Download - Monroe Doctrine Spain wanted to reclaim former colonies in Latin America .


World History/Cultures World History/Cultures Chapter 16-The Age of Imperialism Chapter 16-The Age of Imperialism

Section 4- Imperialism in the AmericasSection 4- Imperialism in the Americas

Monroe DoctrineMonroe Doctrine SpainSpain wanted to reclaim former wanted to reclaim former

colonies in colonies in Latin AmericaLatin America.. U.S. didn't want Spain close to its U.S. didn't want Spain close to its

bordersborders.. Great BritainGreat Britain had good trade relations had good trade relations

with Latin America & didn'twith Latin America & didn't

want it disrupted by Spain.want it disrupted by Spain. Great Britain wants to issue Great Britain wants to issue jointjoint

warningwarning to European powers with U.S. to European powers with U.S.

Monroe Doctrine con’tMonroe Doctrine con’t U.S. acts by itself through President U.S. acts by itself through President

James MonroeJames Monroe & Secretary of & Secretary of State John Quincy Adams.State John Quincy Adams. 1823: Monroe warns European powers 1823: Monroe warns European powers

not to not to interfereinterfere in Western in Western Hemisphere countries- Hemisphere countries- Monroe Monroe

DoctrineDoctrine.. American continents not to be American continents not to be

colonizedcolonized.. Attempt to colonize threat to Attempt to colonize threat to

America’s America’s safetysafety..

Monroe Doctrine con’tMonroe Doctrine con’t 1895: Great Britain had conflict with 1895: Great Britain had conflict with

VenezuelaVenezuela over borders with over borders with British GuianaBritish Guiana. U.S. urged dispute . U.S. urged dispute

should be settled by should be settled by arbitration .arbitration .

(Settlement by a third party)(Settlement by a third party) Using Monroe Doctrine, U.S. issues Using Monroe Doctrine, U.S. issues

warning to warning to Great BritainGreat Britain to to

accept arbitration. Problems in British accept arbitration. Problems in British empireempire & aware of U.S. power, Great & aware of U.S. power, Great Britain Britain agreedagreed to peace with to peace with Venezuela.Venezuela.

Spanish-American WarSpanish-American War After Guiana border dispute, U.S. After Guiana border dispute, U.S.

focused on focused on Puerto RicoPuerto Rico & & CubaCuba, , Spanish colonies in late 1800s.Spanish colonies in late 1800s.

Cuba's Cuba's tobacco & sugar plantationstobacco & sugar plantations important to Spain.important to Spain.

1895, 1895, Jose MartiJose Marti, political activist, led , political activist, led CubansCubans in bloody revolt against in bloody revolt against

Spanish rule. Cubans sent to Spanish rule. Cubans sent to prisonprison campscamps with harsh conditions. with harsh conditions.

U.S. sympathetic for Cubans struggle U.S. sympathetic for Cubans struggle for for freedomfreedom..

Spanish-American War con’tSpanish-American War con’t Jan 1898: President Jan 1898: President William William

McKinleyMcKinley sent Battleship sent Battleship MaineMaine to Havana, Havana, Cuba.

The Maine explodes in Havana The Maine explodes in Havana Harbor & kills Harbor & kills 260 American 260 American sailorssailors..

Cry Cry "Remember the Maine""Remember the Maine" - - spreads across U.S.spreads across U.S.

Spanish-American War con’tSpanish-American War con’t

American newspapers report American newspapers report SpainSpain responsible for the Maine responsible for the Maine disaster.disaster.

April 1898: McKinley & Congress April 1898: McKinley & Congress declare wardeclare war on Spain. on Spain.

War lasted four months- War lasted four months- victoryvictory for U.S.for U.S.

American TerritoriesAmerican Territories 1867: U.S. purchased 1867: U.S. purchased AlaskaAlaska from from

RussiaRussia.. 1868: U.S. annexed 1868: U.S. annexed HawaiiHawaii.. 1898: After Spanish-American War, 1898: After Spanish-American War,

U.S. gained Spanish Territories in the U.S. gained Spanish Territories in the Pacific- Pacific- Philippines & Guam & Puerto Philippines & Guam & Puerto RicoRico in the Caribbean. in the Caribbean.

Cuba Cuba independentindependent stayed under stayed under American protection.American protection.

1917: U.S. purchased 1917: U.S. purchased Virgin IslandsVirgin Islands from from DenmarkDenmark..

Panama CanalPanama Canal Spanish-American War- U.S. world power.Spanish-American War- U.S. world power. U.S. needed to move fleet between U.S. needed to move fleet between Pacific & Pacific &

Atlantic OceansAtlantic Oceans.. Canal needed across Canal needed across Isthmus of PanamaIsthmus of Panama.. 1880s: 1880s: Ferdinand de LessepsFerdinand de Lesseps, builder of , builder of

Suez Canal, failed to buildSuez Canal, failed to buildPanama Canal.Panama Canal.

13 years after de Lessep's company went 13 years after de Lessep's company went bankrupt, Presidentbankrupt, PresidentTheodore RooseveltTheodore Roosevelt with Congress backing, with Congress backing, acquired Panama Canalacquired Panama Canalrights & property.rights & property.

1902: 1902: PanamaPanama part of Columbia. Roosevelt part of Columbia. Roosevelt unsuccessful unsuccessful ininnegotiating treaty to build canal.negotiating treaty to build canal.

Panama Canal con’tPanama Canal con’t 1903: U.S. agents encourage People 1903: U.S. agents encourage People

of Panama to of Panama to revoltrevolt against againstColumbia. With help of U.S. Navy, Columbia. With help of U.S. Navy, Colombian troops unable to land- Colombian troops unable to land- rebellionrebellion over quickly. New Republic over quickly. New Republic of Panama of Panama signs treaty-signs treaty- grants grantsU.S. land to build canal.U.S. land to build canal.

1904-1914: Panama Canal built. 1904-1914: Panama Canal built. Workers die from Workers die from malariamalaria & yellow & yellowfever. fever. SanitationSanitation measures to control measures to control disease-carrying mosquitoes.disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Canal- great Canal- great engineeringengineering feat. feat.

Panama Canal con’tPanama Canal con’t

Panama Canal spreads U.S. Panama Canal spreads U.S. influenceinfluence in Latin America. in Latin America.

1904: President extends 1904: President extends MonroeMonroe DoctrineDoctrine- became known as- became known asRoosevelt CorollaryRoosevelt Corollary. Under this, . Under this, U.S. intervened to force LatinU.S. intervened to force LatinAmerican countries to honor American countries to honor their their foreign debtsforeign debts..

Panama Canal con’tPanama Canal con’t 1904-1924: U.S. 1904-1924: U.S. intervenedintervened in in

Dominican Republic, Haiti &Dominican Republic, Haiti &Nicaragua. U.S. viewed actions- Nicaragua. U.S. viewed actions- provided provided stability stability & spread& spreaddemocracydemocracy. .

Latin America view U.S. Latin America view U.S. actions possibly turning theiractions possibly turning theircountries into countries into coloniescolonies & protect & protect business that business that exploited exploited theirtheirresources.resources.

MexicoMexico 1800s-1900s: U.S. involved in Mexico.1800s-1900s: U.S. involved in Mexico. 1830s: Dictator, 1830s: Dictator, Santa AnnaSanta Anna, met with , met with

oppositionopposition in Mexican state of in Mexican state of TexasTexas. . Many Americans settled there.Many Americans settled there.

1835: Americans & some Mexicans 1835: Americans & some Mexicans revoltrevolt & set up & set up republicrepublic of Texas. of Texas.

1845: Texas republic joins U.S. as a 1845: Texas republic joins U.S. as a statestate. Conflict between Mexico & U.S. . Conflict between Mexico & U.S. Mexico Mexico defeateddefeated in Mexican War. in Mexican War.

1848: Treaty of 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-Guadalupe Hidalgo- almost half of Mexico's territory goes almost half of Mexico's territory goes to U.S.

Reform/ConflictReform/Conflict Era of change in Mexico- Era of change in Mexico- La ReformaLa Reforma. .

Mexicans chose Benito Juarez as Mexicans chose Benito Juarez as PresidentPresident.. 1863: 1863: FrenchFrench occupy Mexico City. Juarez occupy Mexico City. Juarez

fled & organized fled & organized guerrillaguerrilla movement. movement. 1864: French name Austrian Archduke 1864: French name Austrian Archduke

MaximilianMaximilian emperor of Mexico. emperor of Mexico. 1867: U.S. pressures French to 1867: U.S. pressures French to withdrawwithdraw. .

JuarezJuarez returns to power (Maximilian returns to power (Maximilian executed)executed)

1872: After Juarez death, 1872: After Juarez death, General DiazGeneral Diaz seized power. Strengthened army & seized power. Strengthened army & limitedlimited individual freedoms. Mexico made individual freedoms. Mexico made economiceconomic advancesadvances. . ProfitsProfits went to the went to the wealthywealthy. Most . Most Mexicans stayed Mexicans stayed poor.poor.

Mexican RevolutionMexican Revolution 1910-1920: People 1910-1920: People discontentdiscontent

with Diaz & with Diaz & revoltrevolt. Mexicans . Mexicans immigrate to U.S.immigrate to U.S.

RevolutionRevolution started when liberal started when liberal reformer, reformer, Francisco MaderoFrancisco Madero, , overthrew Diaz in 1910.overthrew Diaz in 1910.

Mexican Revolution con’tMexican Revolution con’t Madero murdered by Madero murdered by General General

HuertaHuerta. Mexico revolts & . Mexico revolts & American intervention removes American intervention removes Huerta from Huerta from powerpower..

3 3 revolutionary leadersrevolutionary leaders vie for vie for power: Zapata, "Pancho" Villa & power: Zapata, "Pancho" Villa & Carranza.Carranza.

Zapata fought for rights of Zapata fought for rights of poorpoor farmersfarmers..

Mexican Revolution con’tMexican Revolution con’t Zapata & Villa proposed Zapata & Villa proposed medical medical

reformsreforms.. 1915: Carranza, a 1915: Carranza, a conservativeconservative, ,

becomes becomes President President (with (with American support)American support)

Villa Villa retaliatedretaliated- went into New - went into New Mexico & killed 18 Americans.Mexico & killed 18 Americans.

Mexican Revolution con’tMexican Revolution con’t President President Woodrow WilsonWoodrow Wilson sent sent

troops into Mexico to capture troops into Mexico to capture Villa.Villa.

Outbreak of Outbreak of World War IWorld War I caused caused withdrawalwithdrawal of American troops of American troops from Mexico.from Mexico.

Carranza introduced a Carranza introduced a liberal liberal constitutionconstitution, slow in reforms., slow in reforms.

Mexican Revolution con’tMexican Revolution con’t 1919: 1919: pro-Carranzapro-Carranza military military

officer murdered Zapata, who officer murdered Zapata, who protested Carranza's disregard protested Carranza's disregard of of land reformland reform..

1920: Carranza killed during a 1920: Carranza killed during a revoltrevolt. . General ObregonGeneral Obregon now in now in power.power.

1920s: Tensions 1920s: Tensions relaxedrelaxed between between Mexico & U.S. American Mexico & U.S. American intervention not intervention not forgottenforgotten by by Mexicans.Mexicans.