Download - Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

Page 1: Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

Mötley Crüe

Girls, Girls, Girls

Page 2: Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

This is certainly one of my favourite music videos I have looked at based on post production techniques, again not being biased as motley crue are my favourite musicians. The video also uses many of Andrew Goodwin's characteristics of a music video. Mainly as the lyrics relate with the content of the music video strongly, and in particular the links to voyeurism, and the way women are treated and portrayed in the video. This all links with the high class glam rock lifestyle the band are portrayed to live in the video.

The video is based on a typical rock stars night, throughout the video you see the band riding their motorcycles through the city, stopping at strip joint after strip joint, drinking, smoking, and portraying themselves to be ‘rock n roll’. There are also many shots of the lead singer singing sections of the song in the bars they visit. The video contains many different contrasts of light, such as dark low lit ones for the shadows/outlines of women dancing, and also bright lit shots that allow the audience to view the women in a better light and a lot clearer. The video is designed to demean women, and make them look like objects, Again a strong link to Andrew Goodwin’s Characteristics of a music video (voyeurism).

Page 3: Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

There are many close ups of the front man singing throughout the video as I mentioned , which Andrew Goodwin mentions as being a characteristic of a music video. This is used frequently throughout the video. Genuinely when it comes to the chorus when the words, “Girls, Girls, Girls”… are spoken.

There are a few shots of the whole band together, but all of these aren’t of them singing or performing etc. They are all of them partying, watching women dancing/stripping, drinking alcohol, and riding their motorcycles. The shot of them riding from club to club together is frequently used. This is effective as it embodies the rock n roll lifestyle.

Page 4: Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

In these 2 screenshots we see the band causing chaos in the bars they enter. In the top shot you see them brandishing a knife at a man who is at a table they wish to sit at, making him move instantly. This first of all links to the lyrics which are referring to a knife fight. Also it embodies the bad boy image, the image of being able to do what ever they want. This will make people look up to them, and want to act like them.

As you can see here again they are living there bad boy rock n roll dream, and making people aspire to be like them, as they can actually enter the stage and pick the girls dancing up, and no one cares, everyone just cheers them and encourages. This is another factor that will make the younger audience aspire to be similar to them. These little shots are what make them so influential, shots used like this show what the band do and how much power they have.

Page 5: Mötley crüe 'Girls Girls Girls' Music Video Analysis

Shots used like this in a way, almost take the mick, as they have tried to make this look like a typical conventional rock n roll video. Every aspect that would make it rock n roll has been included. They are riding motorcycles together into the night, rolling from strip club to strip club, they are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, smoking, and genuinely getting away with everything, and doing whatever they want. These aspects make it a rock n roll video, and as mentioned this is a parody of a conventional rock n roll lifestyle. This is effective as it makes you realise how hard they have tried to make this video look good.