, SxxxG, SxxxA) donot induce homo-oligomerization of TM domainswhereas others do.12,13 Even the GxxxG-motif doesnot mediate a strong interaction if surroundingresidues disfavor such an interaction.9,10 As already

pointed out, motifs of small residues, and especiallythe GxxxG-motif, do provide a framework for TMhelix–helix interactions.6 But, while the presence ofsuch a motif is a useful clue, it does not automati-cally prove the existence of an interaction, itssignificance for mediating interactions must betested in each specific case.


This work was supported by the NIH, NSF, theFonds der chemischen Industrie and the Bundes-ministerium fur Bildung und Forschung(Leopoldina fellowship to D.S.). We thank themembers of the Engelman laboratory for helpfulsuggestions and critical reading of the manuscript.


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Edited by G. von Heijne

(Received 7 July 2004; received in revised form 26 August 2004; accepted 28 August 2004)