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Monthly Lessons Archive 1998

Monthly Lessons Archive 1998

June 1998

THE THEMASWOT TECHNIQUE After many years of being led into traps I developed a magical technique which I am going to give you and which you are never to forget. It will save you being dragged into things you dont want to be dragged into. It is as follows:

Them-as-wot makes the suggestion:Does the work,Makes the decisions,And pays the dough. This will free you of one of the slickest, smoothest, outrageous con games that one human being can ever play on another. Watch carefully in your human relationships how lazy people who want a thrill will try to con you into doing something while they get the maximum amount of pleasure and the minimum amount of work. You have no idea how subtle they can be. The suggestion might be Dont you think we had better do this, and theres a pause until the other person takes the bait.

DONT GET INVOLVED WITH NUTS Always leave a nut with his own nuttiness. There is your liberty. Watch how a nut challenges you, criticizes you, and dont fall for it. I am not saying you cant learn from the criticism. You watch how a depressed, sour person tries to drag you into his problem. Refuse it and leave it with him. He wants you to become involved. You are not required to. See how neurotic people try to drain your energy by trying to get you involved with what is bothering them.

WRITE DOWN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE WHEN LOST IN THE JUNGLE IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE WHETHER I STUMBLE LEFT OR RIGHT. You dont make choices they make you. Catch yourself saying What should I do? And ask yourself Who is asking the question? What is asking the question is a very apprehensive so-called you inside that wants to perpetuate itself in needing to go this way or that. You cant perpetuate an illusion. What you can do is cease to identify with your stumbling to the left or to the right. Make a supreme effort when you make a choice to watch what is happening to you and watch which way you are impelled to go, but dont say I am going left or I am going right. Just see that there is a going.