Download - Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services

Page 1: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Module D Corporate Support

Module Overview

Introduction Within your community and region, there are various corporate support services available to provide you with a range of resources to assist you in your role as a nurse. An awareness of the various corporate support services available to you, as well as how to access these supports, will be very beneficial. This module will help you explore the various corporate support resources that may assist you in your new role.

Definition Corporate support refers to the structures that provide support services to nurses with respect to human resources, finance, labour relations and emergency preparedness.

Learning Objectives and Learning Points

The learning objectives and learning points for Module D include:

Learning Objectives and Learning Points See page

D1: Identify the various support services available D-2

D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel


D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)


D2: Identify community plans, policies, procedures and protocols including emergency plans and who to contact in the case of an emergency situation


D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks


Page 2: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Learning Objective D1 Identify the various support services available

Learning Objective Overview

Introduction The support services available to you will depend on the region in which you work and whether you are a Health Canada- or a Band-employed nurse. Because the availability of corporate support services varies, it is important for you to research the specific programs and resources available and to identify how to access each program and resource. Throughout your practice, you may face situations and issues for which you require advice, guidance and assistance. Knowing what support services are available to you before you require assistance will be greatly beneficial.

Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services available to the extent that he or she will be able to satisfactorily complete the corporate support section of the Competency Checklist for Module D as evaluated by self, a facilitator or a mentor.

Learning Points D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel

D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)

Learning Activities The learning activities for Learning Objective D1 include: Self-directed Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet (Health Canada-employed Nurses)


D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet (Band-employed Nurses)


D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-14

Facilitated Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet D-8

D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-15

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Page 3: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Learning Objective Overview, continued

Mentored Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet D-9

D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-16

Page 4: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation, and finance personnel

Human resources advisors and compensation and benefits advisors

Depending on the region in which you work, you may be assigned to a Human Resources Advisor and/or a Compensation and Benefits Advisor. Your Human Resources Advisor or Compensation and Benefits Advisor will help you with compensation processes and procedures and provide instruction on: what you have to do to get paid; the pay period; the processes to follow to submit overtime claims; and, other issues related to your compensation and benefits.

Labour relations In addition to compensation and benefits issues, the human resources

department addresses labour relations issues you may encounter, including problems with staff relations and staffing processes, issues such as pay discrepancies, overtime discrepancies or concerns of unfair treatment can be addressed with labour relations personnel.

Union representatives As a Health Canada-employed nurse, you may have affiliation with a union

which includes a collective agreement. A collective agreement regulates the terms and conditions of your employment as a nurse employed by Health Canada. As a Band-employed nurse, you typically will not have affiliation with a union. The union works on behalf of workers to secure benefits, maintain good working conditions and protect your rights as a worker. Issues such as discrepancies in pay, overtime or vacation time; perceived unfair treatment in the workplace; issues with supervision or management; and, concerns about general nursing practice can be raised with the union. To raise labour-related issues with the union you can: 1. Contact your local union steward (if available in your region). 2. Contact your local union office directly.

Finance personnel As a Health Canada-employed nurse, it is unlikely you will have direct contact

with finance personnel. The majority of financial documentation will be processed by your Regional Nurse Manager and provided to the finance department. It is important to recognize what function finance plays in your day to day work. Most importantly, it is finance personnel who audit and process your expense claims for payment. Improper completion of these claims can result in delayed payment. If you encounter issues with your expense claims, please contact finance personnel instead of human resources (HR).

Band-employed nurses As a Band-employed nurse, you will not likely have access to HR and finance

departments or a union. It is of utmost importance to find out who is responsible for your compensation upon entering the community and receive instruction on varying compensation issues, including: who will be paying you; the pay period; how to report your hours; and, how to claim expenses.

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Page 5: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel, continued

Learning Activities Self-directed Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet (Health Canada-employed Nurses)


D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet (Band-employed Nurses)


Facilitated Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet D-8

Mentored Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.1: Compensation and Labour Support Services Worksheet D-9

Readings and Additional Resources

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (2009). Health Services Collective Agreement website.

Health Canada intranet.

The following pages provide learning activities for use in various orientation settings: 1) for use in a self-directed setting; 2) for use in a facilitated setting; and, 3) for use in a mentor-led setting. In most of the activities, possible responses are provided to help guide nurses, facilitators and mentors in completing the activities.

Page 6: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Self-directed Learning Activity 1 (Health Canada-employed Nurses) D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel

Complete this ‘Compensation and Labour Support Services’ worksheet.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Name E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Human Resources Advisor

Compensation and Benefits Advisor

Local Union Steward

Local Union Office

Finance Department

Other (e.g., where to obtain your work description)

Page 7: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Self-directed Learning Activity 2 (Band-employed Nurses) D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel

As a band-employed nurse, there may not be a dedicated human resources or finance department from which you can receive instruction on compensation issues. You will need to be proactive to obtain the information that you need in regards to human resources and compensation by speaking to various people within your community, which may include: your Nurse in Charge, Health Director, your Community Health Representative, and Band Council staff, among others.

By communicating with various resources within your community, complete the following checklist:

Questions Responses

Pay Where do I get my paycheque? Who is paying me? What is the pay period?

Expense Claims Where can I access expense claim forms? To whom do I submit my expense claim


Sick Time How many paid sick days do I have for the


Vacation Time How many paid vacation days do I have for

the year? How do I place a request for vacation days? How do I report my vacation?

Overtime Hours How much do I get paid for overtime hours? How do I report my overtime hours?

Work Description Where can I access my work description?

Support for professional development (PD) Do I receive funding or support for engaging

in professional development?


Page 8: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Facilitated Learning Activity D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel

Complete this ‘Know Your Compensation and Labour Support Services’ worksheet.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Name E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Human Resources Advisor

Compensation and Benefits Advisor

Local Union Steward

Local Union Office

Finance Department


Answer the following questions regarding the compensation and labour support services discussed:

1. What role does each service play in supporting the role of the nurse? Possible responses: HR Advisor – compensation, labour issues; Compensation and Benefits Advisor – compensation and benefits; Union – labour related issues and concerns; and, Finance – processing and auditing of expense claim forms.

2. Describe a potential situation in which a nurse may contact each support service? Possible responses: HR

Advisor or Compensation and Benefits Advisor – nurse has not received his/her paycheque; Union – nurse feels that he/she is not being fairly treated by other colleagues; and, Finance department – nurse has not received payment for submitted expense claim form.

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Mentored Learning Activity D1.1: Identify human resources advisors, union affiliation and finance personnel

Complete this ‘Compensation and Labour Support Services’ worksheet.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Name E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Human Resources Advisor / Contact Person

Local Union Steward

Local Union Office

Finance Department


Answer the following questions regarding the compensation and labour support services discussed:

1. What role does each service play in supporting the role of the nurse? Possible responses: HR Advisor – compensation and labour issues; Compensation and Benefits Advisor – compensation and benefits; Union – labour related issues and concerns; and, Finance – processing and auditing of expense claim forms.

2. Describe a potential situation in which a nurse may contact each support service? Possible responses: HR

Advisor or Compensation and Benefits Advisor – nurse has not received his/her paycheque; Union – nurse feels that he/she is not being fairly treated by other colleagues; and, Finance department – nurse has not received payment for submitted expense claim form.

NOTE: Mentors should ensure that the nurse is able to adequately assess the situation and put forth the appropriate considerations.

Page 10: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

The Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) program provides services to nurses working in First Nations and Inuit communities (nursing stations, health centres, home and community care) and zone/regional offices. Critical Incident Stress Management is specialized for emergency service workers – such as nurses – whose needs are different than those of the general population. As a nurse, you may experience situations involving a high degree of risk and stress. Like nurses in any healthcare setting, the potential exists for you, or a co-worker, to become involved in a critical incident. A critical incident is any work-related traumatic event that negatively impacts or overwhelms your normal means of coping, during or after an incident. Through training, safety awareness, and self-care, you may minimize the risk of trauma, though you cannot always prevent a critical incident from occurring. To learn more about the program or to access CISM services, you can: 1. Call 1-800-268-7708 and ask for the CISM Coordinator (available 24 hours a

day, 7 days a week). 2. Call your Regional Nurse Educator/Professional Practice Leader (or Zone

Nursing Officer, Regional Nurse Manager depending on your region) to arrange a program orientation or to put you in contact with a CISM Coordinator.

3. Access the CISM link off the homepage of the Nurse One Portal for program information and an interactive orientation session.

Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT)

The Nurse Safety Awareness Training course is designed as a practical guide for nurses to address workplace safety and security issues in health care settings in First Nations and Inuit communities, including strategies for the prevention of workplace violence. The fourteen-hour course given over a two-day period is intended to give participants the knowledge, skills, and support to develop attitudes about workplace safety that will increase awareness and assist in the promotion of strategies for healthy workplaces, and build capacity for healthier communities.

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Page 11: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning), continued

The specific goals of the course are:

To identify key issues related to workplace violence. To examine the issues related to professional boundaries. To examine standards and practices related to workplace safety for

nurses. To identify and discuss strategies for responding to escalating and abusive

behaviour. To explore the benefits of developing community partnerships in

addressing workplace violence.

To learn more about NSAT and to arrange for training, you can: 1. Contact the FNIH Regional Nursing Office. 2. Contact your Zone Nursing Officer or Regional Nurse Manager. 3. Contact your NSAT regional coordinator.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

At some point, we all experience problems that disrupt our professional and personal lives and that have an effect on our well-being. For Health Canada-employed nurses, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free and confidential resource that can help you to address these problems.

Services provided by the Health Canada EAP include:

24-Hour-Crisis and Referral Center: All calls are answered by counsellors with a minimum of a Masters’ degree in counselling, social work or psychology. Crisis counselling is available, as well as telephone service for persons with a hearing impairment. This highly confidential service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Counselling Services: Short-term professional counselling and routine follow-ups are provided by a national network of over 700 mental health professionals. Prompt referrals can be made to appropriate external community services for more extensive or long-term treatment.

To learn more about the EAP or to access the service, you can:

1. Access the EAP site on the Health Canada intranet. 2. Call 1-800-268-7708 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

As a Band-employed nurse, you can contact your direct supervisor or Regional Nurse Manager to find out if there is an employee assistance program in your region or community.

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Page 12: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning), continued

Ombudsman service Throughout your practice as a nurse, you may experience difficult situations within your workplace. These difficult situations may range from a conflict with a co-workers, to a discussion with a co-worker on a delicate subject that you don’t know how to address, to a personal workload or performance issue. Any of these issues can be difficult to manage on your own, and you can receive support and guidance. Ombudsman Services provides Health Canada-employed nurses with the opportunity to receive assistance with difficult workplace situations in a confidential, neutral and informal way. When you contact Ombudsman Services, your assigned Ombudsman Officer will: listen to your concerns; help you to assess your situation, organize your thoughts and determine with you the important and relevant factors to your circumstances; help you to identify the range of actions you can take; and, may intervene, with your permission, by acting informally as a neutral third party. To learn more about the Health Canada Ombudsman Service, you can: 1. Log-on to the Health Canada intranet site. 2. Call 1-888-490-2753. 3. E-mail: [email protected].

Learning support Depending on where you work, your region may have a learning centre for

you to access and gain additional knowledge and resources relating to corporate skills outside of your nursing practice, such as learning for leadership training, managerial skills, interpersonal relations and performance development planning. These learning centres may coordinate learning activities you can attend and provide resources (such as videos and books) you can request in person or over the phone.

Regional Nurse Managers are FNIH-employed nurses who are available to support nurses in the field with regard to professional practice issues, learning needs and areas of concern. Your Regional Nurse Manager can be an excellent learning support for your nursing practice. As a Band-employed nurse, Home and Community Care (HCC) Nurse Advisors are available to offer learning support. To learn more about the presence of a learning centre within your region, you can:

1. Contact your Regional Nurse Manager. 2. Contact your HCC Nurse Advisor. 3. Contact your local Regions and Programs Branch (RAPB) office.

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Page 13: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training (NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning), continued

Learning Activities Self-directed Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-14

Facilitated Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-15

Mentored Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D1.2: Support Services Worksheet D-16

Readings and Additional Resources

Health Canada intranet. Health Canada (2010). Employee Assistance Program (EAP) website.

The following pages provide learning activities for use in various orientation settings: 1) for use in a self-directed setting; 2) for use in a facilitated setting; and, 3) for use in a mentor-led setting. In most of the activities, possible responses are provided to help guide nurses, facilitators and mentors in completing the activities.

Page 14: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Self-directed Learning Activity D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training

(NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)

Complete this ‘Know Your Support Services’ worksheet.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Contact Person Website/E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

Nursing Safety Awareness Training (NSAT)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Ombudsman Service

Learning Support (e.g., Centre for learning; Regional Nurse Manager)

Other support services within your region

Page 15: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Facilitated Learning Activity D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training

(NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)

Complete this ‘Know Your Support Services’ worksheet, and discuss the role each service plays in supporting the role of the nurse.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Contact Person Website/E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

Nursing Safety Awareness Training (NSAT)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Ombudsman Service

Learning Support (e.g., Centre for learning; Regional Nurse Manager)

Other support services within your region

1. What role does each service play in supporting the role of the nurse? Possible responses: CISM – support

for dealing with traumatic work-related incidents; NSAT – training in the skills and knowledge to promote workplace safety and security within health care settings in First Nations and Inuit communities; EAP – crisis intervention and counseling support to handle problems affecting ones’ professional or personal lives; Ombudsman Service – receiving confidential and neutral assistance with difficult workplace situations; and, Learning Support – receiving learning resources and information regarding generic skills (e.g., management skills and leadership development).

Page 16: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Mentored Learning Activity D1.2: Identify Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Nurse Safety Awareness Training

(NSAT), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Ombudsman Service and learning supports (e.g., Centre for Learning)

Complete this ‘Know Your Support Services’ worksheet, and discuss the role each service plays in supporting the role of the nurse.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Contact Person Website/E-mail Telephone/ Contact

Information Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

Nursing Safety Awareness Training (NSAT)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Ombudsman Service

Learning Supports (e.g., Centre for learning; Regional Nurse Manager)

Other support services within your region

1. What role does each service play in supporting the role of the nurse? Possible responses: CISM – support

for dealing with traumatic work-related incidents; NSAT – training in the skills and knowledge to promote workplace safety and security within health care settings in First Nations and Inuit communities; EAP – crisis intervention and counseling support to handle problems affecting ones’ professional or personal lives; Ombudsman Service – receiving confidential and neutral assistance with difficult workplace situations; and, Learning Support – receiving learning resources and information regarding generic skills (e.g., management skills and leadership development).

2. Describe a potential situation in which a nurse may contact each support service? Possible responses: CISM

– support for dealing coping with a traumatic event within the community, such as a fire that critically injured a number of community members for which the nurse had to provide clinical services; NSAT – contacting the regional program coordinator to arrange for an orientation to the program; EAP – counseling support to deal with psychological effects and mental fatigue caused by personal or professional strain; Ombudsman Service – receiving neutral assistance when experiencing challenges working with one’s Nurse in Charge or other health centre/nursing station employees; and, Learning Supports – receiving information and resources related to leadership skills needed to lead programs and strategies within one’s community.

Page 17: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Learning Objective D2 Identify community plans, policies, procedures and protocols

including emergency plans and who to contact in the case of an emergency situation

Learning Objective Overview

Introduction Emergency and disaster situations can occur at any time within a community, often without notice. These situations can range from fires and floods, to chemical spills and disease outbreaks. In the case of an emergency situation or disaster, it is very important to become aware of the policies and procedures to follow and the role that you play as a nurse in putting these policies and procedures into action.

Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify community plans, policies, procedures and protocols including emergency plans and who to contact in the case of an emergency situation to the extent that he or she will be able to satisfactorily complete the appropriate section of the competency checklist for Module D as evaluated by the self, a facilitator or a mentor.

Learning Points D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks

Learning Activities The learning activities for Learning Objective D2 include: Self-directed Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Emergency Response Worksheet D-20

Facilitated Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Scenario-Based Responses Exercise D-21

Mentored Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Scenario-Based Responses Exercise D-22

Page 18: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks

Emergency contacts As a nurse, you may encounter situations requiring emergency response services including: emergency medical services (EMS), police, fire and rescue services. To quickly and effectively respond to emergency situations as they arise, it is important to know the contact information (i.e., phone numbers) and locations of emergency response services within your community.

Emergency plans Depending upon the community in which you work, there may already be

plans, policies and procedures developed that outline how to respond to emergency situations within your community. Every emergency situation is different. Having policies and procedures that outline how to systematically respond to these varying situations is critical, particularly in the wake of such emergency health situations such as the outbreak of H1N1 and other infections and diseases. It is important for you to find out if plans for dealing with various emergency and disaster situations have been developed through a Community Planning Process and where these plans are located. Emergency plans are often broken down into sub-components, such as health emergency plans, which then outline plans for pandemics, for example. You should understand all of the components of emergency plans as they relate to the delivery of essential health services. Typically, emergency plans are kept in an integrated ‘disaster binder’ or ‘emergency procedures binder.’ These binders should include relevant information including: policies and procedures for responding to various emergency situations, community and regional contact information and priority lists for different types of evacuations and emergency responses. To ensure accuracy, emergency plans should be updated annually. Your role in the review and update of the emergency plans along with your FN community and health services will vary depending on the community in which you work. When involved in this process, it is critical to link with other communities, the greater public health network and other federal agencies, such as Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Emergency situations and disasters can occur at any time. Reviewing all relevant emergency plans within your community before such situations and disasters occur will prepare you to respond quickly and properly, as needed.

Continued on next page

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D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks, continued

Health and safety committees

Depending on where you work and the number of staff within your health centre/nursing station, there may be a Health and Safety Committee in place. Health and Safety Committees identify health and safety concerns and issues. They also recommend and implement solutions to these concerns and issues. Find out if there is an active Health and Safety Committee within your community along with the name of your committee contact person.

Learning Activities Self-directed Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Emergency Response Worksheet D-20

Facilitated Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Scenario-Based Responses Exercise D-21

Mentored Learning Activities:

Activity See page

D2.1: Scenario-Based Responses Exercise D-22

Readings and Additional Resources

Regional policies and procedures manuals.

The following pages provide learning activities for use in various orientation settings: 1) for use in a self-directed setting; 2) for use in a facilitated setting; and, 3) for use in a mentor-led setting. In most of the activities, possible responses are provided to help guide nurses, facilitators and mentors in completing the activities.

Page 20: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Self-directed Learning Activity D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks

Complete this ‘Emergency Response” worksheet.

For each of the following, complete the worksheet as it applies to your current worksite.

Service Telephone Number Location Notes

Emergency Medical Services


Fire Department


Page 21: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Facilitated Learning Activity D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks

Use the following scenario to discuss the following questions as a group. A fire has broken out in an adjacent community. You have been notified that there will be heavy smoke in your area and that you should prepare for a potential evacuation of the community. 1. Describe the steps that you would take in response to the potential of heavy smoke moving into your

community. 2. Discuss how you would prepare for a community evacuation. NOTE: Facilitators should ensure open discussion among the group and encourage all participants to engage in the dialogue. Ensure that working in collaboration with FN leadership and Health Directors is discussed.

Page 22: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Mentored Learning Activity D2.1: Identify community plans for fires, floods, environmental disasters and disease outbreaks

Use the following scenario to discuss the following questions as a group. A fire has broken out in an adjacent community. You have been notified that there will be heavy smoke in your area and that you should prepare for a potential evacuation of the community. 1. Describe the steps that you would take in response to the potential of heavy smoke moving into your

community. 2. Discuss how you would prepare for a community evacuation. NOTE: Mentors should ensure that the nurse is able to adequately assess the situation and put forth the appropriate considerations. Ensure that working in collaboration with FN leadership and Health Directors is discussed.

Page 23: Module D Corporate Support - MyCNA€¦ · Learning Objective Given readings, discussions, exercises and activities, the nurse will be able to identify the various support services


Module D – Competency Checklist D1.1: The nurse completes one of the following:

Completes compensation and financial support services worksheet (for Health Canada- employed nurses)

Completes compensation and financial support services worksheet (for Band-employed nurses) Participates in group discussion using the questions provided following the completion of

compensation and financial support services worksheet Completes discussion with mentor using the questions provided following the completion of

compensation and financial support services worksheet D1.2: The nurse completes one of the following:

Completes support services worksheet Participates in group discussion and completion of support services worksheet Completes discussion with mentor following the completion of support services worksheet

D2.1: The nurse completes one of the following:

Completes emergency response worksheet Participates in facilitated discussion using the questions provided as a guide Completes discussion with mentor using the questions provided as a guide