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Operating Procedure

MOP #101

MOP for Commissioning the NUSS (Nokia Ultra Site Support)

Table of contents

1. PURPOSE..................................................................................................................................22. POLICY AND GUIDELINES.......................................................................................................23. PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................24. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY.........................................................................................17

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Step 1: Open PSM Manager 3.0

Step 2: Go to Manage, then Connect Locally

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Step 3: Verify you have the right settings: For NUSS 4084 for IBBU 4085Logical channel is 7 and speed is 57600 the press Connect

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Step 4: You will see a warning message appear do not be alarmed it is normal, just press OK

Step 5: Go to Manage then Commissioning Wizard.

Step 6: Put in your name and installation notes such as New Build, Nuss Add, etc.Press Next

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Step 7: Select system type for Nuss, which is Ultra Site (Support), put in the number of batteries on the site usually it is 4, it is not necessary that you need to change the rectifier number as this is auto detected, verify rectifier capacity is at 1300 w, then press Next

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Step 8: If site is an outdoor cabinet select outdoor cabinet, otherwise the fan in the door or the switch will not function, verify external cabinets is No, this is referencing a Nokia cabinet which is used for more battery back up capacity it is not for E911 cabinet. Press Next.

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Step 9: Put in user guide you are using to commission Nuss such as DNS00275316 user guide version 1-0 as used in this example, put in actual site name, then the 10 digit AWS ID for the site, for site location put in the actual site address. Next locate the CRMA serial number usually located at the top right of the cabinet and record serial number and product ID, for ID Firmware Version put in appropriate product type usually it is CRMB 11, for manufacturer name put in Nokia. Press Next.

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Step 10: Locate serial numbers on top of the battery, starts with a SN and record in battery 1. Hardware Version will be 12 V for IBBU it is CS70403, firmware version is usually SBS C11, and manufacturer name is usually Hawker but sometimes a different battery it used such as Power Safe. Do this for all four batteries. Press Next

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Step 11: The next field the CCUA serial number should come up automatically just verify it is correct, for test time stamp locate Test Instruction which will be in your test reports that came with the cabinet. At the bottom of the document there will be a date record in the field that date. If you do not have the document use the date you are commissioning the NUSS. Press Next.

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Step 12: Press Commission

Step 13: Once commissioning is complete press Next.

Step 14: Right click on high lighted report and copy then go to start and find your notepad file and right click then select paste, save file as 10 digit ID plus what type of work you are doing _ PSMCOMMRPT, ie..NYNYNJ0409D_PSMCOMMRPT.

Step 15: Go back to PSM Manager and Press Finish.

Step 16: Go to alarms, view, then alarms, monitor, every 10 seconds.

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Step 17: Go down to alarm field and right click on Critical PDU AC Over voltage Protectors tripped. Go to Properties, functional entity, 4. PDU.

Step 18: Right click on alarm code 20576 (AC Over Voltage Protectors Tripped)Go to Perm State then press inhibited. (Alarm should clear after 20 seconds)

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Step 19: For outdoor sites go to Functional Entity 3. Cabinet right click on code 20561 door open and change severity from warning to Minor (This allows OMC and LOC to monitor door open alarm on NUSS.

Step 20: Close out of alarm properties you should now only have warning alarm log cleared, minor door open alarm and minor CCUA alarm PSM 3.

Step 21: Go to Maintenance, tests then select fans, for 3 rectifiers press start test on fan 1, and fan 2 you can run test at the same time. BLOA Fan fail will take a while to show up its best to go to the next step to save time.

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Step 22: Locate Phase Monitor Fuses on the front of ADUB labeled L1, L2 and L3, undo them by pressing it and turning to the left, you should get three mains breakdown phase 1, 2 and 3 plus a Mains Breakdown with Battery Back Up. Once this achieved press fuses in and turn to the right on all three ensuring alarms clear.

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Step 23: Once this is complete your BLOA Fan fail 1 and 2 should now be present. BLOA Fan fail 3 if you have five rectifiers. Once present go back to maintenance, tests, fans and stop tests on the fans you performed test for usually fan 1 and 2.

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Step 24: Locate main circuit breaker panel and turn off all three Nuss circuit breakers usually labeled NUSS 1, NUSS 2 and NUSS 3. Once they are off monitor alarm log for mains breakdown alarms.

Step 25: Once alarms are present turn main circuit breakers back on.

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Step 26: Go to Configure, climatic control, measurements. Plug in Heat Shrink Gun and warm up temperature sensor located on the bridge of the batteries press refresh monitoring temperature until 45 C is achieved sparking the high temperature alarm. Once alarm is achieved do your best to cool the sensor down for alarm to go away.

Step 27: You are now done commissioning the NUSS save all appropriate files. Nokia requires the PSM Event Log saved as follows NYNYNJ0409_PSMLOG.

Step 28: Go to alarm window right click and press clear select delete alarm history at Node. Then close out of PSM Manager.

Step 29: When Save to Flash Memory appears press Yes.

PSM Manager should close up now.

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Date Rev. No.

Originator DCN No. Summary of Change

12/28/2004 01 DN 04207805 Initial Draft

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