Download - Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

Page 1: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

Volume XV, No. XXXIVCommunity News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996


Thursday, sepTember 2 - sepTember 8, 2010

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Please see page 13 Please see page 13


Pasadena Women Celebrate The Right to Vote

Hot Music Cools Pasadena at Inaugural Jazz Festival

Erik Schrody, better known by his stage name Everlast, is a Grammy-Award winning Irish-American rapper and singer-songwriter, known for his solo hit “What It’s Like” and as the front-man for rap group House of Pain. Everlast was one of over 20 top musicians who performed at the inauguaral Pasadena Jazz Festival sonsored by Red White and Bluezz.

More Photos and story see page 9

Some ArcadiaResidents Not Happy With Coyote Trapping

By Terry Miller

Photo by Terry Miller

For a complete list of music selections, dance lessons and event details

Moonlight & MelodiesJoin Westfield Santa Anita for live music and dance lessonsFriday nights on the Promenade, September 10–October 15, 2010

400 S. Baldwin AvenueArcadia CA 91007626.445.6255

Public Hearingon Medical Marijuana Dispensary -September 13Pamela Park

The Los Angeles County’s Regional Planning Commis-

sion will hear staff reprorts and recommendations, consider all public testimo-ny and dedide on an appli-cation for a conditional use permit for a Medical Mari-juana Dispensary at 4332 East Live Oak in Arcadia.

Owners of the prop-erty and proposed site are working with community members to educate the neighbors about not only the merits of medical mari-juana and also the hi tech security systems Leon San Blas and partner Bob Doo-little are installing to pre-vent any theft.

Leon San Blas’ vi-sion is to help those with medical conditions that would benefit from medi-cal marijuana, but only if they have a valid doctor’s prescription.

The issues surrounding medical marijuana are as complex as they are divisive.

Lillian San Filippo, 5, of Altadena, held a sign almost twice her size… “Votes For Women” dur-ing the Women’s Organi-zations of Greater Pasade-na which was celebrating the 90th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amend-ment, by walking around

The City of Arcadia’s decision to spend $30,000 on a coyote trapping program has brought out a plethora of reaction in the community.

This newspaper and oth-ers have received numerous calls and letters regarding the issue.

We published a resi-dent’s letter recently con-demning the decision. Dur-ing public comment at a city council meeting recently residents also voiced the ob-jection that these creatures deserve to right to live just as each of us does.

Pointing out that man has infringed on wildlife with development, one reader was devastated that a city would take such drastic action to control wildlife.

Common sense and extra precaution are the key-words in preventing wild ani-mal attacks...

The program, which has trapped a few coyotes since it began Aug. 16, was suspended two years ago due to budgetary constraints, said special projects manager Linda Garcia.

The trapped coyotes are euthanized since state law prohibits trapped coyotes from being relocated to other areas, she said.

Mayor Peter Amundson said he thinks we need to learn to live with them (Coy-otes) ... but asserted that the trapping program was some-thing (the city) had to do in response to complaints of coyote attacks.

By comparison, Pasa-dena has numerous coyote attacks involving pets and yet many residents choose to deal with the issue with plan-ning and keeping food sourc-

By Terry Miller

The City of Sierra Madre is sponsoring two “Walk and Talks” and Community Water Fo-rums dedicated to the top-ic of water operations, wa-ter capital improvements, and water department finances. Residents can

Sierra Madre Water Forum Sept 13

Please see page 2

Please see page 12

monroviaweekly.comMonrovia Weekly

Page 2: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

2 September 2 - September 8, 2010

By Dorothy Denne

Dorothy's Place

Compassionate Care. Conscientious Service.

Suffering from Pelvic Pain?

Free Pain Treatment LectureI. Michael MineHart MD, FIPP Interventional Pain Specialist

September 15, 2010 / 6:30-7:30PM

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Space Limited. RSVP to 866-784-3125.Or Call for an Appointment.


I was always taught to re-spect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one. This is for all “old timers” (meaning everyone maybe over 60?) who no longer use a clothesline, and probably haven’t given one a thought in years. But, I don’t think we should forget how to properly use one, just in case................


1. You had to wash the clothesline before hanging any clothes. Walk the entire length of each line wiping the line with a damp cloth.

2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang “whites” with “whites”, and hang them first.

3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders - always by the tail. What would the neighbors think?

4. Wash day on a Mon-day...Never hang clothes on the weekend, certainly not Sunday, for Heaven’s sake!

5. Hang the sheets and tow-els on the outside lines so you could hide your “unmention-ables” in the middle (perverts & busybodies, y’know!)

6. It didn’t matter if it was sub-zero weather...Clothes would “freeze-dry.”

7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes. Pins left on the line were “tacky!”

8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one with the next washed item.

9. Clothes had to be off the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed.

10. IRONED? Well, that’s a whole other subject! POEM:A clothesline was a news fore-castTo neighbors passing by.There were no secrets you could keepWhen clothes were hung to dry. It also was a friendly linkFor neighbors always knew If company had stopped on byTo spend a night or two.For then you’d see the “fancy sheets”And towels upon the line;You’d see the “company table cloths”With intricate design. The line announced a baby’s birthFrom folks who lived inside -

As brand new infant clothes were hung, So carefully with pride. The ages of the children could So readily be known.By watching how the sizes changed,You’d know how much they’d grown. It also told when illness struck,As extra sheets were hung;Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,Haphazardly were strung. It also said, “Gone on vaca-tion now”When lines hung limp and bare.It told, “We’re back” when full lines saggedWith not an inch to spare. New folks in town were scorned upon If wash was dingy and gray,As neighbors carefully raised their brows,And looked the other way.... But clotheslines now are of the past,For dryers make work much less,Now what goes on inside a homeIs any body’s guess. I really miss that way of life.It was a friendly signWhen neighbors knew each other bestBy what hung on the line!


Coming Soon519 S. Myrtle Ave. - Monrovia

If you liked Pilgram’s & Card HeavenThen you’ll LOVE ...

tour the water treatment & distribution plant, meet wa-ter department staff, learn about what’s involved in providing quality water, obtain information about the department’s finances, and most importantly, ask questions. Community Water Forums are another opportunity to learn about the City’s water depart-ment, finances, operations,

and ask questions, without the need to walk around the water department maintenance facility.

This fall, the Sierra Madre City Council will discuss increasing the City’s water rates, again. The city is asking for your input and comments at a Walk & Talk, or a Commu-nity Water Forum, or by contacting City Hall – the

City Council will use your input and comments when they discuss a future water rate increase.

Community Water Forum - Monday, Sept. 13, 7:00 pm Youth Activ-ity Center - 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.

Walk & Talk - Wednesday, Sept. 29, 6:00 pm Public Works Yard - 621 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.

Sierra Madre Water ForumContinued from page 1

Page 3: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 3

Dear EditorThat individual Don-

ald Skelton who assaulted people with his vehicle;

were you aware that because of his act and be-cause of the Hispanic that

attacked Control 21 at East Fork, a safety alert was issued for the ANF?

The alert has been canceled but his actions coupled to the previous

incident raised safety alerts across the whole ANF.

Any way, awesome photographs of the fire suppression effort *and* of the arrest. I’m glad that guy is currently off our streets and getting some

forced evaluation.Name withheld:

Via Email


Dear Editor,Thank you for printing

my letter of concern about the wildlife in the area. Thank you also for clarify-ing your article on coyote attacks and explaining the reasons for increased wild-life sightings. It is true, coy-otes rarely attack humans.

I stand corrected in reference to educating im-migrant residents about “our” wildlife. It is not “our” wildlife, therefore not ours to kill. I should have said, “ the indigenous wildlife.”

I, myself, am an im-migrant, as well as the vast majority of my neigh-bors who have lived here for years. The majority of new residents moving in are as well, thus, my use of the term, “immigrant resi-dents.”

I should have,instead, included anyone moving into the neighborhood from an urban area, not just people from other countries. I apologize.

I spoke out of concern. The wildlife has become endeared to me after wit-nessing undue hate toward them. From seeing people throw rocks and scream at deer, to demanding bears be shot and killed by po-lice, to the hiring of a trap-per to kill coyotes. Your ar-ticle on the coyote attacks, was in my opinion, an ex-ploitation of peoples fears, making matters worse for wildlife. Fear is what I am trying to diminish in

my neighborhood through education. I felt compelled to speak up because I have seen very little done to promote wildlife’s right to exist.Other communities are more tolerant of wild-life, why is it that Arcadia is not? The wildlife that was here before any of us should be treated with the respect they deserve.

I stand by my opinion that education for residents is the key. Killing should be a last resort.

Once again, I apolo-gize for causing any misin-terpretation.

Thanks you, Karen Schade


Warning for people who have small dogs and children.

After reading all the stories of Coyote’s being seen around ourArcadia neighborhoods, I thought I would share a Coyote story thathappened to my dear friend’s Kristina, John and Andrew.

A few sunday’s ago, around 8 pm, their little 14 year old Pomerian dog named Misia went outside to do her business, but she never came back into the house. They called for her, and went looking all

over the neighbor-hood, but to no avail did they find their precious little dog. Needless to say, they were heartbroken and spent a sleepless night wor-rying about Misia.

After hearing the sad

news, I suggested that they put up flyers with with

her picture and their phone number, in case anyone had spotted

Misia. A neighbor who lived in the back of them on the next street,

called and stated that a clump of fur had been found in his yard, so

they assumed that a coyote had scaled the 6 foot fence and carried

their sweet Misia away.My dear friends were

just devastated and heart broke over their loss,

so John drove to Long Beach and got another Pom puppy wholooked ex-acty like Misia.

Well, I must tell you, two weeks later Little Misia went outside to doher busi-ness, and they herd her scream, they all rushed outsideyelling and clap-ping their hands, only to see a coyote ready to jump

the fence with Misia in it’s mouth, the coyote dropped the little puppy,

and she was whipper-ing and lifeless.

Kristina wrapped her bloody limp body in a towel, and they rushedher to the animal emergency hospital. The vet mended her woundswith staples and IV, it was touch and go for a few days, but by thegrace of God, Misia sur-vived the attack, and after three weeks, she isalmost back to her happy bouncy self.

We live in an urban jungle, it may look like a tranquil setting, but there

are wild animals lurk-ing about. About 10 years ago, my husband

and I had a Coyote come thru an open door

and we found it hiding inour bedroom, it was

very shocking to see this wild animal in our

house, we called ani-mal control and they re-moved it, thank

goodness.So please keep a

watchful eye on your chil-dren and small pets, to

avoid a tragic coyote at-tack.

Sue Herron

EDITOR’S NOTE:As with all wildlife, au-

thorities recommend you keep your pets in at night and do not leave any food sources outside.

M E D I A , I N C .

Address:125 E. Chestnut Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016

Phone: (626) 301-1010

Publisher/editor in ChiefVon Raees

editoriAleditorTerry Miller

PhotogrAPherTerry Miller

ColumnistsDorothy DenneWally Hage

soCiAl editorFloretta Lauber

ContributorsSusan MotanderBill PetersTom GammillSue BehrensCandyce ColumbusGreg Aragon

internsAmy LeongEnid LeeElaine Tsui

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sAles mAnAgerAndrea Olivas

sAlesBrad HealyVictor Buell

legAl AdvertisingJennifer Elrod

ACCountingVera Shamon

submissions PoliCy

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This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, with-out the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.

the Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number gs 004333.

the monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general Circulation in Court Case gs 004759.


By Tom Gammill

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Letters to the Editor

Sierra Madre Water Forum

Page 4: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

4 September 2 - September 8, 2010

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Alverno High School, a Catholic, college preparatory

school for young women, located at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains, is celebrating fifty years of educating young women.

For this, its Gold An-niversary, empowerment is the institution’s main theme, since this is some-thing the school has from its first days sought to achieve and, as most will heartily agree, accomplished for the

last five decades. The fac-ulty and staff’s overwhelm-ing enthusiasm for teaching young girls throughout the years that the world is at their fingertips and there are no limits to their ambi-tions and dreams, is, itself, worthy of celebrating.

The school has cho-sen to commemorate its achievements over the last fifty years with a series of benefits and events during the 2010-2011 academic calendar year. These

events aim to unite the school community with the surrounding community, which have for so long ben-efited from each other. Go-ing forward, Alverno High School’s goal, as it has al-ways been, will be to main-tain its high standards and lofty objectives not only for the current students, but also for prospective ones and, indeed, future genera-tions of young women.

On September 18, 2010, Alverno High School

will kick start the fall sea-son with a cocktail recep-tion and program. In the spring, the school is holding its annual gala and auction with dinner and dancing to be held on March 19, 2011. And, to conclude the year-long celebration, a commu-nity-wide family barbeque and picnic will be held May 21, 2011.

These events will be held on the school’s his-toric campus in the charm-ing City of Sierra Madre.

People from all surround-ing communities are in-vited to attend any and all of these events; after all, Al-verno High School draws students from across South-ern California and sends them throughout the world as conscientious and ac-complished young women. For further information on obtaining tickets for any of these events, please contact Wendy Finch-Burk, Direc-tor of Development and Alumnae Relations.

Alverno High School Celebrates The Golden Years of Educating Women

Youths will soon have 12 school playgrounds to choose from for their after-school recreation and en-richment.

Organized by the city of Pasadena Human Ser-vices and Recreation De-partment, the After School Playground program is a so-cially active experience that lets children choose from among many activities.

“Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy setting on the playground that is fun for children,” said Darrell Walker, recreation supervi-sor.

Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 14, the program will be available to children ages 5 to 14 years old, and includes sports, a health and wellness program, arts and crafts, drama, dance, board games, homework assistance and free snacks at most sites.

Programs are at Pasa-dena Unified School District playgrounds throughout Pasadena and operate from school dismissal bell through 6 p.m. daily. Programs are closed on school holidays and pupil-free days.

School locations are:

Don Benito, 3700 De-nair St.

Field, 3600 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.

Hamilton, 2089 Rose Villa St.

Jackson, 593 W. Wood-bury Rd.

Jefferson, 1500 E. Vil-la StLongfellow, 1065 E. Washington Blvd.

James Madison, 515 Ashtabula St.

Roosevelt, 314 N. Pasa-dena Ave.

San Rafael, 1090 Niths-dale Rd.

Webster, 2101 E. Wash-ington Blvd.

Willard, 301 S. Madre Ave.

Enrollment fees per school semester are $25 per child and $22.50 for each additional sibling.

Registration is now available at (click on View Activities). Walk-in registration is available at Jackie Robinson Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave.

For more information con-tact Stephanie Carter at (626) 744-7532, [email protected] or Elizabeth Luna at (626) 744-7302, [email protected].

Pasadena Offers After School Recreation

In just a few weeks, more than 1,000 Pasadena-area young women are esti-mated to become a part of Pasadena history as they par-ticipate in this unique selec-tion process. This is a won-derful opportunity for young women who live in the Pasadena surrounding area to represent not only their city, but their school and the Tournament of Roses. After a month-long try-out process,

seven finalists will be named to the 2011 Royal Court.

As ambassadors of the Tournament of Roses® and the city of Pasadena, the 2011 Rose Queen & Royal Court will reign over the 122nd Rose Parade® and 97th Rose Bowl Game® on January 1, themed Build-ing Dreams, Friendships & Memories. The New Year celebration will be seen by millions of people around

the world. Participants can pre-reg-

ister for the 2010-2011 Rose Queen and Royal Court Tryouts by submitting an ap-plication at

The Rose Queen & Royal Court initial tryouts will take place: Saturday, September 18, 2009, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Monday, Sep-tember 20, 2009, 3 p.m. – 5

p.m.Tournament House,

391 South Orange Grove Boulevard, Pasadena, Ca.

Representatives of the Tournament of Roses and former Royal Court Mem-bers will be conducting in-formational sessions at area schools over the next few weeks. Contact your school administrators or the Tour-nament of Roses for more information.

Young Pasadena-Area Women Compete For Rose Royalty

Call 626-301-1010

to advertise your business

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or Victor

Page 5: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 5

By Fran SyverSon

One glance at the Fremont Centre Theatre stage, and we’re pretty sure that a man lives there. Or possibly men. It’s sure one messy room—rumpled magazines, a roll of paper towels, and take-out food trays (empty) are strewn about on the floor. Furni-ture is makeshift: a couple of plastic crates with a board on top suffice as a chest; a cardboard box serves as the “occasional” table beside an overstuffed chair.

We are obviously peeking into someone’s private lifestyle. Meet Ste-phen Rider as he enters exuberantly and sashays about, talking to himself and trying his hand at three-card-monte. He’s Booth, and his brother is Lincoln—so-named by their dad in a kind of mis-directed joke. The joke seems double-edged when Lincoln arrives home af-ter work. He’s actually in the guise of President Lin-coln, a black man wear-ing white-face makeup, a fake beard, and a top hat for his role in an amuse-ment arcade where his job is to be “assassinated” re-peatedly by the audience. From the get-go, we sense the crackling tensions be-tween these men with their opposite ways of managing to muddle through their lives’ limitations.

Lincoln is a past-mas-ter at three-card-monte, a game of deception for tricking players out of their money. But in his steady, new job as Lincoln, Jed Reynolds is somber and determined. He has opted for security of sorts, albeit low-paying, and wants to hold that job. Now he defends his choice as he watches Booth heading back for the streets (if only he can get to be as good as Lincoln once was with the card game scam.) Lincoln refuses to help Booth hone his technique, struggling to keep both of them away from the allure of the quick buck and the high life.

Thus the confronta-tions start to rise between these two African-Amer-ican men. Women get into the picture, too. Their presence is palpable, de-

spite never being on stage. Both men have had disap-pointing love lives, but that doesn’t keep Booth from romantically conjuring dreams of his conquests. As he prepares for a tryst, he does a hilarious job of tidying his room, complete with skootching his girlie magazines out of sight, and coming up with glamor-ous, red satin his-and-hers robes. It’s in scenes such as this that the fast-talking,

fast-moving intensity of the drama is lightened inter-mittently with good doses of humor.

Booth also comes up with new wardrobes for both men. Illegally, true—but he manages with charm and panache. Lincoln, despite his new “clean” life, dons his share of the boosted loot as they both aim for a night out. It’s a complex thing, this getting along when there are so few resources with which to manage. And that’s what makes this such a powerful tale, as we gain insights into the broth-ers’ relationship.

Alas! The next day Lincoln comes back from work early, having lost his job. “Replaced by a wax dummy,” he groans de-spairingly. Now the broth-ers come face to face with some of their realities. Through their heated man-talk, colored with exple-tives fitting to the circum-stances, they struggle with the lives they lead, limited in great part by circum-stance. Race surely plays into the issue, but so does their abandonment by their parents during their teen years.

To watch the long-held-in revelations unfold can be agonizing, but so worth it. Lincoln and Booth convincingly show us a slice of life that most

of us don’t encounter, yet the underlying humanness touches everyone in some sense, so that we relate with empathy.

“Topdog/Underdog” garnered a Pulitzer Prize in Drama for playwright Susan-Lori Parks, the first African-American woman to claim the honor. Bring-ing this strong drama to the Fremont Centre The-atre are co-artistic directors James and Lissa Reynolds, director and producer re-spectively, of “Topdog/Underdog.” Emily Button is associate producer and Erin Shaver is assistant di-rector.

Dove Huntley did the set design and, with Rob-ert Corn, the construction, creating a boarding-house effect with drab, brown wainscoting, bare pipes, and overhead wires serving as clothes rods. Huntley is also the photographer, and Corn the lighting assistant.

Fran Bascom as cast-ing director brought us these actors so well suited to their roles. Costume de-

signer Lois Tedrow chose just the right clothes for both the at-home and step-pin’-out moments, includ-ing the layers Booth sheds as he shows off his spiffy new ill-gotten duds.

Grady Hutt is stage manager, and Carla Lar-issa Fallberg house man-ager and photographer. Carol Doehring is credited

for lighting design, Domi-nique Heffley for graphic design and illustration, and DonAppleby for videogra-phy. Philip Sokoloff is pub-licist.

“Topdog/Underdog” plays Fridays and Satur-days at 8 p.m., with Sun-day matinees at 3 p.m. through Sept. 18. Tickets are $25 general, $20 for

seniors and students. For reservations or more infor-mation, call 866-811-4111, or go to for online ticketing. The Fremont Centre Theatre is at 1000 Fremont Ave., South Pasa-dena. Ample free parking is available on streets or behind the theatre.

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Page 6: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

6 September 2 - September 8, 2010

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An hour south of Zu-rich is Lucerne, a beauti-ful waterfront city, where 18th century buildings and sidewalk cafes lead to me-dieval squares, fresco-styled homes, ancient churches and chapels, and wooden bridges.

I stayed here last sum-mer, using the town as a base camp on my way to the top of Mount Pilatus.

Set on Lake Lucerne and dissected by the River Reuss, the German-speak-ing Lucerne is a gateway to Central Switzerland. From the city’s river banks visi-tors enjoy incredible views of the Swiss Alps, and

mountains such as Rigi, Stanserhorn, and Pilatus.

Lucerne highlights in-clude the 14th century Cha-pel Bridge, Europe’s oldest covered wooden bridge; the Museggmauer, an in-credibly preserved 13th century fortified wall, with

all but one of nine towers intact; and the Swiss Mu-seum of Transport – one of the most diverse museums in Europe for transport and communication.

Another city attraction

is a paddle or steamboat cruise on Lake Lucerne. During my visit I cruised to Rütli, a grassy meadow where the roots of Switzer-land were planted in the 13th century and the legend of Swiss hero William Tell was made famous.

The highlight of my visit to Lucerne was a jour-ney up mysterious Mount Pilatus. To get to the base of the mountain I took a bus to the town of Alpnachstad, where I boarded the spec-

tacular steam powered Pila-tus Railway.

Entering service in 1889, the cogwheel locomo-tive was designed by engi-neer Eduard Locher. Upon inception it instantly amazed the world as it climbed the mountain like a goat, reach-

ing a head-tilting gradient of 48 percent. Today, the train still scales the mountain and is the world’s steepest cog-wheel.

The ride roller coaster-like ride begins with the

bright red car chugging slowly upwards. After a few minutes the trian winds precariously around the rims of rocky cliffs. It then cuts through tunnels bored through solid rock and spans flowing streams and fields of wild flowers.

Higher up, forests give way to snow covered pas-tures, teeming with herds of grazing cattle, playing a Swiss symphony of chiming cowbells. At the top of Pila-tus are numerous lakes and

awesome views of at least 73 snowy peaks comprising the Alps.

The summit of Pilatus features an aerial tram sta-tion and two historic ho-tels, one being Hotel Pi-latus Klum, built in 1890. I warmed up here with a hot chocolate in the lobby be-fore taking a gondola down the other side of Pilatus.

The tram’s first stop is Frakmuntegg, a large na-ture/adventure park. Here I experienced Switzerland’s longest summer tobog-gan run. Stretching nearly a mile, the snaking, shiny metal half-tube zips guests down the mountainside through tall green pastures.

Back in the gondola, I rode to Kriens, near Lu-cerne, where I boarded Switzerland’s legendary Post Bus. Canary yellow, the buses are the main public transit link between trains, gondolas and boats and like all Swiss public transporta-tion, they are clean and run on time like a Rolex watch.

For more info on visiting Switzerland, visit; for flight info visit Swiss International Airlines at:

An Alpine Summer in Central Switzerland

By GreG araGon

Page 7: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 7

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A Restaurant Review ... is deserving for this typically 1940’s style Coffee Shop/Restaurant located in Arca-dia, near the corner of Santa Anita and Live Oak avenues. If you are seeking good home style cooking, a large menu selection, very reasonably priced food, large portions, and friendly service, then you should stop by Chef’s Coffee Shop, a well-known Arcadia landmark.

Bob Seltman opened the Chef’s Coffee Shop in the Arcadia location in 1987. Almost immediately the busi-ness became a family adven-ture, as Bob’s dad was an oc-casional visitor meeting and greeting the various diners. A few years later Bob’s son David joined the business as the baker/pastry chef. David learned the business quickly

and shortly thereafter be-came the head chef. When his dad’s health problems became apparent, David be-came even more involved in the business and soon after, he very capably took over the complete restaurant’s opera-tions ... and has successfully continued the grand family tradition of “Good Food at Reasonable Prices.”

Not long ago the “40’s style” architecture of Chef’s Coffee Shop caught the eye of the Hollywood Movie In-dustry and so the restaurant was closed for one day to ac-commodate a movie shoot.

Chef’s typical breakfast delights are generally priced below other competitive area restaurants. Those “Hungry Man Diners” who must have their biscuits and gravy selec-tion, come from near and far to satisfy their appetites. The large list of Lunch and Din-ner menu specials, senior citizen discounts and diner coupon offers are all a con-

tributing factors to Chef’s strategy to promote the vol-umes of patrons that they are attracting daily, in spite of the economic downturn pres-ently experienced by other restaurants.

This unique restaurant’s clientele is overwhelmingly middle aged and above. Their varied array of loyal patrons come from all walks of our society and almost without exception they are considered by the Chef’s great “Serving Team” as their family members. The cluster of Candy vending machines and the generous claw machine that dispenses stuffed animals of all types, are common attractions for the children. They are also encouraged to visit because of the once a week “Children Eat Free” options.

So Why Not “Dine Out” soon and give Chef’s a try? They are located at 13 E. Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia Ca. 91006, (626) 574-0257).


By Wally haGe

A Chef’s Delight

Page 8: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

8 September 2 - September 8, 2010

San Gabriel Mission 239th


*International Food *Rides *Games *Bingo *Entertainment

Religious, Historical, Cultural FestivitiesFRI., SEPT. 3: Fiesta open 6 p.m.-midnight 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. No admission charge to museum and gardens. 6 p.m. Ringing of the Bells at bell wall. SAT., SEPT. 4: Fiesta open 3 p.m. to midnight 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. No admission charge to museum and gardens. 9 a.m. Children’s and Pet’s Costume Contest at fiesta stage. 11 a.m. Blessing of the Animals at fiesta stage. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Re-enactors of History and Art Show in gardens. 4 p.m. History Reception in museum patio. 5 p.m. Birthday Cake Celebration at fiesta stage. SUN., SEPT. 5: Fiesta open 2 p.m. to midnight 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. No admission charge to museum and gardens. 11:15 a.m. Founder’s Memorial Mass in Chapel Church. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Re-enactors of History and Art Show in gardens. 11:30 p.m. Closing Ceremony and Prize Drawings at fiesta stage.

San Gabriel Mission About 2 miles north of 10 Freeway (New Avenue exit) Phone (626) 457-3035428 S. Mission Dr.., San Gabriel, CA 91776

By Gary r. White, DvM

“Doctor, this animal means the world to me. I want to do whatever it takes. Money is no object! It’s not going cost very much though, is it?”

The Veterinary field has grown to allow for remarkable advances in medical care for our furry friends. Many specialists are available in veterinary medicine. You can ar-range for a kidney trans-plant for your cat at U.C. Davis, there is a neurolo-gist in Tustin who performs brain surgery, a specialty group in West LA provides dialysis, in Ventura your dog can have open heart surgery….your dog needs a new hip? How does Thursday work for you?

As a whole, the level of local veterinary care is advancing. The general care we provide is much more advanced than even 5 years ago. Your veteri-narian has access to spe-cialists online, and may also provide in-house laboratories for blood and urine testing, digital radiol-ogy and ultrasound. Some veterinary facilities provide advanced surgical and medical treatments previ-ously unavailable without traveling across the county. MRIs and CTs are now common referrals for pets. Laparoscopy, thoracos-copy, flexible endoscopy, and arthroscopy allow for minimally invasive di-agnoses and treatment. Adult stem cell therapy is opening up new methods of treating diseases [these cells are derived from your own pet for concentration and reintroduction into problem areas such as ar-thritic joints]. Laser Ther-apy is available to provide a non invasive method to reduce pain and/or swell-ing and inflammation …….Laser Surgery is also available to help in the re-duction of pain, less bleed-ing and swelling during surgical procedures. Anes-thetic agents and monitors are getting better, safer, and more encompassing. Pain relief is a large part of a progressive veterinar-ian’s agenda. Veterinar-ians are also employing licensed, educated and trained technicians to assist them rather than the prior practice of hiring people off-the-street and utilizing on-the-job training.

All these advances benefit you and your com-panions, but they come at a cost. As examples:

Equipment to per-form orthopedic surgery, >$150,000

Ultrasound >$40,000Anesthetic monitors,

as much as $10,000 eachDigital radiology,

$140,000Reference quality in-

house laboratory, $75,000Equipment for lapa-

roscopy, thoracoscopy, etc., $50,000

Laser Therapy and Surgery units, >$40,000

In addition to the cost of equipment, there are ad-ditional on-going expenses for the training and con-tinuing education required for your veterinarian and staff.

The overhead for pro-viding adequate, let alone advanced veterinary care is staggering. With every advance in veterinary tech-nology, the price of proper veterinary care continues to rise. How can you pre-pare? How can you medi-ate the costs?

One of the simplest ways to avoid “surprise” costs is utilizing annual or semi-annual examina-tions. As with most things, preventative maintenance goes a long way. If a vet-erinarian sees your pet on a regular basis, they can often detect issues from a physical examination, lab tests, radiographs, and re-cent patient history that will allow for intervention and therefore early treat-ment of conditions with far less expense and greater eventual outcome than if you wait until the condi-tion progresses to a seri-ous state. For instance, routine dental cleaning is far less expensive and healthier than waiting until advanced dental disease requiring 17 extractions de-velops. Removing a tumor when it’s small is cheaper, less painful, and safer than when it’s grown to water-melon proportions. De-tecting chronic kidney dis-ease and doing little more than changing the diet can increase your pet’s life 3 times longer than if it were not detected and treated. Treating late detected end stage kidney failure is no fun for you, your pet, or your veterinary team. A new limp is better to man-age early than after your companion has compen-sated for it by overloading

the other leg and tearing their cruciate ligament. In the case of liver values in-creasing, your veterinarian can look into that further or at least try a special diet and supplements.

Some people have several pets. The same principles apply for all. It is important to discuss with your veterinarian how to best spread the cost of care. You may choose to bring your pets in separate-ly… one every 3 months. Some clients prefer to “get it over with” in one day and put the charges on a credit card so they can spread out the payments that way. Still others find the repeated trips are not so bad and return for any recommended lab work the following month, ra-diographs the month after, dental treatment 3 months later, etc.

Some clients save $50-100.00 per month for their pet for use in emergencies or major health issues. The down side to this plan is when a young pet is in need of costly services and not enough dollars have ac-cumulated. Other clients have a “dedicated” credit card which is only used for their pet’s healthcare and paid off with monthly pay-ments. Some clients even have the pet’s picture on the credit card!

Pet insurance is quick-ly becoming a near neces-sity. There are some pit-falls, and not all insurance companies are created equal. It is important to research them thoroughly and ask your veterinarian if other clients have had ex-periences with a particular insurance company. For instance, at least one insur-ance company will not cov-er a cruciate injury until 1 year from the policy start date. While one insurance company offers coverage for annual wellness exams, another one might not.

Your veterinarian wants what is best for your pet.

My mentor, a great veterinarian and human being told me that if you practice good medicine, you never need to worry about the bottom line. Yes, this is a business. It is a healthcare business built upon trust and repeat con-tact. A good veterinarian will offer you the best care available, that’s our sworn duty as your companion’s doctor.

Cost of Veterinary Care

Page 9: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 9

Please see page 10

Continued from page 1

An academic defini-tion of Jazz might be: A genre of

American music that origi-nated in New Orleans circa 1900 that was character-ized by strong, promi-nent meter, improvisation, distinctive tone colors & performance techniques, and dotted or syncopated rhythmic patterns. But Jazz is a heck of a lot more than that.

This past weekend at the Pasadena Jazz Festival at the Arboretum proved that point conclusively.

Local musician, By-ron Miller; Andre Vener owner of Red White and Bluezz and Pasadena Enter-tainment pulled off another major music event over the weekend. And they said it couldn’t be done!

Some of the nation’s top jazz, R&B and some cutting edge music graced the stages of the Pasadena Jazz Festival which was held at the Los Angeles County Arboretum Satur-

day and Sunday.Remember Booker T

and the MGs? Well the marvel , Booker T Jones, was there playing his sig-nature Hammond organ complete with that Leslie speaker that gives that un-

mistakable sound no syn-thesizer could ever recre-ate.

Is it Jazz? Does it mat-ter? The answer therein de-pends on who you talk to.

“It’s all music, Man…” said one fan of Booker T

( Jones) fan from Long Beach. “ The band started the Memphis Sound”… said Cherie Thomas. She went on to say it didn’t matter what you classified the genre – “Music like this…it is history.” Thomas

concluded.Booker T Jones moved

to California and joined A&M Records as a produc-er in the early 70’s. There he supervised the recording sessions for Rita Coolidge (who also performed at the

Pasadena Jazz Festival Sun-day), Booker T’s wife Pris-cilla (Rita’s sister), and Bill Withers to whom Booker T made a fond reference in his set. Booker T was in-ducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992.

Another of the headlin-ers aside from the amazing and legendary bass player Stanley Clarke was Spyro Gyra who performed late Sunday afternoon to a rousing reception with their loyal fans.

These guys have been around a while. Their smooth but incredibly vig-orous jazz, accented with a creative edge unlike any other band left the audi-ence on their feet wanting more.

Personally, I would rather have seen a band like Larry Carlton’s ( an amazing session guitar player who is on a lot of Steely Dan albums) follow Spyro Gyro instead of Take 6.

The American Sev-enth-day Adventist a cap-pella gospel music sextet

Inaugural Jazz Festival Does Not Disappoint Eclectic Crowd

By terry Miller

Take 6 perform Sunday to an excited crowd at the Arboretum - Photo by Terry Miller

Page 10: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

10 September 2 - September 8, 2010

Continued from page 9 Pasadena Jazz Festival - Big Hit with Music Loversformed in 1980 seemed to inject a little too much re-ligion in their set for my taste. I love a cappella, and these guys are tops in that dept. I Just thought the timing was a bit off as far as when the band per-formed.

The group sings con-temporary style, which integrates R&B and jazz influences into their songs which have 10 Grammy wins.

While the audience wasn’t perhaps as large as organizers expected, they were no less enthusiastic and obviously a knowl-edgeable music crowd.

The line up wasn’t exactly all Jazz which kept things really interesting: Also with two stages going, there was barely a moment without live music all week-end…few promoters can do this!

Another of the acts who performed Sun-day, Everlast, aka Erik Schrody, (is an eclectic Grammy-Award winning Irish-American rapper and singer-songwriter, known for his solo hit “What It’s Like” and as the front-man

for rap group House of Pain). Somehow they end-ed up in the Jazz festival to the delight of many in the audience.

Everlast is also a part of the hip-hop band La Coka Nostra, which con-sists of his former House of Pain mates, Danny Boy and DJ Lethal, along with Underground rap veteran Ill Bill and Irish-American rapper Slaine. Not exactly a Jazz resume- nonetheless Everlast was appreciated by many different genera-tions that dotted the green, green grass of the Los An-geles County Arboretum.

Unfortunately, I missed one of the greatest flautists of all time, Hubert Laws, by a few minutes. I did see Kevin Eubanks who is masterful - free of the confines of a few sec-onds he was allotted on the Tonight show.

However you look at music and no matter what your particular taste might be, it seemed the Pasadena Jazz festival hit all the right notes. Everyone seemed happy, the weather was perfect and the setting stunning.

The legendary Booker T ( from Booker T and the MG’s fame) stole the show on Sunday as well as Jay Beckenstein - the ever cool copper Sax man with Spyro Gyra. These two acts were just part of the top talent Pasadena Jazz Festival offered music lovers last weekend at the Los Angeles County Areboretum


Photos by Terry Miller

Julio Fernandez, guitar player for Spyro Gyro. Julio Fernandezwas born in Havana, Cuba on Au-gust 29, 1954 and came to the USA in 1961. He started playing guitar at the age of nine, his father being the first and most influential teacher according to an autobiography. Although his roots were in tradi-tional Cuban music, his father was very much into jazz and big band sounds. His playing style was a hy-brid of these idioms and it always fascinated Fernandez.

Page 11: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 11

Methodist Hospital’s Mardi Gras committee held its Kick Off meeting on Thursday, August 27, at Casa del Rey Restaurant in Sierra Madre.

Mardi Gras 2011 will honor Arcadia residents Dave and Grace Cashion for their many years of service to Methodist Hos-pital. Proceeds from this year’s fund-raiser will ben-efit emergency services at Methodist Hospital. Two thousand eleven marks the 16th year this festive event

has paid homage to Mardi Gras by throwing a New Orleans style celebration featuring several of San Gabriel Valley’s best res-taurants, an exciting silent auction, live entertainment with plenty of dancing, and an authentic parade. Invite your friends and col-leagues, bring your appe-tites and they will provide the beads on Fat Tuesday, March 8, at Sirona’s in Santa Anita Park. They hope to see you there.

The Social Whirl

By Floretta lauBer

Please Send Your Social announcements

and Invitations to Floretta Lauber at:

[email protected]

Check Out ‘The Roost' at Taste of ArcadiaFor all of you who

would enjoy tasting the myriad of choices from over 35 restaurants and brewer-ies, wineries and the Mar-tini Bar, meet and great old friends, city V.I.P.s and be a part of the buzz, but enjoy a bit quieter opportunity to visit, have I got news for you.

Its time to come on down to “The Roost,” a new addition to the “Taste of Ar-cadia” this year.

Chair of this successful event, Verena Somer, an-nounced sponsors: Merrill Lynch/BofA, 2010 GOLD sponsor; Westfield Santa

Anita, Silver sponsor, and Oak Tree Racing Associa-tion, BRONZE sponsor. In addition, media sponsors are Arcadia Weekly, Pasadena Star News and Many other Arcadia merchants have also contrib-uted to make this event an evening to remember.

Among the other high-lights of this dazzling eve-ning are music by the Cold Duck band, Brazilian danc-ers and free parking.

Call (626) 447-2159. Monies earned to benefit Foothill Unity Center, Ar-boretum Foundation and Arcadia Red Cross.

Verena Somer, event chair for Taste of Arcadia, September 20th.

Press Previews 24th Home and Kitchen Tour Hosted by ASID

Open to the public, the tour is set for Sunday, Oc-tober 3rd, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., announced Eileen Atwood event chair for the Pasadena chapter of the American Soci-ety of Interior Designers.

“Our tour is very strong on value,” Atwood ex-plained. “It offers entrée to four fabulous and diverse homes, plus opportunities to meet designers, learn about products and services from key industry vendors and shop unusual boutiques – all for $30 per ticket.”

This year’s self-guided tour, which features houses built from 1941-2000 through-out Pasadena, South Pasa-dena, San Marino and La Cañada, offers two very dif-ferent takes on traditional de-sign (a sophisticated Colonial style residence and a gracious French provincial home), plus a modern Craftsman and an architecturally significant con-temporary home. Designers had to take into account ex-isting furniture, artwork and

personal collections.“These are real homes

for real people,” said Carol Cobabe, Pasadena ASID 2010 Home & Kitchen Tour co-chair.

Participating ASID and Allied ASID designers for 2010 include Firoozeh Khor-raai (Design Schematic), Susan Sawasy (Casawasy), Leona Valone (Valone De-sign), and Rozalynn Woods (Rozalynn Woods Interiors).

Shopping for treasures and discovering resources are added benefits of the tour, which includes retail boutiques and displays of the best home design products. Guests can also purchase chances to win a KitchenAid barbecue (a $3,400 value), do-nated by Gold sponsor Sierra Custom Kitchens and Sterling sponsor Ferguson’s Bath & Kitchen Gallery.

Tickets to the tour, $30 in advance and $35 day of the event, are available by calling (800) 237-2634, or the ASID Pasadena chapter office at

(626) 795-6898 (1000 Walnut St., Suite 108, Pasadena).

Tour tickets and tickets for the barbecue drawing ($10 each or $25 for three) are also available at An-thony’s Art & Frames, 1120 Huntington Dr., San Marino, (800) 237-2634; Cynthia Ben-nett & associates, 501 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena, (626) 799-9701; Ferguson Bath & Kitchen Gallery, 157 Vista Ave., Pasadena, (626)

795-9551; French Laundry, 606 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena, (626) 792-3881; Pzazz Hair Salon, 840 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada (818) 790-1334, and Sierra Custom Kitchens, 2534 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 792-8080.

Members of the press attending enjoyed tasty box lunches and drinks while pre-viewing the four homes.

Mardi Gras 2011 Committee Kick Off

Members of Mardi Gras Kick Off committee for Methodist Hospi-tal Foundation are: (standing) Dr. John Quigley, Margaret Quig-ley, Annie Lu, Mari Claveran, Barbara Lyle, Michael Driebe, Jan McEachern, Cheryl Wolf, Babs Kleiman, Deborah Wilkie, You-landa Denson, Carmela Griswold, Joan Francone, Ulanda Lee, Sherry Wang, and Gloria Rico. (Seated) Beth Oberon, Janet Hanson, Sherri Taylor, Lisa Hanly-Gruppie, Noemi Biely, Stacey Nyberg, Evelyn Greathouse, and Dr. Brian Venerable.

Tour home on Indiana Avenue, South Pasadena. Interior design and remodel of 3,500 square foot, two story build in 1971. Susan Sawasy ASID.

Tour home on Oak Knoll Avenue, San Marino. The addition of a second story master suite and a redesign of the kitchen and family areas of the designer’s 3,700 square foot French provincial home built in 1941. Leona Valone, Allied Member ASID.

Please see page 15

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Page 12: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

12 September 2 - September 8, 2010

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Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide

14 El Dorado Street, Unit 10Arcadia, CA

Offered at $438,000This lovely townhouse is conveniently located near the Santa Anita Shopping Mall, Race Track, Golf Course and the LA Country Park which includes tennis courts and ball fields. Situated in the award winning Arcadia school district, it is just 2 blocks from First Avenue Middle School, 4 blocks from Arcadia High School and a short distance to Holly Elementary School. Association fees are only $150. The townhome is 1330 square feet and has 3 bedroom and 2.5 bathrooms. There is a 1-car attached, direct access garage with washer/dryer hookups. For more information & picturesto to:

523 Brookside LaneSierra Madre, CA

Offered at $378,000This is a great starter home and has been tastefully renovated inside and out. It is a short walk to Mary’s Market as well as to scenic hiking trails. There is Pergo flooring, updated kitchen, remodeled master bathroom with a washer/dryer combination, central air and heat, two patio areas both with views and an easy to maintain rear yard with hot tub. Appliances are included. Good starter home. This is a short sale. 628 sq. ft. home, 1921 sq. ft. lot. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths.

725 Woodland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA

Offered at $399,000Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre, this home offers a country living lifestyle. The unique location allows you to forget the hustle and bustle of the big city, while just a short commute to downtown Los Angeles. Just minutes from your front door are hiking trails and Mary’s Market and Cafe! This cozy 1 bedroom 1 bath home is 837 sq. ft. on a 3,973 sq. ft. lot. There is a relaxing front porch, stone fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet in the large bedroom, and parking for 4 cars (a real commodity in the canyon). This is the perfect canyon hide-away! For more information and pictures go to

1301 Diamond AvenueSouth Pasadena, CAOffered at $1,148,000

Built in 1927, this Spanish Revival home is 2,733 sq.ft on a 7,536 sq.ft. lot and located in the desirable South Pasadena school district. There are 4 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms. The is a terraced back yard with a grassy area and a cement pad that is “hot-tub-ready” with water and electrical. The front yard is expansive with picturesque Deodar and Palm trees. This home has been lovingly upgraded with copper plumbing, electrical, rebuilt chimney, reinforced foundation. It also includes French doors and windows, wood floor, central air and heat and new interior paint. Will you be the proud new owner? For more pictures and information please go to

3735 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA

Offered at $725,000Situated in Upper Hastings Ranch, this home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways and schools. This 1951 well-maintained home offers an open and spacious floor plan. Additional features include: formal entry, large living room with fireplace, sliding doors open to a tiled patio, grand family room with high ceilings & recessed lighting, adjacent to an updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, central air and heat, newer windows and roof. There is a mountain view from the back yard. For more information go to

69 E. Grandview, Arcadia, CA

Offered at $1,248,000This delightful Highland Oaks home has been well-maintained and is located in the award winning Arcadia school district. There is an updated kitchen, Brazilian cherry wood flooring in the living room/dining room areas with lovely views of the back yard/pool area. There is a private master suite, family room, office, laundry room and an oversized 2-car garage. The home is 2,818 sq. ft. situated on a 12,746 sq. ft. lot. It has 4 bedroom with 3.5 bathrooms and was built in 1951. This is the perfect home for entertaining.


367 Monterey Pines Drive, Arcadia, CA

Offered at $6,880,000Located in the guard gated estate area of Whispering Pines is this incredible Tuscan Villa Estate which is better than new. This exquisitely detailed 6,525 sf home has 5 bedrooms (5 suites) & 6 bathrooms. Situated on over an acre lot, it offers incredible views of the mountains, valley and city lights. The highest quality workmanship & materials were used to construct this “one of a kind” estate home which includes a gourmet kitchen, elevator, wine cellar, his and hers offices, 4 car garage, infinity saltwater pool & spa, waterfalls & lush gardens. Visit and for more photos and information.



607 Hacienda DriveMonrovia, CA 91016

Offered at $575,000Imagine the possibilities! This property is located on a quiet street and is behind a gated driveway and has some deferred maintenance. There is a detached 2 car garage, a guest house with kitchen, bath and pool. The square footage of the house is 1,369 square feet on a 14,985 sq. ft. lot. It was built in 1944. There is central air and forced air heating. This is a short sale, subject to lender’s approval.





CUP Hearing September 13Continued from page 1

Leon San Blas and Bob Doolittle pose with the public hearing notices posted on the building where they hope Los Angeles County will grant their CUP on Sept 13, 2010 - Photo by Terry Miller

In Los Angeles County there have been a number of robberies which is one of the reasons residents in the immediate area oppose the dispensary.

Some have been ex-tremely vocal with their opposition and show up at public events hoping to get people to sign and “stop the pot shop”.

San Blas and buisiness partner Bob Doolittle

don’t see it at all that way.

The two men, each suffer from chronic pain ( San Blas is confined to a wheelchair) from industrial

accidents.San Blas knows the

medical benfefits ans sim-ply wants to help patients obtain the medicine to al-leviate their suffering.

And medical mari-juana doesn’t only ben-efit debilitating illnesses according to some medical professionals. It has also been found to ease the discomfort surrounding arthritis, chronic pain, and nausea - especially in can-cer patients. Many women report success when using marijuana to treat men-strual cramps, and meno-pausal women have found

great success in using mari-juana to battle hot flashes, mood swings, and chills. Currently there are studies being done which indicate that medical marijuana might have a positive effect on depression and other anxiety related disorders.

The Los Angels Coun-ty hearing on Sept 13 is open to the public.

The l.ocation is Pa-mela Park Gym at 2236 Goodall Avenue inDuarte.

For further informa-tion contact Mr. Leon San Blas at (626) 466-4267

Page 13: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 13

Please see page 17

Continued from page 1

Elegant English Estate located in the prime Upper Hastings Heights neighborhood. Grand foyer with inviting staircase welcomes you into this impressive home featuring newly landscaped grounds with sparkling pool, spa and outdoor BBQ kitchen perfect for entertaining. Five bedrooms and four bathrooms, new granite kitchen with separate breakfast room and family room with fireplace. Three-car attached garage. The home has city and mountain views to complete the perfect setting. Co-listed with Kelly Myers (626) 676-5778 @Coldwell Banker Arcadia Regional Office

Offered at $1,899,000

Main house and guest house offers 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, beauti-fully decorated on large lot with lush landscaping. This is a private oasis in Sierra Madre with many plantings and fruit trees. Sparkling pool and two beautiful fountains add to the ambiance of a tropical paradise.

Offered at $1,390,000

Pauli Morin, Realtor, GRI, CN,International President’s CircleColdwell BankerArcadia Regional [email protected] Cell

Beautiful end-unit, 2-level condo offers 3 bedrooms on 2nd level (includes master suite), 3 baths, living room with fireplace, 3 patios, granite-countertop kitchen. 2-car attached garage. Complex has a sparkling pool to enjoy.

Offered at $610,000

1623 Hastings Heights Lane, Pasadena

623 Prospect Avenue, #10, South Pasadena

380 N Lima St, Sierra Madre




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the Pasadena City Hall en masse Thursday, August 26, 2010.

Lillian and about 40 other women marched around the iconic corridors of power, hand in hand car-rying banners and signs hon-oring the right to vote.

The women dressed in white and wore lavender sashes like the suffragettes of the early 1900s.

, Carrie Chapman Catt, who was endorsed by Su-san B. Anthony after her retirement as president. Three years later headquar-ters were moved to War-ren, Ohio, but were then brought back to New York again shortly afterward, and re-opened there on a much larger scale. The organiza-tion obtained a hearing be-fore every Congress, from 1869 to 1919.

The National Wom-an’s Party (NWP), was a women’s organization founded in 1917 that fought for women’s rights during the early 20th century in theUnited States, particu-larly for the right to vote on

the same terms as men. In contrast to other organiza-tions, such as the National American Woman Suffrage Association, which focused on lobbying individual states and from which the NWP split, the NWP put its priority on the passage of a constitutional amendment ensuring women’s suffrage. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns founded the organization originally under the name the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage in 1913; by 1917, the name had been changed to the National Women’s Party.

The Pasadena women gathered in the City Hall courtyard post march for speeches by local women (and men) thanking their predessors who worked do hard for voting rights. Those attending included Rep. Judy Chu and Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard.

The event which was held last Thursday evening was the brainchild of Wom-ens Organizations of Greater Pasadena which is involved in many civic activities.

Women Celebrate the Vote

es away. Approximately 15 years ago, a controversial plan was put into place to trap coyotes who were appar-ently intimidating golfers at Brookside Golf Course.

There are a number of things you can do to prevent your small pet (cat or dog) from being attacked by a coyote.

Keep small pets (cats, small dogs and other pets) in-doors from dusk until dawn. Or keep pets in a coyote-proof yard, area or cage from dusk until dawn.

Install a fence or convert your fence to prevent coyotes from entering your yard.

Feed your pets indoors. Or if you feed them outdoors do so during the day and never leave pet food out at night.

Make sure trash is not left outside in bags and that all trash cans have secure lids with locking mechanisms. Secure the cans to a fence or wall with rope or elastic cord so the trash cannot be tipped over.

Install motion sensitive lights in your back yard and around your house.

Don’t leave fruit, berries

or compost on the ground or uncovered. If you have Avo-cado or other fruit trees make sure all fruit is picked up.

Don’t overflow bird-feeders. Hang them high or in areas that are not acces-sible to coyotes.

NEVER feed coyposts need to be made of a mate-rial that the cats can climb. When being chased by a predator a cat can climb the post and sit on the platform until it is safe to descend and the coyote is gone.

Clear brush and veg-etation to remove habitat for small animals that may attract coyotes and to remove areas where coyotes can hide while stalking their prey.

NEVER feed coyotes Remove coyote food

sources such as trash, fruit and pet food from the envi-ronment.

Keeping small pets in-side from dusk to dawn or in safe enclosures

Never leave young chil-dren unattended in yards or

parks. Harass coyotes with

loud noises, clapping hands, yelling, throwing rocks at them and waving our arms to create fear

Call the local depart-ment of Fish and Game or local law enforcement agen-cy if coyotes attack humans, become too aggressive by approaching humans and by showing lack of fear of hu-mans or if they attack small

Lillian San Filippo, 5, of Altadena, held a sign almost twice her size at the March. - Photos by Terry Miller

Coyotes Cause Considerable Concern in CityContinued from Page 1

Page 14: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

14 September 2 - September 8, 2010


SUN 1 - 4 Pm

The Gold Standardww

CenTury 21 earll, lTd.

(626) 301-1888320 e. FooThill Blvd., arCadia


CenTury 21 ludeCke inC

(626) 445-012320 e. FooThill Blvd. SuiTe 105, arCadia


CenTury 21 villaGe realTy

(626) 355-145138 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre


land lot $46,900TGreat opportunity to build a beautiful home in Lake Elsinore. Land is only one half mile away from the lake and is close to the freeway, shopping centers, and outlet mall. Electricity and water is already in the area. (LAK)

CentuRY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

GReat loCation $428,888Lovely 3 bdrm, 3 bth, second floor end unit with private driveway, remodeled, updated, large master suite, two balconies, spacious fenced back yard, close to shopping and transportation and view of mountain peaks and hills. must see to appreciate. (A245)

CentuRY 21 ludeCke inC (626) 445-0123

5 units $998,000Prime Location, across from Golf Course. 5 Units, 4-1Br. Apart-ments and 1-1Br. Back House. Newly Remodeled Interior 4 units with Hardwood floors and rear stand alone unit has Granite Counters & Laminate Wood Floors. Garage parking for all units. Long term month to month tenants. ARCADIA SCHOOLS!! (SAN)

CentuRY 21 eaRll , ltd (626)-301-1888

Mid-CentuRY ModeRn $1,475,000Located in famous Hollywood Hills property is on a secluded but wide Cul-De-Sac just north of Hollywood hot spots with city lights views. Double door entry, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, glass, post, & beam architecture gem with untouched layout. Updated kitchen, FP in living room, large windows for light all around, flat backyard, mature trees and 4bdrms & 2bths. Truly a gem among homes. (C2265)

CentuRY 21 ludeCke inC (626) 445-0123


SAT 1-5 Pm

2265 Chelan Dr, Hollyw

ood Hills

PRiCed to sell $228,000Fantastic starter home in La Puente with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled kitchen with new cabinets and appliances, great living room, attached double garage. (R14444)

CentuRY 21 VillaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

ReduCed PRiCe $194,000Enchanted Setting in Lake Arrowhead. This 2 bdrm, 1 ba furnished-level lot home in the “Arrowhead Woods” with lake rights, is a deal. Open kitchen with brkfst bar & scenic view dining area. Snuggle by the cozy fireplace in the living room. Perfect for entertaining. New washer/dryer downstairs. Sleeps 6 comfortably.

CentuRY 21 ludeCke inC (626) 445-0123

unbelieVable estate $899,000Located in Altadena this 3 bedrooms, 2 full bath home with master bedroom, kitchen with breakfast nook, back yard for entertaining, 2 car detached garage, close to all. Price for quick Sale. (P461)

CentuRY 21 VillaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

By Bill PeterS

The Pasadena

Symphony As-sociation an-

nounced today the ap-pointment of musical legend Marvin Ham-lisch as Principal pops conductor of the Pasa-dena POPS, taking the podium next year for three of the four season concerts that will be pre-sented at the POPS new venue, the area adjacent to the Rose Bowl.

In welcoming Ham-lisch, CEO of the Sympho-ny Association, Paul Jan Zdunek, said, “We are so delighted to welcome Mar-vin Hamlisch to Pasadena and look forward to him continuing to position the Pasadena POPS at its new home on the Lawn Adja-cent the Rose Bowl, as the destination for exhilarating pops concerts.”

Some news reports quote Zdunek as saying the organization had already approached Hamlisch to be a guest conductor for the

current season and when Rachael Worby announced her intention to leave the orchestra to pursue other interests about two and a half weeks ago, working with the Symphony’s Artis-tic Advisor, James de Preist, approached the well-known composer to offer a more prominent role. The of-fer received swift approval from Hamlisch.

Hamlisch, at age 66, has had a long and distin-guished career in musical theater, television, and mo-tion pictures. He is known as a performer, arranger, musical coordinator, or-chestrator, musical supervi-sor, composer, film scorer and more. Among his achievements are four Em-mys, four Grammys, three Golden Globes, one Tony, a Pulitzer Prize and three Oscars. Ascap lists 709 compositions credited to him, among them, the songs from “A Chorus Line”, the song, “The Way We Were” and an adaptation of Scott Joplin’s “The Entertainer” from the film, “The Sting”.

Representing the Sym-phony Board of Directors,

Melinda Shea, President, said, “After a dynamic ten-

year tenure under the baton of Rachael Worby, we wel-

come Marvin Hamlisch to the Pasadena POPS as we

build on the past with an eye to an even more robust future.”

In the past few years, Hamlisch has been appear-ing with Pops orchestras around the country and continues to hold the posi-

tion of Principal Conduc-tor with the National Sym-phony Orchestra, Pittsburgh Symphony, Colorado Sym-phony, Milwaukee Sympho-ny, Seattle Symphony and the San Diego Symphony Orchestra.

The Pasadena Pops 2011 season will include a concert on June 18, July 23, Aug. 6, and Aug. 27. The June 18 concert will be lead by a to-be-determined guest conductor.The Symphony Board is continuing its work in engaging guest conduc-tors to round out its POPS offerings which include a Holiday POPS concert in December and the annual Music Under the Stars held in the plaza in front of the Pasadena City Hall. The announcement from the Pasadena Symphony Asso-ciation is decidedly upbeat. “This appointment comes at a time of many exciting and successful changes for the Pasadena Symphony Asso-ciation this year”, it states. The Pasadena Symphony will begin its fall season on Oct. 23 at the Ambassador Auditorium under the baton of Maestro James DePreist.

Marvin Hamlisch to Take Reins of Pasadena Pops Next Season

Page 15: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 15

Continued from page 11

MAKE THE CONNECTION!Stormdrains Drain to the Ocean

Funded by a Grant from the Department of Resource Recycling & Recovery (CalRecycle)

After serving 20 years as Rotary Club secretary and managing their office on First Avenue, Barbara Barnes has retired.

Demonstrating their ap-preciation for her unmatched

service record, Ms. Barnes was honored at the July 30th Rotary meeting and presented a plaque by club president, Matt Weaver, with the names of 20 former presidents she served under, a bouquet of

long-stemmed red roses, and a gift certificate for Nordstrom’s.

From my observation through the years, she will be difficult to replace.

Mid-Valley Art League is made up of pro-fessional and non-profes-sional artists. The belief of the organization is that the creative process and appre-ciation of art is vital to each of its members. MVAL’s mission is to encourage, educate and support art-ists and all those who love art, throughout the San Gabriel Valley. This is accomplished by provid-ing various educational opportunities at monthly meetings, along with paint-ing demonstrations by well known artists.

Exhibitions of origi-nal paintings, art work-shops, a June raffle, and special events, such as “Saturday in the Park with the masters,” are all fund-raisers for art scholarships. MVAL thanks the George Hanft Memorial Fund for its donation of $1,200 to the scholarship fund.

Scholarship recipi-ents are Tom MacMaster, Pasadena City College; Michelle Washington, Ma-ranatha High School; Ja-net Perez, Mountain View

High School in El Monte; Philomena Lopez, Pasade-na High Visual Aids and Design Academy (VADA); Dhel Edward Dominell, and Maleny Valasco, both from Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park

A grant was awarded to the art department of Temple City High School for a special camera.

Mid-Valley members salute these young students and feel honored to have

participated in a small way toward their artistic goals.

Mid-Valley meets from September to June at Arcadia Church of the Good Shepherd, 400 Du-arte Rd. All students are free.

For further informa-tion about membership, call John Goodno at (626) 351-9189, or e-mail [email protected].

Barbara Barnes Says Adieu toArcadia Rotary

Wistaria Thrift Shop, run by Sierra Madre Woman’s Club, will have its grand re-opening sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 2, 3 and 4, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The shop is located at the rear of Essick House, the club’s his-toric clubhouse, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre.

Closed over summer to refurbish and restock, shop-pers will now find a bonanza

of bargains on all new mer-chandise. There is a large inventory of clothing and ac-cessories for all the family, a host of household needs, col-lectibles, books, craft supplies, tools and much more. With Halloween around the corner, this is the place to put a cos-tume together.

The shop has been rec-ognized with several awards as tops in the San Gabriel Valley.

In these tough times, shoppers will find a value of savings on good merchandise. Proceeds support club charities.

Regular shop hours are Monday, Thursday, Friday and the first, third and fourth Saturdays of the month 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

For further information, call the shop at (626) 355-7739.

Wistaria Thrift Shop Reopens Today - Big Sale on Tap for Weekend

Mid-Valley Arts League

Jean Tannhauser, Tom MacMaster and Retha Wells. Mid-Valley Art League scholarship co-chairs, Tannhauser and Wells, congratulate MacMasters, a graduate of Pasadena City College. McMasters is a gifted, creative artist who hopes to continue his studies at Pasadena Art Center Col-lege of Design.

A champagne brunch will welcome new and pro-spective members to the September 8th annual af-

fair at 11 a.m. Hosted by Arcadia Woman’s Club at 324 S. First Ave. Reserva-tions are a must.

If you would enjoy learning more about this historic organization, call (626) 355-6945.

Arcadia Champagne Brunch

The Social Whirl

Page 16: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

16 September 2 - September 8, 2010

Monrovia PDDuring the last seven

day period, the Police De-partment handled 536 service events, resulting in 96 investi-gations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events:

Felony Theft - Suspect Arrested

On August 19 at 4:13 p.m., a subject attempted to conceal cough medicine and beer in his waistband and exit a store in the 300 block of West Huntington without paying for the items. He was detained by loss prevention. An officer responded and determined the suspect had a prior conviction for theft with time served. He was booked for felony petty theft with priors.

Peeking / Prowling - Suspect Arrested

On August 20 at 5:55 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 100 block of North Alta Vista regard-ing a prowler. A neighbor heard noises outside. She looked out and observed a male subject in his 20s looking into the window of her neighbor’s home. She yelled at the subject and he ran toward to the street. An-other neighbor observed the suspect run out to the street and go directly to a residen-tial treatment center, where he entered a side window. Through investigation, it was determined the suspect is a convicted felon on pa-role. A photographic line-up was completed and positive identification was made. Parole was contacted and they agreed to issue a pa-role hold for the violations. Night watch officers and the Special Enforcement Team went to the treatment center and arrested the suspect.

Battery - Refusal to Prosecute

On August 20 at 9:21 p.m., officers were dis-patched to a park in the 300 block of South Myrtle. An adult male victim was at-tacked by three to five other adult males in their 20s. The suspects then ran westbound toward Alta Vista. The vic-tim sustained moderate lac-erations and abrasions to his face and was treated at the scene by Monrovia Fire De-partment paramedics. The victim did not desire pros-ecution and was not willing to participate in identifying the suspects. The victim also refused to be taken to a hos-

pital.Domestic Violence - Suspect Arrested

On August 22 at 8:55 p.m., an officer responded to a domestic violence in-progress call. When he ar-rived, he located the suspect, who became combative and would not comply with the officer’s commands. Ad-ditional officers were re-quested to help subdue the suspect and he was taken into custody. The victim had left the scene and had driven to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office in East Los Angeles to report the incident. The victim went to the hospital for treatment. She sustained a fractured nose, bruising to her left eye and multiple abrasions to her left leg.

Vehicle BurglaryOn August 23 at 6:14

a.m., an employee of fitness center in the 700 block of East Huntington reported a vehicle burglary. Some-one had broken into one of their member’s vehicles by breaking the front passenger window. A GPS navigation system, sunglasses and a black lunch bag were stolen. Investigation continuing.

Residential BurglaryOn August 23 at 7:22

a.m., officers responded and took a report from a contrac-tor who is doing work at a residence in the 600 block of Hacienda. He left his tools in the residence and secured the property on August 20. When he returned to the residence after the weekend, he found his tools had been stolen.

Outside Assist / Car-jacking - Suspect Ar-rested

On August 23 at 9:40 a.m., Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputies and their airship were following a carjacking suspect who was entering the City of Monrovia. They requested our assistance, as they were getting ready to conduct a high-risk stop on the vehicle. The vehicle was stopped at Montana and Magnolia. Monrovia officers assisted with traffic control during the stop. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.

Brush FireOn August 23 at 12:28

p.m., a resident in the 700 block of North Canyon re-ported possible live wires down in the area of Canyon

and Ridgeside. Several other calls reported other downed wires in the area. One resi-dent reported an actual fire at the entrance to Canyon Park. Monrovia Fire and Police personnel responded. Canyon Park was shut down and several hikers near the waterfall were advised and evacuated. Fire helicopters dropped water and put out the fire within approximately 30 minutes. Hot spots flared, but were being dealt with, and fire personnel remained on scene until the evening.

Assault with a Deadly Weapon - Suspect Ar-rested

On August 23 at 1:15 p.m., during the brush fire incident, a resident who lives on Ridgeside insisted on making his way home and attempted to drive by Fire and Police personnel. The resident refused to stop at the direction of Fire person-nel and hit a fireman and an Edison worker with his vehi-cle. The resident was arrest-ed for assault with a deadly weapon and was taken into custody.

Vehicle BurglaryOn August 23 at 5:10

p.m., an officer was dis-patched to the 200 block of Fig on a vehicle burglary re-port. The victim had parked and secured his vehicle in front of the residence. When he returned to his vehicle he found someone had broken into it. There were no signs of forced entry, but the stereo amplifier and speakers had been taken from the trunk. Investigation continuing.

Grand Theft AutoOn August 25 at 2:53

p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of Kruse on the report of a stolen vehicle. The victim parked his vehicle in a business parking lot and went inside. When he returned to his vehicle a few hours later, it was missing. There were no signs of forced entry and the owner can account for all of the keys. The vehicle is a 1992, beige Honda Accord. Investigation continuing.

Commercial Burglary - Suspect Arrested

On August 25 at 4:07 p.m., loss prevention at a business in the 500 block of West Huntington had a fe-male in custody for shoplift-ing. An officer responded and determined the female suspect detained had com-mitted burglary and she was

arrested and taken into cus-tody.

Arcadia PDFor the period of Sun-

day, August 22, through Sat-urday, August 28, the Police Department responded to 901 calls for service of which 115 required formal investi-gations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the De-partment during this period.

Sunday, August 22:Between 2:30 a.m. and

9:29 a.m., a grand theft auto occurred in the 100 block of Bonita. A 2003 black GMC Yukon was stolen from the location.

Loss prevention person-nel from JC Penney advised that they had detained a man for theft around 4:38 p.m. The suspect was seen concealing merchandise in a shopping bag and leaving the store without making payment. A private per-son’s arrest was made, and an 18-year-old Caucasian was taken into custody for commercial burglary. Ad-ditional stolen property from Cotton On was also recov-ered in the shopping bag.

Monday, August 23:While on routine patrol

by the horse trail adjacent to Par 3, 620 East Live Oak, of-ficers recognized a male sub-ject due to numerous prior contacts. The 42-year-old Hispanic was a felony pa-rolee at large with a no bail warrant, so he was taken into custody.

Units responded to the 1200 block of Oakwood around 11:14 a.m. in refer-ence to a welfare check. Co-workers were concerned about an 81-year-old male Caucasian who did not show up to work. Upon entry into the residence, officers found the victim deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. Further investigation re-vealed that he was suffering from terminal cancer.

Tuesday, August 24:Officers were dis-

patched to the 700 block of Arcadia around 4:27 a.m. regarding a battery investiga-tion between two brothers. A 46-year-old victim was ap-parently struck in the head and face several times with a broken door jamb and a closed fist by his 40-year-old African-American brother.

The suspect fled the scene prior to officers’ arrival, and the victim was transported to a hospital for medical treat-ment. Later in the morning the suspect showed up at the station and presented his side of the story. He also sus-tained serious injuries to his head and hand and was also transported to the hospital. Due to the serious injuries sustained by both brothers and the conflicting stories, it is unclear who the primary aggressor was in the incident and a follow-up investigation will need to be conducted.

Around 1:52 p.m., units were called to the 5400 block of Peck in reference to several suspicious subjects going in and coming out of a parked RV. Subjects were contacted and a male Cau-casian lied to officers by pro-viding two different names. A fingerprint check revealed the 53-year-old man’s true identity and that he was a parolee at large.

Wednesday, August 25:Shortly after 2:00 a.m.,

a car was seen swerving be-tween lanes and a traffic stop was initiated at Live Oak and Longden. A 31-year-old male Hispanic driver was contacted and officers detected the odor of an al-coholic beverage emitting from his person. A field sobriety test was conducted and it was determined that the driver was operating the vehicle while intoxicated. A record check also indicated that he had a suspended li-cense for DUI and was on court probation for DUI. The driver was arrested at the scene without incident.

While officers were con-ducting an investigation in the 1000 Alta Vista around 4:52 p.m., they discovered a room with more than 30 marijuana plants. Lights, fans, and spe-cial ducting were installed in the room for the purpose of cultivating marijuana.

Thursday, August 26:A solo traffic collision

occurred in the 300 block of East Live Oak around 3:18 a.m. An intoxicated 23-year-old female Hispanic driver crashed into a tree. The woman was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Between July 22 and Au-gust 26, a residential burglary occurred in the 00 block of Alta. While the resident was on vacation, unknown

suspect(s) entered the home by breaking the dead bolt lock. Suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole a substantial amount of cash and other property.

Friday, August 27:

Around 8:00 a.m., units responded to the 500 block of West Las Tunas regarding a possible sui-cidal subject. A 58-year-old male Asian victim was located, and he apparently died from self-inflicted lac-erations to his wrists. Fam-ily members advised that he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

An auto burglary oc-curred between 12:55 p.m. and 1:07 p.m. in the 100 block of South First. Un-known suspect(s) broke into a vehicle and stole $6,000 from the center console.

Saturday, August 28:Around 3:35 a.m., a

drunk driver ran a red light and struck a vehicle in the intersection of Baldwin and Huntington. The ine-briated driver then struck a parked car in the 600 block of West Huntington. A 48-year-old male His-panic driver was arrested for DUI, driving on a sus-pended/revoked license, and an $85,000 felony DUI warrant.

Units responded to Tokyo Waco around 12:38 p.m. in regards to a pos-sible battery. During an argument, a man struck his fiancé in the face with a closed fist. A 65-year-old Caucasian was taken into custody for inflicting cor-poral injury to cohabitant.

Sierra Madre PDDuring the week of Sun-

day, August 15th, to Satur-day August 22th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 333 calls for service.

Thursday, August 19th:11:08 PM – Prowling/

Peeking in Doors and Win-dows, 300 block West Mon-tecito Ave. A suspect de-scribed as a white man with close cut hair was reported looking into the windows of an occupied home. Officers detained a suspect nearby who matched the descrip-tion, and they arrested him for an outstanding warrant. The prowling case is still un-der investigation.


Page 17: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

September 2 - September 8, 2010 17

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We use every strategy available under the law.

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Other Public NOtices

DePartMent oF thetreaSurer anD taX Col-leCtor

notice of Divided Publication

notiCe oF DiviDeD PuBliCa-tion oF the ProPerty taX DeFault(DelinQuent) liStMade pursuant to Section 3371, revenue and taxation Code

Pursuant to Sections 3381 through 3385, revenue and taxation Code, the notice of Power to Sell tax Defaulted Property in and for los angeles County, State of California, has been divided and distributed to various newspapers of general circulation published in the county. a portion of the list appears in each of such newspapers.

i, Mark J. Saladino, County of los angeles tax Collector, State of California, certify that:

notice is hereby given that the real properties listed below were de-clared to be in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2008, by operation of law. the declaration of default was due to non-payment of the total amount due for the taxes, assessments and other charges levied in 2007-08 tax year that were a lien on the listed real property. Property upon which a nuisance abatement lien has been recorded shall be subject to sale if the taxes remain unpaid after three years. the name of the assessee and the total tax, which was due on June 30, 2008 for the 2007-08 tax year, is shown opposite the parcel number. tax defaulted real property may be redeemed by payment of all unpaid taxes and assessments, together with the additional penalties and fees, as prescribed by law, or it may be paid under an installment plan of redemption. if the 2007-08 taxes remain unpaid on non-residential property after June 30, 2011, the property will be subject to sale at public auction in 2011. all other residential property that remains unpaid after June 30, 2013, will be subject to sale at public auction in 2014.

all information concerning redemp-tion of tax-defaulted property will be furnished, upon request, by Mark J. Saladino, treasurer and tax Collector, 225 north hill Street, los angeles, California 90012, 1-(888) 807-2111 or 1-(213) 974-2111.

i certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. executed at los angeles, California on august 4, 2010.

MarK J. SalaDinotreaSurer anD taX ColleC-torCounty oF loS anGeleSState oF CaliFornia

assessees/taxpayers, who have disposed of real property since January 1, 2007, may find their names listed for the reason that a change in ownership has not been reflected on the assessment roll.

aSSeSSor’S iDentiFiCation nuMBerinG SySteM eXPlanation

the assessor’s Parcel number (aPn), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map (if applicable), and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. the assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the Assessor’s office.

the following property tax defaulted on July 1, 2008, for the taxes, assessments, and other charges for the fiscal year 2007-08:

liSteD BeloW are ProPertieS that DeFaulteD in 2008 For taXeS, aSSeSSMentS anD 0ther CharGeS For the FiSCal year 2007-2008.aMount oF DelinQuenCy aS oF thiS PuBliCation iS liSteD BeloW. aGuilar,MarCelino anD laura SituS 246 e neWMan ave arCaDia Ca 91006-2905 5772-026-010 $30,093.89 arCaDia ChriStian re-ForMeD Ch SituS 721 W leMon ave arCaDia Ca 91007-7934 5383-030-020 $979.23 SituS 1735 S BalDWin ave arCaDia Ca 91007-7927 5383-030-043 $1,399.25 BarrioS,Cynthia y SituS 5321 Farna ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5920 8572-021-007 $15,733.89 BetZler,eriC anD CinDy SituS 146 laurel ave arCaDia Ca 91006-2544 5772-014-006 $27,286.90 Buona Fortuna llC SituS 136 laS tunaS Dr arCaDia Ca 91007-8512 5788-022-007 $28,298.98 ChanG,JoBe y SituS 417 DiaMonD St no a arCaDia Ca 91006-6625 5779-005-070 $12,054.51 DlCC CorP SituS 1216 valenCia Way arCaDia Ca 91006-2406 5771-030-009/S2006-010/S2007-010 $9,268.33 DolMSeth,Steven J SituS 585 W Duarte rD no 24a arCaDia Ca 91007-7342 5778-008-040 $8,605.38 Duarte,Manuel anD Maria SituS 3021 MayFloWer ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5843 8571-001-009/S2006-010 $626.58 DyMMel,Kenneth l anD ruth e SituS 2168 hiGhlanD oaKS Dr arCaDia Ca 91006-1521 5765-030-004 $4,047.22 eSPinoSa,alvin anD MaGDa-lena SituS 1320 PePPer Way arCaDia Ca 91006-6350 8511-017-023 $24,276.99 GeroniMo,Montano D Jr anD MerCaDo,elaine a SituS 715 e Winnie Way arCaDia Ca 91006-4814 5791-035-006 $39,486.10 GlaSer,Steven F anD Bro-naGh M SituS 3040 Doolittle ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5807 8571-004-015 $5,374.91 haMalian,anKe anD anahiD SituS 2030 viSta ave Sierra MaDre Ca 91024-1554

5765-006-015 $63.14 herrera,Joel l anD louiS,ana e SituS 2818 loGa-nrita ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5528 8511-025-005 $6,308.80 hu,MinG JunG anD Mei Chen l SituS 117 W la Sierra Dr arCaDia Ca 91007-4022 5782-005-011 $19,357.23 international ChurCh oF the FourSQuare GoSPel SituS 805 n 1St ave arCaDia Ca 91006-2530 5772-005-001 $2,793.15 5772-005-002 $230.26 5772-006-024 $536.58 5772-006-027 $439.19 5772-006-030 $978.28 international ChurCh oF the FourSQuare GoSPel SituS 723 n 1St ave arCaDia Ca 91006-2528 5772-006-023 $2,962.86 JohnSon,ShelDon Co tr JohnSon WilSon FaMily truSt SituS 1109 enGleMann Ct arCaDia Ca 91006-2040 5769-009-017 $43,739.11 KarDaSinSKi,Danny S Co tr et al KarDaSinSKi truSt anD BroWn,MarGuerite SituS 114 la Porte St arCaDia Ca 91006-2832 5773-004-022 $1,722.75 Kha,ethan t SituS 480 roSe-Marie Dr arCaDia Ca 91007-8316 5787-008-009 $363.53 lee,Pui linG SituS 127 Bonita St arCaDia Ca 91006-3637 5773-017-008 $9,679.97 liMBo,Jethro SituS 664 W CaMino real ave arCaDia Ca 91007-7900 5785-001-090/S2007-010 $25,327.10 MartineZ,thoMaS e anD tereSa a SituS 458 e MonteCito ave Sierra MaDre Ca 91024-2131 5766-004-034 $16,045.43 Miller,roBert W anD JaC-Queline SituS 6622 teMPle City BlvD arCaDia Ca 91007-7874 5383-010-023 $12,402.35 MulKerrinS,Sean anD GretChen trS S anD G MulKerrinS truSt SituS 1031 CoronaDo Dr arCaDia Ca 91007-6427 5777-033-004 $18,697.29 PereZ,lilly a SituS 1830 8th ave Monrovia Ca 91016-7758 5780-018-029 $131.47 rahMan,aBDul anD ZuBeDa trS rahMan FaMily truSt anD GhalaMBor trS GhalaMBor truSt SituS 1451 S BalDWin ave arCaDia Ca 91007-7922 5383-031-037 $18,025.57 SCherer,riCharD a SituS 1850 6th ave Monrovia Ca 91016-4376 5780-015-008/S2006-010/S2007-010 $43,923.08 SColinoS,John P anD linDa C SituS 834 BalBoa Dr arCaDia Ca 91007-6401 5777-031-029 $15,356.00 SinDh,aviar SituS 2865 S 10th ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5402 5791-033-001 $5,920.40 SWanSon,Kathy a tr Kathy a SWanSon truSt SituS 657 W leMon ave arCaDia Ca 91007-7949 5785-010-015 $3,560.17 tanooKa,Cay SituS 6302 aGneS ave teMPle City Ca 91780-1401 5383-021-021 $10,097.67 tirMiZi,SyeD M anD nelly SituS 1379 JaCaranDa Cir arCaDia Ca 91006-6355 8511-017-085 $13,879.87 WaDe,DenniS t anD De-GraaFWaDe,Jane SituS 3033 S 9th ave arCaDia Ca 91006-5853 8571-008-043 $6,068.80 WallaCe,John tr anD Wil-liaM J hall DeCD truSt anD hall,linDa a DeCD eSt oF SituS 2223 Canyon rD arCaDia Ca 91006-1508 5765-033-011 $5,769.71 WellS FarGo BanK tr oPtion one MtGe truSt 2007 5 SituS 1017 Merry oaK ln arCaDia Ca 91006-2221 5770-027-017 $37,873.53 ZeFerino,Juan r SituS 598 W huntinGton Dr no 12h arCaDia Ca 91007-3422 5778-003-052 $78.16

Publish august 26 and September 2, 2010.

County of los angelesDepartment of the treasurer and tax Collector

notice of Divided Publication

Pursuant to Sections 3702, 3381, and 3382, revenue and taxation Code, the notice of Sale of tax Defaulted Property Subject to the Power of Sale in and for the County of los angeles, State of California has been divided and distributed to various newspapers of general circulation published in said County for publication of a portion thereof, in each of the said newspapers.

Public auction notice (r&tC 3702) of Sale of tax-Defaulted Property Subject tothe Power of Sale (Sale no. 2010a)

Whereas, on June 29, 2010, i, MarK J. SalaDino, treasurer and tax Collector was directed by the Board of Supervisors of los angeles County, State of California to sell at public auction certain tax-defaulted properties which are Subject to the Power of Sale. Public notice is hereby given that unless said properties are redeemed prior thereto, i will, on october 18, 19, and 20, 2010, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the Fairplex los angeles County Fair-grounds, 1101 W. McKinley avenue, Building 8, Pomona, California, offer for sale and sell said properties at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check in lawful money of the united States for not less than the minimum bid. if no bids are received on a parcel, it will be re-offered at the end of the auction at a reduced minimum price.

the minimum bid for each parcel is the total amount necessary to redeem, plus costs, as required by Section 3698.5 of the revenue and taxation Code.

Prospective bidders should obtain detailed information of this sale from the County treasurer and tax Collector. Pre-registration and a $5,000 deposit in the form of cash, cashier’s check or bank issued money order is required at the time of registration. no personal checks, two-party checks or business checks will be accepted for registration. registration will be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., starting tuesday, September 7, 2010, at the treasurer and Tax Collector’s Office located at 225 North

hill Street, room 130, los angeles, California, and will end on Friday, october 1, 2010, at 5:00 p.m.

if the property is sold, parties of interest, as defined by Section 4675 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, have a right to file a claim with the County for any proceeds from the sale, which are in excess of the liens and costs required to be paid from the proceeds. if excess proceeds result from the sale, notice will be given to parties of interest, pursuant to law.

all information concerning redemp-tion, provided the right to redeem has not previously been terminated, will upon request be furnished by MarK J. SalaDino, treasurer and tax Collector.

if redemption of the property is not made according to the law before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, october 15, 2010, which is the last business day prior to the first day of auction, the right of redemption will cease.

The Assessor’s Identification Num-ber (AIN) in this publication refers to the assessor’s Map Book, the Map Page, and the individual Parcel number on the Map Page. if a change in the Assessor’s Identification Number occurred, both prior and current Assessor’s Identification numbers are shown. an explanation of the parcel numbering system and the maps referred to are available from the Office of the Assessor located at 500 West temple Street, room 225, los angeles, California 90012.

a list explaining the abbreviations used in this publication is on file in the Office of the treasurer and tax Collector, 225 north hill Street, room 130, los angeles, California 90012, or telephone 1(213) 974-2045.

i certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. executed at los angeles, California, on august 4, 2010.

MarK J. SalaDinolos angeles Countytreasurer and tax CollectorState of California

the real property that is subject to this notice is situated in the County of los angeles, State of California, and is described as follows:

PuBliC auCtion notiCe oF Sale oF taX-DeFaulteD ProPerty SuBJeCt to the PoWer oF Sale(Sale no. 2010a) 4221 ain 8508-013-046 CaBre-ra,Manuel G anD tereSa loCation County oF loS anGeleS $19,923.00 4225 ain 8520-024-002 ho-ney,Beryl e loCation County oF loS anGeleS $20,768.00 4226 ain 8523-007-006 oMeGa inveStMentS llC loCation County oF loS anGeleS $2,347.00 4276 ain 8617-001-012 K anD S ProPertieS loCation County oF loS anGeleS $6,407.00

Publish august 26, September 2, and September 9, 2010.

notiCe oF Petition to aDMiniSter eState oF:han lianG the aKa han l.theCaSe no. GP015437To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the Will or estate, or both of han lianG the aKa han l.the.A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Gin Gan in the Superior Court of California, County of loS anGeleS.the Petition For ProBate requests that Gin Gan be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.the Petition requests the decedent’s Will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. the Will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. the Petition requests authority to administer the estate under the independent administration of estates act with limited authority. (this authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) the independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.a hearinG on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 10/08/10 at 8:30aM in Dept. a located at 300 e. Walnut St., PaSaDena, Ca 91101iF you oBJeCt to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.iF you are a CreDitor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above.YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code Section 1250. a request for Special notice form is available from the court for PetitionerthoMaS J. oSBorn - SBn 109785DeBra GraynoM-Daly - SBn 188845)2650 MiSSion St #205-aSan Marino Ca 91108-16319/2, 9/6, 9/9/10CnS-1937292#

city OF ArcAdiA NOtices

city of Arcadia community Workshop Zoning code Amendments to achieve consistency with the draft General Plann the coming months, the city of Arcadia will conduct public hearings on the 2010 General Plan, which establishes the city’s vision for the next 25 years. it is important that the Zoning Code reflect the directives of the General Plan, address new local and state regulations and standards, and establish regulations for new zones that will be created as a result of the 2010 General Plan. some of the proposed changes are:

establishing a new downtown Mixed use Zone around the planned Gold line stationApplying a new Mixed use Zone along east live Oak AvenueAccommodating New housing types: Accessory dwelling units in single-Family zones, emergency shelters, residential care Facilities, supportive housing, and transitional housingrevising the r-3 regulations: removing the unit size requirement, allowing a maximum density of 30 units per acre, amending parking and driveway regulations, and adjusting required setbacksregulations for a new restricted Multi-Family Zone (the apartments on s. baldwin Ave. across from Westfield mall).revisions to the commercial-Manufacturing zonerevisions to the density bonus Ordinance for Multiple-Family projects.revisions to the off-street parking requirements

if you are receiving this notice, it is because one or more of your properties is proposed to be rezoned, the zoning regulations are changing, the density is changing through the General Plan update, or you requested to be informed of all General Plan update workshops and meetings.

if you have any questions, please contact senior Planner, lisa Flores at (626) 574-5445 or by email at [email protected]. For quick assistance, please provide the address or Assessor’s Parcel Number of the property in question. to learn more about the proposed zoning code amendments and how the changes may affect your property, please attend the workshop and provide your input and comments.

cOMMuNity WOrkshOP Tuesday, September 14, 2010

at 7:30 p.m. city council chambers

240 W. Huntington DriveArcadia, CA 91007

Visit us

Henry Nunez an-nounced the formation of “San Gabriel Valley High-Tech Incubator” last week.

In an effort to transform San Gabriel Valley’s em-ployment and technology opportunities ,Nunez thinks San Gabriel Valley may soon be able to challenge the Silicon Valley.

Henry Nunez, execu-tive officer of the San Gabri-el Valley Economic Partner-ship and President of Henry Nunez Real Estate Co. Inc. announced the formation of the “San Gabriel Valley

High-Tech Incubator” last week.

Nunez said the first start up company is “Talkwheel,” Founder and CEO Jeff Har-ris demonstrated how their software could “revolution-ize face-to-face real-time group discussions.”The San Gabriel Valley Hi-Tech Incubator is an pioneering start-up company develop-ment group which is col-laborating with followers in the San Gabriel Valley.

Call 626-422-7998 or [email protected] for more information

Henry Nunez - San Gabriel Valley could be a Silicon Valley Counterpart

pets. Experts agree that you

want to harass or scare the coyote so it fears you and leaves. You can do this by shouting or yelling at the coy-ote. Wave your arms and throw rocks at the coyote if necessary. You can make loud noises by clapping your hands, blowing a whistle, knocking two boards togeth-er or by using a car horn, air horn or other noise making device.

Ricky Whitman from the Pasadena Humane soci-ety advises that the Coyotes are adaptive predators and are omnivores. One of the best ways to prevent wild animal attacks on your pets is to not leave water or food outside. Secure garbage cans tightly and ensure fruit fallen from trees is picked up.

If you are concerned about Coyotes in your neigh-borhood contact California Fish and Game.

Continued from page 13

Coyotes Cause Concern

A Sustainability Fair will be held in Monrovia on Sat-urday, September 25, featur-ing a wide range of exhibits, workshops and entertain-ment designed to encourage and enable a greener, more environmentally-friendly community.

The Fair will take place in Old Town’s Library Park, on Myrtle Avenue between Palm and Lime Avenues,

from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.More than 50 exhibitors

are signed up for the event, along with a Low-Emission Vehicle Show and a chil-dren’s eco-play area. Radio Disney will be on hand from noon to 2 p.m., and the Mon-rovia Public Library, adjacent to the Fair, will hold a Green Library Tour to show off the building’s green-sensitive construction.

Sustainabilty Fair to Help Monrovia Become a Greener Community

Page 18: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

18 September 2 - September 8, 2010

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Page 19: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010
Page 20: Monroviua Sept 2 _ 2010

Beautifully Remodeled oldeR Home $499,000 Gourmet kitchen w/granite counter tops, stainless steel refrigera-tor. Features two fireplaces, originally 3 bdrms beautifully converted into two spacious suites, w/2bths located in a two story corner lot with an excellent mountain view . Very unique white crown moldings, double pane windows, extra large carport, beautifully landscaped. (D10800)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd.(626) 301-1888320 e. Foothill Blvd., arCadia


Century 21 ludeCke inC(626) 445-0123

20 e. Foothill Blvd. Suite 105, arCadia


Century 21 village realty(626) 355-1451

38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre


Century 21 earll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

agentoF the week

Caroline Khabbaz

Century 21 village realty (626) 355-1451

agentoF the week

Emily Duggan

Century 21 ludeCke inC. 626-445-0123

agentoF the week

Peter Wang

the gold Standard

fisH CaNyoN $421,800 Hard to find 4 bedroom, located in Duarte with fireplace in living room, 1.5 baths, kitchen/family room combo, inside laundry area, new windows, Laminet flooring in dining area, sliding glass doors in master bedroom opening to private patio & bonus room, two car attached garage. (F3109)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

4 BedRoom $420,000This well maintained 4 bed/3 ba features new double-pane win-dows, new doors and tile floors on first floor. Decorative staircase railing & Security door. Beautiful landscaped yard and private backyard. Good location in quiet neighborhood. (MAS)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

oNe of a kiNd $1,250,000 Contemporary showplace located in Bradbury with 3929 sq.ft. home includes 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, beautiful view of city, sunken living room with fireplace, lagoon style pool & grotto, den/office, 3 car garage and guest quarters with bath. (M333)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

Beautiful towN Home $558,000 This 3bdrm 2bth Unit is in excellent condition and move-in ready. Remodeled in 03 & 05 and close to Holly Elementary & Arcadia High. Beautiful floors, tile in bath, bright living room with FP and direct access double car garage. (D509)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

gReat Value!!! $580,000This 4 bed/ 3 ba beauty is located in a gated community. One bedroom downstairs. Kitchen w/island and eating area, family room with fireplace, master bedroom with his and hers closets, large laundry room, 3 car garage and much more! (RIV)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

saN gaBRiel $399,000This beautiful 2bdr 1.5 bth is turn-key. Very Well maintained by the current owners for over ten years! Gorgeous hardwood floors (except den) run throughout the house contributing to the warmth. Comfortable living room, den and dining room just off a bright well lit kitchen with tiled counter tops and floor. Front yard with circular driveway W/open courtyard and the back yard has a covered patio. (H8934)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123


SUN 2-5 PM

8934 Huntington Dr., San Gabriel

mid-CeNtuRy ClassiC $1,288,000 Situated on a very large corner lot this Altadena home with it’s lush entry, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, master retreat, formal living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, guest quarters, remodeled kitchen, family room, hardwood floors, large swimming pool & spa with automatic pool cover. (G2440)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

soutH PasadeNa sCHools!!! $328,000 This one level condo features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom (with new tile) and a galley style kitchen w/newer appliances. Located in the very desirable Mission District of S. Pasadena and close to the Gold Line. (ORA)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

Views, Views, Views This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine cellar, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

adoRaBle Home $728,000Quiet neighborhood located in the heart of Sierra Madre this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with master suite opening to the gorgeous backyard, living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, wood shutters, finished basement, laundry area, detached double garage. (M448)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

gReat oNe leVel Home $509,000This beautiful home is located on a quiet cul de sac and features 3 bed/2 ba, newer tile roof, AC/FA and enclosed patio/sunroom. Remodeled with lots of upgrades and appealing exterior stone work. Centrally located to fwy, shops market and transportation. MOVE IN CONDITION!

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

aNoakia estates!!! $3,499,000This Crown Jewel of Anoakia Estates is a true Entertainer’s Paradise! The exquisite home is situated on the largest lot in Anoakia (almost 31,000 sq.ft.) and features 5 bedroom suites, 6.5 baths, Formal Living & Dining rooms, Study, Family room & an Amazing Gourmet Kitchen. The expansive, covered patio w/built-in BBQ Station is absolutely stunning! Fantastic pool w/slide & waterfall. Pool house & exercise room. State of the art movie theatre room. This property is too Amazing to describe!!! ARCADIA SCHOOLS!!! (ENG)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

iNCome PRoPeRty $1,695,000Three lovely, spacious and meticulously maintained houses on very large lot. Front unit 4bdrm 2bth, middle unit in 4bdrms 2.5 bths and rear unit is 3bdrms 2bths. Each unit with 2 car garage. Perfect for live on premise w/rental income. Conveniently located to shopping and easy access to freeway. Come and make an offer.(F5102)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

Huge PRiCe ReduCtioN $410,000 This 3bdrm 2bth home has been remodeled with many modern upgrades. Set back from the street with a long driveway, fenced large flat back yard, modern kitchen w/maple cabinets, white appli-ances, contemporary bathrooms w/custom ceramic tiles, laminate flooring throughout, crown moldings’, and much more! (C228)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

goRgeous ViCtoRiaN! $799,000This Victorian features 3 Bed/3 ba and an additional office space. Great location across from the walking trail and Bradbury. The curb appeal is amazing with the wrap around porch, cobblestone drive and attention to detail. This home has been totally remodeled with upgraded kitchen and ss appl. Large lot w/Avocado trees, lush backyard and a two car detached garage. (ROY)

CeNtuRy 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

loVely CoNdo $92,000Wonderfully landscaped with ponds, streams & trees. Located close to Chaffey College in Alta Loma this 1 bedroom, ground floor unit with large patio, dining room, kitchen, ample closet space, complex has 3 pools, club house, tennis courts and laundry room. (L10655)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

loNg BeaCH $599,999Beautiful 4 bdrm 2bth home w/pool and pool house/guest house, large lot, spacious living space, long driveway great curb appeal, Italian imported tile, hard wood floors, sky light and the best on the market! Come and see! (M3256)

CeNtuRy 21 ludeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

tRaditioNal oNe leVel $679,000Located in N/E Monrovia with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, walk-in pantry, hardwood flooring, breakfast counter/bar, formal dining room, detached two car garage, laundry room, lovely patio and backyard. (O1013)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451

suN Valley Hills $598,000On its own private knoll with views, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with den, formal dining and fireplace has a remodeled kitchen and baths. New windows, newer roof, FA/CA, on a 21,000 sq.ft. lot. 1,811 sq.ft. home per assessor. (O8526)

CeNtuRy 21 Village Realty (626) 355-1451