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Turning the State of the Jews

Into the Jewish State

Let’s Take A Look at What’s Really Going On In Israel –

and How to Fix It! [email protected]

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What’s Really Going On in Israel?

Why is the Israeli flag not flying on our holiest site?We (who have the claim) don’t want it. Our enemy does.

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It’s now Israeli vs. Jew

And we went from Justice to Pragmatism

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“Speaking the Truth” (5 min)

Let’s see how a proud Jew speaks to President Obama

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What the PA doesn’t show it’s children

• Joseph’s Tomb - 1900 & today in Shechem - the Arabs call it Nablus, [from the Roman “Napulus”] and they claim they’ve been there for thousands of years. They claim that they are “Palestinian”, even though the Romans created this name, too.

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• Why was the PLO created in 1964 if the “Occupied Territories” weren’t occupied until 1967?

• The original PLO Charter says that the “Palestinians” have NO CLAIM to the “West Bank” and Gaza (they only make claim to pre-67 Israel), but after the 67 War this was revised.

• In 1974, Arafat & Abbas wrote the “Phased Plan” which documents how the PLO should take whatever land it can get from Israel through negotiations, and then use this land for the military assault to annihilate Israel.

• Notice ALL OF ISRAEL in the PLO’s logo

• PLO Charter (1964 & 68) & the 1974 “Phased Plan” call for the armed destruction of Israel by the “Palestinian People” and for Palestine to replace Israel.

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• "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism."

• PLO Executive Committee member Zuhir Muhsein stated in a published interview in the Dutch magazine Trouw in 1977:

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• End PLO Terror• Destroy Terrorist Organizations • Educate for peace, no incitement• Preserve Holy Sites• Recognize Israel, change Charter• Work out conflict with dialogue only


• They didn’t even ATTEMPT to fulfill any of them!

“Palestinian” Commitments

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But Bibi wants to make concessions to the real enemy.

• The “Moderate” Abu Mazen:• Holocaust Denier, Munich Financier,

Author of PLO’s Phased Plan to destroy Israel.

• “We won’t stop until all occupied territories are liberated and our capital is Jerusalem.”

• The “right of return” will never be given up. He’ll recognize Israel, but only after it absorbs 5 million Arabs and becomes a Muslim-majority country.

• He’ll never disarm the terrorists. This is understood, as his group, Fatah, has committed more terror acts than Hamas since 2000.

• “It’s ok to kill Jews, but for now, only outside the 67 borders”

• He and Arafat have never lived up to any of their obligations.

• His guards even tried to assassinate Olmert in 2007 before the Annapolis conference.

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Let’s See what the “palestinians” teach their


(1 min)“kids”

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Now let’s see what the PA has created in their children

• “What could be better than going to Paradise?”

(2 min)“shahada for kids”

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And how do the “palestinians” behave when they grow up?

“lynch” (2 min)

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In August 2009 the PLO

“Moderates” said…

• “Fatah does not recognize Israel’s right to exist, nor have we ever asked others to do so,” said senior Fatah member Rafik Natsheh, a close associate of Fatah, PLO and PA leader, the “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas.

• Media reports, according to which Fatah has recognized Israel and has called on Hamas to do the same, are false, Natsheh said in an interview with the pan-Arab daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

• “It’s all media nonsense. We don’t ask other factions to recognize Israel; we ourselves do not recognize Israel,” he said.

• Fatah controls the PA in Judea and Samaria, and is the party of Abbas. Unlike the rival breakaway PA led by Hamas in Gaza, the Fatah-led PA has agreed to recognize Israel, although it will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

• The PA recognizes Israel because if it did not, it would not be able to “serve the Palestinian people,” Natsheh explained. However, Fatah does not have such constraints.

• Not only will Fatah never recognize Israel, but it will never end its call for armed struggle against Israel, he said.

• “Let those who are deluding themselves hear: this will never happen,” he said.

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The Muslim World has 1,200 times more land than Israel.

Why would dividing Israel bring world peace?

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JERUSALEMWho does it belong to?

• The Muslim Umayyad Dynasty (661-750) ruled from Damascus but had no holy sites• 691 & 705 – They built the Dome of the Rock and then Al-Aksa mosque on the ruins

of the 2nd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem & created mythic association with Qur’an. (Muhammed died in 632. The Qur’an states that he went to heaven on his “midnight ride” before his death from the “farthest mosque”. The farthest mosque was in Medina, but the Umayyads called their new mosque “The Farthest Mosque” (The Al-Aksa Mosque) and said that this is where Muhammed went to heaven from.) As the Al-Aksa Mosque wasn’t built until 73 years after Muhammad died, how could this be the mosque referred to in the Qur’an.

• All of the Islamic Dynasties ruled from places other than Jerusalem.• From 1948-67, when this site was Arab controlled, not 1 Arab leader visited it!!!• Jerusalem is mentioned approx. 800 times in the Jewish Bible, but not at all in

the Qur’an. So who should Jerusalem belong to?

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Security-wise, can Israel retreat further?

• Israel needs “Defensible Borders” - and all UN resolutions permit this.

• 67 US Joint Chiefs Report (and 74 Military Staff College Report): Israel must keep almost all of Judea/Samaria/Gaza and Golan- to remain militarily defensible.

• Technology can’t ever take the place of 3000 ft mountains.

• The mountains are the ideal defense or the ideal platform to attack from.

• Why is the US pushing it’s “friend” to become militarily indefensible?

Maj-Gen (ret.) Yaakov Amidror

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If the “palestinians” have no legitimate right to Israel and have no legitimate claim to Jerusalem;

consider themselves no different from other Arabs;even the “moderates” refuse to ever

live in peace with Israel;and Israel needs to keep its heartland for security

as well as for its commitment to G-d;

Why do all “establishment” Israeli and American leaders insist on carving a state for them out of our

biblical heartland?

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What have we received for trying to “fit in”?

• The more land Israel gives away, the more Jews die.• Many more Jews have died from terror acts since 93 than in the prior 45

years of the state. Over 2,000 dead and over 10,000 maimed.• So the “peace process” is really the “death process” for Israel.

Shalhevet Pass, HY”D Gal Eisenman, HY”D

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How does the Israeli Government Respond?

Of course, by evicting Jews

“gaza out” (4 min)

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Then we started “Counting the Olmert”

----------------------------Ehud Olmert became Acting Israeli Prime Minister

and decided the best way to win the job permanently was to evict and brutalize Jews.

Let’s see what he did at Amona.“Amona” (9 min)

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Now Bibi the “right winger”

• Now he is destroying 26 Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria, and also has ended all construction throughout J&S.

• Pledged to end Oslo, but continued it, resulting in Jewish bloodshed (Shalhevet Pass)• Responded to Arafat murdering 16 Jews by giving him 30,000 rifles• Released Jew-murderers and those who went on to murder over 30 Jews (Iwad Sawalha); Yet

he gave up on freeing Jonathan Pollard• Voted in FAVOR of Sharon’s Expulsion, yet quit 1 week prior to its implementation when it

couldn’t be stopped.• In 2006 said that a “Palestinian” state in J&S is “a fait accompli”.• In 2008 said that he’ll work to strengthen the “palestinian” economy and its security and

governmental institutions to “make” Abbas into a partner for peace, so he can continue Oslo, even though the Likud’s charter is opposed to Oslo, and even though his electorate opposes it.

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Khaled Abu Toameh- JPost

• He understands Arab behavior – they say in English they want peace but in Arabic they say that they will destroy Israel; but he can’t figure out the behavior of the Israeli government.

• “Why do they keep trying to make peace with people who obviously are lying about wanting to make peace?”


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And the Lebanon War Fiasco?

-----------Defense Minister Peretz surveys the War through

closed binoculars

• Olmert only used 30,000 soldiers to fight an enemy which used guns and killed 161 Jews, whereas Ariel Sharon used 55,000 soldiers to expel unarmed Jews. We can see who they think is the real enemy.

• He didn’t use enough soldiers, and he didn’t use them quickly enough because he wanted to win the war without winning any land.

• Olmert actually said that he wanted to show you can win a war without taking land, and if this is possible, then he could give away more Israeli land – our biblical heartland - to our enemies. This would be his “Convergence” plan – whereby he would evict another 100,000 Jews from their homes in the Land of Israel.

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Why Did the Soldiers Evict Jews?

• Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu _____ ______• Only 47% of Jewish Israeli Junior High School boys

completed this sentence in 2005 - in Holon. Nobel winner Yisrael Aumann thinks 60% of Israeli Jews can’t finish this sentence.

• How many of these boys had set foot anywhere in Jerusalem before they entered the army in 2005?

• Only 28% • They don’t know who they are, and they don’t

know why the Land is ours, so of course they’ll expel their fellow Jews from their homes.

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So What Have Israel’s Leaders Actually Stood


• They wanted Israel to be a “nation like the other nations”. • They wanted Jews to become Israelis.• Shimon Peres (1996), “The Israelis lost the election”.• It’s the Settlers who the “Israelis” say are stopping them

from being accepted by the world. Therefore, the Settlers are the true enemy. To the Israelis, the Settlers are “the Jews”.

• The State, the Law, the army, etc. are their gods.

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What did the Israeli Supreme Court say about Sharon’s Gaza


• The Israel High Court of Justice declared in June 2005 that Israeli citizens who live in Judea, Samaria & Gaza have no human rights and no civil liberties, and that’s why this plan is legal.

• Where where the American Jewish organizations that aim to protect the Human & Civil Rights of Jews worldwide? The ADL, etc…

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How do Jews in Israel feel?

• They see corrupt, defeatist, politicians everywhere. They see that when they vote left they get left, and when they vote right, they still get the left.

• In Israel, the majority of non-observant Jews think that Israel won’t exist in 30 years, and they are preparing for this. The doom and gloom and hopelessness are everywhere

• Most non-observant Jews in Israel & worldwide accept the “Palestinian Narrative”;

• Why does everyone accept the Arab point of view?

• Why doesn’t Israel state it’s case better and stand up for its rights? Why does Israel insist on bending over backwards to appease it’s enemies?

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How Do American Jews

Feel About Israel?

• In the US, over 80% of Jews think that the Arabs’ goal is to destroy Israel,

• Yet over 60% of American Jews support the creation of an Arab state in Israel;

• What’s going on with us?• Isn’t there another way?

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Does Israel need

American Help?

• American aid ($2.7B/year) actually costs Israel money, 100,000 jobs and her real and/or perceived sovereignty. It’s ex-trade minister agrees.

• America enforced an arms embargo against Israel in 48; “forgot” its pledge to defend Israel in 67; insisted Israel absorb 39 scud hits in 91 and then withheld loan guarantees and forced Israel to Madrid, tells Israel to always respond “proportionately” to attacks; and has always supported the slicing of Israel.

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What’s the

Bottom Line?

• Is it any wonder then, that if Israel refuses to assert its rights, irrationally tries to give away its land to those who haven’t honored any obligations, acts like it is an occupier, refuses to teach its people their own heritage, and treats their own people who wish to keep their heritage as the real enemy, that Jews worldwide would feel detached from Israel?

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So What REALLY Happened? Haaretz Editorial - July 8, 2005

• Haaretz said that they know the Gaza Expulsion plan is:

• Bad for security, • Bad for the economy, and• Bad for the “peace process”

• But they still favored it. WHY???

• “The real question is who sets the national agenda” - The Israelis or the Jews.

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Turning the State of the Jews

Into the Jewish State

• So is there any hope? Is there a solution?



• Let’s be a Light Unto the Nations – not take orders from the Nations!

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We Want Israel to be “A Light Unto the Nations”And we threaten the hegemony of the establishment

Our message is NOT one of “reciprocity”It is one of Jewish Pride – and we are making great progress

This is a true revolution.

• 1 Hour of Jewish Education in School per day: Education for ALL Israelis based on Jewish values and instilling Jewish identity.

• Installation of Democracy based on Jewish values: A constitution will be enacted to preserve Israel as a Jewish country – the first step being to introduce legislative districts.

• Remake the Justice System based on Jewish values: the Supreme Court will not elect its own members anymore.

• Financial & Energy Independence: Stop taking aid from the USA. It’s only 2% of our GNP, it will make us money, end our unemployment crisis, and enable us to regain our real & perceived sovereignty. We’ll initiate a massive government-run plan to develop alternative energy sources.

• We’ll end the Oslo Accords:– We’ll honor our biblical covenant with G-d and annex & settle all the Land of Israel that we won in

1967.– This plan also honors the philosophy of common sense – namely since the Arabs have attacked us

and lost these territories, they deserve to have a penalty. As such, they will never recover these territories.

• End the Arab Uprising:– Among Israeli Arabs and in the territories. – The Arabs will know democratically that Israel is now not their home. (schools, taxes, welfare

payments, language, building permits, etc.)– The “peace process” costs Israel $1.5 Billion every year. We’ll use the funds one time as

incentives for the Arabs to leave. We can afford to give each Arab family approx $200,000 to leave.• Return Moral Strength and Power of Deterrence to the IDF: The world must understand that we will

strike first when required, and we will enable the IDF to destroy our enemies if required. We will remove the words “proportionate response” from our vocabulary.

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Turning the State of the Jews

Into the Jewish State

• We are in the Likud because the Likud produces Prime Ministers, and we aim to lead Israel; (would Obama be president if had run as an Independent?)

• The Likud is also the only party which is a true cross-section of Israeli society;

• We agree with the Official Likud Charter which calls for Annexation of the entire Land of Israel, and for the state being run with Jewish Values.

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• In the race for head of the party, Moshe has climbed from 3% (2003) to 12% (2006) to 24% (2007)

• In the 2008 Primary for the Knesset slate, Moshe finished 20th (he should have been in the top 10 but was pushed down to 20th by Netanyahu removing polling stations where Moshe was strong) and then to 36th by Netanyahu in a dubious “after-the-election” political maneuver.

• 13 of our top 15 recommended candidates won seats, whereas only 3 of Bibi’s top 15 won.

• We have 140 seats in the Likud Central Committee (the largest faction), and there is an election coming up this year.


Turning the State of the Jews

Into the Jewish State

What Have We Accomplished So Far?

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Now let’s hear a personal message From Moshe

“Moshe address” (10 min)

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• Tell your friends to join the Likud ASAP• Of course – donate• Distribute our Shul Newsletter weekly• Join or start a local Manhigut Yehudit chapter

(contact us at the emails below)– Become an online activist – Contact your local media and convince them to feature

our ideas and articles

Turning the State of the Jews

Into the Jewish State

What Can You Do?

[email protected] [email protected]

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How Many Votes

Separated Bibi & Feiglin?

At the last election for head of the Likud?

Only 15,000If only 15,000 more of our supporters join Likud, Moshe Feiglin will be the next head of the Likud and the probable next Prime Minister.

That’s how close it is!!

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100,000Visited Hebron on Sukkot

250,000Made a Human Chain for Gush Katif

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The people are there…

Help us go get them!

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We need you.Am Yisrael Needs

YouWon’t you get

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