Download - Module #3, Affiliate Essentials · 2012-10-16 · 1. Get a list of their best converting keywords! 2. Ask for a review

Page 1: Module #3, Affiliate Essentials · 2012-10-16 · 1. Get a list of their best converting keywords! 2. Ask for a review

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Module #3,Affiliate Essentials Training

Page 2: Module #3, Affiliate Essentials · 2012-10-16 · 1. Get a list of their best converting keywords! 2. Ask for a review

★ You have picked ONE market and noted it on your Master Spreadsheet.

★ The next step is to pick ONE hot product that you will promote.

★ In this action guide is a Hot Product Worksheet. Print this out and follow along in checklist form and you will have a high-odds product that you can promote.





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01. Introduction to Picking a Product

On the next page you will find the Hot Product Worksheet. Print out a copy and

follow along with me...

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“This worksheet is exactly how I pick hot products to make me money.”

★ 1. Gravity Products. Log into CB Engine and search products using your niche keyword (eg. Tinnitus) Write down the top 3 gravity products:

Product Name 1____________________________________ Gravity: _______Product Name 2____________________________________ Gravity: _______Product Name 3____________________________________ Gravity: _______

★ 2. The Sniff Test. Comparing the top three products, which has the best direct sales website? Give it a mental rating 1-10 scale:

Site 1: Direct Sales Site 1-10 Rating: ________________________________Site 2: Direct Sales Site 1-10 Rating: ________________________________Site 3: Direct Sales Site 1-10 Rating: ________________________________

★ 3. What is the Commission Payout? Is it recurring? Price > $25/sale (higher priced is better)

Product 1: Payout $_______________________ Recurring? (Y/N) ______ Product 2: Payout $_______________________ Recurring? (Y/N) ______ Product 3: Payout $_______________________ Recurring? (Y/N) ______





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02. The Hot Product Worksheet

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★ 4. What is the refund rate? (write n/a if unavailable) Refund Rate: < 25%

Product 1: Refund Rate __________________________________________Product 2: Refund Rate __________________________________________Product 3: Refund Rate __________________________________________

★ 5.*Optional: Good affiliate dashboard with tools we can use?

Product 1: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 2: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 3: Y/N ____________________________________________________

★ 6. Are More than 50% of sales coming from affiliates (I don't want to go into competition with the vendor)

Product 1: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 2: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 3: Y/N ____________________________________________________

★ 7. The Alexa Traffic Confirmation Test (Visit, enter URL. < 1,000,000 ranking passes.)

Product 1: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 2: Y/N ____________________________________________________Product 3: Y/N ____________________________________________________





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★ 8. Based on your research, give the three products an overall "mental rating" of 1-10. The winner will be the product you will be promoting:

Product 1: Overall Mental 1-10 Rating: ______________________________Product 2: Overall Mental 1-10 Rating: ______________________________Product 3: Overall Mental 1-10 Rating: ______________________________

★ 9. Master Spreadsheet: Niches tab -> Add the following information so you are organized:

Product Name: ___________________________Hoplink: _________________________________Vendors URL:_ ___________________________Affiliate Tools URL: _______________________





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Congrats, you've picked a

winning product!

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“Two ways to make $10,000/month”

★ Make 500 sales at $20 each

★ Make 50 sales at $200 each.

★ In the first scenario you would need 50,000 visitors if you have a 1% conversion rate.

★ On the other hand, you would only need 5,000 visitors in the second scenario with a 1% conversion rate.

★ That comes to 250 clicks per day x 30 days. That could be 20 Keywords or keyword themes that each get 8.33 clicks per day (say via AdWords)

20 keywords x 8.33 clicks = 250 clicks per day.

250 clicks per day x 30 days = 5,000 clicks.

5,000 clicks x 1% conversion rate = 50 sales.

50 sales x $200 = $10,000.





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03. The Importance of Price

The Lesson: Price Matters!

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“Once you pick a product, contact the Vendor of the Product and ask him for these items” (they will reply only about 50% of the time)

1. Get a list of their best converting keywords!

2. Ask for a review copy of their product for a site you’re building

3. Ask if you may have their permission to excerpt pieces of their sales letter for your review.

Sample Email:


I am an experienced affiliate marketer and have been doing a lot of research on your "Tinnitus Miracle" product found at

I am ramping up to start promoting it heavily. I was wondering if...

(a) You would make available a complimentary review copy so that I could write some articles about the product

(b) Would you be okay if I used some of your sales copy on my review site and/or excerpted in some of my emails and articles so as to promote the product using your proven hot buttons?

(c) Lastly, would you be able to provide me with a list of profitable keywords that you have been seeing convert best? (I plan to launch some PPC campaigns and would appreciate any feedback on best keywords to test)

If you'd like to chat by phone feel free to call me at.... Thanks for your assistance.


Joe Blow





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04. What to Ask the Vendor?

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05. The Ninja Spy Worksheet

“This worksheet is exactly how I spy on affiliates and enter a market with a high odds of success”

“Start BROAD... then Dig DEEP”

First Step: Register for a Keywordspy account - click here for registration.

★ 1. Finding the Best Money-Making Keywords. Log into Keywordspy. Enter the Vendor’s URL and check Domain. Click Organic Keywords tab.Sort “C.P.C.” highest to lowestSort “Value %”Sort “Ads” -> To me this has the most value!

Action: Copy and paste the Top Ten keywords into a .TXT document with Volume >= 1000.

★ 2. Now look at Competitors. What are the top 3 competitors best keywords? Click Competitors tabClick Top 3 Domains -> Ads -> What are the most profitable KW’s?

Action: Copy and paste their top/most profitable keywords into the same .TXT document with Volume >= 1000.

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★ 3. Isolate each keyword and give it the “Sniff Test of Profitability.” The goal here is to disqualify some of the keywords on out list until we have a core group of 10-15 keywords that are profitable and the “best in its class.”

Click on the Keyword -> How profitable in general is the keyword for people? Is there at least ONE profitable ad being run for this keyword? The more GREEN BARS the better.No green bars instantly eliminates the keyword from my list as this indicates there are NO buyers.

Action: Winnow down your keyword list to the ten most profitable keywords.

★ 4. Google Keyword Tool. Paste Vendor URL choose “similar” - Advanced: Choose Global Monthly Searches and select > 10,000. Click Column and select Competition, Global Monthly Searches and Est. CPC.

Sort by Est. CPC (Highest to Lowest)Top 10 (that make sense) quickly paste the keyword into Keywordspy and make a quick Sniff Test, eg. is this keyword profitable? Are there 5 or more GREEN ROI’s? If yes add it to your keyword list.

Action: Add more profitable keywords to your .TXT document. Having more or less than 10 is okay. Ten is just my ideal goal:)

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★ 5. Google Search: Type in Product Name. When you find affiliates or competitors, copy and paste the URL into Keywordspy domain and harvest their best keywords. The goal here is to uncover NEW profitable keywords we may have missed.

“”“product name”Affiliate URL -> Paste into Keywordspy - Organic Overview: Click the keywords there and put it through the Sniff Test. Add good ones to your keyword list.

Action: Add more profitable keywords to your .TXT document. Having more or less than 10 is okay. Ten is just my ideal goal:)

★ 6. What’s the Primary Hot Button for this Product/Market?


Tips!Top keywords from your .TXT -> Look at most profitable Ads for each keyword. What if Vendor has no PPC data? Use Similar Competitors URL.

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★ 7. What’s the hot benefits and bullet points for this product/market?


Tips!Top keywords from your .TXT -> Look at most profitable Ads for each keyword. What if Vendor has no PPC data? Use Similar Competitors URL.

★ 8. Based on the top performing ads, what do you think the visitor is looking for when they click?


★ 9. What are the highest volume keywords they have profitable ads for? Search Volume -> Descending


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★ 10. Of their profitable ads, what is the highest Cost Per Click (CPC)? This shows how high we can go and still make

money! Indicates conversions possibility for Ad/KW combo!


★ 11. Looking over their profitable ads, what is their average ad position?


★ 12. What can we model from their profitable Landing Pages?


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★ 13. What are competitors doing that is extremely profitable?Tips!Seed Keyword: Enter keyword into Keywordspy, eg. “Tinnitus cure”PPC Competitors tab -> Most aggressive PPC advertiser, sort by PPC Budget (sort descending) Find similar competitor. (Visit sites briefly)Click PPC Keywords linkSee how well they’re doing with ROIClick Overview tab and get ideas on how long product has existed and been promoted.


★ 14. Destination URL Ninja Intel.Tips!Destination URL: remove the “.com” eg. “Jamorama”Click “KW” icon

Landing Page Intel!


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★ 15. Ad Copy ResearchTips!Ad Copies -> type in words to see related ads, eg. “learn guitar” ... and “jamorama”


★ Final Step: Export the highest profit Ads (excel) Save them in your Dropbox folder.

You now have a DEEP understanding about what it takes to make money in this niche, even though you REALLY

know nothing about this market!

(that is the POWER of using the Ninja Spy Worksheet)

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Take action. And prosper .


Ok, now take bold and consistent action.

You know what to do. Now, go do it!

Copyright (c) The Ben Cummings Co Inc.



