Download - Module 6 Unit 1 Activity 2 The Student Case Study KENNETH COLE.

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Module 6 Unit 1 Activity 2

The Student Case Study


Page 2: Module 6 Unit 1 Activity 2 The Student Case Study KENNETH COLE.




Page 3: Module 6 Unit 1 Activity 2 The Student Case Study KENNETH COLE.

ACADEMIC HISTORY• Ms. Cole initially became concerned about

Kenneth’s academic progress when he was approximately 5 years of age. Her main concerns were him not reading and identifying words

• She stated that he does not like to do homework and would often “hide” his homework from her. When he does bring the homework home she allows Kenneth to complete it on his own

• She was using workbooks at home to provide additional practices in developing his academic skills

• Early Stages, evaluated Kenneth on February 8, 2012, he had been referred for a psychological evaluation owing to behavior concerns. He received a psychological and academic testing

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• He was found eligible for Special Education as a Developmentally Delayed student in March 2012.

• He receives academics math, reading and writing specialized instruction and behavior counseling with school social worker

• He reads on Kindergarten Level, his math skills are on early 1st grade level and his writing skills are on Kindergarten Level

• He was re-assessed for his three year re-evaluation on March 10, 2015

• After his re-evaluation was done in March he was still found eligible for Special Education services as a student with Other Health Impaired (OHI) disability due to his ADHD.

Page 5: Module 6 Unit 1 Activity 2 The Student Case Study KENNETH COLE.

BEHAVIOR HISTORY• Early stages initially evaluated Kenneth

due to the teacher having concerns in regards to his behavior while in PreK-4

• His behaviors reported were aggressive, impulsive, challenges listening and following directions, waiting his turn, transitioning between activities, keeping hands to himself and interacting inappropriately with peers.

• He had been reported touching some peers inappropriately and repeatedly had incidents in the boys bathroom involving his crawling under stalls and looking at other children while they were using the facilities

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o He has had 22 Behavior Incidents this school year that is recorded in the school CAASS system

o He has been suspended outside of school 5 times this year

o He has had 8 In-School Suspensions this year

o Reason for Out of School Suspensions: Verbal, written or physical threat to person or property; Obscene, seriously offensive, or abusive language or gestures; Lying or giving misleading information to school staff; Possession of a weapon or replica or imitation of a weapon

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BEHAVIOR HISTORY CON’To Reason for In-School Suspensions: Inappropriate

or disruptive physical contact between students; Refusal to comply with reasonable staff instructions or classroom/school rules; Engaging in reckless behavior that may cause harm to self or others

o He currently has a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) and a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) both are being implemented in his classes using a daily behavior chart

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INTERVENTIONSo In October 2014, he was taken out of his

general education class and put in an RTI class for all day services

o His special education hours were increased from 5 hours per week to 10 hours per week

o DIBELS Resultso BOY – Level Ao MOY- Level C

o iReady Resultso Level K in all four areas of the test

o Lexicore Resultso Level K

o ST MATH Resultso Level