Download - Moses Story by Lulu, Riley, Amelia & Holly

Page 1: Moses Story by Lulu, Riley, Amelia & Holly

The Story of Moses

By Lulu, Riley, Holly and Amelia

Page 2: Moses Story by Lulu, Riley, Amelia & Holly

The Hebrews had to work very hard to build the pyramids.

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The pharaoh was very mean. He made the Hebrews his slaves. He said all baby Hebrew boys must be killed.

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A Hebrew girl had a baby boy and she was worried that he would be killed. She hid him in the reeds in the river.

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An Egyptian princess found the baby in a basket. She named him Moses.

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The princess carried the baby Moses to her house. She looked after him.

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Moses grew up to be a big strong man. He was very important.