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Modes and Models of Forebrain CholinergicNeuromodulation of Cognition

Michael E Hasselmo*,1 and Martin Sarter2

1Center for Memory and Brain, Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience, Boston University, Boston, MA,

USA; 2Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

As indicated by the profound cognitive impairments caused by cholinergic receptor antagonists, cholinergic neurotransmis-

sion has a vital role in cognitive function, specifically attention and memory encoding. Abnormally regulated cholinergic

neurotransmission has been hypothesized to contribute to the cognitive symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders. Loss of

cholinergic neurons enhances the severity of the symptoms of dementia. Cholinergic receptor agonists and

acetylcholinesterase inhibitors have been investigated for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction. Evidence from experiments

using new techniques for measuring rapid changes in cholinergic neurotransmission provides a novel perspective on the

cholinergic regulation of cognitive processes. This evidence indicates that changes in cholinergic modulation on a timescale

of seconds is triggered by sensory input cues and serves to facilitate cue detection and attentional performance.

Furthermore, the evidence indicates cholinergic induction of evoked intrinsic, persistent spiking mechanisms for active

maintenance of sensory input, and planned responses. Models have been developed to describe the neuronal mechanisms

underlying the transient modulation of cortical target circuits by cholinergic activity. These models postulate specific locations

and roles of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and that cholinergic neurotransmission is controlled in part

by (cortical) target circuits. The available evidence and these models point to new principles governing the development of the

next generation of cholinergic treatments for cognitive disorders.

Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (2011) 36, 52–73; doi:10.1038/npp.2010.104; published online 28 July 2010

Keywords: acetylcholine; cognition; attention; encoding; cortex; hippocampus



The entire cortex and hippocampus are innervated bycholinergic projections that originate from several regionsin the basal forebrain (Rye et al, 1984; Lysakowski et al,1989; Mesulam et al, 1992; Kitt et al, 1994). The anatomicalorganization of this neuronal system predicts that abnorm-alities in cholinergic activity profoundly impairs corticaland hippocampal information processing (eg, Bartus, 2000;Mesulam, 2004; Sarter et al, 2005a). Consequently, attemptsto treat cognitive symptoms and disorders have extensivelyfocused on cholinomimetic strategies.

The traditional description of the forebrain cholinergicsystem as a diffusely organized neuromodulator systemsuggests that a relatively small number of neurons showwidespread influence on information processing across

large portions of the cortex and hippocampus. However,we will point out that recent evidence supports analternative hypothesis, proposing that the cognitive func-tions of cholinergic projections are determined in part bytelencephalic circuitry controlling cholinergic synapticneurotransmission. Such local control of cholinergic acti-vity may imply that the cholinergic system influencestarget regions in a more specific manner than previouslyassumed.

Early theories suggested that the cortical cholinergicinput system contributes to the induction of ‘arousal’ andelevates input processing to the level of awareness orconsciousness (Wenk, 1989; Woolf, 1991; Perry et al, 1999).Although recent research indicated that specific cognitiveoperations are mediated by precisely orchestrated andspatially restricted changes in cholinergic neurotransmis-sion, our current model integrates multiple roles andneurotransmission modes of forebrain cholinergic systems,including the modulation of more global states of targetregions as well as the mediation of highly selective cogni-tive operations. Collectively, these states and cognitiveReceived 1 March 2010; revised 18 June 2010; accepted 19 June 2010

*Correspondence: Dr ME Hasselmo, Center for Memory and Brain,Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience, BostonUniversity, Boston, MA 02215, USA, Tel: + 1 617 353 1397,E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Neuropsychopharmacology REVIEWS (2011) 36, 52–73& 2011 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0893-133X/11 $32.00





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operations support attentional performance and the encod-ing of new information (as illustrated in Figure 2).

In this article, we will explore specifically the effectof more recent findings on the cholinergic mediation ofcognitive operations for the development of novel neuro-psychopharmacological treatment strategies. We will de-scribe a circuit-based model that is designed to capture keyelements of the current evidence and associated hypotheses.The new evidence and this model, together with a modelderived from the neurophysiological evidence on the effectsof cholinergic modulation, form the basis for new treatmentstrategies that venture beyond the traditional cholinomi-metic mechanisms targeted by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)inhibitors and nonselective muscarinic and nicotinicacetylcholine receptor (m/nAChR) agonists.


Early psychopharmacological studies of the role of choli-nergic systems in cognition were conducted, to name a few,by Giancarlo Pepeu, David M Warburton, J AnthonyDeutsch, and David A Drachman (eg, Pazzagli and Pepeu,1965; Deutsch and Rocklin, 1967; Deutsch, 1971; Warburtonand Brown, 1971; Drachman, 1977; Drachman andSahakian, 1980). Then and now, this research has dependedmainly on the availability of three groups of cholinergicdrugs for studies in humans and animals: AChE inhibitors,nonspecific mAChR antagonists (scopolamine and atro-pine), and the non-selective nAChR agonist nicotine. Theinterpretation of the cognitive effects of these drugs hasrarely taken into account the enormous complexity of theireffects on cholinergic neurotransmission.

AChE inhibitors have been shown to enhance cognitiveperformance (Aigner and Mishkin, 1986; Aigner et al, 1987)and to reduce the impairments caused by mAChRantagonists (Ghoneim and Mewaldt, 1977). However, theconsequences of sustained, high levels of extracellular AChlevels include the excessive stimulation of presynaptic M2receptors. Stimulation of these receptors inhibits the releaseof ACh and thereby attenuates presynaptic signaling.Furthermore, the presence of extremely high concentrationsof ACh in the extrasynaptic space (volume transmission)results in the stimulation of extrasynaptic mAChRs(Yamasaki et al, 2010) and nAChRs, to a degree and at loca-tions that may not be achieved in the absence of an AChEinhibitor (Sarter et al, 2009a). Even within the constraints ofclassic synapses, high levels of ACh are expected toexcessively stimulate nAChRs that in turn stimulate therelease of several neuromodulators, including ACh itself,thereby robustly modulating the state of local circuitry(eg, Sarter et al, 2009b). Thus, AChE inhibitors do notmerely increase cholinergic neurotransmission but theyalso uncouple presynaptic from postsynaptic informationtransmission and produce complex changes in local andefferent circuitry.

With respect to the nonselective mAChR antagonists,atropine and scopolamine, these drugs have been shown toimpair encoding of new memories (Ghoneim and Mewaldt,1975, 1977; Aigner et al, 1991) and to impair attention(Wesnes and Warburton, 1984; Broks et al, 1988). However,the attribution of the cognitive effects to blockade ofpostsynaptic mAChRs must be modified by awareness thatthese drugs also increase the release of ACh because ofpresynaptic M2 receptor antagonism (eg, Herzog et al,2003). As a result, extremely high extracellular ACh levelsstimulate nAChRs, and such effects may interact with theblockade of postsynaptic mAChRs to cause rather complexbehavioral and cognitive effects. Consistent with such apotential interaction, several studies showed that blockadeof nAChRs alone did not affect cognitive performance;however, when administered together with a mAChR antago-nist, substantial or significantly greater cognitive impairmentswere observed (eg, Little et al, 1998; Ellis et al, 2006; Erskineet al, 2004).

The investigation of the cognitive effects of nicotine hasgiven rise to an enormously productive field of research onthe cognitive functions of nAChRs (eg, Warburton andMancuso, 1998; Stolerman et al, 2000; Levin et al, 1998;Levin et al, 2006). As will be pointed out below, recentevidence identified the nAChR subtypes that may be ofcentral interest for pharmacological strategies aimed atenhancing attentional performance effects. Furthermore,research on the role of these subtypes has begun to identifythe neuronal circuitry underlying the procognitive effectsof selective nAChR agonists.

The empirical and conceptual complexities associatedwith the use of traditional cholinergic drugs as researchtools generalize to efforts aimed at modeling and treatingthe cognitive symptoms of neuropsychiatric and neurode-generative disorders. In particular, the role of abnormalitiesin cholinergic neurotransmission and eventually of choli-nergic cell loss in the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’sdisease has been intensely debated, in part because theadministration of mAChR antagonists to healthy subjectsdoes not fully reproduce the symptoms of dementia (Flickeret al, 1992; Huff et al, 1988; Beatty et al, 1986; Kopelmanand Corn, 1988; Fibiger, 1991). However, given the complexneuronal effects of mAChR antagonists described above,and specifically the increases in ACh release and subsequentnAChR stimulation, it should be expected that such drugsdo not produce the range of cognitive impairments thatresults from the disintegration of cortical afferent, local, andefferent circuitry. Moreover, psychopharmacological studiesaimed at modeling dementia have focused on the effectsof acute administration of scopolamine or atropine (Beattyet al, 1986; Broks et al, 1988), or of a combination ofmAChR and nAChR antagonists (Little et al, 1998). There-fore, debates about the limitations of such pharmacologicalmodels need to consider that effects of a single administra-tion of a mAChR antagonist are contrasted against thechronic, escalating cognitive consequences of dysregulatedand disintegrating cholinergic systems. In addition, the

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dementia of Alzheimer’s disease is associated with neuronaldeath that destroys the input to and output from thehippocampal formation (Hyman et al, 1984), removing theglutamatergic circuits modulated by acetylcholine. In lightof these considerations, the degree to which acute mAChRblockade models such dementias seems rather impressive(see also Christensen et al, 1992; Aarsland et al, 1994; Brokset al, 1988). The augmented cognitive impairment causedby scopolamine in healthy aged subjects (eg, Molchanet al, 1992; Sunderland et al, 1987, 1988), and the findingthat scopolamine administration exacerbates the cognitiveimpairments of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, furthersupport the validity of this pharmacological model.

The limited therapeutic, procognitive efficacy of AChEinhibitors (eg, Pepeu and Giovannini, 2009) seems to bean expected finding when considering that inhibitionof AChE is not capable of restoring or augmenting thephasic glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions that, as willbe described below, mediate defined cognitive operations(see also Sarter and Bruno, 2002; Sarter et al, 2007). Asnoted above, the limited cognitive effects of acute mAChRantagonist administration does not reject the significanceof this model for understanding the role of cholinergic cellloss in dementia (see also Bartus, 2000). Similarly, thefinding that AChE inhibitors do not consistently producerobust beneficial cognitive enhancement does not serve as aconclusive basis for rejecting the hypothesis that a decliningand dysregulated cholinergic system contributes to theseverity of the symptoms of dementia (Mesulam, 2004).Moreover, a relatively small number of studies reported thatAChE inhibitors produce small yet significant enhancementof cognitive, specifically attentional functions in patientswith Alzheimer’s disease (eg, Sahakian et al, 1993; Foldiet al, 2005). These complexities and resulting debates reflectthe limited degree to which these drugs serve as sufficientlyselective neuropsychopharmacological research tools, in-cluding for assessing the therapeutic potential of cholinergictreatment approaches.


Lesions and Early Microdialysis Studies

A considerable amount of evidence from experimentson the effects of, initially, nonselective lesions of the basalforebrain (Robbins et al, 1989; Dunnett et al, 1991; Muiret al, 1992; Roberts et al, 1992; Voytko et al, 1994) and,subsequently, selective lesions of the basal forebraincholinergic projections to the cortex (eg, McGaughy et al,1996, 2000; Turchi and Sarter, 1997; McGaughy and Sarter,1998; Chiba et al, 1995; Baxter et al, 1999; Dalley et al, 2004;Newman and McGaughy, 2008) indicated that theseprojections are necessary for performing tasks assessing arange of attentional functions.

The robustness and the selectivity of the attentionalimpairments produced by selective removal of cortical

cholinergic inputs are noteworthy, particularly in light ofa considerable literature reporting the absence of effectsof such lesions on behaviors that require little or noattentional processing. For example, the effects of choliner-gic lesions were assessed in animals performing a sustainedattention task (SAT). The SAT consists of a random order ofcued and blank trials. Responses are either hit or miss, orcorrect rejection and false alarm, respectively. Reward isdelivered for both types of correct responses (hit or correctrejection; recorded through different levers). Incorrectresponses (miss or false alarm) trigger the intertrial intervalbut do not have other scheduled consequences. Althoughintact animals detected over 70–80% of the longest (500 ms)cues, cortical cholinergic deafferentation reduced thedetection rate for all cues to approximately 30%, with norecovery despite several months of daily postsurgerypractice (McGaughy et al, 1996). At the same time, thisdeafferentation did not affect the animals’ responseaccuracy in blank trials (ie, the correct reporting of theabsence of a cue).

Another example illustrating the crucial significance ofthe cholinergic system for attention concerns the ability todivide attention between the processing of visual andauditory conditioned stimulus (Turchi and Sarter, 1997).Cortical cholinergic deafferentation did not affect theanimals’ performance in blocks of unimodal trials in whichall cues were either visual or auditory. In contrast, under thecondition of modality uncertainty, the lesion caused aprofound speed–accuracy tradeoff, with correct responsesrequiring 700 ms longer in bimodal than in unimodal blocksof trials (for additional evidence illustrating disruption ofbasic attentional abilities by selective cholinergic lesionssee, eg, Newman and McGaughy, 2008; Botly and De Rosa,2009). The robustness and the selectivity of the cognitiveimpairments produced by such lesions is further supported,although indirectly, by a substantial number of experimentsthat concluded that removal of forebrain cholinergicneurons does not have strong effects on the performanceof animals in tasks that do not explicitly tax attentionalprocesses (Vuckovich et al, 2004; Frick et al, 2004). Forexample, cholinergic lesions of the medial septum causeonly a mild impairment at all delays in a matching-to-placetask in the Morris water maze (Baxter et al, 1995), andcholinergic lesions of the entire basal forebrain cause only amild impairment in learning this task (Frick et al, 2004).Cholinergic lesions cause transient effects or no impair-ments in the radial arm maze (Chappell et al, 1998; Galaniet al, 2002; Vuckovich et al, 2004) and T-maze alternation(Pang and Nocera, 1999; Galani et al, 2002). Cholinergiclesions of inferotemporal cortex in monkeys do not impairvisual scene learning unless combined with fornix lesions(Browning et al, 2010).

Measures of ACh release in task-performing animals,using microdialysis, consistently showed attentionalperformance-associated increases in cortical ACh release.These increases in ACh release were not observed inanimals performing behavioral procedures that controlled

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for noncognitive performance variables, such as leverpressing and reward rates, or the presentation of stimuliand distractors in contexts that do not require attention(eg, Himmelheber et al, 1997; Arnold et al, 2002). Theresults from more recent microdialysis studies indicatedthat levels of ACh release in attentional task-performinganimals vary as a function of the demands on attention(or ‘attentional effort’) but do not correlate with levels ofattentional performance (Passetti et al, 2000; Dalley et al,2001; Kozak et al, 2006, 2007; Sarter et al, 2006).

Cholinergic Mediation of Cue Detection

As described above, the evidence from the experiments onthe effects of cortical cholinergic deafferentation on SATperformance indicated a remarkably specific and robustimpairment in performance (McGaughy et al, 1996;McGaughy and Sarter, 1998). Removal of cortical choliner-gic inputs selectively and persistently impaired the animals’

detection rate (or number of hits). In contrast, responseaccuracy in blank trials remained completely spared. Thisevidence indicates that the cholinergic system is requiredspecifically for the detection of cues. In this context,detection is defined as a cognitive process that involvesthe insertion of a cue into ongoing behavioral and cognitiveactivity and subsequent control of such behavior by the cue(Posner et al, 1980).

The hypothesis deduced from these lesion experimentspredicts that the cholinergic system is active specificallyduring trials involving cue detection. The use of enzyme-coated microelectrodes for the amperometric measure-ment allows monitoring ACh release at a sub-secondresolution and thus permits the demonstration of changesin ACh release in association with specific task eventsor behavioral responses (for evidence indicating thevalidity of this method see Burmeister et al, 2000; Parikhet al, 2004; Giuliano et al, 2008). The first experimentsusing this technique in task-performing animals used a

Figure 1. Prefrontal cholinergic transients mediating the detection of cues (data and components of this figure were adopted from Parikh et al, 2007).The abscissa depicts the time (seconds) over two trials, one in which the cue was detected (left) and one in which the cue was missed (right). Animalsperformed a cued appetitive response task. A light cue (presented for 1 s; blue arrows) predicted reward delivery 6±2 s later at one out of two rewardports (dark green arrows). Detection was defined behaviorally by cue-evoked orientation toward and monitoring of the reward ports (as illustrated on theleft). Animals detected most of the cues but occasionally missed cues (for detailed results see Parikh et al, 2007). Importantly, reward was also deliveredif cues were missed, and animals retrieved the reward in such trials, although with longer response latencies. The intertrial interval (ITI) was 90±30 s. Thered traces depict electrochemical recordings of choline that were self-referenced against recordings from adjacent platinum recording site that lackedimmobilized choline oxidase. As illustrated on the left, cues that were detected were associated with a cholinergic transient. The onset of the increase incholinergic activity and the onset of detection-indicating behavior (defined in Parikh et al, 2007) were highly correlated (inserted plot; red dots and arrowsindicating the timepoints for both measures). The initial, steep increase in cholinergic activity (between approximately 92 and 93 s on the abscissa) isthought to stimulate mAChRs, thereby initiating a period of persistent spiking (see Figure 3). During trials in which the cue was missed, no such transientswere observed, and reward delivery and retrieval did not evoke increases in cholinergic activity (for details see Parikh et al, 2007).

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cued appetitive response task to determine cholinergicactivity in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and acontrol region (forelimb region in the motor cortex). In thistask (for details see Parikh et al, 2007), animals werepresented with a rarely occurring cue that predictedsubsequent reward delivery at one out of two reward ports.Animals detected the majority of these cues, as indicated bycue-evoked disengagement from ongoing behavior (usuallygrooming), and orientation toward, and monitoring of, thereward ports (see Figure 1). Occasionally, cues did notevoke such behavior. Video tape-based inspection of theanimals’ behavior during trials involving such missesindicated a brief, cue-evoked orientation-like response that,however, was followed by an immediate return to groomingbehavior.

In the mPFC, cues that were detected evoked transientincreases in cholinergic activity (Figure 1). Such transientswere not observed in trials in which cues were missed, andthey were not observed in motor cortex. Even if a cue wasmissed, reward was eventually delivered and retrieved.Recordings from such trials as well as from several controlprocedures indicated that the presence or absence ofreward and reward-related behavior did not contribute tothe generation of cholinergic transients. Furthermore, thetiming of the peak amplitude varied with the duration of theinterval between cue and reward, with peak times atapproximately 1.5 s after cue presentation recorded inanimals trained on shortest cue–reward intervals (2±1 s;see Parikh et al, 2007).

Collectively, the results from these experiments supportthe hypothesis that prefrontal cholinergic transients med-iate cue detection (as defined above). Such transients werenot observed in motor cortex. Removal of cholinergic inputto the PFC impaired the animals’ detection rate. Further-more, because the attentional impairments caused bycholinergic lesions are not restored by pharmacologicallymimicking the contributions of the tonic component ofcholinergic neurotransmission (see below; McGaughy et al,1999), the consequences of the lesions can be primarilyattributed to the absence of cholinergic transients.

Cholinergic Mode Switch, Orienting, andDetection

On the basis of the findings described above, we predictedthat in rats performing the SAT, cue-evoked cholinergictransients would occur in all trials in which cues aredetected, but not in trials in which such cues are missed orduring blank trials. Evidence from ongoing experiments(preliminary data were described in Howe et al, 2007) haschallenged this hypothesis. As expected, cue-evoked choli-nergic transients were observed in trials yielding hits.However, this was not consistently the case. Cholinergictransients were not observed in trials resulting in a hit ifthese trials were preceded by identical trials, that is, by cuedtrials ending with a hit. In contrast, transients wereobserved in cued trials resulting in a hit if preceded by a

miss, or if preceded by ‘blank’ trials resulting in correctrejections.

Nonsignal trials do not involve the detection of cues and,thus, the performance in such trials is governed primarilyby an extensively practiced response (a correct rejection); aresponse that is generated in the absence of a cue mayconstitute the default response (eg, Maclean et al, 2009).Cued trials resulting in misses can be categorized asperceived blanks and thus also be interpreted as reflectingthe execution of a default response. In contrast, a hitrequires that an external sensory cue is selected andincorporated into ongoing cognitive processing. Thus, itmay be speculated that a cue may evoke a switch away fromthe default response mode, to a mode that increases thelikelihood that it will be selected for behavioral andcognitive control (ie, detection; see above).

The nature of this mode switch may conceptuallycorrespond with Posner’s concept of attentional ‘orienting’,defined as a mental process designed to align attentionwith a source of sensory input. Importantly, Posnerclearly differentiates between orienting and the cognitiveact of cue detection, emphasizing that ‘ysome responses(eg, saccadic eye movements) may be available to astimulus before it has been detectedy’ (Posner, 1980;p 4). Attentional orienting, overtly or covertly, fosters cuedetection; however, orienting is neither sufficient nornecessary for detection. The conceptualization of choliner-gic transients in terms of mediating attentional orienting isconsistent with the finding that cholinergic lesions orsystemic or local cortical blockade of mAChRs impairattentional orienting (Davidson and Marrocco, 2000;Davidson et al, 1999; Chiba et al, 1999; Phillips et al,2000). As orienting is not necessary for detection, theresidual hit rate after cortical cholinergic deafferentation(McGaughy et al, 1996) may have been becauseof detections that occurred without the facilitating benefitsof attentional orienting.

In keeping with this conceptualization, misses areattributed to orienting failures, therefore decreasing thelikelihood for subsequent detection and increasing thelikelihood that the default response (a correct rejection) willbe executed (and counted as a miss in a cued trial). Themodel described below, specifically the key interactionsbetween thalamic glutamatergic and cholinergic afferents ofthe PFC, is capable of explaining why less salient cues aremore likely to fail in generating cholinergically mediatedattentional orienting and thus are more likely to be missed.

This conceptualization further requires the assumptionthat after a hit, attention was successfully aligned with thesource of input and that this alignment remains stable for abrief period of time (perhaps 10–20 s during SAT perfor-mance; ITI: average of 9 s). If the subsequent trial is cued,detection of this cue therefore would not require attentional(re-) orienting, and therefore, transients are not observed insuccessive trials ending with hits. Further below we willspeculate about neuronal mechanisms mediating thetransfer of cue-evoked attentional orienting to the next

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trial. If the next trial is a noncued trial, the circuit returns tothe default state and a subsequent cue is again more likelyto be detected if it evokes attentional orienting. WhetherSAT performance permits identifying a behavioral correlateof orienting that can be dissociated from the obviousbehavior that indicates detection (a hit) is currently beingexplored.

Orienting differs from ‘alerting’, which is defined as‘achieving and maintaining a state of high sensitivity toincoming stimuli’ (Posner and Rothbart, 2007; p 7), andpresumably varies on a longer timescale (minutes and tensof minutes) than orienting (milliseconds and seconds).Although other neuromodulator systems, specifically thenoradrenergic system (eg, Witte and Marrocco, 1997;Posner, 2008), have been proposed to contribute to alerting,in the context of a circuitry model (below), we will suggestthat a tonic component of cholinergic neurotransmissionmay also contribute to alerting and thereby to successfulorienting, perhaps in part through local cortical anddistributed interactions between the two neuromodulatorsystems (Briand et al, 2007; Dalley et al, 2001).

Neurophysiological Correlates of Mode Shifts

Previous neurophysiological research, recording from brainslices, concluded that ACh acts to enhance the (glutama-tergic) representation of thalamic input through stimulationof nAChRs, while suppressing cortico-cortical or associa-tional input through stimulation of mAChRs (Hasselmo andBower, 1992; Hasselmo et al, 1992; Hasselmo and Schnell,1994; Gil et al, 1997; Kimura and Baughman, 1997; Robertset al, 2005; see below). The cholinergically mediated shiftfrom a default mode to the detection mode, or orienting(above), corresponds conceptually with the conclusionsfrom this neurophysiological work. Orienting is generatedin part by enhancing the cortical representation of thalamicinput. At the same time, the cortico-cortical (associationalor default mode-based) processing would need to besuppressed to minimize interference with effective orientingand the subsequent detection process. Through stimulationof mAChR, we may also begin to speculate aboutmechanisms that sustain orienting over longer periods oftime, allowing successive detections to occur withoutgenerating additional cholinergic transients (see below).


Evidence from neuropharmacological studies, includingfrom animals lacking various nAChRs after lesions of thethalamic mediodorsal (MD) nucleus projections to PFC orafter removal of mesolimbic dopaminergic projections tothe PFC, has begun to define key components of a circuitthat mediates orienting and thereby fosters cue detection(Parikh et al, 2008; Parikh et al, 2010; Sarter et al, 2009b).

Importantly, some essential features of this circuitryhave been validated in terms of predicting the effects ofcholinergic drugs on attentional performance (Howe et al,2010). This section will focus on this model and thereforewill combine evidence from electrochemical and behavioralstudies with hypotheses and, to a minor degree, somespeculations.

Before addressing details in support of this circuitrymodel, and as illustrated in Figure 2, it is useful to introducean important yet potentially complicating aspect of thismodel. The model postulates that cholinergic projections tothe PFC have two separate roles. First, evidence indicatesthat, by stimulating a specific nAChR subtype expressed byinputs from the MD, cholinergic activity modulatesglutamatergic neurotransmission. Second, as was alsoshown, such glutamate release dictates, through stimulationof ionotropic glutamate receptors, the amplitudes of thecholinergic transients that mediate, as is hypothesizedabove, attentional orienting and foster cue detection. Themodel speculates that separate populations of cholinergicneurons influence the release of glutamate from MD inputsand are targeted by such inputs, respectively (Figure 2).Although evidence supporting such a segregation ofcholinergic projections has remained limited, our currentmodel is consistent with contemporary anatomical theoriessuggesting a highly differentiated, topographic organizationof the cholinergic system (Zaborszky, 2002; Zaborszky et al,2005, 2008).

Prefrontal Glutamatergic–CholinergicInteractions

Evidence from neuropharmacological studies using selec-tive nAChR ligands and antagonists at ionotropic glutamatereceptors, and assessing the effects of infusions of thesecompounds into the PFC of animals lacking a4b2* or a7nAChRs, or animals with lesions of the MD, collectivelyindicated that the amplitude of cholinergic transients isdetermined by glutamatergic stimulation of ionotropicglutamate receptors. Furthermore, cholinergic stimulationof a4b2* nAChRs evoked cholinergic transients throughstimulating glutamate release, and the MD input is requiredto generate such transients. In contrast to the amplitude ofcholinergic transients, the decay rate of such transients, thatis, the duration and rate of decrease of ACh release, is notcontrolled by these glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions(Parikh et al, 2008, 2010; Howe et al, 2010).

We can only speculate about the nature of the informa-tion about the cue that is ‘imported’ by MD projections.The MD may be considered as the thalamic ‘exit’ station fora circuit that involves projections from sensory corticalregions to the thalamic reticular nucleus that, in turn,projects to the MD. This circuit has been proposed togenerate preattentionally processed representations of cues(Guillery et al, 1998; Zikopoulos and Barbas, 2006, 2007a, b;Pinault, 2004; Weese et al, 1999; McAlonan et al, 2006).The term ‘pre-attention’ has often been explained using the

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‘attentional searchlight’ analogy, ‘ylike a searchlightat dusk, it intensifies part of a scene that is already visibleto some extent’ (Crick, 1984; p 4586). Such a preattentionalnarrowing may be considered a necessary precursor ofattentional orienting (as defined above), as the formerconcerns attention to part of a scene (eg, attention towardan intelligence panel of an operant chamber) whereas thelatter concerns the orientation of attention to a specificsource for a target (eg, attention to the location of a bulb).Attentional orienting may also involve prospective timingprocesses and estimating target onset.

Exactly how MD projections to the PFC encode thesearchlight effect and bias the processing of information byPFC circuitry toward a particular part of a scene is notunderstood. Similarly, exactly how PFC cholinergic tran-sients further narrow and presumably specify such biasingor, to keep with the searchlight analogy, increase the

brightness and the focus of the searchlight to illuminate aspecific aspect of the scene remain speculative. Certainly,these processes involve top-down control, as the scene andthe target that are subject to preattentional processes andattentional orienting are guided by their establishedsignificance. It is noteworthy, however, that preattention-processing thalamic nuclei, including the MD, also receivecholinergic input from the basal forebrain (eg, Hallangeret al, 1987; see Figure 2), suggesting an orchestratedcholinergic recruitment of thalamic and cortical circuitriesto foster cue detection.

These glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions do notreadily account for occasional misses of salient stimuli.We hypothesize that as a result of, for example, task-unrelated increases in activity in this network before thepresentation of signals, as shown in Parikh et al (2007),attentional interference results from GABAergic inhibition

Figure 2. Circuitry model describing the main components of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuitry mediating signal detection and processing modeshifts. The model combines evidence with parsimonious assumptions required to explain electrochemical and attentional performance data (see maintext for details). The glutamatergic (GLU) inputs to the PFC, originating from the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) ‘import’ a preattentionally processedrepresentation of the signal into the PFC (see text for definition). MD neurons are part of a network that includes the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) andits topographic afferents from sensory cortical regions. The cue-evoked glutamatergic transient (see insert) generates a cholinergic transient (see insert)through stimulation of ionotropic presynaptic glutamate receptors (Parikh et al, 2008, 2010). This cholinergic transient mediates the actual detectionprocess or, depending on the task, a processing mode shift that fosters detection (see main text). Prefrontal output neuron activity is stimulated by AChprimarily through muscarinic (m)AChRs, thereby organizing the behavioral responses that indicate successful detection. The terminals of the MD inputsto the PFC are equipped with a4b2* nAChRs. Cholinergic stimulation of these receptors is thought to vary over minutes, reflecting a tonic component ofcholinergic neurotransmission (see elevated release illustrated by the insert). nAChR agonists enhance detection performance primarily by positivelymodulating GLU release from these terminals, thereby augmenting the amplitudes of the cholinergic transients (Parikh et al, 2010; Howe et al, 2010). Asis further explained in the text, this model therefore proposes two separate roles for cholinergic inputs, mediated through separate populations ofcholinergic neurons. A rather tonically active input modulates glutamate release from MD neurons that, in turn, target the terminals of a separate group ofcholinergic neurons, generating the transients that enhance attentional orienting and cue detection (adapted and modified from Sarter et al, 2009b).

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of the cholinergic terminals that generate transients(Rasmusson et al, 2007). The cholinergic receptors situatedon GABAergic interneurons are not clear but likely involve*b2* subunit containing nAChRs and also mAChRs(Bandyopadhyay et al, 2006; Azam et al, 2003; Disney andAoki, 2008).

Prefrontal nAChR-Mediated Upregulation ofGlutamatergic–Cholinergic Interactions

The glutamatergic terminals of MD projections expressa4b2* nAChRs (Lambe et al, 2003: Figure 2). We showedthat removal of these thalamic inputs blocks the abilityof a4b2* nAChR agonists to evoke glutamatergic andcholinergic transients (Parikh et al, 2010). Furthermore,stimulation of a4b2* nAChRs, by administering systemi-cally a full a4b2* nAChR agonist, increased the number ofcue detections in SAT-performing animals; this effect wasobserved specifically during performance recovery subse-quently to the presentation of a distractor (‘dSAT’performance; Howe et al, 2010). Moreover, this increasein hits occurred specifically in trials that were preceded bymisses or blanks, consistent with the hypothesis that a4b2*nAChR agonists facilitate the generation of cholinergictransients that foster attentional orienting and/or the shiftinto the detection mode. As already mentioned, removalof cholinergic neurons abolishes this effect of stimulation ofa4b2* nAChRs.

The effects of a4b2* nAChR agonists are thought tomimic the effects of a more tonic component of cholinergicneurotransmission at these receptors. In addition to thesecond-based cholinergic transients, several sets of datasuggest that more slowly changing (tonic; scale of minutesand tens of minutes) levels of cholinergic neurotransmis-sion are also present in this system. First, in our previousmicrodialysis studies we observed increases in cholinergicneurotransmission before the onset of the attention task(Kozak et al, 2006, 2007). These increases were interpretedas evoked by the testing context and anticipation ofperformance and associated reward. Ongoing studiessuggest that these tonic changes in cholinergic activity arenot confounded by phasic cholinergic activity. Rather,the direction of changes in tonic cholinergic activity(as indicated by microdialysis) and the amplitudesof cholinergic transients (measured electrochemically) arenot necessarily correlated and, as evidenced by effects ofdifferent nAChR agonists on both measures, may in fact bedissociated (G Paolone, unpublished findings; see alsoParikh and Sarter, 2008).

The model illustrated in Figure 2 implies that a separategroup of cholinergic neurons contacts MD glutamatergicterminals in the PFC, allowing for relatively slowly changinglevels of ACh released by these neurons to modulatethe gain of glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions throughstimulation of a4b2* nAChRs. Evidence indicating thata4b2* nAChRs do not downregulate in response to lastingcholinergic stimulation (Walsh et al, 2008; Yates et al, 1995)

is consistent with this assumption. As a result, thelikelihood and the amplitude of cholinergic transients areincreased over longer periods of time (minutes to hours).

The effects of such tonic cholinergic modulation of theefficacy of cortical information processing conceptuallymay correspond with the more traditional view of the roleof cholinergic inputs in elevating levels of ‘arousal’, ‘thereadiness for input processing’, or to enhance preattentionalprocesses (for corresponding conclusions about the role ofnAChRs in the thalamic input layer of V1, see Disney et al,2007). Furthermore, the effects of motivational variations ofcognitive performance, specifically the mesolimbic–basalforebrain interactions that control levels of attentional effort(Zmarowski et al, 2005, 2007; Sarter et al, 2006), are readilyintegrated into this model. Mesolimbic systems selectivelyand tonically influence cholinergic neurotransmission ofprefrontal inputs and thereby gate prefrontal glutamater-gic–cholinergic interactions as a function of the motivationto perform, particularly in interaction with performancechallenges (Kozak et al, 2006).


Nicotinic AChRs

a4b2* nAChRs. A substantial number of studies showedthat administration of nicotine enhances attentional per-formance and aspects of memory encoding (eg, Wesnes andWarburton, 1984; Rusted and Warburton, 1992; Levin et al,1998). However, the demonstration of large and clinicallyuseful effects of nicotine has been difficult (for review, seeRusted et al, 2000; Newhouse et al, 2001, 2004; Sarter et al,2009b; Sarter, 2010). Recent studies have indicated thatagonists selective for a4b2* nAChRs produce perhaps morerobust and clinically more promising enhancement ofattention and related cognitive abilities (Potter et al, 1999;Wilens et al, 1999; Wilens et al, 2006; Dunbar et al, 2007;Wilens and Decker, 2007).

Evidence from animal studies on the effects of a fullagonist at a4b2* nAChRs, S 38232, confirmed that suchcompounds are more efficacious in enhancing attentionalperformance than nicotine (Howe et al, 2010). We exploredthe hypothesis, deduced from studies on prefrontal circuitryinvolved in the effects of stimulation of nAChRs (Parikhet al, 2008; Parikh et al, 2010), that stimulation of thea7 nAChR limits the proattentional efficacy of nicotine.Indeed, although the administration of nicotine alone didnot statistically improve performance, coadministration ofnicotine and the a7 nAChR antagonist methyllycaconitine(MLA) resulted in a significant enhancement of attention.Corresponding with the behavioral evidence, this combina-tion treatment also ‘sharpened’ the cholinergic transientsevoked by nicotine (Howe et al, 2010), suggesting thatthe more lasting increases in cholinergic activity that resultfrom stimulation of the a7 nAChR limits the efficacyof nicotine. With respect to the model illustrated in Figure 2,

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the beneficial cognitive effects of a4b2* nAChR agonists arehypothesized to manifest as an upregulation of transient,glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions.

a7 nAChRs. There is currently a substantial enthusiasm forthe potential procognitive therapeutic efficacy of a7 nAChRagonists (Leiser et al, 2009; Freedman et al, 2008). The a7nAChR has a relatively high permeability for Ca + + andthereby induces vesicular fusion and neurotransmitterrelease from presynaptic terminals and activates calcium-sensitive protein kinases postsynaptically (Gray et al, 1996;Berg and Conroy, 2002; Bitner et al, 2007). Such mechan-isms could account for lasting and diverse effects at targetneurons and presynaptic terminals, including cholinergicterminals (Duffy et al, 2009).

The evidence indicating beneficial attentional effects ofa7 nAChR agonists remains conflicting. Pharmacologicalstudies failed to implicate this receptor in attention(Grottick and Higgins, 2000; Hahn et al, 2003). Similarly,we were not able to observe beneficial attention effects ofthe administration of the a7 nAChR agonist ABT 107 oneither basic SAT performance or on the recovery from thedistractor challenge (Paolone et al, 2009). In contrast,attentional impairments were observed in mice lacking thea7 nAChR (Hoyle et al, 2006; Young et al, 2007).

As mentioned above, evidence indicates that, in thepresence of an antagonist at the a7 nAChR, nicotineenhanced attentional performance. The electrochemicaleffects of this combination indicated that stimulationof the a7 nAChR was responsible for the relatively slowrise time and decay rate of nicotine-evoked cholinergictransients. Compared with the ‘sharper’ transients evokedby a4b2* nAChR agonists and observed in task-performinganimals, the more enduring ACh release evoked by nicotine,primarily through stimulation of the a7 nAChR, ishypothesized to interfere, or at least limit, the more preciseamplification of glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions thatenhance cue detection performance.

Given the diverse neuronal effects triggered by a7nAChR-mediated calcium influx, it is conceivable thatagonists at this receptor alter and may even benefit a rangeof physiological, behavioral, and cognitive functions(eg, Bitner et al, 2007). However, the available evidence,although remaining limited, does not indicate that stimula-tion of this subtype benefits detection and associatedattentional performance.

Muscarinic AChRs

Upon release, ACh also stimulates muscarinic receptors.A number of studies have shown the involvement ofmuscarinic receptors in the modulation of attention. Asalready discussed, the lack of selective antagonists andagonists at muscarinic receptor subtypes has remained amajor obstacle for research on the functions of mAChRs.New M1-selective ligands have become recently available,

including, importantly, a positive allosteric modulator(Sheffler et al, 2009; Shirey et al, 2009).

However, despite such limitations, a considerable literaturedescribes robust scopolamine-induced attentional impair-ments in healthy subjects (see Introduction for a moregeneral discussion of the effects of mAChR antagonists as amodel for dementia). These studies uniformly indicate thatblocking mAChRs disrupts continuous or sustained atten-tion, the detection of cues in attentional contexts, and theresulting encoding of new information (eg, Dunne andHartley, 1986; Parrott, 1986; Wesnes et al, 1988).

The effects of mAChR blockade in sensory and associa-tional cortical regions parallel the consequences of systemicblockade in humans. Herrero et al (2008) showed that inthe primary visual cortex, blockade of muscarinic but notnicotinic AChRs impaired the attentional modulation ofV1 neurons (see also Deco and Thiele, 2009). Using a cuedtarget detection task, Davidson and Marrocco (2000) foundthat blockade of mAChR in the intraparietal corteximpaired performance. Stimulation of mAChRs in parietalregions is speculated to contribute to the recruitment oflocal and efferent circuitry that enhance cue processing anddistractor filtering (see effects of cholinergic deafferentationof the parietal cortex in Broussard et al, 2009).

Stimulation of mAChRs in one region may modulateattentional mechanisms in other regions by influencingACh release through larger, multisynaptic mechanisms. Forexample, stimulation of PFC muscarinic receptors influ-ences ACh release in parietal cortex, presumably throughprefrontal projections to the basal forebrain and/or cortico-cortical networks (Nelson et al, 2005). Such prefrontal,muscarinic recruitment of efferent circuitry may mediatetop-down effects to, for example, combat performancedecay as a result of time-on-task and other performancechallenges, such as distractors (Gill et al, 2000; Kozak et al,2006; Sarter et al, 2006). Evidence indicating scopolamine-induced impairments in attentional set shifting perfor-mance (Chen et al, 2004) is consistent with a role of mAChRfor the mediation of cognitive functions that involvetop-down control.

The hypothesis that nAChRs mediate attentional orient-ing and cue detection whereas mAChRs recruit circuitrythat is required for attentional performance in situationsdemanding top-down control suggests that both cholinergicreceptor populations act synergistically to support perfor-mance (see also Greenwood et al, 2009). This basichypothesis indicates the need for studies assessing theconsequences of combined antagonisms of nicotinic andmuscarinic AChRs. It will also be important to determinewhether the location of mAChRs predominantly onGABAergic interneurons, showed in V1 (Disney and Aoki,2008), generalizes to other cortical regions. Such apreferential distribution of nAChRs in thalamic input layersand mAChRs on cortical inhibitory interneurons would beconsistent with hypotheses describing the complementaryroles of ACh on cue detection on one hand, and interferencefiltering and cue competition resolution on the other

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(Mitchell et al, 2007). Furthermore, as will be addressedbelow, stimulation of mAChRs evoke persistent firingpatterns that may serve to stabilize the state of attentioncircuits and maintain cue representation over longerperiods of time.

Evidence from Human fMRI Studies AssessingAChE Inhibitors

As discussed in the Introduction, the interpretation ofthe effects of AChE inhibitors requires caution in view ofthe complex pre- and postsynaptic consequences of largeincreases in extracellular ACh levels. Despite these complex-ities, results from fMRI studies using physostigmineand, less frequently, donepezil indicate that these drugshave continued to serve as productive tools. These studiescollectively indicated that AChE inhibition facilitatedstimulus-induced increases in activity in several brainregions, depending in part on the type of task and thenature of the stimuli. As a result, memory-based perfor-mance was facilitated, and often associated, with reducedactivity in prefrontal and even sensory regions. The latterfinding has been interpreted as indicating the beneficialconsequences of enhanced encoding for the performanceduring the memory test (eg, Furey et al, 2000; Robbins et al,2000; Bentley et al, 2004, 2009; Kukolja et al, 2009).Furthermore, several studies identified enhanced attentionto stimuli as a key mechanism that contributes to the effectsof physostigmine on encoding, and determined thatfrontoparietal as well as sensory and sensory-associationalareas mediate these effects (eg, Bentley et al, 2003, 2008;Furey et al, 2008; Silver et al, 2008). In broadest terms,these conclusions correspond with the role of increases incortical cholinergic activity for attentional orienting andcue detection that has been derived from animal studies(above).

Although the behavioral or cognitive effects of AChEinhibitors in these fMRI studies were not consistentlypresent or were of limited magnitude, the collectiveevidence from these studies has raised important questionsas to the effects of AChE inhibitors on extracellular levels ofACh in task-performing subjects. Specifically, it would beof interest to determine the orchestration of cholinergictransients against a background of increased levels ofsynaptic and perhaps extrasynaptic ACh (Sarter et al,2009a). Unfortunately, the electrochemical techniques forthe rapid measurement of ACh release prohibit the presenceof an AChE inhibitor as this would block the generation ofthe reporter molecule (choline). Thus, studies of AChEeffects at a high temporal resolution will require future,alternative measurement techniques.

fMRI Studies Assessing Nicotine or Scopolamine

Similar to the purely behavioral studies discussed above,administration of nicotine to subjects undergoing fMRIscanning did not consistently produce significant effects on

cognitive performance (Giessing et al, 2006; Thiel and Fink,2008; Vossel et al, 2008). However, consistent with theconclusions derived from experiments in rodents, nicotineenhanced neuronal activity in prefrontal cingulate andparietal regions specifically in trials requiring cue detectionand attentional re-orienting in subjects performing a cuedtarget detection task (Giessing et al, 2006; Vossel et al,2008). Additional analyses indicated that individual differ-ences in performance-associated activity in prefrontal andparietal regions predict performance effects of nicotine(Giessing et al, 2007). Although we do not know therelationships between (transient) cholinergic activity andblood oxygenation level-dependent contrast or otherhemodynamic responses, it is intriguing to speculate thata significant proportion of the nicotine-induced activationof specifically prefrontal regions is causally related to thedrug-induced augmentation of cholinergic transients thatmediate cue detection and attention mode shifts.

fMRI studies that investigated the effects of scopolaminehave focused on memory performance and, to our knowl-edge, did not study attention. These studies must beinterpreted with awareness of the effects of blocking pre-and postsynaptic muscarinic receptors (see Introduction)and potential effects of the blockade of ACh-inducedvasodilation through M5 mAChR (Yamada et al, 2003).Studies on scopolamine have produced a range of per-formance effects on memory tasks and associated changesin blood flow occurring in a diverse set of brain regions(Grasby et al, 1995; Bozzali et al, 2006). Consistent with thegeneral view that attention-dependent encoding depends onstimulation of mAChR in hippocampal, parahippocampal,and entorhinal regions, several studies showed disruption ofencoding-evoked neuronal activity in these regions andresulting impairments in recognition memory (Rosier et al,1999; Schon et al, 2005).


Intracellular recordings of the cellular modulatory effects ofACh provide additional information about the functionalrole of ACh. Cellular data on the effects of ACh in corticalstructures guide the development of circuit-level models ofthe behavioral role of ACh (Hasselmo, 2006; Hasselmo andStern, 2006). The effects of ACh within cortical structuresare consistent with a role of ACh in attentional orientingand cue detection (above). Previous studies have shown thatstimulation of nAChRs enhances the glutamatergic trans-mission at thalamocortical synapses (Gil et al, 1997; Gioanniet al, 1999; Hsieh et al, 2000), thereby enhancing thethalamic activation of subsets of cortical neurons. Thespiking response of cortical neurons to sensory inputis further enhanced by muscarinic receptors causing adecrease in potassium conductances, including restingconductances (Krnjevic et al, 1971; Cole and Nicoll, 1984;Barkai and Hasselmo, 1994; Gulledge et al, 2009), the

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M current (Madison et al, 1987), and the calcium-dependentpotassium current (Madison and Nicoll, 1984; Schwindtet al, 1988; Barkai and Hasselmo, 1994; Gulledge et al, 2009).

Muscarinic receptor activation also causes heterosynapticand presynaptic inhibition of glutamatergic synaptictransmission at excitatory recurrent synapses betweenneurons within the cortex (Hasselmo and Bower, 1992;Hasselmo and Schnell, 1994; Hasselmo and Cekic, 1996;Kimura, 2000; Kimura and Baughman, 1997), therebyreducing the spread of neural activity and enhancing therelative influence of external input on cortical activity.These cellular effects are consistent with unit recording andfMRI data showing that cholinergic modulation reduces thespatial spread of activity in visual cortex (Roberts et al,2005; Roberts and Thiele, 2008; Silver et al, 2008) andshowing that cholinergic mechanisms underlie the enhance-ment of unit responses with attention (Herrero et al, 2008;Roberts and Thiele, 2008).

The relative influence of external input can also beenhanced by cholinergic depolarization of selective sets ofinhibitory interneurons (Xiang et al, 1998; McQuiston andMadison, 1999a, b, c; Christophe et al, 2002), coupled withthe cholinergic suppression of evoked GABAergic synaptictransmission (Pitler and Alger, 1992; Behrends and tenBruggencate, 1993; Patil and Hasselmo, 1999). Computa-tional modeling of cortical circuitry indicates that theseeffects of cholinergic modulation on inhibitory neurons canenhance the response to sensory input while reducing

background activity in cortical circuits (Patil and Hasselmo,1999). Cholinergic modulation also causes transient inhibi-tion of layer V neocortical neurons, thereby reducing corticaloutput (Gulledge and Stuart, 2005).

In addition to the enhancement of attention to sensoryinput, other cellular effects of ACh could contribute toactive maintenance of stimuli. ACh enhances persistentspiking or plateau potentials within cortical structures, asshown in brain slice preparations of the entorhinal cortex(Klink and Alonso, 1997; Egorov et al, 2002; Fransen et al,2006; Tahvildari et al, 2007), PFC (Haj-Dahmane andAndrade, 1996, 1997, 1998), postsubiculum (Yoshida andHasselmo, 2009), and perirhinal cortex (Leung et al, 2006).In the absence of cholinergic modulation, cortical neuronsin slices will usually only spike during direct depolarizingcurrent injection, terminating their spiking after the currentinjection ends. In contrast, in the presence of drugs thatactivate muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, a neuronresponds to the same current injection with spiking thatcontinues after the termination of the current injection(see Figure 3). The cholinergic enhancement of persistentspiking is reduced by muscarinic antagonists such asscopolamine, indicating a dependence on mechanismsactivated by mAChRs (Klink and Alonso 1997; Egorovet al, 2002; Yoshida and Hasselmo, 2009). This persistentspiking occurs even when glutamatergic and GABAergicsynaptic connections have been blocked pharmacologically,indicating that it arises from intrinsic mechanisms for

Figure 3. Theoretical perspective on the interaction of glutamatergic and cholinergic input for inducing persistent spiking in cortical structures. (a)Depolarization of cortical neurons because of glutamatergic input alone causes a transient period of spiking that ends after depolarization. (b) In anattentional task, a cue triggers glutamatergic input that causes a local positive feedback interaction with cholinergic terminals. This can cause a transientincrease in acetylcholine (ACh) levels associated with cue detection (bottom) as also shown in Figure 1. Slice physiology studies (Egorov et al, 2002;Shalinsky et al, 2002; Yoshida and Hasselmo, 2009) have shown that an ACh increase combined with calcium influx (because of glutamatergic input)activates the calcium-sensitive nonspecific cation current I(CAN) current in the membrane that causes depolarization that causes further calcium influxthat keeps the current activated. This results in self-sustained persistent spiking (Fransen et al, 2002; Fransen et al, 2006; Hasselmo and Stern, 2006)that provides active maintenance of network activity such as the plan for a future lever press response. (c) If persistent spiking has been induced by aprevious cue, then the persistent spiking continues through the next trial and does not require cueing. The persistent activity might suppress themechanism for transient increase in ACh levels, resulting in the lack of an cholinergic transient for a cue trial after a successful cue trial.

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self-sustained persistent spiking activity. Persistent spikingseems to result from muscarinic receptor activation of acalcium-sensitive nonspecific cation current I(CAN) (Egor-ov et al, 2002; Shalinsky et al, 2002; Fransen et al, 2006). Asshown in Figure 3, during muscarinic receptor activationthe spiking caused by glutamatergic synaptic input causescalcium influx through voltage-dependent calcium channelsthat increase the I(CAN) current, causing further depolar-ization and regenerative persistent spiking (Fransen et al,2006; Hasselmo and Stern, 2006).

Cholinergic induction of persistent spiking activity maycontribute to active maintenance function in a range ofdifferent tasks (see Hasselmo and Stern, 2006 for review).For example, persistent spiking could contribute to delayactivity observed in traditional delayed match-to-sampletasks. Neural response properties such as delay activity(Young et al, 1997; Schon et al, 2005), match enhancement,or match suppression (Young et al, 1997; Suzuki et al, 1997)can be simulated using persistent spiking in a circuit modelof entorhinal cortex (Fransen et al, 2002). Cholinergicregulation of the onset of persistent spiking could provide amechanism for gating information into active maintenance.The selective gating of information into active maintenanceis necessary to perform delayed matching tasks in which asample stimulus that must be maintained is followedby distractor stimuli that must be ignored until the teststimulus appears (Suzuki et al, 1997). Selective cholinergicactivation of persistent spiking could gate just the samplestimulus into active maintenance. This is consistent withsome data showing that pharmacological blockade ofmuscarinic cholinergic receptors impairs performance indelayed match-to-sample tasks in non-human primates(Penetar and McDonough, 1983; Miller and Desimone,1993) and humans (Robbins et al, 1997). In workingmemory tasks, scopolamine does not impair tasks using thearticulatory loop such as digit span (Kopelman and Corn,1988), but does cause impairments in tasks that includeinterfering stimuli such as the n-back task (Green et al,2005). Further data are needed on this topic. In unitrecording studies, muscarinic blockade did not reducematch suppression in a delayed matching task, but its effecton spiking during the delay or match enhancement was nottested (Miller and Desimone, 1993). Selective lesions of thecholinergic innervation of rhinal cortex impaired delayedrecognition in rats (McGaughy et al, 2005) and monkeys(Turchi et al, 2005), but cholinergic lesions of inferotem-poral cortex in monkeys did not (Browning et al, 2010).

Cholinergic induction of cortical persistent spiking couldunderlie active maintenance of the conditioned stimulus intrace conditioning. Descriptions of this potential role forcellular mechanisms of persistent spiking (Hasselmo andStern, 2006) motivated studies that examined the effectof cholinergic blockade on trace conditioning in rats (Bangand Brown, 2009; Esclassan et al, 2009). Consistent with theevidence for persistent spiking in entorhinal cortex, lesionsof the entorhinal cortex were shown to impair traceconditioning, and local infusions of the M1 antagonist

pirenzepine during conditioning impaired learning of a fearresponse when a stimulus was separated from a shock by atrace interval, but did not impair expression of a previouslylearned trace fear response (Esclassan et al, 2009).Persistent spiking has also been shown in the perirhinalcortex (Leung et al, 2006) and infusion of scopolamine intothe perirhinal cortex was shown to impair trace condition-ing without impairing delay conditioning (Bang and Brown,2009). These data indicate the important role of cholinergicmodulation in providing active maintenance of a condi-tioned stimulus during the trace interval, possibly throughinduction of the cellular mechanism of persistent spikingfor bridging across the continuous dimension of time(Hasselmo and Stern, 2006).

Persistent spiking may contribute to the generation ofresponses in the sustained attention task (Sarter et al, 2005;McGaughy and Sarter, 1998). In this task, signal trialsinvolve presentation of a panel light illuminated for25–500 ms, but the response to the signal cannot begenerated until levers are inserted into the operantchamber, when the rat can respond to one lever indicatinga signal, or a different lever indicating a nonsignal trial. Thegeneration of a correct ‘hit’ response therefore requires acombination of cue detection of the signal, and maintenanceof this signal for a period of time until the response can begenerated. The amperometric measurement of ACh levels inthis task indicates that cue detection causes a transientincrease in cortical ACh levels on a time scale on the orderof seconds. This transient ACh increase may specificallymediate the loading of a response into working memorythrough cholinergic modulation of persistent spiking, asshown in Figure 3, for maintenance until the levers enter thechamber allowing a response. If a cue-based response isalready maintained by persistent spiking, then a newtransient acetylcholine increase is not necessary to triggerthe correct response on a subsequent hit trial, as shown inFigure 3. The regulation of persistent spiking by transientACh allows selective gating of the cue but not other stimuliinto working memory. In contrast, distractor stimuli in thesustained attention task should not evoke cholinergictransients (Himmelheber et al, 2000; Gill et al, 2000; WMHowe et al, unpublished results). Similarly, in delayedmatch-to-sample tasks with distractor stimuli (Miller andDesimone, 1993; Suzuki et al, 1997), the initial stimulusshould be associated with a transient increase of ACh, butthe distractor stimuli should not. Alternatively, as discussedabove, such challenges may increase the tonic component ofcholinergic neurotransmission, thereby enhancing the gainof prefrontal glutamatergic–cholinergic interactions andthus the amplitude of cholinergic transients.

The loading of a signal or a sample stimulus into activemaintenance requires temporal specificity of the cholinergictransient (Fransen et al, 2002). As pointed out above, thisspecificity can be obtained by local interactions betweenthalamic glutamatergic and cholinergic input. Sensoryinformation during the nonsignal period or during dis-tractor stimuli will activate glutamatergic thalamic input to

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cortical structures such as the PFC. However, in most casesthis glutamatergic input will not be associated with atransient increase of acetylcholine levels. In these cases,glutamatergic synaptic input can drive cortical neurons tospike, but after the synaptic input terminates, these cells willstop spiking, and hence sensory input will not be loadedinto active maintenance (see Figure 3a). In contrast, a signalevent will cause sufficient glutamatergic release to cause anexcitatory feedback interaction with cholinergic modula-tion. The thalamic fiber glutamate release evokes acetylcho-line release through AMPA and NMDA receptors on AChterminals (Parikh et al, 2008), and the increased acetylcho-line release can enhance glutamate release from thalamicfibers by activation of a4b2* nAChRs on the thalamicterminals (Lambe et al, 2003; Parikh et al, 2008; Parikh et al,2010). This results in an excitatory feedback process thatdrives the large transient increase in acetylcholine observedwith cue detection (Parikh et al, 2007), as shown inFigure 3b. This transient increase activates postsynapticmuscarinic receptors that activate calcium-sensitive non-specific cation currents in cortical pyramidal cells (Fransenet al, 2002), allowing them to show sustained depolarizationand persistent spiking activity even after the stimulus inputhas terminated. This persistent spiking activity can thenbe maintained until the levers enter the chamber and theresponse is generated.

The persistent spiking mechanisms described above areconsistent with fMRI studies using a delayed match-to-sample task (Schon et al, 2004). fMRI activity in theentorhinal and perirhinal cortex during the delay periodcorrelates with subsequent memory for the sample stimulusin a post-scan recognition memory task (Schon et al, 2004).Injections of scopolamine in human subjects decrease thefMRI activity in entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortexassociated with subsequent memory for the sample stimuli(Schon et al, 2005). This supports the hypothesis thatmuscarinic activation of persistent spiking could underliethe maintenance of activity for encoding into long-termmemory (Schon et al, 2005; Hasselmo and Stern, 2006).

The transient increase in cholinergic activity during asignal could also regulate mechanisms for detectingfamiliarity of a stimulus. Muscarinic receptor activationcauses long-term depression of synaptic efficacy (Kirkwoodet al, 1999; Warburton et al, 2003). This depression ofsynaptic efficacy could contribute to the repetition suppres-sion of neural responses in areas such as the perirhinalcortex (Bogacz and Brown, 2003; Warburton et al, 2003).


The framework described above indicates how cholinergicmodulation of persistent spiking could allow encoding ofinformation into working memory for performance of tasksranging from delayed match to sample to trace conditioningto cue detection. This hypothesis for cholinergic regulation

of active maintenance is consistent with earlier dataindicating a role of cholinergic modulation in encodinginto long-term episodic memory. Evidence in humansshows that infusion of muscarinic blockers impairs encod-ing of stimuli for subsequent free recall (Ghoneim andMewaldt, 1975, 1977; Petersen, 1977), and cued recall (Atriet al, 2004), while sparing procedural memory (Nissen et al,1987). In non-human primates, systemic scopolamineimpairs encoding for subsequent recognition (Aigner andMishkin, 1986), an effect that can be replicated by selectivemuscarinic blockade in the perirhinal cortex (Tang et al,1997) or by cholinergic lesions of the perirhinal cortex(Turchi et al, 2005), although Browning et al (2010) did notsee impaired recognition memory after cholinergic lesionsof inferotemporal cortex that include perirhinal cortex.

The cholinergic innervation of the hippocampal forma-tion has been implicated in the encoding of episodicmemories. Lesions of the fornix or medial septum, whichare the source of most of the cholinergic fibers innervatingthe hippocampus, cause profound impairments in memory-guided tasks such as spatial alternation and reversal in rats(M’Harzi et al, 1987; Givens and Olton, 1990; Ennaceur et al,1996; Aggleton and Brown, 1999; Bussey et al, 2000), andlesions including fornix and basal forebrain impair scenelearning in monkeys (Gaffan and Harrison, 1989; Eastonet al, 2002). Local infusions of scopolamine into thehippocampus impair encoding of spatial information(Blokland et al, 1992; Rogers and Kesner, 2003). However,as discussed above, selective lesions of the cholinergicinnervation arising from the medial septum in the rat donot show such robust effects on encoding. These lesions donot impair the traditional spatial discrimination in thewater maze (Baxter et al, 1996) that is impaired by fornixlesions (Nilsson et al, 1987), and show small or transienteffects in other tasks (see above). The lack of impairmentwith selective ACh lesions could be due to GABAergic modu-lation having a redundant role with cholinergic modulation,because combined lesions of both cholinergic and GABAergicinput from the medial septum impair spatial memory (Pangand Nocera, 1999; Pang et al, 2001).

The cellular mechanisms of cholinergic modulation incortical structures may be described as attentional processesin neocortical structures because they regulate entry ofnew sensory information into active maintenance to guidebehavioral responses. Similar cellular mechanisms incircuits mediating long-term memory may be described asencoding of memory in the hippocampal formation(Hasselmo and McGaughy, 2004). With the exception ofpersistent spiking, cellular effects within the hippocampalformation resemble those observed in neocortical struc-tures, and could change the dynamics of hippocampalfunction to enhance the encoding of new information.

On a cellular level, cholinergic modulation in the hippo-campus causes effects similar to those in other corticalregions. Similar to thalamic input to neocortex, nicotinicreceptor activation enhances the influence of afferent syna-ptic input in the hippocampus (Radcliffe and Dani, 1998;

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Giocomo and Hasselmo, 2005) including glutamatergic input tointerneurons (Alkondon and Albuquerque, 2002). Muscarinicreceptor activation causes suppression of recurrent excitatoryconnections in hippocampal region CA3 (Hasselmo et al, 1995;Vogt and Regehr, 2001; Kremin and Hasselmo, 2007) andsuppresses connections from CA3 to CA1 (Hounsgaard,1978; Valentino and Dingledine, 1981; Hasselmo andSchnell, 1994), similar to effects shown in piriform cortex(Hasselmo and Bower, 1993) and neocortex (Hsieh et al,2000; Kimura, 2000). Muscarinic receptor activation alsoenhances the hippocampal pyramidal cell spiking responseto afferent input (Cole and Nicoll, 1984; Madison andNicoll, 1984). Muscarinic modulation depolarizes inhibitoryinterneurons while suppressing inhibitory transmission(Pitler and Alger, 1992; Patil and Hasselmo, 1999) in amanner that could enhance the response to afferent inputwhile decreasing tonic endogenous activity.

Afterdepolarization and plateau potentials have beenobserved in slices of the hippocampus (Fraser andMacVicar, 1996) similar to those observed in other corticalstructures (Haj-Dahmane and Andrade, 1998). However,stable intrinsic mechanisms for persistent spiking do notappear in hippocampal slice recordings, consistent with thelower spontaneous background firing rate of hippocampalneurons, suggesting that the hippocampus is less engagedwith active maintenance for working memory and moreengaged with encoding into long-term episodic memory. Inthis framework, cholinergic modulation may enhancepersistent spiking in the entorhinal cortex and perirhinalcortex as a short-term buffer for new information(Hasselmo and Stern, 2006), while also enhancing theresponsiveness of hippocampus to afferent input forencoding through enhanced induction of long-term poten-tiation. The enhancement of long-term encoding could be atleast partially mediated by the cholinergic enhancement oflong-term potentiation in the hippocampus (Blitzer et al,1990; Burgard and Sarvey, 1990; Auerbach and Segal, 1994;Isaac et al, 2009).

The effects of ACh cannot be considered in terms of staticpatterns of activity, as the hippocampus shows complexdynamical properties including prominent field potentialoscillations in the theta frequency range (Buzsaki, 2002).Cholinergic modulation may have an important role in theinduction of theta rhythm oscillations (Bland and Colom,1993). On a cellular level, acetylcholine induces theta rhy-thmic activity in hippocampal interneurons of stratumlacunosum-moleculare (Chapman and Lacaille, 1999).Muscarinic activation also selectively enhances the responseto theta rhythmic input in interneurons projecting fromstratum oriens to lacunosum-moleculare (Lawrence et al,2006a, b). In entorhinal cortex, cholinergic modulation ofoscillations has been proposed to underlie the expansion ofgrid cell spacing in novel environments (Burgess et al,2007), and this proposal is supported by data showing thatcholinergic modulation lowers the intrinsic resonancefrequency of entorhinal stellate cells (Heys et al, 2010).On a network level, cholinergic modulation of the medial

septum induces theta rhythm oscillations (Lawson andBland, 1993) and theta rhythm is correlated with higherlevels of acetylcholine in the hippocampus (Marrosu et al,1995; Monmaur et al, 1997), whereas lesions of thecholinergic innervation reduce the magnitude of thetarhythm (Lee et al, 1994). Theta rhythm oscillations mightinduce dynamical changes similar to the change in circuitdynamics induced by acetylcholine in the neocortex.

The cholinergic modulation of hippocampal encodingdynamics might also include selective activation of a loopthrough the dentate gyrus and region CA3 for encoding.The direct entorhinal projections to region CA1 have beenshown to be sufficient for driving hippocampal neuralactivity of place cells (Mizumori et al, 1989; Brun et al,2002). Lesions of CA3 impair both encoding and retrieval ofthe context of fear conditioning, whereas lesions of CA1impair only the retrieval (Ji and Maren, 2008). Cholinergicmodulation of region CA3 seems to be important for theencoding of new information. Infusion of scopolamine intoCA3 impairs the encoding of information in spatial memorytasks (Rogers and Kesner, 2003) as well as fear conditioningtasks (Rogers and Kesner, 2004), possibly by reducing thedepolarization of CA3 neurons and the induction of long-term potentiation. Cholinergic modulation also affects thefunctional activation of the dentate gyrus, as infusion ofacetylcholine into the dentate gyrus enhances the popula-tion spike response to perforant pathway stimulation(Foster and Deadwyler, 1992). The cholinergic enhancementof encoding of sensory stimuli might be coupled with areduction in the retrieval mediated by internal feedbackinfluences, as suggested by the reduction of evoked synapticpotentials in CA1 during acetylcholine infusion (Herreraset al, 1988) and during behavioral states associated withhigher levels of acetylcholine such as REM sleep (Winsonand Abzug, 1977, 1978; Hasselmo, 1999). Consistent withthis, the AChE inhibitor physostigmine reduces behavioralretrieval of previous learning (Rogers and Kesner, 2003,2004), suggesting that cholinergic modulation reduces theinfluence of retrieval. Physostigmine also impairs consoli-dation (Gais and Born, 2004) and scopolamine enhancesconsolidation (Rasch et al, 2006), consistent with the theorythat lower levels of ACh during slow-wave sleep mightallow enhanced feedback appropriate for consolidation(Hasselmo, 1999).

Recent computational modeling shows how a circuitincluding grid cells, place cells, and head direction cellscould mediate the encoding and retrieval of spatiotemporaltrajectories for episodic memory (Hasselmo, 2008b, 2009).These models require a shift in the dynamics of the networkbetween encoding and retrieval, in which the encoding ofnew information involves enhancement of long-termpotentiation at intrinsic connections of the hippocampusand at connections from the hippocampus to the post-subiculum. During encoding the synapses being modifiedmust not influence their postsynaptic target, to avoiddistorting the stored representation (Hasselmo and Bower,1992, 1993; Hasselmo and Schnell, 1994). In contrast, during

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retrieval, the previously modified synapses must have astronger influence to drive retrieval of a trajectory withinthe network. This transition from encoding to retrievalcould be mediated by changes in cholinergic neurotrans-mission on a time scale of the sort shown with amperometryin the neocortex (Parikh et al, 2007).

In summary, the cellular effects of acetylcholine aresimilar within the hippocampal formation and the neocor-tex. The behavioral effect of this cholinergic modulationmight depend on the nature of the processing in localcircuits. Cholinergic modulation of cellular properties in theneocortex might switch dynamics from a default state to astate of fostering cue detection. Enhancement of persistentspiking might gate sensory information into workingmemory for the active maintenance of future responses.The enhancement of afferent input to the hippocampusmight enhance encoding into long-term episodic memory,whereas the enhancement of the response to thalamic inputto the neocortex might enhance attention to sensory stimuli.


We began this article by pointing to the limitations ofconventional neuropsychopharmacological tools to probethe cognitive functions of the cholinergic system and toassess the usefulness of cholinergic treatments for thecognitive impairments on a wide range of disorders.Although our understanding of the regulation and functionof cholinergic systems remains rudimentary, researchhas indicated that cholinergic systems act in strikinglymore complex ways than was assumed just a decade ago.It is likely that different yet complementary functionsare mediated by cholinergic signaling mechanisms thatoccur on different time scales (seconds vs minutes).Furthermore, it seems that within a major branch of thebrain’s cholinergic systems there is substantially greatertopographic differentiation than originally assumed, andthat the potentially highly specific functions of ACh within aparticular target region are based in part on highlytopographic projection systems. Moreover, the cognitiveselectivity of the effects of cholinergic modulation maybe largely determined by the target circuit, based onlocal microcircuitry controlling cholinergic presynapticactivity, through heteroreceptors expressed on cholinergicterminals.

Such a description of the cholinergic system may suggestdaunting challenges for efforts to develop new cholinergictherapies. Certainly, these complexities may explain in partthe limitations of conventional approaches, such as elevat-ing ACh levels through AChE inhibition or direct stimula-tion of mAChRs (see Introduction). However, the newevidence and related circuitry models also provide the basisfor new and innovative approaches to enhance cholinergicfunction. Most obviously, we can stimulate a4b2* nAChRs

to amplify cholinergic transients and enhance attentionalperformance (eg, Howe et al, 2010). Although the clinicalevidence remains limited, some evidence supports the viewthat such compounds may be useful for treating thecognitive symptoms of ADHD, schizophrenia, and aging(Dunbar et al, 2007; Wilens et al, 1999, 2006; Wilens andDecker, 2007; Potter et al, 1999). Other nAChR subunits arelikely to modulate the gain in other aspects of corticalcircuitry (eg, Dickinson et al, 2008) and thus may similarlybe found to modulate relatively specific aspects ofinformation processing.

The potential clinical significance of a7 nAChR agonists ismore difficult to predict. As pointed out above, our ownevidence does not allow deduction of a specific hypothesisabout the cognitive functions that may benefit from stimu-lation of these receptors. To the contrary, we find thatremoving the contribution of these receptors to the effectsof nicotine transforms nicotine into a more efficaciousenhancer of attentional performance (Howe et al, 2010). Thetreatment of the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia hasbeen a focus of a7 nAChR agonists; however, their potentialutility remains to be determined (eg, Martin et al, 2004;Freedman et al, 2008).

As discussed above, our understanding of the potentialtherapeutic significance of mAChR agonists has remainedpoor, perhaps largely because of the paucity of ligandsavailable for probing mAChR subtypes (eg, Wienrich et al,2002; Bodick et al, 1997; Raffaele et al, 1996). New, selectiveligands are becoming available now, allowing the test of thehypothesis that mAChRs control mechanisms that concernthe maintenance of the state of prefrontal circuits and therecruitment of efferent projections in situations requiringtop-down control of cognitive performance.

Emerging positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) for bothnAChRs and mAChRs (Shirey et al, 2009; Hurst et al, 2005;Taly et al, 2009) allow addressing particularly importantquestions. The promise for such ligands is based on thegeneral assumption that modification of an endogenoussignal represents a superior approach to cognitive enhance-ment when contrasted against introducing a pharmacolo-gical signal to influence circuit functions (Sarter and Bruno1997). Although the potential efficacy of such a strategy maybe limited by structural alterations in brain circuitry, PAMsacting at AChRs are expected to afford a level of modulatoryselectivity and temporal precision that will not only assistin revealing the precise role of cholinergic systems in aparticular behavioral or cognitive context, but also mayallow the manifestation of effect sizes that are of clinicalrelevance. For example, PAMs targeted at M4 receptors mayallow selective suppression of glutamatergic excitatorytransmission (Shirey et al, 2008) to enhance the specificityof neural firing and synaptic modification without causingexcess activation of excitatory postsynaptic M1 receptors.

The administration of cholinergic drugs as a co-treatmentwill be a clinical necessity for many indications, includingfor treating the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. Withthe exception of studies on donepezil as a co-treatment in

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schizophrenia (eg, Keefe et al, 2008; Kohler et al, 2007),neuropsychopharmacological, and specifically preclinical,research on such co-treatment strategies has receivedlittle attention, perhaps due to a considerable part to theregulatory and commercial challenges associated with thedevelopment of combination treatments. However, it seemsparamount that such approaches be investigated todetermine the true clinical potential of new cholinergicdrugs.

Finally, the importance of interactions between newcholinergic treatments and cognitive practice for revealingthe full efficacy of treatments deserves reiteration. Aspreviously discussed (Sarter and Bruno 1997), treating, forexample, heart disease is commonly expected to consist ofcombinations of pharmacological and behavioral therapies(see also Keefe et al, 2010). In contrast, treatments ofcognitive disorders often are expected to consist solelyof the administration of a pharmacological ‘magic bullet’.Selective n/mAChR agonists and PAMs at these receptorsmay come as close to magic bullets as can be currentlyenvisioned. However, obtaining their full benefit requiresthat they interact with cognitive demand-inducedrecruitment of forebrain circuitry. Conducting clinical trialsthat seek to show interactions between the effects of apharmacological treatment and cognitive practice may notconstitute an exotic, luxurious effort but perhaps apsychopharmacological necessity for discovering trulyeffective treatments for cognitive impairments.


Our research was supported by the PHS Grants RO1 MH61492(to MEH), R01 MH60013 (to MEH) and Silvio O. ConteCenter MH71702 (to MEH) and R01 MH080332 (to MS),R21 MH080426 (to MS) and R01 MH086530 (to MS).


Dr Michael Hasselmo has no conflict of interest.Dr Martin Sarter has received honoraria for speaking at

Abbott Laboratories, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, and Lilly UK,and has received research support from Abbott Labora-tories, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, and Institut de RecherchesInternationales Servier.


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