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Workbook !Module 3

!Common endings -

vowel suffixes !

by Joanne Rudling



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Spelling won’t improve itself, but it will improve if you

use it, practise it, think about it, notice it and love it

Download or print this workbook and work on your spelling when you’re offline, or haven’t got access to a

computer or Internet. !

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Module 3 – important common word endings (vowel suffix patterns) -able / -ible page 4 !-ant / -ance page 12 -ent / -ence page 16 !-ary page 24 -ery page 29 -ory page 33 -ury page 35 !-ate page 43 -ite page 51 -ight page 56 !-ief page 62 -ieve page 66 !-ious page 69 !!

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When do we use -ible and -able endings? !They are both common spelling patterns for adjectives and they usually sound the same.  !They mean ‘able to’ or ‘fit for’  - acceptable, understandable, responsible. The following words mean ‘able to be’ – available: able to be used or obtained audible: able to be heard breakable: able to be broken visible: able to be seen The following words mean ‘can be done’ kickable: can be kicked forcible: can be forced !So is it understandible or understandable, terrable or terrible, dependible or dependable? !Knowing which of these suffix endings to use can be tricky. !Good spellers recognise the letter patterns and can usually see what looks right. So it’s a matter of practising the words and using them or using a good dictionary. !There are more words ending in -able (about 900) than -ible (less than 200).

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-able words. We can make new adjectives with -able: networkable, childproofable.1. A general rule is if we take away the suffix (-able) we are usually left with a root word: understandable = understand + able,   enjoyable = enjoy + able, comfortable = comfort + able, dependable = depend + able. !2. If the root word ends in ‘e‘ then usually we drop the ‘e’:   value + able = valuable, desire + able = desirable, move + able = movable, believable, excitable. BUT words that keep the ‘e’ are: saleable, hireable, sizeable, likeable, nameable. But drop the ‘e’ or keep the ‘e’ in these words: likeable/ likable, lovable /loveable, useable/usable !The best way to remember these is to memorise them. !3. The y becomes i when adding -able: justify – justifiable, rely – reliable !4. We can also apply the 1:1:1: doubling up rule when adding -able so in the word

‘forget’ the second syllable is stressed and it has 1 vowel and 1 syllable so double up the ‘t’ forgettable (e.g. forget; forgettable or regret; regrettable). !

5. Also, we usually keep the ‘e’ with words ending in -ce and -ge so the words retain the soft c and g sound: changeable, manageable, noticeable, peaceable, pronounceable, serviceable, traceable, knowledgeable.

So root word + able for these words – manage + able = manageable, knowledge + able = knowledgeable, notice + able = noticeable... !!-able: available, adorable, comfortable, understandable,acceptable, reasonable, bearable, believable, capable,changeable, inflatable, inflammable, considerable,desirable, despicable, durable, forgettable, forgivable,  inescapable, inevitable, pleasurable, preferable, predictable, sizeable, suitable, unmistakeable, unshakeable, usable, variable, laughable, likeable, lovable (or loveable)…

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-ible words come from Latin. There are no new Latin words!!!!Learn the common ones: !sensible, possible, impossible, horrible, terrible, legible, illegible, collapsible, reducible, reversible, flexible, accessible, compatible, comprehensible, credible, digestible,feasible, plausible, incredible, irresistible, gullible, edible,visible, responsible, audible, permissible…

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-ible or -able word search

e g e g e n e s e w e j p m p !l l l i p l a l l l p r a i b !b s b c z r b e b v i n b s s !a e i a e a e i a i a m p e d !e n r o d l s f r g d u o r e !c s r n e n b g e r n e s a p !i i e h o k a a d r o d s b e !t b t p m u b t i y a h i l n !o l s p b l f h s l z b b e d !n e w d e s i i n r e m l n a !r e l b i s i v o j e r e e b !e l b a t p e c c a v d p v l !u r e s p e c t a b l e n r e !i n c r e d i b l e r c x u u !e l b a l i a v a h m d g o z !!acceptable!available!considerable!dependable!edible!horrible!incredible!manageable!miserable!noticeable!possible!preferable!reliable!respectable!responsible!sensible!terrible!understandable!visible

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Choose either -able or -ible to end each of the adjectives.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks to BBC Skillswise

Thank you so much for such an enjoy___ evening. I felt really comfort___ in your lovely home and your family was very welcoming. Wasn’t the weather terr___ that evening! Luckily, it stopped raining later and I had a reason____ journey home afterwards.

We are looking for a new member of staff for the

reception desk. The person needs to be sens___,

reli___ and depend___ The receptionist also needs

to be friendly and approach___ It would be desir___

if they could work flex___ hours. Please send

applications to the Centre Manager by 12 December.

king for a new member of staff for the reception desk.

The person needs to be sens…, reli… and

The meal we ate in that restaurant was horr___. I found

the meat was so tough it was ined___ and the

vegetables were indigest___. The level of service was

also unaccept___. I would find it imposs___ to

recommend it to anyone.

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Choose either -able or -ible to end each of the adjectives.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks to BBC Skillswise

Thank you so much for such an enjoyable evening. I felt really comfortable in your lovely home and your family was very welcoming. Wasn’t the weather terrible that evening! Luckily, it stopped raining later and I had a reasonable journey home afterwards.

We are looking for a new member of staff for the

reception desk. The person needs to be sensible,

reliable and dependable The receptionist also needs

to be friendly and approachable It would be desirable if

they could work flexible hours. Please send applications

to the Centre Manager by 12 December. king for a new

The meal we ate in that restaurant was horrible. I found the

meat was so tough it was inedible and the vegetables were

indigestible. The level of service was also unacceptable. I would find it impossible to recommend it to anyone.

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-able or -ible exercise !Add -able or -ible and one -ibly. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks to Johanna Stirling’s Teaching Spelling book.

Queen’s Palace Hotel - a review !I recently stayed at this hotel and it was incred___. Incred___ bad! There was no transport avail___ from the airport and so we had to take a taxi which cost an unbeliev___ amount. The service from the receptionists was, I suppose, accept___, but not very friendly. !When we first opened the door to our room there was an unbear___ smell and we insisted on moving to another room. The beds were the most uncomfort___ I have ever slept in and the decoration was really horr___. Our room was supposed to have a ‘sea view’, but the sea was only vis___ if you stood on a chair. !We only ate in the hotel restaurant once because the food was terr___ so ined___I wouldn’t give it to my dog! !It certainly wasn’t the most enjoy___ holiday I’ve ever had.

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-able or -ible exercise answers !Add -able or -ible and one -ibly. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks to Johanna Stirling’s Teaching Spelling book.

Queen’s Palace Hotel - a review !I recently stayed at this hotel and it was incredible. Incredibly bad! There was no transport available from the airport and so we had to take a taxi which cost an unbelievable amount. The service from the receptionists was, I suppose, acceptable, but not very friendly. !When we first opened the door to our room there was an unbearable smell and we insisted on moving to another room. The beds were the most uncomfortable I have ever slept in and the decoration was really horrible. Our room was supposed to have a ‘sea view’, but the sea was only visible if you stood on a chair. !We only ate in the hotel restaurant once because the food was terrible so inedible I wouldn’t give it to my dog! !It certainly wasn’t the most enjoyable holiday I’ve ever had.

Write out all the -able/-ible words from the review in the tables below !!


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-ant / -ance dance elegant ant !!attendant – attendance arrogant – arrogance abundant – abundance assistant – assistance buoyant blatant constant consonant compliant – compliancecurrantcontestant colorant defiant – defiancedistant – distancedormant disinfectant !servantstimulant stagnant triumphant tenant transplant truant- truancy valiant vagrant – vagrancyvibrant – vibrancy !!

errant elegant – elegance elephant entrant – entrance expectant- expectancy fondant flippant – flippancy gallant giant hesitant- hesitancehydrant instant – instanceignorant – ignoranceimportant – importanceimmigrant

jubilant militant migrant pleasant pregnant plant pendant poignant – poignancy rampant redundant- redundancy relevant – relevance remnant restaurant radiant – radiance resistant – resistance

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-ence and -ance. !Both endings derive from Latin nouns. !-enceaffluence from affluentia, “abundance”audience from audientia, “a hearing”benevolence from benevolentia, “good will”continence from continentia, “self-control”diligence from diligentia, “accuracy” !!!!!Here are some of the most common English words with these endings. The only way to spell them correctly–apart from using a spell checker–is to memorise them. !

Words ending in -ance:acquaintanceallowance ambulanceannoyanceappearanceappliancearrogancedisturbancedominance extravagancegrievanceguidanceignorance instance nuisancerelevance remittance resistance significancesubstancetolerance

-anceelegance from elegantia, “neatness”petulance from petulantia, “forward conduct”significance from significantia, “an indication, a sign”vigilance from vigilantia, “watchfulness”tolerance from tolerantia, “enduring” !

Words ending in -ence:absenceaffluenceaudiencecoherenceconferenceconfidenceconscienceconsequenceconsistencecorrespondencedependence diligence evidenceexistence influenceobedienceoccurrencepatiencepersistencepreferencereference

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Exercise !!!!Decide what kind of ‘-ant’ is in each of the sentences e.g. This ant knows nothing – ignorant !1: This ant is having a baby – _________ !2: An ant that rents his/her house _________ !3: This ant has a trunk - _________ !4: An ant that isn’t a vowel – _________ !5: An ant that’s far away - _________ !6: An ant that comes to live permanently in a foreign country -_________ !7: An ant likes to use this to clean and get rid of germs- _________ !8: An ant eats in this place - _________ !9: This ant doesn’t do something immediately or quickly because he/she is nervous or not certain - _________ !10: This ant is extremely large - _________ !11: This ant likes to be a ____________ and takes part in contests. !12: This ant’s job is to help the manager in their work, he’s/she’s an ____________ manager. !!

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Exercise Answers !Decide what kind of ‘-ant’ is in each of the sentences e.g. This ant knows nothing – ignorant !1: This ant is having a baby – pregnant !2: An ant that rents his/her house - tenant !3: This ant has a trunk - elephant !4: An ant that isn’t a vowel – consonant !5: An ant that’s far away - distant !6: An ant that comes to live permanently in a foreign country - immigrant !7: An ant likes to use this to clean and get rid of germs- disinfectant !8: An ant eats in this place - restaurant !9: This ant doesn’t do something immediately or quickly because he/she is nervous or not certain - hesitant !10: This ant is extremely large - giant !11: This ant likes to be a contestant and takes part in contests. !12: This ant’s job is to help the manager in their work, he’s/she’s an assistant manager. !!

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-ent / -ence !Students are content to sleep in tents to be independent at music festivals. It’s apparent you have to be confident and independent to make a cent. His accent is excellent for a non-resident. !Make rhythms, think of memory tricks for these patterns. !bent absorbent !-cent / -cenceaccent adjacentcomplacent crescent recent per cent (percent – American) decent – decencyinnocent- innocence convalescent – convalescencescenttranslucent !-dent / -dence accidentincident – incidence confident – confidenceevident – evidenceindependent – independence resident – residence student correspondent – correspondencedecadent – decadence president-gent / -genceintelligent – intelligencedetergent urgent !!!

-ient / ience ancient client patient – patience convenient – convenience inconvenient – inconvenience deficient efficient – efficiency inefficient sufficient – insufficient obedient – obedience proficient disobedient - science - conscience - experience !-lent / -lencesilent – silenceexcellent – excellenceprevalent – prevalencesucculent – succulencetalent turbulent – turbulenceviolent – violence !-rent / -rence parentcurrent – currencyapparentdifferent – difference coherent – coherencetransparent - interference - reference - conference

-sent / -sence absent – absence consent present – presence resent !-tent / -tence contentdiscontent competent – competencepersistent – persistence- sentence !-nent /-nence permanent – permanencecomponent continentprominent – prominence !ventevent preventsolventconventinvent !-quent frequent – frequencyeloquent

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a t m p o y t g t c i t i r t !t z n c a n r n p n i n t e n !k n h e e r e o d q n e t c e !t i e d l n e e g o t l t e l !h n u u i l p n c q e o n n a !p t e t q e e e t b l i e t t !s j n l n e n c g l l v n e s !c o i d i t r u x g i w a f x !c l e b g s q f u e g y m f g !y n t n e t s i s r e p r i j !t c o n f i d e n t n x e c o !w t n e g r u g q n t v p i e !t w v d z b x i q r n c k e d !t n e d i c c a a n c i e n t !v j m r l d o m c i r e d t y !!!accident!ancient!confident!continent!efficient!excellent!frequent!independent!innocent!intelligent!parent!permanent!persistent!recent!silent!student!talent!urgent!violent

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-ant & -ent exercise !Fill in the right ending with -ent or -ant !1. independ___ 2. assist___ 3. suffici___ 4. anci___ 5. import___ 6. perman___ 7. restaur___ 8. arrog___ 9. pregn___ 10. ineffici___ 11. abund___ 12. pleas___ 13. tal___ 14. viol___ 15. differ___ 16. confid___ 17. import___ 18. relev___ !!

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-ant & -ent exercise Answers !!Fill in the right ending !1. independent 2. assistant 3. sufficient 4. ancient 5. important 6. permanent 7. restaurant 8. arrogant 9. pregnant 10. inefficient 11. abundant 12. pleasant 13. talent 14. violent 15. different 16. confident 17. important 18. relevant !!!

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-ance & -ence exercise answers !!Fill in the right ending -ance or -ence !1. independ____ 2. assist____ 3. arrog____ 4. import____ 5. perman____ 6. abundance____ 7. sent____ 8. viol____ 9. experi____ 10. assistance____ 11. differ____ 12. confid____ 13. import____ 14. relev____ !!

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-ance & -ence exercise answers !!Fill in the right ending -ance or -ence !1. independence 2. assistance 3. arrogance 4. importance 5. permanence 6. abundance 7. sentence 8. violence 9. experience 10. assistance 11. difference 12. confidence 13. importance 14. relevance !!

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Exercise !Write the word that is related in some way to each group: !ancient, contestant, crescent, appliance, defendant, sequence, adolescence, science, descendent, inhabitant, annoyance !!1. stove, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner - 2. teenager, youth, juvenile-  3. native, resident, citizen -  4. biology, chemistry, physics -  5. heir, grandson, great-granddaughter-   6. first, second, third - 7. competition, judge, winner - 8. pest, bother, irritation -  9. lawyer, judge, jury - 10. modern, antique, futuristic - 11. round, oval, circle - !!!!!!!!!Thanks to Shireen Shuster for this

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Exercise Answers !Write the word that is related in some way to each group !ancient, contestant, crescent, appliance, defendant, sequence, adolescence, science, descendent, inhabitant, annoyance !!1. stove, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner - appliance 2. teenager, youth, juvenile- adolescence  3. native, resident, citizen - inhabitant  4. biology, chemistry, physics - science  5. heir, grandson, great-granddaughter- descendent   6. first, second, third - sequence 7. competition, judge, winner - contestant 8. pest, bother, irritation - annoyance  9. lawyer, judge, jury - defendant 10. modern, antique, futuristic - ancient 11. round, oval, circle - crescent !!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks to Shireen Shuster for this

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-ary !-ary is from Latin and means belonging to, connected with: library: connected with books, !revolutionary: belonging to a revolution !!Use memory tricks to help you with these words. !anniversary auxiliary boundary centenary commentary complementary complimentary contemporary dictionary estuary extraordinary February hereditary imaginary library necessary primary ordinary salary sanctuary secondary secretary stationary – (stopped at the station) summary temporary voluntary !

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y f v z h y g w f p g j y m y !d r v s u m m a r y v g r r g !k i a r f b c o w y y c a r s !w y c n u y k c r r e m d y t !e r x t i m i a a n i s n r a !a a p v i d r s t r h a o a t !n r k x t o r e p e k l c r i !b b a e p e n o w y u a e o o !o i c m v a t a a j q r s p n !u l e i r j p a r r b y y m a !n t n y n q p n o y t q k e r !d n y r a n i g a m i x z t y !a c o m m e n t a r y z e n d !r v l o v o l u n t a r y o r !y n y r a u r b e f j a w c o !!!anniversary!boundary!centenary!commentary!contemporary!dictionary!extraordinary!february!imaginary!library!ordinary!primary!salary!secondary!stationary!summary!temporary!voluntary!!

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-ary words crossword Look at the clues and fill in the spaces

!Across!1. a short account of something that gives only the most important information and not all the details!2. when something is for a short time/ or work on a time limited / short contract!3. you look up words you don't know in this!5. the month after January!7. you do something or work somewhere for free!8. you borrow books from this place!9. works in an office typing/admin/answer phone!!Down!1. not moving!4. a fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job!6. the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal


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!!!crossword clues!!February dictionary secretary library voluntary temporary salary burglary summary stationary !

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Crossword answers

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!Nice scenery from the cemetery !When adding the suffixes –ary, -ery, and –ory, there are often no sound clues to help you decide which to use. Sometimes the root word gives a clue:

brave – bravery  bake – bakery, ever – every, deliver – delivery… !!artery bakery battery celery cemetery cookery confectionery crockery cutlery delivery every fiery finery forgery greenery gallery imagery jewellery  (But US jewelry) !!

lottery machinery mastery misery mystery nursery refinery rubbery scenery slippery surgery stationery (memory trick e – envelope, pens, pans = stationery) treachery trickery watery summery (summer feel)


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Exercise !Add the -ery ending to these root words (careful though - remember spelling rules, and dropping & doubling letters) !cook - _______________ image - _______________ green - _______________ station - _______________ water - _______________ machine - _______________ scene - _______________ deliver - _______________ nurse - _______________ fine - _______________ trick - _______________ slip - _______________ rub - _______________ confection - _______________ jewel - _______________ master - _______________

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Exercise Answers !Add the -ery ending to these root words (c careful though - remember spelling rules, and dropping and doubling letters) !cook - cookery image - imagery green - greenery station - stationery water - watery machine - machinery scene - scenery deliver - delivery nurse - nursery fine - finery trick - trickery *slip - slippery *rub - rubbery confection - confectionery *jewel - jewellery (jewelry -American) master - mastery

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n n b y n v b y h y q g c y y !y u s r y v n m r f r o r r r !r r r e f r b b o e n e e n e !e s l i p p e r y f t n v f t !v e m f t x g g e s e e y e t !i r b y v e a c a e n v m s o !l y c j r e t m r m h s q e l !e e b y g i v g p v i b b f c !d b d m o y r e n i h c a m o !i a a n y r e l l a g e k d o !l n e t m y s t e r y l e m k !h r p k t y r e n e c s r f e !y s u r g e r y l g m c y p r !v w u k y d r y r e s i m j y !n e s v v o b y w y t g c y y !!bakery!battery!cemetery!confectionery!cookery!delivery!every!fiery!forgery!gallery!greenery!imagery!lottery!machinery!mastery!misery!mystery!nursery!scenery!slippery!surgery

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-ory !!! Your memory is like an inventory of your story !!

accessory advisory category compulsory conservatory cursory directory explanatory exploratory factory glory gory history inflammatory introductory inventory ivory !!

laboratory lavatory mandatory memory observatory obligatory predatory prior satisfactory unsatisfactory story statutory territory theory tory victory

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e s y l y m r y w c d y l k f !d x y r e r r o o j r r a y k !y r p m o o o m i o d o b r u !p r o l t s p t t r y t o o a !w r o a o u s a c r p a r t c !y p v t l r v e o a k v a c a !c a d s c r a t c l f r t e t !l e o d e a s t d c g e o r e !l r q s d x f t o v a s r i g !y i b a d v i s o r y n y d o !h o b y r o t c i v y o c h r !y r o t i r r e t t g c v z y !j i x a e x p l a n a t o r y !m h h h i s t o r y k s e d g !f v h v y r o e h t g l o r y !!accessory!advisory!category!compulsory!conservatory!directory!explanatory!exploratory!factory!glory!history!laboratory!lavatory!memory!observatory!prior!satisfactory!story!territory!theory!victory!

-ory word search

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-ury !!fury jury injury century luxury mercury treasury usury penury perjury !!!! -oury:  savoury      armoury (American Spellings: savory, armory)  !

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Exercise !-ary/-ery/-ory/ury !Write in the right endings !1. necess____ 2. cent____ 3. deliv____ 4. tempor____ 5. Febru____ 6. unsatisfact____ 7. Janu____ 8. compuls____ 9. extraordin____ 10. ordin____ 11. nurs____ 12. ev____ 13. inj____ 14. mem____

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Exercise Answers !-ary/-ery/-ory !Write in the right endings !1. necessary 2. century 3. delivery 4. temporary 5. February 6. unsatisfactory 7. January 8. compulsory 9. extraordinary 10. ordinary 11. nursery 12. every 13. injury 14. memory!

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Exercise !Which is correct? Can you see what looks right or weird? !1. necessary or necessery 2. memery or memory 3. accessory or accessery 4. extraordinary or extraordinery 5. Februery or February 6. satisfactory or satisfactery 7. compulsery or compulsory 8. temporery or temporary 9. nursery or nursary 10. vocabulery or vocabulary 11. ordinary or ordinery 12. diary or diery 13. luxery or luxury

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Exercise Answers !Which is correct? Can you see what looks right or weird? !1. necessary or necessery 2. memery or memory 3. accessory or accessery 4. extraordinary or extraordinery 5. Februery or February 6. satisfactory or satisfactery 7. compulsery or compulsory 8. temporery or temporary 9. nursery or nursary 10. vocabulery or vocabulary 11. ordinary or ordinery 12. diary or diery 13. luxery or luxury

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Exercise !Add a word with -ary/-ery/-ory endings to the sentences (exercise help next page) !!1. Hannah fell on the ______ floor.

!2. They visited the local _______ in search of information on their home town. !3. “A special _______for Jessica! Is it your birthday?”, the postman asked. !4. She couldn’t find her keys anywhere - it was a complete ______ where

they were. !. 5. When I don’t know the spelling or meaning of a word I look it up in a


!6. Their new ________ added an extra room to their house.

7. A new art _______ has opened in town.

!8. Pete, the mechanic, thought our car wouldn’t start because the ________ was flat. !!!!!!!!!!Thanks to Shireen Shuster for this idea and some sentences

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Exercise help !Add a word with -ary/-ery/-ory endings to the sentences !battery, library, delivery conservatory, mystery, dictionary, gallery slippery !!!1. Hannah fell on the ______ floor.

!2. They visited the local _______ in search of information on their home town. !3. “A special _______for Jessica! Is it your birthday?”, the postman asked. !4. She couldn’t find her keys anywhere - it was a complete ______ where

they were. !. 5. When I don’t know the spelling or meaning of a word I look it up in a


!6. Their new ________ added an extra room to their house.

7. A new art _______ has opened in town.

!8. Pete, the mechanic, thought our car wouldn’t start because the ________ was flat. !!!!!!!!!

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Exercise help !Add a word with -ary/-ery/-ory endings to the sentences !battery, library, delivery conservatory, mystery, dictionary, gallery slippery !!!1. Hannah fell on the slippery floor.

!2. They visited the local library in search of information on their home town. !3. “A special delivery Jessica! Is it your birthday?”, the postman asked. !4. She couldn’t find her keys anywhere - it was a complete mystery where

they were. !. 5. When I don’t know the spelling or meaning of a word I look it up in a


!6. Their new conservatory added an extra room to their house.

7. A new art gallery has opened in town.

!8. Pete, the mechanic, thought our car wouldn’t start because the battery was flat. !!!!!!!!!Thanks to Shireen Shuster for this idea and some sentences

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-ate !

Unstressed -ate = “ut” She’s passionate about chocolate.   To be desperate is unfortunate. !chocolate adequate affectionate appropriate approximate fortunate unfortunate passionate accurate desperate ultimate immediate immediately private delicate climate pirate syndicate considerate articulate corporate immaculate legitimate literate obstinate ultimate

Long “ate” sound. “I ate a date on a plate with my mate.” !date gate hate late mate plate skate state locate educate indicate suffocate concentrate illustrate penetrate operate investigate cultivate appreciate translate hesitate candidate regulate situated

Try and come up with some memory tricks:I ate some chocolateI’m a graduate with a certificateIt’s never too late to educate yourself. And don’t forget the vowels: desperateseparate  

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Several words ending in -ate can be pronounced in two ways, depending on whether it is a noun, an adjective or a verb. If you are unsure about nouns, adjectives and verbs. !

!!!!thanks to Shireen Shuster

Nouns or adjectives, with the “schwa” sound:

Verbs, with the long “a” sound.

They sleep in separate beds. Can you separate those fighting dogs?

Please give me an estimate for the work.

I estimate we'll land in forty minutes.

I need a duplicate copy of the invoice.

I'll duplicate it for you.

This job is only open to graduates. She will graduate next year.

Many delegates attended the conference.

I delegate the responsibility to you.

stress shift words – some words can be both a verb, adjective and noun, and we stress the “ate” in verbs but not in adjectives/nouns. !to separate stressed (verb) / “ut” unstressed (adjective) !moderate (verb) / (adjective) deliberate (verb)(adjective) estimate (verb)/ (noun) elaborate (verb) /(adjective) graduate (verb)/ (noun) associate (verb)/ (noun) delegate (verb)/ (noun) certificate (noun)/(verb)

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Exercise -ate words !Write in the correct words of these definitions from Macmillan Dictionary Exercise help/ the words on the next page !!1. something good has happened, especially because of good luck = ___________ !2. the type of weather a country or region has = ____________ !3. correct or true in every detail = __________ !4. to say what you think an amount or value will be = __________ !5. to give your attention to the thing you are doing = ____________ !6. very quickly without delay = ____________ !7. needing something very much/ severe or serious situation... = ____________ !8. to change spoken/written words into another language = ____________ !9. a sweet brown food eaten as a sweet or flavouring = ____________ !10. showing that you love or care about someone or something = ____________

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Exercise help !accurate, chocolate, climate, desperate, fortunately, translate, concentrate, affectionate, estimate, immediately !!Write in the correct words of these definitions from Macmillan Dictionary !!1. something good has happened, especially because of good luck = ___________ !2. the type of weather a country or region has = ____________ !3. correct or true in every detail = __________ !4. to say what you think an amount or value will be = __________ !5. to give your attention to the thing you are doing = ____________ !6. very quickly without delay = ____________ !7. needing something very much/ severe or serious situation... = ____________ !8. to change spoken/written words into another language = ____________ !9. a sweet brown food eaten as a sweet or flavouring = ____________ !10. showing that you love or care about someone or something = ____________

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Exercise Answers !accurate, chocolate, climate, desperate, fortunately, translate, concentrate, affectionate, estimate, immediately !!Write in the correct words of these definitions from Macmillan Dictionary !!1. something good has happened, especially because of good luck = fortunately !2. the type of weather a country or region has = climate !3. correct or true in every detail = accurate !4. to say what you think an amount or value will be = estimate !5. to give your attention to the thing you are doing = concentrate !6. very quickly without delay = immediately !7. needing something very much/ severe or serious situation... = desperate !8. to change spoken/written words into another language = translate !9. a sweet brown food eaten as a sweet or flavouring = chocolate !10. showing that you love or care about someone or something = affectionate

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e j c c e j e c n a n y t a y !a t g o j t l t s p l s p d l !f i a g n i a s a e q p a e e !f a k r m c o r t r r c t l t !e e c a e c e a e o e a n i a !c t t c i d i n x p l p n b n !t e r a u d i i t o s t o e u !i x t s e r m s c r g e w r t !o e l m w a a o n u a k d a r !n r m u t m h t b o v t p t o !a i q e g c j r e m c r e e f !t a p p r e c i a t e d o c l !e t a c i f i t r e c i g b n !t r a n s l a t e t a v i r p !k c p e b e t a d i d n a c q !!!accurate!affectionate!appreciated!approximate!associate!candidate!certificate!chocolate!climate!concentrate!considerate!deliberate!desperate!fortunately!immediately!operate!private!translate!!

-ate word search

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-ate words exercise !Add a prefix and write the opposite meaning !1. __fortunately 2. __accurate 3. __legitimate 4. __considerate 5. __educated 6. __articulate 7. __literate 8. __regulated

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-ate words exercise answers !Add a prefix and write the opposite meaning !1. un/fortunately - unfortunately 2. in/accurate - inaccurate 3. il/legitimate - illegitimate 4. in/considerate- inconsiderate 5. un/educated - uneducated 6. in/articulate- inarticulate 7. il/literate - illiterate 8. un/regulated - unregulated (this doesn’t follow the ir + r rule!)

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-ite !

write white quite site despite invite bite satellite cite polite impolite unite reunite appetite kite parasite excite respite rewrite recite finite ignite spite campsite incite transvestite cellulite socialite

opposite definite definitely indefinite indefinitely granite infinite prerequisite exquisite requisite hypocrite !elite suite petite !favourite (American – favorite) !definite and definitely are tricky but important spellings definite = define + ite (drop the ‘e’ with vowel suffix) = definite definitely define + ite + lydefinite + ly = definitely

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-ite exercise - find the words !Match the syllables then write the words out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. __________________________ !2. __________________________ !3. __________________________ !4. __________________________ !5. __________________________ !


opp im ex sat

os quis pol ell in

!! ite

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-ite exercise answers !Find the words and write them out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1. definite !2. opposite !3. impolite !4. exquisite !5. satellite !


opp im ex sat

os quis pol ell in

!! ite

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-ite exercise !!Add a prefix and change the meaning !1. __definitely 2. __write 3. __polite 4. __unite 5. __finite 6. __requisite

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-ite exercise !!Add a prefix and change the meaning !1. in/definitely - indefinitely 2. re/write - rewrite 3. im/polite - impolite 4. re/unite - reunite 5. in/finite - infinite 6. pre/requisite - prerequisite

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-ight- !bright delight fight flight fright light might night knight right plight sight slight tight tonight blight sightseeing Isle of Wight !*straight !!!* different pronunciation

-eight- !eight – 8 eighteen – 18 eighty – 80 !weight freight !*height

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  -ight exercise       Words ending in -ight.       Fill in the gaps with words ending in -ight (exercise help next page)      Not left but   ________   The loud bang made him jump in  __________   The staff worked till very late last   _______   There was fog at the airport and my _______ was delayed.      How tall are you? = What’s your   _________ ?  !Opposite of dark = ________ or __________ !!        

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  -ight exercise   help     Words ending in -ight.       Fill in the gaps using the following words:    flight,  fright, light,  height,   night,   right,   bright      Not left but   ________   The loud bang made him jump in  __________   The staff worked till very late last   _______   There was fog at the airport and my _______ was delayed.      How tall are you? = What’s your   _________ ?  !Opposite of dark = ________ or __________ !!    

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  -ight exercise   Answers     Words ending in -ight.       Fill in the gaps using the following words:    flight,  fright, light,  height,   night,   right,   bright      Not left but   right.   The loud bang made him jump in  fright   The staff worked till very late last   night   There was fog at the airport and my flight was delayed.      How tall are you? = What’s your   height ?  !Opposite of dark = light or bright !!    

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Exercise   "!Find the words ending in ‘-ight’  and write them in the gaps below     The purpose of this exercise is to help your spelling by developing the visual memory for what looks right.       


!!DOWN:     x 5  _________       _________       _________     __________     



  ACROSS:      x 7   ___________    _____________    __________ 

 ____________   _____________    _________   _____________ 



t  i  f  s  l  i  g  h  t f  m  i  g  h  t  s  u  e l  c  h  n  b  h  i  b  f i  f  e  x  r  y  g  e  r g  b  i  n  i  g  h  t  i h  r  g  y  g  b  t  l  g t  i  h  f  i  g  h  t  h s  g  t  d  t  i  g  h  t e  h  l  i  g  h  t  o  p o  t  a  r  i  g  h  t  n 

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Exercise   Answers"!Find the words ending in ‘-ight’  and write them in the gaps below     The purpose of this exercise is to help your spelling by developing the visual memory for what looks right.       


!DOWN:     x 5  fright       flight(s)       bright      sight       height  

  ACROSS:    x 7    slight     right    might   light  fight tight night  


t  i  f  s  l  i  g  h  t f  m  i  g  h  t  s  u  e l  c  h  n  b  h  i  b  f i  f  e  x  r  y  g  e  r g  b  i  n  i  g  h  t  i h  r  g  y  g  b  t  l  g t  i  h  f  i  g  h  t  h s  g  t  d  t  i  g  h  t e  h  l  i  g  h  t  o  p o  t  a  r  i  g  h  t  n 

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-ief !belief brief chief grief relief thief mischief

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Across!3. to be naughty, get into trouble!6. they steal things!7. to feel happy now after a bad event/problem!!!Down!1. to be quick!2. a strong feeling that something is true or real!4. to be sad over someone's dead!5. the boss!! If you need help the words are on the next page

-ief crossword - fill in the squares with the words ending in -ief

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!-ief crossword words !!!brief, mischief, chief, relief, thief, grief, belief!!Answers on the next page

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Crossword answers

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-ieve !


!!achieve believe believed believes reprieve retrieve relieve relieved thieves (a thief) perceive !Drop the ‘e’ with: achievable, believable, retrievable, achieving, believing, retrieving, relieving, believer, achiever, retriever, retrieval !Keep the ‘e’ in: achievement

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a t g n m r u y v b a d n g h !c w h n p k z q d y a e i t e !h k l i i a g f g c k v i v y !i q s z e v e l h a i e e m g !e n g n i v e i l e b i w r v !v e v e i s e i k y r l i l u !e q a b j v r s h t w e v m o !a j e t e m b j e c v r r t m !k w o m z h c r i e a p b e e !e h e f g r w g z c e z x z k !s n s x b s e q w p v w u h q !t c k v x s m w l o t x d j a !b e l i e v e h n s o d w g o !p g z c k c x a o w b n m z k !o d a n r q g z e y g j h a w !!achieve!achievement!achieving!believe!believing!grieve!relieved!retrieve!sieve!thieves!!

Find the words ending in -ieve / -ieves / -ieved

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-ief / -ieve ! belief/ beliefs - believe/ believes/believing / believer !thief (singular) - thieves (plural) !relief - relieve/relieved/relieving !mischief - mischievous / mischievously / mischievousness

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!-ious !!

-cious “shus“ conscious unconscious subconscious precious suspicious tenacious vivacious luscious precocious atrocious delicious spacious vicious gracious ferocious malicious

-rious “ree us“ various serious curious furious mysterious glorious notorious luxurious precarious hilarious industrious victorious laborious illustrious delirious gregarious

-tious “shus“ ambitious cautious contentious infectious superstitious fictitious conscientious nutritious pretentious surreptitious !-vious “vee us“obliviousenviousdeviouspreviousobvious

Some of these patterns are pronounced with one syllable (-cious, -tious, -gious…) and some with two syllables (-rious, -vious…).

-gious “jus” religious prestigious contagious !-xious “shus”anxiousnoxiousobnoxious !-dious “dee us”tediousinsidiousstudious !-nious “nee us”ingeniousharmonious !*-lious (both) rebellious “yus“supercilious  “lee us“ dubious piouscopious

These are great describing words and adds more meaning than just using great, good, nice, bad. !I love copious amounts of delicious, nutritious food! My little girl is so tenacious, gregarious and vivacious. ( You shouldn’t use too many in a sentence – vivacious and gregarious are nearly the same meanings) The food was atrocious and the waiters obnoxious.

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!-ious Exercise gap fill!!

Fill in the gaps (spelling help/ words on the next page) !1. extremely funny = ___________________ !2. boring and continuing too long = ___________________ !3. a very pleasant taste or smell = ___________________ !4. extremely angry = ___________________ !5. very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy = ___________________ !6. extremely violent, unkind, unpleasant = ___________________ !7. event, period or thing happened or existed before the one that you are talking about = ___________________ !8. worried because you think something bad will happen = _______________ !9. clear to almost everyone = _______________ !10. you want to find out about something = _______________ !

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!-ious Exercise gap fill - spelling help!!Fill in the gaps with these words: !anxious, previous, curious, furious, vicious, obvious, hilarious, delicious, tedious, glorious !!1. extremely funny = ___________________ !2. boring and continuing too long = ___________________ !3. a very pleasant taste or smell = ___________________ !4. extremely angry = ___________________ !5. very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy = ___________________ !6. extremely violent, unkind, unpleasant = ___________________ !7. event, period or thing happened or existed before the one that you are talking about = ___________________ !8. worried because you think something bad will happen = _______________ !9. clear to almost everyone = _______________ !10. you want to find out about something = _______________ !

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!-ious Exercise gap fill - spelling help!!Fill in the gaps with these words: !anxious, previous, curious, furious, vicious, obvious, hilarious, delicious, tedious, glorious !!1. extremely funny = hilarious !2. boring and continuing too long = tedious !3. a very pleasant taste or smell = delicious !4. extremely angry = furious !5. very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy = glorious !6. extremely violent, unkind, unpleasant = vicious !7. event, period or thing happened or existed before the one that you are talking about = previous !8. worried because you think something bad will happen = anxious !9. clear to almost everyone = obvious !10. you want to find out about something = curious !!!!Thanks to Macmillan Dictionaries online -

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Module 3 important common word endings

(vowel suffix patterns)

That’s all folks! !

Hope this was useful. !

Keep coming back to this workbook to practise your spellings of these important endings:

!The patterns I’m OK with are: !The patterns I need to work on are: !-able / -ible -ant / -ance -ent / -ence -ance / -ance -ary -ery -ory -ury -ate -ite -ight -ief -ieve -ious !!

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