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Molly Dwyer

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Introduction to Saint Gianna Catholic Health Academy•“Students in the program include seniors from both Bishop Carroll and Kapaun High Schools. The program is a collaborative project for the Catholic School Office, Newman University, and Via Christi Hospital where the students obtain high school and college credit during the program while discovering their careers of interest.”

Program Director St. Gianni Catholic Health Academy,Denise Clarke-Hang

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Rotations • Every week, the students

go on rotation at either St. Francis or St. Joe Hospital. When the students complete the week’s rotation, they are required to have a form signed by a mentor, write a reflection on the experience, and then write the unit a “thank you” card.

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On my third week of rotation, I was with respiratory. We went to several units in the hospital checking on patients while on rotation. Next to the OR, this was my favorite unit mostly because I was able to see so many things during my rotation. The most interesting unit I visited was the CCU, where I talked to several elderly patients. While in CCU, Tyler and I were called down to MICU and witnessed another code.


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During the fourth week of rotation, I was in the OR. It was such an amazing experience to be able to be that close to a surgery! Scrubbing in and wearing a face mask also helped me feel a little more official; I was tired of always sticking out in the different units. It gets a little cold, however, so those of you reading this: WEAR AN UNDERSHIRT.

The surgeries I saw included a hip replacement (which was extremely brutal to watch) and a breast removal/reconstruction. Unfortunately, I was only in the OR for one day...somehow I managed to get mixed up and spent my first day of rotation in the burn

unit with bad.

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"It's like I checked into rehab and baby you're my disease" - Rihanna. Rehab was alright, all in all. The ladies there are very friendly...but you do a lot of walking so I'd wear tennis shoes or something. My feet wanted to fall off by the end of rotation. Besides the fact that I didn't have to be on rotation until 1:15, the best part about this rotation was all the people I got to see. For the first time, I was able to talk with the patients, fetch things for them, and try to make them more at home. There was a 93 year old woman that could still get in and out of bed, dress herself, drive, cook- everything! Tell me that's not impressive. Ya,

that's right. It is.

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During my rotations in MICU and CICU... I never was really in that unit. The first day I was moved to the Cath lab where I watched a tilt test and had to listen to an old lady cry in pain. It was weird though; once the test was over, she didn't remember any of the pain. I also watched two heart caths, which was extremely interesting to watch from the glass box you're forced to sit in.

The second day I was moved to 5 East...which wasn't particularly exciting, but it was better than MICU. That day I conversed with a few elderly and changed some bed sheets

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WEEKIn this unit I watched a radiology test that included the use of barium. The barium allowed all of the colon to be visible. The nurses in this unit weren’t particularly nice, but the experience was rewarding.

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Dr. Bernadette’s Lecture

• The lecture with Dr. Bernadette began with an informative film and a few handouts. The film centered around the nursing career, and people’s personal opinions on the rewards and benefits of being a nurse. Dr. Bernadette then discussed the nursing program at Newman University.

• Throughout the film, the male and female nurses seemed very pleased with his or her career. They mentioned how rewarding it is to feel needed; they felt like they made a difference in the lives of others. They stressed the fact that there is always a need for nurses, and every day one learns something new.

• As far as the program at Newman, only 32 students are accepted into the program. This happens two times yearly, unless one gets early admissions. If one does get accepted into the program through early admission, one must be sure to keep up his or her grades in order to retain their spot. If one lets his or her grade drop, the individual will be dropped from the program and their place taken by someone else. When it comes into acceptance into the program, 45% depends on one’s GPA. One must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA and have completed 60 hours of college classes.

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Dr. Greg Reichenberger’s Lecture• Veterinary doctor, Greg Reichenberger, is the private owner of the West

Wichita Pet clinic, which opened in 1996. He attended Newman for four years, during which he received his biology and chemistry degrees, and then attended K-state where he went through veterinary school. Before entering his field of practice, he shadowed a Veterinarian then began attending to larger animals such as horses, cattle, and buffalo.

Once he was on his own, he began to work with animals ranging in size in his own private practice.

• Due to the fact that Veterinarians take care of every and all health problems in animals, they must specialize in such areas as immunology, anatomy, physiology,

developmental biology, dairy science, poultry science, animal science and industry, nutrition, western horsemanship, accounting, basics of business, and public speaking.

Vets must know an animal’s anatomy completely in order to treat it accordingly, whether it is for dental work or a surgery; prescribing medication or altering a diet.

• Overall, Dr. Reichenberger stressed that what one really needs to excel in any medical field is a good personality. One must be able to work with others and make

others feel comfortable with his or her practice.

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Dr. Trolio’s Lecture• Dr. Trolio is a Dentist who practices in Rose Hill. He did not speak much of

Dentistry as a field, but rather the difficulties of getting into and remaining in the field.

• Getting into school is particularly hard according to Dr. Trolio. He told us that once one enters dental school, it is not as accommodating as medical school. When one enters the school, the student is not automatically addressed as “doctor”, but rather, the student is looked down upon and treated poorly. This greatly discouraged me from entering the field of dentistry, which is my field of choice. The courses are rigorous, and one must study late into the night; however, one may meet his or her best friends during study groups in school.

• The average dental school graduate has about $250-300,000 worth of debt once completing school. Luckily, a dentist does not have to go into residency, but can immediately begin to practice after obtaining a state license. Dr. Trolio spent the majority of the time talking about money issues, which also discouraged me.

• Suicide, substance abuse, and divorce are highest among dentists. This directly relates to the difficulty and stress of the courses, the time taken from spouses and family in order to study, and the extreme debt after schooling. Although the profession and the road to get there sound miserable, dentistry is still and will remain my field of choice.

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Dr. Shelley Steadman

• Dr. Shelley’s lecture was one of my favorite so far. She told us about all the different ways one determines how a certain person died, and if a homicide, who the killer was. She stressed that one must do well in both chemistry and biology.

• At crime scenes, her job was DNA profiling. She would collect evidence, such as blood, saliva, and semen, and try to determine suspects. Her job at an entry level pays about $45,000 and tops out at about $50,000. She works as a government employee so she works forty hours a week and is not paid for overtime. Being the case, she stresses that one must really love his or her job in order to be happy in this field.

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Dr. Ron Shipley

• Dr. Ron Shipley, a Radiographer, was a very effective speaker. He engaged the class by introducing us to several x-ray films, and then challenged us to diagnose the problem with each individual. He then went on to explain the four main jobs of a Radiographer: to provide patient care, position patients for examinations, measure proper radiation, and assist the radiologist.

• Whilst patient care is mostly hospitality, it is essential for a radiographer to position a patient correctly in order to get the clearest shot of the part of the body one wants to examine. It is also very important that one measures the correct amount of radiation, as it can be harmful to an individual. Lastly, a radiographer assists the radiologist with diagnosis.

• He then taught us about the different types of radiology, including CT scan, MRI, sonography, nuclear medicine, and PET scans. Each type of picture showed different things in different ways. The most diverse type of radiology was the sonography, specifically used to take pictures of a child in a mother’s womb. It is different from other types of radiology because instead of using radio waves, it uses sound waves to create a picture. Sonography is also much safer than radiology.

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Professional Thank You Letters

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Health Care Options- Entry

Level• Dental Assistant

• I am interested in this career because I intend on attending school at UMKC for dentistry. A position as a Dental Assistant will enable me to learn more about the dental field and gain creditable experience, thus making me a more desirable hire once entering the field.

• Although most states have no requirement for entering this field, obtaining some form of education gives one an advantage over the rest of the competition. One can attend a Dental Assistant program, usually lasting 6-12 months. A high school diploma or an equivalent is required for acceptance into such a program along with classes such as biology and chemistry. One can also take the CDA exam. The CDA (Certified Dental Assistant) exam consists of three parts: The General Chair side segment, The Infection Control segment, and the Health and Safety segment. If one does not pass the exam, one may still enter the career if he or she has successfully completed his or her Dental Assistant program. Dental assistants make an annual salary of $32,000.

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Health Care Options- Long term

• Doctor of Dental Health

• I am interested in this career because it is my dream to become a dentist. The road to becoming a dentist is a long one. First, one must obtain a bachelor’s degree. One should take several science classes or major in biology or chemistry. One must also complete the Dental Admissions Test (DAT). The resulting score of this test combined with one’s average GPA and letters of recommendation are examined by dental schools.

• The second step is acquiring a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. This is achieved through four years of study—two years of coursework and two years of supervised practice.

• After these two steps, one must obtain a license from his or her state in order to practice. One can either open his or her own office or become an associate with an already established office. Average salary for a dentist is roughly $120,000.

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Career Paper Summary• Nurse practitioners often work as the initial point of entry for a patient. They have

extensive experience and possess a specialized advanced degree allowing them to diagnose and treat patient conditions. Oftentimes a nurse practitioner works as an intricate part of a doctor’s staff, helping with all aspects of patient care.

• Although they are not trained to perform the responsibilities of a doctor, they work as a step above a registered nurse. They have nursing training and experience in their background and have achieved the next level required to act in this role. A nurse practitioner assists with performing physical exams, meeting with patients to diagnose conditions, or being the first line of defense for doctors in an office.

• A nurse practitioner is responsible for fielding calls from patients within an office when they are seeking medical advice; this is particularly true in an OB/GYN office. The extent to which an individual works within this role as it pertains to patient care varies by state. The licensing requirements and associated responsibilities are mandated by the state, so there is a wide variation. In some states, the nurse practitioner works independently from a physician. In other states, they work hand in hand with the doctor in an office, acting as the first point of contact in patient care.

• Nurse practitioners typically help in seeing patients and understanding their specific needs. They collect family history, conduct physical exams, diagnose acute and chronic illnesses, and order or perform diagnostic tests. Depending on the specific environment they work within, they may perform well baby checkups or provide prenatal care

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Future Plans• I plan on attending K-state next year

and entering into their pre-dental program. After that, I wish to return to WSU and be admitted into the newly created dental program to become a dentist.

• I am currently involved with shadowing at the Boynton & Boynton Family Dentistry, and at John Hollingsworth, General Dentistry.

• The program brought me closer to Bishop Carroll students, and taught me how to cope with diverse individuals. I learned so much and greatly enjoyed the course.

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Sources• Backgrounds from:,, and

• Career paper information from: